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Personal Finance for Military Servicemembers

2012.07.11 10:54 NapoleonX Personal Finance for Military Servicemembers

We are here to help members of the military with their personal finance questions.

2024.05.14 03:09 CalyWitsune The Games That Scared Me Away

Long time lurker, first time redditoposter. I've been listening and reading a lot of these horror stories and figured it might be fun to share mine.
I haven't actually played a game of DnD or DnD adjacent since about 2020/2021, mostly because of what transpired during the games I actually did play before that. I love the concept, I love creating characters and stories and worlds, but I get a pit in my stomach when I actually try to play again.
I had my first opportunity to play DnD my freshman year of college. I dropped in on the campus tabletop club and I was quite anxious. I was the only girl in the room, everyone seemed to have known each other or clicked well, but I wanted to branch out of my comfort zone. The first night went well! We played a very quick heist one shot where we made a character with one flaw and one interesting trait. Through unfortunate rolls and circumstances, we had a TPK, but it was a fun time. I was invited afterwards to join a Pathfinder campaign that a few of the members were going to start up for the new semester, and so I scheduled a time to meet with the DM and create my first full fledged character.
Now, the DM was kind of eccentric, a little whack if you will but very excited to help me make my first character. I thought he was just goofy and really into the game. God I wish I picked up on all the red flags that would come.
He first asked me what kind of race I'd like to play as. I had always been drawn to tiefling characters because I liked the aesthetic. His eyes lit up at that for some reason. Then he asked what class I'd like; if I'd like to be primarily a support or tank or what have you. I didn't want to get overwhelmed in my first game and thought support might be nice. I could watch how combat worked while just keeping everyone going and buffed. I said let's try bard! The grin that crept up on his face...
He immediately started talking about how saucy that would be, how my character would be so flirty and fun. I expressed some discomfort in having my character immediately fall into the "h*rny bard" category I had seen meme'd on so much, but he laughed and waved it off by saying he "was a theater kid in high school! Everyone was super h*orny and making out backstage all the time. It just comes with the environment!" Being a new player, and wanting to fit in, I pushed down my discomfort and thought okay, I'll play her as a joke character I guess.
For awhile it was fine, I got to play her as a dancelyre player who was part of a traveling circus. Nothing weird was coming up the first few sessions. Most of the other PCs either joined together by taking quests from the town job board, or had ties built in to their backstory. My first red flag should have been that the DM, despite constantly raving about all his planning, was frequently skipping around the story. He would suddenly decide the plot point we were on wasn't interesting enough for some reason, and just throw us into another scenario. We left so many lose ends because he just didn't feel like finishing them, regardless of if we were engaging in it or not. But hey, he's the DM right? That's what I thought, he had the right to change it. I had no prior experience to see this was just bad DMing.
We ended up joining an archery competition as we were tempted by a mystery grand prize. At the sign up table, out of nowhere, the DMPC attending to registration suddenly starts flirting with my character. I got flustered in a negative way because this DM got very into character (giving me looks, leaning in as he spoke to me, the whole shebang). I panicked, all of a sudden being the focus of a room full of men seeing how I'd react to it. I again, stupidly, went along with it. I had her (nervously) flirt back lightly, and I was relieved it didn't go much further at that point. Skipping to the end of the archery competition, my bard ended up in the final two and sabotaged an assassination on the town's mayor mid competition. The party was invited to a celebratory dinner at the mayor's house afterwards, where we once again ran into the NPC that flirted with my character at registration. He invited her to bed, and again I got extremely uncomfortable and flustered. None of this was discussed beforehand, nor was I even asked if I was comfortable with such topics before joining the campaign. The guys at the table were egging me on, and I felt pressured to accept. With a few hoots and hollers, we had a fade to black scene (thank god). I went home feeling very icky, but convinced myself I was being a wimp. And the table had enjoyed my antics that night, so I should be grateful.
I had the thought between sessions to write in a childhood friends to lovers interest for my bard to try and avoid any more unexpected encounters like that again, thinking if the DM had another character to play as with some personal tie to my bard, that would make be feel better about the interactions. He was brought up once, where I milked the f*ck out of my character's attachment to him, hoping to drive home that this was juicy potential relationship to build over the campaign. He never came up again during that campaign. The DM also completely disregarded many of the notes I gave him detailing this love interest's personality, and took many 'creative liberties' with him, but not enough where I would decide to say something.
Another few sessions happened where we struggled through the DMs inconsistent storytelling and jumping around to whatever plot point had his interest at the moment. He was constantly putting us in fights we could not hope to win, way too challenging for our lvl. 1-3 party. We often sat around the table in disappointment and defeat as we got absolutely destroyed by monsters (no one being able to land hits for sometimes 3-4 rounds at a time because of how high the AC or CR was), while the DM laughed and basked in the dreary nature of the table. He would usually eventually fudge rolls to give us an out when we were close to TPKs. He even gave us a deck of many things and insisted our PCs "felt compelled" to pull cards despite the players disagreeing they that wanted to. He attempted to force my character to drastically change her alignment to an evil one for shits and giggles because of one card pull (later allowed me to ignore it because I didn't even WANT to use the deck), and got three of us killed by having them pull a card that summoned the highest CR monster you could use.
One night he texts the group chat that he decided he's done running that story, and wants to run another one shot instead. We had one last session to "close" that first campaign and discuss the one shot options. During our meeting, he gleefully admitted to me that he had planned for my bard to get PREGNANT in that one night stand with the NPC from the archery competition. Not only did he plan to do that without my consent or knowledge, he had planned for it to be a HAG baby that would have entirely f*cked my PC up (he explained it as the man having been a witch in disguise or something?? And said that's how hags are made? Which to my knowledge is entirely incorrect. Maybe it was a homebrew rule, but regardless, I was mortified. And now very grateful he lost interest in that campaign).
Moving on to the one shot, another player decided to try DMing, and so the Problem DM had a chance to be a PC, yay! He privately messaged me and asked if I'd be interested in connecting our characters and their backstories. I said yes and we got to work. We spent a few nights discussing their dynamic and I was really excited to go into this game. Well, come the night of the session, we were going around the table introducing our characters. The Problem DM went before me, and introduced an entirely different character than the one we discussed, and one that would often almost kill us during the one shot (to which the guy would cackle and mock us for getting upset each time). I asked him what happened to our plan, and he said earlier that day he decided he wanted to do something different. I sighed and let it go, because at least it was just a one shot and my character could still function without his connection to the other PC. Another one shot where the Problem DM got to be a PC, he seemed to make it his goal to be the biggest asshole to everyone else's character. My PC was an archaeologist, and when she excitedly discovered some old pottery in a dungeon, he had his PC run up and smash everything and laugh in her face.
The next campaign we tried that had issues was a Starfinder campaign. Our party was considered its own crew for a space ship, plus one DMPC that was placed into the mix supposedly to help us if we fell short, since we were all unfamiliar with Starfinder and spaceship battle mechanics. She was honestly a really cool character! And we had one or two sessions to establish the story and how the crew interacted. Now, this was my mistake, not taking any of the other creepy habits of the DM into consideration, but I offhandedly mentioned to the table at large that my PC (a woman) might be developing a crush on this DMPC (also a woman). They had gone through a lot together in-game at that point and it felt natural. The next session, you'll never guess, the DMPC started flirting hard core with my character. I was confused and asked the DM what that was about, as we had never had any interactions between those two that would be read as romantic. Even if I mentioned my character was crushing, she had never let it on, and the DMPC had never indicated she felt a similar pull as well. The DM didn't really have an explanation, just that apparently in-universe, the DMPC had been flirting more and more with my character since their last adventure together alone. I thought, okay, I guess...
Honestly? What transpired would have been an insanely cool plot twist if we had had the time to actually roleplay and develop the relationship between my character and the DMPC, as well as the crew at large and the DMPC. She ended up being part of a cult that wanted to steal an artifact we had acquired. She was apparently trying to 'romance' my PC because my PC was the one who often guarded the artifact, and needed her to let her guard down. It would have been a super impactful betrayal, but it was literally only a handful of sessions between the first meeting, and the plot twist. We just had to trust the DMs word that we had all gotten super attached to her between actual session meetings and we all should feel like we were stabbed in the back by this trusted individual. And I especially should feel heartbroken because she never really was interested in me anyway.
Later on down the line, despite some very interesting story points, it got creepy again. Our PCs ended up being sucked into a death game show, and isolated from the outside world while being broadcast to universal TV stations. At some point we were all given access to the internet after a few weeks in isolation to search up anything we wanted. Everyone searched up their names among other things. The DM described us finding our newly formed fanbases. He described the other PCs fanbases (men played by men) as having hot debates on their intelligence and decisions during the show, or bets on if they'd be the last ones standing; that sort of stuff. He described my fanbase as leering creeps saying the most unhinged things about what they wanted my PC to do to them s*xually, as well as some spreading photos of my PC without her face covering (she was a Kasatha, which canonically keep their mouths covered. But she had been forced to remove it briefly when it almost waterboarded her after she fell into a river).
Eventually, we weren't able to meet consistently enough to warrant running campaigns anymore, and I fell out of touch with all involved. Oh, we also lost a player at some point right after he confessed to me and I declined his interest.
I went another year not playing before another friend group of mine invited me to play as a guest character. I thought this would be a nice way to ease back into the game slowly after my horrid experiences before. Rather than make an entirely new character for one or two sessions, I brought back my tiefling bard because I still really liked her character, and had started to reshape her personality without being pressured to have her be a s*xual chess piece. The new DM dropped my character in a labyrinth their current party had been trapped in for awhile. I was made to be a level or two higher and be an ally they encountered to help them escape. We did, it was fun! But I was only there as a guest, and had only planned my character to be in one to two sessions before leaving. I was consistently mentioning to the party that my PC would be leaving as soon as they get to her major city, but either they didn't think I was serious or didn't remember. I may have been convinced to come on full time, but unfortunately, history repeats itself. We got to a session where the party got to a tavern and drowned their sorrows and nursed their labyrinth bruises with beer, and the idea of a threesome was thrown in the air between my PC and two others. Now, half of this group were dating someone else in the group, and seemed very comfortable roleplaying casual s*x between their PCs because of it. They started a damn chant pressuring me to say yes, already trying to roleplay it, and I felt sick. I was too anxious at the idea of saying no with how aggressive everyone was for me to agree, so I tried to "roll for yes or no" as an out; the dice failed me, and it rolled a number assigned to yes. I was very quiet the rest of the session, and afterwards messaged the DM that I want my character to leave at the beginning of the next session.
The DM then tried to convince me to stay, despite me saying a clear no multiple times within the same conversation. They begged me to stay saying the party loved my PC a lot, and they would hate to lose me. When they finally relented, they then tried to smoothly transition to talk of making me a new character so I could permanently stay with the party, without compromising my bards story and decision. I kind of got on their case about that, and told them to stop pressuring me and I did not want to play with that group anymore. Eventually, they gave up, but not without some low key guilt tripping.
I tried playing with one more group after this, and while it didn't get creepy, it was also a disappointment as none of the players seemed to care besides me and the DM, despite everyone having encouraged starting the game because they wanted to learn how to play for the first time. Players slowly started ghosting us, drama happened between two players that joined just to have an excuse to talk and try and date (which ended up very messy and they both left), and the new players would get angry at me or the DM if they got confused with the rules or combat dynamics (the wizard rushed ahead of me, the tank barbarian, and then acted like it was my fault when they nearly got killed in the first round because "the tank is supposed to protect the damage dealers").
The DM and I stayed in contact after all the other players ghosted the chat, and ended up bringing over some other new players who had also played before, and re hauled the campaign. This one had so much promise...then quarantine hit, and we couldn't keep up with regular meetings.
At this point, with all my games ending with creeps, messy player dynamics or falling through, I decided maybe these kinds of games weren't for me.
I have new friends now inviting me to play, who have very functional groups (experienced professional DMs, closeknit friend groups, long-running campaigns), but I am too wary to accept any more offers for games, despite deep down really wanting to try again and be part of something I know can be amazing. Maybe I will one day, but until then, I just have these horror stories to think about.
submitted by CalyWitsune to dndhorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:56 Capital-Increase-573 Some ideas to buff underpowered exotics!

Hi all! With TFS looming over the horizon, I wanted to take a look at some Exotic weapons we have in that grand ol’ arsenal of ours that haven’t been doing too hot in a while… or ever. We have a lot of strong choices nowadays, and even some fun niche ones too, but there are a lot of picks that just don’t make sense, have better legendary variants, or are outdated asf (looking at you specifically, DARCI). In this post, I want to share some fun ideas I had for how to rebalance these exotics, adding new functionality in both their intrinsic abilities and catalysts. I don’t even think all these exotics necessarily need a huge intrinsic buff: sometimes a catalyst is all it takes; just look at how nice Trinity Ghoul is with its catalyst, and that’s just a teeny tiny change.
What I count as an underpowered exotic is a weapon that doesn’t really have a place both in regular play, endgame activities, or as a niche weapon with certain uses. So something like Tractor Cannon, although not a DPS/adclear option, is super super useful against certain bosses like Crota or in certain situations, therefore, in my mind it is not underpowered as it has its place. Something like Hard Light, though… yeah.
I’m swinging the hammer kinda heavy with the buffs because it’s more fun that way. I hope you all enjoy, and please share your ideas too! Bonus if you make a bingo card to see how many of these exotics Bungo actually changes in TFS. We’ll find out soon enough, I’d imagine.
Oh, yeah, and this is just my opinion. I know some or a lot of these weapons are usable. But alas, this is what I think.
Sweet Business: Adds intrinsic Overload capabilities. Once this weapon is spun up, it will remain spinning until reloaded. This assures that once you enter combat, you won’t be stuck having to get ‘er goin every time a new enemy jumps you. Catalyst now adds Killing Tally. This perk would make the weapon much stronger (duh) but also it has good synergy with Sweet Business, as the playstyle opts for keeping the weapon out, in use, and continuously fed from ammo pickups or actium war rig.
MIDA Multi-Tool: Adds the ability to change the rate and mode of fire, so that the weapon can behave like a pulse rifle and an auto rifle by changing perk options in the gun’s menu. Scoping in now highlights information about enemies and distance, just like DARCI does.
Crimson: Perhaps this sounds repetitive, but for weapons that sustain fire, Killing Tally is really solid. This would reward the user for continuous precision kills to maintain Killing Tally, a strong bonus on top of Exotics have a 40% buff against red bars.
Cerberus+1: Damage againts elite (orange bar) and major (yellow bar, non capitalized names) also increased by 40% to match the minor (red bar) enemy increase. New intrinstic perk: Interial Quakes: sustained damage on one target causes shockwaves to summon at the location of the target, disorienting them and dealing high damage. This offers Cerberus+1 a variant of Kinetic Tremors that has increased functionality, as it’s an exotic, as well as the ability to activate off of non-precision hits since.. yeah hitting crits with Cerberus is ass.
Bad Juju: Catalyst increases super energy gained from a kill closer to D1 levels, to make it more of a super battery. We get our super back so quickly in PvE with the amount of orbs we generate; let’s ratchet Bad Juju up to make it a competitive super generating option. The catalyst also gives Desperado.
Bastion: I wish I knew what to do to make it better. But it needs help.
Traveler’s Chosen: This weapon was designed back when Bungo was like “lol we hate damage perks”. Gathering Light now grants an escalating damage bonus in addition to its previuos effects. Consuming Gathering Light increases this weapon’s RoF for 10 seconds to compensate for being reset to its baseline.
Cryosthesia 77K: Here’s a dousey. Every third precision shot applies x25 slow to enemies. The special “reload after kill” show now loads the gun with a projectile that is akin to a coldsnap grenade, seeking out and freezing a target. Catalyst grants headstone so you can make more stasis crystals with this bad boy.
Wicked Implement: Make this thing a 260rpm scout. That is all.
Coldheart: Catalyst adds voltshot. Increase the damage ramp-up for sustained fire.
Borealis: Why does this thing not have anti barrier. Half of its gimmick is breaking barriers. Give it anti barrier lmao and it’ll be top tier in GMs. That’s literally all you need to do?
Skyburner’s Oath: Increase rate of fire for Scout Rifle mode. Make it unstop intrinsically.
Merciless: Catalyst gives Controlled Burst, further decreasing charge time and increasing damage.
Hard Light: Add incandescent, voltshot, and destabilizing rounds depending on the elemental mode that is selected. Catalyst allows it to swap between Stasis and Strand, giving Headstone and Hatchling respectively.
Fighting Lion: Just revert some of the nerfs on this poor guy for crying out loud. Life was more fun when he was still kickin’.
Prometheus Lens: Sustained damage will this weapon can cause enemies to ignite prematurely.
Tommy’s Matchbook: Buff the scorch this weapon deals against enemies. Increase hipfire accuracy further to make sure you can hit your shots. Allow for kills on scorched enemies to trigger brief health regeneration.
D.A.R.C.I.: Ammo type switched to special, damage is decreased to compensate. Deals further increased precision damage after hitting 3 shots in a row. Catalyst adds Reconstruction and High-Impact Reserves.
Legend of Acrius: Add one-two punch, as well as the ability for Acrius to add a solar centurion shield if you are within close proximity (melee range) of an enemy.
The Wardcliff Coil: Buff the damage! This weapon and EoT deal less damage against bosses since they fire a salvo but it’s too weakkkk. Also, catalyst jolts targets if 5 or more rockets hit the target.
The Prospector: Grant this weapon a GL variant of bipod” grenades deal decreased damage, but this weapon can carry double the amount of grenades. Grenades chain lightning between themselves and targets when exploded, and the catalyst now adds auto-loading holster.
Worldline Zero: Uhhh….
Sleeper Simulant: Buff that damage Bungie. Make it a powerhouse again.
Black Talon: I’m not gonna lie I have no idea what to do to make this thing better.
One Thousand Voices: Make this thing hurt, Bungie. Buff it’s fuckin damage. And make it guarantee ignite enemies if the entire beam hits a target. Chain reaction is added as well to chain explosions from target to target.
Truth: Rockets have a larger blast radius than normal, and debuff nearby enemies with Volatile. Bipod is added to the roster of perks. Rocket tracking becomes closer to its D1 level of aggresiveness. Catalyst reloads this weapon whenever a void debuff is cast to double capacity.
Deathbringer: Too much setup, too little payoff. Void orbs now weaken targets. The void orbs now take less airtime to reach max damage increase.
Eyes of Tomorrow: Make it do more damage against bosses. Stop being a pussy. We have Gjallarhorn, Dragon’s Breath, and whatever the fuck else. Make. Them. Fear. It.
Deterministic Chaos: Removes the sustained fire requirement for triggering weakening and volatile rounds. Enemies are made volatile AND weak at the same time (every 4 shots), and every 16th shot is now a quadruple damage bullet.
submitted by Capital-Increase-573 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:32 MiddleclassIndian166 Slightly Unpopular Credit Card Related Opnions

-Its too dayum difficult to get an American Express credit card. If I share my personal experience after providing them with my bank statement, my past three month salary slips, my ITR fillings they still asked for two more proofs of income. Its too big a hassle for a card half of India wont accept. I get it you get referrals and gifts and all. But honestly its like luring kids into Omni with toffee.
AmEx is like the Amway of credit card world. Its better to opt for other cards than this. For SmartEarn the minimum income is 4.5 LPA. I was 20 my first salary was 14k and HDFC offered me Moneyback with 40k limit still grateful for that. Amex has one thing and one thing only. Its name.
-Cred is fine. People need to stop dissing on it. I know people who have won free TV sets via Cred. Yesterday I made two bill payments got like Rs. 12 sometimes I get 1. The whole point of credit cards was to make life easier and rewarding. People need to chill out. Pay your bills and relax not every aspect of our being shall earn us rewards. Those with credit cards are already getting better offers and deals that should be enough.
The main motive with Cred should always be easy bill payments. Fast and reliable. Thats its. Also to those who shall come up with Cheq or Mobikwik or HDFC RBL Cards. Its simple not worth it. Not everyone has an account in HDFC I personally got it closed. Pay through your cards and relax with the bills.
-People make a big deal of conversion ratios, partner points. Booking Accor hotels, flights. The prices for those are already ramped up. So no big deal, if you try booking through a good travel agent you would get a better deal. Im surprised all these credit card enthusiasts never talk about. Also I always wonder how these people go on vacation this much. I dont get the time to simply do it maybe my bad.
I personally have seen that HDFC SmartBuy and Axis Grabdeals sometimes offer higher rates for stuff than others. So it really isnt worth the extra points if the prices have gone high. Tried this with Myntra. You could see for yourself and you shall see the difference.
-No one bank or credit card issuer sucks. Everyone make mistakes. Happens . Move on. You do what best gets you started. No need to follow on in others footsteps or get influenced by others.
-Simple cards are the best. Straightforward rewards no siyapa.
-Swipe, tap, enjoy. Its a tool to make life manageable and easy. Not a game we have to play on repeat.
-MoneyBack sucks but it was a good start for many.
-Comparing what you have to be and give to het Infinia it doesn’t matter. It’s a super premium card for the elites. It doesn’t matter how good it is when most of us cant get it.
-Also a-lot of people ask this rate my credit card collection on this sub. Buddy you have it. Are you happy.? If you are stay that way. You don’t need validation from strangers. If you are not ask for suggestions. I think many are showing off many simply want opinions its fine. What suits you. Just sharing my stuff.
submitted by MiddleclassIndian166 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:32 Justthe_Facts_Mam I'm sure it's been asked a million times- CC tap card to pay

I've read so many posts on this topic, we are heading to Iceland Friday so just want to make sure I'm stressing over nothing.
We plan on using a Bank of America travel rewards cc for most things while we are there - It's chip and tap capable. I've read they are pin capable too (the card is in my husband's name, I'm an authorized user). Should he bother calling them to try to get a pin set up last minute or should we be good since it's a tap and go style. For gas we'd just planned on getting gas cards once we get there. I have an AmEx card and had only planned on using it for our car rental (I checked with the rental company, they do take AmEx). I don't have a pin for it, but am assuming since it's a tap card, I can sign for it if need be.
Both of our phones have mobile wallets, but we haven't gotten them set up - I've used Samsung Pay before but after my phone last update, it deleted my info and never bothered setting it back up.
I guess my main ask is if so long as we use the tap card option to pay and there is a person at the register, we should be good, right? I've been to Scotland 3x and never had to worry about this when I went there so this is a new concept for me. I'm also very hesitant on using my debit card out of the country (i only use it now to pay off my credit card now) because someone tried to get a credit card in my name last fall due to one of the many security breaches leaking my info - its made me a bit paranoid since then so just feel more comfortable using my credit cards for things.
Thanks in advance (and sorry for beating a dead horse on this topic, I know it's brought up a ton).
submitted by Justthe_Facts_Mam to VisitingIceland [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:27 Interesting_Block631 Military service situation abroad

Does anyone know how to get yellow card abroad I travelled just so i don't have to do the service its been a year now im studying in a private school and working part time And i really want to be able to visit algeria and family
submitted by Interesting_Block631 to algeria [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:23 livetaswim16 Card Recommendations for travel

Mostly want to use for travel and leisure.
submitted by livetaswim16 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:16 drchase6 What are my next steps in credit card game

I am looking to maximize my cc rewards and cash back.
I currently have an 800 score with:
Amex gold card (got a 5 months ago) Discover it (got 4 years ago)
My big expenses right now are food and gas. I was thinking of getting a citi card for 5% back up to $500. And was looking for a card for discretionary spending (regular and online shopping).
Is there any other cards I should consider I don’t travel for work currently and I do not have a catchall yet.
Just would like some thoughts and opinions. On maximizing my credit card game.
submitted by drchase6 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:16 travel4me22 [Thank You] My pile of Thank yous is ever growing!

I have traveled a bit lately and have gotten behind on my thank you post, my deepest apologies, I know how it feels to send something out and not know if it ever got to its destination!
I deeply love this sub and am still amazed at how talented, kind and awesome you all are.
u/_pickupthepieces thanks for the Owl card and exchanging happy mail with me. Yes this week we have had plenty of sunshine!! Although temps are still yo-yoing.
u/amyt13 thank you so much for the Madeira postcard. Sounds like you had an amazing time there. I took my family there for New Year's Eve one year. I book a excursion on a boat with drinks and snacks, I few minutes before midnight they sail out in to the harbor. The fireworks display was truly AMAZING, they were going off in sync 360 degrees all around the boat.
u/articfox_12 thank you for the handmade postcard. Very clever idea to laminate and send. We did and will have a wonderful vacation. I like to travel about every month from March to Nov...
u/babyraspberry x 2 thank you for the Spring mail postcard and all the spring themed ephemera, good for you for taking Mable out for so many walks. I bet she loves it. Thank you too for the Munro's Books postcard, I love the Carl Sagan book quote. I really want to visit Vancouver Island, I hear their gardens are stunning!
u/cake-at-midnight thank you for the thank you postcard, I am glad you liked the birthday card I made for you :) I love my Cricut, I don't use it nearly as much as I should. You can create some amazing things with it!
u/cassius1213 thank you very much for the Awesome Eclipse postmarked postcard. Love that they actually created a specific postmark for the total eclipse.
u/DanerysWon lol love the ballerina hippo postcard, thanks so much, sounds like you had an amazing time at Disney. What a fun place to honeymoon too!
u/DaniGeek what a beautiful hummingbird card you found for me on your treasure hunt! And so fitting as I just saw my first hummingbird yesterday, finally!! Thanks for your book recommendations, it just so happens that I have not read Life of Pi but I just got tickets to see the theater production! I am trying to decide if I should read the book or watch the movie before I see the play. Thoughts? Redwall is a series I read with my son years ago. and the Dresden files is something my son also recently suggested.
u/doughe29 thank you for the Holland MI tulip card. I went to the tulip festival a few years back, very lovely. Yes, Cincy Zoo has a wonderful display of tulips, do come one year. It also has a great Holiday light display in Nov/Dec that is worth seeing.
u/duygusu thank you for the sparkly Awesome thank you card. I am glad you liked the card I sent, wishing you a quick settling in process. Thanks too for the pretty pansy sticker.
u/ez330 thank you for the Ohio Eclipse postcard. Did you not get to see it? We drove up to Dayton to the Air Museum and the clouds parted at just the right time for us to enjoy the majority of the eclipse. Love all the cool space themed stamps you used.
u/Ginger_ninjah thank you for the sunflower mini card and all the fun stickers. Sounds like you have been busy, still loving your Ninja food processor? LOL still shredding cheese?
u/HexagonalRainbow x 2 Thank you for the Legoland postcard. I could see how it would be really easy to spend way more money than intended at the Brick Factory. And a outlet store too - yikes! How many things have you built with what you bought though? I bet a ton of cool things. Secondly, thanks for the Mount Fuji postcard, very pretty! How did you qualification go for work?
u/keqani thanks for the Krieg postcard, love all the cute stickers you adorned the postcard with!
u/libertyprogrammer x 3 thank you for the Cincy OH postcard. Hmmm Leicester UK in 2044? Not sure I would make plans that far ahead lol. Thank you for the Houses of Parliament postcard, I walked around that area so often, I will respond to your update soon. Believe it or not I just today got your postcard you sent from Kruger National Park! It is dated Dec 20th. Can't believe it took so long to find its way to me. Awesome that you saw so many amazing animals!!
u/Mediocre_Radish_7216 thanks for the wonderful and cute snail mail postcard. You should do a scavenger hunt sometime, I had so much fun with it.
u/melhen16 Thank you for the National Postcard Week rainbow postcard, and thanks for the history lesson on the birth of the postcard, wonder what John Charlton would think about the industry he started?!
u/Mysteryvus x 2 thank you for the beautiful lemon thank you card, it is really very pretty. I am glad you liked the bday card I made as I thought about the things you mentioned you liked. Thanks to for the travel postcard, I really do like to travel. I am calling the travel agent my friend used tomorrow to start the planning of our Australia/NZ trip :) wish me luck!
u/ninayjang thank you for the Rome postcard, I love those art type postcards. I will tell you more about my NM trip soon.
u/PinkPengin thank you for the birds and penguin upcycle postcard. Good to hear from you my friend. I too have a pile of things I am supposed to finish up......I keep getting distracted with making travel plans, people visiting, or one of many other things that grabs my attention.
u/princecowboy thank you for the pen and ink dog face postcard. You were absolutely right, by the time I got this you had made it to your 100 flair - Congrats again. And by now you have received my 100 flair congrats card LOL.
u/purpleroots thank you for the CRAVE postcard with all your doodles :)
u/raspberrypoppyseed thank you for the awesome Disney Gang postcard. Did you have an amazing visit? Did you see any of the parades? They are one of my favorite things to do there.
u/rennbrig thank you for the beautiful artwork postcard of "Shaw Island Meadow" it really is so pretty, so glad you reached your sending goal :)
u/TheFeistyFox thank you so much for my sticker bomb scavenger birthday card, it was fun getting something to stretch my bday celebration this far :) thanks for the washi samples too, love the watermelon!!
u/TyeDyeAmish thank you for the bull fighting postcard, I would have to agree, the bulls probably don't like it! It is not something that I would want to see. I have heard how they are done and I just don't think I could watch it.
u/zenshark33 x 2 thank you for the Happy Spring orange flowers postcard, I have moved several times and the think I like the most is getting rid of things so I don't have to move them, so I am right there with you! Thank you for the purple flower Random Happy Mail postcard, always fun to get unexpected happy mail!
u/Zznightzzz thank you for the birthday postcard from my Scavenger hunt! I loved hearing all about your island and the people there. No problem on its delay in getting sent, been there, done that!! I love that you sent it. I still have one other person that I have not received from so if it makes you feel better you aren't the last one :)
u/wabisabi_sf, u/ninajyang and u/littlemermaidxx thank you so much for the Meet Up postcard from the SF stamp show. What a great venue to meet up and get together!!
submitted by travel4me22 to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:11 Virtual-Chris How much cash to take, if any?

We are going to be in major cities in Japan for a week. We have our iPhones with Suica cards pre-loaded and our usual visa and debit cards on our phones as well as well as physical cards if needed. Is there any situation that requires cash? Like markets, taxis, street vendors?
On most trips I carry about $50 worth of local currency for the odd situation where cash is the only option (or more if taxis are an important form of transportation and Uber isn’t an option). Is that wise in Japan as well even though most travel will be on metro/trains?
submitted by Virtual-Chris to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:04 GetSuccess18 Get Rewarded for Paying Your Rent with Bilt

Bilt Mastercard offers you the ability to pay your rent and actually get rewarded for it. You get extra points for rent, travel, and dining. There is no annual fee and once you're approved there are even more options to earn extra points.
Points can be used towards your monthly bill statement, towards a future downpayment on a mortgage and much more.
This is by far my favorite credit card and it feels like paying rent isn't a waste when you're actually getting rewarded for it.
Sign up through my referral code:
submitted by GetSuccess18 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:02 tcox Mobile editing question

I was wondering what the best workflow was for mobile editing on an iPad. So when I travel, I always end up waiting until I get home to offload everything from my SD cards. I'll take the files and put them on my external HD and then import from there to Lightroom Classic. If I do any mobile editing at that point, it's the synced files in Adobe's cloud.
What I'm wondering is what is the best way of doing mobile edits on the go before I get a chance to upload them all to my hard drive? If I get an SD reader for the iPad, do I take the files off of my SD card, load them DIRECTLY on to my iPad, edit, and then take those files and transfer them from the iPad to the external drive when I get home? Or is there a smoother process?
submitted by tcox to Lightroom [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:59 KnightInDulledArmor [Online][SWADE][Friday's 7pm CST][LGBT Friendly] Ratcatchers: A Pulpy Not-D&D D&D Campaign

The Pitch
It is an Age of Chaos.
Good King Omund is dead, and with him died the rule of law in the land. The Duke of Bedegar is dead, his family ambushed and murdered. The Wild seeks to take back everything that once belonged to it. The remaining dukes fight to preserve what civilization is left, but they are distant and isolated. The roads are in disrepair, danger lurks around every corner.
Ajax, called Invincible, now rules here. He pits the different peoples of Vasloria against each other. Elves and men and dwarves; no one quite trusts anyone. This is Ajax’s goal. Religious institutions are outlawed, their churches left in ruin. The old orders are disbanded or subjugated, few continue their attempts to keep the peace and protect the people. The Iron Saint binds the land.
You are a recently founded band of ratcatchers, problem solvers, necessary but apart from proper society. You overwintered in the inn of the Green Dragon, a quiet place in the town of Arlone, east of Bedegar Keep. Now, with the onset of spring, you can set out again towards fortune, glory, honor, hope, or any other grand imaginings. How did you come to be here? Why can’t you go home and live a normal life? What do you want to make of yourself?
The Caelian Road goes south, the way engulfed by two wodes, a savage wilderness where Elves hunt those who enter. Monsters walk the wood. Civilized people do not go there. To the east lies the Dutchy of Faroe, a narrow pass for fools and traders flanked by high mountains teeming with serpents and warring tribes. The Overmen watch keenly from their high aeries for dissidents and outlaws. The vast sea to the west is traveled rarely, only the Overlord’s ships and the less-sane of the Vanirmen dare the dark waters. Things dwell in the deep. North is the powerful Dutchy of Dalrath, with the impenetrable Great Wode beyond. There Civilization and the Wild fight in open war, stone and steel against fangs and demon-flames.
In Bedegar, many small towns sustain themselves against the ever encroaching wilderness, old traditions and ancient pacts seeing new light in the trying times. Some people band together for safety, others stand on the shoulders of the drowned. All will be tested soon enough.
The Campaign
I'm planning to start with a sandbox style of game seeded with lots of classic, modern, and homebrew adventures. Very much D&D-ish pulp fantasy, but with a bit more narrative bits and the pulpy Savage Worlds system.
Some self direction, some encroaching events, lots of interesting roleplay, delving into the wilderness, and the freedom to get yourself into trouble. It’s up to you which fires to put out or threads to pull, and there’s no way to solve every problem or get every treasure. Players will have the opportunity to become embroiled in duchy politics, build alliances, save enemies, join guilds, and fight lots of crazy shit. Later on the threads will turn more towards a linear adventure, as I want to run The Red Hand of Doom once the PC’s have gone around and have a reputation.
Player Buy-In: The pulpy style of play where the GM just drops you in a town with a bunch of hooks and a wild land, then you have to work out your own shit out has to sound cool. Being interested in having your own goals and ambitions and working to fulfill them is always helpful, but just wanting to pull on threads also works. Likewise, wanting to engage and invest in other player's characters and NPC's is the best. Your characters should give a shit, they don’t need to be selfless paragons, but they should be connected to the local area enough to care what happens to it.
System: Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE), with some Fantasy Companion content and a bunch of my own homebrew. Those new to the system are welcome.
Format: Mostly over Discord voice with SavageBot to handle dice/cards. Owlbear Rodeo for battlemaps.
Date/Time: Looking to have a session zero on Friday the 17th, at 7:00 PM CST. Following sessions will be weekly on Friday's at the same time. Sessions will typically be around 4 hours long. This will be a long term campaign, so regular commitment will be required.
Players: Currently three have joined up, two from old campaigns and one new player, looking for probably one or two more. 18+ preferred, due to a small amount of adult content and themes.
Feel free to ask questions, if interested DM me with your preferred name/pronouns, your level of experience, a bit about yourself, what you like in a game, and your Discord.
submitted by KnightInDulledArmor to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:58 Neat_Tip7079 Does Re-entry Permit break continuous residence?

After graduating in 2023, I've been living in the US and struggling to find a job, and looks like the job market isn't going to get better soon. I've been a permanent resident since Sep 2021, been traveling home back and forth for winter and summer breaks while I was in the Uni. I made sure to keep the trips shorter than 6 months, and be physically present in the US for more than 6 months during a year in total. Right now I'm thinking about obtaining a Re Entry Permit to back home and maybe work there for a year or so, because it will be easier to get a job there than in the US. Of course I will be paying taxes and remain my bank accounts/credit cards active, while overseas. If I leave in Sep 2024 and come back in Sep 2025, by the time the Sep 2026 comes I will be present in the US for more than 2.5 years over the 5 year period. So the question is, if I apply for the permit, leave the US in Sep 2024 and comeback in Sep 2025, will my continuous presence break and I will have to wait until Sep 2030, instead of Sep 2026, to apply for the citizenship? Thanks everyone!
submitted by Neat_Tip7079 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:51 ThrustersToFull American Boomers in Europe (long)

My husband (27M) and I (38M) are doing a trip across Europe at the moment. He’s American and I’m British and we reside mostly in the UK. We’ve had experiences with boomers (too many experiences) but our travels across Europe have been something else.
95% of these boomers were, it seemed, American.
Ok some examples. Brace yourself. Here we go:
  1. Venice. A city of tiny islets connected by bridges and where water taxis, gondolas and walking over bridges is commonplace. On approaching a very narrow bridge, I noticed a clump of people. As we got closer I saw a woman shouting, and then I heard her. She’s American, standing with her arms outstretched as to block access and she was SCREAMING: “Don’t walk on this bridge!! WE ARE TAKING PHOTOS ON OUR CELLPHONES!” Behind her, her friends were all posing while simultaneously struggling to operate their phones. Obviously people were just ignoring her, so she’s becoming irate. By the time we got to her I can’t help myself (I never have been able to) so I said: “Get fucked lady.” I think my backpack might have hit her as I pushed past her. Ooops.
  2. At a water taxi station, a group of 8 or so boomers didn’t have the correct tickets to scan to get on the water taxi so they just PUSHED the ticket barriers until they gave way so they could board. This was noticed by the taxi boat staff, however, and the departure of the boat was delayed while they had to summon the police.
  3. On a taxi gondola (one that goes directly across a canal, not one that takes you on a romantic tour) a boomer boarded after us. The ‘driver’ tells him in clear English to sit down. He doesn’t comply, instead choosing to parade up and down causing the gondola to destabilise and even for water to come aboard, even before we’ve left the port. He has the absolute temerity to tell the driver to “KEEP THIS THING STEADY! I'M TRYING TO TAKE PHOTOS YOU IDIOT!” The driver tells him to either sit down or leave (obviously not an option in the middle of the canal). He reluctantly obeys but as he sits down he mutters something like “… won the second world war!”
  4. We went to an ultra high end restaurant on our final night in Venice and at the table next to us are a couple of American boomers. The man had a very unusual complexion, looking like he’s spent far too long in the sun. When their bill came, he threw a FIT because they won’t accept AmEx. “This is FUCKING OUTRAGEOUS!” He screams at the waiter who is about 18 and doesn’t really understand what is being said to him. “WE USE THIS CARD ALLL THE TIME AT HOME!” I leaned over and said: “Errrrrr, so in Europe AmEx isn’t often accepted because of the very high transaction fees. Perhaps you could-“ to which he snapped at me: “Mind your own fucking business! Nobody asked you or your boyfriend.”
  5. In Zürich, we had to contend with a boomer who kept getting in the way of us taking photos. It was like he was deliberately standing in our way. At one point he seemed to almost accidentally touch my husband. Eventually I said: “hey bro, we’re trying to take a picture of us together. Can you give us some room?” To which he snapped: “You don’t own this hill you know!!”
  6. We had a 7 hour train journey from one country to another. We had a first class reservation. Once we boarded, we found two boomer couples sitting around a table, which our two seats were part of. I explained we had a reservation. One of them said: “Well you can’t have, we have this table.” I produced the reservation and said: “You can clearly see it says we are in this coach, in first class, in these seats. Can I see YOUR reservation?” They refused, with the man from the other couple saying: “You don’t even look like you can afford first class tickets, son. Why don’t you run along before I get security?” I turned to my husband and said: “Go and get someone.” He did so, and they spent the next 15 minutes berating me, saying I’d be “very embarrassed” when I am told to leave the train. One of them even said: “Yeah they’ll show you up like the poor you are.” Husband returned with ticket inspector who looked at our tickets and then asks them to produce theirs. They argue briefly, and upon being threatened with removal from the train, produce tickets four second class with no reservations. The inspector tells them to leave the first class section “immediately or this will be a matter for the police” (which she said in French so I had the great pleasure of translating). They reluctantly got up to go and made a HUGE huff and puff about it. One of them pulled his bag off a luggage rack and managed to hit a child sitting near the rack with it, and then verbally abused the child’s parents when they dared to complain. At the next stop the train stopped for about 30 minutes and announcements were made that there was an “unexpected delay”. The ticket lady from before came to tell us that the four of them had been asked to leave because of their behaviour in second class, refused to do so, and therefore the police were brought in.
  7. In Prague, went to a very old family owned restaurant. One of the family is a university student who happened to get talking to a boomer couple. He’s studying computing science and artificial intelligence. They tell him he is “contributing to the end of humanity”. The male boomer adds: “I was teaching people how to use Microsoft 20 years ago, I know what computers can do! And this is very dangerous….!” Needless to say, this 19 year old who understands only basic English was very confused.
  8. In Milan, a boomer couple walked past me in a shop and I heard the woman say: “Fucking useless, this Italy. Everyone here speaks in foreign.”
  9. In an airport to travel from Germany to Zürich, a boomer couple decided to start regulating the line to board the jet. They stood in the way of the gate desk, letting only older people past and holding younger people back. I snapped at once: “What are you doing? Get out of the way, man” and as I walked past him I heard “… elders first! Elders first!” When I was on the jet and seated, the wife came up to me ONCE WE WERE IN THE AIR and said I had been “very disrespectful” to her husband and “you are now required to apologise.” My husband, seeing I was on the verge of committing a murder, said: “Look, you got your moment of glory earlier in controlling the queue. Take your pound of flesh and fuck off.” She then snaps: “OR WHAT?” to which my husband calmly replies: “Or we make a complaint right now about your disruptive behaviour onboard an aircraft. Don’t tend to like that, the Swiss.” And then he sits down and instantly puts his AirPods in and turning away from her. I had to look out of the window so she didn’t see me smiling.
  10. In Milan we visited a museum showcasing technologies through the ages. It was enormous, and very comprehensive. In one display case they have an original Macintosh from 1984. As I stand looking at it, I became aware of some raised - distinctly American - voices. “What the hell!! Are they saying they MADE the computer?!!? WE MADE THE COMPUTER.” I can’t resist (again) and turn to him and say to this group of 6 boomers: “Actually, ladies and gents, the modern inventor of the computer is Alan Turing, an English guy who broke the German’s Enigma code during World War 2. This Macintosh is here just because of its historical significance-“ I didn’t get any further cos he cut me off with “UGH. So it’s the ENGLISH stealing our tech now!”
I am writing this because we were both have been genuinely taken aback by what we have experienced. I have travelled extensively in Europe and never quite come up against this before, so I don’t know if it means that the Boomer problem is getting worse or what.
submitted by ThrustersToFull to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:49 exile_zero Orson Scott Card and sisters

Maybe this has been mentioned before but I just got here so I’m mentioning it. Anyone feel like Orson Scott Card have a weird thing about sisters? Like…truly. Like okay so, in the Ender series, we have Ender and his sister Valentine being reeeeally close throughout the series and even traveling together at relativistic speeds. Then we have Treasure Box which is a standalone novel where the main character is obsessed with his dead sister and that plays a big part of the plot. In Speaker for the Dead (or is it children of the mind) there’s two characters who married each other not knowing they’re brother and sister. These are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head but it makes me wonder if OSC has some sort of weird incest fetish. Feel free to add your own or let me know your thoughts
submitted by exile_zero to endersgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:49 pineapplecatlady24 Puffco peak: $100

Puffco peak: $100
I haven’t used this in a while since I stopped my medical consumption. All functional! It will need new atomizer soon and the glass cap has the little tip/handle broken off but it still can be used just fine. You could also buy a replacement part on the website. Comes with charger and travel case. Two extra atomizers but used. Preferably this should go to someone with a MJ card but I can’t tell you what to do lol! Pm for more pics. It will be cleaned and disinfected.
submitted by pineapplecatlady24 to TampaClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:49 KnightInDulledArmor Ratcatchers: A Pulpy Not-D&D D&D Game [SWADE] [CST] [Campaign] [LGBT Friendly]

The Pitch
It is an Age of Chaos.
Good King Omund is dead, and with him died the rule of law in the land. The Duke of Bedegar is dead, his family ambushed and murdered. The Wild seeks to take back everything that once belonged to it. The remaining dukes fight to preserve what civilization is left, but they are distant and isolated. The roads are in disrepair, danger lurks around every corner.
Ajax, called Invincible, now rules here. He pits the different peoples of Vasloria against each other. Elves and men and dwarves; no one quite trusts anyone. This is Ajax’s goal. Religious institutions are outlawed, their churches left in ruin. The old orders are disbanded or subjugated, few continue their attempts to keep the peace and protect the people. The Iron Saint binds the land.
You are a recently founded band of ratcatchers, problem solvers, necessary but apart from proper society. You overwintered in the inn of the Green Dragon, a quiet place in the town of Arlone, east of Bedegar Keep. Now, with the onset of spring, you can set out again towards fortune, glory, honor, hope, or any other grand imaginings. How did you come to be here? Why can’t you go home and live a normal life? What do you want to make of yourself?
The Caelian Road goes south, the way engulfed by two wodes, a savage wilderness where Elves hunt those who enter. Monsters walk the wood. Civilized people do not go there. To the east lies the Dutchy of Faroe, a narrow pass for fools and traders flanked by high mountains teeming with serpents and warring tribes. The Overmen watch keenly from their high aeries for dissidents and outlaws. The vast sea to the west is traveled rarely, only the Overlord’s ships and the less-sane of the Vanirmen dare the dark waters. Things dwell in the deep. North is the powerful Dutchy of Dalrath, with the impenetrable Great Wode beyond. There Civilization and the Wild fight in open war, stone and steel against fangs and demon-flames.
In Bedegar, many small towns sustain themselves against the ever encroaching wilderness, old traditions and ancient pacts seeing new light in the trying times. Some people band together for safety, others stand on the shoulders of the drowned. All will be tested soon enough.
The Campaign
I'm planning to start with a sandbox style of game seeded with lots of classic, modern, and homebrew adventures. Very much D&D-ish pulp fantasy, but with a bit more narrative bits and the pulpy Savage Worlds system.
Some self direction, some encroaching events, lots of interesting roleplay, delving into the wilderness, and the freedom to get yourself into trouble. It’s up to you which fires to put out or threads to pull, and there’s no way to solve every problem or get every treasure. Players will have the opportunity to become embroiled in duchy politics, build alliances, save enemies, join guilds, and fight lots of crazy shit. Later on the threads will turn more towards a linear adventure, as I want to run The Red Hand of Doom once the PC’s have gone around and have a reputation.
Player Buy-In: The pulpy style of play where the GM just drops you in a town with a bunch of hooks and a wild land, then you have to work out your own shit out has to sound cool. Being interested in having your own goals and ambitions and working to fulfill them is always helpful, but just wanting to pull on threads also works. Likewise, wanting to engage and invest in other player's characters and NPC's is the best. Your characters should give a shit, they don’t need to be selfless paragons, but they should be connected to the local area enough to care what happens to it.
System: Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE), with some Fantasy Companion content and a bunch of my own homebrew. Those new to the system are welcome.
Format: Mostly over Discord voice with SavageBot to handle dice/cards. Owlbear Rodeo for battlemaps.
Date/Time: Looking to have a session zero on Friday the 17th, at 7:00 PM CST. Following sessions will be weekly on Friday's at the same time. Sessions will typically be around 4 hours long. This will be a long term campaign, so regular commitment will be required.
Players: Currently three have joined up, two from old campaigns and one new player, looking for probably one or two more. 18+ preferred, just due to a small amount of adult content and themes.
Feel free to ask questions, if interested DM me with your preferred name/pronouns, your level of experience, a bit about yourself, what you like in a game, and your Discord.
submitted by KnightInDulledArmor to lfgmisc [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:44 jewelpromocode Arizona (Maricopa County) Name Change Tangle

I was married in February and super excited to finally change my last name to my husbands. My birth name is very long, I have 2 middle names and a hyphenated last name—for example Jane Marie Lynn John-Doe. For this story, lets say I married Mr. Smith. I filled out an application with SSA to have my new married name be Jane Marie Smith. I finally got my new SS card, and it says Jane Marie Smith. AWESOME. I got to the DMV today and I’m told that without a court order, my legal middle name is ‘Marie Lynn’ and I could get a new license, but it would say “Jane Marie Lynn Smith.”
I walked out because and decided I needed to sort this out because I am sitting here with a brand new SS card that says “Jane Marie Smith” I went down to the superior court to file papers to change my name and apparently its a whole thing. My husband needs to sign and it needs to be notarized for me to remove one of my middle names, is this correct!? I have to have a hearing? So I left.
At this point, I’m CONFUSED on what my name is. I have been crying all day.
What happens if i try again tomorrow at just a 3rd party DMV and dont get a travel license. Idk.
I do not want 2 middle names. I dont know what my next course of action is.
submitted by jewelpromocode to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:30 SouthernFlight2698 Longshot, but... anyone in Philly have a Pomeranian dog I can 'borrow?'

So this might be a weird/funny post, and potentially a long shot, but bear with me 😂
I'm currently living in Philly and my partner is coming here from the west coast to visit later this month. We're both in our early 20's and college students. My partner has been absolutely obsessed with Pomeranian dogs for years, sends me photos them constantly, and loses it when he sees one in public. We both really would like one, but between college and wanting to travel, it isn't the cards quite yet!
So as an anniversary 'gift,' I'd love to meet up with someone who has a pomeranian, in a public place, were we can meet and pet your dog (with you present the entire time, of course)! That might sound dumb, but he would be beside himself if this were to work out 😅 We're located near Center City and are available anytime May 21-30.
I am aware this may sound like a scam or a ploy to steal a dog; this is my throwaway account, but I can provide more info about myself/share other socials via DM. I'm also happy to compensate you for your time. Thanks for reading!
PS: mods please don't delete this 🤠 this is my throwaway acct but I can verify my regular account if needed.
submitted by SouthernFlight2698 to Phillylist [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:30 Mizzno [H] Games [W] Cornucopia, Headbangers: Rhythm Royale, art of rally, Games (Listed Below), Steam Gift Cards

N.B.: I'm mainly looking for the games listed in the title and at the bottom of the thread. Feel free to post other offers, but if I haven't responded to your comment(s) by my next posting, I likely wasn't able to find a trade that interested me.

For sale (for Steam Gift Cards or gifted Steam Wallet balance):

For trade:
*signifies that a game is tentatively up for trade, assuming I buy the bundle


IGS Rep Page:
submitted by Mizzno to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:27 robbie_bot2 CSP vs. Venture X when I already have the Amazon Prime Credit Card through Chase

I am looking to add a travel credit card to my collection and was looking for a recommendation
I currently have: -Discover It Chrome Card (started as secured card and then upgraded) - 4 years old -Amazon Prime Visa through Chase -2 years old
I'm debating between the Chase Sapphire Preferred and the Capitol One Venture X.
From reading through posts on the cards, I like the CSP because it has a better travel portal and more domestic flight partners. However, I can already use my points from my Prime card through the Chase portal and I get 5% back of purchases through it with the Prime card.
I like the Venture X because of the TSA precheck credit and with the 300 credit, the annual fee doesn't seem too bad. However, I heard the travel portal is harder to use.
Do you think it would be better to stick with Chase or better to have access to a new travel portal that I don't currently have access too already?
submitted by robbie_bot2 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:17 KidRadicvl Looking to Grow with 1 - 2 Card(s)

I'm a huge fan of my Apple Card, I use it every day when possible. My biggest issue though is the lack of use the physical card gets. Some places only accept card and don't have a POS system to use apple pay (only 1% anyway). I also don't use the apple card for online purchases if not offered through apple pay. I also almost never use my Discover card.
I'm still pretty new to credit cards but have a solid understanding that i'm confident in getting more thanks to this sub and online research. I appreciate any feedback :)
submitted by KidRadicvl to CreditCards [link] [comments]