Manual e-cigarettes waynesboro, va

One day….

2024.05.06 21:36 Tall_Tonight8671 One day….

One day….
Seeing all ya’ll go to PFN figured I’d be the jokester, anyone else got me beat? PS, I just checked, they are not requesting documents. It’s been like that for over two months.
submitted by Tall_Tonight8671 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 20:13 SufficientCress7079 What was the timeframe for you guys to receive a decision once you came to this step?

What was the timeframe for you guys to receive a decision once you came to this step? submitted by SufficientCress7079 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 19:31 Zeddie- Fedora Firefox video hardware acceleration

I recall Fedora removed video hardware acceleration for some codecs for opensource drivers (Intel and AMD mesa drivers if I recall) back in Fedora 37.
I have a mix of AMD and Intel machines that do not have Nvidia GPUs. For example, Ryzen 7480HS with 780M and and various gen Intel CPUs with just iGPUs.
I remember reading someone where someone downloaded steps to download the mesa source and recompile with the right arguments. That's a bit beyond me.
But as I was searching, I also surfaced this:
Are these the steps to manually re-enable them without recompiling?
EDIT: I also found this, so I'm confused as to which is the best method, or if I'm misunderstanding the whole thing.
submitted by Zeddie- to Fedora [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:33 Unusual-Question9454 Starting to get nervous. Where is everyone else at?

Starting to get nervous. Where is everyone else at? submitted by Unusual-Question9454 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:19 GrimnirAF Case Assignment Question

This one’s for the raters/VA employees. How are cases assigned from the national queue to a rater (when the case is in PFD)? Is it manually assigned out or some sort of flow/automation?
I ask because you see people on here all the time saying things like, “they’re finally working January claims”. But then you see people sitting in PFD for 8 months and others in PFD for like 2 days.
Just wondering what the actual process is.
submitted by GrimnirAF to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 15:26 AblePost7537 Kentucky First Time Home Buyer Grants and Loan Programs

Kentucky First Time Home Buyer Grants and Loan Programs

Your household income and expenses

Lenders look at your income in ways other than the total amount; how you earn it is also important. For example, income from bonuses, commissions and overtime can vary from year to year. If these sources make up a large percentage of your income, your lender will want to know how reliable they are. Your lender will also consider the relationship between your income and expenses. Generally, your fixed housing expenses (mortgage payment, insurance, and property taxes, but not repairs or maintenance) should not be more than 28 percent of your gross monthly income, although this is not an absolute rule. Your lender will also consider other long-term debts, such as car loans or college loans. It is a good idea to bring the following when you meet with your lender:


Employment, salary and bonuses, and any other source of income for the past two years (bring your most recent pay stub, previous year’s W-2 forms, and tax returns if possible) The most recent account statement showing the amount of any dividend and interest income you received during the past two years Official documentation to support the amount of any other regular income you may receive (alimony, child support, etc.) Job stability is a factor that a mortgage lender will look for, and two years at your current job helps, but this also is not an absolute requirement. If you change jobs but stay in the same line of work, you should not have a problem — especially if the job change is an advancement or increase in income.

Credit score

Your credit score also helps to predict how likely you are to repay the mortgage debt. Credit scores will determine if you qualify for the loan, what your rate is, and mortgage insurance payments each month. Typical fico scores wanted for an automated approval run around 580 for an FHA loan and VA loan, 620 for a USDA, 620 for a KHC Loan with Down Payment Assistance, and 620 for an AU approval for Fannie Mae Loan.

Personal assets

Current balances and recent statements for any bank accounts, including checking and savings Most recent account statement showing current market value of any investments you may have, such as stocks, bonds or certificates of deposit Documentation showing interest in retirement funds Face amount and cash value of life insurance policies Value of significant pieces of personal property, including automobiles Debt Information The balances and account numbers of your current loans and debts, including car loans, credit card balances and any other loans you may have


The lender does the best possible job of ensuring that a borrower qualifies for a loan. The final decision, however, rests with the lender's underwriter, who measures the total risk that the specific investor, who backs up the loan, is taking. Each investor (or investment company) has its own underwriting guidelines (often using statistical models), so while the underwriters evaluate many of the same factors as the lenders, they may look more closely at some areas than others, depending on the guidelines. For example, while the lender may have pre-approved you before you chose a home, by the time you get to underwriting, you will have chosen the property you want to buy, and the underwriter will review the property details closely. However, most of the information used is the same as that used by the lender, but it may be evaluated differently. The underwriter will evaluate the borrower's ability to pay (income), willingness to pay (credit history), and the collateral (property). As underwriters analyze each of these risks (although this is not a complete list), here are some possible guidelines they may use:


Is the income sufficient to repay the loan? Ratio guidelines of 31 percent payment-to-income and 43 percent total debt-to-income are standard, but some programs allow for higher ratios. This is the typical manual underwrite for a score that does not fit the current Automated Underwriting Engines used for Fannie Mae (DO), FHA, VA, USDA and Rural Housing (GUS)

Is the income stable from month to month and year to year?

Has the borrower been on his/her current job and in the same industry for a sufficient amount of time? A minimum of two years is the standard guideline, but exceptions can be made.
Can the income be verified? 2 years taxes, last 30 days of paystubs


Does the borrower have a good credit score-Typically 760 or higher will yield the best rates and lowest mortgage insurance for a conventional loan? FHA mortgage insurance and VA mortgage insurance is the same no matter what your credit score is.

Does the borrower have late payments, collections, or a bankruptcy?

If so, is there an explanation that can be provided for the late payments/collections/bankruptcy? FHA, VA requires 2 years removed from bankruptcy and USDA requires 3 years removed from bankruptcy. Fannie Mae requires 4-7 years after a bankruptcy. Does the borrower have excessive monthly debts to repay? Typical Debt to income ratios for a no money down loan are limited to 45% of your total gross monthly income for a USDA or KHC loan. Is the borrower maxed out on credit cards? Pay down your credit card balances to less than 25% of your credit limits before you apply for a mortgage loan.

The down payment

A down payment is a percentage of your home's value. The type of mortgage you choose determines the down payment you will need. It can range from zero to 20 percent, or more if you wish.A number of loans are available that do not require high down payments, particularly for first-time home buyers. FHA loans, for example, may require less than 5 percent down, and veterans or those on active duty in the military can obtain loans with no down payment at all. USDA loans are offered to rural home buyers with a no down payment option just like VA loans. In addition to down payment assistance offered through Kentucky Housing where you don't have to put a down payment down with income caps for both KHC and USDA loans.
submitted by AblePost7537 to MortgageQuestionsKY [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 14:15 qualysec14 What is VAPT Testing? Types, Benefits, and Process in the USA

What is VAPT Testing? Types, Benefits, and Process in the USA

Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) is the process of finding and exploiting all possible vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure, with a final goal to mitigate them. VAPT is done by cybersecurity specialists or ethical hackers who are experts in offensive exploitation.
Simply put, businesses hire VAPT companies to hack their own systems in order to find security flaws before real hackers do. It also helps organizations to comply with various industry standards throughout the year.
The VA in VAPT – vulnerability assessment involves specialists using automated tools to find potential vulnerabilities on the surface level. Followed by PT – penetration testing is a comprehensive testing process that involves ethical hackers manually trying to find vulnerabilities that real hackers could exploit for unauthorized access and data breaches. Together, they offer an in-depth analysis of your current security strengths and suggest methods to improve them.
Why do you Need VAPT Testing?
Conducting VAPT testing regularly has tons of benefits for your business. Here are some important ones:

Why businesses need VAPT Testing
  1. Complete Security Evaluation
Combining vulnerability assessment and penetration testing offers a multifaceted approach that helps you evaluate the current security measures of your IT structure. It shows how resilient your network and applications are against cyberattacks and where the security flaws lie.
  1. Identify Potential Vulnerabilities
VAPT involves using automated tools and manual penetration testing methods whose sole purpose is to find where the vulnerabilities are present. Additionally, VAPT service providers also provide methods to fix those vulnerabilities. As a result, businesses can secure their sensitive data and digital assets before real hackers breach them.
  1. Comply with Industry Standards
Many industry regulations and compliance standards require organizations to perform regular security testing on their applications to keep customer information safe. Not complying with these standards would result in legal penalties and fines. VAPT reports help ensure you meet these requirements with ease. Some of the most popular compliances are GDPR, PCI DSS, SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, etc.
  1. Prevent Multiple Business Losses
Cybercriminals attack businesses for mainly two purposes – steal data or steal finances. Sometimes also to disrupt business operations. Hackers will easily infiltrate your systems and get what they want if there are any weak points. As a result, the losses could be huge amounts of sensitive data and millions of dollars.
  1. Maintain Trust with Customers and Stakeholders
Even a small breach in your business can break the trust of your customers and stakeholders. By conducting VAPT testing, you can show your commitment to data and asset security. As a result, it builds confidence among your customers and vendors that their data is safe from online dangers.
What is the VAPT Testing Process
While different VAPT service providers have their specific ways of conducting, the basic process remains the same. The VAPT process starts with gathering information about the test environment and ends with report submission. Here is the entire process:
  1. Information Gathering
The 1st step of VAPT testing involves gathering as much information about the application or system being tested, either from the client itself or publicly available web pages.
  1. Planning
In the 2nd step, the VAPT service provider defines the test’s scope, goal, and strategy. The cybersecurity specialists will then tailor their approach to target specific vulnerabilities and cyber threats to find security weaknesses.
  1. Automated Vulnerability Scans
Here the VAPT provider will use automated tools to scan the application to find vulnerabilities on the surface level. This is a quick process of finding vulnerabilities. However, since automated tools follow a specific scanning script, this method may not provide you with all the vulnerabilities present.
  1. Manual Penetration Testing
This is the stage where in-depth security testing happens. In this stage, cybersecurity specialists or ethical hackers use manual techniques to simulate real cyber attacks on the test environment, to find potential vulnerabilities. Since it uses the human touch, it helps discover hidden vulnerabilities and security flaws.
  1. Reporting
The report is the only thing the organization’s developers want, to secure the digital assets. The VAPT provider then documents all the vulnerabilities found in the process and even steps to fix them.
  1. Remediation
If needed, the VAPT provider can assist the developers with the remediation process online or through consultation calls.
  1. Retest
This is something that organizations look for when choosing the best VAPT testing provider. After the organization has completed remediation, the testers retest the application to confirm whether the vulnerabilities are successfully eliminated.
  1. LOA and Security Certificate
After the elimination of the vulnerabilities, the service provider, provides a letter of attestation (LOA) and security certificate. This proves that you have successfully conducted VAPT testing on your application, and it is now absolutely safe.
6 Common Types of VAPT Testing
  1. Organizational Penetration Testing
  2. Network Penetration Testing
  3. Web Application Penetration Testing
  4. API Penetration Testing
  5. Cloud Penetration Testing
  6. Mobile App Penetration Testing
With cybercrimes happening every minute of the day, the question is no longer whether to conduct VAPT testing, but rather which type of VAPT is best for you. Before you expand your business, conduct a comprehensive VAPT. As a result, it will help you strengthen your overall security posture, comply with industry standards, and maintain your reputation among customers.
submitted by qualysec14 to u/qualysec14 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 14:03 satrialesBoy Mi experiencia con la educación a distancia (parte 2)

Resumen Publiqué un post anterior sobre mi experiencia estudiando informática a nivel de grado a distancia y en la Universidad Siglo 21 (enlace). Y al ultimo menciono que me había cambiado a la Universidad de Palermo, de la cual no hay mucha información publicada (al igual que la anterior) y pensé en escribir uno nuevo. Voy a comparar ambas universidades siguiendo la misma estructura que el anterior, Inscripción, cursada, exámenes y opinión con el agregado de equivalencias.
Universidad de Palermo — Inscripción Ni fu ni fa, vos podes escribir por el chat online para pedir información (poco recomendable), llamar por teléfono o enviar un correo electrónico y te van a responder las consultas que realices, pero no están todo el tiempo forzándote a inscribirte.
Acá todos los caminos te llevan a Roma, siempre vas a terminar rellenando un formulario online, con tus datos personales, académicos, etc, donde te va a pedir que finalices pagando la matricula.
Tienen publicados las materias de cada carrera junto con una descripción y los contenidos mínimos al igual que las titulaciones y las resoluciones o dictámenes que las aprueban (yo funcionario no soy, pero, ya es algo mas de transparencia contra la anterior).
Tienen un procedimiento de onboarding medio raro, se crea una clase (antes de comenzar el calendario lectivo) con ese nombre con dos tutoras donde básicamente evacuas todas las dudas, consultas, etc, mediante un chat en la app de Pronto (hablaremos mas de esto).
También te ofrecen un examen y curso de nivelación en matemáticas (no obligatorio) en caso de que necesites reforzar conocimiento y podes rendir un examen de nivelación de ingles para evitarte la cursada de los cuatro niveles obligatorios.
Acá a diferencia de la siglo, vos tenes que elegir e inscribirte a las materias, hay un periodo donde habilitan las inscripciones y vos podes armarte tu cursada en los horarios, modalidad y profesores que mas te gusten.
Universidad de Palermo — Cursada Se nota que la universidad está pensada para la educación tradicional y que la modalidad online es mas una opción para el que no puede ir por laburo, adaptaron todas las modalidades con la plataforma Blackboard, por lo tanto todas las carreras tienen la posibilidad de cursar las materias en tres modalidades, presencial, online sincrónico y online asincrónico.
Al inicio de cada materia en el campus se desbloquean tres módulos o carpetas, una con la información básica de la materia, syllabus, curriculum del profesor, presentación, etc, otro con una hoja de ruta y un calendario y por ultimo uno con la bibliografía obligatoria (toda barrani, obvio).
En la modalidad sincrónica la idea es que cada clase responde al contenido de un modulo, entonces se van desbloqueando semana a semana y adentro suele estar también la presentación que utilizó el profesor, o material que surge de ese encuentro.
Todo se divide en módulos, 12 en total, y cada uno suele contener una o dos lecturas, el powerpoint de la clase, y una actividad que vence al desbloquearse el siguiente. Acá todos los trabajos son de redacción y corregidos por el profesor, tienen todas esas boludeces de indicador de plagio, de inteligencia artificial, etc, y el vencimiento no bloquea la tarea porque es parte de la nota de cursada.
Las lecturas se basan en apuntes (también desarrollados por terceros) que son un resumen escueto de la bibliografía original, acá no hay apuntes dinámicos ni nada por el estilo, son todos pdfs con los encabezados y pie de pagina de la universidad. Lastimosamente no estoy cursando ninguna materia de matemática o lógica así que no podría hacer la comparativa con mi opinión anterior, pero por ejemplo, en la materia de laboratorio (bases de datos) el material se resume a la un cheatsheet de los comandos de Oracle.
Al ser clases online y sincrónicas (a esto no accede la modalidad asincronica), todo queda grabado y podes acceder desde el webcampus por la integración que tiene con la plataforma de Zoom, podes ver, repasar, descargar, transcribir las clases cuando y cuanto se te cante, lo que si, tienen una permanencia de 45 días aprox.
Las materias no se pueden promocionar, todas son de final obligatorio sin excepción, por lo tanto todo lo que relaté antes (incluida la asistencia) hace parte de los requisitos para aprobar junto a dos exámenes parciales. La nota numérica de todo esto no importa ya que tu promedio se calcula en base a la nota del final. Ingles tiene la particularidad que después del final escrito te hacen meter a un Zoom donde te toman un examen oral.
Universidad de Palermo — Exámenes Cada uno a criterio y gusto del docente, ellos tienen a disposición una herramienta que se llama Respondus, que uno se tiene que instalar y se integra con el webcampus, donde es todo un circo, te cierra todas las apps, se abre una ventana frameless y te empieza a pedir verificaciones, una foto, un vídeo realizando alguna acción, te pide que grabes el entorno donde estas haciendo el examen, tenes que acercar el dni, lo reconoce y saca una foto, etc.
Una vez hecho todo eso se habilita como si fuese un trabajo practico mas de la cursada, donde tenes que respondedesarrollar las consignas que te piden, pueden o no entrar multiplechoice, depende lo que el profesor decida, y una vez terminado se envía para correción manual por parte del profesor, existe un limite teórico de dos horas y antes del parcial nos hacen conectar a todos a un zoom donde toman lista y tenemos que mostrar el documento para que se nos autorice a tomarlo.
También pueden optar por otros métodos de evaluación, por ejemplo, en la materia de derecho nos habilitaron mediante la plataforma un parcial domiciliario, como es una materia practica, te entregan medio extenso el cual tenes que analizar y te dan una semana para entregarlo, es como, a carpeta abierta.
Y por ultimo la evaluación oral, que depende cuantos sean en la cursada, son 3 o 5 preguntas por alumno de donde el profesor te evalúa y te asigna una nota, por zoom, nada raro.
Acá no prosperan ni pregunteros, ni resúmenes, ni nada por el estilo, porque no está estandarizado nada del proceso de evaluación. Así como pueden seguir el calendario de clases, pueden ir un tema atrasados o un tema adelantados, es muy dinámico todo en ese sentido, al igual que por cada materia hay dos o tres profesores que dan la misma cátedra, todo el material que hay online en plataformas de terceros no suele servir para nada.
Universidad de Palermo — Equivalencias Básicamente, es un tire y afloje con la gente de la facultad que te corresponde, a mi me reconocieron 21 de las 25 materias que tenia aprobadas, y rechacé un par para poder sacar el titulo intermedio (tienen una clausula en el reglamento para estos casos), pero, así como me las otorgaron a mi, me enteré de compañeros que había venido de Cs. de la Computación de la UBA o de Ing en la UTN y le tomaron 2 o 3 nada mas, u otra compañera que se cambió desde la UADE le reconocieron un gran porcentaje igual que a mi. No sé si haya sido solo en estos casos, en esta camada somos pocos los que entramos por esta metodología.
A mi me dió algo así como el 39% de la carrera en equivalencias, que el máximo por reglamento es no mas de la mitad, osea, entré bastante bien, y la ventaja que tiene es que no tenes que dejar una banda de guita en pagarlas porque son gratis, no te cobran el reconocimiento de tus estudios anteriores (en comparación a la UdeMM por ejemplo, que por cada materia aprobada por equivalencia tenes que pagar el equivalente a la mitad del costo o algo así, una banda de guita)
El tramite tarda mas o menos 3 meses, ellos te envian una propuesta a los dos o tres dias, te inscribis, abonas la matricula, escaneas todos tus papeles (todo a distancia por suerte, los verifican por una llamada por zoom (? y te cargan todo en su sistema alumnos) y se envía todo al ministerio o vaya uno a saber donde hasta que lo aprueban o te hacen observaciones. Envié todo a principios de octubre del año pasado y para enero de este año ya estaba listo para inscribirme y empezar a cursar, las materias se habilitan las primeras tres semanas de febrero hasta agotar cupo.
Universidad de Palermo — Opinión La información que tiré arriba tiene un poco de mi opinión personal, pero acá quiero hacer hincapié en cosas un poco mas puntuales.
Conclusión Yo estoy satisfecho, estoy cursando la carrera que me gusta, en una universidad a la que puedo asistir de manera virtual a una clase, que queda grabada, puedo verla cuantas veces necesite, descargar el material, etc. Es un mindset completamente diferente al de la Siglo donde parecías estar en un pasillo donde al final había un brete y te marcaban con el titulo de la carrera que cursabas, en cada materia tuvimos discusiones, participaciones, exposiciones que te ayudan muchísimo al dia a dia de una carrera.
Es cierto que el precio no es lo mas asequible que hay, pero, teniendo en cuenta mi situación y comparándolo con el precio de un alquiler para ir a vivir a caba y asistir a una universidad presencial, creo que todavia le estoy ganando algo y puedo permitirmelo.
Si el dia de mañana otra/s universidades se dignan a colocar la carrera a distancia con clases sincrónicas, con una cuota mas asequible y no tenes que hipotecar la casa para reconocer equivalencias el cambio, qsy, quizás hubiese elegido otra antes que esta, pero dada mi situación y mis posibilidades, acá estamos, a partir de acá creo que todas las universidades son iguales, el gran salto es cuando venís de una universidad pdf.
submitted by satrialesBoy to devsarg [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 07:23 idrivenova Upgrade Your Driving Abilities with Driving Enhancement Clinics and Re-Examination Courses Over Virginia

Are you looking to upgrade your driving abilities or looking to recapture certainty behind the wheel? See no advance than the cluster of driving change clinics and re-examination courses accessible over different cities in Virginia. Whether you’re in Re-Examination Course Waynesboro, Re-Examination Course Norfolk, Re-Examination Course Portsmouth, Re-Examination Course Richmond Lexington, Waynesboro, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Lynchburg, or Petersburg, there are openings in abundance to hone your driving capacities and guarantee more secure voyages on the street.
Driving Improvement Clinic Winchester offers important assets for drivers of all levels, from apprentices to prepared veterans. These clinics ordinarily centre on refining driving strategies, strengthening activity laws, and advancing secure driving propensities. Whether you’re looking to brush up on protective driving aptitudes, learn around the most recent activity directions, or address particular zones of concern, these clinics give comprehensive instruction custom fitted to your needs.
outlined to suit differing learning targets. From classroom-based instruction to hands-on driving works out, members have the opportunity to lock in with experienced educators and pick up viable experiences into secure driving homes.
Re-Examination Courses:
For people who may ought to retake their driving exams or look to revive their driving information, re-examination courses offer an organised approach to address particular zones of advancement. Whether it’s planning for a permit recharging, tending to activity infringement, or simply upgrading driving capability, these courses are planned to assist members meet the prerequisites for re-examination with certainty.
In Lexington, Waynesboro, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Lynchburg, and Petersburg, re-examination courses give a steady environment for people looking to improve their driving abilities and recapture certainty on the street. With centred instruction and personalised criticism, members can overcome challenges and accomplish victory in their re-examination endeavours.
Benefits of Taking an interest:
Partaking in driving enhancement clinics and re-examination courses offers various benefits, counting:
  1. Upgraded Driving Aptitudes:
Pick up profitable experiences and down to earth methods to move forward your driving capability and security mindfulness.
  1. Expanded Certainty:
Construct certainty behind the wheel through hands-on home and master direction.
  1. Compliance with Controls:
Remain educated in current activity laws and directions to guarantee compliance and maintain a strategic distance from potential infringement.
  1. More secure Streets:
By contributing in your driving education, you contribute to making more secure roadways for yourself and others.
Whether you are a new driver looking to set up great propensities or a prepared driver looking to refine your skills, driving change clinics and re-examination courses offer profitable openings for development and advancement. Take advantage of these assets accessible in your region to end up a more secure and more sure driver on Virginia’s streets.
In conclusion, driving enhancement clinics and re-examination courses play a pivotal part in advancing secure driving hones and upgrading driver competency over different cities in Virginia. Whether you’re in Winchester, Virginia Shoreline, Hampton, Fredericksburg, Roanoke, Williamsburg, Chesapeake, Charlottesville, Lexington, Waynesboro, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Lynchburg, or Petersburg, there are openings to lock in with these important assets and raise your driving aptitudes to unused statues.

submitted by idrivenova to u/idrivenova [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 06:16 d_-_p 196

196 submitted by d_-_p to 196 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 00:49 better-life-review TOP 5 Melhores MULTIPROCESSADOR de Alimentos em 2024 Melhor Multiprocessador para comprar

Análise completa, descubra qual é a MELHOR Multiprocessador de Alimentos Custo-Benefício em 2024!
. 🔒 Sites indicados no vídeo (100% Seguro):
✅ 5) Multiprocessador Turbo Chef 7 em 1, Mondial, Preto, 1000W, 110V - MPN-01-BE 110V: 220V: Magalu 127V:
✅ 4) Multiprocessador all in one, Bmp900p, 900W, Preto, 110v, Britânia 127V: 220V: Magalu 110V:
✅ 3) Philips Walita Multiprocessador PowerChop 750 Plus, Preto, 2 velocidades, 6 acessórios, Recipiente com capacidade de 1,5 litros, 750W, 220V (RI7302/90) 110V: 22V: Magalu 220V:
✅ 2) MULTIPROCESSADOR OSTER OMPR850 7 EM 1 PRETO 127V: 220V: Magalu 127V:
✅ 1) Multiprocessador Philco 9x1 1400W PMP1600 127V: 220V: Magalu 110V:
Mais modelos de Multiprocessadores:
Confira os descontos do dia da loja:
#multiprocessador #multiprocessadordealimentos #multiprocessadordealimentos2024
Qual é o MELHOR Multiprocessador em 2024? ✅ Análise Custo-Benefício!
Começando pelo quinto lugar nós temos o multiprocessador Mondial Turbo Chef MPN-01-BE.
Um multiprocessador 7 em 1 com jarras de 2 litros.
Em quarto lugar está o Multiprocessador Britânia All In One BMP900P.
Um multiprocessador 2 em 1 bom e barato.
Em terceiro lugar está o multiprocessador Philips Walita RI7302.
Um multiprocessador 6 em 1 de 750w.
Em segundo lugar temos o multiprocessador Oster OMPR850.
Um multiprocessador 7 em 1 de alto desempenho.
Em primeiríssimo lugar está o multiprocessador Philco 9 em 1 PMP1600P. O multiprocessador de alimentos melhor avaliado da nossa lista.
Capítulos do vídeo
00:00 Top 5 das Melhores Multiprocessadores 00:15 Já deixou o seu LIKE? 00:31 Multiprocessador Mondial Turbo Chef MPN-01-BE 01:47 Multiprocessador Britânia All In One BMP900P 03:00 Multiprocessador Philips Walita RI7302 04:15 Multiprocessador Oster OMPR850 05:36 Multiprocessador Philco 9 em 1 PMP1600P 06:57 Melhores descontos 07:11 Resumo das 5 Multiprocessadores de Alimentos 07:18 Inscreva-se
👇🏻 Inscreva-se no Canal 👇🏻 / u/info.compra
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Obs: Os produtos podem sofrer alteração de preço sem aviso prévio.
Disclaimer: Info Compra é uma empresa que coleta as avaliações reais de compradores e é um canal / empresa sustentado pelos usuários. Transformamos essas informações em conteúdos de informação para os consumidores, de forma gratuita. Os links aqui listados na descrição são de programas de afiliados, e podemos ganhar uma comissão caso você realize uma compra através do nosso link e isso não influencia na nossa listagem. Nós apenas orientamos você para estabelecimentos e lojas confiáveis e autênticas, oferecendo descontos exclusivos.
Info Compra - custo + benefício
submitted by better-life-review to u/better-life-review [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 20:03 Efficient-Point5162 Temp Jurisdiction: Automated Benefits Delivery

Temp Jurisdiction: Automated Benefits Delivery
What does this mean?
submitted by Efficient-Point5162 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 17:39 GreyGooseLover DH Gate Find List - 500+ Items - Various Categories and High Quality

Hey guys i hope you are well, here is a new DH Gate find list , please watch carefully before you pick an item and always check twice for the size chart and the reviews! NOTE: I have not bought all of the items on the list, but all of them are manually collected from positive reviews and from different dhgate hauls. (Check the reviews of each item or massage the seller for QC pictures before you buy.)
  2. Nike Dunks
  3. Dior B22 1
  4. Dior B22 2
  5. Jordan 11
  6. Balenciaga Triple S 1
  7. Balenciaga Triple S 2
  8. Balenciaga Track 2
  9. Balenciaga Slides
  10. Christian Louboutin
  11. Nike Tuned Air
  12. Burberry Pattern Shoes
  13. Revenge Storms
  14. Yeezy 350 v2
  15. Kobe 6
  16. Yeezy 500 TSM
  17. More Off-White Sneakers
  18. Yeezy 500
  19. Yeezy 450
  20. Yeezy 350
  21. Yeezy Slides
  22. Yeezy Foamrunners
  23. Crocs
  24. Cristian Loub Spike Low Sneakers
  25. Cristian Loub Spike High Sneakers
  26. Nike Dunks
  27. Nike Shox TL
  28. Nike Tn
  29. Nike Skeleton AF1
  30. Nike AF1
  31. Nike Air Max 1
  32. Nike Air Max 95
  33. Nike Nocta Glide
  34. Nike Nocta Hot Step Air Terra
  35. Nike Uptempo
  36. Jordan 1's
  37. Jordan 4's
  38. Jordan 11's
  39. Versace Chain Reaction
  40. Alexander Mcqueen's
  41. Balenciaga Track
  42. Balenciaga Triple S
  43. Balenciaga Runners
  44. Birkenstocks
  45. Burberry Vintage High Sneakers
  46. Prada Loafers
  47. Prada Boots
  48. Gucci Slides
  49. Gucci Horsebit Sandals
  50. Maison Mihara Yasuhiro Sneakers
  51. Timberland Boots
  52. Golden Goose Sneakers
  1. Stone Island Hoodie
  2. Stone Island T-shirt
  3. Palm Angels Tracksuit
  4. The North Face Puffer Jacket
  5. Balmain T-shirts
  6. Canada Goose Vest
  7. Balenciaga BB Logo T-shirt
  8. Nike Tech Fleece
  9. Gucci Spray Letters T-shirt
  10. LV Skeleton T-shirt
  11. Ralph Laurent Bear T-Shirt
  12. Ralph Laurent Polo T-shirt
  13. Off-White T-shirts
  14. Stussy Hoodie
  15. Lacoste T-shirt
  16. Vlone Friends T-shirt
  17. Vlone Flames Logo T-shirt
  18. More Vlone T-shirts
  19. Rhude T-shirt
  20. The North Face Vest
  21. The North Face x Brain Dead Jacket
  22. Fendi Puffer Jacket
  23. Prada Zip Pocket T-shirt
  24. Prada Puffer Jacket
  25. Drew House Hoodie
  26. Louis Vuitton Patch T-shirt
  27. Palm Angels Pattern Tracksuit
  28. Palm Angels Bear T-shirt
  29. Palm Angels Back Logo T-shirt
  30. Palm Angels Spray Heart T-shirt
  31. More Palm Angels T-shirts
  32. Sp5der 555 Hoodie
  33. Sp5der T-shirt
  34. The North Face Light Jacket
  35. Moose Knuckles Jackets
  36. Ralph Lauren Zip Hoodie
  37. Polo Ralph Lauren Jumper
  38. Ralph Laurent Collared Shirts
  39. Lacoste Polo T-Shirt
  40. Balmain Sweatshirt
  41. Burberry Rider T-shirt
  42. Bottegga Veneta T-shirt
  43. Canada Goose Jacket
  44. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  45. Trapstar Tracksuit Set
  46. Trapstar Black And Yellow Set
  47. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit Set
  48. Trapstar Summer Set
  49. Gucci Tiger T-shirt
  50. Fendi T-shirts
  51. Bape Shark Hoodie
  52. Bape Camo Logo T-shirt
  53. Bape x Undefeated T-Shirt
  54. Bape x Heron Preston T-shirt
  55. Nike x Fear Of God T-shirt
  56. FOG Essentials T-shirt
  57. Gucci Snake Polo T-shirt
  58. Gucci Bear T-shirt
  59. Comme Des Garcons Hoodie
  60. Comme Des Garcons Sweatshirt
  61. Comme des Garçons T-shirt
  62. More cdg T-shirts
  63. Gap x Balenciaga Hoodie
  64. Balenciaga Sweater
  65. Balenciaga Hoodies
  66. Balenciaga Reflective Logo T-shirt
  67. Adidas x Balenciaga T-shirt
  68. Balenciaga Logo Hoodie
  69. Balenciaga Spray Logo T-shirt
  70. Balenciaga I Love Paris T-shirt
  71. More Balenciaga T-shirts
  72. Kenzo Flower T-shirt
  73. Boss T-shirt
  74. Celine Hoodie
  75. Chrome Hearts Dagger Hoodie
  76. Chrome Hearts Longsleeve
  77. Gallery Dept T-shirt
  78. Gallery Dept Hoodie
  79. Stone Island Longsleeve
  80. Stone Island Zip Hoodie
  81. Trapstar Summer Outfit
  82. Louis Vuitton T-shirts
  83. Louis Vuitton Camo Logo T-shirt
  84. Nocta Jacket Nike
  85. Fendi Eyes T-shirt
  86. More Fendi T-shirts
  87. Rhude Racing Team T-shirt
  88. CPFM YE Must Be Born Again Hoodie
  89. Kids See Ghosts Hoodie Kanye West
  90. Amiri T-shirts
  91. Bape Shoes
  92. More Amiri T-shirts
  93. Moncler Polo T-shirt
  94. Moncler Sweatshirt
  95. Versace Robe
  96. Balmain Denim Jacket
  97. C.P Company Zip Up
  98. Represent T-shirt
  99. Gucci Polo T-shirt
  100. Gucci T-shirt
  101. More Gucci T-shirts
  102. Kith T-shirts
  103. Prada Triangle Logo T-shirt
  104. Prada Sweater
  105. Paris Shirt
  106. Prada Vest
  107. More Moncler Jackets
  108. Palm Angels T Shirt
  109. Gucci Pattern Polo T-shirt
  110. Another Ralph Laurent Hoodie
  111. Moschino Italy Bear T-shirt
  112. More VLONE T-shirts
  113. Christian Dior Atelier T-shirt
  114. Prada Puffer Jacket
  115. Louis Vuitton Puffer Jacket
  116. Louis Vuitton University Jackets
  117. Revenge Hoodie
  118. Revenge T-shirts
  119. Philip Plein T-shirts
  120. Nike x Fear Of God T-shirt
  121. Louis Vuitton Knit T-shirt
  122. Drake Nocta Hoodie
  123. PSG Tracksuits
  124. The North Face x Gucci Jacket
  125. North Face Puffer Jacket
  126. Stone Island Longsleeve
  127. Bape Shark Hoodie
  128. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  129. Nike Tech Fleece
  130. Prada Jacket
  131. LV University T-shirt
  132. Canada Goose Jacket
  133. Amiri T-shirt
  134. Ralph Lauren Polo
  135. The North Face x Gucci Jacket
  136. Bottega Veneta T-shirts
  137. Supreme x The North Face Jacket
  138. Balenciaga Chrome Letters Hoodie
  139. Celine Zip Hoodie
  140. Prada T-shirt
  141. Rhude T-shirt
  142. Trapstar IRONGATE T-shirt
  143. More Gucci T-shirts
  144. Balenciaga Hoodies
  145. Vlone Flames T-shirt
  146. Balenciaga Print Logo Hoodie
  147. Gucci T-shirt
  148. Balmain T-shirt
  149. Palm Angels T-shirt
  150. Fendi T-shirts
  151. Celine Tie Dye T-shirt
  152. Bape Flowers T-shirt
  153. More Vlone T-shirts
  154. Balenciaga Sweater
  155. Amiri T-shirt
  156. Astroworld Hoodie
  157. Pian Sicko T-Shirt
  158. LV x NBA Jacket
  159. LV Varsity Jacket
  160. LV Skeleton T-Shirt
  161. LV Patch T-Shirt
  162. LV Blue Bubble Font T-Shirt
  163. Burberry T-Shirt
  164. Bape Hoodie
  165. Bape Black Head T-Shirt
  166. Bape Alphabet Crystal T-Shirt
  167. Bape X Warrior T-Shirt
  168. The North Face 700 Nuptse Jacket
  169. The North Face Nuptse Fleece Jacket
  170. The North Face Light Jacket
  171. Canada Goose Wyndham Jacket
  172. Lacoste Jacket
  173. Moncler Maya
  174. Moncler Montca Jacket
  175. Polo Raulph Lauren Sweater
  176. Polo Raulp Lauren Tracksuit
  177. Stone Island Long Sleeve
  178. Stone Island Hoodie
  179. Stone Island T-Shirt
  180. Vlone Friends T-Shirt
  181. Fear Of God Tracksuit
  182. Prada Puffer Jacket
  183. Syna World Tracksuit
  184. Trapstar set summer
  185. Gucci Tracksuit
  186. Spider Hoodies - Tracksuit
  187. Spider T-Shirt
  188. Gallery Dept T-Shirt
  189. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  190. Trapstar T-Shirt - Summer set
  191. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit
  192. Trapstar Irongate Tracksuit
  193. More Trapstar Tracksuit
  194. Balenciaga Hoodie
  195. Balenciaga Sweater
  196. Balenciaga Print Logo Hoodie
  197. PSG Tracksuit
  198. Palm Angels T-Shirt
  199. Palm Angels Bear T-Shirt
  200. Amiri 22 Hoodie
  201. Amiri T-Shirt
  202. Amiri Cupid T-Shirt
  203. Nike Windbreaker
  204. Nike X Nocta Techfleece
  205. Nike Techfleece set
  206. Corteiz Tracksuit
  1. Eric Emanuel EE Shorts
  2. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  3. Essentials Sweatpants
  4. Rhude Shorts
  5. Gallery Dept. Sweatpants
  6. Stone Island Cargo Pants
  7. Lululemon Yoga Pants
  8. Flower Jeans
  9. True Religion Jeans
  10. Gucci Shorts
  11. More Amiri
  12. Stone Island Sweatpants
  13. Stone Island Shorts
  14. Balmain Jeans
  15. DSQARED2 Jeans
  16. Amiri Jeans
  17. Amiri Angel Jeans
  18. Dsquared2 Jeans
  19. Bape Shorts
  20. Palm Angels Shorts
  21. Eric Emanuel EE Shorts
  22. Essential Sweatpants
  23. Essential Shorts
  24. Stone Island Shorts
  25. Spider Sweatpants
  26. Trapstar Shorts
  27. Gucci Shorts
  28. Burberry Shorts
  29. LV Carpenter Pants
  30. LV Carpenter Pants Black
  31. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  32. Gallery Dept Sweatpants
  33. Flower Jeans
  34. Flower Shorts
  35. Palm Angels Shorts
  36. Bape Shorts
  37. Amiri Jeans
  38. Amiri x Skull Jeans
  39. Purple Jeans
  40. Polo Swimshorts
  41. Chrome Hearts Jeans
  42. Amiri Jeans
  43. Stone Island Shorts
  44. Dsquared Jeans
  45. Bape Shark Shorts
  46. Rhude Shorts
  47. Palm Angels Track Pants
  48. Palm Angels Shorts
  49. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  50. Amiri Stars Jeans
  1. Louis Vuitton LV Belt With Box
  2. Rolex Watch With Box and Receipts
  3. AP Watch With Box
  4. MCM Backpack
  5. Swatch x Omega Planets Watch
  6. Gucci Shoulder Bag
  7. Prada Shoulder Bag
  8. BB Simons Belt
  9. LV Gradient Belt
  10. LV Pattern Belt
  11. Yves Saint Laurent Wallet
  12. Yves Saint Laurent Cardholder
  13. YSL Bifold Wallet
  14. Trapstar Irongate Shoulder Bag
  15. PSD Boxers
  16. Louis Vuitton Messenger Bag
  17. Salvatore Ferragamo Belt
  18. LV Wallets with box
  19. Hermes Wallet
  20. Louis Vuitton Cuban Link Bracelet With Box
  21. LV Women wallet with box
  22. LV Scarf And Beanie set
  23. Burberry Scarf
  24. Iced Out Cuban Link
  25. Goyard St. Louis Tote Bag
  26. Christian Dior Saddle Bag
  27. Gucci GG Belt
  28. Gucci Snake Belt
  29. Gucci Snake Printed Belt
  30. Gucci Ring
  31. Gucci Keychain
  32. Dior Pattern Belt
  33. MCM Pattern Belt
  34. Hermes Belt
  35. Versace Belt
  36. Nike Socks
  37. Supreme Backpack
  38. Louis Vuitton Backpack
  39. Alyx Backpack
  40. Supreme Shoulder Bag
  41. Supreme Face Mask
  42. Supreme Dice
  43. Air Pods Max
  44. Balenciaga Socks
  45. Prada Necklace
  46. Prada Bucket Hat
  47. Marc Jacobs The Tote Bag
  48. Chanel Flap Bag
  49. Louis Vuitton Card Holder
  50. Louis Vuitton Pattern Duffle Bag
  51. Louis Vuitton Transparent Duffle Bag
  52. Louis Vuitton Chain Wallet
  53. Lv Purse
  54. LV Waist Bag
  55. LV Alpha Messenger Bag
  56. Hermes Blanket
  57. Hermes Pillows
  58. Gucci Towel Set
  59. Louis Vuitton Wool Blanket
  60. Chanel Bath Towels
  61. Chanel Sunglasses
  62. Celine Cat Eye Sunglasses
  63. Celine Hat
  64. MCM Leather Hat
  65. ICON Hat
  66. Amiri Hat
  67. Gucci Hat
  68. Gucci Snake Hat
  69. Prada Hat
  70. Burberry Hat
  71. Coach Tabby Pillow Bag
  72. Bottega Cassette Crossbody Bag
  73. Vevine Westwood Necklace
  74. LV Millionaire Sunglasses
  75. LV Cyclone Sunglasses
  76. LV Ring
  77. LV Earrings
  78. LV Emilie Wallet
  79. Various LV Bags
  80. LV Sunglasses
  81. LV Keychain
  82. Chanel Earrings
  83. Clear Cartier Glasses
  84. Cartier Nail Bracelet
  85. UGG Gloves
  86. Tiffany Bracelet
  87. Tiffany Hearts Ring
  88. Tiffany Solitaire Ring
  89. Tiffany Earrings
  90. C.P COMPANY Beanie
  91. Canada Goose Beanie
  92. Prada Beanie
  93. Louis Vuitton Beanie
  94. Balenciaga Beanie
  95. Gucci Shocks
  96. Balenciaga Side Logo Hat
  97. BB Simons Belt
  98. Gucci Shoulder Bag (MEN)
  99. Trapstar Ironsgate Shoulder Bag
  100. LV Scarf & Beanie Set
  101. Airpods Pro / 2nd Gen / 3d Gen
  102. LV Gradient Shiny Belt
  103. Hermes Belt
  104. Balenciaga Hat
  105. Gucci Pattern Hat
  106. Gucci GG Belt
  107. Unisex Prada Sunglasses
  108. Rolex Watch (With Box & Receipt)
  109. Cartier Clear Glasses
  110. Dsquared ICON Hat
  111. Rolex Watch (With box)
  112. Rolex Datejust (With box)
  113. Rolex Daydate (With box)
  114. Patek Phillipe Watch (With box)
  115. AP Watch (With box)
  116. BB Simons Belt
  117. LV Crossbody Purse
  118. LV Messenger Bag
  119. LV Messenger Bag 2
  120. LV Cardholder
  121. LV Sling Backpack
  122. LV Wallet
  123. LV Scarf
  124. LV Sunglasses
  125. MCM Backpack
  126. Gucci Belt
  127. Gucci Snake Belt
  128. Gucci GG Wallet
  129. Gucci Wallet
  130. Gucci Pouch
  131. Goyard Cardholder
  132. Goyard Wallet
  133. OFF-White Rug
  134. Prada Hats
  135. Prada Phonecase
  136. Prada Messenger Bag
  137. More Prada Bags
  138. Prada Sunglasses
  139. New Era 59FIFTY Hat
  140. Nike Socks
  141. Cartier Glasses
  142. Crease Protectors
  1. Gucci Chevron Espadrilles $69.49 ( goes up to size 42)
  2. LV Lace-Up Winter Fur Boots $79.65 (goes up to size 42; cute boots, I’m not sure if these are fantasy?)
  3. Christian Louboutin Pira Ryad Wedge Sandals 6cm/12cm heel both $69.41 (loads of different color-ways)
  4. Christian Louboutin Suede Pumps 8cm/10cm/12cm heel $76.36 (only comes in black)
  1. Balenciaga Logo T-Shirt $22.66
  2. Balmain Crewneck Sweatshirt
  3. Polo Bear T-shirt
  4. Versace Medusa Top
  5. YSL Star Crewneck Pullover
Headwear and Accessories
  1. Bulgari Serpent Ring
  2. Pandora Charm Bracelet
Here are some extra Items
  1. Nike x Drake Hot Step Air Terra nocta
  2. Essentials Hoodie
  3. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit
  4. The Tote Bag
  5. Prada Loafers
  6. Iced Out Cuban Link
  7. Gucci Hat
  8. MCM Hat
  9. Nocta Hoodies
  10. Louis Vuitton Ring
  11. Nike Socks
  12. PSG Tracksuit
submitted by GreyGooseLover to fashionrepsv2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 17:37 GreyGooseLover Big DH Gate Find List - 500+ ITEMS - Many Categories

Hey guys i hope you are well, here is a new DH Gate find list , please watch carefully before you pick an item and always check twice for the size chart and the reviews! NOTE: I have not bought all of the items on the list, but all of them are manually collected from positive reviews and from different dhgate hauls. (Check the reviews of each item or massage the seller for QC pictures before you buy.)
  2. Nike Dunks
  3. Dior B22 1
  4. Dior B22 2
  5. Jordan 11
  6. Balenciaga Triple S 1
  7. Balenciaga Triple S 2
  8. Balenciaga Track 2
  9. Balenciaga Slides
  10. Christian Louboutin
  11. Nike Tuned Air
  12. Burberry Pattern Shoes
  13. Revenge Storms
  14. Yeezy 350 v2
  15. Kobe 6
  16. Yeezy 500 TSM
  17. More Off-White Sneakers
  18. Yeezy 500
  19. Yeezy 450
  20. Yeezy 350
  21. Yeezy Slides
  22. Yeezy Foamrunners
  23. Crocs
  24. Cristian Loub Spike Low Sneakers
  25. Cristian Loub Spike High Sneakers
  26. Nike Dunks
  27. Nike Shox TL
  28. Nike Tn
  29. Nike Skeleton AF1
  30. Nike AF1
  31. Nike Air Max 1
  32. Nike Air Max 95
  33. Nike Nocta Glide
  34. Nike Nocta Hot Step Air Terra
  35. Nike Uptempo
  36. Jordan 1's
  37. Jordan 4's
  38. Jordan 11's
  39. Versace Chain Reaction
  40. Alexander Mcqueen's
  41. Balenciaga Track
  42. Balenciaga Triple S
  43. Balenciaga Runners
  44. Birkenstocks
  45. Burberry Vintage High Sneakers
  46. Prada Loafers
  47. Prada Boots
  48. Gucci Slides
  49. Gucci Horsebit Sandals
  50. Maison Mihara Yasuhiro Sneakers
  51. Timberland Boots
  52. Golden Goose Sneakers
  1. Stone Island Hoodie
  2. Stone Island T-shirt
  3. Palm Angels Tracksuit
  4. The North Face Puffer Jacket
  5. Balmain T-shirts
  6. Canada Goose Vest
  7. Balenciaga BB Logo T-shirt
  8. Nike Tech Fleece
  9. Gucci Spray Letters T-shirt
  10. LV Skeleton T-shirt
  11. Ralph Laurent Bear T-Shirt
  12. Ralph Laurent Polo T-shirt
  13. Off-White T-shirts
  14. Stussy Hoodie
  15. Lacoste T-shirt
  16. Vlone Friends T-shirt
  17. Vlone Flames Logo T-shirt
  18. More Vlone T-shirts
  19. Rhude T-shirt
  20. The North Face Vest
  21. The North Face x Brain Dead Jacket
  22. Fendi Puffer Jacket
  23. Prada Zip Pocket T-shirt
  24. Prada Puffer Jacket
  25. Drew House Hoodie
  26. Louis Vuitton Patch T-shirt
  27. Palm Angels Pattern Tracksuit
  28. Palm Angels Bear T-shirt
  29. Palm Angels Back Logo T-shirt
  30. Palm Angels Spray Heart T-shirt
  31. More Palm Angels T-shirts
  32. Sp5der 555 Hoodie
  33. Sp5der T-shirt
  34. The North Face Light Jacket
  35. Moose Knuckles Jackets
  36. Ralph Lauren Zip Hoodie
  37. Polo Ralph Lauren Jumper
  38. Ralph Laurent Collared Shirts
  39. Lacoste Polo T-Shirt
  40. Balmain Sweatshirt
  41. Burberry Rider T-shirt
  42. Bottegga Veneta T-shirt
  43. Canada Goose Jacket
  44. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  45. Trapstar Tracksuit Set
  46. Trapstar Black And Yellow Set
  47. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit Set
  48. Trapstar Summer Set
  49. Gucci Tiger T-shirt
  50. Fendi T-shirts
  51. Bape Shark Hoodie
  52. Bape Camo Logo T-shirt
  53. Bape x Undefeated T-Shirt
  54. Bape x Heron Preston T-shirt
  55. Nike x Fear Of God T-shirt
  56. FOG Essentials T-shirt
  57. Gucci Snake Polo T-shirt
  58. Gucci Bear T-shirt
  59. Comme Des Garcons Hoodie
  60. Comme Des Garcons Sweatshirt
  61. Comme des Garçons T-shirt
  62. More cdg T-shirts
  63. Gap x Balenciaga Hoodie
  64. Balenciaga Sweater
  65. Balenciaga Hoodies
  66. Balenciaga Reflective Logo T-shirt
  67. Adidas x Balenciaga T-shirt
  68. Balenciaga Logo Hoodie
  69. Balenciaga Spray Logo T-shirt
  70. Balenciaga I Love Paris T-shirt
  71. More Balenciaga T-shirts
  72. Kenzo Flower T-shirt
  73. Boss T-shirt
  74. Celine Hoodie
  75. Chrome Hearts Dagger Hoodie
  76. Chrome Hearts Longsleeve
  77. Gallery Dept T-shirt
  78. Gallery Dept Hoodie
  79. Stone Island Longsleeve
  80. Stone Island Zip Hoodie
  81. Trapstar Summer Outfit
  82. Louis Vuitton T-shirts
  83. Louis Vuitton Camo Logo T-shirt
  84. Nocta Jacket Nike
  85. Fendi Eyes T-shirt
  86. More Fendi T-shirts
  87. Rhude Racing Team T-shirt
  88. CPFM YE Must Be Born Again Hoodie
  89. Kids See Ghosts Hoodie Kanye West
  90. Amiri T-shirts
  91. Bape Shoes
  92. More Amiri T-shirts
  93. Moncler Polo T-shirt
  94. Moncler Sweatshirt
  95. Versace Robe
  96. Balmain Denim Jacket
  97. C.P Company Zip Up
  98. Represent T-shirt
  99. Gucci Polo T-shirt
  100. Gucci T-shirt
  101. More Gucci T-shirts
  102. Kith T-shirts
  103. Prada Triangle Logo T-shirt
  104. Prada Sweater
  105. Paris Shirt
  106. Prada Vest
  107. More Moncler Jackets
  108. Palm Angels T Shirt
  109. Gucci Pattern Polo T-shirt
  110. Another Ralph Laurent Hoodie
  111. Moschino Italy Bear T-shirt
  112. More VLONE T-shirts
  113. Christian Dior Atelier T-shirt
  114. Prada Puffer Jacket
  115. Louis Vuitton Puffer Jacket
  116. Louis Vuitton University Jackets
  117. Revenge Hoodie
  118. Revenge T-shirts
  119. Philip Plein T-shirts
  120. Nike x Fear Of God T-shirt
  121. Louis Vuitton Knit T-shirt
  122. Drake Nocta Hoodie
  123. PSG Tracksuits
  124. The North Face x Gucci Jacket
  125. North Face Puffer Jacket
  126. Stone Island Longsleeve
  127. Bape Shark Hoodie
  128. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  129. Nike Tech Fleece
  130. Prada Jacket
  131. LV University T-shirt
  132. Canada Goose Jacket
  133. Amiri T-shirt
  134. Ralph Lauren Polo
  135. The North Face x Gucci Jacket
  136. Bottega Veneta T-shirts
  137. Supreme x The North Face Jacket
  138. Balenciaga Chrome Letters Hoodie
  139. Celine Zip Hoodie
  140. Prada T-shirt
  141. Rhude T-shirt
  142. Trapstar IRONGATE T-shirt
  143. More Gucci T-shirts
  144. Balenciaga Hoodies
  145. Vlone Flames T-shirt
  146. Balenciaga Print Logo Hoodie
  147. Gucci T-shirt
  148. Balmain T-shirt
  149. Palm Angels T-shirt
  150. Fendi T-shirts
  151. Celine Tie Dye T-shirt
  152. Bape Flowers T-shirt
  153. More Vlone T-shirts
  154. Balenciaga Sweater
  155. Amiri T-shirt
  156. Astroworld Hoodie
  157. Pian Sicko T-Shirt
  158. LV x NBA Jacket
  159. LV Varsity Jacket
  160. LV Skeleton T-Shirt
  161. LV Patch T-Shirt
  162. LV Blue Bubble Font T-Shirt
  163. Burberry T-Shirt
  164. Bape Hoodie
  165. Bape Black Head T-Shirt
  166. Bape Alphabet Crystal T-Shirt
  167. Bape X Warrior T-Shirt
  168. The North Face 700 Nuptse Jacket
  169. The North Face Nuptse Fleece Jacket
  170. The North Face Light Jacket
  171. Canada Goose Wyndham Jacket
  172. Lacoste Jacket
  173. Moncler Maya
  174. Moncler Montca Jacket
  175. Polo Raulph Lauren Sweater
  176. Polo Raulp Lauren Tracksuit
  177. Stone Island Long Sleeve
  178. Stone Island Hoodie
  179. Stone Island T-Shirt
  180. Vlone Friends T-Shirt
  181. Fear Of God Tracksuit
  182. Prada Puffer Jacket
  183. Syna World Tracksuit
  184. Trapstar set summer
  185. Gucci Tracksuit
  186. Spider Hoodies - Tracksuit
  187. Spider T-Shirt
  188. Gallery Dept T-Shirt
  189. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  190. Trapstar T-Shirt - Summer set
  191. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit
  192. Trapstar Irongate Tracksuit
  193. More Trapstar Tracksuit
  194. Balenciaga Hoodie
  195. Balenciaga Sweater
  196. Balenciaga Print Logo Hoodie
  197. PSG Tracksuit
  198. Palm Angels T-Shirt
  199. Palm Angels Bear T-Shirt
  200. Amiri 22 Hoodie
  201. Amiri T-Shirt
  202. Amiri Cupid T-Shirt
  203. Nike Windbreaker
  204. Nike X Nocta Techfleece
  205. Nike Techfleece set
  206. Corteiz Tracksuit
  1. Eric Emanuel EE Shorts
  2. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  3. Essentials Sweatpants
  4. Rhude Shorts
  5. Gallery Dept. Sweatpants
  6. Stone Island Cargo Pants
  7. Lululemon Yoga Pants
  8. Flower Jeans
  9. True Religion Jeans
  10. Gucci Shorts
  11. More Amiri
  12. Stone Island Sweatpants
  13. Stone Island Shorts
  14. Balmain Jeans
  15. DSQARED2 Jeans
  16. Amiri Jeans
  17. Amiri Angel Jeans
  18. Dsquared2 Jeans
  19. Bape Shorts
  20. Palm Angels Shorts
  21. Eric Emanuel EE Shorts
  22. Essential Sweatpants
  23. Essential Shorts
  24. Stone Island Shorts
  25. Spider Sweatpants
  26. Trapstar Shorts
  27. Gucci Shorts
  28. Burberry Shorts
  29. LV Carpenter Pants
  30. LV Carpenter Pants Black
  31. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  32. Gallery Dept Sweatpants
  33. Flower Jeans
  34. Flower Shorts
  35. Palm Angels Shorts
  36. Bape Shorts
  37. Amiri Jeans
  38. Amiri x Skull Jeans
  39. Purple Jeans
  40. Polo Swimshorts
  41. Chrome Hearts Jeans
  42. Amiri Jeans
  43. Stone Island Shorts
  44. Dsquared Jeans
  45. Bape Shark Shorts
  46. Rhude Shorts
  47. Palm Angels Track Pants
  48. Palm Angels Shorts
  49. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  50. Amiri Stars Jeans
  1. Louis Vuitton LV Belt With Box
  2. Rolex Watch With Box and Receipts
  3. AP Watch With Box
  4. MCM Backpack
  5. Swatch x Omega Planets Watch
  6. Gucci Shoulder Bag
  7. Prada Shoulder Bag
  8. BB Simons Belt
  9. LV Gradient Belt
  10. LV Pattern Belt
  11. Yves Saint Laurent Wallet
  12. Yves Saint Laurent Cardholder
  13. YSL Bifold Wallet
  14. Trapstar Irongate Shoulder Bag
  15. PSD Boxers
  16. Louis Vuitton Messenger Bag
  17. Salvatore Ferragamo Belt
  18. LV Wallets with box
  19. Hermes Wallet
  20. Louis Vuitton Cuban Link Bracelet With Box
  21. LV Women wallet with box
  22. LV Scarf And Beanie set
  23. Burberry Scarf
  24. Iced Out Cuban Link
  25. Goyard St. Louis Tote Bag
  26. Christian Dior Saddle Bag
  27. Gucci GG Belt
  28. Gucci Snake Belt
  29. Gucci Snake Printed Belt
  30. Gucci Ring
  31. Gucci Keychain
  32. Dior Pattern Belt
  33. MCM Pattern Belt
  34. Hermes Belt
  35. Versace Belt
  36. Nike Socks
  37. Supreme Backpack
  38. Louis Vuitton Backpack
  39. Alyx Backpack
  40. Supreme Shoulder Bag
  41. Supreme Face Mask
  42. Supreme Dice
  43. Air Pods Max
  44. Balenciaga Socks
  45. Prada Necklace
  46. Prada Bucket Hat
  47. Marc Jacobs The Tote Bag
  48. Chanel Flap Bag
  49. Louis Vuitton Card Holder
  50. Louis Vuitton Pattern Duffle Bag
  51. Louis Vuitton Transparent Duffle Bag
  52. Louis Vuitton Chain Wallet
  53. Lv Purse
  54. LV Waist Bag
  55. LV Alpha Messenger Bag
  56. Hermes Blanket
  57. Hermes Pillows
  58. Gucci Towel Set
  59. Louis Vuitton Wool Blanket
  60. Chanel Bath Towels
  61. Chanel Sunglasses
  62. Celine Cat Eye Sunglasses
  63. Celine Hat
  64. MCM Leather Hat
  65. ICON Hat
  66. Amiri Hat
  67. Gucci Hat
  68. Gucci Snake Hat
  69. Prada Hat
  70. Burberry Hat
  71. Coach Tabby Pillow Bag
  72. Bottega Cassette Crossbody Bag
  73. Vevine Westwood Necklace
  74. LV Millionaire Sunglasses
  75. LV Cyclone Sunglasses
  76. LV Ring
  77. LV Earrings
  78. LV Emilie Wallet
  79. Various LV Bags
  80. LV Sunglasses
  81. LV Keychain
  82. Chanel Earrings
  83. Clear Cartier Glasses
  84. Cartier Nail Bracelet
  85. UGG Gloves
  86. Tiffany Bracelet
  87. Tiffany Hearts Ring
  88. Tiffany Solitaire Ring
  89. Tiffany Earrings
  90. C.P COMPANY Beanie
  91. Canada Goose Beanie
  92. Prada Beanie
  93. Louis Vuitton Beanie
  94. Balenciaga Beanie
  95. Gucci Shocks
  96. Balenciaga Side Logo Hat
  97. BB Simons Belt
  98. Gucci Shoulder Bag (MEN)
  99. Trapstar Ironsgate Shoulder Bag
  100. LV Scarf & Beanie Set
  101. Airpods Pro / 2nd Gen / 3d Gen
  102. LV Gradient Shiny Belt
  103. Hermes Belt
  104. Balenciaga Hat
  105. Gucci Pattern Hat
  106. Gucci GG Belt
  107. Unisex Prada Sunglasses
  108. Rolex Watch (With Box & Receipt)
  109. Cartier Clear Glasses
  110. Dsquared ICON Hat
  111. Rolex Watch (With box)
  112. Rolex Datejust (With box)
  113. Rolex Daydate (With box)
  114. Patek Phillipe Watch (With box)
  115. AP Watch (With box)
  116. BB Simons Belt
  117. LV Crossbody Purse
  118. LV Messenger Bag
  119. LV Messenger Bag 2
  120. LV Cardholder
  121. LV Sling Backpack
  122. LV Wallet
  123. LV Scarf
  124. LV Sunglasses
  125. MCM Backpack
  126. Gucci Belt
  127. Gucci Snake Belt
  128. Gucci GG Wallet
  129. Gucci Wallet
  130. Gucci Pouch
  131. Goyard Cardholder
  132. Goyard Wallet
  133. OFF-White Rug
  134. Prada Hats
  135. Prada Phonecase
  136. Prada Messenger Bag
  137. More Prada Bags
  138. Prada Sunglasses
  139. New Era 59FIFTY Hat
  140. Nike Socks
  141. Cartier Glasses
  142. Crease Protectors
  1. Gucci Chevron Espadrilles $69.49 ( goes up to size 42)
  2. LV Lace-Up Winter Fur Boots $79.65 (goes up to size 42; cute boots, I’m not sure if these are fantasy?)
  3. Christian Louboutin Pira Ryad Wedge Sandals 6cm/12cm heel both $69.41 (loads of different color-ways)
  4. Christian Louboutin Suede Pumps 8cm/10cm/12cm heel $76.36 (only comes in black)
  1. Balenciaga Logo T-Shirt $22.66
  2. Balmain Crewneck Sweatshirt
  3. Polo Bear T-shirt
  4. Versace Medusa Top
  5. YSL Star Crewneck Pullover
Headwear and Accessories
  1. Bulgari Serpent Ring
  2. Pandora Charm Bracelet
Here are some extra Items
  1. Nike x Drake Hot Step Air Terra nocta
  2. Essentials Hoodie
  3. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit
  4. The Tote Bag
  5. Prada Loafers
  6. Iced Out Cuban Link
  7. Gucci Hat
  8. MCM Hat
  9. Nocta Hoodies
  10. Louis Vuitton Ring
  11. Nike Socks
  12. PSG Tracksuit
submitted by GreyGooseLover to fashionreps2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 16:47 2012amica2 Looking for beginner-friendly short sect/thru hikes in central VA

Hello fellow trail fiends,
I’m 22M very slowly training and starting to build trail endurance. I’m 120lbs and 5’3. I’m also technically still recovering from a nasty virus, and can be prone to exercise induced asthma if I overdue it, as well as having an ED I’m working through. Looking to keep my up-to 40L pack under 20lbs if I can, the lighter the better as I’m healing from a rotator cuff injury too. I’ve got most of the gear I’d need. I’ve lived in the Harrisonburg - Waynesboro corridor my entire life. I’ve been all over SNP, and the foothills of the blue ridge throughout SW VA. Love hiking and love the trail.
In general I haven’t done more than 7 miles in a day and I prefer to take shorter outings (that fit into my full time working schedule better) to do short <5 mile summit/destination hikes. (Generally where I live, waterfalls in the park, etc) Quite a few common ones I haven’t done or probably even heard of.
I’m looking to put together maybe a 10-20 mile section of trail to tackle over the course of a weekend or a couple days off work. Something not overly daunting, and the more interesting the better. I much prefer hikes with as many “rewards” as possible, like a waterfall, gorgeous views, rocky outcroppings, swimming holes, creeks/spring crossings, summit points, etc. Especially with the heat, I love water hikes. Ideally within an hour and a half of me (I live in Charlottesville 😭) that’s basically Glasgow/Natural Bridge N to Sky Meadows State Park area. My tolerance for elevation gain isn’t great so tbh the flatter the better, but that’s not to say I won’t take a challenge. I’ve definitely done 2.5-5 mile hikes with over 1800 feet of gain. As long as I can pace myself and take breaks I don’t mind some vertical climbs, especially if they’re fun and/or sketchy. I’ve done Grandfather Mountain to Calloway Peak multiple times. I also hiked in the smokies with a friend in late April while it was pouring and 45 degrees. So like, I can be a little bit miserable and still have a great time.
I’ve done:
Peaks of Otter (Sharp Top)
Humpback Rocks/Gap
Sects of St Mary’s Wilderness
Big Levels/Sherando Lake
Calf Mtn
Turk Mtn
Moormans River to Big Branch Falls
Jones Run Falls
Doyle’s RiveFalls
Loft Mtn
Swift Run Gap - South River
Rose RiveDark Hollow Falls
Big Meadows
Lewis Mtn
Hawksbill Mtn
WhiteOak Falls Boundary
Hikes that cut through/touch those things aren’t necessarily discouraged. It’s been years since I’ve done half of them.
On my marked interested-in list, I have:
3 Ridges
Rockfish Gap Entrance (familiar with the area, haven’t started there)
Riprap Trailhead
Browns Gap
Bearfence Mtn
Hazeltop Mtn
Hawksbill (again, more thoroughly)
Stony Man
The Pinnacles
Old Rag
Mary’s Rock
Rattlesnake Pt
Hikes aren’t exclusive to those areas. Those are just cool places I know about and haven’t done.
Holders of trail knowledge please assist me on my journey 🤪🧙🥾
submitted by 2012amica2 to AppalachianTrail [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 22:36 colombia84usa About to have first baby....

I heard that it can take up to 6 weeks to get the SSN. That's what my sister said and she had 4 kids.
I was thinking of getting a copy of the birth certificate and applying for an SSN at the SSA office instead of waiting for tht hospital to put the paperwork through for a quicker turn around.
Because I am a planner. I plan for things early to minimize extra work I have to do in the future. Everything will be all set and go.
My issue is that because my wife has Medicaid and CHAMPVA.
How do I avoid doing claims for doctors that charge for my son? I won't have a SSN number first week or two, but I also don't want to go behind everything and start to put out manual paper claims in everytime I go see a doctor.
I am going to be charged prepaid or denied health care for not having active insurance. I really don't know how all this works.
Medicaid is aoat immediately after I get the SSN, but ChampVA takes it's sweet time to enroll and they are usually first to be billed.
submitted by colombia84usa to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 19:41 DisplacedPanda Customizable/Adjustable Wheelchair Recommendations

I am cross posting this in the disability subreddit as well, but I was looking for some help/direction. I am lucky enough that I have VA care and not only the manual wheelchair from them but also a powerchair. I actually prefer the manual to the powerchair, which is where this all stems from. I am wanting to do a manual that works better for me because the stock chair from the VA, while a good multi-purpose chair, is not great as a daily use and leaves me wanting more. I have thought about trying to get a custom from the VA but I don't know how long that would take and if it would even happen. I am looking to fund this myself so I own it and can get what works best for me. With all that said I am an ambulatory chair user but I use my chair when I go out due to energy and pain levels.
I am looking for advice on where to look for a custom chair that is customizable/adjustable to a degree to I can make the minor adjustments. Since I would be a first time custom chair user I didn't want to get something that was solidly set in stone for everything. I have learned a ton with the chair that I currently have but I know that it isn't good for me long term, if for nothing else it weighs 35-40 freaking pounds.
I would love specific chair recommendations as well as places to shop. Added bonus would be if anyone knew a place in middle Georgia that could do the measurements well.
Looking for something that is under 17 pounds and less expensive than $3500 due to self pay.
submitted by DisplacedPanda to wheelchairs [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 19:40 DisplacedPanda Customizable/Adjustable Wheelchair Recommendations

I am cross posting this in the wheelchair subreddit as well, but I was looking for some help/direction. I am lucky enough that I have VA care and not only the manual wheelchair from them but also a powerchair. I actually prefer the manual to the powerchair, which is where this all stems from. I am wanting to do a manual that works better for me because the stock chair from the VA, while a good multi-purpose chair, is not great as a daily use and leaves me wanting more. I have thought about trying to get a custom from the VA but I don't know how long that would take and if it would even happen. I am looking to fund this myself so I own it and can get what works best for me. With all that said I am an ambulatory chair user but I use my chair when I go out due to energy and pain levels.
I am looking for advice on where to look for a custom chair that is customizable/adjustable to a degree to I can make the minor adjustments. Since I would be a first time custom chair user I didn't want to get something that was solidly set in stone for everything. I have learned a ton with the chair that I currently have but I know that it isn't good for me long term, if for nothing else it weighs 35-40 freaking pounds.
I would love specific chair recommendations as well as places to shop. Added bonus would be if anyone knew a place in middle Georgia that could do the measurements well.
Looking for something that is under 17 pounds and less expensive than $3500 due to self pay.
submitted by DisplacedPanda to disability [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 18:28 NoClerk5520 Blade (How would you rate this game?)

Blade (How would you rate this game?)
This is my experience with the story mode. Keep in mind that it differs from person to person and you shouldn’t compare yours with that of the others. ⬇️
💟 (Phenomenal) ✅ (Very Good) ✴️ (Good) ⛔️ (Bad)
STORY ✴️ - Good story around hunting monsters.
GAMEPLAY ⛔️ - Controls are a bit weird because there’s no 3D camera, just movement with the left stick. Which at times can get you in trouble. - It’s a very difficult game, so beware before going in. I actually gave up after 1 hour of gameplay. The lack of save points/checkpoints is just idiotic.
SOUND DESIGN ✅ - Very good stereo sound. - Voice acting is great. - The music is nice.
VISUALS 💟 - Incredible for 2000. - Textures and characters/enemies are very detailed.
COMBAT ✴️ - Good combat design. Basically shooting a variety of weapons or using your sword, fists or kicks.
WORLD DESIGN 💟 - Phenomenal for the time. - Each location is very well made and has its unique atmosphere.
submitted by NoClerk5520 to blade [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 17:10 fns4565 Amenajarea livingului: Sfaturi și trucuri în designul interior

Amenajarea livingului: Sfaturi și trucuri în designul interior
Dacă te-ai mutat recent și vrei să-ți amenajezi livingul, însă nu știi exact ce stil de design interior să alegi, iar creativitatea nu este punctul tău forte? Ți-am pregătit mai jos un ghid complet care să te ajute în amenajarea unui living care să-ți ofere liniștea și relaxarea completă după zi de muncă.
Livingul este centrul casei și adesea este folosit ca spațiu multifuncțional. Dacă este vorba de un living open space, acesta poate servi și ca zonă de lucru prin amplasarea unui birou într-un colț, ideal pentru zilele când lucrezi de acasă. Altfel, dacă ne referim la o compartimentare clasică, livingul este folosit ca zonă de relaxare sau un spațiu în care petreci timp cu priEtenii sau cu rudele atunci când vin în vizită.
Compartimentarea și ulterior modul de amenajare al livingului trebuie să reflecte personalitatea locuitorilor și implicit nevoile fiecărei familii. Acest lucru însemană că întâi de toate trebuie să realizezi un plan de amenajare al camerei pentru a putea afla dimensiunea exactă și ce stil de design interior poți să alegi.

Cum să amenajezi livingul în funcție de dimensiune?

Dimensiunea unei camere este primul aspect de care trebui să ții cont în amenajarea unui living. Astfel, în funcție de dimensiune, există livinguri cu suprafețe mici, cu o dimensiune de 15 mp sau mai mic, și livinguri cu suprafețe mari.

Amenajarea unui living mic

Amenajarea unui living mic sau de regulă a unei camere cu dimensiuni reduse este mai greu de realizat, întrucât piesele de mobilier trebuie alese cu grijă pentru a se încadra în spațiul respectiv și să nu aglomereze. De aceea, cel mai potrivite piese de mobilier într-un living mic sunt cele multifuncționale. Ideal este să cuprindă cât mai multe spații de depozitare. De asemenea, în amenajarea unui living de dimensiuni reduse trebuie să urmezi culori care reflectă lumina pentru a maximiza spațiul disponibil. În acest fel este recomandat să folosești alb pentru zona pereților și să optezi pentru un parchet gri sau bej. Orientează-te către piese de mobilier cu aspect lucios care reflectă lumina și amplasează strategic o oglindă de podea lată. Pentru un living mic, cel mai potrivit stil de amenajare este cel minimalist.
Pe site-ul nostru, Atrix Concept, avem un blog specializat intitulat "amenajari interioare living". Pentru a obține informații în această domeniu, faceți clic pe link-ul amenajari interioare living.

Amenajarea unui living mare

În cazul amenajării unui living de mari dimensiuni, procesul nu mai este atât de dificil. Spațiul îți permite să abordezi oricare stil de amenajare, doar să păstrezi armonia în design și să nu aglomerezi spațiul cu prea multe obiecte de decor și piese de mobilier. Primul pas în acest caz este să-ți compartimentezi spațiul și să creezi zona funcționale distincte. Pentru acest lucru te poți folosi de elemente de decor pentru a delimita funcțiunile. De exemplu, în amenajarea unui living mare poți să creezi o zonă de relaxare prin amplasarea unei canapele, fotolii, o masă de cafea cu blat și picioare din sticlă, potrivită pentru un stil de amenajare clasic.
Pentru a aduce o pată de culoare în design, poți să așezi o planta în ghiveci și o lampă de masă cu un design deosebit pentru a completa estetica spațiului. Pe peretele din fața canapelei poți să pui un ansamblu de rafturi de culoarea lemnului deschis și un televizor suspendat. Pentru a crea o zonă de dining ai nevoie de o masă mare și câteva scaune care să se încadreze în stilul de amenajare. Iar pentru delimitarea celor două zone poți să folosești un covor lcurat manual pentru a transmite o atmsoferă caldă și primitoare în living.

Amenajarea unui living cu birou

O altă idee de compartimentare a spațiului este prin amenajarea unei zone de lucru în living. Astfel poți integra foarte ușor un birou. Pentru că ai nevoie de lumină, poți să amplasezi biroul în apropierea unei ferestre sau într-un loc în care pătrunde mai multă lumină naturală. În acest caz va trebui să optezi pentru perdele în nuanțe neutre și transparente. De asemenea, mobilierul ales trebuie să se încadreze în stilul de amenajare pentru a păstra ordine în designul interior.

Amenajarea livingului ca spațiu de dormit

Uneori, livingul poate fi folosit ca o cameră pentru oaspeți. În acest caz poți să alegi un colțar sau o canapea extensibilă pentru a obține un pat de două persoane, ideal în situația în care musafirii rămân peste noapte. Cea mai bună idee este să optezi pentru o piesă multifuncțională, care atunci când este strânsă să fie folosit ca un dulap de perete cu rafturi în scop decorativ.

Amenajarea livingului în funcție de stilul de amenajare

Alegerea unui stil de amenjare pentru living trebuie să-ți reprezinte personalitatea și să-ți îndeplinească nevoile pe care le ai de la un spațiu. În partea de jos ți-am pregătit câteva idei de amenajarea ale unui living în stil minimalist, clasic și industrial.

Amenajarea livingului în stil minimalist

Stilul minimalist este ideal în amenajarea unui living de dimensiuni reduse pentru că funcționează pe principiul less is more, ceea ce presupune că nu trebuie să folosești prea multe piese de mobilier, decorațiuni interioare, etc. Un living amenajat în stil minimalist trebuie să păstreze proporții exacte, forme clare și linii drepte ale pieselor de mobilier și a celorlalte elemente de decor. În amenajarea unui living în stil minimalist trebuie să primeze calitatea și nu cantitatea.

Amenajarea unui living în stil clasic

În amenajarea unui living în stil clasic trebuie să folosești pardoseală din lemn și mobilier masiv cu diverse ornamente. Sun prezente materiale tradiționale pentru covoare, draperii și perdele. De asemenea, într-un un living amenajat în stil clasic se poate folosi tapet cu diverse peisaje sau poți să lași pereții albi și să așezi mai multe tablouri cu ramă aurie. Ca punct de accent se poate introduce un șemineu.

Amenajarea unui living în stil industrial

În amenajarea unui living în stil industrial trebuie să folosești materiale în formă brută, să lași la vedere elementele arhitecurale precum țevi și cărămida. De asemenea se utilizează lemnul reciclat și sticla. Poți folosi rame metalice pentru mobilier, lămpi industriale sau decorațiuni din metal. Canapele din piele, mese din lemn și metal, rafturi din țevi metalice sunt opțiuni pentru amenajarea unui living.

Greșeli de evitat în amenajarea unui living

Amenajarea unui living poate fi un proces plin de creativitate, însă din lipsă de experiență în acest domeniu poți face anumite greși care pot strica aspectul livingului. Vezi mai jos la ce trebuie să fii atent în amenajarea unui living.

Renunță la pernele din showroom

Renunță să mai folosești acele perne care sunt expuse pe canapea în showroom-urile de mobilă sau pe site-urile de amenajare interioară.

Folosirea seturilor de mobilier

Știm că îți este mai ușor să alegi un set de mobilier pentru amenajarea livingului, însă acest lucru nu mai este la modă. Specialiștii în design interior recomandă să combini diverse materiale, forme și țesături și tonuri de lemn pentru a oferi un aspect deosebit în living.

Alegerea culorilor nepotrivite

Culorile pot influența semnificativ atmosfera livingului. Evită să folosești culori prea puternice. Optează pentru o paletă echilibrată și asigură-te că toate elementele se armonizează.

Iluminare insuficientă

Iluminarea joacă un rol esențial în atmosfera livingului. Evită să te bazezi pe o singură sursă de lumină și optează pentru iluminare gnerală, ambientală și de accent.

Atrix Concept – studio de design interior

Atrix Concept este un studio de design interior din București cu o experiență vastă în amenajarea interioară a locuințelor, a spațiilor comerciale, birou și horeca. De-a lungul timpul s-a remarcat în domeniu prin dezvoltarea de spații, funcționale, estetice și care să reflecte personalitatea clientului. Astfel, dacă vrei să te bucuri din nou de locuința ta, apelează cu încredere la Atrix Concept!
submitted by fns4565 to u/fns4565 [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 04:13 Sad_Doughnut9806 Bad C&P

I had an awful C&P examiner yesterday that pissed me off and I’m wondering what I should do. There were some things she did that just seemed wrong. Not sure what the appropriate response is. She was extremely condescending the whole time and I had to bite my tongue several times because I know she’s in control of what gets reported.
  1. She told me to touch my toes and I stopped when I started feeling my pain. She asked me if that’s as far as I could go to which I responded “Yes without putting myself in pain” she tried to get me to keep going and I told her that’s as far with pain and that my VA physical therapist told me stop when I feel pain. She laughed and said “Well your VA doctor isn’t going to help you with your claim.” She then proceeds to write down 70° range of motion, which I know I am more limited.
  2. I have very flat feet and have a diagnoses from several VA doctors, one PT even noted in my health records “Very flat feet” I take my shoes off and she goes “oh that’s not that bad” that pissed me off because I have extreme foot pain that makes it difficult to walk more then 5-10 minutes.
  3. I had 2 botched surgeries on both my feet while in that I can’t put any weight on my big toes or run at all. This has led to weight gain that I hate, very tough and calloused feet due to the outward rotation I walk with to mitigate pain, blisters, and now I’m having to get 2 more surgeries to try and fix them. Again she says “That’s not really calloused just rough” and acts like she can’t see the popped blisters along my foot.
  4. I’ve been out of a job since January, I had to quit because it required me to be on my feet all day and I physically couldn’t do that, and applying to school because all I’m qualified for right now is manual labor jobs. I finally got a job about a 2 weeks ago and I’m on my feet most of the day, it hurts but I need the money. She asks if the issues have caused me to be out of work for 5 weeks or more and I tell her yes (as I have been). She starts aggressively asking if it’s in my records. I told her yes. She says she doesn’t see it and it has to say so. I show her my VA notes from January “Veteran is looking for job that doesn’t require him to be on feet all day” as well as the same thing in following months about me being unemployed (this had a very negative affect on my mental health doing nothing). She says that doesn’t count and that the doctor has to write exactly “Veteran has been out of job for 5 weeks” I tried to explain that January to April is much MORE than 5 weeks!! She just keeps saying no, since it’s “not in my record” and she won’t report that.
There were a few other moments in the exam that bothered me too but this is getting long.
Idk what to do, looking on the VA website she already submitted the DBQ’s. I feel as though she was against me the moment I walked in and it really bothered me that she kept asking me to go further on the bend test. Sorry I know it’s a long rant but I’m not sure what to do. If anyone has advice it’d be much appreciated!
submitted by Sad_Doughnut9806 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 03:00 GreyGooseLover Big DH Gate Find List - 500+ ITEMS - Many Categories

Hey guysss, ne DH Gate find list guys, please watch carefully before you pick an item and always check twice for the size chart and the reviews! NOTE: I have not bought all of the items on the list, but all of them are manually collected from positive reviews and from different dhgate hauls. (Check the reviews of each item or massage the seller for QC pictures before you buy.)
  2. Nike Dunks
  3. Dior B22 1
  4. Dior B22 2
  5. Jordan 11
  6. Balenciaga Triple S 1
  7. Balenciaga Triple S 2
  8. Balenciaga Track 2
  9. Balenciaga Slides
  10. Christian Louboutin
  11. Nike Tuned Air
  12. Burberry Pattern Shoes
  13. Revenge Storms
  14. Yeezy 350 v2
  15. Kobe 6
  16. Yeezy 500 TSM
  17. More Off-White Sneakers
  18. Yeezy 500
  19. Yeezy 450
  20. Yeezy 350
  21. Yeezy Slides
  22. Yeezy Foamrunners
  23. Crocs
  24. Cristian Loub Spike Low Sneakers
  25. Cristian Loub Spike High Sneakers
  26. Nike Dunks
  27. Nike Shox TL
  28. Nike Tn
  29. Nike Skeleton AF1
  30. Nike AF1
  31. Nike Air Max 1
  32. Nike Air Max 95
  33. Nike Nocta Glide
  34. Nike Nocta Hot Step Air Terra
  35. Nike Uptempo
  36. Jordan 1's
  37. Jordan 4's
  38. Jordan 11's
  39. Versace Chain Reaction
  40. Alexander Mcqueen's
  41. Balenciaga Track
  42. Balenciaga Triple S
  43. Balenciaga Runners
  44. Birkenstocks
  45. Burberry Vintage High Sneakers
  46. Prada Loafers
  47. Prada Boots
  48. Gucci Slides
  49. Gucci Horsebit Sandals
  50. Maison Mihara Yasuhiro Sneakers
  51. Timberland Boots
  52. Golden Goose Sneakers
  1. Stone Island Hoodie
  2. Stone Island T-shirt
  3. Palm Angels Tracksuit
  4. The North Face Puffer Jacket
  5. Balmain T-shirts
  6. Canada Goose Vest
  7. Balenciaga BB Logo T-shirt
  8. Nike Tech Fleece
  9. Gucci Spray Letters T-shirt
  10. LV Skeleton T-shirt
  11. Ralph Laurent Bear T-Shirt
  12. Ralph Laurent Polo T-shirt
  13. Off-White T-shirts
  14. Stussy Hoodie
  15. Lacoste T-shirt
  16. Vlone Friends T-shirt
  17. Vlone Flames Logo T-shirt
  18. More Vlone T-shirts
  19. Rhude T-shirt
  20. The North Face Vest
  21. The North Face x Brain Dead Jacket
  22. Fendi Puffer Jacket
  23. Prada Zip Pocket T-shirt
  24. Prada Puffer Jacket
  25. Drew House Hoodie
  26. Louis Vuitton Patch T-shirt
  27. Palm Angels Pattern Tracksuit
  28. Palm Angels Bear T-shirt
  29. Palm Angels Back Logo T-shirt
  30. Palm Angels Spray Heart T-shirt
  31. More Palm Angels T-shirts
  32. Sp5der 555 Hoodie
  33. Sp5der T-shirt
  34. The North Face Light Jacket
  35. Moose Knuckles Jackets
  36. Ralph Lauren Zip Hoodie
  37. Polo Ralph Lauren Jumper
  38. Ralph Laurent Collared Shirts
  39. Lacoste Polo T-Shirt
  40. Balmain Sweatshirt
  41. Burberry Rider T-shirt
  42. Bottegga Veneta T-shirt
  43. Canada Goose Jacket
  44. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  45. Trapstar Tracksuit Set
  46. Trapstar Black And Yellow Set
  47. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit Set
  48. Trapstar Summer Set
  49. Gucci Tiger T-shirt
  50. Fendi T-shirts
  51. Bape Shark Hoodie
  52. Bape Camo Logo T-shirt
  53. Bape x Undefeated T-Shirt
  54. Bape x Heron Preston T-shirt
  55. Nike x Fear Of God T-shirt
  56. FOG Essentials T-shirt
  57. Gucci Snake Polo T-shirt
  58. Gucci Bear T-shirt
  59. Comme Des Garcons Hoodie
  60. Comme Des Garcons Sweatshirt
  61. Comme des Garçons T-shirt
  62. More cdg T-shirts
  63. Gap x Balenciaga Hoodie
  64. Balenciaga Sweater
  65. Balenciaga Hoodies
  66. Balenciaga Reflective Logo T-shirt
  67. Adidas x Balenciaga T-shirt
  68. Balenciaga Logo Hoodie
  69. Balenciaga Spray Logo T-shirt
  70. Balenciaga I Love Paris T-shirt
  71. More Balenciaga T-shirts
  72. Kenzo Flower T-shirt
  73. Boss T-shirt
  74. Celine Hoodie
  75. Chrome Hearts Dagger Hoodie
  76. Chrome Hearts Longsleeve
  77. Gallery Dept T-shirt
  78. Gallery Dept Hoodie
  79. Stone Island Longsleeve
  80. Stone Island Zip Hoodie
  81. Trapstar Summer Outfit
  82. Louis Vuitton T-shirts
  83. Louis Vuitton Camo Logo T-shirt
  84. Nocta Jacket Nike
  85. Fendi Eyes T-shirt
  86. More Fendi T-shirts
  87. Rhude Racing Team T-shirt
  88. CPFM YE Must Be Born Again Hoodie
  89. Kids See Ghosts Hoodie Kanye West
  90. Amiri T-shirts
  91. Bape Shoes
  92. More Amiri T-shirts
  93. Moncler Polo T-shirt
  94. Moncler Sweatshirt
  95. Versace Robe
  96. Balmain Denim Jacket
  97. C.P Company Zip Up
  98. Represent T-shirt
  99. Gucci Polo T-shirt
  100. Gucci T-shirt
  101. More Gucci T-shirts
  102. Kith T-shirts
  103. Prada Triangle Logo T-shirt
  104. Prada Sweater
  105. Paris Shirt
  106. Prada Vest
  107. More Moncler Jackets
  108. Palm Angels T Shirt
  109. Gucci Pattern Polo T-shirt
  110. Another Ralph Laurent Hoodie
  111. Moschino Italy Bear T-shirt
  112. More VLONE T-shirts
  113. Christian Dior Atelier T-shirt
  114. Prada Puffer Jacket
  115. Louis Vuitton Puffer Jacket
  116. Louis Vuitton University Jackets
  117. Revenge Hoodie
  118. Revenge T-shirts
  119. Philip Plein T-shirts
  120. Nike x Fear Of God T-shirt
  121. Louis Vuitton Knit T-shirt
  122. Drake Nocta Hoodie
  123. PSG Tracksuits
  124. The North Face x Gucci Jacket
  125. North Face Puffer Jacket
  126. Stone Island Longsleeve
  127. Bape Shark Hoodie
  128. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  129. Nike Tech Fleece
  130. Prada Jacket
  131. LV University T-shirt
  132. Canada Goose Jacket
  133. Amiri T-shirt
  134. Ralph Lauren Polo
  135. The North Face x Gucci Jacket
  136. Bottega Veneta T-shirts
  137. Supreme x The North Face Jacket
  138. Balenciaga Chrome Letters Hoodie
  139. Celine Zip Hoodie
  140. Prada T-shirt
  141. Rhude T-shirt
  142. Trapstar IRONGATE T-shirt
  143. More Gucci T-shirts
  144. Balenciaga Hoodies
  145. Vlone Flames T-shirt
  146. Balenciaga Print Logo Hoodie
  147. Gucci T-shirt
  148. Balmain T-shirt
  149. Palm Angels T-shirt
  150. Fendi T-shirts
  151. Celine Tie Dye T-shirt
  152. Bape Flowers T-shirt
  153. More Vlone T-shirts
  154. Balenciaga Sweater
  155. Amiri T-shirt
  156. Astroworld Hoodie
  157. Pian Sicko T-Shirt
  158. LV x NBA Jacket
  159. LV Varsity Jacket
  160. LV Skeleton T-Shirt
  161. LV Patch T-Shirt
  162. LV Blue Bubble Font T-Shirt
  163. Burberry T-Shirt
  164. Bape Hoodie
  165. Bape Black Head T-Shirt
  166. Bape Alphabet Crystal T-Shirt
  167. Bape X Warrior T-Shirt
  168. The North Face 700 Nuptse Jacket
  169. The North Face Nuptse Fleece Jacket
  170. The North Face Light Jacket
  171. Canada Goose Wyndham Jacket
  172. Lacoste Jacket
  173. Moncler Maya
  174. Moncler Montca Jacket
  175. Polo Raulph Lauren Sweater
  176. Polo Raulp Lauren Tracksuit
  177. Stone Island Long Sleeve
  178. Stone Island Hoodie
  179. Stone Island T-Shirt
  180. Vlone Friends T-Shirt
  181. Fear Of God Tracksuit
  182. Prada Puffer Jacket
  183. Syna World Tracksuit
  184. Trapstar set summer
  185. Gucci Tracksuit
  186. Spider Hoodies - Tracksuit
  187. Spider T-Shirt
  188. Gallery Dept T-Shirt
  189. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  190. Trapstar T-Shirt - Summer set
  191. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit
  192. Trapstar Irongate Tracksuit
  193. More Trapstar Tracksuit
  194. Balenciaga Hoodie
  195. Balenciaga Sweater
  196. Balenciaga Print Logo Hoodie
  197. PSG Tracksuit
  198. Palm Angels T-Shirt
  199. Palm Angels Bear T-Shirt
  200. Amiri 22 Hoodie
  201. Amiri T-Shirt
  202. Amiri Cupid T-Shirt
  203. Nike Windbreaker
  204. Nike X Nocta Techfleece
  205. Nike Techfleece set
  206. Corteiz Tracksuit
  1. Eric Emanuel EE Shorts
  2. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  3. Essentials Sweatpants
  4. Rhude Shorts
  5. Gallery Dept. Sweatpants
  6. Stone Island Cargo Pants
  7. Lululemon Yoga Pants
  8. Flower Jeans
  9. True Religion Jeans
  10. Gucci Shorts
  11. More Amiri
  12. Stone Island Sweatpants
  13. Stone Island Shorts
  14. Balmain Jeans
  15. DSQARED2 Jeans
  16. Amiri Jeans
  17. Amiri Angel Jeans
  18. Dsquared2 Jeans
  19. Bape Shorts
  20. Palm Angels Shorts
  21. Eric Emanuel EE Shorts
  22. Essential Sweatpants
  23. Essential Shorts
  24. Stone Island Shorts
  25. Spider Sweatpants
  26. Trapstar Shorts
  27. Gucci Shorts
  28. Burberry Shorts
  29. LV Carpenter Pants
  30. LV Carpenter Pants Black
  31. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  32. Gallery Dept Sweatpants
  33. Flower Jeans
  34. Flower Shorts
  35. Palm Angels Shorts
  36. Bape Shorts
  37. Amiri Jeans
  38. Amiri x Skull Jeans
  39. Purple Jeans
  40. Polo Swimshorts
  41. Chrome Hearts Jeans
  42. Amiri Jeans
  43. Stone Island Shorts
  44. Dsquared Jeans
  45. Bape Shark Shorts
  46. Rhude Shorts
  47. Palm Angels Track Pants
  48. Palm Angels Shorts
  49. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  50. Amiri Stars Jeans
  1. Louis Vuitton LV Belt With Box
  2. Rolex Watch With Box and Receipts
  3. AP Watch With Box
  4. MCM Backpack
  5. Swatch x Omega Planets Watch
  6. Gucci Shoulder Bag
  7. Prada Shoulder Bag
  8. BB Simons Belt
  9. LV Gradient Belt
  10. LV Pattern Belt
  11. Yves Saint Laurent Wallet
  12. Yves Saint Laurent Cardholder
  13. YSL Bifold Wallet
  14. Trapstar Irongate Shoulder Bag
  15. PSD Boxers
  16. Louis Vuitton Messenger Bag
  17. Salvatore Ferragamo Belt
  18. LV Wallets with box
  19. Hermes Wallet
  20. Louis Vuitton Cuban Link Bracelet With Box
  21. LV Women wallet with box
  22. LV Scarf And Beanie set
  23. Burberry Scarf
  24. Iced Out Cuban Link
  25. Goyard St. Louis Tote Bag
  26. Christian Dior Saddle Bag
  27. Gucci GG Belt
  28. Gucci Snake Belt
  29. Gucci Snake Printed Belt
  30. Gucci Ring
  31. Gucci Keychain
  32. Dior Pattern Belt
  33. MCM Pattern Belt
  34. Hermes Belt
  35. Versace Belt
  36. Nike Socks
  37. Supreme Backpack
  38. Louis Vuitton Backpack
  39. Alyx Backpack
  40. Supreme Shoulder Bag
  41. Supreme Face Mask
  42. Supreme Dice
  43. Air Pods Max
  44. Balenciaga Socks
  45. Prada Necklace
  46. Prada Bucket Hat
  47. Marc Jacobs The Tote Bag
  48. Chanel Flap Bag
  49. Louis Vuitton Card Holder
  50. Louis Vuitton Pattern Duffle Bag
  51. Louis Vuitton Transparent Duffle Bag
  52. Louis Vuitton Chain Wallet
  53. Lv Purse
  54. LV Waist Bag
  55. LV Alpha Messenger Bag
  56. Hermes Blanket
  57. Hermes Pillows
  58. Gucci Towel Set
  59. Louis Vuitton Wool Blanket
  60. Chanel Bath Towels
  61. Chanel Sunglasses
  62. Celine Cat Eye Sunglasses
  63. Celine Hat
  64. MCM Leather Hat
  65. ICON Hat
  66. Amiri Hat
  67. Gucci Hat
  68. Gucci Snake Hat
  69. Prada Hat
  70. Burberry Hat
  71. Coach Tabby Pillow Bag
  72. Bottega Cassette Crossbody Bag
  73. Vevine Westwood Necklace
  74. LV Millionaire Sunglasses
  75. LV Cyclone Sunglasses
  76. LV Ring
  77. LV Earrings
  78. LV Emilie Wallet
  79. Various LV Bags
  80. LV Sunglasses
  81. LV Keychain
  82. Chanel Earrings
  83. Clear Cartier Glasses
  84. Cartier Nail Bracelet
  85. UGG Gloves
  86. Tiffany Bracelet
  87. Tiffany Hearts Ring
  88. Tiffany Solitaire Ring
  89. Tiffany Earrings
  90. C.P COMPANY Beanie
  91. Canada Goose Beanie
  92. Prada Beanie
  93. Louis Vuitton Beanie
  94. Balenciaga Beanie
  95. Gucci Shocks
  96. Balenciaga Side Logo Hat
  97. BB Simons Belt
  98. Gucci Shoulder Bag (MEN)
  99. Trapstar Ironsgate Shoulder Bag
  100. LV Scarf & Beanie Set
  101. Airpods Pro / 2nd Gen / 3d Gen
  102. LV Gradient Shiny Belt
  103. Hermes Belt
  104. Balenciaga Hat
  105. Gucci Pattern Hat
  106. Gucci GG Belt
  107. Unisex Prada Sunglasses
  108. Rolex Watch (With Box & Receipt)
  109. Cartier Clear Glasses
  110. Dsquared ICON Hat
  111. Rolex Watch (With box)
  112. Rolex Datejust (With box)
  113. Rolex Daydate (With box)
  114. Patek Phillipe Watch (With box)
  115. AP Watch (With box)
  116. BB Simons Belt
  117. LV Crossbody Purse
  118. LV Messenger Bag
  119. LV Messenger Bag 2
  120. LV Cardholder
  121. LV Sling Backpack
  122. LV Wallet
  123. LV Scarf
  124. LV Sunglasses
  125. MCM Backpack
  126. Gucci Belt
  127. Gucci Snake Belt
  128. Gucci GG Wallet
  129. Gucci Wallet
  130. Gucci Pouch
  131. Goyard Cardholder
  132. Goyard Wallet
  133. OFF-White Rug
  134. Prada Hats
  135. Prada Phonecase
  136. Prada Messenger Bag
  137. More Prada Bags
  138. Prada Sunglasses
  139. New Era 59FIFTY Hat
  140. Nike Socks
  141. Cartier Glasses
  142. Crease Protectors
  1. Gucci Chevron Espadrilles $69.49 ( goes up to size 42)
  2. LV Lace-Up Winter Fur Boots $79.65 (goes up to size 42; cute boots, I’m not sure if these are fantasy?)
  3. Christian Louboutin Pira Ryad Wedge Sandals 6cm/12cm heel both $69.41 (loads of different color-ways)
  4. Christian Louboutin Suede Pumps 8cm/10cm/12cm heel $76.36 (only comes in black)
  1. Balenciaga Logo T-Shirt $22.66
  2. Balmain Crewneck Sweatshirt
  3. Polo Bear T-shirt
  4. Versace Medusa Top
  5. YSL Star Crewneck Pullover
Headwear and Accessories
  1. Bulgari Serpent Ring
  2. Pandora Charm Bracelet
Here are some extra Items
  1. Nike x Drake Hot Step Air Terra nocta
  2. Essentials Hoodie
  3. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit
  4. The Tote Bag
  5. Prada Loafers
  6. Iced Out Cuban Link
  7. Gucci Hat
  8. MCM Hat
  9. Nocta Hoodies
  10. Louis Vuitton Ring
  11. Nike Socks
  12. PSG Tracksuit
submitted by GreyGooseLover to DHgateFINDS [link] [comments]