Easiest meth method ammonium nitrate

Official Chocolate Cake - full write up. Rich and moist? Check. With a thick fudge icing? Check. Like “you look really thirsty. Here, have a taste of this ice cold milk” is your new motto

2024.06.07 21:29 Alarmed-Stage-7066 Official Chocolate Cake - full write up. Rich and moist? Check. With a thick fudge icing? Check. Like “you look really thirsty. Here, have a taste of this ice cold milk” is your new motto

Official Chocolate Cake - full write up. Rich and moist? Check. With a thick fudge icing? Check. Like “you look really thirsty. Here, have a taste of this ice cold milk” is your new motto
Ok, this is a fun one and really requires a special occasion. It’s MASSIVE, expensive and takes a half day at least. But the results are totally adorable! I made it for teen’s birthday and it was a hit.
Grandpa’s Candles
Four, are you kidding me?
Tool rating
Iridium. I believe in you!
Cooking all of these is a lot of fun and baking is my preference so I loved making this one. I love things that are over the top and extra and does this recipe ever fit the bill! I will say, for something that ends up looking so dramatic, it’s easier (“easier”)than a making a similarly impressive fondant or buttercream cake. You got this!
One of the things I’m loving about this cookbook is all the little twists and riffs on traditional methods. This one has two that I found very interesting, and both of them contribute to this really living up to “rich and moist with a thick fudge icing”
The first twist was preparing the coffee. I’ve made cakes with coffee before and usually you add the coffee to the wet ingredients making a very thin batter before adding dry ingredients (fyi aside - in baking, sugar is a wet ingredient). In this recipe you make a thick, cooked pudding of the coffee, butter and cocoa. So interesting and definitely adds to the richness and depth of the cake.
The other fun twist was with the “fudge icing”. It’s ganache based with powdered (confectioners) sugar added, which makes it really thick and fudgy. Ganache is a much softer topping alone (think of the inside of a truffle) and can be harder to spread. Confectioners sugar based frostings are thicker but usually don’t have that rich taste. Here you make the ganache and chill it to almost a pudding and then sift in the sugar. The result is an icing that is not only thick and rich (I’m not kidding about the milk) but easy to work with. It spreads well, but also holds its shape. Much easier than a buttercream or even a quick icing of butter and sugar. Assembly wasn’t as hard as I feared.
I also loved that she made this a “naked cake” with no icing on the sides. Each of the three layers is split and filled with icing and chocolate chips. It doesn’t need the sides iced.
I used a regular cherry (leftover from the Rice Pudding) because none of us like maraschino cherries and I didn’t want to waste a jar.
Tips: this recipe is ENORMOUS. It calls for bigger pans than I have and I thought “oh I’ll just make the extra into an extra middle layer for the freezer”. One extra middle layer and 15 cupcakes later I realized I should have done some math and cut the recipe.
Thankfully this should freeze really well. I even froze one of the layers because it was still way too much cake. Because the frosting is so thick, it was easy to disassemble. We had the top layer as a family on teen’s actual birthday, wrapped up the middle for her small weekend party and then I froze the bottom for another day.
Some frostings freeze well and can be used to frost later. My gut tells me this isn’t one of those. I frosted the cakes prior to freezing and they should be great thawed out. I just don’t think I could get the frosting soft enough to work with again.
The easiest way to freeze cake is to freeze it unwrapped on a cookie sheet until it’s solid and then put in a freezer bag.
For the ganache, use the best chocolate you can afford. I used valrhona, which is spendy but worth it for a special occasion. I made a 90% quantity for the icing because it calls for just over 2 c of cream and cream is sold in pints and that made me crabby.
I used a dark roast coffee. The book even recommends using the triple shot espresso, but I haven’t made that yet. The cake has a faint but distinct coffee flavor. You could adjust that by using a lighter roast or even subbing some of the coffee with water. A note on coffee - this is BREWED coffee. BREWED. Not grounds. Liquid coffee. This is such a common beginner mistake and will ruin your cake. Brewed. Coffee.
The flavor is SUPER dark and rich. It uses dark brown sugar and bittersweet chocolate. I used a 70% and you can choose darker or lighter to taste. The chips balance with the semi-sweet but it’s still rich AF. Cut your piece and then cut it in half. Trust me. We were all a little hopped up and teen had a stomach ache (lots of dairy in it too) but it was worth it lmao
So far I’ve done this cake, Farmer’s Lunch, Cheese Cauliflower, Salad, Rice Pudding, Fruit Salad, Shrimp Cocktail, Crab Cakes, Fried Mushroom, Cookie and Poppyseed Muffin (that one twice) all with write ups. Technically I’ve also done Shrimp Stock and Vegetable Stock, too, but I’ll write those up when I use them.
I really want these to be helpful for those of you wanting to try the Official Cookbook, so please feel free to ask questions!
submitted by Alarmed-Stage-7066 to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:26 Infamous-Stress5311 [PS5][M24] Selling Coins From 30 per M 1,000s Of Deals No Bans Fully Stocked Legend & Moderator - Always Available 917-697-6254

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submitted by Infamous-Stress5311 to MCSPlaystation [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:24 Jealous-Network1899 Can’t Connect to wifi

I've had a 2021 Hybrid that I inherited about a month now. During that time I've been trying to update Sync as it has never been done, in hopes that it would help the laggy response. The easiest way would be to connect to my home wifi, but most of the time it shows no availabile networks. When it does show my home network, I connect and it drops quickly. I've also tried the usb drive method with no luck. I recently brought it to the dealership for a recall and they said they had to order a update module and would call me, but never did, because they probably couldn't be bothered. Is this a common issue? I also have a Subaru and it very easily connects itself to my wife and checks for updates when parked in the same spot so I know it's not my network.
submitted by Jealous-Network1899 to fordescape [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:37 AldolAssassinNIBAZ “A Call To Arms.” Authenticated letter from the n-IsopropylZodiac Killer, 06/07/2024

“A Call To Arms.” Authenticated letter from the n-IsopropylZodiac Killer, 06/07/2024
If this community can establish a reliable method to synthesize pseudoephedrine, we can end reliance on mass market shill meth.
submitted by AldolAssassinNIBAZ to bizzybees [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:34 CrispyNaeem Marvel Cinematic Universe Cosmology Thread with Explanations (2024)

Marvel Cinematic Universe Cosmology Thread with Explanations (2024)

The Universe (Earth-616)


Infinite Size Statements:

High 3-A/High Universal Level (Infinite 3-D)

Low 2-C/Universal+ (4-D via the temporal dimension)

The Nine Realms

Nine Different Galaxies


In Different Universes

  1. Point two is explicit evidence that Asgard is in another universe
  1. This is about the Yggdrasil sequence in Thor 1's credit scene with a statement of the Nine Realms being multi-dimensional.
There's only evidence linking Asgard to a different universe meaning we can't assume this for the other realms. However, we'll give this rating for the high-end.

High 3-A+/High Universal Level (Infinite 3-D+)

Low 2-C/Low Multiversal Level (At least two 4-D Multiverses) (With the Temporal Dimension)

(High-End) Low 2-C/Low Multiversal Level (At least ten 4-D Multiverses) (With the Temporal Dimension + Nine Realms being different Universes)

Ascendant Realm/Mirror Dimension

Allows someone to transcend to another plane of existence.
  1. Those in the Mirror Dimension cannot be perceived by normal people, and manipulating space and matter is possible without changing the real world. Because it transcends the normal universe that means it stands above it.
  1. "A multitude of other dimensions that exist on top of our dimension, that exist next to our dimension."
  1. People can experience slowed time while in the Mirror Dimension.
Infinite Size

High 3-A+/High Universal Level (Infinite 3-D+) and Low 2-C/Low Multiversal Level (At least three 4-D Multiverses)

Low 2-C/Low Multiversal Level (At least two 4-D Multiverses) (With the Temporal Dimension)

(High-End) Low 2-C/Low Multiversal Level (At least eleven 4-D Multiverses)

Infinite Dimensions/Universes

  1. As shown in What If, Endgame, and Loki there are parallel realities of the Earth-Dimension which also fall under the infinitely-expanding model.

2-A/Multiverse level+ (Infinite 4D+)

The Dark Dimension

Infinite Size
Eleventh-Dimensional Statements (Possibly an Outlier)

2-A/Multiverse level+ (Infinite 4D+)

(High End) High 1/C/ High Complex Multiverse level (11D)

Gap Junction

No, the default assumption is that this is not the case. "Bigger" could mean having more 2-A structures and, as explained in greater detail previously, having more 2-A structures, or even infinitely many 2-A structures, unless uncountably infinite many, won't scale above a single 2-A structure in size. Source: VSBW Tiering System FAQ
  1. Given that the timeline is infinite before becoming uncountably infinite from a single branch, the Gap Junction gets a +1D over the other dimensions.

Low 1-C/Low Complex Multiverse level (5D)

(High End) 1-B/Hyperversal level (12D)

An Individual Timeline scales to 5D



  • Valhalla was shown in the post-credits scene of Thor: Love and Thunder to exist outside of the timeline (the strands in the sky are the multiversal timelines) which suggests that this realm is a higher dimension.

Low 1-C/Low Complex Multiverse level (6D)

(High End) 1-B/Hyperversal level (13D)

Quantum Realm

Infinite Size

Temporal Dimension with Explanations

Outside of explanations which state that multiple time dimensions exist it is difficult to show that a fiction has more than one. The key point that has to be established is that there is a kind of time that flows in a different direction than the past or the future or any of the spatial directions. Of particular consideration are instances in which timelines as a whole being changed, such that there is a timeline (or multiple timelines) before they were changed and after they were changed or created / destroyed. As the timelines as a whole are changed, the before and after in this context can't be the past and future the timelines usually use, but should be a separate direction.
  1. In short terms, this is stating that another temporal dimension can be qualified if it's flowing separately from standard past-present-future.
  2. For clarification in the MCU's Cosmology; the Multiversal War nearly destroyed every timeline in reality, however, He Who Remain's changed the cosmology and essentially erased his variants of existence. The reason why the TVA pruned timelines was to prevent newer versions of Kang from being born. When Janet was trapped in the Quantum Realm in the 1980s she met a variant of Kang from a different era of time before He Who Remain's had died.
Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige previously discussed the interconnected fallout in Multiverse of Madness, saying, "There’s always a method to the madness even in the Multiverse." Feige went on to point out that "Loki and Sylvie did something at the end of [Loki] that sort of allowed all of this to be possible... He Who Remains is gone, and that allowed a spell to go wrong in Spider-Man: No Way Home, which leads to the entire Multiverse going quite mad in [Doctor Strange 2]."
  1. This is the official confirmation that No Way Home and Doctor Strange 2 wouldn't have happened without He Who Remain's death. No Way Home takes place in Late 2024, meaning that there's at least a 35-40-year difference here.
However, caution is necessary. As explained above, we require that the additional time dimension is "a line comprised of uncountably infinite points". If new versions of timelines are only created if they are changed, due to time travel for example, then the number of "snapshots" of the timeline would be far more limited. The amount of snapshots would be one more than the times the timeline was changed. So, for example, if the timeline is rewritten 2 times, there would be 3 snapshots of the timeline: the original, the timeline after the first rewrite and the timeline after the second rewrite. That are far less than the required uncountably infinite many.
  1. We've already provided evidence that the multiverse and its unique dimensions are uncountably infinite without the need for time travel; What If already confirms that the infinite branches are naturally spawned and not by external means.
Aside from direct statements, the easiest way to confirm that the line is comprised of uncountably infinite points/"snapshots" is to show that the development of the timelines is time-like. I.e. typically one would want a statement like the alteration of the timelines being subject to its own flow of time or by saying that special time travel can go to prior versions of the timelines instead of the past. The keyword in the latter case is time travel, as that specifies that the action happens through movement through something like time. Note that such statements can be considered contradicted if the fiction specifies that new versions of the timeline, i.e. additional snapshots, are only created when the timeline is altered or similar.
  1. This is rather simple; the whole cosmology changed forever when He Who Remain's died, and yet the Quantum Realm had a 'prior version of the Timeline' despite He Who Remains being alive during that time. Also, the altercation of one timeline doesn't affect another as stated in What If S1E4.
  2. The Quantum Realm is therefore its hyper timeline and has a separate temporal dimension. A quick reminder is that the realm is layered.

1-C/ Complex Multiverse level (7D)

(High End) 1-B/Hyperversal level (14D)

The Void at The End of Time/TVA

Temporal Dimension

However, caution is necessary. As explained above, we require that the additional time dimension is "a line comprised of uncountably infinite points". If new versions of timelines are only created if they are changed, due to time travel for example, then the number of "snapshots" of the timeline would be far more limited. The amount of snapshots would be one more than the times the timeline was changed. So, for example, if the timeline is rewritten 2 times, there would be 3 snapshots of the timeline: the original, the timeline after the first rewrite and the timeline after the second rewrite. That are far less than the required uncountably infinite many.
  1. We've already provided evidence that the multiverse and its unique dimensions are uncountably infinite without the need for time travel; What If already confirms that the infinite branches are naturally spawned and not by external means.
Aside from direct statements, the easiest way to confirm that the line is comprised of uncountably infinite points/"snapshots" is to show that the development of the timelines is time-like. I.e. typically one would want a statement like the alteration of the timelines being subject to its own flow of time or by saying that special time travel can go to prior versions of the timelines instead of the past. The keyword in the latter case is time travel, as that specifies that the action happens through movement through something like time. Note that such statements can be considered contradicted if the fiction specifies that new versions of the timeline, i.e. additional snapshots, are only created when the timeline is altered or similar.
  1. The Void and the TVA remain unaffected by the destruction/pruning of a timeline.
  2. For the time travel section, Loki had used his time abilities to go to a version of the Sacred Timeline before the Multiverse branched out.
  • The Void/TVA would get a +1D.

1-C/ Complex Multiverse level (8D)

(High End) 1-B/Hyperversal level (15D)

R>F World

  1. R>F grants an infinity over the MCU cosmology.

1-C/ Complex Multiverse level (9D)

(High End) High 1-B/High Hyperversal level (Infinite Dimensions)

That's all folks!
submitted by CrispyNaeem to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:13 DoABarrowRoll Defending the Draft: New York Giants Edition (2024)

Hello again, fellow ingrates. Sorry I am a couple of days late.
I am pleased to return for the 7th year of "DABR Writes a Ton of Words About the New York Giants" and I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Season Recap

The Giants were flying high, coming off not just a playoff appearance, but a playoff VICTORY in the 2022 season. They chose to keep the band together, tagging Saquon Barkley and paying Daniel Jones, hoping to take yet another step forward under Coach of the Year Brian Daboll. Fans were feeling the positivity, projecting 10+ win seasons.
With the Giants' success, the NFL decided to give the Giants 4 prime time games through the first 6 weeks of the season, starting with a SNF showdown with the Giants' most common week 1 opponent: their division rival, the Dallas Cowboys.
Things got off to an okay start: The Giants got the ball to start the game and methodically moved it down the field, setting up a 3rd and 2 from the Cowboys' 8 yard line.
Then: disaster struck.
First you had a false start by Andrew Thomas to make it 3rd and 7. Then rookie center John Michael Schmitz botched a snap low, which made it 4th and 21. Okay fine, let's get 3 points and regroup.
But the field goal gets blocked and returned for a touchdown. A three and out on the ensuing possession followed by a Dallas field goal makes it 9-0. And on the Giants' next possession, Jones checks it down to Saquon Barkley, who gets hit, pops the ball into the air...and it's intercepted and returned for a touchdown.
Now with 2:30 left in the first quarter, the Giants are in a 16-0 hole, where 13 of those points were scored by Dallas' defense and special teams. And everything crumbled from there; the Cowboys defense took it to the Giants offense, the Giants OL had no answers for anything Dallas did, and by the end of the game it was a 40-0 embarrassment. All of the hype the Giants had coming into the year, instantaneously vanished.
Things got worse before they got better: Come to find out, Andrew Thomas injured his hamstring chasing down the blocked field goal. He was going to miss time. And now, headed for a 2 game west coast trip, the Giants confidence was shot and they were without their best offensive player, the one offensive lineman they could rely on.
And the Giants showed up for week 2 and immediately got bitchsmacked again, taking a 20-0 deficit into halftime against the Cardinals, a team almost everyone expected to be one of the worst in the league. But somehow, the Giants managed to mount a comeback and win that game 31-28. It didn't feel good to go down like that to one of the worst teams in the league, but the comeback roused some optimism, headed into a TNF matchup against SF.
But the optimism was short-lived, with a loss to SF kicking off a 4 game losing streak that included: being completely outclassed by SF, another disaster prime time game at home against Seattle in which the Giants mustered just 3 points, a bad loss to Miami on the road that included Daniel Jones sustaining a major neck injury that would sideline him for a few weeks, and a tough SNF loss to Buffalo where the Giants defense finally came alive, but Tyrod Taylor and the offense couldn't top 10 points.
Through that first 6 weeks, the Giants had scored 31 points in the 2nd half against Arizona, and 40 points in the other 22 quarters of play. And 7 of those 40 points came from a pick 6 against Miami.
The Giants managed to win against the Commanders the next week before blowing a late lead into an overtime loss against the Jets in one of the worst football games I've ever seen. And oh by the way, Tyrod Taylor got hurt in that game against the Jets, leading to undrafted rookie Tommy DeVito finishing that game.
There was some light at the end of that tunnel though, hopefully. Headed into their next game against the Raiders, Daniel Jones would be returning. Andrew Thomas had played every snap against the Jets, so maybe now that they could have the QB and LT back together, there was some hope to right the ship after a 2-6 start.
But it wasn't meant to be that way. The Raiders fired Josh McDaniels and replaced him with someone Giants fans are very familiar with: Antonio Pierce. That gave the Raiders some life. Jones looked atrocious, missing throws that should have been routine even just to the flats. And on the Giants' 3rd drive, at the beginning of the second quarter, Jones tore his ACL, ending his season, and putting Tommy DeVito back in as the Giants' QB.
DeVito would remain the starter the next week against the Cowboys, where the Giants got destroyed. But since Jones' season was over and Taylor wasn't healthy yet, DeVito would remain the starter for the next two games, a rematch against the Commanders, and the Patriots. And somehow, DeVito won both, spawning Tommy Cutlets-Mania.
That mania would last through the bye week, and DeVito would somehow pull out a win against the Green Bay Packers, dragging the Giants back to a 5-8 record.
Things would really hit the fan from there, with the Giants losing their next 3 games, where DeVito would get sent back to the bench for Tyrod Taylor. The Giants almost managed to beat the Rams, but missed a long field goal as time expired. Then finished off their season with a (let's face it) meaningless, but also satisfying win against the Eagles, to finish at 6-11.
Wink Martindale decided he wanted out, embattled ST Coordinator Thomas McGaughey was given the axe, and the Giants parted ways with Brian Daboll's longtime lieutenant, OL coach Bobby Johnson.

Free Agency Recap

The Giants were very targeted in their free agency approach this year.
For the second year in a row, the Giants' biggest "free agency" addition might actually have been a player acquired via trade: a 2nd round pick and some late round picks/swaps for EDGE Brian Burns, and giving him a 5 year, 141m contract to team up with Kayvon Thibodeaux and Dexter Lawrence to hopefully create a fearsome pass rush.
The Giants targeted their offensive line pretty aggressively next. It started with bringing in a new OL coach: Carmen Bricillo, who had been the OL coach for the Raiders. Then they brought Jermaine Eluemunor over, a player Bricillo is very familiar with having worked together the last couple of years with the Raiders. Eluemunor provides a stable vet option for the RT spot in case Evan Neal continues to struggle like he has the first two years of his career. And if Neal can finally put it together with a new OL coach at the helm, the Giants have a solid swing tackle who can also play guard. They also added OL Jon Runyan to hopefully solidify one of the guard spots. That gives the Giants the week 1 starting OL of Andrew Thomas, Jermaine Eluemunor, John Michael Schmitz, Jon Runyan, and Evan Neal.
The Giants would lose Saquon Barkley in free agency, to their bitter rivals, the Eagles, but would replace him with another guy this coaching staff is familiar with: Devin Singletary. Singletary is not Saquon, but the Giants finally understood that Saquon cannot be the answer to all of their problems, and they're seemingly more willing to operate a more committee-based rushing attack. Paying Saquon a lot of money didn't really make sense for the Giants anyways, and Singletary is a cheaper option that should provide a comparable amount of production.
The Giants then replaced Tyrod Taylor with Drew Lock, to help protected them if Daniel Jones wouldn't be healthy for 2024 (and they couldn't draft a QB; more on this later), and invested in other vet minimum type depth.

Draft Needs

A roster that they hoped would compete fell way short, and it opened up a lot more warts than they had expected:
  1. QB. Just one year after giving Daniel Jones a 4 year, 160m contract, the Giants were sitting with the 6th overall pick in a draft class that had potentially 6 first round QBs. And now that Jones had suffered both the torn ACL, and a second serious neck injury (the first costing him the last 7 games of the 2021 season), the Giants had to get serious about potentially moving on from Jones.
  2. CB. The Giants had invested top 110 picks in CBs in the previous 4 drafts: Darnay Holmes in 2020, Aaron Robinson in 2021, Cor'Dale Flott in 2022, and Deonte Banks in 2023. To this point, the returns on those picks hasn't been all that great. Flott flashes at times but also consistently messes up his assignment. Banks had a very up and down rookie year, tasked with going up against WR1s man to man. Adoree' Jackson had left in free agency. And the Giants really didn't address this position in free agency at all. Heading into the draft, the room was basically the same as it was in 2023, but without Adoree' Jackson.
  3. WR. The Giants have had a WR1 problem since Dave Gettleman traded away Odell Beckham Jr. They were hoping to kind of replace it in the aggregate in 2023 by having potentially 5 WRs that could contribute, and having Darren Waller serve as the focal point of their passing attack. But between the OL's struggles, the lack of health and performance at QB, Waller missing time with a hamstring injury, and the WRs maybe not being what the team hoped for (Parris Campbell was a total zero, Jalin Hyatt was essentially a deep threat only), that plan fell apart. After attacking the OL mostly in free agency, finding a consistent focal point for the passing attack felt like the logical next step to fixing this offense.
  4. Safety. The Giants let Xavier McKinney walk in free agency, leaving them with Jason Pinnock and Dane Belton. New Defensive Coordinator Shane Bowen found his most success when he had some strong safety play with Kevin Byard in Tennessee, and there are definitely snaps to be found in that room.
  5. OL. The Giants attacked the OL aggressively in free agency, but there were still places for investments to succeed. Eluemunor is a more natural fit at tackle, that's where he has played the last couple of years, but the Giants want Evan Neal to stick at RT. Eluemunor can play guard, but the Giants are one injury away from seeing Josh Ezeudu or Aaron Stinnie come into the starting 5, and that is a bit dangerous. Drafting a starting guard and letting Eluemunor focus on being the swing tackle/primary backup could definitely be a benefit.
  6. TE. Daniel Bellinger has proven to be a solid piece, but Darren Waller has been considering retirement recently. Heading into the draft, Waller insisted he wanted to give the team an answer sooner rather than later, but there was still no clarity on his situation. To me, if you're not sure, you're not committed, and the team needs to plan like you're gone.
  7. Depth. The OL/TE depth has mostly been addressed above, but the Giants also were in need of solid depth at other spots. Singletary is a good start to a committee based RB room, but the group behind him isn't inspiring, with 2nd year RB Eric Gray and primarily ST player Gary Brightwell leading the mix. Another head to that backfield could go a long way. Dexter Lawrence is a dominant force on the DL, but the Giants traded Leonard Williams at the trade deadline and could use more bodies in that room to eat snaps.
Basically, at this point, the only spots the Giants probably felt really good about were their ST spots, and off ball LB, where they returned basically the whole unit from 2023, which was very good. And with just 6 picks to work with, not everything could be addressed.
Now, without further ado, let's get into the picks:

1.6: Malik Nabers, WR, LSU

Before we dive in on Nabers, we first have to talk about the whole picture.
The Giants did a TON of work on the QB class headed into the draft. They had sent people to USC and UNC especially a ton during the season. It's been reported/rumoured that the Giants were aggressive in trying to move up the board. Before the Bears traded Justin Fields and made it clear Caleb Williams was their guy, the Giants tried to move up to 1. And up until the very last minute on Draft Night, the Giants were pushing to trade up to 3 to pick Drake Maye, with their final offer believed to be their 1st, 2nd, and 4th this year, plus their 2025 1st round pick. Depending on who you believe, the Patriots were actually interested in this offer, but Robert Kraft vetoed the deal. Which sucks for Giants fans, but is probably correct for the Patriots.
That left the Giants sitting at pick 6, watching Caleb Williams, Jayden Daniels, and Drake Maye fly off the board. Then MHJ and Alt went, and the Giants had a decision to make.
They had done a lot of work on JJ McCarthy. Were they comfortable enough with him to pick him at 6, or were they going to go with the best player on their board? In the end, they went with Nabers.
I've already written about the Giants' need for a WR1, so let's focus on Nabers, and why the Giants picked him over Odunze. A lot of Giants fans believed Odunze would be the correct choice because of his size, his contested catch ability, and how that skillset fits into the Giants' current WR room with Darius Slayton, Jalin Hyatt, and Wan'Dale Robinson.
But to me, Nabers is just a much more complete and versatile player. We've seen a lot of LSU receivers over the last decade, and people love to compare them to Odell, but Nabers is legitimately the closest I've seen to Odell's burst and explosiveness. He gets from 0-60 almost instantly, he's a great threat after the catch. The Giants have had an explosive pass play problem over the last few years, and Nabers gives them a huge threat in that way with his ability to turn any play into a an explosive play whether it's his ability to separate deep or taking a quick throw and turning into a big gain after the catch.
He attacks all three levels of the defense effectively, and he is a natural separator. That will be extremely important for a team that doesn't feel like they have a consistent QB at this time and will need a "best friend" for any future QB they draft.
Daboll and Schoen have talked publicly about how the ability to separate and to play any position they need, boundary or slot, are keys to their WR evaluation, and those are areas are areas where Nabers excels.
It will not be easy for Nabers to make this offense great, but if you can get a year or two out of him like Drake London and Garrett Wilson have had with their respective QB situations, you can feel really really good about the impact he'll have if/when the Giants solve their QB problem.

2.47: Tyler Nubin, S, Minnesota

The Giants kept up their "BPA" approach with their second round pick of Tyler Nubin. We know they could use a safety to bolster that room, but Nubin was also legitimately one of the best players available at this pick.
Nubin is a very well-rounded player. He's got the size and strength to play in the box, and he has the coverage instincts to be an impact player there. He had great ball production at Minnesota, and a lot of it was thanks to his ability to read the QB's eyes and anticipate throwing windows, break on the ball, and make a play. The Giants also loved him off the field, they view him as a future leader in the locker room, which something this regime values highly.
His athletic traits don't necessarily pop off the screen, but he more than makes up for it with his instincts. And even though he's not really a nickel defender or man-to-man defender, you just wouldn't put him in those positions.
Nubin has a really good shot to start and play as many snaps as he can for the Giants this year. Xavier McKinney played every single snap for the Giants last year, in a variety of different roles, and if Nubin can step into that role and contribute, this pick will be a huge success. But even if he has more rotation with Belton and Pinnock, Nubin will still have a lot of opportunity to make a difference in the Giants' new defensive scheme.

3.70: Andru Phillips, CB, Kentucky

Surprisingly, this has become one of the most contentious picks in the Giants' draft. People (including me) were happy the Giants passed on the QBs for Nabers, as we didn't want the Giants to take a QB they didn't believe in just to "save their jobs" or whatever. But this pick confused a lot of people.
A lot of that had to do with a) the board b) Giants fans' collective PTSD and obsession with the offensive line. And believe me, I am as obsessed with the offensive line as anyone on the planet.
We've already discussed how the Giants OL could still use an infusion of talent, and there was no shortage of OL talent available. Isaiah Adams went with the very next pick, and a few "fan favorites" of various content creators in the Giants' orbit went in the 16 picks after; Coober Beebe went 73, Christian Haynes 81, Zak Zinter 85, Dominick Puni 86.
That said, it still makes a lot of sense that the Giants maybe prioritized CB over the OL. Like I said earlier, the Giants CB room at this point was just the 2023 CB room minus either the best or second best player (depending whether you rate Deonte Banks better or worse) in Adoree' Jackson.
I personally didn't like Phillips as a prospect, and I have my questions about him coming to the Giants in particular. But let's put that aside and focus on the positives in his game first.
Phillips is a physical player who does not hesitate to fire downhill and get involved in the run game, which is something Giants' slot corners have been lacking over the last few years. He brings the same physicality to coverage as well; despite being a little on the small side (part of why he's moving inside), he's not afraid to attack receivers, even if they outweigh him significantly. The functional strength is pretty impressive at his size.
I do think there are some pretty lacking traits here, which contribute to why he went this late at all (though I had him rated much lower). The ball skills are really disappointing to me, he had very little ball production at Kentucky. For me, the difference between his ability in zone far exceeds his ability in man; this can be worked around since Shane Bowen is not the man coverage fiend that Wink Martindale was, but is still a problem.
What I'm really interested to see is how his athleticism translates; I didn't find it that impressive on film, and the 40 and agilities were just fine, while the jumps were really good. I wonder if he'll come to the league as a really talented athlete, or if it'll continue to limit him.
For what it's worth, I really do not trust CB coach Jerome Henderson anymore. The Giants have drafted a CB in the top 110 every year since he's been here, dating back to 2020, and Deonte Banks is by far the best one, maybe the only one who is a starter level NFL player. And all 3 of the other guys (Darnay Holmes, Aaron Robinson who also has been a walking injury, and Cor'Dale Flott) were supposed to be nickel corners.
Phillips will be the day 1 starter in the slot, and it'll be hard for him to avoid criticism even though he's a rookie making a hard transition, since the Giants have struggled so much to develop talent at this position recently.

4.107: Theo Johnson, TE, Penn State

With Darren Waller's status in limbo, the Giants decide to get aggressive and deepen their TE room.
It feels like every year there are a couple of guys like Theo Johnson: The size and athleticism are off the charts, great testing numbers, but somehow a complete dearth of production. Johnson turned 23 in February, spent 4 seasons at Penn State, but amassed a total of 77 catches, 938 yards, and 12 TDs in his collegiate career, with highes of 34 catches, 341 yards, and 7 TDs in 2023.
It's honestly a little reminiscent of the Giants selecting Daniel Bellinger in the 2022 draft, another guy who tested really well but had similar or worse production than Johnson in every category.
I'm of the opinion that if Johnson was more productive over his collegiate career, he would have gone earlier. He's got great size, he's a good athlete, he's an active and willing blocker with high end flashes in that department. The one major thing that's lacking is that evidence of being an impact player in the passing game. He's not really a threat after the catch, and the film doesn't always back up the testing in terms of separating and being explosive through routes.
If Waller does return to the Giants for 2024, then Johnson gets to be one of the best TE3s in the NFL and really work on his craft, getting ready to compete for the starting gig once Waller presumably retires after the 2024 season. But if Waller retires, as the Giants are currently expecting, then Johnson will be a solid TE2 working with Daniel Bellinger while trying to develop into something a bit more.

5.166: Tyrone Tracy, RB, Purdue

The Giants decide to help out their RB committee by adding Tyrone Tracy to the mix.
Tracy has only been playing RB full time for one season, and you can definitely see that. He has a little trouble with processing moving fronts and picking rush lanes, and he still has to learn when to just lower his shoulder and get a few yards, rather than seeking the big play.
What Tracy does provide is a bursty, one-cut type of runner who also provides a significant receiving threat, having played WR before transitioning to RB. He can run routes out of the backfield and make himself available to QBs and has soft hands. His contact balance is pretty solid as well, since he's pretty solidly built. He'll be a good compliment to Singletary.
In addition, Tracy both has kick return experience and has the type of skillset that teams think will be effective with the new kick return rules.
Tracy's easiest path to playing time will be to lean into being a 3rd down back. He has the receiving skills already, and if he can prove he's a reliable pass protector, he'll definitely earn playing time on offense. At worst, we'll see him on special teams this year while he hones his craft and tries to compete for more significant playing time moving forward.

6.183: Darius Muasau, LB, UCLA

The Giants stick with some special teams focus here. Muasau and new Giants STC Michael Ghobrial have history, with Ghobrial being Muasau's ST coordinator in 2019 at Hawai'i.
Muasau has a relentless motor and reads plays really well. He has a really good feel for rushing lanes and how to fill in, and he plays physical, he doesn't shy away and seems to love getting in the mix even against pulling OL.
He's not a super impressive athlete and can be a little too aggressive at times. He also needs to learn some new tricks to evade OL rather than trying to go through them. When it comes to earning snaps on defense, it'll be hard for him to shake a "two-down" label due to his lack of coverage ability.
With Okereke and McFadden pretty much locked in as the starters and Isaiah Simmons as the "sub package" LB, Muasau's roster spot will be mostly based on his ability to earn Ghobrial's trust on special teams. Over the last few years, Carter Coughlin and Cam Brown earned 53 man roster spots the same way, so the avenue for Muasau is pretty clear.


As usual, I'll highlight the UDFAs and kind of organize them by guarantees. The guarantees are usually the best way to tell who has the best shot at making the roster. Remember that a practice squad salary for the full year is $225k
  1. NDSU OL Jake Kubas ($270k): Kubas is a super experienced player, having played over 2400 snaps at RG at NDSU. He's on the smaller side. He plays pretty balanced, has solid technique, and understands how to position his body. That's how he wins for the most part, since he's not really a freakish athlete and his power profile is pretty underwhelming. He'll be kind of a "stash and develop" type of player who will compete for a bottom of the roster spot with guys like Marcus McKethan, Jimmy Morrissey, and Jalen Mayfield.
  2. Oregon DL Casey Rogers ($220k): Rogers posted some really impressive testing numbers, but we need to see it transfer to the field more consistently. He might be a better fit for what Shane Bowen likes to do than what Wink Martindale liked to do; Wink prefers stronger two-gapping IDL with knockback power, while Bowen is looking for DL to penetrate upfield and create chaos. As it stands right now, he'd be a liability in the run game, and doesn't really provide you that much in the pass game to justify it. But maybe he can hang out and develop his craft and get his pad level down under one of the best position coaches in the NFL in Andre Patterson.
  3. Missouri OT Marcellus Johnson ($170k): Johnson is an interesting guy to give a lot of money to. He played at Eastern Michigan for 5 seasons, with almost 2300 snaps played, before transferring to Missouri...to be a backup, playing just 84 snaps in 2023. He's another guy that is pretty lacking in power profile. I'm not really sure I see the avenue to a 53 man roster spot for him, as it'll be tough for him to compete with Kubas and the guys I listed in his section, and if he's playing OT, he has to get through not just Thomas/Neal/Eluemunor, but also Matt Nelson, Yodny Cajuste, and Josh Ezeudu (who has been the 2nd team LT in OTAs I believe).
  4. UCLA CB Alex Johnson ($115k): Johnson is another player that tested better than I think his film showed; the film made me think maybe he'll be better converting to safety. He mostly played in the slot at UCLA, but struggled a lot in the run game. I was underwhelmed with his ability in coverage. I don't really see it with him, but the Giants CB room is so bad that I guess he does have a shot.
  5. West Florida WR John Jiles ($100k): Jiles' highlights are insane. He looks like he's playing against middle schoolers at times the way he just leaps over guys and makes highlight reel catches. That's pretty much all it was to me though. He's a stiff mover and wasn't quite as consistently dominant as you'd like to see in my opinion. If I'm looking for a guy to make a couple of sick catches in the preseason and never be heard from again, it's Jiles, but if I'm looking for a guy who can become a player on Sundays, I'm not looking here.
  6. South Carolina RB Dante Miller: Miller wasn't really a UDFA, because he was signed well before the draft, but I want to mix him in here. South Carolina and the NCAA kind of botched his eligibility, so he barely played in 2022, was not part of the 2023 draft, then was ruled ineligible for the 2023 season and 2024 draft. Had a really sick pro day, and his nickname "Lil Turbo" is very apt. He's just really explosive and fast, that's most of his game. Most of his opportunity to make the team will be to maybe compete as a kick returner.

Final Takeaways

The Giants had a good, solid, like B level draft. I didn't think they got exceptional value at any pick, and I thought they kind of played it safer than they had the last couple of years in the draft. In 2022, the story was really about investing in young, athletic players and trying to develop them. In 2023, they mostly continued that, sticking with their tenants of sticking to younger, more athletic players.
This year, they didn't completely shift away from that, but the average age definitely feels like it went up. Malik Nabers is the only player who won't be 23 by Thanksgiving. And while I don't hate any of the Giants' picks, it feels like they were trying to hit singles/doubles after Nabers. None of those players to me feel like swinging for upside, thinking you have a superstar in the making, they feel like players the team thinks will just be good solid pros. I'm not sure how I feel about it, since the swings on upside haven't been the most successful, but I also don't feel like this draft changes the outlook of the team moving forward either. Most importantly, it does feel like a departure from their previous tendencies, so it'll be interesting to see whether it was more conscious and if it works out.
I'm not sure this is a draft we'll be looking back on and thinking about how great an impact it had on the future of the team. But I'm also not sure how likely that was once the trade up for Drake Maye was off the table.
submitted by DoABarrowRoll to NFL_Draft [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:41 Lost_Cube The Curvy Copter III - 100% Explained (Maybe?)

First thing's first: if someone else has posted something identical to this then great. I'm not out to step on any toes or steal any credit. What I'm about to harp on about is based on just a tiny bit of information I "learned" and the rest of it is what I have "discovered" during my time with the puzzle. My hope is that, at the very least, this will be an effective guide for anyone new to the puzzle; at the most, perhaps the foundation of an increasingly efficient understanding of how to solve it.
Part One: The "Curvy Copter" Bit
To even start with the Curvy Copter III it is imperative to understand the original Curvy Copter. I will NOT be going into detail about how to solve a Curvy Copter - it is more or less a "classic" twisty puzzle at this point and there are oodles of walkthroughs, tutorials, videos, and diagrams on the subject. That being said, it is not a particularly difficult puzzle and anyone who can learn to solve a 3x3x3 can certainly learn the Curvy Copter.
Now for the elephant in the room: jumbling. Yes, jumbling will affect how a Curvy Copter is solved. It not only adds an extra step but also leads to different situations during the solve. However, when you get down to the 30 pieces that separate the Curvy Copter from the Curvy Copter III, they DO NOT appear to be affected by jumbling. So whether or not the Curvy Copter portion of the puzzle is solved with or without jumbling, tackling the "III" part of the puzzle is the same.
Part Two: The "III" Bit
For anyone who might not be 100% clear on the matter, the difference between a Curvy Copter and a Curvy Copter III are the 5 small center pieces on each face. Each face contains a small square at the very center (the "center piece"), surrounded by a curved triangular-ish piece ("petals") on each of the four sides. When an edge is turned, it takes with it the centers of the two faces that join to create the edge, as well as the 2 petals parallel to the edge and the 1 of the 2 remaining petal closest to the turned edge.
These are the 30 pieces we'll be solving.
Part Three: Notation and Terminology
Edge-turners are still relatively new in the wide world of cubing, so without any official notation or terminology, I've made up some stuff and built upon what others have used and I think it works well enough.
Since we're only really dealing with 2 types of pieces, that's all I'm going to bother to name. The piece at the very center of each face is just the "center." The 4 around it art "petals." To avoid confusion with face and edge names, I've dubbed the petals north (N), east (E), west (W), and south (S). The N petal is the one that "points" to the U face on faces adjacent to U (L, R, F, and B). On the U face, the N petal points towards B, and on the D face, the N petal point towards F. It follows an M' slice. To avoid any further ambiguity, W will always be to the left of N, E will be tot he right of N, and S will be directly across from N.
With that in mind, I typically define a petal by its face and then position, such as "FN" or "DE" etc.
And since we won't be jumping around faces all that much, I'm simply defining edge turns as L, R, U, or D relative to whatever face is being manipulated. There really is no need for the all the "UF, FL, DB etc." kind of labeling because for any given sequence we're usually concentrating a single face.
In an attempt to cut down on wordiness, I've written out some of this stuff like "LW + U." This means that the LW is on current F face, and therefore the U edge is the edge shared by the U and L faces. In other words, the frame of reference will always be that of the named petal on the F face.
Part Four: Placing the Centers
This part is super easy - trivial almost. The centers work in cycles of 3 faces. It's easiest to think of them as being in a line. As an example, you'll take note of what needs to be on F. You can pull that over from L or R. Then you tuck that away on the other side (if you did an L now do an R, vice versa). Then reverse the moves. It'll look like any simple commutator - L R L R (no "primes" or inverses because all turns are 180°)
.If you end up in a position where you can't do a clean 3-cycle because the unsolved faces don't form a line, just pick a center to solve. It'll probably unsolve another center, but that's not a big deal. Within a couple of tries you should be able to line up 3 unsolved centers.
Part Five: Strategy and Tactics
From here on out we're going to use a single commutator (and its inverse...and its mirror...and its inverse mirror) to cycle 3 petals at a time until we finish the puzzle. We're gonna cycle the US, FN, and LW (or RE) petals. We'll be using the U face as our frame of reference here:
CW: US to FN to LW = (L R L R) (B F B) (R L R L) (B F B)
CCW: LW to FN to US = (B F B) (L R L R) (B F B) (R L R L)
CCW: US to FN to RE = (R L R L) (B F B) (L R L R) (B F B)
CW: RE to FN to US = (B F B) (R L R L) (B F B) (L R L R)
Your hands will get use to this pretty quickly, and once you know one of them, it's pretty easy to get the rest; that is to say try to remember this as 4 versions of 1 sequence and not necessarily 4 discrete sequences.
The beauty here is that these 3 and only these 3 pieces are affected. This means that we can literally manipulate the rest of the puzzle in whatever way we need to in order to get those petals into a position to be cycled. Obviously some setup moves will be necessary to solve the puzzle but the more I played with it, the more I got interested in increasingly elaborate setups.
I'm not so good at the math with these things and I'm not 100% sure what effect pieces that might already be solved will have, but reason would lead me to believe that 24 pieces ought to be solvable within 8 3-cycles. I also reason that 1 already solved piece would "allow" for one 2-cycle, however, 3 solved pieces would mean we only have 21 to solve, bringing us down to 7 3-cycles assuming that the 3 solved pieces could be manipulated into a 3-cycle themselves.
Part Six: Perfecting the Setup
The more I solved it the more I noticed that I could very easily move a piece from one position to another, or that maybe it was very difficult to deal with pieces in a certain spot, or even that I could reposition the puzzle in my hand to make some things easier.
My first endeavor involved mapping out the trajectory of each and every piece. This got a little messy because each petal can go 1 of 3 directions each turn and for specifics I won't get into it just wasn't a very effective method at figuring out what I wanted.
After a bit of break from the puzzle, I finally figured out what I needed to do: I needed to figure out the shortest path from any given to position to one of the given 3 positions involved in the 3-cycle. I feel like it's pretty easy to get the US and FN petals lined up, so my first focus was how to move a piece from anywhere else into the LW or RE slots.
What we're talking about from here on our are setup moves, or guess "conjugates" might be the more technical term. We'll use these setup moves to get the 3 petals where we want them, perform the appropriate commutator, and then undo the setup move. The setup moves can be as complicated as you can tolerate, just so long as you remember exactly how to undo them.
I plan to explore accounting for the US an FN spots at some point, but for now, I've simply got 2 easy ways to turn a FN / LW (or RE) or US / LW (or RE) condition into the US / FN state.
From FN / LW (or RE): With the LW or RE face in front, turn the U edge. This will move either LW or RE to a US position, giving you a US / FN state.
From US / LW (or RE): With US in front, turn the D edge. This moves US to FN. With LW (or RE) in front, turn the U edge. This puts LW (or RE) into US position. (Just like the previous case.)
The Meat and Potatoes
I've divided these moves into "levels" base on how many moves it takes to get the piece into the LW or RE position. Important: "The Level 3 Fix" - With Level 3 and 4 pieces, there is a move where either an R turn of the L face or L turn of the R face will place the petal on F. This will happen any time we transition a Level 3 piece to a Level 2 position. Once you've finished placing this piece, you must undo either the L or R turn because the first time it bumps out your FN piece. So when you are dealing with Level 3 or 4 piece it'll go something like this: setup move, fix the FN piece, commutator, undo the "fix," undo setup move.
One more term I want to define is the "flip." It's just a cube rotation that save us a move or two. It can be thought of as either (x', z2) or (x, y2). Either will work; the point is that what was F is now U, and what was U is now F. What this does is put a piece that was in the LS position in RE, and likewise, a piece that was in RS now appears to be in LW.
The idea here is to find your piece and follow it all the way to Level 0. For the sake of brevity, I don't have the entire sequences listed. Instead, Level 4 solutions will lead you to Level 3, those solutions will go to Level 2 etc.
Level 4:
Level 3:
Level 2:
Level 1:
Level 0:
Obviously the US and FN positions aren't listed because they are already where they need to be!
This method won't quite optimize the solve to 8 sequences or less, but I think it's a good start.
Part Seven: Shortcomings and Future Improvements
Earlier I mentioned that for every petal already solved, we could use one of our 8 cycles to do 2-cycle, however, when it becomes 3 solved petals, we need to consider that to be one use of the cycle provided there is a way to cycle the 3 - and so on for every multiple of 3. Oddly enough, I have run into situations where there are 6 solved petals that could easily be seen as two 3-cycles. However, with what was left on the puzzle, there was absolutely no way to perform a 3-cycle that would solve 3 petals. That clearly puts a kink in my logic regarding the effect of solved pieces on the optimal solution.
The stuff I've listed above is effective for probably 90% of what you'll run into, but there are some tricky situations. Most of these involve having to shuffle 2 pieces around at once as well as situations similar to the "Level 3 Fix," I'd like to outline some of these aberrant cases and go over how to solve them at some point.
Finally - and this will probably need to come from a more clever brain than mine - it would be awesome to discover 1 or maybe 2 alternate commutators to help reach those Level 3 and Level 4 pieces and maybe even do away with the "Level 3 Fix" altogether.
Alright, I think I've said about all I can on the subject for the time being. Please feel free to tack on any tips, tricks, additions, suggestions, corrections, whatever! And thank you for your time and interest!
submitted by Lost_Cube to twistypuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:17 X2-Intrepid-Hero My story: Two projections in the same morningon the first try with this technique!

I watched Michael Raduga's documentary "The Phase" back in 2014 after discovering it on a day of nothing but astral projection research.
The "phase state" indirect method is absolutely by far the easiest way to project, bar none. It blows my mind that this indirect method is barely talked about by anyone on YouTube and I don't even see it talked about here. In my practice today I'm trying both direct and indirect methods and I haven't had any success yet but I can definitely achieve the vibrational state when trying direct--- just working on achieving deeper levels of relaxation in my AP meditations and I believe I'll get it very soon with the progress I'm already making. I'm of the assumption that the indirect method isn't currently working for me because my sleep schedule is very limited right now as on work nights I'm getting less than 6 hours of sleep, but I'm going to keep at it no matter what until I master both direct and indirect methods and become an AP expert. Anyway, here's my story! Enjoy and good luck everyone :) https://youtu.be/_1Pzf2n-hoI?si=i2UIg4KR5zAT3gVy
submitted by X2-Intrepid-Hero to AstralProjection [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:16 TrueMight My Dys-Dain for profiteers of pseudo-scientific trash

I somewhat like pharmaceuticals! It's a very interesting and inviting proposal to give in to urges of viewing the body through a totally reductionist lens, just another bit of machinery that we can tweak and manage, that we can manipulate at our whim, make it serve us in the way we feel is gratifying right now. Not the way biological and environmental pressures determiner how it should react.
Unlike the biologically constrained view, this viewpoint is fun, because it feels empowering! It enables the delusion that we actually have even the slightest fucking idea what is going on in the brain and what we are doing. Now, we are creatures of habit, and that is because our body is so dead set on returning to homeostasis and is really good at it. But we are not a kitchen appliance. We don't have 5 dials and 3 buttons. The amount of cross-interactions and ways shit could possibly go wrong randomly is unimaginable.
SSRIs. SNRIs. Antidepressants in general. They hailed in the waves of Depression diagnoses - in that temporal relationship. And I believe causal. We've been handing them out for so many decades now, yet that the production site of Serotonin was located in the gut, that was something we only found Out in the last decade. Look at our antipsychotic medication, our line of defense against psychosis - just fucking block dopamine I guess. Yeah you feel miserable as fuck with your Mesolymbic system blocked - have some antidepressants with them maybe? Why not go for Venlafaxine. Cause that ones fucking easy to get off of and certainly isn't a massive disruptor.
Blocking Dopamines effects; That's our BEST swing at schizophrenia, after a century. Yet.. everyone is under the impression we already have this figured out apparently. Really? Did I miss the Party?
It I recall correctly, psychotic states can have a plethora of causes, and it's often difficult to find any substantial reasoning as to why they wouldn't be considered to be 'hallucinating stimuli that aren't present in material reality'. Let's look at BPD: Borderliners are permanently parapsychotic, meaning their reality testing is impaired constantly, and they like to lose that grip entirely in a state of what is essentially a right hemisphere mini-stroke. They will start confabulating nonsensical, illogical, contradictory and straight up just untrue garbage ad infinitum, no matter how much evidence they are presented to the contrary - they will make it fit in, and they really believe in it, it doesn't vanish afterwards. Do we give those people anti-psychotics? Why not?
When are you clinically depressed because of an imbalance, versus should get your fucking life in order? When is it a disorder that impairs your social life, versus you refusing to leave your god damn basement?
Maybe we should feel a bit bad about ourselves sometimes. No, I'm not saying it anyone should be left unhelped or should "man up". Maybe a pill is NOT gonna solve our horrible hygiene, or lack of interests. Maybe reviewing our life without self-deceiving might do the trick. Maybe not. Even if it's the capsule, you know the drill, only effective after a few weeks of daily intake (and we don't know why it exactly works either lol). It seems weird for human physiology to just have completely, utterly and collectively shat the bed in such a brutal manner, affecting so many people simultaneously, with such growing number within decades, if at all.
To go on a tangent, have you ever played a PC game and used cheat engine? There's values you can search for and change within the rapid access memory that your PC has allocated somewhere for whatever memory the game is actively constantly using. There's a lot of games where you could find the value of the level you have in some skill and change that - yet nothing happens. Actually, the number you changed is only a display number for the player, so besides being informative for you it serves no function. So it has to be some other value, maybe an XP counter which just starts at 0 and goes up to 99999999, or maybe that one is dependent on others as well. Maybe it's randomized at every playthrough which combination of values determines it? We certainly know changing the displayed number doesn't really do that much. Actually it might be counterproductive if you think you're higher in that skill than you really are, put less effort into leveling it.. That's what Antidepressants were to me.
Now, higher Serotonin concentrations are clearly correlated with higher levels of.. Well that depends what you're searching for, doesn't it. You can just take the easy route and say "Happyness". Huh. What the fuck does that mean? Because you could also say the funni peterson lobster thing, that it's got a very strongly correlation with the hierarchical status, which would also not be wrong. So the translation for humans seems to be the "socioeconomic dominance hierarchy", heard that one before. Well that's another very simple, easy, onedimensiomal concept to unpack, isn't it. So does that disqualify me if I don't score high here ? It doesn't seem to, I feel pretty good. Oh - correlation, NOT causation. True, just a thing we happened to observe.
Such statements and observations only maybe might make sense and be of limited use if they are used to make inferences about each other, maybe arrive at a sudden absence of correlation between relationships, but only so long as they are using using identical definitions and rulesets as their playground boundaries.
So what are these boundaries, who sets them? First, lets look at real science.
With formal sciences, we adhere to laws of the fabric of space and time, and we test for ideas, hypotheses if you might, in a way that tries to actually show we're wrong, in order to find the least wrong, least unnecessarily complex theory, that can nonetheless give us reliable capability to predict future events, allowing us to plan and strategize. You try to prove you're wrong because you can't prove anything als definitely right by "Always" being correct. What does Always mean? The next trillion tests? Until the end of the universe? Alright, see you then. It can be correct any number of times - if it fails a SINGLE time to be applicable, or completely misses the mark with a prediction it makes about the future, it needs to be revised or replaced.
Now, join the imaginary realm of arbitration and conjecture. The social 'sciences'. We have merely an imaginary and conceptualized space, it's constraints and the it's contents and what that space deems to be in the range of normalcy.. Range of normalcy...
I guess we do that by what we agree is normal? Or what we're like on average? Kinda hard to find a measurement that takes everything into account. Oh right, we are stupid and gullible.
Psychological & Psychiatric associations and doctors determine what's normal, correct and right. Based on what THEY determine scientifically as normal or abnormal. Follow the science. Today you're a junkie tweaker on meth, tomorrow you might be a performance-enhanced enjoyer of hedonistic short-term pleasure. Doctors know best. If they say you need Adderall, you're not a speed addict with a dependency - you're receiving medication for your attention deficit disorder. Today you have Gaming Disorder, tomorrow it might go up to a HAZARDOUS gaming disorder (sadly not making this up).
But back to this experimental space. One of 'knowledge' - that has as 0 external validity. Whatever is posited or discovered within this conjecture, its gotta be a result of working inside that conjecture and it's rules. That means we have to accept the premises required as existing at least, and the rules wholesale.. Because otherwise we never would've been able to discover anything about that space, it would've been a different space, one that you don't have anyone to discuss anything with. So we have a hypothetical space, and it's boundaries must be accepted as existent, if not true, if we are to work with it. But we can prove the premises and true afterwards for the ones coming later?
No, they cannot help to prove themselves, are just accepted upon. But we always need a framework to guide us. Otherwise, there is nothing to find out, because you can do nothing inside of nothing. If there are no bounds or limits to a space, then you have failed to define a space. If you define a space, then you can differentiate between what content is contained in it, and what is outside of its confines.
You change the frame, you automatically change the space, you reframed. New things might be included, others disappear, others have to be revisited (like malignant self love, narcissism revisited) and refined, with whatever had to be changed for any number of reasons, rarely ones of health. Because honestly, all in all there's only few major psychoactive substance classes, and those dictate the approaches, obiously. And that's my entire point with this. We have to use conceptual frameworks and systems, yet people seem to think that just because it's been designated, it therefore has any physical manifestation in reality.
They have NO, and absolutely cannot ever have ANY truth-value, absolutely nothing that would allow them to ever enter the methodological realm of hard truths. They have no intrinsic value that would ever qualify them to be be user for confident inferences, deductions, statistics or anything constituting true scientific theory. This is important to know.
People that are psychotic just, in waves reporting they see Santa Claus, that wouldn't be put in as a comorbidity, right? Science doesn't work like that.. Right? Right guys? We don't try to just immediately integrate any behaviors that pop up outside of a more and more narrow definition of normal, with a more and more broad definition of mental illness, and begin to call these people sick and suffering from "pathology", right? We're a.. science?
If you set up deductive hypotheses and formulate tjem in a manner that positivistically attempts confirm what it's maker has already observed / desired on as a recurring or noteworthy phenomenon, like a distinct characteristic of a mental illness, it's already been established as a prototype, and he WILL find what he wants. And it's nonreplicable too. A lot of people behave a certain way. And it's similar enough that we thought we might give it it's own label to better treat it. That's the only reason something gets it's own label. We the distinction we made between X and Y was made possible not because Y was always there, waiting to emerge. It's because we added it.
Only need enough same-ish results in that group, and voila: Have 'Gender Dysphoria'. And before I get beaten to death, it's because it's the most twisted example. This is no stance of valuation. But there was no reason that 'body dysmorphia' could not encompass this phenomenon - but when enough people appear, then yeah. It becomes somewhat necessary, they have so similar disturbances in identity, and perception. Well, and the perception part is not what it used to mean, the patient misperceiving and such. Reframed that, cause that insinuates delusion. And nobody wants to be delusional. Weirdly accommodating, I wonder why?
Contagion? Absolutely possible according to their studies, denied for ages, by all psychological metrics confirmed beyond doubt not too long ago (not specific to this matter).
But.. from a profit oriented perspective, the prospect of these people.. The treatment is gonna be lifelong with a lifelong hormone therapy.. and whatnot because they are fixing an issue of identity with purely sexuality, so antidepressants and a BPD diagnosis are also for the taking.. and oh man the surgeries are treasure trovee no matter how they go.. in fact the less effective they are, the more dependent on the sector the person becomes.. Meaning more. Fucking. MONEY.
Fuck it, get the gears turning boys, we gotta get the news out, and weaponized Compassion (previously: enabling) is the tool again, as always. Its a distinct clinical entity, they are born in the wrong body, which is one hell of a claim in general, but alright. And this is everyone that's diagnosed. They wouldn't be diagnosed if they didn't have it. How does one get diagnosed you ask?
You're unhappy in general, anxious about socializing in some way, and have this deep feeling of being uncomfortable in your body but in a certain way. A conviction that you have an incongruence of gender assigned at birth. A strong belief that you always had.
Anybody can claim that conviction. That's not a marker. If that's ALL you diagnose with, at the end of the day "No you don't." is not really something you are able to say to one person while treating the other.
If both are completely convinced and made up their mind, they will probably display the same behavior too. You can never truly distinguish, because your category has no criteria that can't be emulated, there is nothing to distinguish with - just personal opinion. And because the person wears a lab coat and has seen similar people as well as studied for a time, their opinion is no longer personal, but professional - thus becoming gospel and truer? At least that's how it feels like the diagnosis is talked about. Ignorant to a simple fact: a true deep conviction can look identical to, a self-deceptive delusional state that persists. And whether it is a construction worker that does the judging or the white coat glasses man, fundamentally they both have to say yes to both these cases, if going purely by the psychiatric criteria by the book - provided they truly did forego personal opinion. That is the case for every inner conviction of course. Yet there is no other conviction-based purely mental ailment for that we would consider cutting someone up and readjusting them, while having no proof at all of actual efficacy, making a probably already anxious and possibly traumatized person go through a traumatic surgery that has no recourse. That's not help, that's preying on the vulnerable. And in the most twisted way imaginable, because its not only permanently altering the body of someone, whom I would argue has slightly reduced ability to consent due to warped perception; it also weaponizes their identity disturbance and loyalty to group identity LGBTQ+, an often toxic replacement for peers and family, drawn towards because they doesn't question anything except dissent in their ranks, encouraging narcissistic shared victimhood, rendering outside world a constant threat. And these people suffer so much, and I agree, but because it's affirmative care, only a fucking monster would ever object to the wishes of the suffering person; worst of all denying or discouraging the helping hands of the surgeons, endocrinologists and psychiatrists - they are your friends. Your best friends. They do science. Just let yourself get cared for. And as early as possible. I don't know man, we've been going for a while with these surgeries yet we are severely lacking in even these shitty studies that would give a clue of at least a unrealistic clue because of environmental pressures or reactivity etc.. People just get lost post surgery and especially the ones that went through with it before puberty keep not being checked up on.
Unlucky, guess it's just luck of the draw that nobody cares about whether THIS very tempered measure for a mental state that seems to sometimes subside or be tied to trauma is actually an effective treatment, you know in improving lives. I mean they gave all this affirming care these friends of us, so everyone should affirm, so better shut the fuck up. And no you're not getting funding for long term follow-up studies, actually if you try, we'll make it as hard as possible to follow up on these people by not changing their records appropriately for them to be found. I think 12 without parental approval would be a good starting age?
This is the most extreme example, but you can apply this to so many conditions and treatments. This shit is totally circular. It's begging the question. Everyone loves it because it is so awesome. It's terrible how people might not love it, so therefore we should act against such people, right?
In a perversion of science so disgusting it needs a name of its own, Psychiatry is a disgrace, and we throw Neuroscientific and Biomedical observations into the same pot with a questionnaire about 'what you feel like?' and 'how intense from 1 to 10 would you rate it?'
Depends on the context. Maybe my 5 is a hellish nightmare for others. Maybe everyone actually feels way shittier by default than it seems. Maybe seeing people happy online nonstop makes me feel like I should be happier, so simultaneously I become less happy and I would rate my happiness as lower. Sounds like a reasonable measure to me. Very Accurate too.
So now, we find out how we can get SSRIs approved and distributed uhhhmmm I mean, find out what might be wrong and how we could treat it. This melancholy of yours uhhh I mean Major Depressive Disorder you pathologically suffer from.
Olay so fuck it, it keeps in Serotonin, let's get a "measurement of the number of instances of neurotransmitter x in synaptic cleft y" in there. A physically existing amount of a defined thing in an area at a time; which therefore, given our tool of measurement has 100% precision, would have to yield as it's value a single, natural number, with a truth value of absolute for at that exact instance of designated spacetime. That is very important, because it very clearly prevents the possibility of any other value that isn't identical to have been ALSO true at the same time, so it is falsifiable. Or rather, it was - that instance is gone, the measurement cannot be replicated, we could make reading mistakes, but we could demonstrate that multiple measurements reliably deliver quantities that are inside of a possible range. Convenient for us if we maybe aren't entirely honest. Now we did the SCIENCE THING. We got a fucking NUMBER man. That sexy, empirical, numerical value, gained by observing material reality and measuring for a quantitative value. Let's get a few more of those measurements.
Now get your lab coats ready again guys:
We take those numbers.. And we start to just aggressively smash, beat, and contort them in whichever way necessary, so that they can 'support the findings' and neatly 'fit into the presumption' of whatever bias-riddled, pseudo-scientific theory we are trying to posit. Graphs are good - just numbers, statistics, math, anything to make it look formal. We do the research on this, so we are the experts, so we declare us the authority to distinguish between expert and lunatic. on this. Also since our research is science, it has to follow good lab practice. That only costs you a few dozen million to accommodate. Nothing a cooperative partner can't pay.. provided you're doing the right kind of studies.
Also, for the last time guys, follow the science, okay? You might claim that we just see and name behaviors that are abmormal, same-ish and cause discomfort, then might claim that studying whether the people we put in the study because they exhibit that abnormal behavior we grouped are suffering from the label we gave that abnormal pattern (they are, it's bad) is a bit pointless - but trust us, we're always like "Wooooow, the result was exactly what we expected! The descriptions fit like a glove!". We may be unable to make reliable, statistically relevant predictions about the behavior of even 1 person, not even for a few minutes - but rest assured, our statistics are all corrected for, any environmental or external variables or reactivity, and I mean it's 10 people, how much more do you need, 50? Remember, we don't pathologize, we treat and care with methods, like sending you to these people that, you know uhm, talk, and all that kind of shit.. Anyway, lifelong pharmacological and/or surgical interventions are often necessary.
You say 0 truth value again - we say take your medicine patient, cause you're starting to look preeeeettttyyy Antisocial. You got some sort of conduct disorder huh.. guess a callous unemotional type.. not showing any emotional correlate. Hello? Is he just playing dead?
Okay. That's it. He has ODD, it's obvious. That's clearly a case of the oppositional defiant disorder. Do we have a med for that? Mmmhmm ... yeah... okay alright thanks.
How about some Venlafaxine?
submitted by TrueMight to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:21 Party-Control5929 colouring help !

not sure if this is the sub to ask this question but I currently have split dyed purple/pink hair and I’m wanting to dye my roots/midsection dark brown and keep the ends pink and I’m wanting to know the easiest method to achieve this? 😅 (I have bleached/coloured my own hair before just not sure what steps to do first lol)
submitted by Party-Control5929 to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:19 NoIdontWantURofs Noobs guide to buying $ELON

Noobs guide to buying $ELON
So one of your favorite co-workers told you about how much money he has made with a cool sounding meme coin called $ELON 0x69420 and now you want to buy some.
Step 1) A quick disclaimer. This is a meme coin. Meme coins have no real intrinsic value. They solve no problems and the only reason they are worth anything is because Elon Musk told us about DOGE a few years back. Never invest more than you comfortable losing. I mean it! Don't go spend your rent money on this coin thinking it will make you a millionaire before its due. Now that that is out of the way let's get on to how to buy your gambling ass some $ELON
Step 2) Download Coinbase app on your phone. Not the Coinbase wallet app.
Step 3) Link your bank account to the Coinbase app. Its pretty simple and the app will walk you through how to do that.
Step 4) Now that you have the app and a way to pay for your magic digital money, it's time to buy Ethereum (ETH). On the home screen of the Coinbase app there is a search bar at the top. Type in ETH and hit search. The top result should say Ethereum. Tap on it.
Step 5) It will open up a price chart with 5 buttons that you can press. You want to press the 1st button that says "Buy" under it. Its a blue circle with a plus sign in the middle.
Step 6) You should know be on the next Screen. It will have a big fat zero next to the USD. *** If it has a big fat zero next to ETH then right underneath you will need to press the small zero next to the small USD ***. You now need to enter the amount of money that you'd like to invest. (I always add about $50 dollars extra to help pas gas fees later down the road.) once you have entered a dollar amount you are comfortable with hit Review order.
Step 7) You should know be on the next screen. If you are happy with everything on this screen then you need to hit the "BUY NOW" button. You will get a screen that says the order has been submitted. The Ethereum will take up to a few minutes to show up in your Coinbase account so lets move on to the next step while we wait.
Step 8) Download the UniSwap app from your app store. Follow the simple directions to set up one of the easiest crypto wallets to set up in all of crypto space. *** VERY VERY IMPORTANT! READ READ READ, during set up you will be given 10 words. These words are your password. Write them down in order (Do not screen shot them. Phones can be hacked and then they have access to your passwords) and put them in a safe spot. DO NOT LOSE THEM AND DO NOT SHARE THEM WITH ANYONE. If a website or human ever ask for them, then you can be certain that someone is trying to scam you
Step 9) Your ETH should be in your Coinbase wallet by now. So now its time to send your ETH to UniSwap. On your home page in UniSwap there are 4 pink buttons. You want to press the 3rd one. Its a circle with an arrow pointing down. A pop up will be at the bottom and you should see your Wallet and part of your wallet address. Your wallet address will start with a 0x and will be followed by a bunch of random numbers and letters. Write the 8 characters that it shows under Wallet.
Step 10) Now press the button that is second from the right. It will be an icon of one square almost directly over another square. Not the one that has 3 squares and a little swastika in the corner. When you press the double square button, it will copy your complete wallet address to your clipboard.
Step 11) Now we open up the Coinbase app again. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a button that says my assets. Its the second one. Press it. Scroll down until you see your ETH in your portfolio. You just have to touch the Ethereum word. Do not press the plus symbol.
Step 12) You will now see a screen that shows the price chart for ETH and there will be 5 blue buttons below the chart. You want to press the 4th one. Its a circle that has an arrow pointing up. It will say send underneath.
Step 13) You will be giving a list of methods to send it with. *** Select the Ethereum option ***. It will say Default underneath it. Its the most expensive option most days but it shouldnt cost more than a couple of bucks.
Step 14) Now we paste your UniSwap wallet address in the search bar. Choose the only option it gives you.
Step 15) Choose the amount of ETH you want to send. I always press the Max button but you can choose whatever amount you want. Next you will tap the blue button that says preview.
Step 16) If you like what is on the screen then hit Send Now button. You will then have to enter password or use face ID and if you have an authenticator set up then you will have to jump through that hoop as well.
Step 17) It will take a few minutes to send the ETH to your UniSwap Wallet. Give it some time.
Step 18) Search for ELON in the search bar at the bottom. You want the ELON that has a picture of a cartoon like image of Elon Musk. You don't want the one that has a dog photo next to it. Thats DOGELON and that is the wrong coin. Also make sure that the contract address next to the ELON ticker says "0x6942...9528" Select that one.
Step 19) Tap the "Buy" button at the bottom of the screen. Now you should see a screen that allows you to swap ETH for ELON. Hit the Max button or enter a specific amount of ETH you would like to trade for ELON. Tap the review button. on the next screen tap the swap button. Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of the only meme coin that matters!
submitted by NoIdontWantURofs to ELON_0x69420 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:27 StarTechUP_Inc Which is better? Java or JavaScript?

Read the full blog here.
As two popular programming languages (that also resemble names), Java and JavaScript are often confused with each other.
While they do share some similarities, there are also significant differences between them.
In this blog, we’ll examine these two languages in more detail and compare their features to determine which one is better for your software development project.

What is Java?

Java was created by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1995. Later on, Oracle Corporation acquired the company, making Oracle the official owner of the Java SE platform.
"Write once, run anywhere" is Java's motto, meaning you can run the code on any platform without needing to recompile it. As an object-oriented programming language, Java focuses on creating and manipulating objects to perform tasks. It also acts as a platform, allowing Java code to run on any computer with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Features of Java:

Some notable features of Java include:

Pros of Using Java:

There are several reasons why Java is a widely used programming language. Some of its pros include:

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript originated in the early days of the web. As internet access grew in the 1990s, tech pioneers raced to build efficient browsers. Microsoft and Netscape aimed to dominate the market with Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. And, in 1995, Brendan Eich created JavaScript while at Netscape Communications Corporation.
JavaScript is a versatile, high-level, and dynamic programming language that has taken the tech world by storm. Traditionally seen as a front-end language running in browsers to handle client-side interactions, JavaScript’s role dramatically expanded with the introduction of Node.js, allowing it to power server-side operations as well.
But JavaScript isn't just confined to web development. It can also create games, animations, app development, and even simple utilities. Running seamlessly across desktops, servers, and mobile devices—with a little help from a browser's JavaScript engine.

Features of JavaScript:

Some notable features of JavaScript include:

Pros of Using JavaScript:

JavaScript has many benefits that make it an appealing programming language. Some pros include:

Key Differences Between Java and JavaScript

Java vs JavaScript Performance

Syntax Differences Between Java and JavaScript

In terms of syntax, some key differences between Java and JavaScript syntax include:

Popularity and Job Market

Despite being two separate languages, both Java and JavaScript have seen significant growth over the years. While Java remains the most popular programming language in terms of job market demand, JavaScript has gained tremendous popularity due to its use in web development.
According to Statista, JavaScript reigns as the most popular programming language among developers worldwide, while Java holds the seventh spot. With the surge of powerful front-end frameworks like React.js and Angular.js, JavaScript isn't just leading—it's dominating the job market for frontend developers.

Security Differences

While both Java and JavaScript have built-in security features, they differ in how they handle security.
Common Java security vulnerabilities include SQL injection and XML external entities (XEE). SQL injection occurs when user input isn't sanitized, allowing attackers to execute SQL commands. Prevent it by sanitizing inputs and using prepared statements.
Meanwhile, XEE exploits weakly configured XML parsers to access sensitive data or perform attacks. Prevent it by disabling DTD processing and configuring XML parsers securely.
On the flip side, JavaScript security vulnerabilities include Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and code injection. XSS attacks occur when a website fails to implement the same origin policy, allowing attackers to deliver malicious code. Preventive measures include filtering input, encoding output data, and using appropriate response headers and content security policies.
Meanwhile, code injection involves injecting JavaScript or Node.js code into web forms. Preventing this requires input sanitization best practices, such as whitelisting allowable characters.

Learning curve

All programming languages come with their own learning curve. Java is often seen as tougher to learn than JavaScript. Even the basics of Java, like data abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, involve a lot of concepts. And just understanding these isn't enough to start building real programs.
JavaScript, on the other hand, is often seen as the easiest modern programming language to pick up. Actually, it's not strictly a programming language. It's more of a scripting language because it runs scripts in the web browser, which has a built-in JavaScript engine to execute the code. You can grasp the main concepts and basics of JavaScript in just a few days.

Hire Developers from StarTechUP!

Whether you need Java developers or JavaScript experts, StarTechUP can provide you with the team you need.
As a web development company in the Philippines, we have a team of experienced and skilled developers who can handle various languages, frameworks, and platforms. Our team has expertise in Java and JavaScript, among others. With our agile approach, we can deliver high-quality software solutions that meet your project’s unique needs!
Visit our website to learn more about our services and how we can help bring your project to life.
Contact us today!
submitted by StarTechUP_Inc to u/StarTechUP_Inc [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:06 IGotSatan Album Confusion

Album Confusion submitted by IGotSatan to numetal [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 09:29 Determinaator List of Philippines & Worldwide beermoney opportunities! (studies, testing, offers, surveys, apps) - June 2024

Welcome to the megalist of all known beermoney opportunities! It will contain various options for earning money in your spare time, such as mobile applications, "Get-Paid-To" websites, passive methods, cryptocurrency platforms, and much more.
This list was originally compiled for Eastern Europe, but if such sites work there, they should work in Philippines as well. Naturally, there can be exceptions, so please let me know if something doesn't work and I'll update it accordingly.
Please don't hesitate to share any beermoney websites that you know as well. Be aware that most of these websites require verified PayPal in order to process withdrawals, so make sure you have that sorted out. This list is updated whenever a new method is found!
Sign-up offers can be found in a separate thread.
We have launched a dedicated beermoney blog, BeermoneyGuides! It will feature more in-depth guides and reviews for beermoney methods listed here.
Latest update: 06/06/2024
Mobile applications
We'll start with some of the mobile applications that I have found. I'll list multiple parts, the methods named here are the ones worth checking out first. Note that these are all for Android so you will have to double-check whether an iOS version is available.
Application Description Guide
AttaPoll Surveys. Withdrawals starting at 3€. One of the best paying mobile applications! Use code gwbdj if prompted for a one-time bonus Link
Sweatcoin App that pays you for how much you walk each day (counts steps). Link
Mobirich Get paid for sending and receiving SMS messages, you can enter code kHY8LBf2 to get started with some bonus money right away. TBD
Playbite Earn money by playing games! (NEW!) TBD
myWorld Get cashback for your online purchases. TBD
Macadam Another app that pays you for walking, you can enter code XVAEW9 to get started with some bonus coins right away. TBD
CashGiraffe Earn money by playing various mobile games. TBD
Storewards Get paid for scanning receipts. (NEW!) TBD
PollPay Mobile surveys as well as offers. TBD
ySense GPT website that has a mobile application available. Link
Swagbucks Another "Get-Paid-To" platform with a dedicated mobile app. Link
WorkWalk Another application that pays you to walk, you can use them all at the same time too. Enter code 1NP22WXN to receive a starting bonus right away. (NEW!) TBD
Wombat Lots of games that you can play in exchange for crypto. Link
Tapestri Get paid for selling your data (tracking), plus has various games and tasks. Link
TipNano Faucet for earning NANO. Link
Influenster Receive free products in exchange for reviews. Link
Jumptask Another GPT platform that also has a mobile app, can also withdraw Honeygain credits. Link
Passive mobile apps
Here are some mobile applications that allow you to earn passively, meaning that you don't need to put in much effort at all with these.
Application Description Guide
Cointiply Bitcoin GPT website, on a phone you can earn passively by using playtime offerwall. Link
MoneySMS Get paid for receiving SMS! Enter code V1V439JO when registering for a one-time bonus. Link
Pi Network Mobile Pi crypto mining. TBD
RepaysMe Get paid for sending out and receiving SMS messages. (Attention: This sends out SMS, so be aware). Link
McMoney Same as MoneySMS, get paid for receiving SMS. Enter code MYYQXC03 for a bonus! Link
Bee Network Mobile BEE mining. TBD
Stormgain Crypto cloud mining. TBD
CashMagnet Mobile farming. Link
ICE Network Mobile ICE mining. TBD
Walken Get paid for walking! Enter code LDYZA7I when registering to receive a starting bonus right away. TBD
sMiles Another application that pays you to walk, but pays exclusively in BTC. Link
Extra mobile applications
Just some additional mobile applications, such as "Get-Paid-To" platforms, gaming apps and so on.
Application Description Guide
mCrypto Play mobile games for crypto. Link
abaqoo Get paid for browsing on mobile. Link
FountainFM Get paid in BTC for listening to podcasts. Link
Paidwork Mobile GPT app (games, ads, surveys, offers). Link
Quicrypto Crypto surveys, tasks and offers. Link
Tyr Rewards Make money by playing games! Link
methinks Paid interviews and surveys. Link
COIN Receive rewards for geomining. Link
Money Turn Make money by playing games. Link
DigiWards Make money with offers and games, enter code PGKM45 to get free 1000 points right away. Link
BigCash Mobile games and surveys. After installing you can enter code pifzaxfb to receive extra credits. Link
SurveyPirate Application for surveys and offers, for a bonus you can enter code 7134JPJD after registering. Link
Tatatu App that rewards you for being active on social media. Link
Litecoin Giveaway Litecoin app that lets you earn LTC. Link
Free Bitcoin Cash Similar to the app above (same dev), just for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) instead. Link
Earn Litecoin Application for earning Litecoin, just made by another developer. Link
Earn Bitcoin Cash Application for earning BCH, same developer as Earn Litecoin. Link
Earn Dogecoin App for earning DOGE. Link
Earn Dash App for earning DASH. Link
Premise Short surveys and tasks that require you to take pictures of places around your town. You can withdraw starting at 4€. Link
Mode Earn Pays you to listen to music and you can also complete various tasks. TBD
appKarma Various paid offers (such as games). Link
cashKarma Surveys and other additional offers. Link
Passive methods
These are passive ways to earn money! They just require initial setup, probably the most hassle-free way to earn additional income.
Passive applications Description Guide
ByteLirix Earn money by selling your internet connection. Currently best paying bandwidth sharing app! TBD
Honeygain Passive income website for selling unused internet traffic. Overall 2nd best passive method! Link
Slice Browser extension where you get paid for viewing ads. Link
Mystnode Earn passive income by monetizing your IP address. (NEW!) TBD
Jumptask You can withdraw your Honeygain credits via JumpTask and also stake them, has various offers and surveys as well that you can complete. Link
SpeedShare Get paid to share a part of your internet connection. (NEW) TBD
Hideout Get paid for watching ads on videos. Combine with Lootup to get the best exchange rate. Link
CashMagnet Mobile farming / autosurfing. (Android only) Link
PacketStream Bandwidth sharing. Link
Getgrass Earn passive income by sharing your internet connection. (NEW!) TBD
Pawns.app Get paid for sharing internet data (also has surveys). Link
PayUp Get paid for watching videos (YouTube etc..) Link
Kryptex Cryptocurrency mining. Link
Peer2Profit Additional similar method for sharing for your extra bandwidth. Only works via Telegram, new registrations are currently paused. Link
PacketShare Earn money by selling your unused internet data. (NEW!) Link
Passive methods part 2
Additional passive income methods.
Passive applications Description Guide
EarnApp Another way to earn money for unused internet bandwidth. Link
Repocket Sell unused internet data. (Recently updated design!) Link
eBesucher Passive earning method for essentially giving traffic to different websites (surfbar). Link
Tartle Get paid for sharing data. Link
Gaganode Monetize your IP address to earn via the Meson Network. TBD
adBTC Has an autosurf option like eBesucher, just pays in BTC. Can also watch various ads. Link
EarnFM Earn money by selling internet data. (NEW!) TBD
Proxyrack Sell unused internet data. Link
LoadTeam Get paid for sharing your CPU power. Link
ProHashing Cryptocurrency mining. TBD
Traffmonetizer Sell unused internet traffic. Link
SpideNetwork Sell internet bandwidth. TBD
Income Spider Sell unused internet data. Link
Bitping Sell internet data. TBD
Get-Paid-To (GPT)
As the title suggests, "Get-Paid-To" websites pay you to do certain tasks. Now there might not be too many surveys available that work, but offers can be well worth doing in my opinion. Take some time to browse around to see what is available (for example, mobile game offers).
Once you have found something I recommend to start comparing rates that different GPT websites are offering (for example, game X with offerwall Y is available both on Grindbux and Swagbucks, but Grindbux has a higher payout for completing the same task).
Generally the games offered are very grindy but not impossible to complete. Patience is key, make sure to do your research about offered games to see which ones are the easiest.
There are a lot of them so I'll split this into 2 parts, 1 part will contain the better GPT websites.
Website Description Guide
ySense Games, offers, tasks, surveys. Best paying GPT website! Link
Lootup Games, offers, tasks, surveys. Use in combination with Hideout for passive earning! Link
Swagbucks Games, offers, tasks, surveys. Has an addon you can install to get notified of any new offers instantly. Link
Grindbux Lots of offers and surveys that you can complete. Link
SimpleBits Crypto PTC, faucet, various offers. Link
Earnlab Get paid for completing various offers, answering surveys and playing games. (NEW!) TBD
Dollah Earn money by answering surveys, completing offers, and playing games. (NEW!) TBD
GaintPlay Various offers, task, games. Link
Chequity Faucet, games, surveys, offers. Link
BigCashWeb Earn money with tasks, games and offers. (NEW!) TBD
Earnably Get paid for tasks such as offers and games. Link
Earnnut Various surveys and offers that you can complete and get paid. (NEW!) TBD
Rewardxp You can also use hideout here if you prefer, has games, offers, surveys and more. Link
CoinsBaron Crypto surveys and GPT. Link
GrabPoints Tasks, surveys, offers. Link
Cointiply Bitcoin GPT website, has a passive playtime offerwall. Link
gain.gg Games, offers, tasks, surveys. Link
GG2U Games, offers, tasks, surveys. Link
AutoFaucet Check in often to do rolls! Has various offers, games tasks, surveys. Link
GamerMine Games, offers, tasks, surveys. Link
PrizeRebel Games, offers, tasks, surveys. Link
FireFaucet Games, offers, tasks, surveys. Link
GPT Part 2
Just some extra "Get-Paid-To" platforms if you simply want to try something else.
Website Description Guide
PlayNANO Surveys, faucet, offers and games. Link
Rewardy.io Make money with watching streams and listening to music. Link
LootGain Get paid for tasks, offers, games. Link
Pagazani Surveys + offers. Link
Idle-Empire GPT videos, tasks, surveys and games. Link
Tippp Get paid for playing games and completing offers. Link
Yamgo Watch videos, also has tasks and surveys (pays exlusively in HBAR). Link
Mintalise Get paid for completing offers and surveys. Link
GetPaidTo GPT tasks, surveys, offers. Link
FeaturePoints Various GPT surveys, offers, tasks. Link
DollarsHunt Surveys and tasks. Link
BeerSurveys Made by creators of the biggest beermoney forum, has sometimes exclusive offers. Features surveys, downloading apps, watching videos. TBD
KeepRewarding Various offers, watching videos, PTC. Link
RewardingWays Various offers and surveys. Link
SuperPay Surveys & offers. Link
Gainify Various offers and surveys. TBD
InstaGC Tasks, offers, surveys, videos. Link
Freeward Offers, surveys, tasks. Link
timebucks Different tasks, offers, games, surveys. Link
Tasks/micro jobs
These sites offer micro jobs, which are basically small tasks that you can perform for payment. It is recommended to use multiple micro jobs sites at once as each site has unique tasks.
Website Description Guide
Braintrust Freelancing and various online jobs. (NEW!) TBD
YandexToloka Lots of smaller tasks that you can complete for money. Best paying tasks! Link
Nomadtask Complete tasks for money. Link
clickworker Lots of various projects and tasks. Link
Latium Online freelancing. TBD
SproutGigs Small tasks/micro jobs (previously Picoworkers) Link
Aviso Get paid for tasks such as watching videos. TBD
TaskVerse Various paid tasks. TBD
Maven Get paid by sharing expertise on various topics. TBD
Fiverr Freelancing opportunities. TBD
Zeerk Freelancing opportunities. TBD
SeoSprint Many tasks that you can complete for payment. (NB! It's in Russian but you can use Google Translate) TBD
OneForma Data collection projects and jobs such as transcription etc. TBD
GoTranscribe Transcription jobs. TBD
AudioBee Transcription freelancing. TBD
These sites will pay you for various actions, such as performing internet searches, watching videos and more.
Website Description Guide
ClicksPaid Pays you to do simple google/bing searches. Link
SerpClix Similar to ClicksPaid, get paid for visiting websites. Link
CashClicking Traffic exchange (PTC). TBD
InfinityTrafficBoost Get paid for exchanging traffic. (NEW!) TBD
Everve Earn money with social media tasks. TBD
PayUp Get paid for watching videos (YouTube etc..) Link
EasyHits4U Earn money by exchanging traffic. TBD
Decentr Get paid to browse. TBD
Bizdustry Get paid for making forum posts + other tasks. TBD
LeadsLeap Another traffic exchange platform. TBD
Gamehag Complete video game quests for money. Link
PaidVerts Get paid for viewing ads. TBD
Apperwall Write short reviews about various products. TBD
HubPages Get paid to publish articles. TBD
doodstream Get paid for sharing videos. TBD
Gener8 View ads when surfing. TBD
ClicksGenie Make money by reading emails. TBD
imdbux PTC/get paid for viewing ads. TBD
Rumble Make money by uploading videos. TBD
Bananatic Kind of like Gamehag, various video game quests that you can complete. TBD
Shutterstock Make money by uploading photos and videos. TBD
Upload4Ever Get paid for uploading files. TBD
Bonusbank Matched betting. TBD
Other part 2
Just some extra websites that offer various activities.
Website Description Guide
2captcha Solve captchas. Link
CaptchaTypers Another website where you can earn money with captchas. TBD
ProTypers Get paid for typing. TBD
Submithub Make money with your spotify playlists/social media. TBD
Smashoid Get paid for writing articles. TBD
BUFF Application that pays you to play video games. TBD
GameTester Lets you playtest video games for rewards. Link
RebateMe Save money online with cashback. TBD
Andromo Build applications that you can later monetize. TBD
FatCoupon Find cashback deals online. TBD
FruitLab Get paid for watching gameclips. TBD
Honey Save money and get cashback on your online purchases (browser extension). TBD
Airtm Convert giftcards and more into real money. TBD
SimplyBestCoupons Save money online with cashback and coupons. TBD
Lemoney Receive online cashback. TBD
Befrugal Save money while shopping online. TBD
Websites that focus mostly on cryptocurrencies.
Website Description Guide
Cointiply Bitcoin GPT website. Best website to earn crypto! Link
RollerCoin Virtual bitcoin mining game. TBD
FreeBitco.in Probably most well known bitcoin faucet, check-in once an hour to do rolls. Link
Limercoin Crypto mining game similar to Rollercoin. (NEW!) TBD
StormX Get cashback for shopping online. TBD
Bnbpick Faucet for earning BNB. TBD
Dogepick Faucet for earning Dogecoin. TBD
CryptoWin Bitcoin earning such as PTC and more. TBD
Faucet4u Faucet for earning cryptocurrencies. TBD
FaucetPay Crypto wallet where you can also earn cryptocurrencies with various activities. Link
InLeo Earn crypto with micro-blogging. (NEW!) TBD
Tronpick Faucet for earning TRX. TBD
Ember Web3 investing, also has surveys + games. TBD
TipNano Faucet for earning NANO. Link
Litepick Faucet for earning Litecoin. Link
Gemly Crypto play to earn. TBD
Crypto part 2
Additional cryptocurrency platforms.
Website Description Guide
CoinPayU Get paid for viewing ads. Link
FaucetCrypto Faucet for earning various cryptocurrencies. TBD
Stormgain Crypto cloud mining + exchange. TBD
SweatFaucet Faucet for Sweatcoin. TBD
FountainFM Mobile app that pays you to listen to podcasts. Link
CoinsBaron Crypto surveys and GPT. Link
Maticpick Faucet for earning MATIC. TBD
EarnCrypto Crypto surveys and offers. TBD
adBTC Get paid in BTC for watching ads/autosurfing. Link
Idle-Empire Crypto GPT website. Link
Solpick Faucet for earning SOL. TBD
PipeFlare Earn crypto by playing. Link
Womplay Play games for crypto. Link
Permission.io Get paid for watching videos. TBD
Publish0x Earn crypto by blogging. TBD
Cryptocurrency betting
Not a consistent way to earn, but you could take advantage of new sign-up deposit bonuses if available and try your luck if you're into such platforms.
Website Description
BetFury Crypto games/betting.
Stake Crypto games and betting.
Roobet Crypto games and betting.
EarnBet Crypto games and betting.
Bitsler Crypto games/betting.
TrustDice Crypto games and betting.
WildCasino Crypto games/betting.
Cryptocurrency exchanges
Recommended cryptocurrency exchanges to sell your earned crypto for fiat.
Website Description
Kraken Cryptocurrency exchange.
Binance Cryptocurrency exchange.
Crypto.com Cryptocurrency exchange.
Studies, surveys
Some websites that offer studies/surveys.
Website Description Guide
PaidViewpoint Surveys. Make sure to visit at least once a day to keep consistently building up the trait score. Best surveys! High potential earnings once the trait score is built up. Link
Surveyeah Surveys. Has an Anrdoid application available called "OpinionAPP". Link
Surveytime Surveys. No minimum withdrawal. Instant payments. Link
PollPay Mobile surveys as well as offers. TBD
Pawns.app Internet sharing app that has surveys available on mobile. Link
Surveoo Paid surveys. Link
Respondent Research projects (Well paying studies!) Link
SurveySavvy Surveys. TBD
Prolific Various studies. TBD
OpinionPioneer Surveys. Link
Testable Minds Studies. Turn on browser notifications to be notified whenever a study is available as places are reserved extremely quickly. Link
PingPong Studies. Don't forget to enable e-mail notifications in the settings menu. Link
MarketAgent Surveys. Make sure to fill out the profile extension section! Link
MOBROG Surveys. Also available on iOS/Android. Link
Spidermetrix Surveys. TBD
ViewFruit Earn money by answering a wide range of surveys. (NEW!) TBD
OpinionBar Share your opinion and get paid. TBD
Voissy Make money by answering surveys. TBD
HeyPiggy Various surveys. TBD
Websites that offer software/website/other testing
Website Description
test.io Website and software testing.
UserAdvocate UX testing.
Checkealos User experience testing.
TestingTime UX testing.
TestBirds Website testing.
UserCrowd UX testing (short tests).
BetaTesting Software testing.
Testlio Software testing.
Conversioncrimes UX testing.
UserFeel UX testing.
Validately UX testing.
Websites to avoid!
❌ClipClaps - used to be legit in the past but recently there have been a lot of reports that people can't withdraw their earnings once they reach the $10/$15 payment threshold.
❌TapCent - extremely high minimum payment threshold, most likely a scam.
❌CouponPrizes - multiple reports of the website freezing your earnings once you are just about the reach the minimum withdrawal threshold.
❌SEAgent - you simply won't earn anything as there are no SMS messages coming in.
submitted by Determinaator to beermoneyph [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:56 street_food_now FIRST DIDI SALI SANGA BIRYANI MUKBANG ❣️❣️

Soya biryani Chunks Biryani recipe – veg Dum pulao cooking Indian style #soyabean
Indian Muslim CHICKEN BIRYANI Prepared for 100 People & STREET FOOD
Street Iron – Iron Without Electricity Indian Rare Video
Indian BEEF BIRYANI Preparation for AMBUR NR Kabab Center easy Method & MUSLIM STREET FOOD
Veg Fried Rice – Vegetable Fried Rice Fried Rice Indian Style Quick and Simple
Indian Muslim festival DUM BIRYANI Preparation for 30 People & STREET FOOD
Indian Muslim BEEF BIRYANI Prepared AMBUR Style for 200 People & STREET FOOD
Indian Muslim Marriage Traditional Style Mutton Biryani Original Making 700 People Wedding recipe
Indian Muslim Style VEGETABLE BIRYANI Preparation simple Method & STREET FOOD
Indian How to PEEL GARLIC Fastest & Easiest Way and Perfect
submitted by street_food_now to streetfoodnow [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:56 Careful-Possible-127 So many are about to get scammed.

I don't always feel bad when people get scammed. I almost feel like they deserve it if they're willing to give all their money to a preacher on TV at 2am. Or something else that's completely obvious.
I feel I'm pretty good at recognizing them. Ive been able to notice I'm talking to a bit almost immediately. However, gpt/ai, has stepped it's game up. I exchanged quite a few messages on here with who I thought was a real woman. There wasn't anything sus about "her" profile. I was already passed the skeptical phase and legit thought it was a real human for like 2 days.
Hopefully, everyone knows better than to ever send money to anyone you don't know. That should be obvious. So should not clicking a link, or going to another platform, especially if you have to sign up. Perhaps you just like talking to new people. A few tips I suggest is to ask specific questions, unsensible ones, and maybe repetitive similar like ones. That's the easiest way I know to decipher bot from reality.
Any other methods that you use?
submitted by Careful-Possible-127 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:51 mansplanar 5 Quickest Ways to Easily Unblur Pictures on Tinder for Free

Is it left or right? Swipe it if you like it! Over 75 million monthly active users in 2023, and with that number, we can all agree that it is the most favored dating app to find the match for you. The diversity of local and multinational users is still rising day by day. Want to know who likes you? Tinder has a feature for you to look at the people interested in your profile. If you are using the free version, you can't see them, and purchasing the gold version isn't cheap. So what should you do if you want to unblur Tinder? Here is the list of problem solutions that we added here.
Part 1. Quickest Way to Unblur Tinder Photos via Tinder Unblur Script
Need help seeing Who Likes You because it is blurred? Well, there is no need for you to worry because you can unblur Tinder likes by changing the codes of its script before you decide who to like or not. This method isn't the easiest to use because you will need to alter some codes embedded in Tinder to see the person's profile instead of purchasing a gold membership. However, this method only works with selected devices, but if you are currently using a desktop, that should do the trick. Here are the steps you can follow to teach you how this method works.
Step 1:Open the Tinder app using your device; then proceed by right-clicking the home page to open the Inspection on the app.
Step 2:When you have opened the Inspection, you will see the whole structure of Tinder but in codes, then open the Console tab.Console Tab
Step 3:After you have opened that, open it next to the asyn function to copy the code, paste it to the console box, and then hit the Enter button to process it.
Step 4:When everything is settled, you can easily open the Tinder Gold Like to easily view the unblur Tinder match without paying even a dollar on the app.
Part 2. Easiest Way to Unblur Tinder Likes on Browser for Free via Minimizing Blur Pixel
Another way to learn how to unblur pictures on Tinder is by minimizing the blurred pixel. It is the less efficient method from the list and troublesome because you might need help finding the code. However, some users find this method working, and yours as well. If you want to know how this works, proceed by following the steps below.
Step 1:Open the Who Likes You and place the cursor into the image you want to unblur and Inspect it.
Step 2:On your right-side interface, you will find encoded text that Tinder uses. Now that you have access to it, you can edit the code to see who likes you and find the line where the image you want to unblur.Unblur Code
Step 3:On that line, you will see a code, namely a-s Blur (12 px), then change the number to 0.
Step 4:After doing that, you can now see the image close to unblur, but there are times that you need to enhance that image to see a clear picture of it, which is why you need an upscaler like what we added on the bonus part.
Part 3. Unblur Tinder on Browser by Accessing the Photo on Source
How to unblur Tinder image? Well, you can go to the original photo source to do that. However, when you were about to open that image into a newer tab, you wouldn't see a clear picture of it because it has 84x106 pixels. Another downside is that when there are too many matches you will need to go to, it is a hassle to perform this method compared to the earlier ones. But, if you want to know how, these steps will do it.
Step 1:Now that you have opened the Tinder App go to Inspect again by right-clicking the web page.
Step 2:After you have done that, go to the Source tab to see where the original image came from.Open Source
Step 3:Now a folder, namely review.goTinder.com, will directly permit you to see the image in an unblur way, but the aspect ratio of it is too small, and if you zoom, it will become even worse.
Part 4. Free Way to Unblur Tinder Using Command to Get Photo as Clear as Possible
The following hack you can use is the command to learn how to unblur on Tinder. It is a simple method that gives the same suggestion for you to edit a code like what we have done in the previous methods. If you have tried the other methods and failed, try this hack to see if it will work on your device.
Step 1:Open the element's box by clicking right-clicking the website and clicking Inspect to proceed.
Step 2:On the part of the box, you can see a tab name Console, then click it. After you have done that, copy and paste this command:document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/(12px)/g,"(0px)")Open Console
Step 3:After you have pasted it, click Enter to update the page, and now you can see multitudes of unblurred images because you have changed the px to 0.
Part 5. Paid Way to Unblur Tinder Images by Purchasing the Tinder Gold
What could be the easiest way how to unblur tinder photos? Purchasing it could be the option you will need to take if you want to do so. Changing the element of the website to be able to see it is temporary, which means if you want to do the unblur option, you will need to go into the exact steps that you followed earlier. But, if you purchase the app's gold version for a certain period, you can see your match easily without changing any. Here is the list of the prices of each purchase you can use on Tinder;
Tinder Plus costs $7.99 (1 month)
Tinder Plus costs $4.00 (6 months)
Tinder Plus costs $2.67 (12 months) per month
Tinder Gold costs $24.99 (1 month)
Tinder Gold costs $12.50 (6 months)
Tinder Gold costs $8.33 (12 months) per month
Tinder Platinum costs $29.99 (1 month)
Tinder Platinum costs $15.00 (6 months)
Tinder Platinum costs $10.00 (12 months) per month
Depending on the subscription you want to avail of, there are still limitations that you will need to keep in mind. But if you want no limitations, you better have platinum or at least gold access on Tinder to do more and become popular to be matched with everyone.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:20 weird_friend_101 How People in Gaza Receive Money

I got this info from a friend of mine in Gaza. I might not have understood everything perfectly correctly, so take this with a grain of salt. This is all I know so far.
He described different ways that people receive funds electronically and how they convert those funds to cash. One thing he didn't say outright but which I think might be true: it's possible that people frequently use debit cards to pay for groceries, etc. instead of cash.
If you have questions, I can relay those to him and post his answers in the comments.
Exchange Offices: You don't need to have a bank account. You can use the exchange office address, and then the transfer is done to that office. To withdraw cash, you pay commissions to the exchange office. The fees range from 1% to 10%, depending on how fast you need the money. Low-fee withdrawals usually take a couple of days.
ATMs: If you have a bank account, you can withdraw money from it from ATMs, but there are only 2-3 in Gaza that haven't been bombed. Lines can be up to 10 days long. I believe they often run out of cash.
Banks: If you have a bank account in Gaza, you can do most transactions online. You can usually withdraw up to $1000 USD per day. This is the easiest way for people in Gaza to receive money, but they have to state the reason it was sent to them, how they know the sender, and what they'll use the money for.
If you send money to a Gaza bank account from the US, it's best to call your bank and tell them your reason for sending the money, what the source of the money was, and how you know the recipient. That makes it easier for the person in Gaza to receive. Sometimes the bank in Gaza freezes the funds or the recipient's entire account until all these questions are answered. If the questions aren't answered to the bank's satisfaction, the bank sends the funds back to the sender.
From what I've heard, I gather that many people in Gaza don't have bank accounts. My impression is that only those in the top 10% income bracket might have them.
PayPal: You can receive money via PayPal, but the fees can be 25% plus a flat fee. In past years, people in Gaza could set up PayPal accounts because PayPal treated Gaza as part of Israel. It seems like it's still possible for people in Gaza to set up PayPal accounts now, but I don't know what's involved.
PalPay: A Palestinian version of PayPal. They just launched some features that allow you to receive money sent directly to your PalPay wallet.
Jawwal Pay: This is like an online wallet that works with local banks. Usually, they allow you to withdraw 200 to 1000 ils per day (on the days they operate) for low fees.
Bitcoin or electronic dollar USDT. If you need a receipt or reference number for the transaction, you can use these methods. They're fast with low transfer fees, but the withdrawal fees are 15%.
Perfect Money platform. My friend isn't sure if people can create accounts here because he hasn't tried it. (I've never heard of it.)
Western Union. I know my friend has used Western Union, but I'm not sure how that works. He's only used it to transfer money from a US bank account to someone in Egypt (to use for exit fees when the Rafah crossing reopens.) There are fees, but I think they're lower than PayPal fees.
Workaround: Some people have money transferred to a bank in Turkey, which some exchange offices in Gaza will allow people to withdraw from.
submitted by weird_friend_101 to Gaza [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:43 VMod_Alpha Looks like a good alternative use of an electric dog fence. Throw the collar attachment in an old Amazon box with some propellant and watch the show unfold. I'm sure there are other ways to set this up but that seems like the easiest method to me...

Looks like a good alternative use of an electric dog fence. Throw the collar attachment in an old Amazon box with some propellant and watch the show unfold. I'm sure there are other ways to set this up but that seems like the easiest method to me... submitted by VMod_Alpha to happyclubsub [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 03:51 catscity how do i fertilize my tank for potassium and iron issues?

how do i fertilize my tank for potassium and iron issues?
can anyone help me figure out how to dose my 60 gallon planted tank with powdered potassium nitrate (KNO3) and iron (Fe DTPA 11%)?
i tried to use the rotala butterfly website with the pmdd method, but it doesn't tell me how often i should be dosing either powder
someone also told me i should be using the pmdd method for my tank since it's low tech, but that i should also aim for nitrate at 25ppm, which i can't figure out how to adjust for on the website
another person said i should be dosing for everything instead with a fert like Thrive+... what's the correct answer???
i have barely used ferts during my time in the hobby, and i want to make sure my shrimp, fish and plants are all healthy, but have zero clue on how to use the KNO3 and Fe DTPA 11% powders i ordered at all. i also have Thrive S (which is shrimp safe) but don't know if that will be of any help at all
my tank started off just fine, but as time has gone by and as i've added more plants i've slowly begun to notice more and more issues with soft-leafed plants like my wisteria, lotuses etc. they had some small holes and some minor yellowing here and there from the start, but over time it started to become more and more noticeable... and that's when other plants, such as my anubias, buce, and my ferns began to start suffering too, followed by some of my stem plants as well
please help. i really don't want to end up losing all of my plants :( also, please excuse me if i ask more questions than your average person, i'm really stupid and new to planted tanks
-tank info- tank type: Aqueon 60 breeder tank dimensions: 48.5 × 18.5 × 16.25 substrate: 0.50 inch Kellogg All Natural Potting Mix Premium Mix for Outdoor Containers, 0.25 inch Premier Sphagnum Peat Moss and Black Kow Compost Mix, 3 lbs of aragonite sand mixed with 1/2 tablespoon of Epsom salt in 0.75 inches of Fluval Stratum, 1.75 inches HTH Pool Filter Sand lights: Chihiros WRGB II (oldest version) filtration: ×2 Aquaclear 110s photoperiod: 7:35am-9:00pm
-parameters- ammonia: 0ppm nitrite: 0ppm nitrate: 0-5ppm (usually 5) pH: 7.6 GH: 6 KH: 3
submitted by catscity to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 01:27 Worried_Dot_3816 How to get magmarizers

TL;DR wild magbys can hold them. Get them by catching the magbys or stealing their item
I was recently looking for a magmarizer to use and only found a couple of sources which had any info on where to find them. None of them mentioned catching wild magbys either so I figured I’d just make my own post to sum it all up. I know many of you probably know all of this already, but this is a PSA for those of you who don’t know how or where to get them, as well as how to use them.
How to get magmarizers: There are a few ways to get them, however by far the easiest is by taking them off of wild magbys. Unlike others, this method does not require ANY hms (no rock smash, rock climb, surf or anything). You can either use in-battle steal moves (thief, covet, trick, switcharoo) or simply catch the magbys in order to take their magmarizer (make sure that the “take wild item” setting is on always or prompt)
Note: most magbys do not have a magmarizer so it will take a few tries. It’s extremely easy however in cinder volcano with a dexnav as this even shows if it’s holding an item once you’ve fought enough of them
How to use magmarizers: You use a magmarizer to evolve a magmar to a magmortar. To do so, go to the magmarizer in your cube and select “use” then click on a magmar in your party. That’s it! Do not make a magmar hold the magmarizer and use a link stone as this will not work! (I haven’t actually tested this but even if it does, it’s a waste of a link stone)
All of this info is sourced directly from my gameplay over the last hour in which I got a shiny magby and 4 magmarizers (through catching about 25 total magbys), then used one to evolve my new shiny magmar.
submitted by Worried_Dot_3816 to PokemonUnbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 01:12 pocong First time soil test

First time soil test
Moved 2 years ago from apartment to new house .Read and start learning on/lawn care . Result for the soil test came. Yard mastery suggest 12-12-12 for their product. Is any out there I can buy different brand ? Pardon me about my English grammar , English is nut my first language thank you 😀
submitted by pocong to lawncare [link] [comments]
