Rapidshare speed

Twoja stara.txt

2021.11.04 14:46 No-Ad6811 Twoja stara.txt

  1. Twoja stara jest emo.
  2. Twoja stara słucha Rubika.
  3. Twoja stara słucha Tokio Hotel.
  4. Twoja stara nie ma kolan.
  5. Twoja stara nie ma pleców.
  6. Twoja stara świeci w ciemnościach.
  7. Twoja stara pierze w rzece.
  8. Twoja stara jest dzieckiem neo.
  9. Twoja stara jedzie w kanał.
  10. Twoja stara występuje w puszczy.
  11. Twoja stara nie ma dzieci.
  12. Twoja stara spawa szyny.
  13. Twoja stara gryzie meble.
  14. Twoja stara szczeka na pociągi. 15. Twoja stara goni własny ogon. 16. Twoja stara kupuje w Lidlu. 17. Twoja stara prasuje trawnik czajnikiem. 18. Twoja stara ma mydło w tubce. 19. Twoja stara kopie rowy uszami. 20. Twoja stara łowi w pralce. 21. Twoja stara kupuje chińskie zupki w Biedronce. 22. Twoja stara przemyca ser z Bułgarii. 23. Twoja stara klaszcze czołem. 24. Twoja stara ma dwóch ojców. 25. Twoja stara klaszcze u Rubika. 26. Twoja stara jest na żetony. 27. Twoja stara robi zdjęcia aparatem słuchowym. 28. Twoja stara myśli,że wrestling to walki na serio 29. Twoja stara czyści węgiel. 30. Twoja stara ogląda pornosy do końca, bo myśli, że będzie ślub. 31. Twoja stara pije piwo z Biedronki. 32. Twoja stara pije Pysia. 33. Twoja stara wyjada psu z miski. 34. Twoja stara podmywa się w studni. 35. Twoja stara czyta symultanicznie. 36. Twoja stara programuje w Javie. 37. Twoja stara szyje grubymi nićmi. 38. Twoja stara pierze w Rospudzie. 39. Twoja stara kosi rzepak. 40. Twoja stara śpi w tramwaju. 41. Twoja stara nie ma konta bankowego. 42. Twoja stara jeździ stopem. 43. Twoja stara kradnie dziki. 44. Twoja stara biega w szpilkach. 45. Twoja stara je przez szybę. 46. Twoja stara jest tak gruba, że prasuje ubrania na autostradzie. 47. Twoja stara jest tak gruba, że jak idzie do kina, to dostaje zniżkę grupową. 48. Twoja stara jest tak gruba, że organizują na niej wycieczki wspinaczkowe. 49. Twoja stara jest tak gruba, że zakłada pasek bumerangiem. 50. Twoja stara jest tak gruba, że budzi się strefami. 51. Twoja stara jest tak gruba, że jak chodziła do szkoły, to siedziała obok wszystkich. 52. Twoja stara jest tak gruba, że spada z dwóch stron łóżka jednocześnie. 53. Twoja stara jest tak gruba, że ma własny kod pocztowy. 54. Twoja stara jest tak gruba, że jak czeka na metro, to się wylewa na powierzchnię. 55. Twoja stara jest tak gruba, że jak staje na wadze, to widzi swój numer telefonu 56. Twoja stara jest tak gruba, że maluje paznokcie u lakiernika. 57. Twoja stara jest tak głupia, że chodzi z pilotem do kina. 58. Twoja stara jest tak wielka, że wokół niej krąży mniejsza stara. 59. Twoja stara jest tak stara, że wisi Mojżeszowi pięć zeta. 60. Twoja stara jest tak stara, że stworzenie świata oglądała jedząc popcorn. 61. Twoja stara jest tak stara, że obciągała konia trojańskiego. 62. Twoja stara jest tak brzydka, że nawet w Samoobronie jej nie chcieli. 63. Twoja stara to antykwariat. 64. Twoja stara obsługuje ksero w barze koreańskim. 65. Twoja stara to aneks kuchenny. 66. Twoja stara liże teflon. 67. Twoja stara zjada ryż na surowo. 68. Twoja stara grasuje w dżungli. 69. Twoja stara kradnie „Metro”. 70. Twoja stara musi odejść. 71. Twoja stara szyje dresy, a potem pierze je w Wiśle. 72. Twoja stara ubiera się w Smyku. 73. Twoja stara promuje się na Fotka.pl. 74. Twoja stara programuje PlayStation. 75. Twoja stara słucha gospel. 76. Twoja stara słucha rapu. 77. Twoja stara śpiewa w kościele. 78. Twoja stara jest Pigmejem. 79. Twoja stara kradnie znicze na cmentarzach. 80. Twoja stara nie ma maila. 81. Twoja stara nie zdała z WF-u. 82. Twoja stara nie zdała z WOS'u 83. Twoja stara wącha klej. 84. Twoja stara nie umie gwizdać. 85. Twoja stara kradnie ołówki z Castoramy. 86. Twoja stara zawsze chodzi najarana. 87. Twoja stara nie ma rączek. 88. Twoja stara ma Linuksa. 89. Twoja stara sika na stojąco. 90. Twoja stara wisi w szafie. 91. Twoja stara psika się Axem. 92. Twoja stara to sim. 93. Twoja stara chodzi boso. 94. Twoja stara tańczy u Mandaryny. 95. Twoja stara śpiewa chórki. 96. Twoja stara ma ADHD. 97. Twoja stara to PoK3M0N. 98. Twoją starą sponsoruje Neostrada. 99. Twoja stara jest księdzem. 100. Twoja stara bawi się w Power Rangers. 101. Twoja stara jest motorniczym. 102. Twoja stara skręca meble w Ikei. 103. Twoja stara zgubiła się w kinie. 104. Twoja stara buduje zamki Lego. 105. Twoja stara weszła dwa razy do tej samej rzeki. 106. Twoja stara myszkuje w spiżarni. 107. Twoja stara czai się w piwnicy. 108. Twoja stara siura herę po kablach. 109. Twoja stara kręci z Muchomorkiem. 110. Twoja stara tańczy na lodzie. 111. Twoja stara gasi światło w lodówce. 112. Twoja stara poważnie szkodzi sobie i osobom w jej otoczeniu. 113. Twoja stara zastała Polskę murowaną. 114. Twoja stara jest supportem na Arce Noego. 115. Twoja stara pamięta o śmierci. 116. Twoja stara importuje niedźwiedzie polarne. 117. Twoja stara nie zna hymnu. 118. Twoja stara pali Męskie. 119. Twoja stara przegrała w Jumanji. 120. Twoja stara bierze czternastą lewę. 121. Twoja stara graniczy z cudem. 122. Twoja stara nie ma Mamby. 123. Twoja stara powoduje efekt cieplarniany. 124. Twoja stara skręca długopisy. 125. Twoja stara bawi się w ciamciaramcia. 126. Twoja stara jest rasta. 127. Twoja stara dusi ławki w parku. 128. Twoja stara dzieli przez zero. 129. Twoja stara należy do strefy Schengen. 130. Twoja stara jest odpowiedzialna za wpływ zorzy polarnej na rozmnażanie się pingwinów gołoledzi we fiordach norweskich. 131. Twoja stara to pierwiastek wielomianu. 132. Twoja stara jest w strefie skate off. 133. Twoja stara się garbi. 134. Twoja stara zrywa jabłka na Wybrzeżu Kości Słoniowej. 135. Twoja stara mieszka w rzece. 136. Twoja stara powiewa na maszcie. 137. Twoja stara leci w kulki. 138. Twoja stara mija sie z celem. 139. Twoja stara, ale jara. 140. Twoja stara woli Zozole. 141. Twoja stara kradnie prąd. 142. Twoja stara ma Paszport Polsatu. 143. Twoja stara witała się z gąską. 144. Twoja stara jest krejzolem. 145. Twoja stara przeszła Need for Speed na piechotę. 146. Twoja stara przeszła Simsy. 147. Twoja stara kradnie w Tesco. 148. Twoja stara gra na kodach w pasjansa (Alt+Shift+2). 149. Twoja stara kupowałaby Whiskas. 150. Twoja stara skacze na prostych nogach. 151. Twoja stara ma białe ślady na czarnych ubraniach. 152. Twoja stara wychodzi w pole. 153. MediaMarkt – nie dla twojej starej. 154. Pij mleko, będziesz jak twoja stara. 155. Twoja stara rzuca za trzy z dwutaktu. 156. Twoja stara zepsuła metalową kulkę. 157. Twoja stara zgłosiła spam i naruszenie zasad. 158. Twoja stara nie umie skręcać w lewo. 159. Twoja stara nie zna sie na zegarku elektronicznym. 160. Twoja stara jest tańsza od Lidla. 161. Twoja stara gada z Delmą. 162. Twoja stara kradnie w Lidlu. 163. Twoja stara szuka wody na pustyni. 164. Twoja stara cofa się do przodu. 165. Twoja stara uczy i bawi. 166. Twoja stara pije wodę po pierogach. 167. Twoja stara ma powody do mruczenia. 168. Nie twoja stara, tylko Ketoprom. 169. Twoja stara maluje się w Paincie. 170. Twoja stara ma coś w sobie. 171. Twoja stara pierwsza powiedziała „kopytko”. 172. Twoja stara nie wie, co to ból. 173. Twoja stara jest pusta jak bęben maszyny losującej przed zwolnieniem blokady. 174. Twoja stara śpi w nogach. 175. Twoja stara siedzi na wycieraczce i drapie w drzwi. 176. Twoja stara wygina śmiało ciało. 177. Twoja stara to Jaśko z Samych swoich. 178. Twoja stara klika w pop-upy. 179. Twoja stara robi za bramę na pogrzebach. 180. Twoja stara śpiewa hymn na weselach. 181. Twoja stara staje do hymnu i wnosi sztandar na dźwięk pozytywki. 182. Twoja stara czyta spis treści. 183. Twoja stara smaży śnieg na obiad. 184. Twoja stara wykłada chemię w Biedronce. 185. Twoja stara i znajomi królika. 186. Twoja stara robi pociąg na weselach. 187. Twoja stara jest piątym Żółwiem Ninja. 188. Twoja stara ciągle nie wie, co się stao. 189. Twoja stara wie, jak oni śpiewają. 190. Twoja stara wie, jak zakończyła się Niekończąca się opowieść. 191. Twoja stara wie, jak zakończyła się Moda na sukces. 192. Produkty z Biedronki polecają się dla twojej starej. 193. Twoja stara polowała na Czerwony Październik. 194. Twoja stara pisała maturę korektorem. 195. Twoja stara śpiewa w instrumentalu. 196. Twoja stara czai sie w lesie. 197. Twoja stara to gadająca łyżka w reklamie Biedronki. 198. Dwie twoje stare i spokój. 199. Twoja stara in the fog. 200. Twoja stara wieczorem podchodzi bardziej. 201. Twoja stara chodzi w twoich ciuchach. 202. Twoja stara ma lewo po prawej. 203. Twoja stara daje na Rydzyka. 204. Twoja stara jest dopychaczem w metrze. 205. Twoja stara jest w co piątej Kinder Niespodziance. 206. Twoja stara macha w Familiadzie. 207. Twoja stara kupuje w Żabce. 208. Twoja stara rozkłada wodę na jony. 209. Twoja stara wciąga Nospę. 210. Twoja stara podkłada głos pod odkurzacz Teletubisiów. 211. Co złego, to nie twoja stara. 212. Twoja stara tańczy z wilkami. 213. Twoja stara wie How It's Made. 214. Twoja stara wysyła kody spod nakrętki. 215. Twoja stara gasi pragnienie. 216. Twoja stara zapoznała się z ulotką dołączoną do opakowania. 217. Twoja stara gra na pianinie a capella. 218. Twoja stara dzieli drogę przez czas. 219. Twoja stara jest jasna jak słońce. 220. Twoja stara pamięta test z monetą. 221. Twojej starej źle z oczu patrzy. 222. Twoja stara to ostatni Mohikanin. 223. Twoja stara w trawie puszcza. 224. Twoja stara odpisuje na spam. 225. Twoja stara driftuje zębami po asfalcie. 226. Twoja stara nie boi się plamy na swetrze. 227. Twoja stara pierze w Styksie. 228. Twoja stara pochodzi z Tartaru. 229. Z Twojej starej jest śmietanka, a ze śmietanki - Kiri. 230. Twoja stara nie ubiera się u Prady. 231. Twoja stara myśli, że kolejną liczbą po „10” jest „szukam”. 232. Twoja stara skonsultowała się z farmaceutą. 233. Twoja stara otwiera okno w metrze. 234. Twoja stara używa żalu pod prysznic. 235. Twoja stara zgłębiła tajemnicę poznania. 236. Twoja stara przemyca rowery zza wschodniej granicy. 237. Twoja stara rzuca węgorzami przez Wisłę. 238. Twoja stara jest inspiracją dla Rubika. 239. Twoja stara stawia na Rasiaka. 240. Twoja stara ściąga Kazeę na eMulu. 241. Twoja stara gra w Tibię off-line. 242. Twoja stara blankuje hasła na Wikipedii. 243. Twoja stara uczy się archiwum GG na pamięć. 244. Twoja stara oszukuje na Allegro. 245. Twoja stara wymyśla teksty o twojej starej. 246. Twoja stara obraziła się na prezydenta. 247. Twoja stara ma zablokowane konto na Fotce. 248. Twoja stara nie ma znajomych na naszej-klasie. 249. Twoja stara jest betanką. 250. Twoja stara słucha kredek. 251. Twoja stara ma H5N1. 252. Twoja stara kłóci się z botem. 253. Twoja stara kupiła Linuksa na Allegro. 254. Twoja stara reprezentuje Ziemię w turnieju Mortal Kombat. 255. Twoja stara podkłada głos w autobusie. 256. Twoja stara kupuje po cenach sugerowanych. 257. Twoja stara śpiewa z Don Vasylem. 258. Twoja stara gra na keyboardzie w Papa Dance. 259. Twoja stara śpiewa techno. 260. Twoja stara jest fryzjerem w wojsku. 261. Twoja stara je z paśnika. 262. Twoja stara pije wodę z żelazka. 263. Twoja stara moczy nogi w misce. 264. Twoja stara spała z Jamesem Bondem. 265. Twoja stara ogląda Sylwester z Jedynką. 266. Twoja stara ściga się w workach. 267. Twoja stara jest konsultantką Neostrady. 268. Twoja stara spaliła Rzym. 269. Twoja stara nie zniszczyła pierścienia. 270. Twoja stara rusza z szóstki. 271. Twoja stara zbiera Metal Tazo. 272. Twoja stara ostrzelała wioskę w Afganistanie. 273. Twoja stara rozdaje karty w tysiąca na Kurniku. 274. Twoja stara śpi w pozycji bocznej ustalonej. 275. Twoja stara jeździ windą po lesie. 276. Twoja stara nie pada jak zwykłe baterie. 277. Twoja stara po prostu gotuje. 278. Twoja stara zbacza z kursu. 279. Twoja stara kasuje bilet w taksówce. 280. Twoja stara wlewa wodę do kwasu. 281. Twoja stara nie ma racji bytu. 282. Twoja stara symuluje ADHD. 283. Twoja stara stepuje na polu minowym. 284. Twoja stara podszywa się pod amandę99. 285. Twoja stara odlicza czas na rapidshare.com. 286. Twoja stara rusza z ręcznego. 287. Twoja stara to najsłabsze ogniwo. 288. Twoja stara robi bezpłatne badania cytologiczne. 289. Twoja stara robi kręgi w zbożu. 290. Twojej starej nie jest wszystko jedno. 291. Twoja stara zawsze spada na cztery łapy. 292. Twoja stara wlazła na płotek i mruga. 293. Twoja stara jest zabawna. Do czasu. 294. Twoja stara jest czwartkowym dodatkiem do „Gazety Wyborczej”. 295. Twoja stara PiShhE jAkOś DzIfffNiE. 296. Twoja stara zdobyła uznanie w Małopolsce. 297. Twoja stara myje okna w kopalni. 298. Twoja stara szuka igły w stogu siana. 299. Twoja stara, Boston Maseczjusets. 300. Polakom gratulujemy twojej starej. 301. Twoja stara śpi od brzegu. 302. Twoja stara nie umie grać w wojnę. 303. Twoja stara leczy się piłką lekarską. 304. Twoja stara woła o pomstę do nieba. 305. Twoja stara wysiada we Włoszczowej. 306. Twoja stara piła z Kwaśniewskim. 307. Twoja stara przekracza limit na Megaupload. 308. Twoja stara czesze Wodeckiego. 309. Twoja stara kampuje w Counter-Strike'u. 310. Twoja stara ma 511 MB RAM-u. 311. Twoja stara wciera sobie Kit-Katy. 312. Twoja stara, a może frytki do tego? 313. Twoja stara kręci talerzem w mikrofali. 314. Twoja stara zamiata pustynię. 315. Twoja stara nie dąży do oktetu. 316. Twoja stara chodzi pieszo do McDrive'a. 317. Twoja stara utrzymuje, że Alek to abstynent. 318. Twoja stara wierzy w Santa Clausa. 319. Twoja stara flirtuje z Komorowskim przez telefon. 320. Twoja stara kupiła opaskę magnetyczną dr Lewina. 321. Twoja stara kopie doły i sama w nie wpada. 322. Twoja stara gra w Quake'a na kierownicy. 323. Twoja stara przeszła Quake'a z wyłączonym monitorem. 324. Twoja stara czyta te teksty. 325. Twoja stara steruje smokozordem. 326. Twoja stara myśli w binarnym. 327. Twoja stara kroi ser żółty nożyczkami. 328. Twoja stara oblicza cząsteczki w blenderze. 329. Twoja stara robi liny okrętowe z bananów. 330. Twoja stara HD ready. 331. Twoja stara ma stragan na Allegro. 332. Twoja stara kołysała cię w betoniarce. 333. Twoja stara kampuje w pasjansie. 334. Twoja stara zamyka sesję na CD-RW. 335. Twoja stara zabiła Kaina. 336. Twoja stara przekroczyła Rubikon. 337. Twoją starą zarwał Johnny Bravo. 338. Twoja stara dzwoni na domowy i pyta się gdzie jesteś. 339. Twoja stara nie samym chlebem żyje. 340. Twoja stara chodzi na basen z nogą w gipsie. 341. Twoja stara notuje na kazaniach. 342. Twoja stara lubi to. 343. Twoja stara prasuje przed praniem. 344. Twoja stara leczy się u dr Oetkera. 345. Twoja stara zdawała prawo jazdy na dinozaurach. 346. Twoja stara widzi niebo w Tibii. 347. Twoja stara pamięta jak Burger King był jeszcze księciem. 348. Twoja stara gwiżdże w "Kanikułach". 349. Twoja stara zbiera grzyby w Mario. 350. Twoja stara przeszła Simsy. 351. Twoją starą do pracy wozi Rysiek z Klanu. 352. Twoja stara jest fryzjerem Anny Fotygi. 353. Twoja stara jest ekspedientką na Allegro. 354. Twoja stara gra hejnał mariacki na trójkącie. 355. Twoja stara mieszka w Pensjonacie Pod Różą. 356. Twoja stara przygarnęła kropka. 357. Twoją stara zlapali do Pokeballa. 358. Twoja stara przeszła Painta 3 razy. 359. Twoja stara kiblowała w zerówce. 360. Twoja stara dostała dożywocie za jazde na rowerze bez kasku. 361. Twoja stara gra Włóczykija z Muminków. 362. Twoja stara ogląda Modę na Sukces od pierwszego odcinka. 363. Twoja stara jęczy w Umbrelli 364. Twoja stara była dublerem Lassie w scenach łóżkowych. 365. Twoja stara maluje paznokcie Hammeritem -prosto na rdze 366. Twoja stara wynajmuje pokój w izbie wytrzeźwień. 367. Twoja stara siedzi w więzieniu w Eurobiznesie. 368. Twoja stara projektowała domek Teletubisiów. 369. Twoja stara siedzi na trybunach w fifie. 370. Twoja stara jest tak szalona jak Rysiu z Klanu. 371. Twoja stara ma romans z Papą Smerfem. 372. Twoja stara ma na imię Janusz. 373. Twoja stara gra w sapera przez internet. 374. Twoja stara, jak dorośnie, zostanie owocem Jogobelli. 375. Twoja stara jest przyjaciółką Mariolki i Gabryśki. 376. Twoja stara ściągała na teście ciążowym. 377. Twoja stara wrzuca 5-tke w maluchu. 378. Twoja stara ma pierwszy sezon Mody na Sukces na telefonie. 379. Twoja Stara myje zęby cifem. 380. Twoja stara robi na plantacji budyniu. 381. Twoja stara ma sutki jak wentyle od Jelcza. 382. Twoja stara śpiewa przy goleniu. 383. Twoja stara podbiera chleb gołębiom. 384. Twoja stara ma karnet do Biedronki. 385. Twoja stara układała choreografię Dudkowi. 386. Twoja stara słodzi gorzkie żale. 387. Twoja stara umieszcza ogłoszenia na Tablicy Mendelejewa 388. Twoja stara to nadzieja 389. Twoja stara przeszła Mario w lewo. 390. Twoja stara uderzyła w puchara. 391. Twoja stara pisze hasła w wikipedii. 392. Twoja stara wyżera żelatynę z galaretki. 393. Twoja stara rozkodowała Disney Channel na Cyfrowym Polsacie. 394. Twoja stara pracuje w bankomacie. 395. Twoja stara korzysta z Mobilkinga. 396. Twoja stara robi wjazd bezdomnym na chatę. 397. Twoja stara śpiewa w "You can dance". 398. Twoja stara ma pendrive'a na baterie. 399. Twoja stara sprzedaje konta "Naszej klasy" na Allegro. 400. Twoja stara koła tramwajom pompuje. 401. Twoja stara miesza bigos kolanem. 402. Twoja stara grała główną rolę w Shreku. 403. Twoja stara gra głową w hokeja 404. Twoja stara i 101 Dalmatyńczyków. 405. Twoja stara jest gubernatorem Kamczatki. 406. Twoja stara gra techno na flecie. 407. Twoja stara jest kierowcą autobusu w liniach lotniczych. 408. Twoja stara gra w Call of Duty na kierownicy. 409. Twoja stara rwie rzepę w Familiadzie. 410. Twoja stara ogląda TVN na Polsacie. 411. Twoja stara kapie z kranu. 412. Twoja stara obiera buraki na barszcz biały. 413. Twoja stara przeciąga pasek informacyjny w TVN24. 414. Twoja stara podpowiada ankietowanym w Familiadzie. 415. Twoja stara podciera się Telegazetą. 416. Twoja stara mieszka w Pokeball'u. 417. Twoja stara programuje Google. 418. Twoja stara opala się w cieniu. 419. Twoja stara rozmawia w cztery oczy z cyklopem. 420. Twoja stara je zupę patelnią. 421. Twoja stara jest pełna kaszy i kartofli. 422. Twoja stara – the Freshmaker. 423. Twoja stara podaje piłki tenisistom. 424. Twoja stara szczotkuje w curlingu. 425. Twoja stara układa bile. 426. Twoja stara lata po zakupy hugokopterem. 427. Twoja stara uratowała Hugolinę i dzieci. 428. Twoja stara grała Hagrida bez charakteryzacji. 429. Twoja stara więcej znaczy od chlorowych wybielaczy 430. Twoja stara ma pedalski sweterek 431. Twoja stara płaci za "Metro" 432. Twoja stara układa klocki hamulcowe 433. Twoja stara podbiera chleb gołębiom 434. Twoja stara nakleja znaczki na maile 435. Twoja stara odebrała asa serwisowego 436. Twoja stara wagarowała w niedzielę 437. Twoja stara robi dżinsy na drutach 438. Twoja stara sprawdza obecność na naszej klasie 439. Twoja stara kupiła monitor do laptopa 440. Twoja stara siedzi za samobójstwo 441. Twoja Stara wynosi śmieci z pulpitu 442. Twoja stara jąka się pisząc smsy 443. Twoja stara kozłuje piłką lekarską na plaży 444. Twoja stara słucha pornoli w radiu 445. Twoja stara zamawia taksowkę przez domofon 446. Twoja stara kradnie mięso w warzywniaku 447. Twoja stara ubiera sie w Praktikerze 448. Twoja stara robi pompki na plecach 449. Twojej starej brakuje N. 450. Twoja stara to przechodzeń w GTA San Andreas 451. Zawsze jest pora na twoją starą. 452. Twoja stara zatopiła statek w OGAME. 453. Twoja stara zażywa Ibum. 454. Twoja stara odsłania literki w "Kole Fortuny". 455. Twoja stara nie kupiła marchewki. 456. Twoja stara od Dr Oetkera. 457. Twoja stara nie posiada licencji na zdrowie. 458. Twoja stara tańczy na lodzie. 459. Twoja stara to Jożin z Bażin. 460. Twoja stara – czekoladowa pycha. 461. Twoja stara – siła z gór. 462. Twoja stara przyklapnęła ucho Uszatkowi. 463. Twoja stara sprzedaje Lubelski Full. 464. Przekaż 1% twojej starej na potrzebujących. 465. Twoja stara perfumuje się Rajdem Protection. 466. Twoja stara sama się robi. 467. Twoja stara podlewa kwiaty w Polsacie. 468. Twoja stara stała się niegrzeczna. 469. Twoja stara zbiera etykiety z Kubusia. 470. Twoja stara gra w brazylijskiej telenoweli. 471. Twoja stara zapada w sen zimowy. 472. Twoja stara odlatuje na zimę do ciepłych krajów. 473. Twoja stara wkrótce w kinach. 474. © Copyright by Twoja stara. 475. Twoja stara – poddaj ją próbie. 476. Twoja stara nie ma obywatelstwa żadnego kraju. 477. Twoja stara kradnie chleb z karmników. 478. Twoja stara gra "Wlazł kotek na płotek" na trójkącie. 479. Czas na przerwę, czas na twoją starą. 480. Twoja stara napisała maturę na Paincie. 481. Twoja stara projektuje strony w PowerPoincie. 482. Twoja stara to mistrzyni świata w naciąganiu rajstop stylem "na żabkę". 483. Twoja stara jest mistrzynią w "Kocham Cię, Misiu". 484. Mikołaja nie ma, a twoja stara jest. 485. Twoja stara dmucha w piszczałki organów. 486. Twoja stara i 3 po 3. 487. Twoja stara napisała CV Wingdingsami. 488. Twoja stara jest przykładem uosobienia. 489. Takie rzeczy to tylko o twojej starej. 490. Twoja stara nie ma 200 minut do Plusa i na stacjonarne. 491. Twoja stara jest jak inny operator. 492. Czy jesteś mądrzejszy od twojej starej? 493. Twoja stara napisała Wikipedię. 494. Twoja stara zgłasza problem do Microsoftu. 495. Twoja stara podkłada głos pod Panią Frał. 496. Twoja stara śmieje się z żartów z "Pana Tadeusza". 497. Twoja stara tkwi w szczegółach. 498. Twoja stara to strzyga. 499. Twoja stara ostrzy miecz wiedźminowi. 500. Twoja stara mieszka w domu dla zmyślonych przyjaciół pani Foster. 501. Twoja stara nie ma starej. 502. Twoja stara umie poprawnie wpisać kod na rapidshare.com. 503. Twoja stara pieje w Teleranku. 504. Twoja stara szuka Zagubionych. 505. Twoja stara skleja klocki Lego. 506. Twoja stara zatopiła Atlantydę. 507. Twoja stara gra w karty na kodach 508. Twoja stara gra myszką na Play Station. 509. Twoja stara zbiera pod kościołem na wpierdol. 510. Twoja stara kocha TAMTO 511. Twoja stara – takie rzeczy to tylko w Erze. 512. Twoja stara wypala płyty CD w piekarniku 513. Twoja stara wypala płyty DVD w ognisku 514. Twoja stara pisze wirusy na telewizor 515. Twoja stara kseruje ekran monitora 516. Twoja stara ogląda „Modę na sukces” w DOS-ie w trybie tekstowym 517. Twoja stara gra na czas w Sapera. 518. Twoja stara pisze cyfry literami 519. Twoja stara umrze kiedy skończy się Moda na sukces 520. Twoja stara robi catch the clowny w Game Makerze. 521. Twoja stara jadła cookies. 522. Twoja stara skończyła się na Kill'em All. 523. Hokus pokus, czary mary, Twoja stara to Twój stary! 524. Hokus pokus, Golden Armor, Twoja stara to ork warrior! 525. Czary mary, Hokus Pokus, Twoja stara to Ford Focus! 526. Twoja stara kocha Ridge'a 527. Twoja stara gra w Tibię na kalkulatorze 528. Twoja stara ogląda telewizję w pralce. 529. Twoja stara zamawia startery na Orange.pl. 530. Twoja stara przegląda /d/. 531. Twoja stara pali gumę z popychu. 532. Twoja stara pisze kredą w zeszycie. 533. Twoja stara nie ma dzieci. 534. Twoja stara chodzi strzałkami w OGame. 535. Twoja stara programuje Windowsowy Kalkulator. 536. Twoja stara jest sieciakiem. 537. Twoja stara zlizuje litery z monitora. 538. Twoja stara czyści ekran od wewnątrz. 539. Twoja stara ogląda pornosy w telegazecie. 540. Twoja stara kradnie z lumpeksów. 541. Twoja stara obsługuje klawiaturę komputerową przy pomocy telekinezy. 542. Twoja stara ma twardy dysk na kartce. 543. Twoja stara ma SBSMEN w domu. 544. Twoja stara nie zdała do zerówki. 545. Twoja stara jest dyrektorem Hogwartu. 546. Twoja stara spała z Jozinem z Bazin. 547. Twoja stara grała Maluchem w Need For Speed. 548. Twoja stara napisała maturę ołówkiem. 549. Twoja stara jest na baterie. 550. Twoja stara się zacina. 551. Twoja stara się zawiesza. 552. Twoja stara nie rozumie Sapera. 553. Twoja stara poczuła zoom-zoom. 554. Twoja stara nosi skórę z Winampa. 555. Twoja stara tańczy jogę. 556. Twoja stara przeszła TuxRacera na Windowsie. 557. Twoja stara nie ściszy – u siebie jest. 558. Twoja stara kupuje ammo do noża w CS-ie. 559. Twoja stara płaci za Naszą-Klasę. 560. Twoja stara je lody z grilla. 561. Twoja stara kręci globem w Wydarzeniach. 562. Twoja stara może zawierać śladowe ilości orzechów arachidowych. 563. Twoja stara jest źródłem fenyloalaniny. 564. Twoja stara pisze z Rysiem. 565. Twoja stara opala się przy słoneczku z Gadu-Gadu 566. 20% pobiera tutaj Twoja Stara. 567. Twoja stara należy do Czeskiej Marynarki Wojennej. 568. Twoja stara wchodzi w wrony i kraka tak jak one. 569. Twoja stara jest szczęśliwą posiadaczką kompletnej dyskografii zespołu Feel. 570. Twoja stara sprzedaje szczęście. 571. Twoja stara zna instrukcję obsługi tostera na pamięć. 572. Twoja stara szlifuje narty Małyszowi. 573. Twoja stara dzieli na mniejsze i większe połowy. 574. Twoja stara ściąga gify przez torrenty. 575. Twoja stara rozumie teksty Feela. 576. Twoja stara odkręca słoiki pępkiem. 577. Twoja stara jest piątym jeźdźcem apokalipsy. 578. Twoja stara pisze Trojany w paincie. 579. Twoja stara jest taka gruba, że gdy przechodzi koło telewizora, przepada ci odcinek twojego ulubionego serialu. 580. Twoja stara ma tak długi język, że potrafi zakleić list już po wrzuceniu go do skrzynki pocztowej. 581. Twoja stara wygrała wyścigi konne na karuzeli. 582. Twoja stara zamiata pustynię. 583. Pij mleko, będziesz jak Twoja stara. 584. Rubik klaszcze Twoją starą 585. Twoja stara zjada ciastka okiem. 586. Twoja stara goli czoło. 587. Twoja stara nosi prąd w wiaderku. 588. Twoja stara nosi kożuch z mleka. 589. Twoja stara wie ile waży koń trojański. 590. Twoja stara wyjmuje nogi z wody i krzyczy "Grzybowa!". 591. Twoja stara pompuje wodę w Bałtyku. 592. Twoja stara wysyła sygnały IrDA oczami. 593. Twoja stara stroi keyboardy flażoletami. 594. Twoja stara goli nogi plastrami NiQuitin. 595. Twoja stara poluje na smoki. 596. Twoja stara, chcąc się podniecić, czyta instrukcję Fiata Uno. 597. Twoja stara spodziewa się Hiszpańskiej Inkwizycji. 598. Twoja stara programuje kalkulatory. 599. Twoja stara wyżera plastikowe choinki z lasu. 600. Po co twoja stara, skoro można kraść? Sam nie wiem... 601. Twoja stara utonęła w Morzu Martwym. 602. Twoja stara przygrała Eurowizje z głuchym gościem. 603. Twoja stara wysyła wiadomości o błędach do Microsoftu. 604. Twoja stara podpisuje się w anonimach. 605. Twoja stara dzwoni do Szkła Kontaktowego. 606. Twoja stara jest tak stara, że pamięta jak Morze Martwe było zaledwie Chore. 607. Twoja stara robiła prawo jazdy na megazordzie. 608. Twoja stara tyra własną starą. 609. Twoja stara płaci przelewem z konta na naszej klasie. 610. Twoja stara straciła nogę grając w sapera. 611. Twoja stara gra w sapera z łopatą. 612. Twoja stara umawia się z przechodniem z San Andreas. 613. Twoja stara nosi imię po ojcu. 614. Twoja stara nosi imię w plecaku. 615. Twoja stara sprzedała cię za metal tazo. 616. Twoja stara studiowała w-f na Harvardzie. 617. Twoja stara nie ma PINu w telefonie. 618. Twoja stara to Zgredek. 619. Twoją starą do chrztu widłami podawali. 620. Twoja stara wyciska z Chuckiem na siłowni. 621. Twoja stara umawia się z Chuckiem. 622. Twoja stara przegrała grę wstępną. 623. Twoja stara czyściła stół Durczokowi. 624. Twoja stara zna Rurka i Wolana. 625. W ZSRR to twoja stara ma z ciebie bekę. 626. Twoja stara prostuje włosy prostownikiem. 627. Twoja stara jeździ Ci po rodzicach. 628. Twoja stara gra w Ping ponga kamieniem 629. Twoja stara lize wegiel 630. Twoja stara jezdzi winda w lesie 631. Twoja stara jest stara
submitted by No-Ad6811 to u/No-Ad6811 [link] [comments]

2021.05.16 23:16 albundyhere File hosing list with download speeds?

I was wondering if there was a site or list of file hosters (rapidshare, nitroflare, etc) along with their max download speeds in free mode? tried to search but nothing came up.
submitted by albundyhere to Piracy [link] [comments]

2020.11.12 06:53 cs_legend_93 JDownloader2 Questions - Pagination, Link Crawling and 'Page depth for deep crawling'

Hello all!
I just discovered the wonders of JDownloader2, unfortunately it seems the documentation on it is a bit sparse.
I have three questions that I am struggling to find the answers on:
#1 - I made the mistake of making many many many many 'deep dive link crawls'. See screenshot.
Now my JDownloader2 is very slow, and not very responsive. I did get a few pop-ups to enroll in rapidshare (I did not look like adware..), I read that if I enroll in JD2 Premium, it speeds up the download process, but does it also speed up link crawling? If so its probably something I should sign up to.

#2 - This is a question for How deep does the 'deep link crawl'?
I am crawling educational books, old pictures from 1900's, 1800's and similar content. So If I go to a link resource page on Reddit like this (Reddit Subreddit post with many links posted), do I need to click on each and every link and in order to crawl them all effectively?

#3 - How does JD2 handle pagination, three part question:
#3a: For a website like Flickr, when I crawl directly from this page and 'deep link it', does it go back to the album and crawl all photos in the album?(click 1), (click 2, page 18 of 42)
#3aa - Does it also iterate the pictures down here?

#3b - If I go to the main album page like this, currently I am on Page 18. Does it iterate, all pages from 18 onward, or does it iterate, all pages in general from 1 - 42, or does it iterate none. Do I need to start from page 1?

#3c - For a page like this, basically its a gallery page. Will JD2 iterateeach page here,and also here? Or do I need to do that manually? Also, do I need to start at the first item of the collection in the 'view image view' here?Or do I need to view it as agallery like this.

Thanks all! I really really appreciate it! If you have any suggestions on how I can improve please let me know!
submitted by cs_legend_93 to DataHoarder [link] [comments]

2019.03.12 20:36 Janupedia Difference between the Scene and p2p?

This is NOT my post and I found it browsing the internet. However, it's still contains some relevant points.

RELEASE GROUPS - These groups are sometimes run by few people and sometimes by just an individual person. But not all of these groups release on torrents. Some of these groups hate torrents and anything to do with peer to peer. This is where the real secret trading goes on.

There are two types of Release Groups:

P2P GROUPS (Peer-to-Peer Groups) - PRiSM, FLAWL3SS, ViSION, IMAGINE, Noir, etc are all P2P groups. They release warez/torrents directly to P2P sites such as Public/Private Torrent sites, LimeWire, Frostwire, or some to direct download sites liike Rapid:shit:, etc.

SCENE GROUPS - Diamond, Reloaded, Razor1911, etc are all 'Scene' groups. The Scene has no central leadership, location, or other conventional distinguishing marks of existence, but some general guidelines apply globally, considering the historical usage of the term and the history of the communities the term has been used to represent. These guidelines include a rigid set of rules ["Scene Release Standards"] that groups must follow in releasing pirated stuff. These groups "hate" torrents, usenet, rapidshare and all other peer to peer programs such as limewire etc..because such programs expose your ips to the public and other anti-piracy organizations and is a big risk for them to expose their members. By not releasing stuff via this method they maintain longevity and secretiveness and a constant supply of warez.

So then you ask so how come all their stuff is reaching the torrents?

This is where the next set of releasers come in.

TOP SITES/FTP SITES - FTP servers connected to high speed lines minimum 100Mbit to 1Gbit to multi-Gbit. FTP is another way of transferring stuff but much secure as it uses SSL encryption so it is very very hard to snoop around an FTP server.

Every FTP site has certain sections on the wish of its owner who owns the servers (eg. TV-XVID, TV-X264, DVDR, XVID, X264, APPS, GAMES, XBOX360, WII). These are basically the most important sections but other FTP sites could have foreign sections such as French, Spanish, German, Italian etc depending on the FTP owners nationality and his needs. Each section has its own rules such as :

TV-XVID --- All US Scripted TV shows only...

WII - Only PAL Games allowed (if the owner is European)

. . . and so on and so forth for other sections. Every one has different rules and racers have to adhere to every FTP sites rule.

COURIERS - a.k.a. "Racers" or "Traders" are the ones responsible for the trading of warez between FTP sites.

When a courier races/trades, he earns credits set according to a certain ratio. For example if the owner of the ftp site sets all racers ratio to 1:4; and say there are 2 racers who race Iron.Man.2.DVDRip.XviD-Diamond to the ftp site. Say "racer1" uploaded 400MB of iron man 2 and "racer2" uploaded 300MB of iron man 2 for a combined total of 700MB.

Then according to the ratio 1:4 "racer1" gets 400MB x 4 = 1600MB credits and "racer2" gets 300MBx4 =1200MB credits to his account. (MB = Megabyte). Say now the owner doesn't like Iron man 2 and nukes both racers 3X. That means "racer1" will lose 400 x 3 = 1200GB credits from his account and "racer2" will lose 300 x 3 = 900MB credits. When u lose credits and don't have enough a FTP site will delete you as you are of no good.

That's why Scene releases have good quality torrents always because they maintain rules written by owners of various groups and approved by other groups to be a certain standard. ["Scene Release Standards"]

Such as Rules for XviD movies: ["Scene XviD Release Standards"] All xvid movies have to be 700MB 1 CD or 2 CD rip of 1.37GB with certain RIP settings. If "scene" groups don't follow these rules they will get "nuked" It's like a university degree, you don't want to have 10 failed courses, then you are not looked as a smart student. Similarly, a group doesn't want too many nukes besides its name. It destroys their reputation and doesn't let them get on good FTP sites.

When they Release something on a FTP site it is known as to "pred" or a "pre". "Pre" means the release is ready to be raced to other FTP sites NOT "torrent sites". Remember all scene groups hate torrents and do not want ANY of their stuff on torrent sites. If they see someone on their FTP sites releasing stuff on torrents, his ip gets banned and he gets NFOed sending a warning to other FTP sites to 'Delete' & 'Purge' him and never to allow him anywhere near Scene ever again.

Now you ask, well if the Scene groups hate torrent sites so much, how come uploaders are able to release so much stuff from these FTP sites?

Because a few uploaders hide their identity and don't say that they are releasing on torrent sites. Some FTP sites ask for money secretly from p2p uploaders to let them upload to torrent sites. These FTP sites take a risk that if they get busted by other Scene groups their ftp site will be NFOed and will be shut down and the owner of that FTP site will be considered supporting "p2p" or "torrents" forever and he forever will be banned from Scene. Uploaders have to be very careful in hiding their information so that they don't get caught!

"P2P" SITES - these are P2P file sharing sites (LimeWire, Frostwire, Rapid:shit:, etc), torrent sites (private/public trackers), etc. These are sites where uploaded torrents/warez from release groups go.

UPLOADERS - are ones responsible for uploading torrents to "leechers".

LEECHERS - are ones downloading the torrents.

In Summary, a release gets "pred" by "Scene" groups such as Diamond, reloaded, razor1911, lol, etc on "FTP" sites and then those releases get traded to other ftp sites from where on few uploaders who hide their identities..upload it to torrents. An UPLOADER has nothing to do with the release itself. He is just a messenger. Some uploaders even employ "Bots": Custom-made Scripts/Programs designed to download Scene releases via FTP and upload to their torrent tracker automatically for very fast and usually reliable pre-times. THUS DO NOT blame the uploader for why a Scene release is rar'd or doesn't have screens or even if it's a faulty Scene release, as it is the Scene group's fault if their release is not up to the mark. Always respect this knowledge, never go around mailing the Scene groups (which sometimes post contact info in their nfos) if you are a torrent user. That brings unnecessary attention and reveals your lack of knowledge and puts the Uploader as well as the torrent site itself at risk.

Additional info:

List of Some Release Groups:

Scene groups:

-> Movies

Diamond - GFW - GAYGAY - VoMiT - JUMANJI - aAF - Replica - Counterfeit - EMERALD - SAPHiRE - xSCR - DOMiNO - Larcency - MENTiON - BULLDOZER - ALLiANCE - SPRiNTER - iMBT - NEPTUNE - MOViERUSH - Ltu - EwDP - TWiST - NODLABS - LAP - SSF - ARROW - BaLD - COALiTiON - 2TU - DoNE - AVCDVD - VH-PROD - HLS - FiCO - AMIABLE - HVK - NeDivx - MisFitZ - MHQ - CoWRY - FRAGMENT - nDn - R3QU3ST

-> X264



NTX - Replica - d0wnz - SCARED - JKR - EwDp - BesTDvD - HLS - BOW - HNRDVD - SCREAM - EPiSODE - KARTL3DVD - FliK - KiDDoS - VoMIT - BUTLER - x0dus - FiCODVDR - IGUANA - INSECTS - BOW



-> TV (Xvid, x264 and DVDrip)


P2P groups:

PRiSM - FLAWL3SS - ViSION - WB - IMAGINE - Noir - SANTi - NPW - Rx - LUSi - TFE - WBZ - DDR - SHIRK - D-ZON3 - ProDJI - CtrlHD - WiKi - ESiR - SPOOKY - WARRiOR

Not sure where this originated but this has to be one of the better explanations like this I've ever seen. I made just a few edits, mostly just grammar and such I saw, but this is largely just the way I found it. Hope others enjoy reading it it as much as I did.

I can think of a few things I could add to it. Unlike most of what's above which is how it's been for a long time and probably will be for a long time in the future, most of what I would add would be more in how things are today and the recent past and who knows how much they might change from these recent trends over the next year, couple years, etc. If you're still interested read on ...

Movie releases & Scene & P2P sources:

P2P groups like IMAGiNE (and some of the foreign p2p release groups that they quite often use for Cam & R5 sources, like the Russian p2p groups ELEKTRI4KA, RelizLab, etc) have been pwning Scene in pre-retail releases - Cam, Telesync (TS), R5, Screener, PPV etc - for the last several years now, both in how early they get them out and in quality.

Scene movie groups have always dominated the retail releases though. Typically the first Blu-ray (x264, XviD) or DVD sourced (XviD, DVDR) releases of every film will pre from a Scene group a week to a month or more sometimes before the retail release date, well before most any P2P group gets their hands on them. That's not always the case though, as some of the well-known So/Central American and Chinese P2P groups often get their releases out early too, but by and large Scene still owns retail. That's why most of the P2P XviD and BRRip tagged releases are encodes from Scene DVDR & x264 release sources.

Scene Release Standards - NUKEs - NUKENETs - REPACKs - PROPERs:

It's not a one-way street though that P2P relies on Scene sources, although it's supposed to be. Scene groups must abide by strict release Standards that forbid ever using P2P sources, but they don't always comply with them exactly and some try to see what they can get away with. Though they aren't supposed to, it's not all that rare for a Scene group to grab a pre-retail or retail P2P source and try to use it for their Scene release. Sometimes they get caught doing so and their releases will get NUKED for 'stolen.from.p2p' or similar by one or more of the NUKENETS - groups that try to monitor and enforce Scene Release Standards and themselves are supposed to follow "NukeCouncil" rules. Some of the current Nukenets are ...

SheepNet - LocalNet - oneNET - Nuclear - ZoNeNET - FRENCHNET
Gotmilk - preDB - DutchNET - CentralNET - IT-NET - Lyslogen

Part of the reason for Scene groups to steal from P2P sources or make other stupid errors resulting in a NUKE is Scene is a race between groups to see who can get their release out first. Scene Release Standards for each category (XviD, x264, DVDR, TV, GAMES, etc) only allow ONE scene release of each title. For example, once one Scene group puts out an XviD release, unless it was found to not have complied with the Scene XviD Release Standards in some way, no other group is allowed to release an XviD of that film title or else it will get NUKED for being a 'dupe'. The 'pre' when a Scene group puts out a release is an announcement on a private irc channel that coincides with their release being upped to the Topsite. Groups are supposed to check those pre channels first to see if a release of that title has already been made before releasing. There are also a few for the most part notoriously unreliable and often short-lived html sites that are scripted to follow pre irc channels, many of which are not private, commonly called 'dupecheck' sites, where most anyone can go to see what new Scene releases have pre'd, and often if any NUKEs have been issued against them.

If a Scene release is found to not comply with Scene rules, then that group will need to fix what was wrong with it either by pre'ing a FIX if possible or else they'll have to re-release the entire thing over again tagged as a REPACK before some other Scene group can beat them to it by pre'ing a PROPER. Scene groups really do not like to get PROPER'd by another group, and you can tell from reading their nfos that the groups releasing the PROPER often take great pleasure in being able to do so. A PROPER is kind of a 'You guys suck!' 'do it right & we wouldn't have to fix your :shit:' & 'in your face' kind of thing. :lol:

P2P Movie Releases - Sources:

P2P groups, on the other hand, have no such rules, so can't get NUKED nor have any PROPERs, though occasionally you may see a P2P release tagged as a 'PROPER' anyway, apparently in a lame attempt to denote they think their release is somehow better than others out for some reason, but all it really means is they're a n00b group who don't realize what the tag is supposed to mean and they're just trying to get people to download their version instead of everyone else's. P2P has no 'dupe' rules so virtually every well-known P2P group will put out their own version of virtually every popular film. That's why, what we'll typically see for movies, is a Scene XviD DVDRip or BDRip release, followed shortly thereafter by the Scene DVDR or 720p & 1080p x264 releases, and then beginning within hours and lasting for a few days or more torrent sites will then be flooded with every P2P group's DVDRip or BRRip of that same film that they encoded using that same (usually Scene) retail source, so in that case for retail releases by-and-large the chart above would really wind up looking something more like this ...


You may have noticed how Scene XviDs are typically somewhat limited in quality compared to P2P group releases, as Scene release XviDs have always so far had a max allowed width resolution of 640 pixels and are required to be CD-sized (700mb) files, split to multiple CDs if the film is too long to fit onto one. This is because Scene XviD Release Standards are such to make their releases have the maximum possible playback compatibility, mostly for the widely varying limitations/capabilities of DivX players (DVD players that can play AVI files), some of which cannot play files of larger resolutions or file sizes. It's not rare in torrent comments to see n00bs complaining about the smaller res's, split CD-sizes of Scene XviDs (just like n00bs often complain about Scene releases being rar archived), saying these are somehow 'outdated' Scene rules when really nothing could be further from the truth. Though they continue to slip a bit in popularity to the newer HD x264 release format, Scene's 700mb AVI files still are by far the most popular size/format of movie release on torrent sites, and that near-universal DivX player compatibility is largely why, combined with it being what so many still find is a suitable balance/tradeoff between file size and quality. Some P2P releasers like the infamous aXXo knew that all too well and capitalized big-time on putting out Scene-sized rips which made him several times more popular than any other P2P group has ever been.

Not all P2P groups try to mimic Scene releases though. Because P2P has no such rules their XviD releases tend to come in widely varying resolutions and file sizes however they felt was best to release them. Though they tend to not to get as popular it's not hard to find a 480p (720x***) XviD DVDRip from some of the better P2P groups, usually a single file in the 1.4GB range with the 6ch AC3 audio straight from the DVD, in a quality that Scene XviDs will never touch.

Scene nfos vs P2P torrent descriptions:

P2P groups also tend to have a lot more informative nfos &/or torrent descriptions that usually come with screenshots and such that tend to make it much more easy to compare and tell what it is your getting than with Scene releases. Scene releases nfos may have some pretty cool old-school ascii designs but tend to give only the most basic info about the release and never include links to screens. It's not rare to see some n00b in the comments on a Scene release, who has evidently been spoiled by P2P releases and doesn't know the difference between them, complaining that the uploader didn't include screenshots, which as mentioned above was often uploaded by a BOT, not a person - or even if it is a person upping a Scene release +99.9% they're doing so via remote access on a seedbox where they aren't able to extract, play, and make screenshots before uploading anyway. Many uploaders to torrent sites will strip the extra ascii characters from Scene nfos before posting just the text as a torrent description, and if you ever see any screenshots posted for a Scene film or HDTV release on a torrent site it's only because some really nice person (uploader, site staff, or any member in the comments) added them only after they had a chance to download at least some of it first.

Other categories:

With x264 releases Scene and P2P typically run neck-and-neck quality-wise with Scene still having the advantage of usually getting their releases out first and Scene typically dominates other categories like HDTV releases and Warez (applications) & Games where not only are they out front but people have come to trust Scene release Games & Apps more than many would P2P group releases for reliability and to be free from malware. Scene doesn't have anywhere near as much P2P competition in other categories like they do in Movies.
submitted by Janupedia to Piracy [link] [comments]

2019.01.12 21:56 VyseWoW Do you have a bigger selection with torrents over Direct Downloads?

Hey guys,
I´ve been using DDL (with premium service) for years now, never have been unsatisfied.
Recently my HDD crashed and I lost all my old movies and tv shows, and finding them again (also in decent quality) was a pain in the arse.
So, for new releases / downloads I dont see a problem with my setup uf DDLs, but when I wanna look for something older, like a full rip of "The Office" tv show, or older movies, most DDL links seem to be down.
Its either pay for premium hosters and download via DDL or paying for VPN and downloading via torrents.
I have a good internet connection (250mbit) with almost no interrupts / disconnects, so that arguement wont hold up.
Also almost everytime I download with max speed (27mb/s) via DDL.
The only thing switching to torrents would be if there are massive libraries that I am not aware of, and maybe the price (VPN 4$/month vs my 2 premium hosters 13$/month [I only purchase 6 months premium at a time because you never know when they become obsolete like rapidshare back in the days]).
If anyone of you made the switch and has experience in both fields, I´d like to hear your opionion, any help appreciated!
P.S.: I only look for movies 1080p, tv shows 1080p and sometimes music (mostly using youtube DL for that tho).
submitted by VyseWoW to Piracy [link] [comments]

2017.09.23 21:01 KarinaPend Portal gun in H2L Needs assistance with errors

Hello there. I would like some help with something. I can't ensure you that you know how to help me.
So I have the demo version of Portal, which is good enough as it contains the assets I need. It's basically the full game narrowed down into a demo. The content is still there though.
So, what I am asking is that I am trying to make portal work with half-life 2. I put the Half-Life 2 maps into the portal / maps folder, and tried loading it up. The result was when I typed map D1_trainstation_01, the game said the map wasn't found or doesn't exist. Which it is almost certainly there. So I renamed the Half-Life 2 map to testchmb_a_00, and surprisingly enough, it worked. Unfortunately unfortunately, all of Half-Life 2 sounds was broken. But the portal gun still worked. So I managed to get all the Half-Life 2 sounds working from a tutorial I found via this guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=236448489 But when I loaded the map up, the portal gun worked, without Half-Life 2 sounds. However the portal gun sounds didn't work. And this is even more meaningless when I realised that portal is in fact shorter than Half-Life 2. And so I don't get that error, I need to rename all the Half-Life 2 maps to the portal maps. But there isn't enough portal maps. So I need to fix that error and get portal to recognise the other maps. You could help me by checking if it works with you. If you have the full version of portal, copy and paste the map folder into the portal / portal folder, and see if you get the same error when typing "Map D1_trainstation_01" into the console.
As for the no portal gun sounds, you can help me by trying to search for a solution. Not even I know a solution to fixing this. I've heard there was a file on rapidshare to fix the bug, but the link was taken down. Everything else was working for the most part. Like I said, you don't have to know the solution or hate on me because of it. I was just asking because everybody needs a little help in a while.
In my perfect world, the game would look like this with all sounds, materials and expressions fully functional with the portal gun. Like this speed runner did. No idea how he did it, but I hope that he responds or somebody help me. https://youtu.be/9ilRbnrHJsA I was thinking that maybe it is a restriction by Valve on purpose so you can't edit the game when you don't have the full version.
submitted by KarinaPend to Portal [link] [comments]

2017.04.29 12:22 i336_ "found that ... memcpy was the culprit, most memory players use memcpy, and this is one of the reasons why memory play sounds worse ie digital sounding. Fortunately there is an optimized version of memcpy ... [which] removes the hard edge [...]." (From a 2013 forum thread)

From the depths of the asylum... may I present... (drumroll)
continue to optimise and get improvements in sound, one thing I have found is that as the loop is optimal the reliance on low latency is reduced, in fact sounds much worse at low values, so can now use a period of 0.5s
found that best vs2010 optimisation settings were for speed.
playing wav files from a ramdisk gave best sound
then moved on to memory play, initially SQ was worse.
found that a function called memcpy was the culprit, most memory players use memcpy and this is one of the reasons why memory play sounds worse ie digital sounding. Fortunately there is an optimised version of memcpy from http://www.agner.org/optimize/, using this version removes the hard edge produced by memcpy. the other thing I did was to close the file after reading into the buffer.
also most players use malloc to get memory while new is the c++ method and sounds better.
updated exe below, sounds fantastic I use it all the time now, doesn't have the processed sound of JPlay and is the best player I have heard on my system.
optimised loop below.
(code elided)
Many kudos to this person for a very good find: https://twitter.com/tumult/status/855082563395768321
Screenshot (including code snippet): http://imgur.com/gallery/v4P1efp
(NB. I fiddled with the page in the devtools so the code was monospaced in the screenshot. The forum this is from doesn't actually do that.)
As I said in the imgur image description (for the three people who will actually read said description),
Kind of sad. But I don't look at these people with contempt, and it's important to - hearing IS incredibly subjective!!
TL;DR: observe, contemplate, and be nice. :P

So. This forum thread (from 2013) is still alive in its native habitat!!! you get to browse around!! - but...
...the site seems mildly slow (whyyy am I not surprised), so I've provided both archive links as well as the live versions.
I would suggest starting with the archive links to lessen suspicious-looking and potentially site-killing surges of traffic to this specific thread in particular. ¯\(ツ)
For those of you who noticed the Blogspot link at the bottom of the thread (or in the screenshot), I'm genuinely curious as to what your opinions are of the software being made available. I fear it's probably a great deal of mislead but well-meaning snake oil - but that's why I'm asking.
Also - http://www.agner.org/optimize/ is an assembly-optimized version of memcpy that is actually genuinely good. Considering this gave me pause for a small second after it made me think of something.
Some time ago, when I ran a specific screensaver-type thing (Xtacy) in a specific mode (swarm, IIRC) on a specific computer (an 800MHz AMD Duron box) with a specific GPU (Matrox G450) and then held my head at a very specific angle and distance from the system unit, I could hear ringing in my ears. A friend was able to verify this oddness, and wondered whether the code happened to perfectly hit a resonant clock frequency of part of the hardware. I later heard another reasonable justification: the code was pushing the GPU to its limits and the power MOSFETs were whining.
Another slightly more recent anecdote: I've noticed if I have a specific hacky speaker amp turned up too high, the Wi-Fi dongle hanging off of said speakers (so I can keep track of what the status LED is doing) induces interesting-sounding soft bursts of static. I wonder whether using a high-level language would generate noise on the system bus... or (more likely) whether these people worked on embedded or ultra-low-resource hardware at some point and using anything else except assembly introduced jitter and germinated the idea that tinkering with code in this way would affect the sound. It's certainly possible.
I won't discount that these people may actually have broken hardware and be actually hearing things. But they're distributing their code to other people, who aren't then calling them out, soooooooo....
NB. I got the idea to add the year onto the post title from Hacker News.
submitted by i336_ to programminghorror [link] [comments]

2015.02.03 21:12 tron1977 Speed up a transaction?

So... I paid for a rapidshare type of account with bitcoin (thru bitpay) instead of my credit card (don't trust these sites with my card, so bitcoin is perfect). But it says it's going to take about 16 minutes to go through. It's still pending on coinbase. Why so long and is there a way to speed that up. If I paid with my card it would have been instant. So that's a bit of a downside for bitcoin.
submitted by tron1977 to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

2014.08.31 19:25 throwawaypiratedxb Has Du started throttling HTTP downloads from file hosting services?

I normally download movies from sites like Rapidshare/MegaUpload. As of today I noticed I am only getting about 60Kb/s from the few that I tested.
I then connected via VPN and downloaded the same links and I can get 10 times that speed. Something is up :(
submitted by throwawaypiratedxb to dubai [link] [comments]

2014.04.14 10:34 sirixamo Hello r/diablo, I've made a spreadsheet to help you decide what stats are better for damage/toughness based on your current stats

NEW VERSION AVAILABLE IN EXCEL FORMAT HERE (V1.3): http://rapidshare.com/share/1CA06D5761858CF6AA38FC397FB88CED
(Edit 7/21 - No Updates to File) I've been informed RapidShare is paid only, here is a link to the Excel version on Google Drive that you can download (File->Download on the page), traffic shouldn't be an issue anymore: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1de1_ZkmDUFNUFGZFFINnFpeE0/edit?usp=sharing
Edit 2: I have stopped offering it on Google Drive (though the old version remains) due to the limits with the high usage mode. Please download the new version above, it contains a few improvements, namely: 1) The ability to add flat % damage modifiers, and 2) The ability to add flat damage modifiers, please note however this requires you to do some math yourself! In order for flat damage to work you need to add ALL your damage minimums (your weapon damage minimum + all other minimums on other gear, +damage on your weapon is lumped into your weapon damage so don't add it twice), then add ALL your damage maximums, the divide by 2. The plus side here is the damage formula is now *complete. You can get your sheet dps (or pretty close, accounting for a few rounding errors) by filling out the average damage section. Once you do this it will automatically calculate your sheet DPS and use the calculated value throuhgout the spreadsheet. If you don't want to do that, just write your sheet DPS at the top like normal. Purple boxes are now eitheor, fill one of them out but not both. Leave your questions below!*
Edit: New version is up, I have added 2 requested features: 1) A flat damage reduction box has been added to toughness, this is (like it sounds) pure flat damage reduction. This is useful for class buffs that make you take x% less damage. I can't test this much so let me know if it doesn't work. 2) An 'Advanced' damage section has been added that lets you see what your damage is with elemental, skills, or vs. elites. This damage would not show up on your sheet, but would show up in real life and was a requested feature. Let me know if you have any other suggestions!
Hi guys, I'm new to the diablo subreddit and by no means a master D3 player, but I hope I've made something that might help others. I got tired of trying to do the math in my head of when 6% attack speed is better than 8% critical change which is better than 37% critical damage, so I made a spreadsheet to help me quickly decide what stat beats what at my current gear level. After finishing up the damage section, I decided why not build one for toughness as well! Now you can compare some of the most common stat choices vs. one another (AS, CC, CHD, Vit, AR, % Life, etc) to see what comes out on top, I think this will be especially useful when enchanting since the game gives no feedback about which stat beats which other stat. For the toughness formula I borrowed heavily from HG_Johnny (http://www.reddit.com/Diablo3Monks/comments/1yrgij/share_toughness_calculato) but added a few of my own tweaks as well.
Without further ado, here's a link to the spreadsheet (edit:this is now the old version, please see the top of the page): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Alde1_ZkmDUFdFo5RUFxZDJBU1JmMFR1dFV0NDhvaWc&usp=sharing
Edit: Link directly to an Excel in case the Google document is in 'high traffic mode' and you are having trouble downloading it: http://rapidshare.com/share/1CA06D5761858CF6AA38FC397FB88CED
You'll need to download your own copy, to do so go to File (inside Google docs, not your browser) then either Make a Copy (if logged into Google) or Download as... and select your favorite spreadsheet software. I tested it on Excel and it seemed to work fine.

How it works

  1. You must fill out all the green highlighted sections. These are your base stats and are used for the calculations on the spreadsheet. These can all be found in the 'Details' section of your character inventory in game (or right on the normal inventory), and should be pretty quick.
  2. The blue highlighted areas are for the stats you wish to add. If you wanted to see what 600 of your primary stat (it is class neutral, so if you are a Barb put your str, if you're a witch hunter your dex, etc) then enter it into the 'Additional Primary Attribute' box and you can see the damage change.
  3. New totals are at the bottom of the page in grey and bolded. Hopefully they are pretty obvious.
  4. You can see what 1 pt (or 1%) of each stat would add for you on the column to the right of the stat additions (blue) section. This is basically there as a quick reference, so you can see that at your current crit chance level 1% of CHD would add 1.4k dps and 1% of CC would add 4.4k dps. These will change dynamically as you fill in your own stats.


  1. You absolutely need to replace my crappy stats which are in green with your own stats! This spreadsheet is useless to you if you don't do that. Also don't laugh at my Crusader stats, please.
  2. The damage formula seems pretty spot on but the toughness formula is off by a very small margin. The max hp is also slightly different. I believe this is due to some rounding liberties in the game, and how the different programs handle rounding these numbers. I'm guessing what I see on my stat screen is not 100% accurate and that accounts for the very small (.03%) discrepancy. If any Redditors smarter than I can figure it out certainly let me know.
  3. There are some buffs that might not be accounted for in damage/toughness. I'm a Crusader so my stats are pretty straight forward, if this misleads you I apologize. Hopefully it is still useful for you, and if you have a suggestion on how to improve it please let me know.
Thanks, and I hope this proves as useful for you as it has been for me. If multiple tools like this exist out there I apologize for the repost, I was not able to find any (as easy to use and up to date) in my searching.
Edit: qwertyytrewq99 found a bug with the attack speed calculation (the top 2 values in the bottom calculation box were static) which has been fixed, make sure to grab the newest spreadsheet if you grabbed one before the edit.
Source for damage calculations: http://www.almostgaming.com/diablo3/diablo-3-how-is-damage-calculated/
Source for toughness calculations: http://www.reddit.com/Diablo3Monks/comments/1yrgij/share_toughness_calculato
submitted by sirixamo to Diablo [link] [comments]

2014.01.11 21:34 Icanhazcomment Introducing "Leech sites" : Download any match from Rojadirecta without any time or speed limit

First of all sorry that I don't post here anymore. My ISP has put me under the microscope for all the piracy stuff I do online however currently I am in traveling in Italy and stuck in a hotel due to the floods so thought I should write this guide to bring the advantage of rojadirecta back to this sub.

What is a leech site

A leech website is a website script hosted on a server with extremely fast bandwidth. Users can send the server links to file hosting websites like :
  • uploaded
  • Novafile
  • Filefactory
  • Depositfiles
  • Bitshare
  • Letitbit
  • Extabit
  • Rapidshare
  • + all other similar sites
basically all the sites which we post under "direct links" here. The server then converts the link into a direct link which allows you to download your file without any speed or time restriction.

How it works

You go an input the link of the file you want. The server then either works in one of two ways.
1) It downloads the file using a premium account it has in it's database to download the file to the server and then provides you link for 3-4 hours to snatch that file. This process usually takes 10 seconds.
2) It converts the link into a "premium member" link so that you can download the file as a premium member. This is not that common.

Advantages of leech sites

  • Fastest way to download matches as direct links are the first to pop up after a match ends.
  • Download speed will be your maximum download speed mostly.
  • Pause and resume downloads at will until the file stays on the server.
  • Remote upload to your cloud drive. Just submit the link to your favorite cloud drive if they support the "remote upload" option. They will then download the file off the server and it will be stored for you on your favorite cloud site forever.
  • Remote upload the match to video sites like "allmyvideos.net" which will download the file directly to their server and you can share the match as a video without wasting any of your own bandwidth. This is how footballdownload-bot used to work but the leech server it was relying on disappeared.


  • Leech sites are very unreliable. You should have multiple because they come and go fairly often.
  • They might shut down without any notice.
  • You will have to disable adblockers on a lot of them to function.

List of leech sites currently working (please submit more if you have them)

Use this link to test these sites : http://ul.to/rbsnzoqf
1) http://www.bigspeeds.com
2) http://www.exrapidleech.info
3) http://s1.hubturkey.net/
4) http://s3.hubturkey.net/
  • for this above two sites once the link is generated click on it, then wait a couple of seconds and click "skip ad" and the download will start. The ad is what keeps them running.
5) http://vinaget.us/rs/
  • above link rapidshare only
These links will be updated when I remember more sites or find more.

How to use

It is basically the same formula in all of them. Copy the download link off of rojadirecta which will read something like "uploaded.net/file/1321" and post it in the first box of the leech site. Below that box will be an option saying "transload link". Click that and the process will begin. If you get an error try using a different file host or a different leech site as they often bug out. This is why you should have multiple.
On the left side of each website it will show what websites it supports in the list of "premium accounts"
  • Do not download anything else from these sites apart from your file. Those are all ads.
  • On most of them you have to wait a couple of seconds and click "skip ad"
submitted by Icanhazcomment to footballdownload [link] [comments]

2013.12.03 02:11 huffmanm S07E23 Mini Myth Mayhem [Streamline EDIT]

Mythbusters S07E23 Mini Myth Mayhem: Mailing a Coconut, Lighting a Match with a Bullet, Earwax Candle, Camp Prank & Glazed PA, Gorn Cannon, Lead Plunge
The team tackles six minimyths. Adam and Jamie find out if you can mail a coconut without any packaging, if a strike-anywhere match can be lit with a bullet, if the camp prank of dipping a sleeping person's hand in a bowl of warm water will cause urination (plus the "glazed donut" prank is pulled on Production Assistant Matt Cordova), and if the Leidenfrost effect implies a dampened hand can be briefly dipped in molten lead without injury.
Meanwhile Grant, Tory, and Jessi test the suitability of earwax for candle making (from a scene in the animated film Shrek), and if Captain Kirk's improvised bamboo cannon – powered by a mix of potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal – would really have defeated the Gorn in the Star Trek episode Arena.
Resolution Size & SHA1 Download Stream
1080p 1.337 GiB, 1.436 GB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker]
540p 406.6 MiB, 426.4 MB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker] [Vimeo]†
Vimeo password: streamline
Credit to Arantius for the raw 1080i source.
Extras & Excerpts
Earwax Candle Glazed PA Gorn Cannon
The Buster Awards Classic Camp Prank Angles [01] [03]‡ [04] [05]
High Speed
Reaction Shot
† Included in the edit.
‡ There is no angle 2. Do not ask me why.
submitted by huffmanm to smyths [link] [comments]

2013.12.01 03:15 huffmanm S07E15 Greased Lightning [Streamline EDIT]

Mythbusters S07E15: Grease Fire Fiasco, Microwave Mayhem, Cheese Cannon
Adam and Jamie test the myth that pouring water on a grease fire creates a 30-foot fireball. Then Kari, Grant, and Tory tackle a scene from the 1997 film Grosse Pointe Blank in which a microwave detonates C-4, and later they find out if a wheel of cheese makes a decent cannonball substitute.
Resolution Size & SHA1 Download Stream
1080p 910.5 MiB, 954.7 MB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker]
540p 289.6 MiB, 303.7 MB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker] [Vimeo]†
Vimeo password: streamline
Credit to Arantius for the raw 1080i source.
Grease Fire C-4 Cuisine Cheese Cannon
Water and Oil C-4 Cuisine Cannonball of Cheese
Small-Scale Disaster
Angles [01] [02] [03] [04] [05]
High Speeds [01] [02]
Reaction Shot
Thermal Imaging Shot
submitted by huffmanm to smyths [link] [comments]

2013.11.29 20:39 huffmanm S07E06 Exploding Bumper [Streamline EDIT]

Mythbusters S07E06: Exploding Bumpers, Medieval Mayhem
Adam and Jamie try to replicate the myth that a car fire can turn its bumper into a projectile that flies over fifty feet. Then Kari, Grant, and Tory find out if an arrow penetrates more deeply when fired from galloping horseback.
Resolution Size & SHA1 Download Stream
1080p 1.135 GiB, 1.219 GB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker]
540p 355.2 MiB, 372.5 MB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker] [Vimeo]†
Vimeo password: streamline
Credit to Arantius for the raw 1080i source.
Extras & Excerpts
Exploding Bumper Medieval Mayhem
Angles [01] [02] [03] [04] [05] Ride ‘Em Mythbusters
High Speed
† Included in the edit.
submitted by huffmanm to smyths [link] [comments]

2013.11.25 16:44 huffmanm S07E22 Hidden Nasties [Streamline EDIT]

Mythbusters S07E22: Rat Pee Soda, Relative Filth, Car Skip
Adam and Jamie swab for science to test the myth that soda can lids are covered in rodent excrement and to find out if everyday items are filthier than toilet seats. Then Grant, Tory, and Jessi try to skip a car over a lake, as inspired by the 1989 film Cannonball Run 3.
Resolution Size & SHA1 Download Stream
1080p 1013 MiB, 1.062 GB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker]
540p 318.1 MiB, 333.5 MB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker] [Vimeo]†
Vimeo password: streamline
Credit to Arantius for the raw 1080i source.

Extras & Excerpts

Hidden Nasties Car Skip
Nastier Than a Toilet Super-Charged Car Skip
40 Fan Handshakes Small-Scale Skip
Angles [02] [03] [07]‡ [08]
High Speed
† Included in the edit.
‡ There are no angles 1, 4, 5, or 6. Do not ask me why.
submitted by huffmanm to smyths [link] [comments]

2013.11.25 00:20 huffmanm S07E19 Dumpster Diving [Streamline EDIT]

Mythbusters S07E19: Dumpster Diving, The Squeeze
Adam and Jamie test the movie cliché of using a dumpster to break your fall when jumping from a building during an action scene. Then Kari, Grant, Tory, and Jessi take on the myth that a deep sea diver can be killed by an underwater air supply failure.
Resolution Size & SHA1 Download Stream
1080p 1.059 GiB, 1.137 GB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker]
540p 329.1 MiB, 345.0 MB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker] [Vimeo]†
Vimeo password: streamline
Credit to Arantius for the raw 1080i source, and with apologies to liquidm who first streamlined this episode.

Extras, Excerpts & Related

Dumpster Dive The Squeeze
Trash Landing A Helmet Full of Body
Dumpster Dive Making of Meat Man
Angles [01] [02] [03] [04] Byron is Back
High Speeds [01] [02] [03]
† Included in the edit.
submitted by huffmanm to smyths [link] [comments]

2013.11.24 12:25 huffmanm S07E24 Boomerang Bullet [Streamline EDIT]

Mythbusters S07E24: 360° Ricochet, Conifer Catapult
Adam and Jamie investigate the possibility of a ricochet killing the shooter. Then Grant, Tory, and Jessi find out what type of tree would have made the best catapult for medieval armies to launch corpses at their enemies.
Resolution Size & SHA1 Download Stream
1080p 1.279 GiB, 1.373 GB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker]
540p 388.3 MiB, 407.1 MB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker] [Vimeo]†
Vimeo password: streamline
Credit to Arantius for the raw 1080i source.


Boomerang Bullet Conifer Catapult
Boomerang Bullet Small-Scale Tree Catapult
Angles [01] [02] [03] [04] [05]
High Speed
submitted by huffmanm to smyths [link] [comments]

2013.11.22 08:58 huffmanm S07E18 Myth Evolution 2 [Streamline EDIT]

Mythbusters S07E18 Mythbusters Evolution II: Corner Shot, Water Heater Rocket, Liquid Lock Pick, Car Cling, Snow Plow Rocket.
It's a quintet of myth do-overs as Adam and Jamie revisit Water Heater Rocket on a two-story house and Car Cling through empty cardboard boxes, while Kari, Grant, and Tory retest three ways from the movies to shoot a gun around a corner; using liquid nitrogen to bust through padlocks and deadbolts; and replicating the results of Snowplow Split with the aid of New Mexico Tech's rocket sled.
Resolution Size & SHA1 Download Stream
1080p 877.7 MiB, 920.3 MB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker]
540p 277.9 MiB, 291.4 MB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker] [Vimeo]†
Vimeo password: streamline
Credit to Arantius for the raw 1080i source.

Extras & Excerpts

Water Heater Pick a Lock Car Cling Snowplow Split
Waiting Game Evolution Jamie Hyneman Pinata Evolution
Psychic Savage The Buster Awards: Supersonic Snowplow
Reaction Shot Reaction Shot
Angles [01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] Angles [02] [04]† [05]
High Speed High Speeds [01] [02]
† There are no angles 1 or 3. Do not ask me why.
submitted by huffmanm to smyths [link] [comments]

2013.11.21 11:17 huffmanm S08E23 Mini Myth Madness [Streamline EDIT]

Mythbusters S08E23 Request Fest Randomizer: Scuba Spy Tux, Tire Pressure Fuel Efficiency, Sanitary Sneeze, What is Bulletproof?, Taking Candy from a Baby, Instant Beer Freeze
The team tackles six viewer-requested minimyths. Adam and Jamie find out if a secret agent could covertly swim to a party wearing a tuxedo underneath his dry suit and then blend in with none the wiser (inspired by the pre-title sequence of Goldfinger); the best way to sneeze without spreading germs; and if it's really as easy to take candy from a baby as the idiom implies. Meanwhile Kari, Grant, and Tory test the impact of tire pressure on fuel efficiency; if laptops, hair weaves, or refrigerator doors are bulletproof; and if banging a cold bottle of beer on a counter top will make it instantly freeze, as seen in viral videos.
Resolution Size & SHA1 Download Stream
1080p 1.242 GiB, 1.334 GB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker]
540p 394.5 MiB, 413.7 MB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker] [Vimeo]†
Vimeo password: streamline
Credit to Arantius for the raw 1080i source.

Extras, Excerpts & Related

S08E10 Flu Fiction Requestfest (M5) MiniMyth Madness (M7)
Aftershow Aftershow Aftershow
Flu Fiction MiniMyth How to Wear a Tux Tire Pressure Test
Snot Meter Sneeze Spray Lifesaving Laptop
Sneezing for Science Candy From a Baby Bulletproof Laptop High Speed
Slow-Motion Sneezes SuperWig
Snotty Savage Set-Up
Mythbusters Talk H1N1
† Included in the edit.
submitted by huffmanm to smyths [link] [comments]

2013.11.20 11:30 huffmanm S07E12 Knock Your Socks Off [Streamline EDIT]

Mythbusters S07E12: Bullet Fired vs. Bullet Dropped, Knock Your Socks Off
Adam and Jamie explore the physics thought experiment that a bullet dropped from the same height as a bullet fired will hit the ground at the same time. Then Kari, Grant, and Tory take on a viewer request to test the idiom "it knocked my socks off."
Resolution Size & SHA1 Download Stream
1080p 1.022 GiB, 1.097 GB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker]
540p 331.9 MiB, 348.0 MB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker] [Vimeo]†
Vimeo password: streamline
Credit to Arantius for the raw 1080i source.

Extras, Excerpts & Related

Dropped vs Fired Bullet Knock Your Socks Off S08E06 Socks Off Revisit
Combustion Chamber Pilot Last Minute Change Aftershow
Dropped vs Fired Bullet Sock Blast Removal Knock Your Shoes Off
Simultaneous Bullet Release Viewer Sock Stories Waxing Tory
Angles [01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] FrankenLeg
High Speed
Reaction Shot
† Included in the edit.
submitted by huffmanm to smyths [link] [comments]

2013.11.19 20:25 huffmanm S07E16 Hurricane Windows [Streamline EDIT]

Mythbusters S07E16: Hurricane Window, Frozen Head, Exploding Frozen Tree
Adam and Jamie find out if it's better to open your windows or board them up to survive a hurricane. Then Kari, Grant, and Tory tackle a scene from the 2001 thriller Jason X in which a person's liquid nitrogen-frozen face is smashed to bits; later, they try to explode a Christmas tree using liquid nitrogen.
Resolution Size & SHA1 Download Stream
1080p 1.076 GiB, 1.155 GB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker]
540p 342.9 MiB, 359.6 MB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker] [Vimeo]†
Vimeo password: streamline
Credit to Arantius for the raw 1080i source.

Extras & Excerpts

Hurricane Windows Frozen Head Exploding Frozen Tree
Open Windows in a Hurricane Shattering Heads Exploding Frozen Tree
Trailer Trashed A First for Kari
Angles [01] [02] [03] [04]
High Speeds [01] [02]
Reaction Shot
submitted by huffmanm to smyths [link] [comments]

2013.11.19 01:34 huffmanm S07E14 Dirty vs. Clean Car [Streamline EDIT]

Mythbusters S07E14: Dirty Car Cash, The Morning After
Adam and Jamie test the myth that a dirty car is more fuel efficient than a clean car due to a golf ball-like effect that reduces drag. Then Kari, Grant, and Tory find out if the saying "beer and liquor, never sicker" holds true.
Resolution Size & SHA1 Download Stream
1080p 1.200 GiB, 1.288 GB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker]
540p 365.7 MiB, 383.4 MB [MEGA] [RapidShare] [BitShare] [SockShare] [PutLocker] [Vimeo]†
Vimeo password: streamline
Credit to Arantius for the raw 1080i source.


Dirty vs. Clean Car The Morning After
Dirty vs Clean Car Hangovers for Science
Dimpled Car MiniMyth Behind the Scenes
Angles [01] [02] [04]† [05] The Throne of Moan
High Speeds [01] [02] [03]
Rection Shots [01] [02]
The Buster Awards
† There is no angle 3. Do not ask me why.
submitted by huffmanm to smyths [link] [comments]
