Roderick anthony burton autopsy report

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2024.06.09 04:08 RowdyFortnite Summary of President John F. Kennedy's First Term (1961-1965) // Echoes of November

Summary of President John F. Kennedy's First Term (1961-1965) // Echoes of November
President John F. Kennedy - 35th President of the United States
Vice President: Lyndon B. Johnson
Secretary of State: Dean Rusk
Secretary of the Treasury: C. Douglas Dillon
Secretary of Defense: Robert McNamara
Attorney General: Robert F. Kennedy
Postmaster General: J. Edward Day (1961-1963) replaced by John A. Gronouski
Secretary of the Interior: Stewart Udall
Secretary of Agriculture: Orville Freeman
Secretary of Commerce: Luther H. Hodges
Secretary of Labor: Arthur Goldberg (1961-1962) replaced by W. Williard Wirtz
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare: Abraham Ribicoff (1961-1962) replaced by Anthony J. Celebreeze
Ambassador to the United Nations: Adlai Stevenson II
In the weeks leading up to the start of his presidency, Kennedy went about assembling a cabinet meant to balance various political factions. With a cabinet consisting of liberals and Stevenson allies such as Stevenson's close friends J. Edward Day and Arthur Goldberg along with Stevenson himself as Ambassador to the UN. Kennedy also selected Republican C. Douglas Dillon as Secretary of the Treasury in an attempt to calm a Wall Street anxious of the Democratic return to power. However the most influential members of the administration came not from the cabinet but from some of Kennedy's closest advisors such as National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy and staffers Ted Sorenson ,Larry O'Brien, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr, Pierre Salinger, General Maxwell D. Taylor and W. Averell Harriman. The most prominent cabinet members proved to unsurprisingly be President Kennedy's brother Robert F. Kennedy as Attorney General and the "Whiz Kid" Ford executive Robert McNamara as Secretary of Defense. Sources have described President Kennedy's management of the administration as the "wheel with all spokes leading to Kennedy" with President Kennedy assuming an increased amount of involvement compared to his predecessor President Eisenhower.
President Kennedy with Secretary Rusk and Secretary McNamara
Domestic Policy
-Upon taking office President Kennedy unveiled his ambitious "New Frontier" program, in the sprit of Roosevelt's "Second Bill of Rights" and Truman's "Fair Deal", both of which failed. The fight for New Frontier policies has been a brutal one with a coalition of Southern Democrats and conservative Republicans opposing the President every step of the way. However some of the early accomplishments included a federal minimum wage increase, housing act that allocated federal aid for urban renewal and housing, yet these were soon met with crushing blows to the New Frontier with both President Kennedy's massive education funding bill and healthcare for the elderly bill being killed by the conservative coalition. Lacking the support to accomplish the more idealistic of his policy proposals, recently President Kennedy has instead opted to focus on poverty as the central theme of the New Frontier, with sources confirming it will be the central theme of President Kennedy's re-election campaign domestically.
-Economically President Kennedy has fully endorsed Keynesian economics, emphasizing economic growth over inflation or deficits. To this end President Kennedy has received much of the credit for the soaring economy, with GDP, production and sales in major industries skyrocketing compared to the Eisenhower years. President Kennedy's economic program has been especially popular due to his major tax cuts across the board, however this has also come with a government budget of over $100 billion with the U.S. running a peace time deficit for the first time in American history.
-In the early days of his Presidency, Kennedy largely avoided the issue of civil rights, seeing it as an issue that would only drive a wedge between him and the southern Democrats that would be necessary for his re-election campaign. However soon the civil rights movement would force President Kennedy's hand as freedom riders being attacked by mobs finally force Attorney General Kennedy into deploying Marshals to protect them. After much criticism from civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King, in 1963 Kennedy finally take major action by proposing a constitutional amendment outlawing poll taxes which was ratified in January 1964. After this victory Kennedy began to become more actively involved and in June 1963 federalized the Alabama National Guard to force Governor George Wallace of Alabama to allow black students to attend the University of Alabama. That very night Kennedy took to the television delivering a speech outlining his administrations new civil rights objectives seeking to fully end segregation in the U.S. and secure voting rights for African Americans in the south. This would mark a turning point in the Kennedy Presidency as his approval rating in the south crashed and southern Democrats vowed to oppose the President at every turn. The August 1963 "March on Washington" created momentum for Kennedy's Civil Rights legislation. This momentum would ultimately not lead to success though as amendments and additions tacked on by conservatives sunk the proposed "Civil Rights Act" before it made it out of committee. Heading into 1964 the administration has elected to table the Civil Rights legislation as they fear another drawn out battle with Congress would damage the President's re-election odds as polls already show a majority of Americans feel the President has pushed to hard for the legislation.
-One of the surprising focuses of Kennedy's term has been the attention given to NASA and space policy. In the early days of his term it seemed the organization would see it's crewed space exploration program dismantled, however out of respect to Vice President Johnson (who was the White House's point man for NASA) the decision was delayed. During this time the Soviet Union once again made world headlines, this time by putting the first man in space with cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. This blow to American prestige has inspired an all out space race, with President Kennedy going as far as to pledge to put an American on the moon. With increased attention and funding, NASA administrator James E. Webb has been thrust into one of the most important roles in the administration.
-On other issues, President Kennedy has signed into law the Equal Pay Act of 1963, aimed at reducing wage inequality between genders following the release of the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women's report which was chaired by former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt before her death in 1962. On the issue of crime, Attorney General Robert Kennedy has led a vigorous prosecution and targeting of organized crime, leading to some controversy for the administration with the targeting of unions around the country, specifically the Teamsters, with dozens of Teamsters already jailed. This testy relationship with the unions has caused some concern in the upcoming 1964 election as Teamster head Jimmy Hoffa has reportedly expressed a desire to "cause as much embarrassment as he can" to the President, a feeling said to be shared by Alabama Governor George Wallace who appears to be currently assembling a campaign staff.
President Kennedy with Civil Rights leaders following the March on Washington
Foreign Policy
-On foreign policy (specifically regarding the USSR) President Kennedy shifted away from former President Eisenhower's policy of brinksmanship towards a more conventional arms policy termed "flexible response". In pursuing this policy, Kennedy oversaw a buildup of special operations forces and elite units. However Kennedy also pursued further nuclear armament and it's said the nuclear capacity of the U.S. has increased by over half compared to the Eisenhower years. In addition to this policy, Kennedy also established the "Peace Corps" (led by his brother in law Sargent Shriver) with young American volunteers going into developing countries and teaching English, helping infrastructure development, food and aid deliveries, etc. This program has been a highlight of the reelection campaign as "Peace" has been the main foreign policy message.
-In the final days of the Eisenhower Administration, plans had been carefully crafted by the CIA to overthrow Marxist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, with a counter-revolutionary forced funded and trained by the CIA in Florida in anticipation of a US backed invasion of the island by these fighters. When presented with the plan upon taken office, Kennedy eagerly signed off due to his hardline campaign stance against Castro, despite warnings from some members of the State Department. On April 17th 1961, 1500 fighters swarmed the island hoping to quickly inspire an uprising to overthrow Castro, however no such revolt occurred and instead the invaders found themselves pinned down with American air support having been pulled by President Kennedy out of fear of exposing the American sponsorship of the invasion force. As such the force was quickly defeated and Kennedy would be forced to pay over $53 million in return for the surviving members of Brigade 2506. The aftermath of the failed invasion actually saw Kennedy's poll numbers rise as he took full responsibility for the failure and received vocal support from former President Eisenhower and former Vice President Nixon. This would however be the start of a split between Kennedy and the CIA, State Department and the Joint Chiefs as Kennedy felt he had been hung out to dry by the diplomats and military, instead relying on White House advisors and staffers for major decisions from then on.
-In the months following the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, fears rose among Cuban and Soviet officials of the U.S. planning another invasion prompting increased economic and military aid to Cuba from the USSR. As part of this aid, dozens of Soviet missiles and bombers were shipped to Cuba, along with around 100 tactical nuclear weapons. On October 14th 1962, American U-2 spy planes photographed the missile sites being built conforming to the Kennedy administration that Cuba indeed had offensive nuclear weapons. Despite considering immediate airstrikes, on October 22nd President Kennedy would announce in an address to the nation a naval blockade to intercept any further Soviet arms shipments. The nation would hold it's breath for a week, enduring a string of fearful headlines including Soviet ships approaching the blockade, an American spy plane being downed and even false reports of war already breaking out. Finally on October 28th Soviet Premier Khrushchev announced the withdrawal of the Soviet missiles from Cuba with President Kennedy issuing a public promise not to invade Cuba. With the "Cuban Missile Crisis" over the nation would favorably react to Kennedy's handling of the crisis with yet another major approval rating boost energizing the White House.
-Despite all the attention being focused on Cuba throughout Kennedy's first term, another country has seen a growing communist threat, Vietnam. As the communist Viet Cong increasingly threatened the capitalist South Vietnam regime, Kennedy increased the amount of American military advisors in the region from 11,000 to 16,000 over the course of 1963 however remained reluctant to dispatch any American combat troops. In August 1963 a series of crackdowns on Buddhist monks ordered by South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem led to new Ambassador to South Vietnam Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. being tasked with getting the President to step down. Diem resisted these calls from the U.S. however leading Ambassador Lodge to advise the only way Diem would leave office would be by military coup. Despite this assessment from Lodge, the Defense and State department provided the White House with starkly different pictures of the situation in South Vietnam, leading the President to send General Maxwell D. Taylor and Secretary of Defense McNamara on a fact finding mission to the country. This mission seemed to confirm the reports from the State Department of an increasingly weakened position of the South Vietnam military in fighting the Communist guerillas. With President Diem finally losing American backing, on November 1st 1963 South Vietnam generals would arrest and execute Diem. Wishing to put the Vietnam issue on the backburner for the 1964 election, Kennedy would recall 1,000 of the advisors previously dispatched after the Taylor-McNamara mission.
-With more than 20,000 fleeing East Berlin to West in mid-1961 and U.S. military spending ratcheting up with President Kennedy specifically indicating the funds would be spent securing West Berlin, on August 13th 1961 the Soviet Union began construction of a wall separating East Berlin from West Berlin and blocking passage between the two halves of the city. Despite receiving criticism for allowing the wall to go up, Kennedy would strike back in a June 1963 tour of West Berlin saying "Democracy is not perfect, but we never had to put up a wall to keep our people in". One of Kennedy's major accomplishments leading up to the 1964 elections has been a nuclear test ban treaty which was signed by Secretary of State Dean Rusk along with his Soviet and British counterparts on August 5th 1963, banning the testing of nuclear weapons on the ground, in the air or underwater.
President Kennedy authorizing the naval blockade of Cuba
Supreme Court
Chief Justice Earl Warren
Associate Justice Hugo Black
Associate Justice Felix Frankfurter (retired in 1962) replaced by Secretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg
Associate Justice William O. Douglas
Associate Justice Tom C. Clark
Associate Justice John Marshall Harlan Jr.
Associate Justice William J. Brenan Jr.
Associate Justice Charles Evans Whittaker (retired in 1962) replaced by Deputy Attorney General Byron White
Associate Justice Potter Stewart
Kennedy would have the opportunity to fill 2 Supreme Court vacancies in his first term, first with the retirement of Associate Justice Charles Evans Whittaker (a key swing vote on the court) citing exhaustion from a heavy workload and stress. Kennedy would tap Deputy Attorney General and former NFL star turned lawyer Byron White who had worked on the Kennedy campaign and served as Deputy Attorney General under Robert F. Kennedy. The second vacancy would come when Associate Justice of 23 years Felix Frankfurter. Frankfurter would leave large shoes to fill as the leader of the conservative faction in the Court (despite being an advisor to FDR and progressive lawyer) who had notoriously feuded with the Courts liberals such as Associate Justices Black and Douglas along with Chief Justice Warren himself, describing Warren's work as "dishonest nonsense". Frankfurter's retirement would come because of a stroke and President Kennedy would nominate another member of his administration, Secretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg to the position. Overall the Court continues to be extremely liberal with Harlan being the only Justice considered a "conservative".
President Kennedy with former Secretary of Labor and current Associate Justice Arthur Goldberg
A November Day in Dallas
One of the more widely discussed events of President Kennedy's first term come from a relatively unimportant trip to Dallas taken on November 22nd 1963. A little before noon the President arrived from Forth Worth Texas with First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally and met Vice President Johnson at Love Field in Dallas Texas. Kennedy would spend around 10 minutes greeting the crowd at the airfield before departing for the Dallas Trade Mart building in his 1961 Lincoln Continental. With the motorcade running behind schedule the crowds lined along the motorcade route eagerly waited hoping to catch a glimpse of their President. At one such location along the motorcade route, one eager spectator in Dallas' Dealey Plaza would be momentarily distracted by some shining object out of a window of the Texas schoolbook depository building. Initially disregarding it, after 5 more minutes of waiting for the motorcade the observer again would glance up and observe what he described to officer Marion Baker as a "man with some type of rifle in the window of the depository". Heading out to the street Baker would see the man, holding a 6.5mm Carcano rifle, aimed directly at the incoming Presidential motorcade. In horror Baker would observe the police motorcycle come into view, with President Kennedy waving to the crowd just a few cars back. With only seconds to spare, Baker would draw his revolver and open fire at the open window of the schoolbook depository building. The following 30 seconds would become some of the most important in American history, as the excited crowd gathered to see President Kennedy would flee in terror at the series of gunshots. Upon hearing the gunshots, Secret Service agent Clint Hill would jump from the car behind the President and shove President Kennedy down into the seat as a series of gunshots from the sniper rained down upon the car, striking Governor Connally and fatally wounding agent Hill as he gave his life protecting the President. The motorcade would rush to the Dallas Parkland hospital with the President soon guarded by a brick wall of Secret Service. Officer Baker would rush into the schoolbook depository where employees franticly milled about, some unaware of the attempted assassination from their very building. Baker and Depository superintendent Roy Truly would begin to comb the building for the would be assassin with Baker radioing for backup to cover the entrance. There the 2 would encounter Lee Harvey Oswald, who Truly identified as an employee and was soon allowed to leave the building were he would take a taxi back to his boarding room in Dallas. Their error in letting Oswald leave would soon become clear when Officer J.D. Tippit was shot and killed while approaching Oswald who resembled the description of the shooter given by witnesses. Just 30 minutes later Oswald would be in custody after a shootout at a movie theatre where Oswald had barricaded himself in. Immediately questions about the motive would arise however to this day Oswald has denied any involvement despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. While describing himself as a "marxist not a communist" suspicion turned to communist agents and the USSR, however investigation thus far seems to indicate Oswald acted alone and not as part of a broader conspiracy as Oswald has shown a history of mental instability including multiple court martials as a U.S. Marine and a defection to the USSR before deciding to return to the United States, in addition authorities now believe Oswald had previously unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate General Edwin Walker (a known segregationist and critic of Kennedy). Nonetheless this chapter of John F. Kennedy's presidency would go down in history as one of the closest to success assassination attempts on a U.S. President.
Would-be assassin of President Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald
submitted by RowdyFortnite to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:03 BOfficeStats BOT Presale Tracking (June 8). Lord of the Rings Re-Releases aiming for a nice opening. Thursday previews: Inside Out 2 ($11.46M), A Quiet Place: Day One ($4.20M), Deadpool and Wolverine ($27.27M), and Twisters ($3.64M).

BoxOfficeTheory Presale Tracking
USA Showtimes As of May 31
Presales Data (Google Sheets Link)
BoxOfficeReport Previews
Quorum Update (June 7)
The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Re-Releases (June 8-10)
Inside Out 2 Average Thursday Comp using TheFlatLannister's Florida comp: $11.46M
The Bikeriders
A Quiet Place: Day One Average Thursday Comp: $4.20M
Deadpool and Wolverine Average Thursday Comp: $27.27M
Despicable Me 4
Twisters Average Thursday Comp: $3.64M
Domestic Calendar Dates (last updated June 6):
Presale Tracking Posts:
May 11
May 14
May 16
May 18
May 21
May 23
May 25
May 28
May 30
June 1
June 4
June 6
Note: I have removed most tracking data that has not been updated for 2 weeks. I think there is value in keeping data for a week or two but at a certain point they start to lose their value and should not be treated the same as more recent tracking data.
submitted by BOfficeStats to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:56 EricBiesel Local news page story about scam has comments section filled with scams

Local news page story about scam has comments section filled with scams
This kind of thing has always made me wonder about what kind of scams I'll fall for more easily when I get older lol
submitted by EricBiesel to facepalm [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:31 propsharkio MLB PROP STREAKS AND HIT RATES 🔥 6.8.24

MLB PROP STREAKS AND HIT RATES 🔥 6.8.24 submitted by propsharkio to propshark [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:23 Sufficient_Sun1280 Genetic Microdeletion

Hi-- I lost my first and only child stillborn on March 5, 2024. We had 0 complications and a very smooth pregnancy. At 37 weeks, it seemed as though I hadn't felt him move much over the last 24 hours and went in to the hospital for a well check. There was no heartbeat. 2 days later, I delivered him and we opted in for all the testing. About a week later, we found out he was + for a 2p21 microdeletion which can lead to a condition called holoprosencephaly (where the brain doesn't form correctly into 2 halves). I requested we be sent to a genetic counselor and a few weeks later-- my husband and I sent blood off for testing. I found out he inherited this microdeletion from me because I am also positive for it. The autopsy report recently came back and noted abnormalities that can be related to this deletion which more than likely caused his stillbirth. MFM reviewed my ultrasounds for him and found no overwhelming evidence to know that this was even going on-- since it was never caught during my pregnancy.
There is a 50/50 chance of passing this genetic deletion to every pregnancy afterwards. The issue is that I am positive and I am alive and functioning, my son was positive and he died in utero. So being positive doesn't really mean alot with the spectrum of this deletion. They have mentioned IVF to be able to test the embryos for this deletion for pregnancies going forward. I'm leery-- knowing the huge amount of sacrifice that will be required. But I know my husband and I would never like to go through this loss again if we can help it.
We are also wondering if there are structural abnormalities in my brain as the genetics say this could be likely-- but I'm a licensed medical professional so I know that my brain has worked enough to get me far in life.
I'm thankful for some kind of result that can explain the loss of my son as I know many people do not recieve any reasoning. We have a 50% chance that this can continue to happen to us knowing this now is also heartbreaking.
Anyone else here with a genetic mutation that was passed to the child you lost from your genetics? Did you choose to procreate after finding out all this through IVF? 🤍
submitted by Sufficient_Sun1280 to babyloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:11 willrsauls Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is one of the greatest games ever made

Strap yourselves in. This is a long one. I’m so sorry.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is a game that shouldn’t be as iconic as it is. It is an incredibly unique and niche mix of puzzle game, point and click adventure, and mystery visual novel. Yet, this game is still one of the most recognizable out there, especially in the conversation around iconic DS games (even though the original trilogy was on GBA in Japan). Even someone who has never played it has probably heard that iconic “Objection!” sound byte. I have a really soft spot for this game and wanted to break down and discuss basically everything about it.
While the entire original trilogy is fantastic, I do honestly believe that original game still holds up the best. In terms of gameplay, it’s true that the trilogy only ever got better at consistently giving the player engaging puzzles to solve, but the original Ace Attorney not only has the most consistently likable cast of characters, but also stands as the only Ace Attorney game to date in my opinion where every case is either great or fantastic.
In terms of actual gameplay, there isn’t honestly a lot to discuss. This is a visual novel, but it I’ve always seen it primarily as a puzzle game. There is quite a bit of gameplay meat on this game’s bones, but the actual challenge of this game is far less technical and more focused on logic puzzles where you have to examine the correct parts of the environment, figure out what information to show to different characters. In court, the game does begin to ask a little more of you and there’s more of a tangible challenge. There will be parts where you have to present certain evidence to make your case or answer multiple choice questions, but the main event of the game are the cross examinations.
When a witness is brought into court, they will give a testimony. They’ll tell their story and you’ll be given the opportunity to cross examine them. You get to go through each portion of the testimony and you have the option to either press or present. Pressing just means that you’ll ask a pre-set follow-up question to that part of the testimony to get more info. Most of the time, this leads nowhere, but pressing the right statements can give you the leverage you need to do what comes next. There is no penalty for pressing, so you should press every statement.
Presenting evidence is what this game is known for. You have to find exactly what part of the testimony is inaccurate and match it with the evidence that it contradicts. For example, an early witness in the game claims that the victim died at 1:00, but the autopsy report says they died at 4:00, so you present it there. However, you have to be sure when you present evidence. If you present evidence and it doesn’t disprove anything, you will lose a “life” so to speak. You get 5 lives each trial (which can last up to 45 minutes to an hour) and if you lose all 5, you are sent back to your last save (and the game does not auto save).
This sounds really basic and simple, but once you’re working with longer testimonies with like 10-15 pieces of evidence built up over an entire case, the game can get quite tricky. There’s also some beautifully handled moments where you have to make a leap in logic just large enough that it feels like a gamble, but not so big it feels out of nowhere and can’t be solved and reasoned out naturally. This is why when games like Danganronpa try to make the game faster and more exciting, adding layers of more technical gameplay at the expense of the more logical puzzle solving, the game just doesn’t feel as good, even if it does scratch a similar itch (also Danganronpa frequently asks you to run with some pretty batshit logic).
If I had some criticisms of the gameplay, I’d say this. While I enjoy the investigation segments before each trial, they can sometimes just feel like homework until you get to the good part. I said before that the original Ace Attorney has the most barebones gameplay in the series and it really shows in these sections. Thankfully, they never last too long and you’ll be in court soon enough. One last extremely minor critique I have is that if pressing a witness in a cross examination reveals new information, that information is critical to moving forward, so it solves half of the problem. If pressing a witness creates a new statement in the testimony, that statement will be the one you contradict. If you’re given a piece of evidence from pressing a witness, that evidence will be what you use to disprove another claim in the testimony. While I appreciate the work it must have taken to pace these cases in a way to ensure you have to have this information to move forward, my favorite parts of the game are where I make that match of statement to evidence on my own with pressing witnesses just being a way for the game to hint which statement may be fishy.
Now that I’ve gotten gameplay out of the way, I really want to talk about this game’s presentation, because it’s what really makes this special game even more special.
This game looks fantastic. Whether it be the original GBA/DS version or the remastered version on modern consoles within the Phoenix Wright Trilogy, the game still has a strikingly unique style in its characters, backgrounds, and especially animation. This is not a game that at all feels like it was made by like 10 people. If I had to pick a preference, I do think the original DS version still holds up the best visually. The pixel art blends in better, making the presentation even more visually cohesive and playing the game as it was on original hardware really drives home just how impressive this game was. However, the remaster is still a fantastic way to play and a more than worthy remaster.
I really want to highlight the animation in this game, however. The amount and quality of character animation in this game is stellar. For a game where none of the characters have voice acting and you’ll be spending 99% of the time reading, it’s incredible how much character and lively energy still exists within the gams. While the writing does most of the heavy lifting (this game has an incredible script), the way the characters move really makes them feel alive in a way video game characters often don’t.
The cast of characters in this game is incredible. I’d argue this game has the best cast in the entire series. They’re all so fun and quirky while still being somewhat grounded (unlike the Ace Attorney games after the core trilogy, which often have bizarre and cartoonish personalities and behavior quirks). However, these characters are absolutely paper thin and that’s okay. These characters don’t need to be super deep and developed to get the job done. This is still a fairly upbeat and cartoony game with an anime-style aesthetic and the characters and overall tone reflect that. However, that isn’t to say these characters can’t and don’t carry more emotional moments within the game. They’re just not super deep as characters overall.
The core recurring cast are all great. I love how Phoenix is depicted through inner monologues as a complete nervous wreck while acting mainly as the straight man to everyone else. Mia Fey’s calming confidence as a result of experience makes her a great mentor and safety net for Phoenix. Edgeworth acts as a solid rival even if you don’t learn much about him until the end. Gumshoe is really fun in the way that overtime he becomes less of an obstacle in your way and more into a reliable source of information without any part of his character ever actually changing. However, the star of the show is Maya Fey. It couldn’t be anyone else. Your assistant throughout the game, Maya is a ray of bubbly sunshine who adds so much energy to the entire game. She is the sole reason why the investigation segments aren’t a complete bore as her interactions with Nick (I just wrote out his nickname without even thinking about it) allow her character to shine. She isn’t dumb, but she is immature and incredibly energetic. She also acts as the highlight of the 3rd case, being a mega fan of the children’s show that case revolves around while Phoenix just kinda has to put up with her antics. Her arc near the end of the game is also the most emotional and heartfelt part of the entire game and leads to an amazingly sweet finale.
On the topic of presentation, we have to talk about the soundtrack. All the Ace Attorney games have great soundtracks, but this one is truly incredible. It’s such a perfect soundtrack that it feels off going to the next games and hearing it change. Perhaps my favorite tracks (outside the obvious courtroom ones) are both versions of the Turnabout Sisters theme (or the Maya Fey theme). I’d mention more standout tracks, but we’d be here literally all day. It’s good stuff.
But something I really wanted to talk about is the game’s sound design. Now listen. I am an audio guy. I pay a lot of attention to this kind of thing. So keep that in mind when I say Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney has the best sound design in any game ever and the same goes for its sequels as well. The iconic voice clips to the punchy sounds that accentuate certain dialogue moments make each interaction feel like a fight to the death. I love the slash sound used when you catch someone in a lie. Something about the fleshier impact sound compared to the others is so satisfying. I also love how you can immediately tell when an answer you give is correct because the music cuts out.
The result of this stellar presentation on top of the unique gameplay and clever writing is an almost euphoric feeling once you’re in a trial. Each element of this game is outstanding, but it all still blends together into a sum greater than any of its parts and it makes each trial feel like a legitimate battle more intense than most games. The back and forth as you try to make your case and get closer to the truth as Edgeworth just drops new evidence on you that sets you back is such an incredible dynamic that it’s insane to think it’s all told through mostly static character sprites. And the fact the player takes an active role in this battle, making each major move and presenting evidence at each turning point, you feel personally invested in this battle.
The pacing in this game is just so good. After the original trilogy, the later Ace Attorney games and the Danganronpa series (the only other series to my knowledge with similar gameplay) are all so incredibly slow. Trials go on forever with so much bloated dialogue. Not only are investigations and trials in this game nowhere near as long as the later ones, but reveals are dished out as just the right time and evidence is brought to you at a pace where it can be hard to get too ahead of a case. Something I also think adds a lot that other games miss the mark on is that whenever you catch someone openly lying, it’s a turning point in the narrative. The pace feels so brisk and light that there isn’t time for things to feel tired or boring.
Now for the story
Overall, the story in this game is quite good. The story develops over the course of 4 cases, so I’ll give my basic thoughts on each without spoiling anything.
The First Turnabout is a great start to the series. It’s a really simple case that’s purely designed to get you accustomed to how this game will work. It has a fun twist and is short enough to not overstay its welcome.
Turnabout Sisters is where the game properly starts. It has a great advantage as the murder directly follows several plot points from the first case, getting you more involved as you learn the investigation mechanics and begin to learn about some of the larger story. This is also the first case Maya Fey appears in and the first of many times she’ll be accused of a murder she didn’t commit.
A small note, but I like how both these cases open with showing you exactly who the murderer is. This may seem strange for a mystery game, but not only is finding out what happened enough of a mystery itself, but it helps motivate the player. You know who the murderer is, so you feel more of a drive to prove your client innocent and prove that to the court instead of each storyline simply being a basic murder whodunnit with extra steps.
Turnabout Samurai is more or less a filler case. It doesn’t push the main narrative forward, but don’t take that as I don’t like it. Rather, I think this case is a ton of fun with some of the best characters and comedic moments in the entire game. I also think it acts as a great status quo case before things are shaken up for the final act.
Turnabout Goodbyes is the final case in the base game while it was on GBA and it is fantastic. The premise of the case is immediately intriguing and shakes up the status quo immensely. It’s simply incredible working through this already complex case just to realize uncovering the whole truth involves finishing up an unsolved murder from 15 years ago as well. Not to mention this is the case where you cross examine a parrot and it’s incredible.
The stories in these cases and the overarching plot aren’t super complex, but they’re all still fun to piece together and the characters do a good job of keeping things fun and upbeat. It’s a game that’s funny a lot of the time, intense in just the right places, and can blindside you with something unexpectedly sweet or touching. It’s a solid story in its own right and a great jumping off point for the rest of the series.
This is where my analysis of the original Ace Attorney on GBA. However, we are still not done here.
Rise from the Ashes is a 5th case added when the original game made the leap from GBA to DS and is included in all future versions. This case is absolutely insane. Not only is it a weird anomaly in that it takes advantage of the new hardware, using 3D models in places and utilizing many of the DS’s gimmicks, but it stands as maybe the longest case in the core trilogy and easily the most complex and mechanically challenging.
There’s a lot I like about this case. The setup and overall story are great. I love how much the challenge is ramped up, especially in the trials, which are each like 3 times longer than anything in the base game. Even replaying this case, I get stuck constantly and have to make crazy leaps in logic, but ones that still feel satisfying to nail. This case has a cross examination that I was stuck on for literal days playing it the first time and I was a high schooler then, so being stuck on a single part of a game for days didn’t happen often, especially not in a puzzle game. I also like the new cast of characters. Angel Starr handing out random lunches is pretty funny.
The main problem with this case is that it’s in the first Ace Attorney and therefore has to be confined to that game’s simpler mechanics. To be fair, Rise from the Ashes does add to the investigation mechanics. You can now examine pieces of evidence in finer detail, which is great! You also have to sometimes blow into the DS microphone to progress which isn’t. The gimmicks really do bring this case down and it makes it feel a little out of place. Like you spend a whole game playing with these mechanics and NOW they’re adding more? It really makes the case feel tacked on rather than the natural conclusion to the game.
I think ultimately while I love Rise from the Ashes’ ambition and acknowledge it as the most fulfilling gameplay experience you’ll get out of the original Ace Attorney, I don’t like it as much as Turnabout Samurai or Turnabout Goodbyes. And a good part of the reason is Ema Skye. Listen. I love Ema Skye and think she’s really fun and endearing, but since she has to replace Maya Fey’s role as assistant, she simply can’t live up to it and it feels weird that we have to make a bond with this new character on the last case of a game where we spent the rest bonding with someone else. I think Rise from the Ashes is a fantastic case on its own, but it’s weird as the final act here after the game already ended. Ultimately, it is simply more game and at a higher quality in terms of gameplay, but it doesn’t come together quite as much.
If this overly long rant has made anything clear, I love this game. It came at a really formative point in my life and it’s a game that means a lot to me. However, I do think putting nostalgia aside, it’s still an incredibly fun and polished experience that still deserves a place in gaming. Maybe one day, I’ll write another overly long piece about the sequels, Justice for All (which has my favorite case in the series) and Trials and Tribulations (which has the fan favorite case). But for now, I’m gonna stop, because I’ve been writing this for literal hours.
submitted by willrsauls to AceAttorney [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:53 RainInMyBr4in The horrific murder of Paiche Onyemaechi

Paiche Onyemaechi was a 25 year old Malawian woman who was brutally murdered after leaving her home in County Waterford, Ireland in July 2004. Despite numerous appeals and investigations, her murder has never been solved.
Paiche was the daughter of Leonard Unyolo, the then chief justice minister of Malawi. In the 1990's, she left Malawi to complete a course of study in London after enrolling on a business administration course. In 1999, she moved to Ireland as an asylum seeker with her Nigerian husband, a man called Chika Onyemaechi, and settled in Limerick for a time, where she had worked in lap dancing clubs and as a prostitute. In 2001, she relocated to Waterford with her husband where they had 2 children, Anthony and Andrew. They had both been granted Irish residency following the birth of their first child.
It was reported that prior to her murder, Paiche had gone missing on a number of occasions but had always returned. However, on July 10th 2004, her husband reported her missing for the last time. He told police that she had left on July 8th and hadn't returned. He hadn't worried immediately due to her history of vanishing but that he was concerned that she still hadn't returned. Garda confirmed the last sighting of Paiche was at 5pm on July 8th in Pickardstown, approximately 7.5km from her home in Herblain Park in Waterford City. On July 13th, a woman discovered Paiche's remains by Brenor bridge in County Kilkenny, approximately 30km from her home in Waterford. She had been savagely beaten and decapitated and her decomposing body was wrapped in black plastic bags. Her head has never been found and Gardaí believe it may have been taken as a trophy.
Her husband, Chika, was interviewed by Gardaí but was released without charge. However, when Garda searched their family home, they noticed that areas of carpet had been cut out and removed. Strangely, Chika went missing in strange circumstances mere days after her body was found and no trace of him has ever been discovered. Garda have now stated that they are concerned for his well-being due to the circumstances in which he vanished but to date, he has never been located. Numerous leads were followed, including theories that she may have been murdered due to her work as a prostitute or that her killing was linked to voodoo. However, these didn't lead anywhere and the trail ran cold.
In 2004, Gardaí received an anonymous letter that contained information about her killing and even named alleged perpetrators. Two men were arrested in August 2004 in relation to her killing but they were released without charge. A woman who was interviewed was also released. In 2005, Garda stated that they had submitted a file to the prosecution service and that charges were imminent. However, this never went anywhere and nobody was ever formally charged with her murder. In 2006, a Nigerian man named Chijioke Ezekwem was charged with failing to disclose information in relation to Paiche's murder.
Paiche's father flew to Ireland for her funeral and met with the then justice minister, Michael McDowell. McDowell stated that he would do everything in his power to find her killers. Arrangements were also made for Paiche and Chika's 2 children to return to Malawi to live with her father in light of Chika's mysterious disappearance.
It's been almost 20 years since Paiche's horrific murder and nobody has ever been convicted for the inhumane killing. Despite numerous appeals for information, interviews with her family and fresh eyes examining her case, it remains unsolved with no justice ever being served.
submitted by RainInMyBr4in to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:47 fmsweat23 Better than mbappe?

Better than mbappe?
Sorry for bad quality but this has to be the best player ever and i only signed hin for 3.8m 3 years ago. Genuinely better than mbappe as well
submitted by fmsweat23 to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:00 milb_bot 06/07/2024 Daily Minor League Hitter Standouts

Yesterday's Standout Hitters

stats for games since 04/29/2024

AAA Standouts

Javier Sanoja 2/5 -- [SS, 21, INT - MIA] - [F] [T] .331 BA .384 OBP .162 ISO 130 AB 2 HR 4 SB 8 BB% 6 K%
Jonatan Clase 0/3 2BB 2K 2 SB -- [CF, 22, PCL - SEA] - [F] [T] .200 BA .373 OBP .138 ISO 80 AB 2 HR 12 SB 21 BB% 25 K%
Jordan Walker 2/4 K SB -- [RF, 22, INT - STL] - [F] [T] .268 BA .305 OBP .130 ISO 123 AB 1 HR 3 SB 5 BB% 17 K%
Luisangel Acuña 2/5 3B 3K SB -- [CF, 22, INT - NYM] - [F] [T] .255 BA .309 OBP .081 ISO 149 AB 1 HR 13 SB 6 BB% 14 K%
Angel Martínez 2/4 2B BB -- [SS, 22, INT - CLE] - [F] [T] .368 BA .520 OBP .211 ISO 19 AB 1 HR 20 BB% 4 K%
Orelvis Martinez 1/3 HR -- [2B, 22, INT - TOR] - [F] [T] .191 BA .301 OBP .226 ISO 115 AB 8 HR 9 BB% 27 K%
Victor Mesa Jr. 1/4 HR BB -- [CF, 22, INT - MIA] - [F] [T] .261 BA .342 OBP .187 ISO 134 AB 6 HR 4 SB 10 BB% 24 K%
Chase Meidroth 1/3 2BB SB -- [SS, 22, INT - BOS] - [F] [T] .292 BA .435 OBP .100 ISO 120 AB 1 HR 6 SB 17 BB% 11 K%
José Tena 3/5 2B -- [DH, 23, INT - CLE] - [F] [T] .343 BA .403 OBP .179 ISO 140 AB 6 HR 6 SB 8 BB% 19 K%
BJ Murray Jr. 2/3 HR -- [3B, 24, INT - CHC] - [F] [T] .208 BA .339 OBP .187 ISO 96 AB 5 HR 16 BB% 23 K%
Nathan Hickey 1/3 HR BB -- [DH, 24, INT - BOS] - [F] [T] .212 BA .314 OBP .202 ISO 99 AB 5 HR 1 SB 12 BB% 33 K%
Spencer Torkelson 2/4 HR -- [1B, 24, INT - DET] - [F] [T] .438 BA .500 OBP .312 ISO 16 AB 1 HR 11 BB% 11 K%
Ben Rice 3/5 2 2B HR -- [C, 25, INT - NYY] - [F] [T] .636 BA .692 OBP 1.000 ISO 11 AB 3 HR 1 SB 15 BB% 7 K%
Carlos Narvaez 3/4 2B HR BB -- [DH, 25, INT - NYY] - [F] [T] .301 BA .400 OBP .215 ISO 93 AB 4 HR 2 SB 13 BB% 28 K%
Niko Kavadas 2/3 2 HR K -- [1B, 25, INT - BOS] - [F] [T] .257 BA .411 OBP .277 ISO 101 AB 7 HR 17 BB% 34 K%
🔥​ Riley Tirotta​ 3/4 2 HR SB -- [1B, 25, INT - TOR] - [F] [T] .414 BA .514 OBP .379 ISO 29 AB 3 HR 2 SB 14 BB% 14 K%

AA Standouts

🔥🔥​ Nelson Rada​​ 3/4 HR SB -- [CF, 18, SOU - LAA] - [F] [T] .235 BA .290 OBP .042 ISO 119 AB 1 HR 12 SB 7 BB% 25 K%
🔥​ Samuel Basallo​ 2/3 2B HR BB K -- [C, 19, EAS - BAL] - [F] [T] .314 BA .386 OBP .220 ISO 118 AB 7 HR 3 SB 9 BB% 18 K%
Roman Anthony 1/2 2B SB -- [CF, 20, EAS - BOS] - [F] [T] .281 BA .420 OBP .202 ISO 89 AB 2 HR 3 SB 17 BB% 22 K%
Moises Ballesteros 2/4 2K SB -- [C, 20, SOU - CHC] - [F] [T] .291 BA .353 OBP .154 ISO 117 AB 4 HR 1 SB 8 BB% 15 K%
Brady House 3/4 2B K -- [3B, 21, EAS - WSH] - [F] [T] .252 BA .328 OBP .207 ISO 111 AB 7 HR 2 SB 8 BB% 31 K%
Hao-Yu Lee 2/3 BB -- [2B, 21, EAS - DET] - [F] [T] .282 BA .362 OBP .252 ISO 131 AB 8 HR 1 SB 11 BB% 18 K%
James Triantos 2/4 2B SB -- [DH, 21, SOU - CHC] - [F] [T] .282 BA .306 OBP .103 ISO 117 AB 1 HR 10 SB 3 BB% 12 K%
Alex Ramírez 1/3 2B 2BB K -- [LF, 21, EAS - NYM] - [F] [T] .188 BA .264 OBP .071 ISO 112 AB 1 HR 7 SB 9 BB% 23 K%
Joe Mack 1/3 HR -- [C, 21, SOU - MIA] - [F] [T] .256 BA .324 OBP .232 ISO 125 AB 6 HR 6 BB% 27 K%
Eddinson Paulino 1/3 2B BB SB -- [3B, 21, EAS - BOS] - [F] [T] .239 BA .325 OBP .101 ISO 109 AB 6 SB 9 BB% 22 K%
Yohendrick Pinango 1/3 2B BB K SB -- [LF, 22, SOU - CHC] - [F] [T] .222 BA .300 OBP .083 ISO 72 AB 2 SB 10 BB% 25 K%
Robert Moore 2/3 2 2B BB -- [SS, 22, EAS - PHI] - [F] [T] .240 BA .315 OBP .177 ISO 96 AB 3 HR 5 SB 8 BB% 16 K%
Dylan Crews 1/2 2BB 2 SB -- [CF, 22, EAS - WSH] - [F] [T] .290 BA .371 OBP .187 ISO 107 AB 2 HR 9 SB 9 BB% 20 K%
🔥🔥​ Agustin Ramirez​​ 3/5 3 HR -- [C, 22, EAS - NYY] - [F] [T] .296 BA .371 OBP .252 ISO 115 AB 6 HR 8 SB 10 BB% 15 K%
A.J. Vukovich 3/3 3B -- [CF, 22, TEX - ARI] - [F] [T] .257 BA .331 OBP .174 ISO 109 AB 3 HR 3 SB 8 BB% 28 K%
Spencer Jones 2/4 HR BB K -- [CF, 23, EAS - NYY] - [F] [T] .185 BA .275 OBP .108 ISO 130 AB 3 HR 10 SB 10 BB% 38 K%
Chandler Simpson 2/4 HR BB -- [LF, 23, SOU - TB] - [F] [T] .377 BA .400 OBP .098 ISO 61 AB 1 HR 14 SB 4 BB% 6 K%
Keyber Rodriguez 2/5 HR -- [3B, 23, TEX - TEX] - [F] [T] .295 BA .347 OBP .205 ISO 88 AB 3 HR 3 SB 7 BB% 11 K%
🔥​ Jaylen Palmer​ 2/3 2 HR BB -- [CF, 23, EAS - NYM] - [F] [T] .255 BA .387 OBP .353 ISO 51 AB 4 HR 1 SB 17 BB% 37 K%
Dru Baker 2/3 BB 2 SB -- [CF, 24, SOU - TB] - [F] [T] .333 BA .381 OBP .018 ISO 114 AB 10 SB 7 BB% 17 K%
Carlos De La Cruz 2/3 HR 2BB -- [CF, 24, EAS - PHI] - [F] [T] .248 BA .345 OBP .188 ISO 101 AB 3 HR 1 SB 12 BB% 36 K%
Liam Hicks 3/5 2 HR -- [C, 25, TEX - TEX] - [F] [T] .299 BA .431 OBP .113 ISO 97 AB 2 HR 1 SB 16 BB% 7 K%
Braxton Fulford 3/4 2 2B HR K -- [C, 25, EAS - COL] - [F] [T] .231 BA .344 OBP .244 ISO 78 AB 3 HR 10 BB% 25 K%

A+ Standouts

Ethan Salas 1/5 -- [C, 18, MID - SD] - [F] [T] .188 BA .274 OBP .111 ISO 117 AB 1 HR 3 SB 10 BB% 18 K%
Sebastian Walcott 1/4 -- [SS, 18, SAL - TEX] - [F] [T] .214 BA .341 OBP .146 ISO 103 AB 3 HR 5 SB 15 BB% 23 K%
Anthony Gutierrez 2/4 -- [CF, 19, SAL - TEX] - [F] [T] .406 BA .444 OBP .219 ISO 32 AB 4 SB 5 BB% 5 K%
William Bergolla 2/4 BB K -- [2B, 19, SAL - PHI] - [F] [T] .304 BA .365 OBP .076 ISO 92 AB 3 SB 9 BB% 14 K%
Samuel Zavala 1/4 BB SB -- [RF, 19, SAL - CWS] - [F] [T] .172 BA .316 OBP .161 ISO 93 AB 4 HR 3 SB 16 BB% 21 K%
Victor Acosta 2/3 2B BB -- [2B, 19, MID - CIN] - [F] [T] .216 BA .319 OBP .124 ISO 97 AB 2 HR 3 SB 10 BB% 23 K%
Luke Adams 1/2 2B BB -- [3B, 20, MID - MIL] - [F] [T] .220 BA .419 OBP .099 ISO 91 AB 1 HR 8 SB 16 BB% 20 K%
Leonardo Bernal 1/3 BB K SB -- [C, 20, MID - STL] - [F] [T] .306 BA .370 OBP .163 ISO 98 AB 3 HR 4 SB 8 BB% 25 K%
Christopher Suero 3/3 2BB -- [LF, 20, SAL - NYM] - [F] [T] .239 BA .382 OBP .113 ISO 71 AB 2 HR 4 SB 17 BB% 24 K%
Luis Baez 3/5 2B HR 2K -- [RF, 20, SAL - HOU] - [F] [T] .312 BA .348 OBP .211 ISO 128 AB 6 HR 2 SB 5 BB% 22 K%
Mikey Romero 1/4 HR K -- [SS, 20, SAL - BOS] - [F] [T] .236 BA .263 OBP .200 ISO 55 AB 2 HR 3 BB% 24 K%
Sal Stewart 2/3 2B HR -- [3B, 20, MID - CIN] - [F] [T] .282 BA .376 OBP .145 ISO 110 AB 3 HR 3 SB 12 BB% 13 K%
🔥​ Emaarion Boyd​ 3/3 2BB SB -- [LF, 20, SAL - PHI] - [F] [T] .212 BA .326 OBP .013 ISO 80 AB 6 SB 9 BB% 16 K%
🔥​ Carter Jensen​ 3/5 HR BB -- [DH, 20, MID - KC] - [F] [T] .276 BA .389 OBP .195 ISO 123 AB 4 HR 5 SB 14 BB% 17 K%
Gavin Conticello 1/3 BB SB -- [RF, 20, NWL - ARI] - [F] [T] .248 BA .321 OBP .154 ISO 117 AB 1 HR 6 SB 9 BB% 22 K%
Jhostynxon Garcia 1/3 HR -- [RF, 21, SAL - BOS] - [F] [T] .241 BA .353 OBP .310 ISO 29 AB 3 HR 5 BB% 23 K%
Jay Allen II 2/3 HR 2BB K -- [RF, 21, MID - CIN] - [F] [T] .280 BA .433 OBP .226 ISO 93 AB 5 HR 10 SB 14 BB% 23 K%
Kyle Karros 3/4 HR -- [3B, 21, NWL - COL] - [F] [T] .285 BA .359 OBP .100 ISO 130 AB 3 HR 2 SB 7 BB% 22 K%
Cole Carrigg 2/4 HR -- [CF, 22, NWL - COL] - [F] [T] .293 BA .380 OBP .195 ISO 123 AB 3 HR 11 SB 9 BB% 19 K%
Jake Gelof 1/2 2BB K 3 SB -- [3B, 22, MID - LAD] - [F] [T] .195 BA .298 OBP .149 ISO 87 AB 3 HR 7 SB 13 BB% 26 K%
Spencer Nivens 2/5 2B HR K -- [LF, 22, MID - KC] - [F] [T] .141 BA .256 OBP .113 ISO 71 AB 1 HR 3 SB 13 BB% 30 K%
Jared Sundstrom 2/4 BB 2 SB -- [RF, 22, NWL - SEA] - [F] [T] .312 BA .387 OBP .147 ISO 109 AB 1 HR 9 SB 9 BB% 27 K%
Josh Hood 3/5 2B K 2 SB -- [SS, 23, NWL - SEA] - [F] [T] .256 BA .308 OBP .149 ISO 121 AB 3 HR 9 SB 6 BB% 21 K%
Maxwell Costes 4/4 HR -- [1B, 24, SAL - BAL] - [F] [T] .227 BA .345 OBP .068 ISO 44 AB 1 HR 12 BB% 20 K%

A Standouts

Juan Flores 2/4 -- [C, 18, CAL - LAA] - [F] [T] .298 BA .374 OBP .149 ISO 94 AB 1 HR 1 SB 7 BB% 14 K%
Yophery Rodriguez 2/4 3B BB -- [CF, 18, CAR - MIL] - [F] [T] .264 BA .369 OBP .157 ISO 121 AB 2 HR 1 SB 12 BB% 23 K%
John Cruz 2/5 HR 2K -- [RF, 18, FSL - MIA] - [F] [T] .168 BA .250 OBP .071 ISO 113 AB 1 HR 5 SB 8 BB% 33 K%
Adrian Santana 3/4 BB -- [SS, 18, CAR - TB] - [F] [T] .239 BA .317 OBP .037 ISO 109 AB 13 SB 10 BB% 14 K%
George Lombard Jr. 1/3 2B 2BB SB -- [3B, 19, FSL - NYY] - [F] [T] .195 BA .302 OBP .085 ISO 82 AB 6 SB 12 BB% 20 K%
Jesus Lopez 2/4 3B -- [C, 19, CAR - TEX] - [F] [T] .319 BA .351 OBP .130 ISO 69 AB 1 HR 5 BB% 27 K%
Jaison Chourio 2/4 2 2B -- [RF, 19, CAR - CLE] - [F] [T] .311 BA .384 OBP .104 ISO 106 AB 1 HR 9 SB 12 BB% 16 K%
Capri Ortiz 3/5 2B 2K -- [SS, 19, CAL - LAA] - [F] [T] .284 BA .344 OBP .114 ISO 88 AB 1 HR 3 SB 7 BB% 30 K%
Leiker Figueroa 1/2 2BB -- [2B, 19, CAR - ATL] - [F] [T] .156 BA .269 OBP .022 ISO 45 AB 1 SB 9 BB% 34 K%
Robert Gonzalez 2/4 K SB -- [CF, 19, CAR - ATL] - [F] [T] .161 BA .262 OBP .054 ISO 93 AB 1 HR 8 SB 11 BB% 40 K%
Ronny Hernandez 1/2 2BB -- [DH, 19, CAR - CWS] - [F] [T] .284 BA .400 OBP .057 ISO 88 AB 1 HR 15 BB% 10 K%
Jeral Perez 1/3 2BB -- [2B, 19, CAL - LAD] - [F] [T] .269 BA .409 OBP .125 ISO 104 AB 3 HR 2 SB 18 BB% 23 K%
🔥​ Ricardo Cabrera​ 4/5 BB 2 SB -- [SS, 19, FSL - CIN] - [F] [T] .283 BA .348 OBP .192 ISO 120 AB 4 HR 5 SB 8 BB% 25 K%
🔥​ Michael Arroyo​ 3/4 HR BB K -- [2B, 19, CAL - SEA] - [F] [T] .256 BA .373 OBP .186 ISO 129 AB 5 HR 4 SB 10 BB% 21 K%
Narciso Polanco 1/2 3BB -- [DH, 19, CAR - TB] - [F] [T] .270 BA .351 OBP .087 ISO 115 AB 8 SB 9 BB% 25 K%
Kendall George 3/4 BB K -- [CF, 19, CAL - LAD] - [F] [T] .277 BA .358 OBP .025 ISO 119 AB 14 SB 10 BB% 19 K%
🔥🔥​ Lazaro Montes​​ 3/4 2 HR BB -- [RF, 19, CAL - SEA] - [F] [T] .375 BA .462 OBP .242 ISO 128 AB 8 HR 1 SB 14 BB% 17 K%
Samuel Munoz 2/3 2B 2BB K -- [LF, 19, CAL - LAD] - [F] [T] .196 BA .293 OBP .175 ISO 97 AB 2 HR 11 BB% 25 K%
🔥​ Roderick Arias​ 3/6 3B HR 2K -- [SS, 19, FSL - NYY] - [F] [T] .214 BA .308 OBP .119 ISO 126 AB 1 HR 10 SB 10 BB% 34 K%
🔥​ Cooper Pratt​ 3/4 HR BB -- [SS, 19, CAR - MIL] - [F] [T] .295 BA .419 OBP .124 ISO 105 AB 2 HR 9 SB 16 BB% 24 K%
Kevin McGonigle 3/4 2B BB -- [2B, 19, FSL - DET] - [F] [T] .345 BA .420 OBP .145 ISO 110 AB 2 HR 7 SB 12 BB% 12 K%
Willy Montero 3/5 HR -- [LF, 19, FSL - NYY] - [F] [T] .235 BA .299 OBP .104 ISO 115 AB 2 HR 1 SB 8 BB% 21 K%
Aneudis Mordán 1/4 HR 2K -- [DH, 19, CAR - BAL] - [F] [T] .206 BA .306 OBP .227 ISO 97 AB 7 HR 2 SB 11 BB% 22 K%
Manuel Beltre 5/6 2B K -- [SS, 20, FSL - TOR] - [F] [T] .282 BA .357 OBP .153 ISO 124 AB 3 HR 5 SB 9 BB% 19 K%
Logan Wagner 1/2 HR 2BB -- [1B, 20, CAL - LAD] - [F] [T] .230 BA .412 OBP .164 ISO 61 AB 1 HR 17 BB% 27 K%
Wesley Zapata 0/1 3BB K SB -- [2B, 20, FSL - PIT] - [F] [T] .233 BA .333 OBP .067 ISO 30 AB 2 SB 13 BB% 22 K%
Jefferson Pena 1/3 BB 2 SB -- [LF, 20, CAL - ARI] - [F] [T] .194 BA .337 OBP .045 ISO 67 AB 2 SB 13 BB% 19 K%
🔥​ Anderson De Los Santos​ 3/4 HR SB -- [1B, 20, CAR - BAL] - [F] [T] .217 BA .351 OBP .207 ISO 92 AB 5 HR 7 SB 15 BB% 26 K%
Hans Montero 2/5 K 2 SB -- [DH, 20, FSL - NYY] - [F] [T] .232 BA .318 OBP .126 ISO 95 AB 2 HR 3 SB 11 BB% 30 K%
Isaac Pena 1/2 2BB SB -- [3B, 20, FSL - MIN] - [F] [T] .197 BA .342 OBP .066 ISO 61 AB 1 HR 2 SB 17 BB% 15 K%
Ariel Almonte 1/3 HR 2BB K -- [RF, 20, FSL - CIN] - [F] [T] .188 BA .306 OBP .214 ISO 112 AB 6 HR 13 BB% 28 K%
Carlos Colmenarez 1/3 2BB K SB -- [3B, 20, CAR - TB] - [F] [T] .237 BA .348 OBP .066 ISO 76 AB 4 SB 11 BB% 31 K%
Erick Peña 3/4 2 2B -- [RF, 21, CAR - KC] - [F] [T] .176 BA .250 OBP .059 ISO 102 AB 3 SB 8 BB% 47 K%
Ismael Mena 2/3 HR SB -- [LF, 21, CAR - CHC] - [F] [T] .233 BA .365 OBP .117 ISO 60 AB 1 HR 3 SB 14 BB% 20 K%
Ryan Lasko 1/4 HR BB -- [CF, 21, CAL - OAK] - [F] [T] .228 BA .347 OBP .126 ISO 127 AB 3 HR 6 SB 14 BB% 28 K%
Jordan McCants 3/5 3B K SB -- [2B, 22, FSL - MIA] - [F] [T] .192 BA .241 OBP .046 ISO 130 AB 10 SB 4 BB% 31 K%
Jeremy Celedonio 1/2 HR BB K 2 SB -- [DH, 22, CAR - ATL] - [F] [T] .250 BA .455 OBP .375 ISO 8 AB 1 HR 2 SB 18 BB% 27 K%
Carlos Aguiar 2/3 2 HR BB K -- [LF, 22, FSL - MIN] - [F] [T] .391 BA .517 OBP .478 ISO 23 AB 2 HR 20 BB% 20 K%
Daury Arias 2/3 HR 2BB -- [RF, 22, FSL - NYY] - [F] [T] .160 BA .250 OBP .120 ISO 50 AB 1 HR 1 SB 10 BB% 30 K%

Rookie Standouts

Pablo Guerrero 1/3 HR BB K -- [1B, 17, AZL - TEX] - [F] [T] .278 BA .354 OBP .153 ISO 72 AB 2 HR 1 SB 9 BB% 23 K%
German Ramirez 1/5 2B SB -- [SS, 17, GCL - HOU] - [F] [T] .259 BA .318 OBP .074 ISO 81 AB 1 HR 4 SB 6 BB% 25 K%
Andres Valor 2/5 2B HR -- [CF, 18, GCL - MIA] - [F] [T] .235 BA .297 OBP .148 ISO 81 AB 2 HR 6 SB 6 BB% 31 K%
Alfredo Alcantara 2/3 HR BB K -- [SS, 18, AZL - CIN] - [F] [T] .194 BA .342 OBP .177 ISO 62 AB 3 HR 2 SB 15 BB% 39 K%
Yirer Garcia 1/4 HR -- [1B, 18, GCL - TB] - [F] [T] .239 BA .384 OBP .104 ISO 67 AB 1 HR 2 SB 16 BB% 12 K%
🔥​ Eduardo Quintero​ 3/4 2B BB K 2 SB -- [CF, 18, AZL - LAD] - [F] [T] .366 BA .490 OBP .183 ISO 82 AB 3 HR 9 SB 16 BB% 18 K%
Yoeilin Cespedes 2/4 2B HR K SB -- [SS, 18, GCL - BOS] - [F] [T] .300 BA .383 OBP .300 ISO 70 AB 4 HR 1 SB 11 BB% 16 K%
Angel Nieblas 3/5 2 2B -- [2B, 18, GCL - ATL] - [F] [T] .185 BA .247 OBP .062 ISO 65 AB 2 SB 6 BB% 23 K%
Camilo Diaz 0/3 2BB 2K 2 SB -- [3B, 18, GCL - HOU] - [F] [T] .220 BA .313 OBP .186 ISO 59 AB 1 HR 8 SB 11 BB% 46 K%
Lisbel Diaz 2/4 HR BB 2K -- [RF, 18, AZL - SF] - [F] [T] .351 BA .432 OBP .270 ISO 37 AB 3 HR 11 BB% 13 K%
🔥🔥​ Junior Garcia​​ 3/4 2B HR BB K 2 SB -- [RF, 18, GCL - ATL] - [F] [T] .292 BA .395 OBP .181 ISO 72 AB 3 HR 6 SB 10 BB% 25 K%
🔥​ Bernard Moon​ 4/4 2 2B BB 2 SB -- [2B, 19, AZL - CIN] - [F] [T] .313 BA .425 OBP .090 ISO 67 AB 1 HR 5 SB 6 BB% 24 K%
Kelvin Hidalgo 4/5 2B BB SB -- [SS, 19, AZL - COL] - [F] [T] .273 BA .343 OBP .023 ISO 88 AB 6 SB 8 BB% 25 K%
Yordany De Los Santos 2/3 2B 3B BB SB -- [2B, 19, GCL - PIT] - [F] [T] .367 BA .436 OBP .144 ISO 90 AB 2 HR 15 SB 9 BB% 20 K%
Jose Sanabria 2/5 HR 3K SB -- [CF, 19, GCL - TB] - [F] [T] .161 BA .267 OBP .065 ISO 62 AB 1 HR 4 SB 10 BB% 26 K%
Nolan Beltran 2/2 2 HR -- [LF, 19, GCL - PHI] - [F] [T] .214 BA .312 OBP .214 ISO 28 AB 2 HR 12 BB% 25 K%
Kyle Henley 2/5 3B K SB -- [CF, 19, AZL - CIN] - [F] [T] .259 BA .341 OBP .136 ISO 81 AB 1 HR 14 SB 6 BB% 36 K%
Joan Delgado 2/4 HR K SB -- [CF, 19, AZL - CHC] - [F] [T] .333 BA .424 OBP .298 ISO 57 AB 2 HR 3 SB 10 BB% 36 K%
Frederik Jimenez 1/2 HR BB K SB -- [1B, 19, GCL - BOS] - [F] [T] .348 BA .483 OBP .130 ISO 23 AB 1 HR 1 SB 20 BB% 27 K%
Jhonny Severino 2/4 2B BB K SB -- [SS, 19, GCL - PIT] - [F] [T] .296 BA .392 OBP .284 ISO 81 AB 5 HR 8 SB 13 BB% 21 K%
Alexander Albertus 3/5 3 2B K -- [3B, 19, AZL - LAD] - [F] [T] .361 BA .500 OBP .145 ISO 83 AB 2 HR 3 SB 19 BB% 16 K%
Abrahan Ramirez 1/3 3B 2BB -- [3B, 19, GCL - NYY] - [F] [T] .344 BA .488 OBP .172 ISO 64 AB 2 HR 3 SB 21 BB% 14 K%
Franyer Noria 0/1 2BB 2 SB -- [RF, 19, GCL - BOS] - [F] [T] .242 BA .432 OBP .030 ISO 33 AB 8 SB 20 BB% 20 K%
Nicolas Perez 3/4 2B BB K SB -- [2B, 19, AZL - LAD] - [F] [T] .235 BA .316 OBP .235 ISO 34 AB 2 HR 3 SB 7 BB% 26 K%
Nicandro Aybar 2/3 2BB K 2 SB -- [DH, 19, GCL - TB] - [F] [T] .308 BA .430 OBP .092 ISO 65 AB 7 SB 16 BB% 13 K%
Miguel Tamares 1/4 2BB 2 SB -- [RF, 19, GCL - TB] - [F] [T] .209 BA .404 OBP .070 ISO 43 AB 5 SB 19 BB% 29 K%
Demetrio Crisantes 4/5 2 SB -- [1B, 19, AZL - ARI] - [F] [T] .344 BA .439 OBP .151 ISO 93 AB 1 HR 8 SB 14 BB% 15 K%
Anyelo Encarnacion 4/5 2B K SB -- [SS, 20, GCL - STL] - [F] [T] .344 BA .462 OBP .312 ISO 32 AB 3 HR 3 SB 17 BB% 33 K%
Joel Mendez 3/3 HR 2BB -- [LF, 21, GCL - NYY] - [F] [T] .269 BA .356 OBP .173 ISO 52 AB 1 HR 11 BB% 25 K%
Jarrod Belbin 3/4 2 3B BB SB -- [1B, 23, AZL - SEA] - [F] [T] .329 BA .427 OBP .195 ISO 82 AB 1 HR 5 SB 12 BB% 13 K%
submitted by milb_bot to DynastyBaseball [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:39 MVPete90210 WSOP Watch: Bracelets awarded in 3 Events

WSOP Watch: Bracelets awarded in 3 Events
Dylan Weisman wins his second bracelet in Event #18 $1,500 Pot Limit Omaha for $294K. He defeated Chino Rheem heads-up. Steve Zolotow finished in third.
Brent Hart won Event #16, $5K NL Hold'em for his maiden bracelet and collected $660K. India's Kartik Ved finished in 4th place.
In Event #10, $10K Limit Hold'em Championship event, John Racener earned $308K and his second career bracelet. In a stacked final table, he outlasted Chad Eveslage (2nd) and Marco Johnson.
submitted by MVPete90210 to poker [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:14 SkyofGeography A John Doe Case That Interests Me (1) "Bak Kheng Leu John Doe"

A John Doe Case That Interests Me (1)
Bak Kheng Leu John Doe was a toddler whose body was found in a pond in a village outside of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Locals told police that before the body was discovered, they witnessed a woman in distress, believed to be his mother, carrying and looking for the decedent.
On 3 June 2016, two boys were fishing at a pond in the Bak Kheng Leu village in Cambodia's Bak Kheng commune when they discovered a dead toddler facing down in the water. The police, along with personnel from the Child Protection Unit (CPU), arrived and recovered the body. The body was found lying face down with several bruises on the neck, which an autopsy at a hospital in Phnom Penh confirmed to be the result of strangulation. The time of death was estimated to have occurred on 1 June. Since no parents or caregivers came forward to claim the child, the police questioned residents.
The villagers informed the authorities that on 30 May, a woman who appeared to be mentally unstable entered the village while walking with a young boy, searching for her husband. She claimed to be from Kampot Province and told locals that she had come to the village, suspecting her husband of having an affair. She believed he and his mistress had fled to the village to hide from her. One local who spoke to her quoted her as saying, "I know my husband has a girlfriend in Bak Kheng. That's why I came looking for him here, but I don't know where he is staying." Several locals came forward to report that they heard her screaming, "If you won't come to meet me and our son, I will kill the child." She was last seen holding the child in her arms and walking toward the pond. Like the deceased child, this woman has never been identified.
On 13 September 2016, Cambodian authorities reopened the investigation and created a 3D rendering of the deceased individual in the hope that it would lead relatives or caregivers to come forward. It is unknown whether anyone responded to these notices.
submitted by SkyofGeography to gratefuldoe [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:15 Zhencion0717 I still want you

My dearest Amore
I'm posting this in letters only it might not be up to my normal standards. But I still want you. I miss everything that we were together. I hate that I don't get to see you. I hurt so much and so often that I wish I could just die. I don't want to kill myself, not anymore, but if I was standing in front of a car I wouldn't jump out of the way.
I love you, I will always love you, there is no other person who means as much to me as you do. There are no other people in my life. The joy has gone out of everything. I hate myself, I wish I had seen signs earlier. I wish I hadn't asked questions, I saw it as trying to make sure that you weren't in trouble, You saw it as me pushing your boundaries.
It's Friday and all I can think about is how I wish you were here, I would be cooking you up a nice dinner utilizing that semi-useless degree I have. Bringing you the plate and watching you do your happy food dance. Then we would sit down in the front room and watch couple episodes of a TV show. In a couple hours we would have gone upstairs. You may have taken a shower and come in see me laying down on the bed watching tik toks waiting for you. Knowing that I was curating a whole list for you to look at of funny things that reminded me of you.
We would kiss and depending on if you were feeling over stimulated or not we would be intimate, or we would just cuddle so that way You could feel relaxed, I never minded just cuddling feeling your back rise and fall against me, where your head on my chest stroking your hair.
It's true that you usually fell asleep before I did what you didn't see when you were asleep with me watching you. Thinking how did I get so lucky that my first real significant relationship was with a person who was absolutely perfect to me. Occasionally you would wake up and catch me staring and say what in your cute way. I would just respond with nothing my love Go back to sleep. I would pull us in closer together and you would let out a content sigh soon you would be back to sleep and I would be following you.
You said you loved when you would wake up in the middle of the night or the morning and try to get out of bed and my unconscious mind would cause me to try and pull you back to me. Because when it came to you my ego and my i.d. were in agreement that I love you and wanted you near me.
I was blindsided when you came over that Saturday, I could tell something was bothering you and I could tell you had something difficult to talk to me about. When you told me you felt bad for going to hang out with your friends Friday night I hope you remember that my response was not one of jealousy and not one of anger but of a small amount of hurt and understanding. I always let you knew it was okay to hang out with your friends that I never felt like you were choosing them over me, except for that one time. I told you that they didn't like me and you said they just don't know me but then it turns out they really fucking hate me.
For a while I blamed them, thinking that they somehow poisoned your mind against me. I don't know though that's giving them too much power, you're a grown woman and you make your own decisions.
I felt that Saturday in April you just needed to organize your thoughts, that when you got back from the funeral you would be willing to talk to me. I sent you those messages during that time not wanting to invade your space but to want to make sure that you were okay. It's a hard emotional time and all I could think about was how were you and the kids. I didn't mean to make you feel smothered. When you got back that Tuesday in May and I saw you at the store I felt like I was going to collapse because all my worry, all my anxiety, drained away from me in an instant.
When we talk that night after work my world crashed around me. You said you didn't want to be in a relationship anymore, that you still loved me, that you felt I was an amazing boyfriend. I don't want to go through it again I've gone through it enough in another letter.
I haven't seen you in 4 days. I was banned from coming to the store especially when you would be working. Which hurts considering I told you I was going to respect your space and not come in anymore. I don't know if you had any impact on that decision I don't know who reported me. I assume that when I left you on Tuesday I left you hurt and it bothered your friends that were there. The knowledge that I probably hurt you kills me. In some ways I wish it would.
If I were to die then noone will have to deal with me ever again. The world would be a better place. You would be able to move on to the next level of your life, maybe even find someone else to love. But I can't take it into my own hands I can't do that to you, my family, and the true friends that I have. I don't know how to live anymore, I just go surviving day to day. I hope every day I may receive a message from you, I cannot send you a message because I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or hurt again.
I do truly love you with everything I have and am.
submitted by Zhencion0717 to letters [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:20 PandaLoveBearNu All dogs at scene where woman mauled to death on her birthday are destroyed

All dogs at scene where woman mauled to death on her birthday are destroyed
XL Bully attack: All dogs in house where woman mauled to death on her birthday destroyed
Nicole Morey was mauled to death just moments after returning home from her 23rd birthday party, with armed police unable to save her despite quick action from bystanders
7 Jun 2024UPDATED10:36, 7 JUN 2024
All four dogs found at the scene of a horror mauling that left one woman dead have been destroyed, police have said.
Nicole Morey died this week when she was pounced upon by her own pets as she returned home from celebrating her 23rd birthday.
Two of the canines, one of which is believed to be an XL bully, leapt at her as she walked through the front door at around 11.30pm on Tuesday. One man, witnessing the incident, called the police as she was subjected to the horror mauling, with armed officers descending on the scene.
Ms Morey had reportedly lost an arm and was already dead when emergency services arrived, and police were forced to shoot one of the dogs at the scene. The remaining three were subdued with pepper spray.
A Garda source told the Daily Mail that "all four" of the dogs have since been "destroyed" by Irish authorities. Another source confirmed that they were on the UK's "restricted dog breeding list" which added American XL bullies earlier this year.
Irish authorities have not enacted breeding bans in line with the UK. But Ms Morey's death has sparked a debate as to whether dogs such as the XL Bully suspected to have been involved in her killing should be banned in the country.
Months before the attack, Ms Morey had frequently posted online, telling followers how much she loved her dogs. In one video posted to social media, she could be seen dancing with her XL bully.
She also shared pictures showing her cuddling with the pooch, posted with overlaid audio criticising those who would call the breed "dangerous". The clip said: "I don't give a f*** if you don't like the look of him, and I certainly don't give a f*** if you think the breed should be banned."
Paying tribute, Ms Morey's granduncle Anthony O'Donnell, 58, described his grandniece as “a lovely girl, with a great heart, would do you a good turn rather than any turn. She was a decent girl, quiet, she kept to herself.”
Mr O’Donnell told the Irish Mirror: “There’s two young girls here and they know her and they said she used to treat them (the dogs) like babies. They said she used to have Snapchats up and Facebook (posts) with the dogs inside in bed with her, that they were like her children. I said to them this morning it just goes to show you can't trust dogs. You can't trust any dog, but especially those dogs - they are bred to kill.”
submitted by PandaLoveBearNu to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:01 TheThrawn Official Tour Thread - Rock Am Ring Festival - Germany [08 June 2024]

Tour threads are for anything and everything relating to the relevant show. Discussion, videos, pictures, tweets - anything!
This thread is also to collect everything in one place, so that we and future fans can look back at each show.
So, if you have anything relevant to the show, be sure to post it here!


Please post all show related stuff in the Official Tour Threads.

Exceptions to this rule.

Thank you

If you wish to look back at other shows from previous tours, or see the table of upcoming shows, you can find them in the Tour Thread Archive.
You can also see upcoming tour dates on the fan-run BABYMETAL Calendar or on the Official BABYMETAL tour schedule.

Miscellaneous Info

Show info

BABYMETAL will be performing on the Mandora stage at 21:10 - 22:10
Kami Band
  • Drums: Anthony Barone
  • Guitar: Chris Kelly
  • Guitar: CJ Masciantonio
  • Bass: Ryan Neff
  1. Babymetal Death
  2. Distortion
  3. Pa Pa Ya
  4. Megitsune
  5. BMC
  6. Metali (with Kami Band solo at the beginning)
  7. Karate
  8. Ratatata (with Electric Callboy)
  9. Gimme Chocolate
  10. Road of Resistance
submitted by TheThrawn to BABYMETAL [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:34 devern_hansack Extreme Coupon Challenge: End of 2024 Season

Extreme Coupon Challenge: End of 2024 Season
Here's a link to the rules of the challenge:
TLDR version: I'm running the Oakland A's with a self-imposed rule to only employ players on the Major League Roster with salaries paid by our team within $100k of the major league minimum.
We finished the 2024 season with a 65-97 record, which tied us for last place and 23 GB in the division with the Angels. Not great, but respectable.
More importantly, we have improved our farm system rankings to 13th thanks to three guys: RHP Trey "21" Yesavage (#9 overall, drafted 4th overall in 2024, 35/80), RHP Luis Morales (inherited, 20/50), and SS Jacob Wilson (inherited, 35/50). Outside of the OSA top 100, we have a 20/75 arm in 19 year old LHP McCall Biermiller (drafted 40th overall in 2024, 20/70 power-first 18 year old 3B Naibel Mariano (acquired with Fernando Cruz for Trevor Williams and Denzel Clarke, who is a decent prospect but a clubhouse cancer), 17 year old 20/60 1B scouting discovery Andres Castillo, 18 year old 20/60 RHP Jack Detienne (drafted 77th overall), and 13 guys who rate at 50 or 55 potential.
Top position players this season include C Carson Kelly (acquired in a trade for CJ McFarland with his salary retained), CF Xavier Edwards (acquired in a trade for Austin Adams), 1B Ryan Noda, SS Miguel Rojas (acquired for J.D. Davis and Sean Newcomb with his salary retained), and DH small sample size extraordinaire Niko Kavadas (acquired with Jamie Westbrook for Tommy Pham, himself a waiver claim, and Brennan Milone).
Top pitchers include incumbents JP Sears, Kyle Muller, Mason Miller (transitioned to SP), as well as lefty reliever Brennan Bernardino (acquired for Alex Wood) and waiver claim Cristopher Sanchez.
After the season, the Cubs offered us Michael Busch for Tyler Nevin, Jud Fabian (45 FV) and Junior Marino (MILB contract signer, 50 FV who I don't think will hit enough).
This offseason, we will throw as many high stuff pitchers as possible (Joe Boyle, Luis Gil, Matt Krook, Chayce McDermott, Jeremiah Estrada) into the dev lab to improve control as well as attempt to speed up the development of our under 25 players. I'll also be trying to add stamina to Mason Miller and perhaps coax something extra out of Niko Kavadas. I'll also be hoping that acquisition Felix Bautista heals up nicely from Tommy John so he can be flipped for a prospect haul at some point in the next year.
submitted by devern_hansack to OOTP [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:21 SomeCruzDude Preliminary absence report vs Sacramento Republic FC: OUT - Luther Archimede (knee), Chase Boone (knee), Simon Dawkins (knee), Jesse Maldonado (knee), Anthony Orendain (ankle), Grant Robinson (foot); QUESTIONABLE - Jerry Ayon (foot), Tristan Trager (ribs)

submitted by SomeCruzDude to MBFC [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:40 TheMaskedOne2807 The Plague Doctor Chapter 74 (Coming Home)

Other stories by TheMaskedOne2807: The Oil Chapter 1 (Getting Back)
[First] [Previous] [Next] [Wiki]
Tapping her clawed finger against her arm Kica looked at the corpse with an expression of pondering,” I’m not sure what else I can even ask. I’ve learned so much more than I ever thought I’d know.”
“Yes, Aloko agreed. “And a lot of what you are saying. I’m finding it far easier to follow now. Though I have to admit, teacher, I just don’t quite understand all yet.”
“No need to fret, Kenneth reassured them as he dried his gloved hands. “It took me almost a decade to become a healer.”
“A decade!” Kica and Aloko exclaimed.
“Well, technically, not a decade, Kenneth responded. “You finish your education after four years, but you still have to learn from someone with experience and eventually stand on your own two legs.”
“URG…! Is that how long I have to listen to you!” Pilu.
“Luckily for both of us, it won’t take that long, Kenneth replied. “As much as I want, I can’t give a specific timeframe, but it will be far sooner now that Kica and Aloko seem to have gained a better understanding of anatomy.”
“Umm… Kenneth, Kica said while staring at the Nok’s internal workings. “Is this understanding I’m supposed to get the same that allowed your kind to put an arm back on someone without killing them?”
“Yes, without understanding the body to the extent I do, such a thing would have been impossible, Kenneth answered. “Actually, after having thought about it for a bit, I’ve come up with a theory for why healing using magic doesn’t work that well with severed appendages.”
“A theory?” Kica repeated, tilting her head.
“Well, do you remember that time you healed Kila?” Kenneth asked.
“Which one? Kica questioned. “Kila and Fenik come to get healed by me rather often.”
“Right… well, It was after we returned with the blue flower bush, and you healed Kila’s leg, Kenneth reminded her. “You fixed it, but his knee was still a bit dislocated.
“So if healing doesn’t put everything back perfectly, then it stands to reason if you tried to reattach a severed arm and it wasn’t perfectly aligned down to the millimeter, it could be healed wrong.”
“More shit out of your mouth, Pilu interjected in an annoyed tone of voice. “How can you heal wrong… No, wait, I don’t actually care.”
“I-I don’t understand what you are saying, Kica said as she stared at her glowing hands. “Am I not just making wounds disappear.”
“At first, I thought the same, but after seeing you heal Wilf’s bones, I began to rethink that. Kenneth said, much to the confusion of everyone in the room. “The crack between the halves of the bone didn’t just disappear; It looked like they just naturally grew back together in a matter of seconds.
“If I had to guess, I think you are actually just speeding up the body's natural healing process.”
Becoming silent, Kica’s eyes grew distant and thoughtful. “I never thought of it that way, but didn’t you say your kind didn’t have magic?”
“Well, yes, my kind doesn’t, but that doesn’t stop us from imagining what it would be like to have it, Kenneth replied. “Of course, everything I just told you regarding magic comes from someone who has very little knowledge himself.
”For all I know, I could be completely wrong, but it was just how it looked to me.”
“Even so, Kica responded. “I’ve never thought about my ability to heal in such a way as you described. ”
“Yes, Aloko agreed. “Honestly, I’ve never thought much about what we can all do.”
“Well, you have all the time in the world to ponder, but I think we should call it a day for now, Kenneth recommended. “I don’t know when lunch is ready, but I’d like to finish up here before that.”
“Finally! Pilu rejoiced. “You both heard the black healer. Out.”
Neither Aloko nor Kica had any more questions to ask Kenneth, and so both left feeling exhausted yet filled with a new sense of understanding that they hadn’t had before.
Standing alone in the room, Kenneth took a deep breath and turned to the corpse, thinking, ‘Well, I’ve taken you apart and learned all that I could. Now I think it’s time I put you back together.’
Reinserting the Nok’s organs into the right position proved not to be an issue; however, it was when Kenneth tried to suture the gaping hole. The hardened scales that the Nok possessed proved to be far more difficult to pierce with a needle than he had at first thought.
At best, he could only stitch the flesh between the scales, but no matter how he looked at it or what method he used, such a thing wouldn’t work in a real situation where he tried to keep a Nok alive. ‘Ugh…! If I knew I would one day have to perform medical procedures on anthropomorphic foxes and crocodiles, and whatever a Sil may be, I would have become a veterinarian.’
Racking his brain, Kenneth tried to think of any alternative stitching or suturing method than the one he was used to. However, nothing at the moment came to mind, even though he knew crocodiles and other reptiles at times had operations done on them.
For now, he’d just have to think of another possibility, but as far as closing the gaping hole in this Nok was concerned, stitching between scales would work.
Throwing his tools in the bag, Kenneth once again washed his gloved hands and exited the room.
The great hall looked a bit barren, and there wasn’t even the slightest whiff of meat in the air, so lunch was still a bit off. ‘Might as well see how Nokstella and Selisio are doing.’
Still a bit tired as he exited the great hall, Kenneth jokingly reached into his bag and wished for a nice warm beaker of coffee. As the beaker appeared, Kenneth felt its weight and froze, knowing It was far too heavy to be empty.
With a wide smile, Kenneth quickly unzipped the bottom of his mask and brought the tip of the beaker to his lips, gulping down a mouthful of pills.
Discovering in the most uncomfortable and disappointing way the beaker was filled to the brim with caffeine pills, Kenneth let out a sigh and returned everything to the bag.
‘And here I was, hoping I could taste it again. I guess it’s true what they say that you miss the small things,’ Kenneth thought as he began to walk again.
Arriving at the back street, Kenneth quickly spotted Selisio just outside the nursery, talking with Jinki. However, as he got closer, Selisio eventually spotted him and, without word or warning, sprinted toward him.
He barely had the chance to say “hi” before she wrapped her arms around his torso in a hunched-over position. “You're friendly today. Is everything fine?”
“I’m just happy to see you,” Selisio giggled as she walked in a circle around him, her arms still wrapped around his torso alternating a bit in height.
‘Is this some kind of tradition or social norm?’ Kenneth wondered in confusion as Selisio made a full turn and suddenly let go of him. Darting back over to Jinki, she whispered something into his ear before vanishing into the nursery.
Scratching his head, Kenneth searched his memory to see if anyone had ever mentioned or done such a hug before.
Perhaps it was just something good friends did, or she somehow thought it was how humans did it. However, if that was true, how she’d come to that conclusion would probably be a mystery for the ages.
He wasn’t allowed to ponder for long as Jinki, like his mate, quickly approached him.
“Good to see you, friend! Jinki loudly greeted, wrapping one arm around his neck. “What brings you here? Shouldn’t you be resting or off talking about healing?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Kenneth replied. “Didn’t you have the night shift? I’d imagine you’d be sleeping right now, or did you squeeze in a bit of shut-eye while on guard.”
“Me never, Jinki adamantly replied. “However, I have to thank you. That story you told at the party about that headless person inspired me. I created a brilliant way to scare some lazy lot who fell asleep, and Oh, they did not dare sleep after that!”
“Glad to help, Kenneth replied as he began walking again.
“Hey, wait! Jinki yelled, wrapping his other arm around Kenneth in an attempt to halt him, which didn’t quite go as planned as he was pulled along, claws dragging in the dirt. “By Akina, how can you be so strong?!”
“So, are you going to let go, or do you want me to carry you?” Kenneth questioned.
“Hmm… carrying me like the merchant's son could be fun, Jinki mumbled. “Speaking of, what do you usually do for fun?”
“Fun? Kenneth repeated as he stopped up and pondered the question for a moment. “I guess… well… actually, I’m drawing a bit of a blank here. I suppose I find it fun to play a board game or listen to a song, but I don’t think I have an activity I just do for fun. I tend to focus a lot on work.”
“Really?! Jinki questioned, completely flabbergasted. “We can’t have that. Everybody needs to have some fun, and I have the perfect idea in mind. Just come along with me.”
“Umm… actually, I was going to visit Nokstella and see how she was doing,” Kenneth objected.
“Relax, Jinki said, letting go of Kenneth. “The little heretic will be there when we get back, and Selisio will keep her plenty entertained. Right now, let’s have a bit of fun.”
“I suppose it couldn’t hurt, Kenneth agreed. “So what did you have in mind?”
“Hunting, of course, Jinki gleefully replied as he began walking toward the main street. “Nothing is more fun than stalking your prey, hiding in the undergrowth or in the foliage of the trees, slowly getting closer, waiting to pounce, and delivering that single killing blow.”
“You sound like a serial killer, Kenneth flatly remarked as he followed Jinki. “But it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gone hunting.”
“Si-ria-l killer! Jinki excitedly repeated, his tail wagging from side to side. “Is that some kind of title for the greatest of hunters?!”
“You know what forget I called you that; it was uncalled for on my part, Kenneth apologized. “But isn’t it dangerous to go on a hunt right now?”
“Don’t worry about the heretics, Jinki said reassuringly. “After repelling an attack, it’s rare for them to stay in the surrounding area. And rest assured we are not venturing too far, just enough to get the feeling that we are on a hunt.”
“Well, you know a heck of a lot more about this stuff than me, so I’ll trust you,” Kenneth replied as the pair made it to the gate.
Looking up, Jinki spotted two hunters he recognized.“ Qpoka, Biku!”
“What is it, commander?!” Qpoka asked.
Leaning up against the railing, Biku yelled in an annoyed tone of voice.“Don’t tell me you want me to practice my archery until my fingers bleed, too. I was actually able to repel every heretic that tried to breach the wall I guarded.”
“And how many heretics were on your side of the outpost again? Jinki retorted.”If I wanted you to practice until your fingers were bleeding, you’d already be crying. No, I just wanted you both to throw me your bows and quivers.”
“You are going out on a hunt with the black healer, “Qpoka said. “You do know the commander said no hunts for some time.”
“Yes, but of course, the commander’s orders are final, Jinki agreed. “However, the scouts have been gone for some time now, and I’ve started to worry they might have been attacked by a pack of Sleecies.
“I wanted to confirm for myself and asked if Kenenth would come along if any were to be injured.”
Mulling it over for a bit, Biku decided to descend the ladder with Qpoka in tow. Taking a few short steps, both handed their bows and quivers to Jinki and Kenneth, respectively. “You could just have gotten some bows and quivers from the armory yourself, you know.”
“I know, but then I’d have to explain myself to Zilika, and she isn’t as understanding as both of you,” Jinki said as he threw the quivers over his shoulder and tested the bowstring.
“Do me a favor, commander, and get back before anyone asks any questions, Biku said. “I don’t feel like getting yelled at.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry, Biku. I’ll be as fast as an inexperienced man during mating season,” Jinki laughed as he walked over to the gate.
“Um… Qpoka, if you had a moment?” Kenneth asked as he threw his quiver over his shoulder.
Raising an eyebrow, Qpoka barely showed any interest. “What is it?”
“I could have heard wrong, but Hoota… just before he died, I think he wanted me to tell you something,” Kenneth replied.
“Don’t bother, Qpoka sighed, crossing her arms. “I know what he wanted to say, and my answer is the same as every other time he’d asked me… but thanks for being there for him. He may have annoyed me at times, but it’s good to know he didn’t die alone.”
“I… yes… I suppose so,” Kenneth hesitantly responded.
“Are you coming?” Jinki asked. “I can’t open the gate by myself.”
“Coming,” Kenneth replied quickly, walking over to Jinki and assisting him in opening the gate.
“Are we there, father?” Kolu impatiently asked.
“Almost. The supplier wagons need to be returned, and all of the outpost reports need to be delivered,” Solk replied as he stepped out of the wagon with a huge stack of bound letters in his hand.
Before he even set foot outside, the supplier wagons were already being thoroughly inspected for any damages by the city guard.
‘I wonder how much they deny me this time for some crack or hole,’ Solk wondered as Captain Okstra made his way over to him.
He was a tall and imposing man adorned in the attire of the city guard, which loosely hid his dark grey fur. His eyes were as sharp as daggers, and above them, encrusted into his helmet, was a black jewel.
“Well, this is a pleasant surprise, Solk said, greeting Captain Okstra with a smile and accompanying gesture. “It is rare to see you out of your office. Tell me, what’s the occasion?”
“A few scratches and cracks here and there, Jukibi. Captain Okstra said firmly, looking at the Qsiosija. “I heard from some of your men you were attacked by heretics twice. The wagons are not too damaged, all things considered; however, the fee for repair has been deducted from your payment.”
“All business, no pleasure then, Solk replied. “I am yearning to go home, so I hope you do not take offense to me moving things along in a timely manner.”
Keeping his friendly smile, Solk handed Captain Okstra the outpost reports, and in turn, he was handed his payment for a job well done.
“On behalf of the city guard and crown, I thank you for your continued work in supplying our brave soldiers on the frontline with essential resources,” Captain Okstra thanked, sounding bored, if anything.
‘Yes, and what an honor it is; I can really feel the gratitude in my hand,’ Solk thought, the weight of his payment lighter than what it ought to be.
“One thing before I take my leave,” Solk said. “On my travels, I encountered something quite peculiar. I do not know what my men have told you, nor do I know if you believe them if they said anything, but I strongly advise you to read the reports from Laoli.
“I do not know what is written in them, of course, but I can testify that anything that sounds like the words of someone inflicted with madness is true.”
“Laoli…? Laoli…? Captain Okstra muttered. “You mean that outpost with a lowborn commander. I’m surprised you even bother bringing me those letters; I usually just burn them. Regardless of what that emotional vixen of a former commander may say, a lowborn’s word can’t be trusted.”
“Regardless of how much the word of a lowborn can be trusted, I advise you not to burn these letters,” Solk recommended.
“Hmph… Very well, Captain Okstra agreed. “Your word is trustworthy. I wish you a safe travel home.”
“I doubt I’ll need it knowing a watchful captain such as yourself is keeping the capital safe, and as always, my family will be happy to serve the crown and city guard in aiding its brave soldiers,” Solk replied, bidding Captain Okstra farewell as he entered his wagon.
Letting his fake smile fade away, Solk let out a sigh and sat on the bed, placing his coins beside him.
Quickly scampering around the confined space, Kolu jumped onto the bed and began climbing up Solk’s back.
Smiling genuinely, Solk reached behind and lifted his son up on his shoulders. “Was this how Kenneth carried you around?”
“Yes! Yes! Kolu feverishly replied, leaning forward to look his father in the eyes. “Are we going home, father?! Are we?! Are we?!”
Chuckling, Solk had delayed for long enough. “Yes, we are son.”
Eyes filled with unparalleled excitement, Kolu jumped off his father’s shoulders and ran around the confined space one more.
It was only when the wagon came to a stop that Kolu slowed down, waiting in front of the door, teetering on his claws, his tail thrashing about wildly as he jumped from side to side and up and down.
“Son, Solk said in a slightly disapproving tone of voice. “Is this how you’ll greet your mother after not seeing her for so long? Messing up your neatly brushed fur and behaving in such an undignified manner. If anyone saw you, they’d think you were the earth child from Underfoot.”
Looking ashamed, Kolu grabbed his tail and tugged on it until it calmed down. Remembering every lesson in etiquette and all the words of his father as to how a royal should behave, Kolu calmly waited in front of the door.
Once he was certain Kolu wouldn’t just run, Solk opened the door, and both stepped outside. It had been a long time since he’d seen his home.
It wasn’t the largest home a royal could possess, only standing two floors tall and surrounded by an old, sturdy iron fence.
The building itself only had a few long pieces of finely crafted glass fitted into the upper floors, and just above the entrance was the Jukibi crest, a set of hands exchanging goods for coins, with the words inscribed at the bottom, “Trick of the trade.”
Quickly approaching, the two houseguards, Thefke and Roksna, opened the gate and welcomed them home. “Lord Jubiki, we hope your travels went well.
“I’ll tell Lady Jubiki of your arrival,” Roksna said as he hurried off to the mansion.
Walking through the gate with his son by his side, Solk gestured for his men to bring the wagons inside. He’d have to think about the situation with the Qsiosija, but for now, it could wait.
Right now, Solk had more pressing matters to attend to as Pefka, a beautiful woman with short white and green spotted fur still in her silver years, stepped out from the mansion and greeted both with a relieved smile.
From afar, her dress was a beautiful blue color that hid her lower features, but Solk knew if it was viewed with a keen eye, one would spot much of the patchwork that went into repairing it each and every time it had ripped or torn.
Keeping an eye on his son, Solk was proud he stayed calmly by his side even though he looked torn, probably wanting nothing more than to run into his mother’s arms.
She had such a gentle expression as Solk and Kolu walked closer, and he couldn’t wait to feel her touch as they locked eyes. However, from behind Pefka came Solk’s three daughters, Hiku, Jiji, and Viri, yelling Kolu’s name.
Without word or warning, each one of them tackled Kolu to the ground, laughing and playing in the dirt.
Watching the scene unfold, Solk let out a conflicted sigh, knowing everything he’d taught Kolu on their long journey had been ruined, just like all of their clothes by the dirt.
“What a sight to behold,” Pefka chuckled, approaching her mate.
“I’ve seen heretics sneak attack someone with less ferocity than our three girls,” Solk replied with a mixed expression as he watched his children rough-and-tumble on the ground.
“Don’t blame them too much. Pefka said in a caring tone of voice as she embraced Solk. “Ever since you left, they’d been asking when both of you would return.
“They haven’t had the hearts to play as much as they normally do without their brother, and now that he’s home, I think they are making up for lost time. However, that is no reason to be so disrespectful of their father.”
Clapping her hands twice, all of the rambunctious children quickly stopped and got up from the ground.
“Girls! You’ve said hello to your brother, but isn’t there something you're forgetting?”
Looking a bit shy and apologetic, Hiku, Jiji, and Viri walked up to their father. “We’ve missed you, father.”
Kneeling down, Solk couldn’t resist. Before they knew it, he wrapped his arms around all three of them in a giant hug, stroking and ruffling the fur on the top of their heads as they screamed and laughed. “I’ve missed you three so much.”
At the same time, Kolu ran over to his mother, who indulged in his desire as she picked him up in a giant hug. “Was it exciting being out there in those outposts?”
With an excited gleam in his eyes, Kolu started raving about what happened on the journey. “Yes! Yes! I meet a great healer! An-and I saw Golden Knight fight heretics!”
“What a fun story, Pefka chuckled, placing Kolu on the ground. “Why don’t you tell me and your sister more later when we celebrate you and your father's return.”
“Come now, Solk interjected, placing Viri, Hiku, and Jiji on the ground. “I’ve been out at those outposts and back more times than I can count by now. I don’t think there’s any reason to celebrate… me. But Kolu, this was his first time, and he behaved splendidly.”
“Splendidly, you say, Pefka smiled. “Then let us celebrate not only Kolu’s safe return but his first journey from the capital to the outposts. So Kolu, my brave little man, what would you like to eat? I’ll have the maid make it ready.”
“I-I get to choose, Kolu said gleefully, overwhelmed by the many choices he had. “All! I want all!”
“All? Pefka questioned as she playfully rubbed his stomach. “Are you sure you can eat so much?”
Laughing as he squirmed, Kolu responded with a loud “Yes!”
“A strip of every piece of meat we have. Pefka said. “I’ll tell the maid, and in the meantime, why don’t you play with your sisters? They’ve been missing you a lo--”
Before she could even finish, Hiku, Jiji, and Viri descended on their brother, too eager and impatient for some more rough-and-tumble. With the children preoccupied, the adults finally had some time for each other.
“Have you been well while I was gone?” Solk asked.
“Yes, but I worried sleeplessly so often for not only your but Kolu’s safety,” Pefka replied as she watched Kolu, afraid he’d disappear if she took her eyes off him.
“Look at him and me, Solk asked of her. “We are both well and home after a long journey… with a little gift to you I managed to procure from one of the outposts.”
“Would those savage places even have something for a woman?” Pefka asked.
Leaning in close, Solk whispered into her ear, and she couldn't believe it, having to stop herself from loudly exclaiming in shock and disbelief.
(Patreon): Get 1-3 weeks early access to future chapters. Also, a 100+ page story I wrote prior to the posting of The Plague Doctor for all members.
submitted by TheMaskedOne2807 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:54 jacky986 White Collar Main Cast (Minus Elizabeth) vs Elias's organization and HR (Person of Interest)

This is an idea that's been in my head for a while now and I wanted to post it here to see if it is plausible. Here's what happens:
In the first episode of the 3rd season Jones is stunned and Neal is kidnapped at the Fencing club by a group of highly trained professionals. He is taken to a secret location and interrogated about the whereabouts of his friend Ellen. The professionals leave before the FBI arrive and Neal, out of fear for Ellen's safety, decides to reveal her and his past to Peter in order to try and protect her. Unfortunately, Pratt's people still manage to get to her and the evens of Season 4 episodes 5 - 16 play out a season early but this time Peter manages to arrest James and deliver evidence of Pratt's corruption. As a result of this and Neal's past success with other cases, the U.S. Probation office decides to hold a hearing to discuss commuting Neal's sentence.
At first it seems like things are looking up but then Neal gets a visit from the leader of the men who kidnapped him. The leader is Scarface (Anthony Marconi) who reveals to Neal that his boss (Elias) arranged for him to get an early release so he can work for them. And if Neal refuses, they will go after everyone he cares about. At this point Neal decides to play along in order to figure out what he is up against.
A time skip occurs where Neal remains as a consultant but a paid one this time. After his first day at work Neal gets a call from Scarface who has a job for him. He wants Neal to rob file box about Marlene Elias's murder from the NYPD records office. Neal succeeds and once word gets back to him that the knife from the file box was used to kill Marlene Elias's murder it doesn't take him long to figure out that Elias is the one he is working for. He contemplates telling Peter but during a job to arrest Russian Mobsters (Ice Breaker) the NYPD raid the Russians and arrest Neal who is working undercover. Turns out the cops are "HR" and they take the Neal and the Russian Leader out onto the waterfront where they execute the latter and warn the former not to cross Elias. As a result, Neal decides to keep his mouth shut and doesn't tell Peter or the FBI. While this is all going-on Elias assigns him to decode Chapter 13 of the Mosconi codex to discover the whereabouts of the Hope Diamond's twin. He also hires Rebecca to keep tabs on Neal and his associates.
But Peter being Peter eventually finds out about Elias and HR after he and Neal discover that Rebecca is a former spy. During the investigation of Rebecca's apartment, they discover that she has been keeping a file on someone named "Charlie Burton". He and Neal decide to go and pay him a visit and they end up rescuing him from a Russian hit squad. While hiding from the Russians, Charlie confesses that he has been blackmailed into Elias into being an informant for him. Initially they believe him.After they escape from the hitmen, and take their leader Lazlo prisoner, they get a call from Elias's people who have taken Mozzie and Theo hostage. They want to do a prisoner exchange and although they are reluctant, they agree. During the exchange, Charlie reveals himself as Elias and offers not to go after them provided they stay out of his campaign to takeover the New York Underworld. Naturally, after everything he has put them through they decline and they decide to go after Elias and HR.
So who do you think would win? Neal, Peter and the rest of the White Collar Cast (Sans Elizabeth who is sent out-of-state for her own safety) or Elias's organization and HR?
submitted by jacky986 to whitecollar [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:54 Initial_Muffin_9521 Out of Control Dictatorial Mayor Rodrick

I want to address my concerns about recent actions by Mayor Daniel Rodrick of Toms River, NJ. Specifically, I'm troubled by the Mayor's decision to close the Toms River Animal Shelter despite previous assurances it would remain open. This closure has caused significant inconvenience for residents, volunteers, employees and the animals themselves. The surrounding shelters are overcrowded, and the animals at the shelter have nowhere to go. Additionally, the recent mass firing of township employees has created uncertainty and instability within our community. Transparency regarding the reasons behind these decisions is essential.
There have also been concerns raised about the accuracy of information provided by the Mayor's office regarding township finances. A clear and honest accounting is vital for responsible governance. He has spoken publicly about the Animal Shelter costing the township different amounts each time he decides to make his own narrative about closing the shelter.
The shelter also received a $1,000,000 dollar donation from a resident, in which that money will not be going to the shelter if it closes, but possibly into the pockets of the mayor and his associates.
There needs to be an investigation regarding a financial audit for the money claimed to be spent or saved for its use, especially if the shelter is going to the county, then where is that money going within Toms River. He also promised not to close the shelter or sell it, but he was caught trying to sell the shelter to a private pest control company, and then Ocean County, which then he denied but both parties came forward and said that the Toms River Township approached them.
I urge someone to investigate the matter, hold a public hearing on the building closure, as well as request a financial audit. Also, recent problematic behavior by the mayor needs to be addressed, as well as previous strange occurrences. The mayor is also trying to end a public newsgroup, “The Toms River Times”, which seems to be a way to silence an independent group of residents, whereas his own friend, who has also been appointed to be a public representative of Toms River, that owns his own newspaper and publishes news articles which are highly biased in praising the current mayor of Toms River. It is a way to control the news and the media and prevent free speech and transparency.
The mayor has also reduced Town Hall meetings, as well as stopped them being recorded which prevents them from airing for Toms River residents to view. This is not a fair situation for residents of Toms River. I ask for help regarding this situation, as the Township of Toms River deserves responsible leadership that prioritizes transparency and the well-being of our community.
I have included sources from various sources on the web, where you can see where the mayor lied about the finances of the town, as well as promising to keep the shelter open, as well as keeping the employees, and then lying about it and closing it anyway.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
A concerned resident
I have also included sources showing the mayor's wildly inappropriate behavior. Please take the time to review this information, as this is not suitable behavior for an elected official.
Lies about the Animal Shelter remaining open as well as whether or not it would go to the county.
You can see how often he changes the narrative and how much the shelter costs. The major question is, what is going to happen to the million dollar donation to the shelter if it is closed, and in the hands of the mayor?
Also, he lies about the state of the shelter. It is not dirty, and the animal are taken care of. You can interview any volunteer, as well as the police officers that keep their dogs in the shelter.
The mayor lying about the costs of the shelter and also not budgeting the shelter, even though the township could afford it and the donation to the shelter of 1 million dollars is in his hands instead of the shelter where is belongs
Here is a detailed overview of the costs of operating the shelter:
The mayor lied about the staff at the shelter keeping their jobs:
Most recent news of the shelter closing and the staff being fired:
Links to articles illustrating the mayor’s inappropriate behavior:
Controversial Meeting, in which the mayor has someone say something vulgar in order to avoid the meeting, which was held on zoom because of the citizens supporting the police. (Note that the vulgar sentence said out loud to end the meeting is similar to a disturbing claim that the mayor made about the Toms River council drawing pictures of naked kids; that article is the last on this list)
Shouting Match in which the mayor showed immature behavior in a town hall meeting/
Article from NJ 101.5 in which the mayor suspended the police chief of Toms River for no apparent reason, which is related to the time when the mayor wanted to cut police jobs
Unsafe parking garage where the mayor claims is safe and “doesn’t need to be painted”, avoiding the hazard at hand
Conflicting information from the mayor where he states that anyone fired after his mayor status can seek review, in which case he is lying, because he did a mass firing of township employees, and for which he did not give a review
Lawsuit 1 against the mayor, including derogatory statement made to the victim:
Lawsuit 2 against the mayor by the police chief for inappropriate suspension:
The mayor expressed blatant anti semitism - ‘Rodrick has also faced charges of making anti-Jewish comments. In a mailer of his own, Rodrick said he would stand up to “Lakewood-style development.” The Orthodox umbrella group Agudath Israel of America criticized both candidates in a statement for their “divisive and hateful language.” ‘
Daniel Rodrick has been censured 3 times, for inappropriate, disgraceful behavior, misconduct and lying.
Rodrick changing the town hall meetings to one day a month.
The mayor and his news bias of hiring his friend
The mayor hiring another friend
Here is one which I find most disturbing, the current mayor made outrageous claims about his council drawing, “naked children”, and there was no proof whatsoever.
Keep in mind, Daniel Rodrick is a school teacher, and is surrounded by children, everyday. This is completely inappropriate behavior on behalf of a school teacher, and should not be near children if this is the way that he thinks and behaves.
“Rodrick, in text messages to Patch, said he took the photo of Ciullo to prove Ciullo was the person behind a Facebook page named Sure News Network, which has been attacking Rodrick, Rodrick's friend James Roland, and Shore News Network over the past few months.
Rodrick said he sent the photo to the media; Shore News Network then posted an altered version of the photo to Facebook. The altered photo has since been removed.”
As mentioned previously, his friend *James Roland* owns and operates the “Shore News Network” which has biased news, false information and altered photographs.
Thank you again for taking the time to review this information. It is important to the citizens of New Jersey to be aware of who is in their government and what they are doing.
Toms River Concerned Citizen
submitted by Initial_Muffin_9521 to u/Initial_Muffin_9521 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:31 RobotTomPeterson Burton, a 3 year-old comfort dog in Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, reports for duty

submitted by RobotTomPeterson to PortlandOregon [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:25 Silly_Masterpiece501 How Can I find Way TO (live) 51st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards Streams Options?

Daytime Emmys 2024: How to Watch the 51st Annual Awards Ceremony Online. Calling all soap opera fans! The 51st Daytime Emmys are being held Friday, June 7 at 8 pm ET. We’re outlining everything you need to know about the ceremony below, including how to watch it live online.
**Award Here*\[51st Daytime Emmy Awards live Free*](
Award Live\* 51st Daytime Emmy Awards live Stream
The Daytime Emmy Awards will honor outstanding achievement in television programming and crafts, as it has been doing since 1974. The ceremony recognizes categories such as daytime dramas, talk shows, instructional programming, hosting, culinary and legal/courtroom dramas. The 51st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards are produced by the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS), and Associated Television International (ATI), which produced Daytime Emmy Award ceremonies on The CW in 2009 and on CBS in 2010, 2011, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Actress Melody Thomas Scott and producer Edward J. Scott will receive Lifetime Achievement honors for their contributions to the world of Daytime television. Public television host and cookbook author Lidia Bastianich will receive Lifetime Achievement Honors at the 51st Annual Creative Arts & Lifetime Ceremony June 8.
When Are the 2024 Daytime Emmy Awards? Can I watch with cable?
The telecast takes place live on Friday, June 7 at 8 p.m. Eastern time and delayed Pacific time on the CBS Television Network. The Daytime Creative Arts & Lifestyle Emmy Awards will be presented on Saturday, June 8.
The Daytime Emmy Awards have recognized outstanding achievement in television programming and crafts since 1974, honoring work in a variety of categories, including daytime dramas, talk shows, instructional programming, hosting, culinary and legal/courtroom programs.
According to recent reports, multi-award-winning actress Melody Thomas Scott, Daytime Emmy®winning producer Edward J. Scott and public television host and cookbook author Lidia Bastianich will be the Lifetime Achievement Honorees at the 51st Annual Daytime Emmy® Awards.
Who will be presenting at the 2024 Daytime Emmy Awards?
The lineup includes Kristos Andrews (The Bay), Lidia Bastianich (25 Years with Lidia: A Culinary Jubilee), Lauralee Bell (The Young And the Restless), Eric Braeden (The Young And the Restless), Steve Burton (General Hospital), Derrick Campana (“Wizard of Paws”), Kelly Clarkson (The Kelly Clarkson Show), Stefan Dennis (Neighbours), Zooey Deschanel (What Am I Eating with Zooey Deschanel), Scott Evans (Access Hollywood), Jackée Harry (Days of Our Lives), Amelia Heinle (The Young And the Restless), Annie Jones (Neighbours), Star Jones (Divorce Court), Christel Khalil (The Young And the Restless), Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (The Bold and the Beautiful), Eric Martsolf (Days of Our Lives), Kiara Liz Ortega (The Bay), Danielle Pinnock (Ghosts), Melvin Robert (Extra), Lawrence Saint-Victor (The Bold and the Beautiful) Jonathan Scott (Backed by the Bros.), Laura Wright (General Hospital), and Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant (Wild Kingdom). The Talk hosts Amanda Kloots and Jerry O’Connell will also make a special appearance. f
submitted by Silly_Masterpiece501 to LawofAttractionAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:25 Silly_Masterpiece501 What’s the Best way to watch 51st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards (LIVE) streams TV channel

Daytime Emmys 2024: How to Watch the 51st Annual Awards Ceremony Online. Calling all soap opera fans! The 51st Daytime Emmys are being held Friday, June 7 at 8 pm ET. We’re outlining everything you need to know about the ceremony below, including how to watch it live online.
**Award Here*\[51st Daytime Emmy Awards live Free*](
Award Live\* 51st Daytime Emmy Awards live Stream
The Daytime Emmy Awards will honor outstanding achievement in television programming and crafts, as it has been doing since 1974. The ceremony recognizes categories such as daytime dramas, talk shows, instructional programming, hosting, culinary and legal/courtroom dramas. The 51st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards are produced by the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS), and Associated Television International (ATI), which produced Daytime Emmy Award ceremonies on The CW in 2009 and on CBS in 2010, 2011, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Actress Melody Thomas Scott and producer Edward J. Scott will receive Lifetime Achievement honors for their contributions to the world of Daytime television. Public television host and cookbook author Lidia Bastianich will receive Lifetime Achievement Honors at the 51st Annual Creative Arts & Lifetime Ceremony June 8.
When Are the 2024 Daytime Emmy Awards? Can I watch with cable?
The telecast takes place live on Friday, June 7 at 8 p.m. Eastern time and delayed Pacific time on the CBS Television Network. The Daytime Creative Arts & Lifestyle Emmy Awards will be presented on Saturday, June 8.
The Daytime Emmy Awards have recognized outstanding achievement in television programming and crafts since 1974, honoring work in a variety of categories, including daytime dramas, talk shows, instructional programming, hosting, culinary and legal/courtroom programs.
According to recent reports, multi-award-winning actress Melody Thomas Scott, Daytime Emmy®winning producer Edward J. Scott and public television host and cookbook author Lidia Bastianich will be the Lifetime Achievement Honorees at the 51st Annual Daytime Emmy® Awards.
Who will be presenting at the 2024 Daytime Emmy Awards?
The lineup includes Kristos Andrews (The Bay), Lidia Bastianich (25 Years with Lidia: A Culinary Jubilee), Lauralee Bell (The Young And the Restless), Eric Braeden (The Young And the Restless), Steve Burton (General Hospital), Derrick Campana (“Wizard of Paws”), Kelly Clarkson (The Kelly Clarkson Show), Stefan Dennis (Neighbours), Zooey Deschanel (What Am I Eating with Zooey Deschanel), Scott Evans (Access Hollywood), Jackée Harry (Days of Our Lives), Amelia Heinle (The Young And the Restless), Annie Jones (Neighbours), Star Jones (Divorce Court), Christel Khalil (The Young And the Restless), Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (The Bold and the Beautiful), Eric Martsolf (Days of Our Lives), Kiara Liz Ortega (The Bay), Danielle Pinnock (Ghosts), Melvin Robert (Extra), Lawrence Saint-Victor (The Bold and the Beautiful) Jonathan Scott (Backed by the Bros.), Laura Wright (General Hospital), and Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant (Wild Kingdom). The Talk hosts Amanda Kloots and Jerry O’Connell will also make a special appearance. f
submitted by Silly_Masterpiece501 to LawofAttractionAdvice [link] [comments]