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A Song of Ice and Fire

2009.07.18 17:57 ThePowerOfGeek A Song of Ice and Fire

News and discussions relating to George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels, his Westeros-based short stories, "Game of Thrones" and "House of the Dragon" TV series, and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series.

2013.12.13 03:35 ThePowerOfGeek ASOIAF Test

News and discussions relating to George R. R. Martin's "WILD CARDS" novels, his Wild Cards-based short stories, "Wild Cards the Upcoming TV Show" and all things WILD CARDS - but with particular emphasis on the written series.

2024.04.26 04:25 G81111 Faculty of Engineering Grade Curving: things they don’t tell you

tldr: do we curve down in engineering? absolutely yes. do some professor hate us? also absolutely yes!
For those that don’t know, Faculty of Engineering and its rules are decided by the Engineering Faculty Council (https://www.engineering.utoronto.ca/about/governance-faculty-council/). Apart from the 4 per academic year faculty council meetings, most of the issues are resolved in standing committees where they meet a more frequent basis. Some examples are curriculum committee and admission committee. The one that determines academic policies is the undergraduate assessment committee or UAC.
UAC have 5 main functions:
1) Course-level grading practices and standards (including 500-level courses) (Note that instructors “recommend” course grades but the committee determines final grades.)
2) Academic standing including honours, promotion, and Dean’s List
3) Policy concerning final exams, e.g., schedule, duration, calculators, requests for regrading and exam viewing, and invigilation Use of non-grade statements and symbols (e.g., EXT, INC, SDF)
4) Petitions in final exams and for special consideration: e.g., grades, promotion regulations, academic standing, late withdrawals, re-enrolment, awarding of degrees, and non-grade symbols and statements
5) Policies concerning term work petitions
Point 1 is where the curve down (or curve up!) happens. After instructors graded finals, they would send the grades to faculty registrar for publishing (one of them: I’ll be doing them Christmas night with wine glass in one hand”).
Before publishing, the registrars office would look at the average and the grade distribution. If the average deviates from past 5 year’s historical average or have a trend (trending up or down), or if the distribution is weird (too many people fail or have A, non normal distribution, bimodel), the registrar’s office would flag it and send it back to the instructor for adjustment.
At this point, the instructor would have to options: adjust it as registrar request (curve up or down) or to write a letter to UAC saying why they shouldn’t change the grade as is. Most instructors do the adjustment and resubmit the grades while a few writes a letter to UAC to justify their reasoning. Both cases of average is too low and instructor refuse to curve up and average is too high and instructor refuse to curve down happened.
Example of case of too low of an average would be a few years ago ECE231 (second year course where students first see mosfet and diodes) have 30% of students failing that course and the instructor refused to curve up (or so I heard). Another example is 2023 fall where MAT186 (Calc1 for core 8) unexpectedly have the lowest average out of all first year courses and significant amount of students in the C and D range. In both of these cases instructors wrote a letter to justify why curve up shouldn’t happen.
On the other side, ECE444 for the past 3 years have been flagged for having too high of an average. The instructor also filed a justification as to why curve down shouldn’t happen.
In all cases, UAC looked at the justification instructors provide and debated on what to do (these debates/discussion can range from 10 minutes to 30+, UAC members consist of one prof from each department, 3 faculty officials, and 2 voting student reps plus 2 more non voting student reps). The result could be no adjustment made due to consensus agreeing with the instructor like in the case of MAT186, or adjustment made unilaterally by the UAC after consensus disagree with the prof for ECE231 and ECE444.
Most curve ups and curve downs are flat mark adjustment (everyone add 3 or minus 5) due to faculty rules that forbid grading on a curve (fitting students into predetermined marks based on rank) and to avoid cases where students who previously scored higher ended up with a score same as someone with lower raw marks.
Another example of faculty hating us would be the BME stream of engsci usually consists of only very strong students because without a grad school degree in that field you’re basically not employable. This cause BME course to be small in class size and usually have very high averages, and some profs on UAC wants to curve it down by 5+ percent! (didn’t happen, voting results to not curve was unanimous except for him)
So lessons to keep in mind are: - if average is high going into the finals comparing to past years, get ready to be fucked - if you are aiming for A, 10% above average is usually the minimum as most engineering courses stay in the C+~B+ range for average. 20% above average is what you need to guarantee A
If there are questions about petitions ask away in comments if interested as the post is getting a bit long!
submitted by G81111 to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 23:01 freespiritx89 What's your 30 minute go-to workout program if you're trying to get leaner?

I think this is beginner friendly but I put all the ones I like and I kind of enjoy for years now. Something I can squeeze in if I find myself not had enough time in my morning run or workout block. I want to see what others have too. Mine would be:
Upper - 14 x 2 bicep curls - 14 x 2 overhead triceps ext - 14 x 2 side lateral raises
Lower - 14 x 2 raising knee to fron and side (L&R) - 14 x 2 raising leg sideways (L&R) - 14 x 2 squats
submitted by freespiritx89 to workout [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 20:34 i-i_lexus_is300 How big?

How big?
I’ve been enjoying driving my 2007 Saab 9-3 aero on stock wheels and tires and I’ve loved it… but I’ve been thinking about putting some aftermarket wheels on her. Part of the reason for change is looks but I also want to run some wider tires to help with grip and brake distance. If anyone knows how big can you go and what’s safe to do without supporting mods ie axels wide body spacers ext.(the car was lowered 1/2 inch in the front by previous owner)
submitted by i-i_lexus_is300 to saab [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 19:56 weikiweiki Gunsmith 14 - What am I missing?

Gunsmith 14 - What am I missing? submitted by weikiweiki to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 21:55 Zeddblidd Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

2024-146 / Zedd MAP: 93.23 / MLZ MAP: 90.65 / Score Gap: 2.58
Wikipedia / IMDb / Official Trailer / Our Collection
A strange thought hit me while we were watching this, our easy favorite of the Disney-led Star Wars films: how different the filmmaking is to The Conversation (1974). I mean…
From IMDb: In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire's ultimate weapon of destruction.
…the physical characteristics of the motion pictures. How fast-moving the cuts are in Rogue One, how slow and plodding The Conversation. The visual characteristics of the naturally soft filmed images juxtaposition the sharp digital captures. If you’re paying attention, digital movies have been making use of forced blurring, often tilt-shifting for bridging the film/digital gap. Even my iPhone has a digital blurring “cinematic mode” that the average user would never need. Any way around it, I digress…
Also - everything in The Conversation is real in the sense the spaces were physical spaces, the people, clothes, devices, lighting… all real. Rogue One, well - let’s just say “The Digital Backlot is strong with this one.” At a guess, 80% or more of everything we’re watching is either straight CGI or CGI-enhanced - makes the movie more cartoon than live-action film (not that I care or that matters, just pushing it into the conversation).
The trouble with modern filmmaking (in my humble, armchair coach opinion) is the relative ease of special fx has proven out a tendency to put visual spectacle over storytelling. There’s room for both - I encourage both - but it’s a formula that’s tricky. Too much spectacle, in too many successive movies, quickly leads to fatigue. It also gets boring - quick. If Fantastic Flick 1 had 1X spectacle, Fantastic Flick 2 needs 4X spectacle to catch your attention. Spectacle that becomes common and pedestrian isn’t spectacle at all, anymore.
Here, my cinematic siblings, is spectacle and storytelling done well - very well. The characters feel real, the situations they live in and try to resolve messy (this adds depth to the “Rebels are Good Guys, Empire the Bad”… they’re blurring the lines). The spectacle end of things is pure excitement, bigger and better than we’ve seen - the pew-pew-pews have hardly ever looked so good.
Mrs. Lady Zedd says the obvious - “Jesus - this is a fucking sad movie” It’s really the only thing marring the show from a MAP’ping perspective. As an enjoyment meter, the Big Sad brings a lower rewatchability variant which hampers the score. We agree - the story makes sense this way, we wouldn’t change it, but damn. Just damn. A quick observation: the digital Princess Leia was an absolute bust, the General Tarkin slightly less so.
Funny, as I’m thinking on both movies: despite being made 40 years apart and being so very different - a universe apart - I’d use the same descriptive words for both: entertaining, gritty, raw, wonderful.
Movie on.
submitted by Zeddblidd to 500moviesorbust [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 20:37 coolPineapple07 Which front lip should I go with?

Which front lip should I go with?
2016 civic ext sedan. I got a fake carbon fiber lip and a glossy lip for less than $50 on Amazon and unable to choose which one to go with. Can you guys please check and suggest. I have carbon fiber mirror caps in case that matters. Also I don't think I will be lowering my car anytime soon.
Depending on the lip, I will be getting side skirts next!
submitted by coolPineapple07 to civic [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 20:20 coolPineapple07 Which front lip should I go with?

Which front lip should I go with?
2016 civic ext sedan. I got a fake carbon fiber lip and a glossy lip for less than $50 on Amazon and unable to choose which one to go with. Can you guys please check and suggest. I have carbon fiber mirror caps in case that matters. Also I don't think I will be lowering my car anytime soon.
Depending on the lip, I will be getting side skirts next!
submitted by coolPineapple07 to CivicX [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 19:23 Luigi0401 Formatting string help for my Reddit Bot Project

import os import urllib.request from urllib.error import HTTPError import google.generativeai as genai import praw from PIL import Image # Read credentials REDDIT_USERNAME = os.environ.get("REDDIT_USERNAME") REDDIT_PASSWORD = os.environ.get("REDDIT_PASSWORD") API_KEY = os.environ.get("API_KEY_GOOGLE") CLIENT_ID = os.environ.get("CLIENT_ID") CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ.get("CLIENT_SECRET") reddit = praw.Reddit( client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, password=REDDIT_PASSWORD, user_agent="Cat Poetry Bot 2.2 by u/Luigi0401", username=REDDIT_USERNAME, ) genai.configure(api_key=API_KEY) model = genai.GenerativeModel("gemini-pro-vision") subreddit = reddit.subreddit("test") def is_cat_image(image_url): """Checks if an image URL contains a cat and returns the result. Args: image_url: The URL of the image. Returns: tuple of (is_cat, error_message, sample_file): - is_cat: True if the image contains a cat, False otherwise. - error_message: A string describing the error if encountered, None otherwise. - sample_file: The uploaded file object (if successful, None otherwise). """ # Check supported image formats if not any(ext in image_url.lower() for ext in (".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif")): return False, "Unsupported image format", None try: # Download image filename = os.path.basename(image_url) urllib.request.urlretrieve(image_url, filename) with Image.open(filename) as img: # Upload the image to GenAI sample_file = genai.upload_file( path=filename, display_name="Animal Picture" ) print(f"Uploaded file '{sample_file.display_name}' as: {sample_file.uri}") prompt = f"Does this picture show a cat? Answer with '1' for Yes, or '0' for No. Your answer should contain nothing else. This means if the picture shows a cat your response would be '1'. If the picture did not show a cat your response would only be '0'." response = model.generate_content([prompt, sample_file]) is_cat = response.text.strip() == "1" return is_cat, None, sample_file # Return sample_file only if successful except (HTTPError, OSError) as e: if isinstance(e, HTTPError) and e.code == 404: return False, f"Image not found: {image_url}", None else: return False, f"Error downloading/processing image: {e}", None except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e: # Error handling for GenAI response format print(f"Error: Could not determine if cat due to invalid response: {e}") return False, None, None finally: # Delete downloaded image if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) # Loop through Reddit posts for submission in subreddit.stream.submissions(skip_existing=True): if not submission.is_self and not submission.over_18: is_cat, error_message, sample_file = is_cat_image(submission.url) if is_cat: if sample_file: try: prompt = f"""This picture shows a cat. Write a poem about this cat in the following format: Stanza 1 (4 lines): Line 1: (descriptive content about the cat) Line 2: (descriptive content about the cat) Line 3: (descriptive content about the cat) Line 4: (descriptive content about the cat) Stanza 2 (4 lines): Line 5: (descriptive content about the cat) Line 6: (descriptive content about the cat) Line 7: (descriptive content about the cat) Line 8: (descriptive content about the cat) The poem should rhyme.""" poem_response = model.generate_content( [ prompt, sample_file, ] ) print( "-----------------------------------------" + "\n" + poem_response.text + "\n" + "-----------------------------------------" ) submission.reply( "***\n" + poem_response.text + "\n***\n" + "^(*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically*)" ) genai.delete_file(sample_file.name) print(f"Deleted {sample_file.display_name}.") except: print("Something went wrong generating poem or replying.") else: print("Error uploading image for poem generation.") elif error_message: print(f"Error processing image: {error_message}") else: print("This is not a cat.") else: print("Skipping post: Self post or NSFW") 
How can I get the submission to be formatted like this:
The cat sits on the window sill, Aloof and proud, a creature of will. With eyes of green that gleam and stare, A watchful presence, always aware. Its fur is soft, its tail held high, A hunter, a prowler, a creature of the night. With a twitch of its whiskers and a flick of its ear, It senses the world, near and far.
And not like this:
The cat sits on the window sill, Aloof and proud, a creature of will. With eyes of green that gleam and stare, A watchful presence, always aware. Its fur is soft, its tail held high, A hunter, a prowler, a creature of the night. With a twitch of its whiskers and a flick of its ear, It senses the world, near and far.
When printing poem_response.text I get the first formatted text, but when replying to a post I get the second version of the text. Any other help is also appreciated. I have used Python the last time 4 years ago in school. Thanks a lot!
submitted by Luigi0401 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 17:33 Dofain The Candled egg - Chapter 9

It had been almost a year since Watchful arrived in Sanctuary and he started to feel much more comfortable there. He had had thought of leaving to visit places further North in Pyrrhia but he’d always postpone it. He knew he still had time and wanted to learn as much as he could from Piteraq. The healer had taken him as his apprentice and let him heal a few willing patients. Of course, it was agreed that he would not approach nor speak to the NightWing ones.
A few times, Piteraq had to intervene between Watchful and a NightWing a bit too nosy for their own good where they’d scrutinize the young dragon and even make remarks about his mind-reader’s scale. Watchful had felt the anger grow in him and was about to attack the other when Piteraq interposed himself between the two.
kiiiillll” a voice whispered ever so faintly.
The large IceWing stood peacefully between them, his voice as soothing as possible while one of his arm was stuck in Watchful’s muzzle bleeding profusely on the carpet as the hybrid’s teeth had pierced through his scales. Watchful immediately felt remorseful; never in his wildest dreams he thought he’d be attacking his mentor. Did he fail him as he failed his mother? Will he had to leave and never come back again? No! He wouldn’t run away this time, it wasn’t his fault if Piteraq got in the way, he should have let him attack the NightWing instead, they deserve to be bleeding, not Piteraq! The IceWing shouldn’t have interposed; he shouldn’t be treated like a hatchling anymore!
As Watchful stood there rummaging in his thoughts, Piteraq had accompanied the NightWing in another room. He could visually follow them with all the blood the IceWing had lost. Watchful snorted, this hadn’t been the first time Piteraq had to bribe another dragon to forget about such incident.
Watchful started pacing frantically in the room:
“W-why a-a-re N-n-nightW-w-w-in-g-gs so me-a-an to me?”
Because that’s how they naturally are.”, a voice replied coming from somewhere in the room.
He blinked and looked around but he was clearly alone, the sun was shining brightly through the window and there was no possible dark corner for anyone to hide, not even a Scavenger.
“Wha-t-t d-d-id I-I eve-r d-do to th-th-em to deser-ve-ve t-that?”, he resumed.
They just hate how powerful you are.”, the same voice said softly.
This time he shivered hard, it felt very creepy that someone seemed to talk to him. It didn’t even appear to come from inside his head; for one, it didn’t stutter as he did, the words flew so perfectly, it almost gave him a hint of jealousy, if it wasn’t for the hatred contained in those words. Although, Watchful had to admit that they had a good point about NightWings, at least from his own experience. However, the most scary thing was that the voice sounded exactly like him.
“Wh-who a-a-re y-y-ou?”, he asked feverishly
No reply.
Frustration and anger grew again within him. He paused for a second and took a moment to study this new feeling. He had never felt it before, even when he was very young and his mom threw him over the mountain, he only felt incomprehension and terror, and when he read the minds of the other NightWings and he could glimpse at all their mean thoughts, he just wondered why, but never had he felt any anger.
Until now.
Thinking back to before Piteraq interrupted him, he realized how he’d have enjoyed to be able to bite the NightWing and even fight him notwithstanding that he was way bigger than him. He could feel his talons tingling with electricity as he imagined them sinking under that dragon’s scales. Piercing the flesh and letting the blood pour as he did with Piteraq.
BLEURGH!”, he exclaimed, “W-why d-d-did he have to int-tervene?
He was still pacing the room frantically, deep in his wild dreams where he was tearing the other dragon apart, when Piteraq came back.
The IceWing appeared annoyed for a second but his face immediately decomposed as Watchful turned his gaze to him questioningly.
“What?”, Watchful asked impatiently.
Piteraq took longer than usual to reply. The IceWing always knew what to say and when to say it, it was like he had the answer to every single question in the world instantly and without thinking, no matter the subject; it was both amazing and insufferable.
But not this time. The moment seemed to stretch for far too long before he even tried to formulate an answer.
“You will have to learn to control your anger, Watchful.”, he paused as if he wanted to add some dramatic moment, but it was clear from his expression he was searching for the correct words to use. “I know it’s a new feeling for you and I... I want to apologize, I didn’t expect it to manifest that strongly. I’m sorry I didn’t take the time to introduced you to it. I didn’t realize it would be so powerful...”
“Damn right it is!”, Watchful snapped and was immediately taken aback by his own boldness as it felt both really shameful to talk to his Mentor like that but also so very liberating.
“Ah! As if you are the first teen dragon I’ve seen. I was once a youngling too...”, Piteraq replied with a soft voice but shaky voice.
Watchful snorted, he hadn’t paid any attention to what the IceWing said as it dawned on him that he hadn’t stutter a single time when he replied so harshly; wanting to repeat his feat, he murmured:
He spat and his anger grew even higher with the frustration.
He swore he’d heard the voice said: “welcome it.”, but lost his train of thoughts as Piteraq gently put a wing over him.
“Frustration and anger are normal feelings, but they can be very destructive, especially for you. I will help you to control and avoid them so you do not take irrational actions based on them. It will never have good consequences.”
Watchful looked up at him.
“Wh-what do y-y-ou mean e-e-esp-p-ecial-l-ly f-for m-me?”
But the IceWing either didn’t hear the question or feigned it and pulled him away from the room.
As he looked around, all the traces of blood were gone and Piteraq arm appeared as if nothing ever happened; and for a split second he found himself wondering if Piteraq was actually immortal or if he could die like any other dragon.
The rest of the day went by without any other issue, but since the NightWing was a regular of Piteraq, it was discussed that, for the better of everyone involved, Watchful should not be present when he visits.
Whether he would stayed hidden in his room or going for a stroll didn’t matter much as long as he didn’t meet said dragon.
“B-b-ut wh-why sh-sh-ould I d-do th-that for h-him?”, he had asked bitterly.
“Because he is my patient and he deserves to be treated like all the others.”, had replied Piteraq gently.
“We-we-ll, h-he is n-not m-m-ine!”, he scolded.
“That’s true.”, ended Piteraq, and that was that.
So, every day the dragon visited, Watchful made sure he was nowhere to be seen in or around the house; Piteraq trusted him enough that he wasn’t on his back reminding him about it every time. His healing schedules were in plain sight for him to check and despite the annoyance, he felt good to be treated like a responsible dragon.
That day, he had wanted to enjoy the sun outside as he felt quite restless all night long for some strange reasons that he couldn’t explain. He hadn’t heard any voice in his head but still couldn’t figure out what prevented him from sleeping. Of course, he was part NightWing and while he used to sleep during the day more than during the night, since he arrived in Sanctuary, he had switched his schedule to meet those of Piteraq and adapted quite well. Although he sometimes had cases when he just couldn’t fall asleep. He almost wished he heard the voice those nights, it would at least give him a reason as to why he stayed awake.
As a matter of fact, the voice hadn’t come back since the incident, but every time he was reminded of it, he felt a mixed shudder of cold terror and warmth soothing.
He walked outside just as the sun was peaking on the horizon; the NightWing appointment would be much later that day but he thought he could just spend the whole day outside and walk around the city, finding markets if any or just observe dragons and scavengers alike.
As he walked alongside trees bordering the street, he heard a commotion, but didn’t want to pay much attention to it so he continued on his way and arrived at one of the market that was already opened. He looked at all the colorful things presented: fruits, vegetables, meat, you name it. All disparate and presented in a fashion that would make any dragon salivate just by watching them, even he, caught himself trying to wipe the corner of his muzzle as he stared. He imagined he could be one of the merchants; the market seemed so peaceful and relaxing, he could spend his days there relaxing and selling all sort of things.
Selling... That would mean he’d have to interact with other dragons, bleh! No thank you. There’s no way he could, at least not if he had to speak. But, what if he didn’t have to... Watchful found a corner in the shade and sat in front of the most active part of the market. He started studying the merchants, making mental notes about their behavior with different kind of patrons. Surely, he wouldn’t be the only one not wanting to talk to others. He spent half the day there but much to his dismay, all the merchants at one point or another had spoken. Of course, there had been mute customers, sometimes, even Scavengers, which got him even more intrigued and he had scrutinized their exchanges even more closely. But nothing appeared like it would help him settle as a silent merchant. Probably it just wasn’t the job for him after all.
As the sun reached its apex, he decided to walk back down the road to Piteraq’s house for a cooler place to relax. As he strolled past the same row of trees as this morning, he heard the familiar commotion he had then noticed on his way to the market.
“S-su-r-rely, they c-c-can’t be sti-till ar-gu-guing ab-about the s-sa-me thing.”, he wondered.
As luck would have it, a well with a basin made of orange bricks separated with grey sealant stood near them and without noticing it, Watchful found himself eavesdropping on the other dragons under the refreshing shade of a palm tree towering over the place.
“...can you say that? I will have you know Piteraq is the most reputable dragon here!”, said one voice with irritation.
“Keep your voice down, I don’t want others coming around”, the other replied.
The voices made themselves much more quieter but Watchful could still hear them over the water flowing in the basin.
“Do you know how long Piteraq has been here?”, the second voice continued.
“Well, he’s been here since Sanctuary exists, I think, but I don’t see your point.”
“And where was he last year?”
“Well, I heard he was in Possibility or something, so what?”
“While the plague hit us all over Pyrrhia.”, the voice was stern.
Watchful realized the dragon mentioning this was an IceWing.
“But didn’t Mayfly help with it?”
“Mayfly yes, but have you heard of an IceWing doctor helping?”
“I fail to see your point”
“I find it weird that he wasn’t there while his tribe was being decimated. Like he could have helped.”
“Maybe he did and you don’t know it.”
“Doubt it, if he had, everyone would have known, his power are not natural, I tell you!”
“Again with the animus? I thought we settled it.”
“It was never settled. I say he is an animus and he somehow managed to keep his powers and he is hiding it and he never saved his tribe and Queen when he could.”
The other dragon sighed and started walking away.
“C’mon, let’s have a drink, it’s getting hot and arguing with you makes my tongue dry.”
Watchful stood there as the talonsteps faded away. He wasn’t sure if what he heard was true but if it was then Piteraq would have some explaining to do. Why did he acted like such a coward? He wouldn’t imagine any dragon letting someone from their tribe die, even less their Queen. He found the idea disgusting.
He wished he could go confront him immediately but he had agreed with Piteraq that he wouldn’t be there when the NightWing was present, even if deep inside he wished again he could face him, one-to-one, eye-to-eye, ready to jump at him and slash at his neck, feeling the thick blood tainting his black and white talons as life slowly drained from the impudent NightWing who dared berate him in his own house... well, in Piteraq’s house which he was currently inhabiting. He would certainly get a slow and painful, well-deserved death right in front of his eyes. Watchful could feel the pool of blood growing and reaching between his claws one after another and seep up into his body as if sucking the soul out of the other dragon.
His eyes snapped opened. His heart was racing, his breath shallow and fast as he frantically looked around but he was still alone by the basin. His front talons tightly clenched and almost painful. He slowly opened them and looked down at his palms. One black, almost disgusting and one white, shiny and quite attractive. His body shivered hard as he recalled the flash of memory that just happened, but it wasn’t a shiver of fear or terror, it was just a wave of adrenaline rushing under his scale as if what he did actually happened and he felt great about it.
It had raised a question in his mind though and as he walked toward a group of dragons, he started staring at each of them intently. First, he looked at the IceWing and he could feel admiration and awe at the amazing spikes and the regal posture that the whole tribe seemed to have. Next, he turned his gaze to the SandWing and he didn’t feel much about them, neither admiration nor resentment, as if they were just plain boring to him. Finally, he fixated on the NightWing and all of a sudden, he could feel his arteries pumping his blood faster in his system, his IceWing side grew colder and colder to the point that he was sure he was emitting cold smoke as if his whole side had reached sub-zero temperatures. His other side remained at a less extreme level but he could still feel his dark talons tingling with the envy to sink into a NightWing. His breath became short and ragged again, a long wave of pleasure ran from the top of the spikes on his head to the very tip of his tail and he had to sit down.
“I c-c-could k-kill...”, he murmured to himself.
And it would feel awesome.”, the familiar voice said.
Watchful didn’t feel like acknowledging it this time but he felt glad it came back.
Not now, not here though, you will attract attention, but this female NightWing is a perfect subject, she has the scales.
Watchful blinked as he hadn’t noticed the shiny silver scale behind the NightWing’s eye and he wondered again who the voice was since it could see something he obviously missed. The black dragon turned her eyes to him and for an eternity, their sights crossed. He looked away first and dove behind the well. He held his breath and listened for the dragons’ minds but both the SandWing and the IceWing felt blank while he couldn’t find anything in the NightWing mind that let him know she heard his thoughts.
He waited there for a while until he felt they had left and then rushed away.
I w-will ha-ave to b-b-e m-m-more ca-car-reful n-n-ext t-t-ime...”, he muttered to himself.
As the day drew to an end, he slowly walked back towards Piteraq’s house. The streets were calm with few dragons here and there. Nobody really paid attention to him and that’s what he liked about this city. The sun was making the buildings shadows elongate on the ground, soon it wouldn’t be visible unless one stood between two houses. The wind that rose was chillier than usual.
Watchful pushed the door slowly and made sure that that NightWing was not present anymore before he slipped into his room. His mentor was still busy with a last patient and he didn’t feel like disturbing any of them as he sometimes would if the case looked interesting to him or just to watch Piteraq work.
It wouldn’t take very long for the last dragon to leave and soon the IceWing called him for dinner. He seemed relaxed and smiled a bit when he joined.
“I hope you had a pleasant day outside.”, he offered.
Watchful didn’t feel like replying and just initiated a quick nod. Piteraq hummed softly to himself as he served them both and went to sit in front of him.
They ate without uttering a word but the air felt warm and relaxed. Somehow Watchful still sensed a lingering uneasiness as his eyes kept looking left and right.
Eventually Piteraq noticed it and asked:
“Something wrong, Watchful?”
The IceWing voice was soft and low, but it felt like it rubbed him the wrong way. He felt the anger once again rose in his blood.
“I-is it-t-t t-true?”, he asked in his breath.
Piteraq didn’t answer, either he didn’t understand or worse, he did but he didn’t want to admit it, he said he could not read mind but he probably lied about that too.
Watchful raised his eyes and looked straight at him. Piteraq eyes were a bright electric blue with an almond-shaped pupil, darker than the darkness night, when neither of the moons shone in the sky, his gaze shifted as his face grew serious.
“What rumors have you heard?”, he asked with a soft but blank voice. It felt like it wasn’t the first time he had been confronted with an inquisitive dragon.
“Y-y-ou l-l-et yo-ur tr-t-t-tri-b-be d-die.”
Piteraq grew sour and his wings droop some.
“Come Watchful. I need a smoke.”, he said before grabbing his pipe and moving to the room they usually went when they relaxed in the evening. The IceWing lowered the curtains and turned on a lamp before lighting his pipe. He settled down on an old chair lined with green fabric.
“That’s partially true, unfortunately.”, he eventually said.
Watchful’s anger and disbelief grew higher, he scoffed at the IceWing.
“I... wanted to protect myself before anything else...”, he paused longly between each sentence as if he had a hard time admitting guilt but couldn’t hide the truth anymore. “My reasons were that I would be more useful here to protect others. Furthermore, I didn’t know if I could stop a magical plague.”
“B-but you c-could have t-tried!”
“I could have... yes. Yes, I could.”, he said sheepishly. “But I was afraid I guess... At the time, I didn’t know if my powers were strong enough against DarkStalker and if he could circumvent my spells. I was afraid he would find me and expose me to the others...”
“Y-you we-re a c-c-coward!”
For the first time since Piteraq had taken Watchful in, the IceWing could not look at him straight, he was staring down at his talons, shaking a bit.
“Watchful... you’re young and you have many years before you. Don’t waste them hating an old IceWing who just tried to help in his own way. Hate will never do you any good.”
But hate is good, we like hating!”, said a voice with intentional malice.
Watchful looked around but didn’t see anyone, the voice though had seemed to come from within the room yet Piteraq hadn’t reacted.
“D-did y-ou h-h-ear t---that?”, he asked
“Hear what?”, the IceWing looked at him worryingly.
Watchful wanted to explain about the voice he had been hearing recently but decided against it.
Everything I say, I say only to you, vengeance is good, hate is nourishing and this one is in your way!
He immediately knew the voice talked about Piteraq and he stared at him again with hatred.
Piteraq looked back, he seemed defeated, as if he knew what was to come and that he had no escape. Time has run out.
“I will never pardon myself for all the IceWing deaths nonetheless I will never regret what did; I have saved countless lives over the years and that’s still invaluable to me and to those who have survived thanks to me.”
He paused and pulled on his pipe and then exhaled a large billow of smoke just above his head.
“Life is about making choices, some matters more than others, some you will regret all your live but you’d still do them again because in the grand scheme of things, you know they were the better choice.”
He looked down straight at Watchful.
“I hope that you will never have to feel the same regrets, Watchful.”
His voice was calm and posed and while he knew somewhere deep inside that the IceWing didn’t say it condescendingly, he couldn’t fight the rage boiling in him as tears flew on his face. His spine shivered hard as he lost control of himself and stood an hair away from Piteraq’s nose.
“G-go im-pa-pale y-y-ourself!”, he stormed, the words spewing like red-hot daggers, slicing the air right above his tongue, as he tried to spit them without stuttering but miserably failed.
A strange and sudden feeling of darkness engulfed him as soon as he finished uttering his threat, like he was drained of all his energy in an instant and the last thing he remembered seeing was Piteraq freezing straight in front of him with his eyes wide-opened, right before he fell into a deep slumber.
submitted by Dofain to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 22:53 BodaciousSoiree We’re kind of a big deal

I’ve come to a near conclusion about it…
Digital or analog, the total of one patient’s appointment cost for a full extraction and delivery of an upper and lower denture pays greater than a lab techs biweekly paycheck. Roughly 26 full ext & del cases and their work just paid itself for the year. Here’s a crazy question. Why aren’t many private practice owners hiring lab techs? Or why aren’t there many private labs left?
Especially when we’re still treating post war generations and have only tapped the boomer generation. Not to mention, treating following generations who’ve experienced a massive drug pandemic.
I’d love to see more private businesses open and Bring competition to the money munching companies.
In the right areas…these dentists or techs can have their own lab tech or lab with paying a tech give or take $60,000/year.
This is considering the Tech is well established and skilled in their trade. There are so many Lab Techs that get hired off the streets and thrown into a sink or swim situation with corporations. It’s upsetting to network with dentists you know are exploiting this trade for financial gain, spitting out what the consumer doesn’t realize is a shit product despite what a company preaches as far as good practice goes.
What I don’t have is a private business perspective if I could pick ones brain. Lab fees and costs etc.
I want something more for us. 🫶
submitted by BodaciousSoiree to dentallab [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 21:28 Cdn_citizen [WTS][ON][MARKHAM][Group Post/Reposted ] BONUS EVENT ACTIVE! AEGs, GBBRs, GBB Pistols, Parts, Accessories & More. Collectors' items and used items available. Open to reasonable offers. Additional details in post. Shipping or Pick Up available. Thanks for looking!

Backed by Community Request, our Spring event is live! Details here. Participation is optional. Also, a bolded price beside an item means it's reduced.

Thank you to those that share our posts, you are true guardians of Airsoft!
This post is from a group of collectors'/players', 40 and counting. To be clear, this is not a store but a mega thread of items. Reposted every week.
For all the great traders out there, thank you!
All Reasonable offers will be accepted.
Only trade of interest is a Inokatsu MK46.
Guns will only be sold to adults.
'PD' means Pending Deal. Crossed off items are sold.
Pick up available in Markham, Yorkdale, Fairview Mall(Toronto) or STC.
Negotiations are to be done prior to a meet. Offers on trades are good for 24 hours. If 24 hours has passed and no deal is made then the deal is off.
For shipped items, if payment info is exchanged but no payment is made within 24 hours, the deal is off.
EMT for shipped items or cash for pick ups.
Traders must agree in writing to the price and payment method before meeting up.
If you are not comfortable trading in person in a public parking lot with security cameras and plate scanners then shipping is recommended.
Questions will always be answered. Those who comment will be given priority.
+SHIPPING $$ means shipping cost is not included in the price. All trades are final.
All rifles include shipping/delivery costs.
- - - -

Freebies donated by our group

Grab one of these items for free when picking up an item(s) from the post. When the freebie(s) has been successfully claimed, it will be removed from the list. No holds on Freebies, first come first serve.
Only users who comment and proceed with a trade will receive the requested item.
Brand Product Price Pictures
Rpro Red Dot PROP FREE with any item pics
Rpro Sight Protector FREE with $70+ pics
AI Gungas Kit FREE with $130+ pics
Valken RDA20 FREE with $180+ pics
Rpro APL FREE with $200+ pics
KWC PT99 FREE with $260+ pics
Rpro T2 FREE with $290+ pics
XCORTECH X3200MK3 FREE with $300+ pics
KWC 1911 FREE with $320+ pics
HFC Mini Launcher FREE with $300+ pics
KWC PT99 FREE with $300+ pics
KWC SW40 FREE with $340+ pics
KWC PT99 FREE with $400+ pics
Madbull XM203 FREE with $500+ pics
KWC Deagle FREE with $500+ pics
KJW P09 FREE with $620+ pics
WE xDm FREE with $620+ pics
VFC M&P9 FREE with $720+ pics
KJW SP01ACCU FREE with $850+ pics
- - - -

Collectors Pieces/Wall Hangers

Items in this section were not fielded. Tested and working.
Brand Product Price Pictures
WE L85 $650 pics
- MSK $600 pics
- CQBR Kit2 $550 pics
- M416 Kit $950 pics
- M4 STRIKE $580 pics
- M4 MB DD 7" FDE $600 $500 pics
- M4 SWS $680 pics
- M4 RIS kit $720 pics
- 416 $580 $500 pics
- 416 CQB PKG #1 $700 pics
- 416 CQB PKG #2 $700 pics
- 416 CQB $600 pics
- CQBR KIT $650 pics
- PDWL BK $600 $520 pics
- SCARL Kit $600 pics
- SCARL BK $540 pics
- - - -
KWA MP7 Kit $630 pics
KWC UZI $270 pics
GHK COLT M4 RIS 14'5"(2019) $1100 pics
G&G SMC9 Kit $700 pics

Brand Product Price Pictures
TM P226E2 2mags $240 pics
- G17 w/2mags $400 pics
- M&P9 $340 pics
- G17G3 $280 pics
- M9 Chrome $400 pics
- MEU $320 pics
- 1911 Series '70 $320 pics
- USP $420 pics
- USPC Kit $480 pics
- USPC Kit2 $400 pics
- 5-7 $350 pics
- xDm $230 pics
- 5.1 Kit $500 pics
- PX4 $300 pics
- G17 Custom DE $320 pics
- G17G3 w/2mags $370 $300 pics
- M9A1 $350 pics
- M92F Military $280 pics
- XDM $230 $190 pics
- - - -
WE Luger Kit $300 pics
- PX4 DT Kit $350 pics
- PX4 Kit $320 pics
- G17 Kit2 $330 pics
- G17 Kit4 $300 pics
- G17 Kit $400 pics
- G18C Kit $400 pics
- G18C G4(Trades) $300 pics
- G18C 2mags $260 pics
- G18C $240 pics
- G19 Kit $370 pics
- G19 G4 $250 pics
- G23 Kit $360 pics
- G23 G4 BK $230 pics
- G26C ADV Tan $240 $210 pics
- G35 BK/GD $250 pics
- G35DT Kit $340 pics
- G17 Dual $360 pics
- Luger w/SIL $250 $200 pics
- Luger SV $250 pics
- P38 SV $240 pics
- F228 Kit $290 pics
- F229R Kit2 $300 pics
- F229 $190 pics
- F226 DT $240 pics
- F226 w/4mags $300 pics
- F229 Kit $320 pics
- F226E2 $220 pics
- F226 TAN $230 pics
- P-Virus $250 pics
- M902 $260 pics
- M9A1 w/SIL $250 pics
- M9 Navy TN/BK $220 $200 pics
- MEU BK w/SIL $250 pics
- MEU SV Kit $300 pics
- KIMBER Kit $300 pics
- KIMBER $230 pics
- 1911DT Kit $320 pics
- M&P9 BK/GD Kit $350 pics
- M&P9DT $250 $200 pics
- - - -
VFC M&P9C $240 pics
- M&P9DT $250 pics
- M&P9 w/case $300 pics
- G17G4 Kit $500 pics
- G17G4 w/DOCTER $340 $300 pics
- G17G4 $300 pics
- G17G5 $340 $320 pics
- PPQ M2 w/2mags $320 pics
- FNX45B Silenced $350 pics
- FNX45DT Kit $380 pics
- FNX45B Kit $500 $400 pics
- - - -
KJW KP06 2mags $230 pics
- 1911 Kit $300 pics
- KP07 Kit $400 pics
- G23 Kit $320 pics
- M9 CO2 $200 $160 pics
- M9A1 Kit $300 pics
- M9 4mags $280 pics
- KP09 Kit $250 pics
- P09 BK $170 pics
- P09 Kit $320 pics
- P09 TAN $200 pics
- KP05 $190 pics
- KP05 Tanio w/3mags $260 pics
- SP01 UGSR $220 $180 pics
- SP01 ACCU Kit $350 pics
- KP01 Kit $350 pics
- KP01 Kit $290 pics
- KP01E2 $180 pics
- - - -
KWC 1911 TAC DT 2mags $180 pics
- P08 $180 pics
- 1911B $170 pics
- 1911 L.E. $200 $160 pics
- 1911 w/3mags $220 pics
- 1911 $160 pics
- MEU $180 pics
- 24/7 $160 $130 pics
- DEAGLE BK $180 pics
- DEAGLE SV $190 $160 pics
- KCB89 $200 pics
- M712 $180 $150 pics
- SW40 $150 pics
- M17 $180 pics
- PT99 $170 pics
- - - -
AW NE3002 $250 pics
- 5.1 Custom $280 pics
- HX1005 $260 $200 pics
- HX1101 2mags $280 pics
- HX1102 $250 $200 pics
- HX1105 $230 pics
- HX2003 Kit $320 pics
- NE2002 $230 pics
- HX2302 $250 pics
- HX2402 $300 $250 pics
- HX2601 $290 pics
- VX0111 $250 $220 pics
- - - -
EMG STI/ TTI JW3 $400 pics
- SAI 4.3 BK $300 $260 pics
- SAI 5.1 SV $280 pics
- SAI BLU $300 pics
- SAI 5.1 BK $300 pics
- - - -
KSC Auto9 $340 pics
Marushin FN 5-7 $250 pics
KWA MK23 $320 pics
- USP MATCH $390 pics
- MK23 Kit $450 pics
- HK45 w/2mags $340 pics
G&G GTP9 TAN $210 pics
- GPM92 Kit $450 pics
Umarex SAA Antique $390 pics

AEGS (Collectors Pieces/Wall Hangers)
Brand Product Price Pictures
G&G AR15 SBR8 $630 pics
- M14 EBR-L $780 $700 pics
- TR-418 $630 pics
- Wildhog 9" $370 $330 pics
- SRL TAN $330 pics
- GC Predator BK $450 pics
- - - -
VFC HK416 $750 pics
- HK416 Kit $900 pics
- HK417 Kit $800 pics
- MK18 MOD1 Kit $700 pics
- Avalon Calibur Carbine DT Kit $780 pics
- Calibur CQC $440 pics
- AVALON Calibur CQC $560 pics
- Calibur Carbine Kit $500 pics
- VR16 Kit #2 $440 $360 pics
- MK12 MOD1 (SPR) $670 pics
- Fighter MK2 Kit2 $460 pics
- Fighter MK2 Kit3 $550 $500 pics
- SCAR-H CQC $600 pics
- SCAR-L $550 pics
- SCAR-L TAN $560 $500 pics
- VR16 Saber CQB $420 $380 pics
- M4A1 $350 pics
- VR16 RIS $400 $330 pics
- M4 SOPMOD $440 pics
- XCR-C Metal $500 $400 pics
- - - -
KRYTAC Vector LE $1050 pics
- LVOA-S BK Kit $600 pics
- VECTOR BK Kit $1200 pics
- LVOA-C CG $600 pics
- LMG PDW $1100 pics
- PDW Kit $420 pics
- SPR-M FDE $620 pics
- Vector DT Kit $1100 pics
- LVOA SBR DT $565 $500 pics
- SPR MK2 FG $550 pics
- PDW FDE Kit $580 pics
- SPPDW $570 $500 pics
- TR47 $680 pics
- REC7 BK $730 $630 pics
- LVOA-S BK PKG $600 pics
- LVOA-S FG $560 pics
- LVOA-S FDE $600 pics
- LMG-E $850 pics
- - - -
G&P Sentry DE $600 pics
- TMR 10" $450 pics
- Rapid Fire $600 pics
- Defender $580 pics
- M4 Ball Medium $450 $400 pics
- QRF $480 pics
- MOE Carbine $570 pics
- - - -
ASG Scorpion Evo 3A1 $600 pics
- - - -
KWA SR10 Kit $520 pics
- KR12 $330 pics
- KM4 RIS $460 $400 pics
- SR12 $580 $500 pics
- SR10 $500 pics
- - - -
KA COLT MK18 $400 pics
- B.R.O. 15" $500 pics
- M7 $430 $380 pics
- CAA M4 $400 pics
- - - -
ARES M4 DMR Kit $500 pics
- AM014 Kit $500 pics
- OCTAARMS KM03 $430 pics
- AM014 BK $420 pics
Magpul PTS PDR-C $1300 pics


The guns below are used. They are tested for functionality and leaks.
GAS Rifles
Brand Product Price Pictures
WE SCARL Kit $480 pics
- M4A1 RIS Kit $720 pics
- M4 LVOA w/4mags $560 pics
- CQB-R - pics
GAS Pistols(+SHIPPING $$)
Brand Product Price Pictures
TM G17G3 Kit2 $300 pics
- G18C Kit $520 pics
- PX4 w/2 mags $330 pics
- P226E2 w/2 mags $250 pics
- G17G3 $280 pics
- G17G3 4mags $460 pics
- G17G3 Kit $500 $420 pics
- - - -
WE G18C Kit $280 pics
- G17G3 Kit3 $350 pics
- G17G3 Kit2 $280 pics
- G17G3 Kit $380 pics
- 1911 BK Kit $300 pics
- MEU TAN kit $300 $250 pics
- 1911 7mags $300 $260 pics
- M9 Navy Kit $260 pics
- M9 Navy 3mags $250 $200 pics
- F229 Kit $250 pics
- F226E2 Kit#1 $300 pics
- F226E2 3mags $240 pics
- xDm Kit $200 pics
- xDm Comp 2mags $230 pics
- - - -
VFC G17 Kit3 $250 pics
- FNX45BK $220 pics
- G19G3 Kit $270 pics
- G17G4 Kit2 $310 pics
- G17G4 Kit $340 pics
- G17G4 3mags $400 $300 pics
- FNX45 TAN w/2mags $325 pics
- - - -
KJW 1911 OD w/2mags $160 pics
- M9 $150 pics
- M9 Elite $150 pics
- KP-01 $150 pics
- - - -
KWC M&P9 $140 pics
- PT99 3mags $150 pics
- PT99 $110 $85 pics
- PT99 $130 $85 pics
- PT99 w/2 lowers $160 pics
- PT99 APL $130 $100 pics
- 1911 4mags $200 pics
- 1911 4mags $250 $180 pics
- 1911 2mags $170 pics
- 1911 2mags $160 pics
- 1911 2mags $120 pics
- M92 $130 pics
- M92 4mags #2 $200 pics
- M92 4mags $220 $180 pics
- Luger $150 pics
- Deagle 4mags $240 $200 pics
- Deagle Kit $270 pics
- M17 2mags #2 $150 pics
- M17 $130 pics
- M&P9 Kit $250 pics
- SW40 $120 pics
- - - -
AW HX1004 Kit $260 pics
- HX2502 Kit $350 pics
- HX1002 Kit $300 pics
- HX1004 kit $240 pics
- - - -
KWA HK45 $250 $220 pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
Krytac LVOA-C $330 pics
- LVOA-S Kit $550 $420 pics
- LVOA-C FG Kit $650 $520 pics
- LVOA w/3 mags $500 pics
- CRB MK2 Kit $540 pics
- SPR MK2 DT Kit $450 pics
- SPR MK2 Kit $550 $420 pics
- Vector PKG $950 pics
- GPR CC $500 pics
- LMG $750 pics
- - - -
G&P LMT Kit $350 pics
VFC VR16 TE1 Kit $420 pics
- XCR-C(Metal) Kit $450 $380 pics
KA BRO 15" Kit $420 pics
- VIS CQB $360 pics
G&G SRL DST Kit $400 $340 pics
ARES M4 15" KeyMod $290 pics
- OCTA ARMS KM15 Kit $400 pics
E&C EC106 $350 pics


Brand Product Price Pictures
GHK Barrel+Hop up $60 pics
VFC G17G4 Externals $150 pics
WE Apache Mag $30 pics
- M4 Lower $150 pics
- SCAR-L Barrel+Sight $45 pics
- G18G4 Upper(Damaged) $40 pics
- G18C Parts $60 pics
- G17 Slide/Barrel $95 pics
- 1911 Silver Frame $100 $75 pics
TM 5.1 Midframe $140 pics
- G17 BBU w/Nozzle $65 pics
- - - -
ARES M4 Lower $20 pics
ASG Scorpion Internals $60 pics
- Scorpion GB $65 pics
G&G V2 GB $60 pics
- V2 GB#2 $50 pics
G&P V2 GB $65 pics
Krytac PDW FG Upper $110 pics
- M4 Lower $50 pics
- 5" Barrel $40 pics
- V2 GB $65 $50 pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
AW 5.1 Lower $120 pics
Ratech WE NPAS $25 pics
TNT H.L.R. Bucking 60 $30 pics
Rpro QD GBBR Sling Ring $20 pics
SI AR Enhanced Grip $40 pics
DP GhostRing2(TMG17) $30 pics
SLR 2x VFC G17 EXT Baseplates $100 pics
G&P 870 Piston Set 150% $40 pics
SPEED 5.1 Comp Trigger Gold $40 pics
AIP G17 Spring Guide $22 pics
WE G17 Upper $100 pics
- G17 Lower $85 pics
- Apache Lower $220 pics
- G18C Slide $50 pics
- 5.1 Parts $40 pics
TM G19G3 Internals+Slide $170 pics
Guarder TM G17 Barrel $65 pics
- TM 5.1 Nozzle $40 pics
9Ball M92F Sights $110 $70 pics
- PX4 Sights $100 pics
- XDM Sights $90 pics
- 5.1 Sights $120 pics
- 5.1 Inner $50 pics
A1A G17RB1 Kit $330 pics
- SAI G19 Slide/Barrel $190 pics
- G17 Parts $45 pics
AM 1911 Hopup $110 pics
AM Edge BBU $65 pics
AM 5.1 Hammer and Searset $70 $50 pics
AM .45ACP 5.1 Gold $170 pics
Cowcow TM Buckings $20 pics
- 5.1 Barrel BK $120 pics
- 5.1 Tornado SV $180 pics
- 4.3 Gold $125 pics
- - - -
Maxx M4A-PRO $100 pics
Madbull 363mm Inner $35 pics
A1A M4 CNC Hopup $25 pics
Airtech PDW EXT $35 pics
G&P KAC AMBI Release $60 pics
- M4 Externals $300 pics
- STONER RAS $170 pics
Laylax Vector KeyMod(L) $220 pics
MadBull NSR 7" $110 pics
- MK18 RISII BK $165 pics
- Noveske 10A $155 pics
VFC VR16 Receiver Set $250 pics
- 14.5" Outer $70 pics
- HK416 Stock $65 pics
- V2 GB $100 pics
- 12" Quad Rail $100 pics
- QRS Stock $65 pics
G&G GOSV3 Tan Stock $65 pics
Magpul Paraclip $30 pics
- Rail Light Mount $45 pics
Magpul PTS MOE Pistol FDE $40 pics
- RSA Mount $50 pics
- CTR Black $110 pics
KRYTAC Vector Rail $135 pics
- LVOA-C Rail $150 pics
- M4 Receiver Set $160 pics
- PDW Stock $120 pics
SHS 32:1 $40 $25 pics
- 16:1 $40 pics
Prometheus 280mm Barrel $75 pics
- 155mm Vector Barrel $90 pics
G&P M170 Devil $65 pics
SIEGETEK Cyclone 14.09 Ratio $220 pics
- 10.78 GS $220 pics
BTC Chimera MK2 $150 pics


Type Brand Product Price Pictures
Sight Krytac KRISS Irons Set $70 $50 pics
- VFC QRS Irons $25 pics
- SIG ROMEO5 $270 pics
- Firefield 1x22 $100 pics
- VORTEX SPARCII $300 pics
- AIMSPORTS 2-7x32 $90 pics
- AIMSPORTS 4X ACOG $125 $90 pics
- AIMSPORTS 4x32 $55 pics
- LANCER 3-9x32 $65 pics
- Valken RDA30 BK $45 $30 pics
- NCSTAR 4x32 w/laser $110 pics
- NCSTAR 4x32 $140 pics
- NCSTAR 4x30 $65 $50 pics
- Rpro M3 Offset $65 pics
- Rpro ACOG 4x $150 pics
- Rpro 3x Barlow $100 $70 pics
- Rpro MRO $80 pics
- Rpro Doctor $40 pics
- Rpro 552+3X Magnifier $150 pics
- Rpro Reflex w/Laser $85 $50 pics
- Sniper ACOG 4x $110 pics
- - - -
Tracer Xcortech XT301 $90 pics
- - X3300W $150 pics
- G&G Midnight Hawk $115 $90 pics
- - Battleowl $140 pics
- Acetech LighterS $95 pics
- - - -
FlashHider 6mmProShop 16mm+ 14mm- $30 pics
- 6mmProShop 16mm+ Thread Pro $30 pics
- E&L AK74U $25 pics
- Madbull DNTC04 SV $35 pics
- - - -
Suppressor CYMA BW 14mm- - pics
- 5KU MP7 $120 pics
- - 556AR - pics
- - 556RC $85 pics
- WE Makarov $35 pics
- Rpro 7" KAC $70 pics
- Rpro SF 556 $100 pics
- G&G Pistol 14mm - $40 pics
- - SS100 $35 pics
- Krytac KRISS $65 pics
- G&P Zombie QD 14mm + $120 pics
- Madbull Blackside $65 pics
- - SWR 6" $90 pics
- - KAC 7" FDE $120 pics
- - 7" K.A.C. 14mm + $110 pics
- - 5" KAC FDE $120 pics
- - Gemtech $65 pics
- - - -
Launcher G&P M203 Navy L $270 pics
- - M203 MIL $270 pics
- MBull XM203L OD $170 pics
- MBull XM203S BK $180 pics
- SPIKE'S HAVOC 12" $250 pics
- - - -
Light TM CQX Micro $100 pics
- Element M600P $75 pics
- - EX108BK $105 pics
- - M600W $90 pics
- - EX108 $55 pics
- FMA PEQ15 Tan w/IR $75 $60 pics
- Rpro X300U $140 pics
- Rpro X400 $150 pics
- Rpro M720V $140 pics
- Rpro SBAL-PL $140 $110 pics
- G&P GP800 w/switch $180 pics
- G&P DBAL $320 pics
- - - -
Tool Magpul 5xMagpul FDE $25 pics
- XCORTECH X3500 $110 pics
- - - -
Grip Rpro SI Keymod $25 pics
- Rpro Red Keymod $30 pics
- SI Cobra $35 pics
- Rpro PK2 Metal AK $40 pics
- UTG Light $50 pics
- Rpro Ball KeyMod $25 pics
- Rpro MVG $15 pics
Bipod ATLAS PSR $120 pics
- - - -
Mount CYMA M14 $30 pics
- Rpro MP5 $25 pics
Covers Rpro LaRue $20 pics
- SI KeyMod FDE $15 pics
Type Brand Product Price Pictures
Silencer Rpro KAC 5" $55 pics
Silencer 5KU 556RC - pics
- Rpro Navy Seals $45 pics
Launcher ZOXNA Shower $60 $50 pics
- HFC HG-138 $55 pics
- Madbull XM203L TAN $120 $100 pics
Light Rpro M910 $70 pics
- OPSMEN FAST501 $80 $40 pics
- Rpro M600W $55 pics
Sight TM Micro Pro $70 pics
Magazines (N)ew or (U)sed (+SHIPPING $$)
Brand Product Price Pictures
TM 2xG17(U) $65 pics
- 2x5.1(U) $80 pics
- P226(U) $40 pics
- 1911A1 #2(U) $40 pics
- G26 Leaky(U) $15 pics
- 5.1(N) $45 pics
- M9(N) $50 pics
- 5.1 EXT(U) $65 pics
- 4.3 BK(U) $30 pics
- 4.3 SV(N) $40 pics
- USP-C(U) $35 pics
- USP(Leaky) $20 pics
- 1911A1(U) $40 pics
- PX4(U) $45 pics
- 5.1 EXT(U) $50 pics
- 2x4.3(U) $75 pics
- G19(U) $40 pics
- G17(U) $35 pics
- 2xG17(N) $55 Each pics
- 2xG19(N) $55 Each pics
- - - -
WE 2xG17(U) $40 pics
- 5.1(U) $25 pics
- F226(N) $25 pics
- 3x1911(U) $50 pics
- SCARH(U) $65 pics
- 3xG17(U) $80 pics
- 3xG17(U) $80 pics
- G17(N) $38 Each pics
- 2xG17(U) $55 pics
- 2xG17#2(U) $50 pics
- G17 EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 3xG26(N) $100 pics
- 3x5.1 EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 5.1(N) $40 Each pics
- 2x5.1(U) $50 pics
- 2x5.1 #2(U) $55 pics
- 2x5.1 CO2 $42 Each pics
- 3x1911(U) $60 pics
- 5x1911A1(U) $140 pics
- 2xLuger(N) $35 Each pics
- M&P9(N) $35 pics
- 3xTT33(N) $35 Each pics
- P-Virus(N) $55 Each pics
- F226(N) $35 Each pics
- 3xM14(N) $70 Each pics
- 2xG39(N) $140 pics
- 2xP90(N) $70 Each pics
- SVD(N) $105 Each pics
- PMC(N) $85 pics
- - - -
VFC MP7(U) $65 pics
- G19(U) $40 pics
- 2xG17G5(N) $70 Each pics
- G17G4(N) $60 Each $50 Each pics
- 2xFNX45T(N) $55 Each pics
- PPQ(U) $40 pics
- - - -
KJW KP01 CO2(U) $30 pics
- KP06(N) $40 pics
- KP09(U) $30 pics
- 2xKP09(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xP09(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xM4(U) $65 pics
- KP-01 Gas(N) $35 pics
- KC-02 Long(U) $40 pics
- 3xKP-05 Gas(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xKC02(U) $80 pics
- - - -
KWC 2x1911(U) $35 pics
- 2x1911 EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 2xPT99(U) $50 pics
- M17(N) $40 Each pics
- M92 EXT(U) $55 pics
- 1911 EXT(U) $30 pics
- M92(U) $25 pics
- - - -
AW 5.1 BK(N) $40 pics
- 5.1 BK(U) $30 pics
KWA 2xMP7(U) $120 pics
- HK45(U) $50 pics
- USP Match(U) $45 pics
- USP Match #2(U) $40 pics
G&G 2xGTP9(N) $45 Each pics
- SMC9(N) $80 Each pics
GHK Gmag(N) $115 pics
- - - -
AI Burst(U) $45 pics
- 2x40MIKE(U) $140 pics
- Cyclone Kit(U) $110 pics
- 40MIKE(U) LEAKY $50 pics
- Burst XL(U) $50 pics
- MasterMike(U) $75 pics
- - - -
Zparts 2xERAZ OG(N) $65 Each pics
KIMERA JR2(N) $50 pics
SHS 2x40mm(U) $70 pics
G&P 3x40mm Capped $160 pics
Madbull 2xM433(N) $140 $100 pics
- 2xM381(U) $160 pics
- 2x922A1(N) $100 Each pics
King Arms 2xM583A1(N) $80 Each pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
Krytac 3xVector 40rd(N) $40 Each pics
Proarms 4xM4 Mids(N) $65 pics
VFC 3xQRS Mids(N) $95 pics
G&G 3xTinted M4(N) $70 pics
- 2xG2H .308 Mids(N) $40 pics
- M4 Drum(N) $170 pics
- ARP9 Short(N) $25 Each pics
- M4 Mids(N) $20 Each pics
CYMA 4xM4 Mids(U) $35 pics
- AK Mids(N) $18 Each pics
- MP5 Mids $25 Each pics
- 3xM4 Mids2(U) $25 pics
- 2xG36 Mids(N) $20 pics
- 3xP90 Mids(N) $30 Each pics
- 5xM4 Mids(N) $14 Each pics
Bluebox M4 Black(N) $15 Each pics
- AK-47 Mids(N) $17 Each pics
Madbull 5xAWM Tan Mids(N) $95 pics
- 5xTROY Mids(N) $100 pics
Dytac 4xCamo M4 Mids(U) $50 pics
- 3xHEXMAG BK(N) $22 Each pics
- 2xHEXMAG(U) $30 pics
JG 2xP90 300rds(N) $50 pics
Modify 2xXTC TAN(N) $45 pics
submitted by Cdn_citizen to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 21:24 Cdn_citizen [WTS][ON][MARKHAM][Group Post/Reposted ] BONUS EVENT ACTIVE! AEGs, GBBRs, GBB Pistols, Parts, Accessories & More. Collectors' items and used items available. Open to reasonable offers. Additional details in post. Shipping or Pick Up available. Thanks for looking!

Backed by Community Request, our Spring event is live! Details here. Participation is optional. Also, a bolded price beside an item means it's reduced.

Thank you to those that share our posts, you are true guardians of Airsoft!
This post is from a group of collectors'/players', 40 and counting. To be clear, this is not a store but a mega thread of items. Reposted every week.
For all the great traders out there, thank you!
All Reasonable offers will be accepted.
Only trade of interest is a Inokatsu MK46.
Guns will only be sold to adults.
'PD' means Pending Deal. Crossed off items are sold.
Pick up available in Markham, Yorkdale, Fairview Mall(Toronto) or STC.
Negotiations are to be done prior to a meet. Offers on trades are good for 24 hours. If 24 hours has passed and no deal is made then the deal is off.
For shipped items, if payment info is exchanged but no payment is made within 24 hours, the deal is off.
EMT for shipped items or cash for pick ups.
Traders must agree in writing to the price and payment method before meeting up.
If you are not comfortable trading in person in a public parking lot with security cameras and plate scanners then shipping is recommended.
Questions will always be answered. Those who comment will be given priority.
+SHIPPING $$ means shipping cost is not included in the price. All trades are final.
All rifles include shipping/delivery costs.
- - - -

Freebies donated by our group

Grab one of these items for free when picking up an item(s) from the post. When the freebie(s) has been successfully claimed, it will be removed from the list. No holds on Freebies, first come first serve.
Only users who comment and proceed with a trade will receive the requested item.
Brand Product Price Pictures
Rpro Red Dot PROP FREE with any item pics
Rpro Sight Protector FREE with $70+ pics
Valken RDA20 FREE with $100+ pics
AI Gungas Kit FREE with $130+ pics
Rpro APL FREE with $200+ pics
FMA PEQ15 FREE with $220 pics
KWC 1911 FREE with $280+ pics
Rpro T2 FREE with $290+ pics
XCORTECH X3200MK3 FREE with $300+ pics
HFC Launcher FREE with $300+ pics
KWC PT99 FREE with $300+ pics
KWC SW40 FREE with $340+ pics
AI BURSTXL FREE with $370+ pics
KWC M17 FREE with $400+ pics
Madbull XM203 FREE with $500+ pics
KWC Deagle FREE with $500+ pics
KJW P09 FREE with $620+ pics
WE xDm FREE with $620+ pics
VFC M&P9 FREE with $720+ pics
KJW SP01ACCU FREE with $850+ pics
VFC G17G4 FREE with $960+ pics
TM PX4 FREE with $980+ pics
- - - -

Collectors Pieces/Wall Hangers

Items in this section were not fielded. Tested and working.
Brand Product Price Pictures
WE L85 $650 pics
- MSK $600 pics
- CQBR Kit2 $550 pics
- M416 Kit $950 pics
- M4 STRIKE $580 pics
- M4 MB DD 7" FDE $600 $500 pics
- M4 SWS $680 pics
- M4 RIS kit $720 pics
- 416 $580 $500 pics
- 416 CQB PKG #1 $700 pics
- 416 CQB PKG #2 $700 pics
- 416 CQB $600 pics
- CQBR KIT $650 pics
- PDWL BK $600 $520 pics
- SCARL Kit $600 pics
- SCARL BK $540 pics
- - - -
KWA MP7 Kit $630 pics
KWC UZI $270 pics
GHK COLT M4 RIS 14'5"(2019) $1100 pics
G&G SMC9 Kit $700 pics

Brand Product Price Pictures
TM 5.1 $360 pics
- P226E2 2mags $240 pics
- G17 w/2mags $400 pics
- M&P9 $340 pics
- G17G3 $280 pics
- M9 Chrome $400 pics
- MEU $320 pics
- 1911 Series '70 $320 pics
- USP $420 pics
- USPC Kit $480 pics
- USPC Kit2 $400 pics
- 5-7 $350 pics
- xDm $230 pics
- 5.1 Kit $500 pics
- PX4 $300 pics
- G17 Custom DE $320 pics
- G17G3 w/2mags $370 $300 pics
- M9A1 $350 pics
- M92F Military $280 pics
- XDM $230 $190 pics
- - - -
WE Luger Kit $300 pics
- PX4 DT Kit $350 pics
- G17 Kit2 $330 pics
- G17 Kit4 $300 pics
- G17 Kit $400 pics
- G18C Kit $400 pics
- G18C G4 $300 pics
- G18C $240 pics
- G19 Kit $370 pics
- G19 G4 $250 pics
- G23 Kit $360 pics
- G23 G4 BK $230 pics
- G26C ADV Tan $240 $210 pics
- G33ADV Kit $300 pics
- G35 BK/GD $250 pics
- G35DT Kit $340 pics
- G17 Dual $360 pics
- Luger w/SIL $250 $200 pics
- Luger SV $250 pics
- P38 SV $240 pics
- F228 Kit $290 pics
- F229R Kit2 $300 pics
- F229 $190 pics
- F226 DT $240 pics
- F226 w/4mags $300 pics
- F229 Kit $320 pics
- F226E2 $220 pics
- F226 TAN $230 pics
- P-Virus $250 pics
- M902 $260 pics
- M9A1 w/SIL $250 pics
- M9 Navy TN/BK $220 $200 pics
- 1911 Kit $300 pics
- MEU BK w/SIL $250 pics
- MEU SV Kit $300 pics
- KIMBER Kit $300 pics
- KIMBER $230 pics
- 1911DT Kit $320 pics
- M&P9 BK/GD Kit $350 pics
- M&P9DT $250 $200 pics
- - - -
VFC M&P9T Kit $320 pics
- M&P9C $240 pics
- M&P9DT $250 pics
- M&P9 w/case $300 pics
- G17G4 Kit $500 pics
- G17G4 w/DOCTER $340 $300 pics
- G17G4 $300 pics
- G17G5 $340 $320 pics
- PPQ M2 w/2mags $320 pics
- FNX45B Silenced $350 pics
- FNX45DT Kit $380 pics
- - - -
KJW KP06 2mags $230 pics
- 1911 Kit $300 pics
- KP07 Kit $400 pics
- G23 Kit $320 pics
- M9 CO2 $200 $160 pics
- M9A1 Kit $300 pics
- M9 4mags $280 pics
- KP09 Kit $250 pics
- P09 BK $170 pics
- P09 Kit $320 pics
- P09 TAN $200 pics
- KP05 $190 pics
- KP05 Tanio w/3mags $260 pics
- SP01 UGSR $220 $180 pics
- SP01 ACCU Kit $350 pics
- KP01 Kit $350 pics
- KP01 Kit $290 pics
- KP01E2 $180 pics
- - - -
KWC SW40 $130 pics
- 1911 TAC DT 2mags $180 pics
- 1911B $170 pics
- 1911 L.E. $200 $160 pics
- 1911 w/3mags $220 pics
- 1911 $160 pics
- MEU $180 pics
- P08 $180 pics
- 24/7 $160 $130 pics
- DEAGLE BK $180 pics
- DEAGLE SV $190 $160 pics
- KCB89 $200 pics
- M712 $180 $150 pics
- SW40 $150 pics
- M17 $180 pics
- PT99 $170 pics
- - - -
AW NE3002 $250 pics
- 5.1 Custom $280 pics
- HX1005 $260 $200 pics
- HX1101 2mags $280 pics
- HX1102 $250 $200 pics
- HX1105 $230 pics
- HX2003 Kit $320 pics
- NE2002 $230 pics
- HX2302 $250 pics
- HX2402 $300 $250 pics
- HX2601 $290 pics
- VX0111 $250 $220 pics
- - - -
EMG STI/ TTI JW3 $400 pics
- SAI 4.3 BK $300 $260 pics
- SAI 5.1 SV $280 pics
- SAI BLU $300 pics
- SAI 5.1 BK $300 pics
- - - -
KSC Auto9 $340 pics
Marushin FN 5-7 $250 pics
KWA MK23 $320 pics
- USP MATCH $390 pics
- MK23 Kit $450 pics
- HK45 w/2mags $340 pics
G&G GTP9 TAN $210 pics
- GPM92 Kit $450 pics
Umarex SAA Antique $390 pics

AEGS (Collectors Pieces/Wall Hangers)
Brand Product Price Pictures
G&G AR15 SBR8 $630 pics
- M14 EBR-L $780 $700 pics
- TR-418 $630 pics
- Wildhog 9" $370 $330 pics
- SRL TAN $330 pics
- GC Predator BK $450 pics
- - - -
VFC HK416 $750 pics
- HK416 Kit $900 pics
- HK417 Kit $800 pics
- 416CQB Kit $600 pics
- VR16 RIS II $630 pics
- SABER MOD1 Kit $600 pics
- MK18 MOD1 Kit $700 pics
- Avalon Calibur Carbine DT Kit $780 pics
- Calibur CQC $440 pics
- AVALON Calibur CQC $560 pics
- Calibur Carbine Kit $500 pics
- VR16 Kit #2 $440 $360 pics
- MK12 MOD1 (SPR) $670 pics
- Fighter MK2 Kit2 $460 pics
- Fighter MK2 Kit3 $550 $500 pics
- SCAR-H CQC $600 pics
- SCAR-L $550 pics
- SCAR-L TAN $560 $500 pics
- VR16 Saber CQB $420 $380 pics
- M4A1 $350 pics
- VR16 RIS $400 $330 pics
- M4 SOPMOD $440 pics
- XCR-C Metal $500 $400 pics
- - - -
KRYTAC Vector LE $1050 pics
- LVOA-S BK Kit $600 pics
- VECTOR BK Kit $1200 pics
- LVOA-C CG $600 pics
- LMG PDW $1100 pics
- PDW Kit $420 pics
- SPR-M FDE $620 pics
- Vector DT Kit $1100 pics
- LVOA SBR DT $565 $500 pics
- SPR MK2 FG $550 pics
- PDW FDE Kit $580 pics
- SPPDW $570 $500 pics
- TR47 $680 pics
- REC7 BK $730 $630 pics
- LVOA-S BK PKG $600 pics
- LVOA-S FG $560 pics
- LVOA-S FDE $600 pics
- LMG-E $850 pics
- - - -
G&P Sentry DE $600 pics
- TMR 10" $450 pics
- Rapid Fire $600 pics
- Defender $580 pics
- M4 Ball Medium $450 $400 pics
- QRF $480 pics
- MOE Carbine $570 pics
- - - -
ASG Scorpion Evo 3A1 $600 pics
- - - -
KWA SR10 Kit $520 pics
- KR12 $330 pics
- KM4 RIS $460 $400 pics
- SR12 $580 $500 pics
- SR10 $500 pics
- - - -
KA COLT MK18 $400 pics
- B.R.O. 15" $500 pics
- M7 $430 $380 pics
- CAA M4 $400 pics
- - - -
ARES M4 DMR Kit $500 pics
- AM014 Kit $500 pics
- OCTAARMS KM03 $430 pics
- AM014 BK $420 pics
Magpul PTS PDR-C $1300 pics


The guns below are used. They are tested for functionality and leaks.
GAS Rifles
Brand Product Price Pictures
WE SCARL Kit $480 pics
- M4A1 RIS Kit $720 pics
- M4 LVOA w/4mags $560 pics
GAS Pistols(+SHIPPING $$)
Brand Product Price Pictures
TM G17G3 Kit2 $300 pics
- G18C Kit $520 pics
- PX4 w/2 mags $330 pics
- P226E2 w/2 mags $250 pics
- G17G3 $280 pics
- G17G3 4mags $460 pics
- G17G3 Kit $500 $420 pics
- - - -
WE G18C Kit $280 pics
- G17G3 Kit3 $350 pics
- G17G3 Kit2 $280 pics
- G17G3 Kit $380 pics
- 1911 BK Kit $300 pics
- MEU TAN kit $300 $250 pics
- 1911 7mags $300 $260 pics
- M9 Navy Kit $260 pics
- M9 Navy 3mags $250 $200 pics
- F229 Kit $250 pics
- F226E2 Kit#1 $300 pics
- F226E2 3mags $240 pics
- xDm Kit $200 pics
- xDm Comp 2mags $230 pics
- - - -
VFC G17 Kit3 $250 pics
- FNX45BK $220 pics
- G19G3 Kit $270 pics
- G17G4 Kit2 $310 pics
- G17G4 Kit $340 pics
- G17G4 3mags $400 $300 pics
- FNX45 TAN w/2mags $325 pics
- - - -
KJW 1911 OD w/2mags $160 pics
- M9 $150 pics
- M9 Elite $150 pics
- KP-01 $150 pics
- - - -
KWC M&P9 $140 pics
- PT99 3mags $150 pics
- PT99 w/2 lowers $160 pics
- 1911 4mags $200 pics
- 1911 4mags $250 $180 pics
- 1911 2mags $170 pics
- 1911 2mags $160 pics
- M92 $130 pics
- M92 4mags #2 $200 pics
- M92 4mags $220 $180 pics
- Luger $150 pics
- Deagle 4mags $240 $200 pics
- Deagle Kit $270 pics
- M17 2mags #2 $150 pics
- M17 $130 pics
- M&P9 Kit $250 pics
- SW40 $120 pics
- - - -
AW HX1004 Kit $260 pics
- HX2502 Kit $350 pics
- HX1002 Kit $300 pics
- HX1004 kit $240 pics
- - - -
KWA HK45 $250 $220 pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
Krytac LVOA-C $330 pics
- LVOA-S Kit $550 $420 pics
- LVOA-C FG Kit $650 $520 pics
- LVOA w/3 mags $500 pics
- CRB MK2 Kit $540 pics
- SPR MK2 DT Kit $450 pics
- SPR MK2 Kit $550 $420 pics
- Vector PKG $950 pics
- GPR CC $500 pics
- LMG $750 pics
- - - -
G&P LMT Kit $350 pics
VFC VR16 TE1 Kit $420 pics
- XCR-C(Metal) Kit $450 $380 pics
KA BRO 15" Kit $420 pics
- VIS CQB $360 pics
G&G SRL DST Kit $400 $340 pics
ARES M4 15" KeyMod $290 pics
- OCTA ARMS KM15 Kit $400 pics
E&C EC106 $350 pics


Brand Product Price Pictures
GHK G5 Barrel+Hop up $60 pics
VFC G17G4 Lower $130 pics
- G17G4 Externals $150 pics
WE Apache Mag $30 pics
- M4 Lower $150 pics
- SCAR-L Barrel+Sight $45 pics
- G18C Parts $60 pics
- G17 Slide/Barrel $95 pics
- 1911 Silver Frame $100 $75 pics
TM 5.1 Midframe $140 pics
- G17 BBU w/Nozzle $65 pics
- - - -
ASG Scorpion Internals $60 pics
- Scorpion GB $65 pics
G&G V2 GB $60 pics
- V2 GB#2 $50 pics
G&P V2 GB $65 pics
Krytac PDW FG Upper $110 pics
- M4 Lower $50 pics
- 5" Barrel $40 pics
- V2 GB $65 $50 pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
AW 5.1 Lower $120 pics
Ratech WE NPAS $25 pics
TNT H.L.R. Bucking 60 $30 pics
SI AR Enhanced Grip $40 pics
DP GhostRing2(TMG17) $30 pics
SLR 2x VFC G17 EXT Baseplates $100 pics
G&P 870 Piston Set 150% $40 pics
SPEED 5.1 Comp Trigger Gold $40 pics
AIP G17 Spring Guide $22 pics
WE G17 Upper $100 pics
- G17 Lower $85 pics
- Apache Lower $220 pics
- G18C Slide $50 pics
- 5.1 Parts $40 pics
TM G19G3 Internals+Slide $170 pics
Guarder TM G17 Barrel $65 pics
- TM 5.1 Nozzle $40 pics
9Ball M92F Sights $110 $70 pics
- PX4 Sights $100 pics
- XDM Sights $90 pics
- 5.1 Sights $120 pics
- 5.1 Inner $50 pics
A1A G17RB1 Kit $330 pics
- SAI G19 Slide/Barrel $190 pics
- G17 Parts $45 pics
AM 1911 Hopup $110 pics
AM Edge BBU $65 pics
AM 5.1 Hammer and Searset $70 $50 pics
AM .45ACP 5.1 Gold $170 pics
Cowcow TM Buckings $20 pics
- 5.1 Barrel BK $120 pics
- 5.1 Tornado SV $180 pics
- 4.3 Gold $125 pics
- - - -
Maxx M4A-PRO $100 pics
Madbull 363mm Inner $35 pics
A1A M4 CNC Hopup $25 pics
Airtech PDW EXT $35 pics
G&P KAC AMBI Release $60 pics
- M4 Externals $300 pics
- STONER RAS $170 pics
Laylax Vector KeyMod(L) $220 pics
MadBull NSR 7" $110 pics
- MK18 RISII BK $165 pics
- Noveske 10A $155 $120 pics
VFC VR16 Receiver Set $250 pics
- 14.5" Outer $70 pics
- HK416 Stock $65 pics
- V2 GB $100 pics
- 12" Quad Rail $100 pics
- QRS Stock $65 pics
G&G ETU 2.0 $75 pics
- GOSV3 Tan Stock $65 pics
Magpul Paraclip $30 pics
- Rail Light Mount $45 pics
Magpul PTS MOE Pistol FDE $40 pics
- RSA Mount $50 pics
- CTR Black $110 pics
KRYTAC Vector Rail $135 pics
- LVOA-C Rail $150 pics
- M4 Receiver Set $160 pics
- PDW Stock $120 pics
SHS 32:1 $40 $25 pics
- 16:1 $40 pics
Prometheus 280mm Barrel $75 pics
- 155mm Vector Barrel $90 pics
G&P M170 Devil $65 pics
SIEGETEK Cyclone 14.09 Ratio $220 pics
- 10.78 GS $220 pics
BTC Chimera MK2 $150 pics


Type Brand Product Price Pictures
Sight SIG ROMEO5 $270 pics
- Firefield 1x22 $100 pics
- VORTEX SPARCII $300 pics
- AIMSPORTS 2-7x32 $90 pics
- AIMSPORTS 4X ACOG $125 $90 pics
- AIMSPORTS 4x32 $55 pics
- LANCER 3-9x32 $65 pics
- NCSTAR 4x32 w/laser $110 pics
- NCSTAR 4x32 $140 pics
- NCSTAR 4x30 $65 $50 pics
- Rpro LCO $95 pics
- Rpro M3 Offset $65 pics
- Rpro ACOG 4x $150 pics
- Rpro 3x Barlow $100 $70 pics
- Rpro MRO $80 pics
- Rpro Doctor $40 pics
- Rpro 552+3X Magnifier $150 pics
- Rpro Reflex w/Laser $85 $50 pics
- Sniper ACOG 4x $110 pics
- - - -
Tracer Xcortech XT301 $90 pics
- - X3300W $150 pics
- G&G Midnight Hawk $115 $90 pics
- - Battleowl $140 pics
- Acetech LighterS $95 pics
- - - -
FlashHider 6mmProShop 16mm+ 14mm- $30 pics
- 6mmProShop 16mm+ Thread Pro $30 pics
- E&L AK74U $25 pics
- Madbull DNTC04 SV $35 pics
- - - -
Suppressor CYMA KAC QD $70 pics
- CYMA LaRue $65 pics
- Krytac HPS4G $100 pics
- 5KU 556Mini $80 pics
- - MP7 $120 pics
- - 556RC $85 pics
- WE Makarov $35 pics
- Rpro 7" KAC $70 pics
- Rpro SF 556 $100 pics
- G&G Pistol 14mm - $40 pics
- - SS100 $35 pics
- Krytac KRISS $65 pics
- G&P Zombie QD 14mm + $120 pics
- Madbull Blackside $65 pics
- - SWR 6" $90 pics
- - KAC 7" FDE $120 pics
- - 7" K.A.C. 14mm + $110 pics
- - 5" KAC FDE $120 pics
- - Gemtech $65 pics
- - - -
Launcher G&P M203 Navy L $270 pics
- - M203 MIL $270 pics
- MBull XM203L OD $170 pics
- MBull XM203S BK $180 pics
- SPIKE'S HAVOC 12" $250 pics
- - - -
Light TM CQX Micro $100 pics
- Element M600P $75 pics
- - EX108BK $105 pics
- - M600W $90 pics
- - EX108 $55 pics
- FMA PEQ15 Tan w/IR $75 $60 pics
- Rpro X300U $140 pics
- Rpro X400 $150 pics
- Rpro M720V $140 pics
- Rpro SBAL-PL $140 $110 pics
- G&P GP800 w/switch $180 pics
- G&P DBAL $320 pics
- - - -
Tool Magpul 5xMagpul FDE $25 pics
- XCORTECH X3500 $110 pics
- - - -
Grip Rpro SI Keymod $25 pics
- Rpro Red Keymod $30 pics
- SI Cobra $35 pics
- Rpro PK2 Metal AK $40 pics
- UTG Light $50 pics
- Rpro MVG $15 pics
Bipod ATLAS PSR $120 pics
- - - -
Mount CYMA M14 $30 pics
- Rpro MP5 $25 pics
Covers SI KeyMod FDE $15 pics
Type Brand Product Price Pictures
Silencer Rpro KAC 5" $55 pics
- Rpro Navy Seals $45 pics
Launcher ZOXNA Shower $60 $50 pics
- HFC HG-138 $55 pics
- Madbull XM203L TAN $120 $100 pics
Light Rpro M910 $70 pics
- OPSMEN FAST501 $80 $40 pics
- Rpro M600W $55 pics
Sight TM Micro Pro $70 pics
Magazines (N)ew or (U)sed (+SHIPPING $$)
Brand Product Price Pictures
TM MEU(U) $45 pics
- 2xG17(U) $65 pics
- 2x5.1(U) $80 pics
- P226(U) $40 pics
- 1911A1 #2(U) $40 pics
- 5.1(N) $45 pics
- M9(N) $50 pics
- 5.1 EXT(U) $65 pics
- 4.3 BK(U) $30 pics
- 4.3 SV(N) $40 pics
- USP-C(U) $35 pics
- USP(Leaky) $20 pics
- 1911A1(U) $40 pics
- PX4(U) $45 pics
- 5.1 EXT(U) $50 pics
- 2x4.3(U) $75 pics
- G19(U) $40 pics
- G17(U) $35 pics
- 2xG17(N) $55 Each pics
- 2xG19(N) $55 Each pics
- - - -
WE 2xG17(U) $40 pics
- 5.1(U) $25 pics
- F226(N) $25 pics
- 3x1911(U) $50 pics
- SCARH(U) $65 pics
- 3xG17(U) $80 pics
- 3xG17(U) $80 pics
- G17(N) $38 Each pics
- 2xG17(U) $55 pics
- 2xG17#2(U) $50 pics
- G17 EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 3xG26(N) $100 pics
- 3x5.1EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 5.1(N) $40 Each pics
- 2x5.1(U) $50 pics
- 2x5.1#2(U) $55 pics
- 2x5.1CO2 $42 Each pics
- 3x1911(U) $60 pics
- 5x1911A1(U) $140 pics
- 2xLuger(N) $35 Each pics
- M&P9(N) $35 pics
- 3xTT33(N) $35 Each pics
- P-Virus(N) $55 Each pics
- F226(N) $35 Each pics
- 3xM14(N) $70 Each pics
- 2xG39(N) $140 pics
- 2xP90(N) $70 Each pics
- SVD(N) $105 Each pics
- PMC(N) $85 pics
- - - -
VFC MP7(U) $40 pics
- MP7(U)#2 $65 pics
- M&P9(U) $35 pics
- G19(U) $40 pics
- 2xG17G5(N) $70 Each pics
- G17G4(N) $60 Each $50 Each pics
- 2xFNX45T(N) $55 Each pics
- PPQ(U) $40 pics
- - - -
KJW KP01 CO2(U) $30 pics
- KP06(N) $40 pics
- KP09(U) $30 pics
- 2xKP09(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xP09(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xM4(U) $65 pics
- KP-01 Gas(N) $35 pics
- KC-02 Long(U) $40 pics
- 3xKP-05 Gas(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xKC02(U) $80 pics
- - - -
KWC 2x1911(U) $35 pics
- 2x1911 EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 2xM17(U) $50 pics
- M17(N) $40 Each pics
- M92 EXT(U) $55 pics
- 1911 EXT(U) $30 pics
- M92(U) $25 pics
- - - -
AW 5.1 BK(N) $40 pics
- 5.1 BK(U) $30 pics
KWA 2xMP7(U) $120 pics
- HK45(U) $50 pics
- USP Match(U) $45 pics
- USP Match#2(U) $40 pics
G&G 2xGTP9(N) $45 Each pics
- SMC9(N) $80 Each pics
Marusen FN57(N) $50 Each pics
GHK Gmag(N) $115 pics
- - - -
AI 3xCyclone(U) $110 pics
- 3x40Mike(U) $200 pics
- Burst(U) $45 pics
- 2x40MIKE(U) $140 pics
- Cyclone Kit(U) $110 pics
- 40MIKE(U) LEAKY $50 pics
- Burst XL(U) $50 pics
- MasterMike(U) $75 pics
- - - -
Zparts 2xERAZ OG(N) $65 Each pics
KIMERA JR2(N) $50 pics
SHS 2x40mm(U) $70 pics
G&P 3x40mm Capped $160 pics
Madbull 2xM433(N) $100 pics
- 2xM381(U) $160 pics
- 2x922A1(N) $100 Each pics
King Arms 2xM583A1(N) $80 Each pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
Krytac 3xVector 40rd(N) $40 Each pics
Proarms 4xM4 Mids(N) $65 pics
VFC 3xQRS Mids(N) $95 pics
G&G 3xTinted M4(N) $70 pics
- 2xG2H .308 Mids(N) $40 pics
- M4 Drum(N) $170 pics
- ARP9 Short(N) $25 Each pics
- M4 Mids(N) $20 Each pics
CYMA 4xM4 Mids(U) $35 pics
- 3xM4(U) $20 pics
- AK Mids(N) $18 Each pics
- MP5 Mids $25 Each pics
- 3xM4 Mids2(U) $25 pics
- 3xP90 Mids(N) $30 Each pics
- 5xM4 Mids(N) $14 Each pics
Bluebox 4xM4(N) $60 pics
- M4 Black(N) $15 Each pics
- AK-47 Mids(N) $17 Each pics
Madbull 5xAWM Tan Mids(N) $95 pics
- 5xTROY Mids(N) $100 pics
Dytac 4xCamo M4 Mids(U) $50 pics
- 3xHEXMAG BK(N) $22 Each pics
- 2xHEXMAG(U) $30 pics
JG 2xP90 300rds(N) $50 pics
Modify 2xXTC TAN(N) $45 pics
submitted by Cdn_citizen to u/Cdn_citizen [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 17:33 Blankitha4303 Installation of lowering springs

Installation of lowering springs
I live in Massachusetts. Own a 23 S3 8y. I recently bought H&R lowering springs and was wondering if others had them installed. And what was their average cost of installation. I just got 1 quote which a lil over 2k and the guy said the front springs are labor intensive, but I don’t know if that’s true or bull. Any advise.
submitted by Blankitha4303 to audis3 [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 21:18 Nullfic Thoughts on split, exercise & volume distribution.

Thoughts on split, exercise & volume distribution.
Hey everyone, I purchased SBS Programs and I've been thinking of running the Hypertrophy template.
21 yo
2y of consistent training
Newly introduced to freeweights and so far has only trained with machines because they're considered more "optimal" (a choice I so, so, deeply regret). Moving to freeweights made me want to become a powerbuilder, so I've decided to run the Hypertrophy template to focus on priming my body and technique for the heavy weights to come.
I'd like to know what you guys think of how I organized the split.
Primary (SBDO) exercises rest period is 5m
Secondary (aux) exercises rest period is 4-3m
Back exercises rest period are 2-3m
Accessories are 1m
(x marked exercises are ones I haven't ran yet and therefore cannot estimate weight)

I appreciate any and all replies, thanks!
submitted by Nullfic to powerbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 21:33 lumpsumofbeef Routine shake up

Routine shake up
Hi folks,
I’m 35M on a weight loss journey 420lb down to 348 over a year. I’ve been doing the same routine for most of that time training 6 days a week chest and tri, back and bi, shoulders and legs. And cycling through. I took an injury to my pec, bicep, and rotator on the same side so I’ve decided to shake the routine, is this enough to maintain lean tissue? I will post a photo, it might be hard to read.
Day 1 chest and Bi
Day 2 back and core
Day 3 shoulders and Tri and core.
Day 4 legs
submitted by lumpsumofbeef to fitness30plus [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 06:14 sinefine Can someone help me get commandline autocomplete to work with nvim-cmp?

I cannot get the autocomplete to show up on the commandline. What did I do wrong here?
Here's my entire config
vim.g.mapleader = ' '
vim.g.maplocalleader = ' '
-- Set to true if you have a Nerd Font installed
vim.g.have_nerd_font = true
-- Make line numbers defaut
vim.opt.number = true
-- You can also add relative line numbers, to help with jumping.
vim.opt.relativenumber = true
-- Enable mouse mode, can be useful for resizing splits for example!
vim.opt.mouse = 'a'
-- Don't show the mode, since it's already in the status line
vim.opt.showmode = false
-- Sync clipboard between OS and Neovim.
-- Remove this option if you want your OS clipboard to remain independent.
-- See \:help 'clipboard'``
vim.opt.clipboard = 'unnamedplus'
-- Enable break indent
vim.opt.breakindent = true
-- Save undo history
vim.opt.undofile = true
-- Case-insensitive searching UNLESS \C or one or more capital letters in the search term
vim.opt.ignorecase = true
vim.opt.smartcase = true
-- Keep signcolumn on by default
vim.opt.signcolumn = 'yes'
-- decrease update time
vim.opt.updatetime = 250
-- Configure how new splits should be opened
vim.opt.splitright = true
vim.opt.splitbelow = true
-- Sets how neovim will display certain whitespace characters in the editor.
vim.opt.list = true
vim.opt.listchars = { tab = '» ', trail = '·', nbsp = '␣' }
-- Preview substitutions live, as you type!
vim.opt.inccommand = 'split'
-- Show which line your cursor is on
vim.opt.cursorline = true
vim.opt.backspace = 'indent,eol,start'
-- Minimal number of screen lines to keep above and below the cursor.
vim.opt.scrolloff = 10
-- Set highlight on search, but clear on pressing in normal mode
vim.opt.hlsearch = true
vim.keymap.set('n', '', 'nohlsearch')
vim.keymap.set('i', 'jk', '', { desc = 'Exit insert mode with jk' })
-- Diagnostic keymaps
-- vim.keymap.set('n', '[d', vim.diagnostic.goto_prev, { desc = 'Go to previous [D]iagnostic message' })
-- vim.keymap.set('n', ']d', vim.diagnostic.goto_next, { desc = 'Go to next [D]iagnostic message' })
-- vim.keymap.set('n', 'e', vim.diagnostic.open_float, { desc = 'Show diagnostic [E]rror messages' })
-- vim.keymap.set('n', 'q', vim.diagnostic.setloclist, { desc = 'Open diagnostic [Q]uickfix list' })
-- window management
vim.keymap.set('n', 'sv', 'v', { desc = 'Split window vertically' }) -- split window vertically
vim.keymap.set('n', 'sh', 's', { desc = 'Split window horizontally' }) -- split window horizontally
vim.keymap.set('n', 'se', '=', { desc = 'Make splits equal size' }) -- make split windows equal width & height
vim.keymap.set('n', 'sx', 'close', { desc = 'Close current split' }) -- close current split window
vim.keymap.set('n', 'to', 'tabnew', { desc = 'Open new tab' }) -- open new tab
vim.keymap.set('n', 'tx', 'tabclose', { desc = 'Close current tab' }) -- close current tab
vim.keymap.set('n', 'tn', 'tabn', { desc = 'Go to next tab' }) -- go to next tab
vim.keymap.set('n', 'tp', 'tabp', { desc = 'Go to previous tab' }) -- go to previous tab
vim.keymap.set('n', 'tf', 'tabnew %', { desc = 'Open current buffer in new tab' }) -- move current buffer to new tab
vim.keymap.set('x', 'p', '"_dP', { desc = 'Paste in visual mode' })
-- Stay in indent mode
vim.keymap.set('v', '<', ' vim.keymap.set('v', '>', '>gv', { desc = 'Stay in indent mode' })
-- store location when starting visual mode so when you cancel out, it goes back to where it started
vim.keymap.set('n', 'v', 'myv', { noremap = true })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'V', 'myV', { noremap = true })
vim.keymap.set('v', '', '\y', { noremap = true, silent = true })`
vim.keymap.set('n', 'U', '', { desc = 'Redo' })
-- Keybinds to make split navigation easier.
vim.keymap.set('n', '', '', { desc = 'Move focus to the left window' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '', '', { desc = 'Move focus to the right window' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '', '', { desc = 'Move focus to the lower window' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '', '', { desc = 'Move focus to the upper window' })
vim.keymap.set('v', 'J', ":m '>+1gv=gv", { desc = 'Move Block Down' })
vim.keymap.set('v', 'K', ":m '<-2gv=gv", { desc = 'Move Block Up' })
-- Keep window centered when going up/down
vim.keymap.set('n', '', 'zz')
vim.keymap.set('n', '', 'zz')
vim.keymap.set('n', '', 'zz')
vim.keymap.set('n', '', 'zz')
vim.keymap.set('n', 'ee', 'NvimTreeToggle', { desc = 'Toggle file explorer' }) -- toggle file explorer
vim.keymap.set('n', 'ec', 'NvimTreeCollapse', { desc = 'Collapse file explorer' }) -- collapse file explorer
vim.keymap.set('n', 'ek', 'NvimTreeCollapseKeepBuffers', { desc = 'Collapse file explorer except open buffers' }) -- refresh file explorer
vim.keymap.set('n', 'er', 'NvimTreeRefresh', { desc = 'Refresh file explorer' }) -- refresh file explorer
vim.keymap.set('n', 'wr', 'SessionRestore', { desc = 'Restore session for cwd' }) -- restore last workspace session for current directory
vim.keymap.set('n', 'ws', 'SessionSave', { desc = 'Save session for auto session root dir' }) -- save workspace session for current working directory
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gd', 'TSToolsGoToSourceDefinition', { desc = 'Go to source definition' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'cd', 'TSToolsGoToSourceDefinition', { desc = 'Go to source definition' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'ca', 'TSToolsAddMissingImports', { desc = 'Add missing imports' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'co', 'TSToolsOrganizeImports', { desc = 'Sort imports and remove unused' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'cs', 'TSToolsSortImports', { desc = 'Sort imports' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'cu', 'TSToolsRemoveUnused', { desc = 'Remove unused statements' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'cr', 'TSToolsRenameFile', { desc = 'Rename file' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'cf', 'TSToolsFileReferences', { desc = 'Find file references' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'l', "lua require('conform').format({ async = true, lsp_fallback = true })", { desc = 'Format code' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'p', "lua require('fzf-lua').files({ header = false })", { silent = true, desc = 'Fuzzy find' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'ff', "lua require('fzf-lua').files({ header = false })", { silent = true, desc = 'Files' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'fc', "lua require('fzf-lua').commands({ header = false })", { silent = true, desc = 'Commands' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'fb', "lua require('fzf-lua').buffers({ header = false })", { silent = true, desc = 'Buffers' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'fm', "lua require('fzf-lua').marks({ header = false })", { silent = true, desc = 'Marks' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'fk', "lua require('fzf-lua').keymaps({ header = false })", { silent = true, desc = 'Keymaps' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'fd', "lua require('fzf-lua').changes({ header = false })", { silent = true, desc = 'Changes' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'ft', "lua require('fzf-lua').tabs({ header = false })", { silent = true, desc = 'Tabs' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'fg', "lua require('fzf-lua').grep({ header = false })", { silent = true, desc = 'Grep' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'fr', "lua require('fzf-lua').lsp_references({ header = false })", { silent = true, desc = 'References' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'fvc', "lua require('fzf-lua').git_commits({ header = false })", { silent = true, desc = 'Git commits' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'fvb', "lua require('fzf-lua').git_bcommits({ header = false })", { silent = true, desc = 'Git commits in buffer' })
-- vim.keymap.set('n', '', '')
-- vim.keymap.set('n', '', '')
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('TextYankPost', {
desc = 'Highlight when yanking (copying) text',
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('kickstart-highlight-yank', { clear = true }),
callback = function()
-- [[ Install \lazy.nvim` plugin manager ]]`
-- See \:help lazy.nvim.txt` or[https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim`](https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim)`for more info`
local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath 'data' .. '/lazy/lazy.nvim'
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then
local lazyrepo = 'https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim.git'
vim.fn.system { 'git', 'clone', '--filter=blob:none', '--branch=stable', lazyrepo, lazypath }
end ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field
'tpope/vim-sleuth', -- Detect tabstop and shiftwidth automatically
-- "gc" to comment visual regions/lines
-- gcc for toggling line comment
{ 'numToStComment.nvim', opts = {} },
{ -- Adds git related signs to the gutter, as well as utilities for managing changes
opts = {
signs = {
add = { text = '+' },
change = { text = '~' },
delete = { text = '_' },
topdelete = { text = '‾' },
changedelete = { text = '~' },
{ -- Useful plugin to show you pending keybinds.
event = 'VeryLazy', -- Sets the loading event to 'VimEnter'
init = function()
vim.o.timeout = true
vim.o.timeoutlen = 0
opts = {},
config = function()
local wk = require 'which-key'
e = {
name = 'Explorer',
s = {
name = 'Split',
t = {
name = 'Tab',
w = {
name = 'Workspace',
r = {
name = 'Rename',
c = {
name = 'Code',
f = {
name = 'Fuzzy find',
v = {
name = 'Git',
}, { prefix = '' })
{ -- LSP Configuration & Plugins
dependencies = {
-- Automatically install LSPs and related tools to stdpath for Neovim
-- Useful status updates for LSP.
-- NOTE: \opts = {}` is the same as calling `require('fidget').setup({})``
{ 'j-hui/fidget.nvim', opts = {} },
-- \neodev` configures Lua LSP for your Neovim config, runtime and plugins`
-- used for completion, annotations and signatures of Neovim apis
{ 'folke/neodev.nvim', opts = {} },
config = function()
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('kickstart-lsp-attach', { clear = true }),
callback = function(event)
-- NOTE: Remember that Lua is a real programming language, and as such it is possible
-- to define small helper and utility functions so you don't have to repeat yourself.
-- In this case, we create a function that lets us more easily define mappings specific
-- for LSP related items. It sets the mode, buffer and description for us each time.
local map = function(keys, func, desc)
vim.keymap.set('n', keys, func, { buffer = event.buf, desc = 'LSP: ' .. desc })
-- Rename the variable under your cursor.
-- Most Language Servers support renaming across files, etc.
-- map('rn', vim.lsp.buf.rename, '[R]e[n]ame')
-- Execute a code action, usually your cursor needs to be on top of an error
-- or a suggestion from your LSP for this to activate.
-- map('ca', vim.lsp.buf.code_action, '[C]ode [A]ction')
-- Opens a popup that displays documentation about the word under your cursor
-- See \:help K` for why this keymap.`
map('K', vim.lsp.buf.hover, 'Hover Documentation')
-- When you move your cursor, the highlights will be cleared (the second autocommand).
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(event.data.client_id)
if client and client.server_capabilities.documentHighlightProvider then
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI' }, {
buffer = event.buf,
callback = vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight,
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'CursorMoved', 'CursorMovedI' }, {
buffer = event.buf,
callback = vim.lsp.buf.clear_references,
local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', capabilities, require('cmp_nvim_lsp').default_capabilities())
local servers = {
-- tsserver = {}, -- npm i -g typescript typescript-language-server
eslint = {}, -- npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
ember = {}, -- npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
html = {}, -- npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
cssls = {}, -- npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
lua_ls = {
-- cmd = {...},
-- filetypes = { ...},
-- capabilities = {},
settings = {
Lua = {
completion = {
callSnippet = 'Replace',
-- You can toggle below to ignore Lua_LS's noisy \missing-fields` warnings`
-- diagnostics = { disable = { 'missing-fields' } },
local ensure_installed = vim.tbl_keys(servers or {})
vim.list_extend(ensure_installed, {
'stylua', -- Used to format Lua code
require('mason-tool-installer').setup { ensure_installed = ensure_installed }
require('mason-lspconfig').setup {
handlers = {
local server = servers[server_name] or {}
server.capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', {}, capabilities, server.capabilities or {})
-- better typescript integration
dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim', 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' },
opts = {},
{ -- Autoformat
lazy = false,
opts = {
notify_on_error = false,
format_on_save = function(bufnr)
-- Disable "format_on_save lsp_fallback" for languages that don't
-- have a well standardized coding style. You can add additional
-- languages here or re-enable it for the disabled ones.
local disable_filetypes = { c = true, cpp = true }
return {
timeout_ms = 500,
lsp_fallback = not disable_filetypes[vim.bo[bufnr].filetype],
formatters_by_ft = {
lua = { 'stylua' },
-- Conform can also run multiple formatters sequentially
-- python = { "isort", "black" },
-- use sublist to tell conform to run the first found formatter and stop
-- javascript = { { "prettierd", "prettier" } },
javascript = { { 'prettierd', 'prettier' } }, -- npm i -g u/fsouza/prettierd
typescript = { { 'prettierd', 'prettier' } },
css = { { 'prettierd', 'prettier' } },
{ -- Autocompletion
event = 'InsertEnter',
dependencies = {
-- Snippet Engine & its associated nvim-cmp source
build = (function()
-- Build Step is needed for regex support in snippets.
-- This step is not supported in many windows environments.
-- Remove the below condition to re-enable on windows.
if vim.fn.has 'win32' == 1 or vim.fn.executable 'make' == 0 then
return 'make install_jsregexp'
dependencies = {
-- \friendly-snippets` contains a variety of premade snippets.`
-- See the README about individual language/framework/plugin snippets:
-- https://github.com/rafamadriz/friendly-snippets
-- {
-- 'rafamadriz/friendly-snippets',
-- config = function()
-- require('luasnip.loaders.from_vscode').lazy_load()
-- end,
-- },
-- Adds other completion capabilities.
-- nvim-cmp does not ship with all sources by default. They are split
-- into multiple repos for maintenance purposes.
config = function()
-- See \:help cmp``
local cmp = require 'cmp'
local luasnip = require 'luasnip'
luasnip.config.setup {}
cmp.setup {
snippet = {
expand = function(args)
completion = { completeopt = 'menu,menuone,noinsert' },
-- For an understanding of why these mappings were
-- chosen, you will need to read \:help ins-completion``
-- No, but seriously. Please read \:help ins-completion`, it is really good!`
mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.insert {
-- Select the [n]ext item
[''] = cmp.mapping.select_next_item(),
[''] = cmp.mapping.select_next_item(),
-- Select the [p]revious item
[''] = cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(),
-- Scroll the documentation window [b]ack / [f]orward
[''] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4),
[''] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4),
-- Accept ([y]es) the completion.
-- This will auto-import if your LSP supports it.
-- This will expand snippets if the LSP sent a snippet.
[''] = cmp.mapping.confirm { select = true },
[''] = cmp.mapping.confirm { select = true },
-- Manually trigger a completion from nvim-cmp.
-- Generally you don't need this, because nvim-cmp will display
-- completions whenever it has completion options available.
[''] = cmp.mapping.complete {},
-- Think of as moving to the right of your snippet expansion.
-- So if you have a snippet that's like:
-- function $name($args)
-- $body
-- end
-- will move you to the right of each of the expansion locations.
-- is similar, except moving you backwards.
[''] = cmp.mapping(function()
if luasnip.expand_or_locally_jumpable() then
end, { 'i', 's' }),
[''] = cmp.mapping(function()
if luasnip.locally_jumpable(-1) then
end, { 'i', 's' }),
-- For more advanced Luasnip keymaps (e.g. selecting choice nodes, expansion) see:
-- https://github.com/L3MON4D3/LuaSnip?tab=readme-ov-file#keymaps
sources = {
{ name = 'nvim_lsp' },
{ name = 'luasnip' },
{ name = 'buffer' },
{ name = 'path' },
name = 'catppuccin',
priority = 1000,
opts = {
flavour = 'mocha',
init = function()
-- colorscheme catppuccin " catppuccin-latte, catppuccin-frappe, catppuccin-macchiato, catppuccin-mocha
vim.cmd.colorscheme 'catppuccin-mocha'
-- Highlight todo, notes, etc in comments
{ 'folke/todo-comments.nvim', event = 'VimEnter', dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }, opts = { signs = false } },
{ -- Collection of various small independent plugins/modules
config = function()
-- Better Around/Inside textobjects
-- Examples:
-- - va) - [V]isually select [A]round [)]paren
-- - yinq - [Y]ank [I]nside [N]ext [']quote
-- - ci' - [C]hange [I]nside [']quote
require('mini.ai').setup { n_lines = 500 }
{ -- Highlight, edit, and navigate code
build = ':TSUpdate', -- ensure when treesitter updates, the languages update too
event = { 'BufReadPre', 'BufNewFile' },
dependencies = {
opts = {
ensure_installed = { 'bash', 'html', 'lua', 'luadoc', 'markdown', 'vim', 'vimdoc', 'javascript', 'typescript', 'json', 'css', 'scss' },
-- Autoinstall languages that are not installed
auto_install = true,
highlight = {
enable = true,
indent = { enable = true },
incremental_selection = {
enable = true,
keymaps = {
init_selection = '=',
node_incremental = '=',
scope_incremental = false,
node_decremental = '-',
config = function(_, opts)
lazy = true,
config = function()
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-fields
require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup {
textobjects = {
select = {
enable = true,
lookahead = true, -- Automatically jump forward to textobj, similar to targets.vim
keymaps = {
-- You can use the capture groups defined in textobjects.scm
['a='] = { query = '@assignment.outer', desc = 'Select outer part of an assignment' },
['i='] = { query = '@assignment.inner', desc = 'Select inner part of an assignment' },
['l='] = { query = '@assignment.lhs', desc = 'Select left hand side of an assignment' },
['r='] = { query = '@assignment.rhs', desc = 'Select right hand side of an assignment' },
['aa'] = { query = '@parameter.outer', desc = 'Select outer part of a parameteargument' },
['ia'] = { query = '@parameter.inner', desc = 'Select inner part of a parameteargument' },
['ai'] = { query = '@conditional.outer', desc = 'Select outer part of a conditional' },
['ii'] = { query = '@conditional.inner', desc = 'Select inner part of a conditional' },
['al'] = { query = '@loop.outer', desc = 'Select outer part of a loop' },
['il'] = { query = '@loop.inner', desc = 'Select inner part of a loop' },
['af'] = { query = '@call.outer', desc = 'Select outer part of a function call' },
['if'] = { query = '@call.inner', desc = 'Select inner part of a function call' },
['am'] = { query = '@function.outer', desc = 'Select outer part of a method/function definition' },
['im'] = { query = '@function.inner', desc = 'Select inner part of a method/function definition' },
['ac'] = { query = '@class.outer', desc = 'Select outer part of a class' },
['ic'] = { query = '@class.inner', desc = 'Select inner part of a class' },
-- swap = {
-- enable = true,
-- swap_next = {
-- ['na'] = '@parameter.inner', -- swap parameters/argument with next
-- ['nm'] = '@function.outer', -- swap function with next
-- },
-- swap_previous = {
-- ['pa'] = '@parameter.inner', -- swap parameters/argument with prev
-- ['pm'] = '@function.outer', -- swap function with previous
-- },
-- },
move = {
enable = true,
set_jumps = true, -- whether to set jumps in the jumplist
goto_next_start = {
[']f'] = { query = '@call.outer', desc = 'Next function call start' },
[']m'] = { query = '@function.outer', desc = 'Next method/function def start' },
[']c'] = { query = '@class.outer', desc = 'Next class start' },
[']i'] = { query = '@conditional.outer', desc = 'Next conditional start' },
[']l'] = { query = '@loop.outer', desc = 'Next loop start' },
-- You can pass a query group to use query from \queries//.scm file in your runtime path.`
-- Below example nvim-treesitter's \locals.scm` and `folds.scm`. They also provide highlights.scm and indent.scm.`
[']s'] = { query = '@scope', query_group = 'locals', desc = 'Next scope' },
[']z'] = { query = '@fold', query_group = 'folds', desc = 'Next fold' },
goto_next_end = {
[']F'] = { query = '@call.outer', desc = 'Next function call end' },
[']M'] = { query = '@function.outer', desc = 'Next method/function def end' },
[']C'] = { query = '@class.outer', desc = 'Next class end' },
[']I'] = { query = '@conditional.outer', desc = 'Next conditional end' },
[']L'] = { query = '@loop.outer', desc = 'Next loop end' },
goto_previous_start = {
['[f'] = { query = '@call.outer', desc = 'Prev function call start' },
['[m'] = { query = '@function.outer', desc = 'Prev method/function def start' },
['[c'] = { query = '@class.outer', desc = 'Prev class start' },
['[i'] = { query = '@conditional.outer', desc = 'Prev conditional start' },
['[l'] = { query = '@loop.outer', desc = 'Prev loop start' },
goto_previous_end = {
['[F'] = { query = '@call.outer', desc = 'Prev function call end' },
['[M'] = { query = '@function.outer', desc = 'Prev method/function def end' },
['[C'] = { query = '@class.outer', desc = 'Prev class end' },
['[I'] = { query = '@conditional.outer', desc = 'Prev conditional end' },
['[L'] = { query = '@loop.outer', desc = 'Prev loop end' },
local ts_repeat_move = require 'nvim-treesitter.textobjects.repeatable_move'
-- vim way: ; goes to the direction you were moving.
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'x', 'o' }, ';', ts_repeat_move.repeat_last_move)
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'x', 'o' }, ',', ts_repeat_move.repeat_last_move_opposite)
-- Optionally, make builtin f, F, t, T also repeatable with ; and ,
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'x', 'o' }, 'f', ts_repeat_move.builtin_f)
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'x', 'o' }, 'F', ts_repeat_move.builtin_F)
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'x', 'o' }, 't', ts_repeat_move.builtin_t)
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'x', 'o' }, 'T', ts_repeat_move.builtin_T)
config = function()
require('treesitter-context').setup {
enable = true, -- Enable this plugin (Can be enabled/disabled later via commands)
max_lines = 1, -- How many lines the window should span. Values <= 0 mean no limit.
min_window_height = 0, -- Minimum editor window height to enable context. Values <= 0 mean no limit.
line_numbers = true,
multiline_threshold = 20, -- Maximum number of lines to show for a single context
trim_scope = 'outer', -- Which context lines to discard if \max_lines` is exceeded. Choices: 'inner', 'outer'`
mode = 'cursor', -- Line used to calculate context. Choices: 'cursor', 'topline'
-- Separator between context and content. Should be a single character string, like '-'.
-- When separator is set, the context will only show up when there are at least 2 lines above cursorline.
separator = nil,
zindex = 20, -- The Z-index of the context window
on_attach = nil, -- (fun(buf: integer): boolean) return false to disable attaching
config = function()
vim.keymap.set('n', '-', 'Oil', { desc = 'Open parent directory' })
dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' },
config = function()
require('lualine').setup {}
{ 'junegunn/fzf', build = './install --bin' },
-- optional for icon support
dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' },
config = function()
-- calling \setup` is optional for customization`
require('fzf-lua').setup {}
version = '*', -- Use for stability; omit to use \main` branch for the latest features`
event = 'VeryLazy',
config = function()
require('nvim-surround').setup {
-- Configuration here, or leave empty to use defaults
dependencies = 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons',
config = function()
local nvimtree = require 'nvim-tree'
-- recommended settings from nvim-tree documentation
vim.g.loaded_netrw = 1
vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
nvimtree.setup {
view = {
width = 35,
relativenumber = true,
-- change folder arrow icons
renderer = {
indent_markers = {
enable = true,
icons = {
glyphs = {
folder = {
arrow_closed = '', -- arrow when folder is closed
arrow_open = '', -- arrow when folder is open
update_focused_file = { enable = true },
-- disable window_picker for
-- explorer to work well with
-- window splits
actions = {
open_file = {
window_picker = {
enable = false,
filters = {
custom = { '.DS_Store' },
git = {
ignore = false,
-- set keymaps
local keymap = vim.keymap -- for conciseness
-- keymap.set('n', 'ee', 'NvimTreeToggle', { desc = 'Toggle file explorer' }) -- toggle file explorer
-- keymap.set('n', 'ef', 'NvimTreeFindFileToggle', { desc = 'Toggle file explorer on current file' }) -- toggle file explorer on current file
-- keymap.set('n', 'ec', 'NvimTreeCollapse', { desc = 'Collapse file explorer' }) -- collapse file explorer
-- keymap.set('n', 'er', 'NvimTreeRefresh', { desc = 'Refresh file explorer' }) -- refresh file explorer
-- fast cursor movement
event = 'VeryLazy',
opts = {},
-- stylua: ignore
keys = {
{ "s", mode = { "n", "x", "o" }, function() require("flash").jump() end, desc = "Flash" },
{ "S", mode = { "n", "x", "o" }, function() require("flash").treesitter() end, desc = "Flash Treesitter" },
-- { "r", mode = "o", function() require("flash").remote() end, desc = "Remote Flash" },
-- { "R", mode = { "o", "x" }, function() require("flash").treesitter_search() end, desc = "Treesitter Search" },
-- { "", mode = { "c" }, function() require("flash").toggle() end, desc = "Toggle Flash Search" },
-- restore session
config = function()
local auto_session = require 'auto-session'
auto_session.setup {
auto_restore_enabled = false,
auto_session_suppress_dirs = { '~/', '~/Dev/', '~/Downloads', '~/Documents', '~/Desktop/' },
-- nicer looking tabs
-- {
-- 'akinsho/bufferline.nvim',
-- dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' },
-- version = '*',
-- opts = {
-- options = {
-- mode = 'tabs',
-- separator_style = 'slant',
-- },
-- },
-- },
-- nicer looking ui popups NOT WORKING?
-- {
-- 'stevearc/dressing.nvim',
-- event = 'VeryLazy',
-- },
event = 'InsertEnter',
config = true,
-- use opts = {} for passing setup options
-- this is equalent to setup({}) function
-- easy way to substitute word/line with what's in yank
-- {
-- 'gbprod/substitute.nvim',
-- event = { 'BufReadPre', 'BufNewFile' },
-- config = function()
-- local substitute = require 'substitute'
-- substitute.setup()
-- vim.keymap.set('n', 's', substitute.operator, { desc = 'Substitute with motion' })
-- vim.keymap.set('n', 'ss', substitute.line, { desc = 'Substitute line' })
-- vim.keymap.set('n', 'S', substitute.eol, { desc = 'Substitute to end of line' })
-- vim.keymap.set('x', 's', substitute.visual, { desc = 'Substitute in visual mode' })
-- end,
-- },
-- mark files to quickly switch back and forth
branch = 'harpoon2',
dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
config = function()
keys = {
desc = 'harpoon file',
local harpoon = require 'harpoon'
desc = 'harpoon quick menu',
desc = 'harpoon to file 1',
desc = 'harpoon to file 2',
desc = 'harpoon to file 3',
desc = 'harpoon to file 4',
desc = 'harpoon to file 5',
-- make command line look nice
event = 'VeryLazy',
opts = {},
dependencies = {
-- if you lazy-load any plugin below, make sure to add proper \module="..."` entries`
-- \nvim-notify` is only needed, if you want to use the notification view.`
-- If not available, we use \mini` as the fallback`
-- {
-- 'hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline',
-- config = function()
-- require('cmp').setup.cmdline(':', {
-- mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.cmdline(),
-- sources = cmp.config.sources({
-- { name = 'path' },
-- }, {
-- {
-- name = 'cmdline',
-- option = {
-- ignore_cmds = { 'Man', '!' },
-- },
-- },
-- }),
-- })
-- end,
-- },
-- resizing splits
-- {
-- 'mrjones2014/smart-splits.nvim',
-- config = function()
-- vim.keymap.set('n', '', require('smart-splits').resize_left)
-- vim.keymap.set('n', '', require('smart-splits').resize_down)
-- vim.keymap.set('n', '', require('smart-splits').resize_up)
-- vim.keymap.set('n', '', require('smart-splits').resize_right)
-- end,
-- },
-- {
-- 'nvim-focus/focus.nvim',
-- version = '*',
-- config = function()
-- require('focus').setup {}
-- end,
-- },
config = function()
require('better_escape').setup {
mapping = { 'jk', 'jj' }, -- a table with mappings to use
timeout = 300,
clear_empty_lines = false, -- clear line after escaping if there is only whitespace
keys = '', -- keys used for escaping, if it is a function will use the result everytime
-- colors hex codes
config = function()
require('colorizer').setup {}
cmd = {
-- optional for floating window border decoration
dependencies = {
-- setting the keybinding for LazyGit with 'keys' is recommended in
-- order to load the plugin when the command is run for the first time
keys = {
{ 'g', 'LazyGit', desc = 'LazyGit' },
}, {
ui = {
-- If you are using a Nerd Font: set icons to an empty table which will use the
-- default lazy.nvim defined Nerd Font icons, otherwise define a unicode icons table
icons = vim.g.have_nerd_font and {} or {
cmd = '⌘',
config = '🛠',
event = '📅',
ft = '📂',
init = '⚙',
keys = '🗝',
plugin = '🔌',
runtime = '💻',
require = '🌙',
source = '📄',
start = '🚀',
task = '📌',
lazy = '💤 ',
-- The line beneath this is called \modeline`. See `:help modeline``
-- vim: ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et
submitted by sinefine to neovim [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 01:50 hifums Feel like nothing is working what should I do

Background- 15 female. 5’1. Average weight (don’t remember exactly) Tldr- very low iron that doesn’t seem to be related to diet. Low b12. Low vitamin D. Bad headaches/migraines everyday. Insomnia. Depression. Horrible stomach pains. Lack of appetite. Light headedness. Pins and needles in body.
Around age 12 I started feeling worse and worse. I developed depression around that time so we got me into counseling and did all that which I still go to. Don’t know if it’s important but that depression was probably caused by undiagnosed autism and anxiety which I have diagnosed now. I started being always tired during the day and was focusing less and less. It got worse but I kinda got used to it. At 14 I got sinus surgery for a slightly deviated septum and wasn’t able to become unparalyzed from a muscle relaxant because I lack an enzyme to break it down (or something like that) and stayed on the ventilator for 4 hours. They had to put the muscle relaxant in because my throat/mouth was too small for the tube to go down comfortably and it was closing up. I found this out after eye surgery where my tongue would fall back and close my throat like I had sleep apnea. Which is what I went and got checked for since I matched a lot of the symptoms. At the time it didn’t show anything but also that test was inaccurate. We got there at 9. Started the test at 10. And woke up at 5. The results show that I slept for 6 hours. Which I know isn’t true because I was on my phone until 1 am because I couldn’t sleep being hooked up (I didn’t fall asleep for a while after that) They also said I didn’t snore but I snore so loud every night it wakes my mother up. They also classified me as an adult and I didn’t qualify for CPAP. But in kids I would’ve. I have another sleep study this month with a children’s doctor. When that didn’t show anything I went and got blood work. It showed pretty much everything was low. I took supplements and vitamins and everything got back to normal except iron. It actually got lower. Last time I got blood work my iron saturation (I think. I’m sorry if this is confusing I’m tired) was 7. My body seemed to reject all iron pills that I took. It doesn’t seem diet related since I eat foods with iron everyday and I don’t eat too unhealthy. Around 9 months ago I started getting these pins and needles in my legs at night. It hurt whenever I moved so I didn’t get much sleep when this happened. A few months ago it spread to my whole body and happened all day. Not 24/7 but a few days a week it would make me start crying. Somewhere around this time I also started having different periods. They used to be around 5/6 days every month with only pains on the day before and of. However I’ve started getting worse pains everyday up to two weeks before I start. And they only last 2 or so days. One lasted less than a day once. Also around this time the doctor wanted me to do a stool test for ulcerative colitis cronhs ext. that was torture to do but the tests didn’t show anything. I went to a neurologist for my pins and needles and she ended up just talking about my headaches. She gave me a medicine that made me feel like I was dying and made my headache 100x worse. I went to my PCP and she wanted me tested for PCOS (I have a lot of body hair but also really dark hair and I’m half Indian) my blood work didn’t show high testosterone levels and they didn’t find anything when they did an ultrasound. I went to the hematologist to set up an iron transfusion and to get more bloodwork. She said she thinks the low iron is genetic but no one in recent family has had iron problems (I know about recessive genes but yea). Last week I got some of the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my lower abdomen. It wasn’t in my chest or upper abdomen. It felt like I was being ripped apart. That went on for days until I went to the PCP. She pressed on my stomach and I curled in pain when she pressed down on my appendix area. I got an urgent scan but that didn’t show anything like appendicitis. I got medicine that’s been helping with the pain some but I’ve been feeling so weak and sick. I’ve lost my appetite and feel light headed and always have a headache.
For some family history. My mom has lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. My grandpa also has RA and some sort of heart condition. My grandma is also having digestive problems. I’m not sure about my dads side since they aren’t around.
Thank you to anyone who offers advice or possible explanation!! I just feel like I’m getting nowhere and am only feeling worse. ;-;
Edit- I don’t drink or smoke. I don’t go around people who do that either since I’m homeschooled since last year because I didn’t feel well enough to be in school in person
submitted by hifums to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 05:46 assexpert421 Hello stalkers

Hiii yall. I appreciate you guys so here's the script of Whiplash(2014) :)


Written by

Damien Chazelle

We hear a HIT. A drumstick against a drum head. Crisp, sharp.
Then a second hit. Then a third and a fourth. The hits
growing so fast they start to blur together. Like gunfire...
A cavernous space. Sound-proofed walls. And in the center, a
DRUM SET. Seated at it, in a sweat-marked white T, eyes
zeroed on his single-stroke roll, is ANDREW NEIMAN.
He's 19, slight, honors-student-skinny -- except for his
arms, which have been built from years and years of drumming.
Suddenly -- a MAN enters the practice room. Stopping, rising--
Sorry... I'm -- I'm sorry--
It's ok. Stay there.
The MAN steps forward, removes his coat. He's tall. Late
fifties. Black T-shirt, black slacks, black shoes. We'll know
him as FLETCHER.
The room is silent now. And then, softly, as he's one of
those people whose whisper can scare the crap out of you--
What's your name?
Andrew Neiman, sir.
(It's pronounced "Nayman".)
What year are you?
I'm a first-year, sir.
You know who I am?
You know what I do?
Pink (9/10/2013) 2
So you know I'm looking for players.
Then why did you stop playing?
Beat. Andrew nods, smiles. He gets it. Summons up all his
remaining energy and resumes playing, trying to really show
off this time. Rolls, fills, speedy stick-work. He finishes.
Did I say to start playing again?
Andrew looks at him.
I thought--
(then, blanching,)
I'm sorry, I misun--
I asked you why you stopped playing. Your
version of an answer was to turn into a
wind-up drummer monkey.
I'm sorry -- I--I stopped playing becau--
Show me your rudiments.
Andrew nods. Plays one rudiment after another: double-stroke
roll, paradiddle, ratamacue, flam, flamadiddle.
Uh-huh. Double-time swing.
Fletcher begins clapping his hand in time. Fast. Andrew plays.
No. Double-time. Double it. Bop-bop-bop-
Andrew tries doubling the tempo. But he can't. Fletcher STOPS
CLAPPING. The sign of death.
Andrew keeps playing, eyes shut... Then -- he hears the door
CLOSE. He stops, and looks up. Fletcher has left the room.
Pink (9/10/2013) 3
A moment later -- the door OPENS. It's Fletcher. Andrew's
eyes widen. Maybe it's not over...
Woopsy-daisy. Forgot my coat.
Fletcher grabs it, steps back out, CLOSES the door. Andrew
stares ahead, alone again at the drums -- and totally
It's over.
WIDE SHOT of the band room as Andrew slowly rises. A title card:
Shaffer Conservatory of Music
Fall Semester
Andrew exits, hurries off. Pasted onto his overloaded back-
pack are patches, buttons, names: Krupa. Roach. Buddy Rich...
The buildings of midtown New York loom over him like giants --
immense, forbidding...
A quiet two-screen theater. Andrew buys concessions. The GIRL
at the counter is about his age. She's pretty, but doesn't
really know it. More to the point, she doesn't seem to care.
Her name is NICOLE.
Swedish fish?
Nah, not this time, thanks...
Andrew and Nicole exchange smiles. He takes his items --
popcorn, Raisinets, two sodas -- and heads off. Peers back at
Nicole. She's staring into space. She looks suddenly lonely.
Andrew takes in the sight. You can tell he's attracted to her
-- but he's too nervous to do anything. A beat later, he
enters the theater.
Andrew spots a 53-year-old man seated near the front. This is
his dad -- JIM. Mild-mannered, soft-spoken, average in every
respect. Has the eyes of a former dreamer.
Pink (9/10/2013) 4
A smile between the two of them. Andrew hands his dad the
Raisinets, hands him the drink. Routine. The movie hasn't
started yet. As they exchange items--
You ok?
A beat.
He had me play today.
Andrew shrugs. It's clear what that means.
You still have other options.
What do you mean?
It's good to be open-minded. When I was
your age I thought I'd have a book deal
at 23. Then that changed to 30. Then 40.
Right... And that didn't upset you?
Jim shrugs, keeps his eyes down. He has a tendency to look
down when talking. The lights dim. The previews begin.
I mean, it has to do something to you.
(another shrug)
I don't know. Why? It's just life.
There's other things to care about.
Friends. Romance...
Andrew takes it in. Especially the last part.
At my age you get perspective.
I don't want perspective.
Pink (9/10/2013) 4A
Jim smiles. A moment.
Just then a MOVIEGOER squeezes into the row to head to a
seat further down -- and bumps against Jim and his bucket
of popcorn.
The Moviegoer doesn't say a word. Andrew watches. Takes
it in.
Pink (9/10/2013) 5
Rusty elevator doors squeak open. Andrew steps out -- into a
grimy, green-walled hallway.
Pink (9/10/2013) 6
Dim lights, loud MUSIC blaring from behind a door. A thudding
party beat...
At the end of the hall -- where the music is coming from -- a
few PARTYGOERS mingle by a door. The door opens. A YOUNG MAN
hands a SECOND YOUNG MAN a wad of cash in exchange for a Zip-
lock bag of PILLS. The SECOND YOUNG MAN eyes Andrew.
Andrew turns away, heads left -- to his own door. Hurriedly
opens it and slips inside.
A single. Drumsticks and drum pads scattered, biographies of
Bach and Coltrane on the shelf, posters of Louis Armstrong
and Charlie Parker on the walls. A TV is on, some sort of
music documentary. Andrew watches from his bed -- as, over
OLD AUDIO OF DRUMMING and old stills of a boy at a drum set --
By the age of ten, Traps the Boy Wonder
was wowing crowds all over America. By
his teens, Buddy Rich was well on his way
to becoming the stuff of legend.
Like any truly great player, Buddy seemed
to have been born with music in his
blood. He grasped it intuitively, in a
way you and I just can't.
You check out the old stuff, man. You look
at those movies when he was a kid, his
Beat. Andrew takes it all in -- especially these words:
You just can't teach that. That kind of
You either got it or you don't.
Andrew turns off the TV. We hear the party beat continuing
outside, muffled. He leans back and switches off his light.
Pink (9/10/2013) 7
The same room we saw Andrew practicing in at night -- only now
it's full of musicians. Mostly male, mostly first- and second-
years. This is NASSAU BAND, one of Shaffer's lower-level jazz
ensembles. Because it's Shaffer, the players are still first-
rate. A few third-years are here, too -- including a red-head
drummer with the body of a linebacker. RYAN CONNOLLY.
Andrew looks up -- in time to see Ryan with a GIRL by the
doorway. Ryan's girlfriend is gorgeous -- tall, all curves.
Ryan lets his hand slide down her shoulder. Andrew watches...
The GIRL waves bye to Ryan as he heads in. He's all macho
My man Ry! Shit, how you feeling?
Stitched up at last, dude.
Things were hurting with Neiman on the kit--
Ryan taps him to stop. Andrew is within earshot -- and has
heard. Beat. Ryan moves over to Andrew, sits down at the set.
You have a good weekend, bro?
Yeah. Definitely. Really good.
Don't worry about Greg. He's a dick.
Andrew nods. Admires Ryan. Seems more diminutive now than ever.
You been practicing?
Yeah. All the time.
My man.
Then -- the Nassau Band conductor appears: RON KRAMER.
Morning, fellas. "Billie's In", bar 8.
Pink (9/10/2013) 8
Mr. Kramer CLAPS OFF in time -- and the band begins playing
confident, in control. Andrew turns his pages, watches...
Nice, Ryan... Woah, trumpets.
Yeah, yeah - sorry about that one. **
Just brass again. **
To Ryan's left, a whisper-- **
Ryan turns. Visible as a silhouette through the frosted glass
of the main door...is FLETCHER. Andrew turns and looks as
well. Tenses up.
Fletcher lingers outside. Then he walks on. Ryan turns back to
the Trumpeter.
Not today.
Rehearsal has ended. The MUSICIANS have just filed out --
except for Andrew, who's hanging back...
Are you learning from Ryan?
Yeah... He's been great to me.
Last week was a little overwhelming for you?
(is that a question?)
(then, hesitant,)
I wonder...what you think about my progress?
Your progress?
I just... I'm...practicing hard and...
Pink (9/10/2013) 8A
Andrew -- you've got a good attitude. You
always arrive on time.
Andrew nods. Waiting.
Pink (9/10/2013) 9
Yeah. Ok?
Ok... Do you think... I know Fletcher's
looking for players...for Studio Band...
Yeah, Andrew... Lincoln Center looks out
for Fletcher's top players. If it weren't
for Ryan's injury he'd have been in Studio
Band last year. He's a natural player.
Andrew takes this in. Nods.
(this is awkward)
Look... I'm going to be candid. 90% of
our players will never make it into the
Lincoln Centers or the Collectives. The
question is -- who's in that 10%?
A beat.
So I'd practice. You could start a rock
Andrew takes it in. The implication is clear.
He turns -- and glimpses a poster on the wall: a DRUMMER
throwing a stick in the air mid-solo. Buff. Confident. The
opposite of him.
I...I have one more question...
(Kramer looks at him)
...Do you know what the process for
transferring is?
Pink (9/10/2013) 10
Andrew walks down a hallway. A piece of paper in his hand.
He notices as two attractive female students pass him. **
At least you didn't embarrass yourself **
like what's-his-face. **
That was truly pathetic. **
As he continues walking, he hears music. Stops. Approaches. **
Through the pane of glass, Andrew can see a FULL ORCHESTRA.
Everyone looks older than in Nassau. More focused. All eyes
glued on Fletcher as he assumes his position...
Fletcher's right arm moves, just a hair, and the band starts:
fast, dazzling. Andrew watches -- in awe. The band's playing
STUDIO BAND EAVESDROP CHART, and the sound is so full, so
precise, so commanding. Nothing like Nassau.
And suddenly -- Fletcher TURNS AROUND. His eyes meet Andrew's.
Andrew ducks out of view -- shit --
-- and hurries away.
Andrew practices like mad, trying to nail a double-time swing.
To his left a digital METRONOME blinks. The time set: 380.
Andrew stops. Resets the metronome. 390. Resumes playing.
Tries to keep up. Resets the metronome to 400. Can't keep up
at all now. Struggling, sweating, hands blistering, when --
CRAAACK. Andrew's right drumstick SNAPS IN HALF.
He stops. Spent. Looks at his hand, sweating and throbbing from
the blisters.
Looks back at the metronome. Still beeping away. He turns it off.
Glances up ahead at a poster -- of BUDDY RICH hunched over a drum
Pink (9/10/2013) 10A
kit, mid-solo -- tacked to the wall.
Stares at the image. Then looks down -- at the PAPERWORK we
saw earlier. The heading: "APPLICATION TO TRANSFER"...
Pink (9/10/2013) 11
A CD slides into a player. The title: "BUDDY RICH: BIRDLAND".
Andrew skips ahead to the third track. Immediately, drums
start. Another double-time swing. Only this one is insanely
fast. Even faster than Andrew was going.
Andrew listens. Looks at his drum kit. Thinks. Makes a decision.
Turns the CD off.
The same movie theater as before. Andrew marches in. Has one
goal and one goal only now.
Walks up to Nicole at the counter. Takes a deep breath, and--
Hey -- look -- I -- I don't know how to
say this -- I see you in here all the
time and -- I was just wondering --
(stops, collects himself,)
-- if you'd want to get a bite to eat
with me.
Beat. Nicole just looks at him. Andrew can't believe he said what
he just said. Feels like a creep. Instantly regrets it.
Please get away from me.
I'm so sorry, I -- I didn't mea--
I'm kidding.
She smiles. Beat. Andrew manages a nervous laugh.
That your dad you always come in with?
(discombobulated, trying to keep up--)
Kind of bobs up and down when he walks?
That's him.
(laughs; then,)
Andrew, right? I'm Nicole.
Nice to meet you, Nicole...
Pink (9/10/2013) 12
Monday I get off at seven.
Monday. Ok. Great. I'll be here Monday.
A moment -- an awkward silence -- then Andrew turns -- and,
in a daze, realizing what's just happened, his spirits
suddenly starting to soar -- he glides off.
The next morning. Andrew, still riding high, is seated in a
lobby outside the DEAN's OFFICE. In his hand -- a FILLED-OUT
Andrew Neiman?
(Andrew turns)
Dr. Fletcher would like to see you.
Oh. Ok...
Andrew's thoughts are elsewhere. Distracted -- not sure what
this is about but doesn't really care -- he dutifully follows...
BLACK. We hear knocking.
Come in.
A door opens -- the black gives way -- and we see, seated at
a polished mahogany desk, Fletcher. He looks as imposing --
and as well-dressed -- as ever.
Hey, Andrew! I guess Sophie found you?
Andrew is taken aback. Fletcher remembers his first name?
Yes... I'm... I--
Come in, come in, close the door...
Fletcher rises to greet Andrew, as Andrew closes the door.
Pink (9/10/2013) 13
I like to chat with students coming in
and going out. I hear you're going out?
Andrew looks surprised by the warmth in Fletcher's voice.
Yes. Transferring. To Columbia.
Terrific. Columbia's a terrific school.
Did something precipitate this?
I just decided to...
(not sure how to say it)
...to try out some other things. Not focus
only on drums. You know?
Beat. Fletcher looks at him. Is he upset? Dismayed?
(as he starts to head back
toward his desk--)
Too many students clamp down on their
"pursuits" like leeches.
(sits atop his desk)
Hobbies they picked up in their teens,
and for what? Take a seat.
(starts heading to a couch)
Uh... Yeah.. I mean, I --
(passes by a "1st Place Prize"
plaque on a coffee-table)
-- I was a little younger than my teens
when I started drums, but--
What were you then? Twelve?
Oh. Well, kids start swimming when they're
six, doesn't mean they're Michael Phelps.
It's a hobby, never anything you consider
going all the way with. Am I right?
Definitely. I mean -- well -- for a time,
I thought I'd go all the way -- but, yeah--
Pink (9/10/2013) 14
Well, kids want anything. I wanted to be
a nanny. Thank God those I trusted talked
me out of it. Good to listen to advice.
Yes, I've done that, you're right, it's--
--good to get outside perspectives. So
long as they don't have ulterior motives,
I'd listen to what the people you trust
tell you.
Andrew nods. But that phrase seems to echo. Ulterior motives...
Fletcher hops down from the desk and makes his way to the
So what's the passion you've chosen to
pursue at Columbia, then?
(as Fletcher takes a seat next to
Oh... Well... I'm not...not really sure.
It's not a specific thing I have in mind.
Ah. Well that's ok. You're young. Most
people, it takes years for them to find
their calling. My father, for instance --
he had no idea what he wanted at your age.
He tried a lot of things, a little bit of
this, a little bit of that. Took him years
before he realized his dream was
insurance. That was his passion. The
cubicle, the coffee breaks, the dry wall.
He lets this simmer for a beat. Then--
I'm sure you'll find your calling as well.
He rises back up. A moment of silence.
I guess that's it, then. Any questions?
He notices Andrew looking at a photo on the wall.
Pink (9/10/2013) 15
That's Sean Casey. Graduated three years
ago. Now he's first trumpet at Lincoln
(heading toward the door--)
He came a long way.
(trying to collect his thoughts
as he rises)
...So -- are you -- still looking for
Studio Band players then...?
(turning around to face Andrew)
Some, yes. But it's no cakewalk. Most kids
here can't last. Laszlo Polgar, Hungarian
psychologist, declares in 1967 that talent
is all about conditioning. Says he can make
his kids, whoever they are, the best in the
world at something. What that something is
he'll decide. He's a lousy chess player but
he picks chess because it's objective. Goes
around looking for a wife, finds one who
agrees to his experiment. Starts having
kids: Susan, Sofia and Judit. Gets them
practicing before they can even talk. These
weren't kids who were sitting and smelling
the roses. These were kids who were going
to leave an actual mark on the world. Who
was the top female player by 1984? Susan.
Who played the eight-straight-wins "Miracle
of Rome" in 1989? Sofia. And who is
universally considered the greatest female
chess player of all time? Judit.
He takes a breath. Smiles. We linger for a second on Andrew,
standing in place, taking it all in. Andrew's eyes quickly
drift to the photos behind Fletcher -- the images on the
walls... The Studio Band with Wynton Marsalis. Fletcher at the
JVC Jazz Festival. One jazz luminary after another...
Which is why I'm sure you'll be great at
whatever you set your mind to at Columbia.
(puts his arm around Andrew, starts
escorting him toward the door--)
It was a pleasure chatting, Andrew, now--
I just -- one thing first -- I mean -- I'm
not entirely sure I'm transferring yet...
Pink (9/10/2013) 16
Well that's worrisome. I'm sure you had
good reason to make your decision.
I -- just might give it some more time--
No need to do that. First instincts are best.
My first instinct...is not to transfer...
I'm not sure your first instinct is
right, then. Why don't you give it some
more thought, and in the meantime...
(reaches the door; about to close--)
...make sure your double-time swing is
ready by Monday's Nassau Band.
He closes the door. WE LINGER on Andrew. A spark has been lit.
Andrew plays the drums with Nassau Band. Keeps missing hits.
Alright, that's... That's enough of that.
Back to just the core, please.
MUSICIANS trade places. As Ryan trades with Andrew, he turns--
Dude -- what've you been practicing?
Just then, the DOOR SWINGS OPEN -- and in steps FLETCHER. All
eyes go to him. All talking ceases. Absolute silence, save for
Fletcher's footsteps. Andrew waits. Heart pounding...
Fletcher arrives at the head of the band -- as Kramer silently
and meekly retreats. Fletcher props up the music stand to his
height, looks down at the sheet music, runs his finger down it
to find the spot he wants... Andrew, like all the other
players, is dead-still, eyes glued on Fletcher's every move...
Fletcher looks up, surveys the band with his eyes. Then, raising
his hand--
Down the line.
Pink (9/10/2013) 17
Instruments SNAP upward with military precision. No one wants
to miss a beat.
Trumpets. Bars 36 to 38. One-two--
The TRUMPETER on the right starts playing. Five notes before
Fletcher cuts him off with the slightest flick of his hand.
Next. One-two--
his cue)
Next. One-two--
Nothing. Fletcher looks up. There are no more trumpeters. He
looks over at Kramer: "Are you serious?"
Trombone. Bars 21 to 23. Four-and--
(TROMBONIST is scrambling to
find the right page)
Saxes. 48 to 50. "And" of one. And-one--
(ALTO SAX gets through one bar)
Before he even counts off, he notices the TENOR SAX's
fingering -- all he needs to know.
We get a split-second glimpse of the TENOR SAXOPHONIST,
wondering what just happened -- before we CUT to the drums,
Ryan at the ready.
Double-time swing.
Ryan takes a breath. Fletcher CLAPS him off. Ryan plays.
Thank you. You. Behind.
Palms sweaty, Andrew takes Ryan's place. Trains his eyes on
Fletcher's hands. Deep breath. Fletcher CLAPS, and Andrew begins
-- trying to get the motion right, trying to stay in time--
Thank you. Bass. Five bars of "Donna
We STAY ON Andrew as the BASSIST plays; Andrew slides off the
drums and back to his regular seat.
Pink (9/10/2013) 18
(to Bassist)
Thank you.
We CUT back to Fletcher. He looks over the band once more. We
see the MUSICIANS' faces -- scared, but hopeful. Then--
Drums. Come with me.
Ryan's heart starts speeding. His excitement visible, he--
Other drums.
Ryan freezes. Andrew is stuck in place for a moment. Then,
eyes wide -- is this really happening? -- he rises and
approaches the doorway... There, Fletcher hands him an ORANGE
Give this to Admin for rescheduling. We
meet 6am to 1pm every day. Room B16.
And with that, he EXITS.
In a daze, Andrew drifts back toward the band. Kramer looks at
him. Andrew answers the look with a defiant smile. Vindicated.
Ok fellas, let's...let's take it back from
the top..
(RYAN). Andrew pretends not to notice Ryan's eyeing him in
shock. Just sits down, lets it all settle.
And -- ever so slowly -- Andrew's face dissolves into a GRIN...
This is a nice place.
We're at a cheap pizzeria now. Nicole is seated, two half-
eaten slices of pepperoni in front of her. An old jazz track
is playing -- PIZZERIA CHART.
Seated across from Nicole is Andrew -- echoes of the earlier
grin still on his face, a brightness in his eyes.
Yeah, I come here a lot.
Pink (9/10/2013) 19
Beat. Then -- clicking back to reality -- this is not a nice
place, did I fuck up? --
They have good music, so I -- it's not
just the food...
(points, re: the tune)
This is Jackie Hill, "When I Wake", July
17th, 1938, Bob Ellis on drums.
Are you trying to impress me?
No -- sorry -- I didn't mean -- they have
like -- ten songs they loop through.
They're always playing the same thing.
And you know the dates to all ten?
Nicole smiles. A moment. Andrew fidgets. Nervous.
You know every time I saw you in the
theater you always had your eyes pointed
to the floor.
Like you were fascinated by the soda
stains on the carpet.
My dad tells me I have a problem making
eye contact.
My parents like to criticize me too. When
I was growing up my mom told me my chin
was too big and that that's why guys
wouldn't like me. `Cause my dad had
cursed me with a big chin.
Pink (9/10/2013) 20
Yeah, it's -- look --
(she turns, points her chin up)
It's Jay Leno.
Andrew laughs. Nicole looks prettier to him than ever.
She keeps asking me if I have a boyfriend
yet, and then blames it on the chin.
submitted by assexpert421 to u/assexpert421 [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 16:05 pogopogostick [Fo4]need help with buffout 4 crash log

Fallout 4 v1.10.163
Buffout 4 v1.28.6

Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FFB87907AE3 flexRelease_x64.dll+0027AE3

\[Compatibility\] F4EE: false \[Crashlog\] AutoOpen: true PromptUpload: true \[Fixes\] ActorIsHostileToActor: true CellInit: true CreateD3DAndSwapChain: true EncounterZoneReset: true GreyMovies: true MagicEffectApplyEvent: true MovementPlanner: true PackageAllocateLocation: true SafeExit: true TESObjectREFRGetEncounterZone: true UnalignedLoad: true UtilityShader: true \[Patches\] Achievements: true ArchiveLimit: false BSMTAManager: true BSPreCulledObjects: true BSTextureStreamerLocalHeap: false HavokMemorySystem: true INISettingCollection: true InputSwitch: false MaxStdIO: -1 MemoryManager: true MemoryManagerDebug: false ScaleformAllocator: true SmallBlockAllocator: true WorkshopMenu: true \[Warnings\] CreateTexture2D: true ImageSpaceAdapter: true 

OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Home v10.0.22631 CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor GPU #1: Nvidia GA104 \[GeForce RTX 3060\] GPU #2: Microsoft Basic Render Driver PHYSICAL MEMORY: 12.61 GB/15.89 GB 

\[0\] 0x7FFB87907AE3 flexRelease\_x64.dll+0027AE3 \[1\] 0x011B779BE6D8 

RAX 0x0 (size\_t) RCX 0x78 (size\_t) RDX 0x0 (size\_t) RBX 0x11BC9F17100 (hknpCompressedHeightFieldShape\*) RSP 0x148432F040 (void\*) RBP 0x148432F260 (void\*) RSI 0x11B779BE600 (void\*) RDI 0x0 (size\_t) R8 0x78 (size\_t) R9 0x8 (size\_t) R10 0x7FFB87AF1390 (void\* -> MSVCR110.dll+00C1390) R11 0x0 (size\_t) R12 0x11BC9F17100 (hknpCompressedHeightFieldShape\*) R13 0x0 (size\_t) R14 0x11B779BE600 (void\*) R15 0x11B5A095220 (void\*) 

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Fallout4.exe+0258365) \[RSP+440\] 0x11B88D07E90 (char\*) "+ 
\[RSP+448\] 0x7FF7E58F093F (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+1B1093F) \[RSP+450\] 0x405FF8D5 (size\_t) \[RSP+458\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+460\] 0x11B779BE620 (char\*) "\*" \[RSP+468\] 0x6104C729 (size\_t) \[RSP+470\] 0x148432F5C0 (void\*) \[RSP+478\] 0x7FF7E4036AD6 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+0256AD6) \[RSP+480\] 0x11B59422710 (void\*) \[RSP+488\] 0x11BC9F17100 (hknpCompressedHeightFieldShape\*) \[RSP+490\] 0x11B59422710 (void\*) \[RSP+498\] 0x148432F560 (void\*) \[RSP+4A0\] 0x143F800000 (size\_t) \[RSP+4A8\] 0x148432F600 (void\*) \[RSP+4B0\] 0x11B88D13BD8 (void\*) \[RSP+4B8\] 0x7FFB71FCBF65 (void\* -> Buffout4.dll+004BF65) \[RSP+4C0\] 0x1A00000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+4C8\] 0x6104C72900000052 (size\_t) \[RSP+4D0\] 0x6104C729 (size\_t) \[RSP+4D8\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[RSP+4E0\] 0x11ACC9279F0 (void\*) \[RSP+4E8\] 0x7FF7E6A296C8 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+2C496C8) \[RSP+4F0\] 0x11B779BE600 (void\*) \[RSP+4F8\] 0x11B59422080 (hknpBSWorld\*) \[RSP+500\] 0x1B (size\_t) \[RSP+508\] 0x7FF7E6A46E10 (char\*) "NVFlex::CollisionGeometryCache::GetCollisionGeometries" \[RSP+510\] 0x88D67FC0 (size\_t) \[RSP+518\] 0x11B59422001 (void\*) \[RSP+520\] 0x3F800000 (size\_t) \[RSP+528\] 0x449D46DA00000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+530\] 0x3380000000000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+538\] 0x38A4978E3F7FFFFF (size\_t) \[RSP+540\] 0xBF7FFFFF00000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+548\] 0x44A4978D33800000 (size\_t) \[RSP+550\] 0x44A4978EC49D46DD (size\_t) \[RSP+558\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+560\] 0x3C64B187 (size\_t) \[RSP+568\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+570\] 0x3C64B187 (size\_t) \[RSP+578\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+580\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+588\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+590\] 0x11B745F2B68 (void\*) \[RSP+598\] 0x11B779BE080 (void\*) \[RSP+5A0\] 0x11B59422080 (hknpBSWorld\*) \[RSP+5A8\] 0x11B5A0F9C90 (void\*) \[RSP+5B0\] 0x148432F689 (void\*) \[RSP+5B8\] 0x7FF7E404CA1E (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+026CA1E) \[RSP+5C0\] 0x11B779BE600 (void\*) \[RSP+5C8\] 0x11B59422080 (hknpBSWorld\*) \[RSP+5D0\] 0x148432F620 (void\*) \[RSP+5D8\] 0x7FF7E404DEED (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+026DEED) \[RSP+5E0\] 0x11B88D6BF80 (char\*) "Q" \[RSP+5E8\] 0x11B00000020 (void\*) \[RSP+5F0\] 0x11B0000001B (void\*) \[RSP+5F8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+600\] 0x479644E64A83 (size\_t) \[RSP+608\] 0x46733A234553 (size\_t) \[RSP+610\] 0x7FF7E6A296C8 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+2C496C8) \[RSP+618\] 0x148432F620 (void\*) \[RSP+620\] 0x7FF7E6A47F08 (char\*) "Collect Havok Ids" \[RSP+628\] 0x42F9E909 (size\_t) \[RSP+630\] 0x44A43ACEC49D4A01 (size\_t) \[RSP+638\] 0x43011F30 (size\_t) \[RSP+640\] 0x7FF7E6A47ED0 (char\*) "NVFlex::Simulation::updateCollisionGeometryCache" \[RSP+648\] 0x7FF7E6A47E88 (char\*) "NVFlex::Simulation::updateHostSideSolverData" \[RSP+650\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[RSP+658\] 0x7FFB00000001 (size\_t) \[RSP+660\] 0x3C64B187 (size\_t) \[RSP+668\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+670\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+678\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+680\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+688\] 0x11B745F2B68 (void\*) \[RSP+690\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+698\] 0x11B40AAF900 (NVFlex::FlexThread\*) \[RSP+6A0\] 0x11B779BE080 (void\*) \[RSP+6A8\] 0x7FF7E404C45E (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+026C45E) \[RSP+6B0\] 0x11B779BE080 (void\*) \[RSP+6B8\] 0x11B745F2B60 (void\*) \[RSP+6C0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+6C8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+6D0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+6D8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+6E0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+6E8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+6F0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+6F8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+700\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+708\] 0x7FF7E404AB0C (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+026AB0C) \[RSP+710\] 0x11B745F2B60 (void\*) \[RSP+718\] 0x11B40AAF900 (NVFlex::FlexThread\*) \[RSP+720\] 0x11B745F2B68 (void\*) \[RSP+728\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+730\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+738\] 0x7FF7E58FCFED (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+1B1CFED) \[RSP+740\] 0x11B40AAF900 (NVFlex::FlexThread\*) \[RSP+748\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+750\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+758\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+760\] 0x11B40AAF900 (NVFlex::FlexThread\*) \[RSP+768\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+770\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+778\] 0x7FFBC879257D (void\* -> KERNEL32.DLL+001257D) \[RSP+780\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+788\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+790\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+798\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7A0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7A8\] 0x7FFBCA0EAA58 (void\* -> ntdll.dll+005AA58) \[RSP+7B0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7B8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7C0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7C8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7D0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7D8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7E0\] 0x8E6BED6500000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+7E8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7F0\] 0x4F0FFFFFB30 (size\_t) \[RSP+7F8\] 0x7FFBC752CD30 (void\* -> KERNELBASE.dll+015CD30) \[RSP+800\] 0x148432E180 (void\*) \[RSP+808\] 0xDA49C902A80003FF (size\_t) \[RSP+810\] 0x7FFB49392055 (size\_t) \[RSP+818\] 0x148432E180 (void\*) \[RSP+820\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+828\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+830\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+838\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+840\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+848\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+850\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+858\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+860\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+868\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+870\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+878\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+880\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+888\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+890\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+898\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8A0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8A8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8B0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8B8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8C0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8C8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8D0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8D8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8E0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8E8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8F0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8F8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+900\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+908\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+910\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+918\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+920\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+928\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+930\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+938\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+940\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+948\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+950\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+958\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+960\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+968\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+970\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+978\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+980\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+988\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+990\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+998\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+9A0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+9A8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+9B0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+9B8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+9C0\] 0x0 (size\_t) 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(size\_t) \[RSP+C30\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C38\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C40\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C48\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C50\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C58\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C60\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C68\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C70\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C78\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C80\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C88\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C90\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C98\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CA0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CA8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CB0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CB8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CC0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CC8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CD0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CD8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CE0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CE8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CF0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CF8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D00\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D08\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D10\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D18\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D20\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D28\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D30\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D38\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D40\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D48\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D50\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D58\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D60\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D68\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D70\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D78\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D80\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D88\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D90\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D98\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DA0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DA8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DB0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DB8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DC0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DC8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DD0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DD8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DE0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DE8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DF0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DF8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E00\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E08\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E10\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E18\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E20\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E28\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E30\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E38\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E40\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E48\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E50\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E58\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E60\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E68\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E70\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E78\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E80\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E88\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E90\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E98\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EA0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EA8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EB0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EB8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EC0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EC8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+ED0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+ED8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EE0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EE8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EF0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EF8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F00\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F08\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F10\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F18\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F20\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F28\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F30\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F38\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F40\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F48\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F50\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F58\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F60\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F68\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F70\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F78\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F80\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F88\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F90\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+F98\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+FA0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+FA8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+FB0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+FB8\] 0x0 (size\_t) 

XINPUT1\_3.dll 0x000000400000 X3DAudio1\_7.dll 0x000057980000 steam\_api64.dll 0x000057990000 f4ee.dll 0x011A93960000 Fallout4.exe 0x7FF7E3DE0000 nvcuda64.dll 0x7FFB668A0000 steamclient64.dll 0x7FFB687B0000 d3dcompiler\_47\_64.dll 0x7FFB6CF80000 NvCamera64.dll 0x7FFB6D390000 nvcuda.dll 0x7FFB6E540000 Buffout4.dll 0x7FFB71F80000 PhysXDevice64.dll 0x7FFB81BB0000 XAudio2\_7.dll 0x7FFB86870000 UneducatedShooter.dll 0x7FFB86900000 f4se\_1\_10\_163.dll 0x7FFB86A90000 mcm.dll 0x7FFB87240000 tier0\_s64.dll 0x7FFB87740000 flexRelease\_x64.dll 0x7FFB878E0000 MSVCR110.dll 0x7FFB87A30000 SimpleImpact.dll 0x7FFB881E0000 vstdlib\_s64.dll 0x7FFB89E00000 place.dll 0x7FFB8A560000 MSVCP110.dll 0x7FFB8BE20000 GFSDK\_SSAO\_D3D11.win64.dll 0x7FFB8E730000 ResampleDmo.DLL 0x7FFB8E7C0000 cudart64\_75.dll 0x7FFB8E900000 DSOUND.DLL 0x7FFB8EB80000 GFSDK\_GodraysLib.x64.dll 0x7FFB8ED60000 flexExtRelease\_x64.dll 0x7FFB93450000 nvspcap64.dll 0x7FFB98430000 DINPUT8.dll 0x7FFB9A250000 bink2w64.dll 0x7FFB9B270000 Windows.UI.dll 0x7FFBA8680000 f4se\_steam\_loader.dll 0x7FFBA9110000 OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll 0x7FFBA9CD0000 nvwgf2umx.dll 0x7FFBAA630000 textinputframework.dll 0x7FFBB0A00000 wbemsvc.dll 0x7FFBB0F20000 fastprox.dll 0x7FFBB1650000 AUDIOSES.DLL 0x7FFBB19F0000 MessageBus.dll 0x7FFBB23B0000 XINPUT9\_1\_0.dll 0x7FFBB2E80000 inputhost.dll 0x7FFBB3770000 ncryptsslp.dll 0x7FFBB4020000 MessageBus.dll 0x7FFBB4540000 nvgpucomp64.dll 0x7FFBB5650000 MSVCP140.dll 0x7FFBB7DD0000 webio.dll 0x7FFBB81B0000 MpOav.dll 0x7FFBB86C0000 winmmbase.dll 0x7FFBB9FB0000 nvldumdx.dll 0x7FFBBA6F0000 nvapi64.dll 0x7FFBBA890000 WINMM.dll 0x7FFBBBC90000 OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll 0x7FFBBBD70000 amsi.dll 0x7FFBBC770000 MMDevApi.dll 0x7FFBBC820000 VCRUNTIME140.dll 0x7FFBBD700000 wbemcomn.dll 0x7FFBBDEE0000 wbemprox.dll 0x7FFBBE290000 dbghelp.dll 0x7FFBBE2F0000 drvstore.dll 0x7FFBBE6B0000 cryptnet.dll 0x7FFBBEF10000 VERSION.dll 0x7FFBBF0C0000 fwpuclnt.dll 0x7FFBBFD90000 CoreUIComponents.dll 0x7FFBBFF10000 avrt.dll 0x7FFBC0680000 dhcpcsvc.DLL 0x7FFBC0D30000 dhcpcsvc6.DLL 0x7FFBC0D50000 directxdatabasehelper.dll 0x7FFBC0D70000 WINHTTP.dll 0x7FFBC0F00000 rasadhlp.dll 0x7FFBC10E0000 msdmo.dll 0x7FFBC1700000 nvToolsExt64\_1.dll 0x7FFBC1990000 WindowsCodecs.dll 0x7FFBC2FE0000 d3d11.dll 0x7FFBC34C0000 dcomp.dll 0x7FFBC3D10000 CoreMessaging.dll 0x7FFBC3F70000 VCRUNTIME140\_1.dll 0x7FFBC46D0000 WINNSI.DLL 0x7FFBC4900000 uxtheme.dll 0x7FFBC4950000 dxcore.dll 0x7FFBC4A50000 dxgi.dll 0x7FFBC4AA0000 dwmapi.dll 0x7FFBC4D80000 resourcepolicyclient.dll 0x7FFBC4E00000 wintypes.dll 0x7FFBC51F0000 windows.storage.dll 0x7FFBC5330000 HID.DLL 0x7FFBC5C30000 IPHLPAPI.DLL 0x7FFBC5ED0000 DNSAPI.dll 0x7FFBC5F00000 Secur32.dll 0x7FFBC61E0000 schannel.DLL 0x7FFBC6260000 rsaenh.dll 0x7FFBC6370000 kernel.appcore.dll 0x7FFBC6410000 ntmarta.dll 0x7FFBC6430000 SSPICLI.DLL 0x7FFBC66E0000 MSWSOCK.dll 0x7FFBC6900000 UMPDC.dll 0x7FFBC69A0000 powrprof.dll 0x7FFBC69F0000 USERENV.dll 0x7FFBC6A70000 CRYPTSP.dll 0x7FFBC6BD0000 CRYPTBASE.DLL 0x7FFBC6BF0000 wldp.dll 0x7FFBC6C80000 NTASN1.dll 0x7FFBC6D30000 ncrypt.dll 0x7FFBC6D70000 msasn1.dll 0x7FFBC7070000 devobj.dll 0x7FFBC7090000 cfgmgr32.dll 0x7FFBC70C0000 DPAPI.DLL 0x7FFBC7130000 profapi.dll 0x7FFBC7300000 KERNELBASE.dll 0x7FFBC73D0000 wintrust.dll 0x7FFBC7780000 win32u.dll 0x7FFBC77F0000 msvcp\_win.dll 0x7FFBC7820000 gdi32full.dll 0x7FFBC78C0000 bcrypt.dll 0x7FFBC79E0000 bcryptPrimitives.dll 0x7FFBC7A10000 CRYPT32.dll 0x7FFBC7A90000 ucrtbase.dll 0x7FFBC7CC0000 RPCRT4.dll 0x7FFBC7E40000 SHCORE.dll 0x7FFBC7FC0000 MSCTF.dll 0x7FFBC8110000 msvcrt.dll 0x7FFBC8270000 ADVAPI32.dll 0x7FFBC8320000 GDI32.dll 0x7FFBC8400000 IMM32.DLL 0x7FFBC8430000 clbcatq.dll 0x7FFBC8470000 imagehlp.dll 0x7FFBC8520000 USER32.dll 0x7FFBC85D0000 KERNEL32.DLL 0x7FFBC8780000 SHELL32.dll 0x7FFBC8850000 sechost.dll 0x7FFBC90C0000 ole32.dll 0x7FFBC9330000 OLEAUT32.dll 0x7FFBC94D0000 combase.dll 0x7FFBC95B0000 NSI.dll 0x7FFBC99C0000 PSAPI.DLL 0x7FFBC9AE0000 WS2\_32.dll 0x7FFBC9AF0000 SETUPAPI.dll 0x7FFBC9B70000 shlwapi.dll 0x7FFBC9FF0000 ntdll.dll 0x7FFBCA090000 

Buffout4.dll v1.28.6 f4ee.dll mcm.dll place.dll SimpleImpact.dll v1 UneducatedShooter.dll v1 

\[00\] Fallout4.esm \[01\] DLCRobot.esm \[02\] DLCworkshop01.esm \[03\] DLCCoast.esm \[04\] DLCworkshop02.esm \[05\] DLCworkshop03.esm \[06\] DLCNukaWorld.esm \[07\] Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp \[08\] ArmorKeywords.esm \[09\] TacticalReload.esm \[0A\] Loads.esm \[0B\] NewCalibers.esp \[0C\] BetterModDescriptionsLite.esp \[0D\] AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp \[0E\] More Power Armour Mods.esp \[0F\] Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp \[10\] Armorsmith Extended.esp \[11\] clothingoverhaul.esp \[12\] ClothingOverhaulSP\_XB1\_PC.esp \[13\] PAMAP.esp \[14\] PIP-Pad.esp \[15\] LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp \[16\] CROSS\_PlasRail.esp \[17\] MikeMooresMCAM.esp \[18\] Mercenary.esp \[19\] CombinedArmsNV.esp \[1A\] DOOMMerged.esp \[1B\] Eli\_Armour\_Compendium.esp \[1C\] 1918bar.esp \[1D\] Crossbow.esp \[1E\] SCAR-L.esp \[1F\] Colt1911.esp \[20\] Skibs-WH77Redux.esp \[21\] GrenadeExpansionPack.esp \[22\] ClassicSniper.esp \[23\] RU556.esp \[24\] AK74M.esp \[25\] CrudeBlowback.esp \[26\] DOOMThatGun.esp \[27\] DOOMSCARLK.esp \[28\] Scottish Claymore.esp \[29\] HammerAxe.esp \[2A\] PitchingMachine.esp \[2B\] PlasmaSword.esp \[2C\] YogCrowbar.esp \[2D\] mysteriousmagnum.esp \[2E\] Nambu.esp \[2F\] YogOrenKatana.esp \[30\] RedRocketLauncher.esp \[31\] Regent.esp \[32\] Chainsaw.esp \[33\] Family Mauser.esp \[34\] Mauser.esp \[35\] ModularKalash.esp \[36\] M14.esp \[37\] MP153.esp \[38\] AN94.esp \[39\] Skibs-Miniguns.esp \[3A\] Meloncider.esp \[3B\] MAIBATSUMeleeWeapons.esp \[3C\] Parang Machete.esp \[3D\] YogMadCan.esp \[3E\] m82a.esp \[3F\] M1014.esp \[40\] Skibs-IF88Redux.esp \[41\] DOOMLK05.esp \[42\] 9x39Project.esp \[43\] Krebs.esp \[44\] KidsRocketLauncher.esp \[45\] JaguarLMG.esp \[46\] YogHarleyBat.esp \[47\] GrenadeExpansionPackAWKCRPatch.esp \[48\] GrenadeExpansionPackLoadsPatch.esp \[49\] Holy Hand Grenade Standalone.esp \[4A\] USP 45.esp \[4B\] Skibs-IF54Redux.esp \[4C\] GatlingRifle.esp \[4D\] GatlingRifle-Loads.esp \[4E\] DOOMGlock.esp \[4F\] Elysium.esp \[50\] Colt Python.esp \[51\] fn five-seven v3.0.esp \[52\] CrudeBlowback - AWKCR.esp \[53\] CROSS\_FireworksCannon.esp \[54\] AlienAssaultRifle.esp \[55\] Crecy.esp \[56\] DOOMCatalyst.esp \[57\] AK74M Stock Options.esp \[58\] ASVektor.esp \[59\] BattleRifle.esp \[5A\] DD\_bleu\_Ump\_Extreme\_Lore\_friendly\_edition.esp \[5B\] M2216.esp \[5C\] Fatigue.esp \[5D\] ChineseStealthSuit.esp \[5E\] PD\_LowerWeapon.esp \[5F\] Scopes.esp \[60\] LooksMenu.esp \[61\] 3dscopes-replacer.esp \[62\] zWInsanity.esp \[63\] DOOM1911.esp \[64\] Menace.esp \[65\] Buzz\_Axe.esp \[66\] RangerSequoiaCraft.esp \[67\] StartMeUp.esp \[68\] EnhancedLightsandFX.esp \[69\] Vivid Waters.esp \[FE:000\] Burst Impact Blast FX.esp \[FE:001\] SimpleImpact.esp \[FE:002\] VividFallout - AiO - 2k.esp \[FE:003\] M8rDisablePipboyEffects.esp \[FE:004\] WET.esp 

submitted by pogopogostick to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 19:32 TradingAllIn Perspective

Perspective submitted by TradingAllIn to dxyz [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 22:50 asgooch Quad Dominant Lower Body Workout

Grab a couple kettlebells and knock these moves out either as a circuit or as traditional sets and reps...either way it's sure to have your legs screaming.
• Alt Lunge - 4x12 • Goblet Squat- 4x10 • Curtsy Lunge - 4x10 • Kneeling Ext - 4x12
Hitting lower body while hitting a little upper body just holding the weight...my favorite part about kettlebells, always a full body workout. 💪
submitted by asgooch to kettlebell [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 04:36 FlorpFlap I made a concept Boutique JP8000/8080, just to have an idea of what it could look like if they actually made it

I made a concept Boutique JP8000/8080, just to have an idea of what it could look like if they actually made it submitted by FlorpFlap to synthesizers [link] [comments]
