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2013.07.28 21:24 universityofphoenix

The University of Phoenix

2008.10.01 02:07 State of Arizona

Everything Arizona, from the Grand Canyon to Yuma and all things in between. For residents of the state and not a place for tourist / visitor questions. You can also join the Reddit AZ Discord at:

2008.11.26 02:20 University: Academic and real-world news for students, faculty, and academics

University. Ask questions and give answers so that everyone moves forward.

2024.06.02 08:48 Glum_Flamingo_1832 Feedback Needed

Hi everyone, I've been a homeschool mom for 8 years and also work as a website developer on the side. As my son approaches high school, I started researching how to prepare my homeschool kids for higher education. I found out that I need to log their learning and format it into professional transcripts.
After searching for affordable transcript makers, I realized there weren't any that really fit the needs of homeschoolers. So, I decided to develop my own high school transcript maker and have just released the beta version.
I would love your feedback! It would be greatly appreciated if you could test it out and share your thoughts.The current version only has basic functionality for making transcripts, but I'm adding new features. I'm curious to know which features would be most interesting to you:
Any feedback is super appreciated, as this is my passion project!
submitted by Glum_Flamingo_1832 to homeschool [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:22 Ok-Mulberry-7051 You dog you

You dog you
Creepy old man you are 😂😬
submitted by Ok-Mulberry-7051 to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:14 Icy-Preference4567 What English speaking jobs could I get with my background? Need your advice.

Hello everyone. I`m 29, male, a born and bred moscovite from Russia. Where could i potentially work with my current background? I have an associate degree in ESL teaching, and I have a bachelor`s and a master`s degree in linguistics. I completed a 3,5 year doctoral academic program in psychology in Aspirantura. While I have the diploma, my practical knowledge of psychology leaves a lot to be desired in order to work as a psychologist. Furthermore, it implies that i would have to always speak Russian with the locals. Another issue is that all my diplomas come from Russian universities, so I doubt they hold much value on the international level.
I`m fluent in English and Russian, and I`d like to speak the former as much as possible at work. I understand that having only my language skills is not enough to get a decent job somewhere abroad. In addition to that, native speakerism and bias towards non-native speakers might hold me back from succeeding on the international level. I`d like to consider working somewhere in a well-established international company, but most of them have left the Russian market for good.
I`m currently working as a senior university lecturer for a meager salary at university. I`m an avid learner, but , to be honest, at the moment I`m completely broke after my doctoral program, and simply have no money to pursue expensive certificates to restudy, let alone further education. What are my possible options? Thank you for taking your time and reading it.
submitted by Icy-Preference4567 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:11 Sugary_Lime This retarded guy personally reached out to me just to explain how ultra educated pelvish yadav is

This retarded guy personally reached out to me just to explain how ultra educated pelvish yadav is
Context:- In a comment he was dick riding pelvish yadav saying he is ultra educated from some ultra level college and dhruv is from random ass college so I corrected him saying he is from karlsruhe institute of technology which is worlds top #119 ranked university. Note I'm not some dhruv rathee fan or follower
submitted by Sugary_Lime to indiameme [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:10 Electronic-Cake-1 Critique My Résumé - IT Professional

submitted by Electronic-Cake-1 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:45 Comprehensive_Camp46 Is it better to work for six-years in a low-mid paying psychology job after I do my bachelor's, master's or PhD?

I (18f) have a 100% scholarship for any (good) university I want to go to, but I have to work a six-year bond when I'm done. The bond will pay around 5k a month which is 80% of the average salary where I live and it is considered low since my country has one of the highest costs of living in the world.
I want to end up in clinical psychology and am intending to do my bachelor's, master's, and then PhD in psychology.
Since I can choose after which stage of education I do my bond, I was wondering if it would be better to do it after my bachelor's/master's since my starting salary will be low and then complete my education in another country. However, in this case, I will be doing my bachelor's and master's in another country, returning to my home country for six years, and then continuing in the other country.
The other option is doing it after my PhD, but since my starting salary will be low, I was scared this would affect my future salaries. However, in this case, I will have to return to my home country after my education. It may be hard for me to move back abroad and I do not want to live here long-term.
Any advice would help.
submitted by Comprehensive_Camp46 to psychologystudents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:42 khulasaahindinews Haryana Agricultural University Scientists Discover New Pea Disease

Haryana Agricultural University Scientists Discover New Pea Disease
The Scientists from Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University of Hisar have identified a new and potentially devastating disease affecting pea crops.
Named “Witches’ Broom,” the disease is associated with the pathogen ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ (16SrI).
The American Phytopathological Society (APS), USA, which recognizes new diseases in plants, has accepted and published the report of this new disease by the scientists in its prestigious journal ‘Plant Disease’ as the first research report.
Haryana Agricultural University
submitted by khulasaahindinews to u/khulasaahindinews [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 AnthonyMetivier How to Study

The most effective study methods for academic success boil down to:
Time management
There are countless time management techniques, but one beautiful thing about going to school is that a lot of your time is managed for you.
The week and when you need to be in class is arranged.
Professors tell you when assignments are due, etc.
Heck, when I was in university they even gave us calendars for use to write in our due dates.
So the number one thing is to combine what you know with the tools everyone has: the calendar.
In many cases, you can also get advanced notices from professors by simply talking to them before the semester even begins.
You would also do well to explore techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix, time blocking and the Pareto Principle.
Above all, make time management something you study unto itself.
There's no one-size-fits-all approach. But those who study it as the discipline it is will win.
Study Environment Optimization
Studying effectively cannot be random or subject to interruptions.
If you have to study on transit, invest in custom ear plugs of the kind musicians use, not noise-cancelling headphones that will put you at risk in the case of an emergency. Custom ear plugs have filters that let you still hear without being bothered by shrill noises and you can switch between light and heavy filters.
Having multiple study locations worked out in advance is a great strategy because you can walk between them and percolate your thoughts – literally remembering more by simply getting in a bit of exercise. I used to call this "Road Work" when I was in university.
When at home, put a "Do not disturb" sign on your door. Make it clear to others that you are studying and train them to respect the hours you want to put it. Do not compromise. It's your future.
Note-Taking Strategies
There are many different kinds of note-taking methods. My fave is to use Zettelkasten in combination with Memory Palaces.
These two videos detail how the Zettelkasten Method operates in combination with the Memory Palace technique:
Memory techniques
Like time management, the topic of memory improvement is huge. Make sure to spend a good three months learning all of its ins-and-outs.
The key techniques you'll want to master are:
The Memory Palace A Alphabet System (or pegword system) A Number System (usually based on the Major System) A Symbol System A Spaced Repetition system
These accelerated learning techniques may feel like you're building an airport in the beginning, but think about it:
You do need airports to launch and land planes as effectively and efficiently as possible. It's the same with memory techniques.
You can also do yourself a favor and learn more about memory science. It will teach you about how the mind and memory work and give you ideas that will only arise if you know a little bit about what researchers have found.
Stress Management For Students
Don't make my mistake. I drank like a fish and ate poorly throughout university. This meant that a lot of the experience was lost to depression.
Sure, memory techniques helped
 but I can't help but imagine how much more successful I would have been during and after if I'd had better ways of coping with the stress.
Diet, fitness, mindfulness practices, time off with friends for positive and healthy recreation. This is not complicated, though when you're young, impulsivity can certainly make it seem that way.
Exam Preparation Strategies
This basically comes back to properly using your calendar and memory techniques.
For the benefits of what is sometimes called state-dependent or context-dependent memory, it can be useful to study where you will take your exams. It's advisable to use Memory Palaces based on these exam rooms whenever possible.
(Those terms are the kinds of insider memory hacks you'll enjoy only when you understand your memory science, and there are many more that can help you with your exam prep.)
Take mock tests as much as you can. Reflect on what you're learning often. Talk about it with other students.
Don't cram and avoid wasting time on the fantasy that there are any "subject-specific study tips." Maybe if you're in nursing school and need to have patient bodies in specific position, but generally tests are about words, numbers and symbols. Learn how to commit them to memory and talk as much as you can about the information so it is well-exercised before you sit for your exams.
Form Effective Study Groups
There are many benefits to group study if you can select solid group members. This can be tricky, but one way to do it involves a slightly involved strategy:
Try to be part of a club or association. I was president of the English Undergraduate Student Association at York University in Toronto, for example. This drew precisely the right people because anyone who wanted to be part of the association already loved English Literature by default.
After you find the right members, it's just a matter of scheduling regular meetings based on decent agendas and following reasonable time limits so you don't burn out.
One thing my fave study group in university did a lot was to share reading. In other words, we'd each tackle an article or book and then present on it.
Ultimately, you still have to do the reading yourself, but it forms a nice mental framework that makes reading faster and easier when someone you can speak with has summarized the core ideas. These days, you can search YouTube and podcasts for this kind of summarization much of the time, but it's still not the same as being in a study group with other people.
You also get experience with peer teaching and tutoring this way, which is hugely beneficial for your memory. Even if you never intend to teach yourself, the simple effort that goes into preparing and delivering short presentations will benefit you in the short-term for your exams and long-term in your career. Collaborative learning also gives you something powerful to put on your resume, especially if your study group is linked with a formal university institution or group.
Work On Your Reading And Comprehension Skills
The main shortcut here is to simply read a lot, boost your vocabulary as you go by memorizing terms and write summaries as much as you can.
Doesn't sound like a shortcut, I know. But it really is. It helps develop pattern recognition and that's how you ultimately wind up quickly assessing the key points and inferring many things correctly.
Be humble, though. Mistakes will always happen, so be willing to go back and read things again.
Another key aspect of reading is to challenge yourself. Get outside of your comfort zone and read above your level at least a few times a week.
Don't worry about whether you understand what you're reading or not. Soon, moments of insight will arise.
Even if it doesn't happen soon, rest assured that will. There are aspects of philosophy that didn't come clear to me until after 30 years of reading. I'm not ashamed of this at all. I just haven't read and reflected enough to connect the dots. But if I had read above my level sooner, I probably would have had the insights sooner.
Motivation and Discipline
Technically, motivation is not necessary when you have systems. That's what discipline is all about.
That said, it's useful to know about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. These will be arranged differently in different people as some people respond well to threats of pain whereas others respond better to promises of reward.
Know thyself.
Hire a coach if you have to, as it will be worth it in the end. Many exist and some universities have behavioral science programs, learning disability labs and other institutions where you can learn more directly about these issues.
Finally, you can learn about the difference between tonic and phasic dopamine relative to how the Default Mode Network of your brain is in a kind of battle with the Task Positive Network. This area is kind of heavy on the brain science, but well worth an afternoon or two to figure out the implications in your life.
Just watch out: When optimizing your dopamine levels for motivation, you could wind up enlightened and have your ego make you think you're better than everyone else
 which would not be enlightenment. But it'll sure feel that way.
That's why the next category is so important.
Make Time To Learn Critical Thinking
A lot of education involves humans who weigh what they teach and how they teach it based on subjective agendas. It's pretty difficult for anyone not to do that.
When you spend some time developing your critical thinking skills, you'll be able to determine when teachers and writers/video creators, etc. are being too subjective or otherwise slaves to any number of cognitive biases.
Likewise, you'll be able to spot them in yourself and weed many of them out before they can distract you.
The simplest way to use critical thinking while studying is to put Why, Where, When, Who and How up on a Memory Wheel and constantly rotate through it.
As you learn more about different thinkers, you can also start to ask, "What would Freud say about this? What would Skinner say? What would x say?"
To do this, study as many of the sciences and Liberal Arts as you possibly can. If you don't know where to start, go through the Trivium and then the Quadrivium. Knowing how to think through those seven lenses and ask what the major figures in each field would generally say will help you "triangulate" just about any issue and think both objectively and subjectively about it and know which is which.
Self-Assessment And Improvement
Ultimately, the best judge of your progress is you.
To make sure you're giving yourself good materials to judge yourself by, journal, ideally daily.
If you can, keep two journals:
A snapshot journal that simply lists what you did on a particular day.
A discursive journal where you reflect on your thoughts about how things went.
There are many formal products you can buy that will help you journal in particular ways. The Freedom Journal has been one of my faves, but the real tip is to experiment with as many journaling styles as you can in the two main styles I just mentioned.
As you can tell, there's not that much when it comes to embracing a wide number of learning strategies. Apply these tips to the study resources you need to cover on your way to the exam room and you'll do well.
Take Care Around Technology And Studying
There are tons of apps that can help "gamify" these activities, but at the end of the day, gamification is really just a mental metaphor. If it doesn't work for you, find a better metaphor.
Nir Eyal discussion the power of mental metaphors based on some research in Indistractable and more on the matter is found in The Victorious Mind by yours truly. There was even recently a Duke University study showing just how powerful adopting mental metaphors can be for remembering information.
Academic success can indeed be enjoyable, and all the more so when you work out what will make it enjoyable and meaningful for you. Personalize as much of the journey as you can, constantly applying critical thinking to every suggestion you come across and all of your study experiences will become much, much more rewarding.
submitted by AnthonyMetivier to MagneticMemoryMethod [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:20 brophy87 Post from UBC's property trust newsfeed

Post from UBC's property trust newsfeed
The University of British Columbia is expanding its presence south of the Fraser River with the $70-million purchase of a property in Surrey.
UBC Properties Trust has acquired a 135,000-square-foot property—currently home to the Grace Hanin Community Church—at the intersection of King George Boulevard and Fraser Highway. The site, which is located close to SkyTrain, Surrey Memorial Hospital and other community amenities, is anticipated to be a combination of residential and commercial space which will generate revenue to enable the construction of dedicated academic facilities.
The acquisition of the Surrey site supports the achievement of a key commitment in UBC’s strategic plan to work with partners on the development of the university’s regional presence, as well as providing an exciting opportunity to improve access to post-secondary education in the Fraser region.The acquisition of the Surrey site supports the achievement of a key commitment in UBC’s strategic plan to work with partners on the development of the university’s regional presence, as well as providing an exciting opportunity to improve access to post-secondary education in the Fraser region.
UBC already has a significant presence south of the Fraser, with nearly 3,500 students, 750 faculty and staff, and thousands of alumni who call Surrey home. The university has numerous partnerships within the city of Surrey and other regional partners around urban design, sustainability, health technology and innovation, data science, traffic safety, K-12 education, immigrant settlement and more.
Together with Fraser Health, First Nations Health Authority and the Government of B.C., UBC trains health students and medical residents in the Fraser region. Every year, more than 4,900 health student and medical resident rotations take place in hospitals, primary care settings and clinics across the Fraser, where learners train alongside world-class clinical faculty in areas such as family practice, emergency medicine, midwifery and other specializations. About 200 students in nursing also undertake their training in Fraser Health, while about 100 pharmaceutical science students take part in placements at 57 sites in the Fraser region.
submitted by brophy87 to SurreyBC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:20 BaileyM124 Is it normal to just feel like you’re heading down an inevitable path?

Just ever since the end of 2019 it feels like life continues to fall the wrong way in a lot of ways. I’m in a great place financially, education, and job wise. In the parts that matter most tho it just feels like I’m heading down a road.
I used to have this picture of me decades down the road just sitting at home alone and empty just broken. Living the same day in and out. Just living to the next day just waiting for the day to end it all or just die.
This mainly spurs from the battles within and relationship issues whether that be friendships or more. Everyday is a battle and idk why but I keep waking up to just feel the same fucking shitty way everyday and keep grinding. Then just as the years have gone on I just lose everyone. A lot of them have been my fault my depression, and trauma issues make it hard sometimes and I snap cutting people off. Other times it’s the other person. And when neither of those are the issue god or whatever universal power seems to have a sick sense of humor, and just have the most unfortunate shit happen and it rips it apart. Ever since 2019 when my girlfriend died out of nowhere life just keeps hitting and beating again and again.
After what has happened over the last week or so with things that have happened with someone I feel I’ve finally started to reach that life picture I’ve thought of. Idk when it’ll be. Maybe a month, a year, decades, or hell maybe even never. But going forward in life no matter if I ended up dying prematurely or not. I just feel like I’m going to be that person everyone looks at that thinks is super happy and doing great, but in reality is broken and beat down beyond repair.
Thanks for tanking the time to read this. Probably doesn’t make sense so I apologize. I’m just really really lost and hopeless right now
submitted by BaileyM124 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:01 EchoJobs ✋ Jun 2 - 99 new Remote Software Engineer Jobs

Job Position Salary Locations
Staff Software Engineer Platform Data USD 172k - 259k
Staff Software Engineer USD 170k - 230k US, Remote
Lead Performance Test Engineer USD 120k - 162k US, Remote
Engineering Manager USD 175k - 220k US, Remote
Senior Data Analyst USD 140k - 180k Remote
Senior Analytics Engineer USD 150k - 190k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 150k - 180k Remote, San Francisco, CA
Senior Product Designer USD 130k - 155k Remote
Technical Project Manager USD 126k - 158k New York, NY, Remote, US
Developer Relations Engineer USD 116k - 145k New York, NY, Remote, US
Analytics Engineer USD 128k - 160k New York, NY, Remote, US
Security Researcher USD 180k - 214k Remote
Senior Staff Software Engineer USD 263k - 289k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 183k - 201k US, San Francisco, CA, Remote
Payroll and HR Compliance Lead USD 104k - 130k Remote
Associate Principal USD 160k - 200k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Lead, Strategy & Operations USD 120k - 150k Remote
Associate, Strategy & Operations USD 84k - 105k Remote
Senior Manager, Content Marketing USD 152k - 190k Remote
Head of Referral Marketing USD 196k - 245k Remote
Revenue Operations Lead USD 112k - 140k Remote
Lead, Revenue Operations USD 112k - 140k Remote
Business Intelligence Lead USD 112k - 140k Remote
Senior Manager, CX Workforce Management USD 136k - 170k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Medical Director USD 256k - 320k Remote
Senior Product Support Expert USD 50k - 50k Remote, Lehi, UT
Senior Platform Engineer USD 160k - 200k Remote, US
Director, Application Security Remote USD 195k - 280k Remote, US
Sr. Benefits Specialist USD 85k - 107k Remote, US
Staff Engineer USD 110k - 236k US, Remote
Senior Staff Engineer USD 110k - 261k Seattle, WA, Atlanta, GA, San Francisco, CA, Houston, TX, Dallas, TX, US, Kansas City, MO, Austin, TX, Los Angeles, CA, Miami, FL, San Diego, CA, Remote, Portland, OR
Sr. Manager, Engineering - Payments Platform USD 120k - 261k US, Remote
Senior AWS Alliance Manager USD 143k - 193k Remote, US
Principal UX Designer USD 171k - 215k Remote
Solutions Architect US Northeast USD 115k - 190k US, Remote
Cloud Architect USD 155k - 195k US, Remote
Partner Program Manager USD 143k - 232k Remote, Santa Clara, CA, US
Partner Program Manager USD 143k - 232k US, Remote, Plano, TX
Webflow Technical Architect USD 155k - 312k US, Remote
Product Designer USD 143k - 245k US, Remote
Senior People Analytics Manager USD 129k - 203k US, Remote
Senior Data Engineer USD 152k - 216k US, Remote
Platform Engineer Remote or Hybrid USD 130k - 210k Palo Alto, CA, Remote
Clinical Pharmacist Product USD 135k - 140k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Director of Operations USD 170k - 180k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Clinical Operations Manager USD 130k - 145k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Clinical Pharmacist USD 57k - 65k Remote, US
Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote, New York, NY
Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote
DevOps Platform Engineer USD 80k - 115k US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer Full USD 145k - 235k San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA, New York, NY, Remote, Portland, OR
Senior Product Designer USD 180k - 180k Remote, US
Software Engineer Senior USD 113k - 218k US, Remote
Visual Designer Remote USD 45k - 50k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 152k - 190k Remote, US
Associate, Risk Reporting and Analytics USD 84k - 105k Remote, US
Strategic Solution Engineer USD 202k - 273k Remote, US
Strategic Solution Engineer USD 202k - 273k Remote, US
Order Processing Associate USD 47k - 80k Remote, US
Global Head of Account Development USD 230k - 300k Remote, Boston, MA, San Francisco, CA, US
Director, Global Cloud Alliances USD 290k - 340k Remote, US
Senior Salesforce Administrator USD 137k - 137k Remote, LATAM
Solutions Engineer USD 125k - 145k Remote
Senior Product Marketing Manager USD 110k - 237k Remote
Senior Product Marketing Manager USD 110k - 237k Remote
Senior Customer Lifecycle Marketing Manager USD 94k - 201k Remote, US
Infrastructure Analyst FinOps USD 81k - 174k Remote
Financial Analyst USD 150k - 195k US, Remote
Accountant USD 101k - 140k US, Remote
Director – Cloud Network Security/Boundary Protection Service/ Zero Trust– ZTNA/SASE USD 151k - 237k Remote, US
Vice President and Head of Software Product Management USD 275k - 350k Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Remote, US, Austin, TX
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Seattle, WA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Phoenix, AZ, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k US, Washington, D.C., Remote
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Chicago, IL, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Miami, FL, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Atlanta, GA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Remote, US, Boston, MA
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k New York, NY, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Atlanta, GA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Austin, TX, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Phoenix, AZ, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Boston, MA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Remote, US, San Francisco, CA
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Remote, US, New York, NY
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Seattle, WA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k US, Washington, D.C., Remote
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Miami, FL, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Chicago, IL, Remote, US
submitted by EchoJobs to IWantOutJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:01 EchoJobs ✹ Jun 2 - 99 new Software Engineer Jobs Remote

Job Position Salary Locations
Staff Software Engineer Platform Data USD 172k - 259k
Staff Software Engineer USD 170k - 230k US, Remote
Lead Performance Test Engineer USD 120k - 162k US, Remote
Engineering Manager USD 175k - 220k US, Remote
Senior Data Analyst USD 140k - 180k Remote
Senior Analytics Engineer USD 150k - 190k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 150k - 180k Remote, San Francisco, CA
Senior Product Designer USD 130k - 155k Remote
Technical Project Manager USD 126k - 158k New York, NY, Remote, US
Developer Relations Engineer USD 116k - 145k New York, NY, Remote, US
Analytics Engineer USD 128k - 160k New York, NY, Remote, US
Security Researcher USD 180k - 214k Remote
Senior Staff Software Engineer USD 263k - 289k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 183k - 201k US, San Francisco, CA, Remote
Payroll and HR Compliance Lead USD 104k - 130k Remote
Associate Principal USD 160k - 200k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Lead, Strategy & Operations USD 120k - 150k Remote
Associate, Strategy & Operations USD 84k - 105k Remote
Senior Manager, Content Marketing USD 152k - 190k Remote
Head of Referral Marketing USD 196k - 245k Remote
Revenue Operations Lead USD 112k - 140k Remote
Lead, Revenue Operations USD 112k - 140k Remote
Business Intelligence Lead USD 112k - 140k Remote
Senior Manager, CX Workforce Management USD 136k - 170k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Medical Director USD 256k - 320k Remote
Senior Product Support Expert USD 50k - 50k Remote, Lehi, UT
Senior Platform Engineer USD 160k - 200k Remote, US
Director, Application Security Remote USD 195k - 280k Remote, US
Sr. Benefits Specialist USD 85k - 107k Remote, US
Staff Engineer USD 110k - 236k US, Remote
Senior Staff Engineer USD 110k - 261k Seattle, WA, Atlanta, GA, San Francisco, CA, Houston, TX, Dallas, TX, US, Kansas City, MO, Austin, TX, Los Angeles, CA, Miami, FL, San Diego, CA, Remote, Portland, OR
Sr. Manager, Engineering - Payments Platform USD 120k - 261k US, Remote
Senior AWS Alliance Manager USD 143k - 193k Remote, US
Principal UX Designer USD 171k - 215k Remote
Solutions Architect US Northeast USD 115k - 190k US, Remote
Cloud Architect USD 155k - 195k US, Remote
Partner Program Manager USD 143k - 232k Remote, Santa Clara, CA, US
Partner Program Manager USD 143k - 232k US, Remote, Plano, TX
Webflow Technical Architect USD 155k - 312k US, Remote
Product Designer USD 143k - 245k US, Remote
Senior People Analytics Manager USD 129k - 203k US, Remote
Senior Data Engineer USD 152k - 216k US, Remote
Platform Engineer Remote or Hybrid USD 130k - 210k Palo Alto, CA, Remote
Clinical Pharmacist Product USD 135k - 140k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Director of Operations USD 170k - 180k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Clinical Operations Manager USD 130k - 145k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Clinical Pharmacist USD 57k - 65k Remote, US
Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote, New York, NY
Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote
DevOps Platform Engineer USD 80k - 115k US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer Full USD 145k - 235k San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA, New York, NY, Remote, Portland, OR
Senior Product Designer USD 180k - 180k Remote, US
Software Engineer Senior USD 113k - 218k US, Remote
Visual Designer Remote USD 45k - 50k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 152k - 190k Remote, US
Associate, Risk Reporting and Analytics USD 84k - 105k Remote, US
Strategic Solution Engineer USD 202k - 273k Remote, US
Strategic Solution Engineer USD 202k - 273k Remote, US
Order Processing Associate USD 47k - 80k Remote, US
Global Head of Account Development USD 230k - 300k Remote, Boston, MA, San Francisco, CA, US
Director, Global Cloud Alliances USD 290k - 340k Remote, US
Senior Salesforce Administrator USD 137k - 137k Remote, LATAM
Solutions Engineer USD 125k - 145k Remote
Senior Product Marketing Manager USD 110k - 237k Remote
Senior Product Marketing Manager USD 110k - 237k Remote
Senior Customer Lifecycle Marketing Manager USD 94k - 201k Remote, US
Infrastructure Analyst FinOps USD 81k - 174k Remote
Financial Analyst USD 150k - 195k US, Remote
Accountant USD 101k - 140k US, Remote
Director – Cloud Network Security/Boundary Protection Service/ Zero Trust– ZTNA/SASE USD 151k - 237k Remote, US
Vice President and Head of Software Product Management USD 275k - 350k Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Remote, US, Austin, TX
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Seattle, WA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Phoenix, AZ, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k US, Washington, D.C., Remote
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Chicago, IL, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Miami, FL, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Atlanta, GA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Remote, US, Boston, MA
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k New York, NY, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Atlanta, GA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Austin, TX, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Phoenix, AZ, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Boston, MA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Remote, US, San Francisco, CA
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Remote, US, New York, NY
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Seattle, WA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k US, Washington, D.C., Remote
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Miami, FL, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Chicago, IL, Remote, US
submitted by EchoJobs to EngineeringJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:01 EchoJobs 🩄 Jun 2 - 99 new Remote Software Engineer Jobs

Job Position Salary Locations
Staff Software Engineer Platform Data USD 172k - 259k
Staff Software Engineer USD 170k - 230k US, Remote
Lead Performance Test Engineer USD 120k - 162k US, Remote
Engineering Manager USD 175k - 220k US, Remote
Senior Data Analyst USD 140k - 180k Remote
Senior Analytics Engineer USD 150k - 190k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 150k - 180k Remote, San Francisco, CA
Senior Product Designer USD 130k - 155k Remote
Technical Project Manager USD 126k - 158k New York, NY, Remote, US
Developer Relations Engineer USD 116k - 145k New York, NY, Remote, US
Analytics Engineer USD 128k - 160k New York, NY, Remote, US
Security Researcher USD 180k - 214k Remote
Senior Staff Software Engineer USD 263k - 289k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 183k - 201k US, San Francisco, CA, Remote
Payroll and HR Compliance Lead USD 104k - 130k Remote
Associate Principal USD 160k - 200k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Lead, Strategy & Operations USD 120k - 150k Remote
Associate, Strategy & Operations USD 84k - 105k Remote
Senior Manager, Content Marketing USD 152k - 190k Remote
Head of Referral Marketing USD 196k - 245k Remote
Revenue Operations Lead USD 112k - 140k Remote
Lead, Revenue Operations USD 112k - 140k Remote
Business Intelligence Lead USD 112k - 140k Remote
Senior Manager, CX Workforce Management USD 136k - 170k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Medical Director USD 256k - 320k Remote
Senior Product Support Expert USD 50k - 50k Remote, Lehi, UT
Senior Platform Engineer USD 160k - 200k Remote, US
Director, Application Security Remote USD 195k - 280k Remote, US
Sr. Benefits Specialist USD 85k - 107k Remote, US
Staff Engineer USD 110k - 236k US, Remote
Senior Staff Engineer USD 110k - 261k Seattle, WA, Atlanta, GA, San Francisco, CA, Houston, TX, Dallas, TX, US, Kansas City, MO, Austin, TX, Los Angeles, CA, Miami, FL, San Diego, CA, Remote, Portland, OR
Sr. Manager, Engineering - Payments Platform USD 120k - 261k US, Remote
Senior AWS Alliance Manager USD 143k - 193k Remote, US
Principal UX Designer USD 171k - 215k Remote
Solutions Architect US Northeast USD 115k - 190k US, Remote
Cloud Architect USD 155k - 195k US, Remote
Partner Program Manager USD 143k - 232k Remote, Santa Clara, CA, US
Partner Program Manager USD 143k - 232k US, Remote, Plano, TX
Webflow Technical Architect USD 155k - 312k US, Remote
Product Designer USD 143k - 245k US, Remote
Senior People Analytics Manager USD 129k - 203k US, Remote
Senior Data Engineer USD 152k - 216k US, Remote
Platform Engineer Remote or Hybrid USD 130k - 210k Palo Alto, CA, Remote
Clinical Pharmacist Product USD 135k - 140k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Director of Operations USD 170k - 180k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Clinical Operations Manager USD 130k - 145k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Clinical Pharmacist USD 57k - 65k Remote, US
Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote, New York, NY
Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote
DevOps Platform Engineer USD 80k - 115k US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer Full USD 145k - 235k San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA, New York, NY, Remote, Portland, OR
Senior Product Designer USD 180k - 180k Remote, US
Software Engineer Senior USD 113k - 218k US, Remote
Visual Designer Remote USD 45k - 50k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 152k - 190k Remote, US
Associate, Risk Reporting and Analytics USD 84k - 105k Remote, US
Strategic Solution Engineer USD 202k - 273k Remote, US
Strategic Solution Engineer USD 202k - 273k Remote, US
Order Processing Associate USD 47k - 80k Remote, US
Global Head of Account Development USD 230k - 300k Remote, Boston, MA, San Francisco, CA, US
Director, Global Cloud Alliances USD 290k - 340k Remote, US
Senior Salesforce Administrator USD 137k - 137k Remote, LATAM
Solutions Engineer USD 125k - 145k Remote
Senior Product Marketing Manager USD 110k - 237k Remote
Senior Product Marketing Manager USD 110k - 237k Remote
Senior Customer Lifecycle Marketing Manager USD 94k - 201k Remote, US
Infrastructure Analyst FinOps USD 81k - 174k Remote
Financial Analyst USD 150k - 195k US, Remote
Accountant USD 101k - 140k US, Remote
Director – Cloud Network Security/Boundary Protection Service/ Zero Trust– ZTNA/SASE USD 151k - 237k Remote, US
Vice President and Head of Software Product Management USD 275k - 350k Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Remote, US, Austin, TX
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Seattle, WA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Phoenix, AZ, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k US, Washington, D.C., Remote
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Chicago, IL, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Miami, FL, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Atlanta, GA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Remote, US, Boston, MA
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k New York, NY, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Atlanta, GA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Austin, TX, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Phoenix, AZ, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Boston, MA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Remote, US, San Francisco, CA
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Remote, US, New York, NY
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Seattle, WA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k US, Washington, D.C., Remote
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Miami, FL, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Chicago, IL, Remote, US
submitted by EchoJobs to remoteworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:01 EchoJobs đŸ”„ Jun 2 - [REMOTE, Hiring] 99 new Remote Jobs

Job Position Salary Locations
Staff Software Engineer Platform Data USD 172k - 259k
Staff Software Engineer USD 170k - 230k US, Remote
Lead Performance Test Engineer USD 120k - 162k US, Remote
Engineering Manager USD 175k - 220k US, Remote
Senior Data Analyst USD 140k - 180k Remote
Senior Analytics Engineer USD 150k - 190k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 150k - 180k Remote, San Francisco, CA
Senior Product Designer USD 130k - 155k Remote
Technical Project Manager USD 126k - 158k New York, NY, Remote, US
Developer Relations Engineer USD 116k - 145k New York, NY, Remote, US
Analytics Engineer USD 128k - 160k New York, NY, Remote, US
Security Researcher USD 180k - 214k Remote
Senior Staff Software Engineer USD 263k - 289k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 183k - 201k US, San Francisco, CA, Remote
Payroll and HR Compliance Lead USD 104k - 130k Remote
Associate Principal USD 160k - 200k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Lead, Strategy & Operations USD 120k - 150k Remote
Associate, Strategy & Operations USD 84k - 105k Remote
Senior Manager, Content Marketing USD 152k - 190k Remote
Head of Referral Marketing USD 196k - 245k Remote
Revenue Operations Lead USD 112k - 140k Remote
Lead, Revenue Operations USD 112k - 140k Remote
Business Intelligence Lead USD 112k - 140k Remote
Senior Manager, CX Workforce Management USD 136k - 170k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Medical Director USD 256k - 320k Remote
Senior Product Support Expert USD 50k - 50k Remote, Lehi, UT
Senior Platform Engineer USD 160k - 200k Remote, US
Director, Application Security Remote USD 195k - 280k Remote, US
Sr. Benefits Specialist USD 85k - 107k Remote, US
Staff Engineer USD 110k - 236k US, Remote
Senior Staff Engineer USD 110k - 261k Seattle, WA, Atlanta, GA, San Francisco, CA, Houston, TX, Dallas, TX, US, Kansas City, MO, Austin, TX, Los Angeles, CA, Miami, FL, San Diego, CA, Remote, Portland, OR
Sr. Manager, Engineering - Payments Platform USD 120k - 261k US, Remote
Senior AWS Alliance Manager USD 143k - 193k Remote, US
Principal UX Designer USD 171k - 215k Remote
Solutions Architect US Northeast USD 115k - 190k US, Remote
Cloud Architect USD 155k - 195k US, Remote
Partner Program Manager USD 143k - 232k Remote, Santa Clara, CA, US
Partner Program Manager USD 143k - 232k US, Remote, Plano, TX
Webflow Technical Architect USD 155k - 312k US, Remote
Product Designer USD 143k - 245k US, Remote
Senior People Analytics Manager USD 129k - 203k US, Remote
Senior Data Engineer USD 152k - 216k US, Remote
Platform Engineer Remote or Hybrid USD 130k - 210k Palo Alto, CA, Remote
Clinical Pharmacist Product USD 135k - 140k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Director of Operations USD 170k - 180k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Clinical Operations Manager USD 130k - 145k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Clinical Pharmacist USD 57k - 65k Remote, US
Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote, New York, NY
Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote
DevOps Platform Engineer USD 80k - 115k US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer Full USD 145k - 235k San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA, New York, NY, Remote, Portland, OR
Senior Product Designer USD 180k - 180k Remote, US
Software Engineer Senior USD 113k - 218k US, Remote
Visual Designer Remote USD 45k - 50k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 152k - 190k Remote, US
Associate, Risk Reporting and Analytics USD 84k - 105k Remote, US
Strategic Solution Engineer USD 202k - 273k Remote, US
Strategic Solution Engineer USD 202k - 273k Remote, US
Order Processing Associate USD 47k - 80k Remote, US
Global Head of Account Development USD 230k - 300k Remote, Boston, MA, San Francisco, CA, US
Director, Global Cloud Alliances USD 290k - 340k Remote, US
Senior Salesforce Administrator USD 137k - 137k Remote, LATAM
Solutions Engineer USD 125k - 145k Remote
Senior Product Marketing Manager USD 110k - 237k Remote
Senior Product Marketing Manager USD 110k - 237k Remote
Senior Customer Lifecycle Marketing Manager USD 94k - 201k Remote, US
Infrastructure Analyst FinOps USD 81k - 174k Remote
Financial Analyst USD 150k - 195k US, Remote
Accountant USD 101k - 140k US, Remote
Director – Cloud Network Security/Boundary Protection Service/ Zero Trust– ZTNA/SASE USD 151k - 237k Remote, US
Vice President and Head of Software Product Management USD 275k - 350k Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Remote, US, Austin, TX
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Seattle, WA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Phoenix, AZ, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k US, Washington, D.C., Remote
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Chicago, IL, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Miami, FL, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Atlanta, GA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Remote, US, Boston, MA
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k New York, NY, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Atlanta, GA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Austin, TX, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Phoenix, AZ, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Boston, MA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Remote, US, San Francisco, CA
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Remote, US, New York, NY
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Seattle, WA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k US, Washington, D.C., Remote
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Miami, FL, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Chicago, IL, Remote, US
submitted by EchoJobs to CodingJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:00 EchoJobs đŸ”„ Jun 2 - [HIRING] 99 new Remote Software Engineer Jobs

Job Position Salary Locations
Staff Software Engineer Platform Data USD 172k - 259k
Staff Software Engineer USD 170k - 230k US, Remote
Lead Performance Test Engineer USD 120k - 162k US, Remote
Engineering Manager USD 175k - 220k US, Remote
Senior Data Analyst USD 140k - 180k Remote
Senior Analytics Engineer USD 150k - 190k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 150k - 180k Remote, San Francisco, CA
Senior Product Designer USD 130k - 155k Remote
Technical Project Manager USD 126k - 158k New York, NY, Remote, US
Developer Relations Engineer USD 116k - 145k New York, NY, Remote, US
Analytics Engineer USD 128k - 160k New York, NY, Remote, US
Security Researcher USD 180k - 214k Remote
Senior Staff Software Engineer USD 263k - 289k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 183k - 201k US, San Francisco, CA, Remote
Payroll and HR Compliance Lead USD 104k - 130k Remote
Associate Principal USD 160k - 200k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Lead, Strategy & Operations USD 120k - 150k Remote
Associate, Strategy & Operations USD 84k - 105k Remote
Senior Manager, Content Marketing USD 152k - 190k Remote
Head of Referral Marketing USD 196k - 245k Remote
Revenue Operations Lead USD 112k - 140k Remote
Lead, Revenue Operations USD 112k - 140k Remote
Business Intelligence Lead USD 112k - 140k Remote
Senior Manager, CX Workforce Management USD 136k - 170k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Medical Director USD 256k - 320k Remote
Senior Product Support Expert USD 50k - 50k Remote, Lehi, UT
Senior Platform Engineer USD 160k - 200k Remote, US
Director, Application Security Remote USD 195k - 280k Remote, US
Sr. Benefits Specialist USD 85k - 107k Remote, US
Staff Engineer USD 110k - 236k US, Remote
Senior Staff Engineer USD 110k - 261k Seattle, WA, Atlanta, GA, San Francisco, CA, Houston, TX, Dallas, TX, US, Kansas City, MO, Austin, TX, Los Angeles, CA, Miami, FL, San Diego, CA, Remote, Portland, OR
Sr. Manager, Engineering - Payments Platform USD 120k - 261k US, Remote
Senior AWS Alliance Manager USD 143k - 193k Remote, US
Principal UX Designer USD 171k - 215k Remote
Solutions Architect US Northeast USD 115k - 190k US, Remote
Cloud Architect USD 155k - 195k US, Remote
Partner Program Manager USD 143k - 232k Remote, Santa Clara, CA, US
Partner Program Manager USD 143k - 232k US, Remote, Plano, TX
Webflow Technical Architect USD 155k - 312k US, Remote
Product Designer USD 143k - 245k US, Remote
Senior People Analytics Manager USD 129k - 203k US, Remote
Senior Data Engineer USD 152k - 216k US, Remote
Platform Engineer Remote or Hybrid USD 130k - 210k Palo Alto, CA, Remote
Clinical Pharmacist Product USD 135k - 140k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Director of Operations USD 170k - 180k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Clinical Operations Manager USD 130k - 145k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Clinical Pharmacist USD 57k - 65k Remote, US
Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote, New York, NY
Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote
DevOps Platform Engineer USD 80k - 115k US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer Full USD 145k - 235k San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA, New York, NY, Remote, Portland, OR
Senior Product Designer USD 180k - 180k Remote, US
Software Engineer Senior USD 113k - 218k US, Remote
Visual Designer Remote USD 45k - 50k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 152k - 190k Remote, US
Associate, Risk Reporting and Analytics USD 84k - 105k Remote, US
Strategic Solution Engineer USD 202k - 273k Remote, US
Strategic Solution Engineer USD 202k - 273k Remote, US
Order Processing Associate USD 47k - 80k Remote, US
Global Head of Account Development USD 230k - 300k Remote, Boston, MA, San Francisco, CA, US
Director, Global Cloud Alliances USD 290k - 340k Remote, US
Senior Salesforce Administrator USD 137k - 137k Remote, LATAM
Solutions Engineer USD 125k - 145k Remote
Senior Product Marketing Manager USD 110k - 237k Remote
Senior Product Marketing Manager USD 110k - 237k Remote
Senior Customer Lifecycle Marketing Manager USD 94k - 201k Remote, US
Infrastructure Analyst FinOps USD 81k - 174k Remote
Financial Analyst USD 150k - 195k US, Remote
Accountant USD 101k - 140k US, Remote
Director – Cloud Network Security/Boundary Protection Service/ Zero Trust– ZTNA/SASE USD 151k - 237k Remote, US
Vice President and Head of Software Product Management USD 275k - 350k Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Remote, US, Austin, TX
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Seattle, WA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Phoenix, AZ, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k US, Washington, D.C., Remote
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Chicago, IL, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Miami, FL, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Atlanta, GA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Remote, US, Boston, MA
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k New York, NY, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Atlanta, GA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Austin, TX, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Phoenix, AZ, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Boston, MA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Remote, US, San Francisco, CA
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Remote, US, New York, NY
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Seattle, WA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k US, Washington, D.C., Remote
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Miami, FL, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Chicago, IL, Remote, US
submitted by EchoJobs to WorkAnywhereAnytime [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:00 EchoJobs 🚀 Jun 2 - 99 new Remote Software Engineer Jobs

Job Position Salary Locations
Staff Software Engineer Platform Data USD 172k - 259k
Staff Software Engineer USD 170k - 230k US, Remote
Lead Performance Test Engineer USD 120k - 162k US, Remote
Engineering Manager USD 175k - 220k US, Remote
Senior Data Analyst USD 140k - 180k Remote
Senior Analytics Engineer USD 150k - 190k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 150k - 180k Remote, San Francisco, CA
Senior Product Designer USD 130k - 155k Remote
Technical Project Manager USD 126k - 158k New York, NY, Remote, US
Developer Relations Engineer USD 116k - 145k New York, NY, Remote, US
Analytics Engineer USD 128k - 160k New York, NY, Remote, US
Security Researcher USD 180k - 214k Remote
Senior Staff Software Engineer USD 263k - 289k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 183k - 201k US, San Francisco, CA, Remote
Payroll and HR Compliance Lead USD 104k - 130k Remote
Associate Principal USD 160k - 200k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Lead, Strategy & Operations USD 120k - 150k Remote
Associate, Strategy & Operations USD 84k - 105k Remote
Senior Manager, Content Marketing USD 152k - 190k Remote
Head of Referral Marketing USD 196k - 245k Remote
Revenue Operations Lead USD 112k - 140k Remote
Lead, Revenue Operations USD 112k - 140k Remote
Business Intelligence Lead USD 112k - 140k Remote
Senior Manager, CX Workforce Management USD 136k - 170k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Senior Associate USD 104k - 130k Remote
Medical Director USD 256k - 320k Remote
Senior Product Support Expert USD 50k - 50k Remote, Lehi, UT
Senior Platform Engineer USD 160k - 200k Remote, US
Director, Application Security Remote USD 195k - 280k Remote, US
Sr. Benefits Specialist USD 85k - 107k Remote, US
Staff Engineer USD 110k - 236k US, Remote
Senior Staff Engineer USD 110k - 261k Seattle, WA, Atlanta, GA, San Francisco, CA, Houston, TX, Dallas, TX, US, Kansas City, MO, Austin, TX, Los Angeles, CA, Miami, FL, San Diego, CA, Remote, Portland, OR
Sr. Manager, Engineering - Payments Platform USD 120k - 261k US, Remote
Senior AWS Alliance Manager USD 143k - 193k Remote, US
Principal UX Designer USD 171k - 215k Remote
Solutions Architect US Northeast USD 115k - 190k US, Remote
Cloud Architect USD 155k - 195k US, Remote
Partner Program Manager USD 143k - 232k Remote, Santa Clara, CA, US
Partner Program Manager USD 143k - 232k US, Remote, Plano, TX
Webflow Technical Architect USD 155k - 312k US, Remote
Product Designer USD 143k - 245k US, Remote
Senior People Analytics Manager USD 129k - 203k US, Remote
Senior Data Engineer USD 152k - 216k US, Remote
Platform Engineer Remote or Hybrid USD 130k - 210k Palo Alto, CA, Remote
Clinical Pharmacist Product USD 135k - 140k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Director of Operations USD 170k - 180k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Clinical Operations Manager USD 130k - 145k San Francisco, CA, Remote
Clinical Pharmacist USD 57k - 65k Remote, US
Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote, New York, NY
Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote
DevOps Platform Engineer USD 80k - 115k US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer Full USD 145k - 235k San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA, New York, NY, Remote, Portland, OR
Senior Product Designer USD 180k - 180k Remote, US
Software Engineer Senior USD 113k - 218k US, Remote
Visual Designer Remote USD 45k - 50k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 152k - 190k Remote, US
Associate, Risk Reporting and Analytics USD 84k - 105k Remote, US
Strategic Solution Engineer USD 202k - 273k Remote, US
Strategic Solution Engineer USD 202k - 273k Remote, US
Order Processing Associate USD 47k - 80k Remote, US
Global Head of Account Development USD 230k - 300k Remote, Boston, MA, San Francisco, CA, US
Director, Global Cloud Alliances USD 290k - 340k Remote, US
Senior Salesforce Administrator USD 137k - 137k Remote, LATAM
Solutions Engineer USD 125k - 145k Remote
Senior Product Marketing Manager USD 110k - 237k Remote
Senior Product Marketing Manager USD 110k - 237k Remote
Senior Customer Lifecycle Marketing Manager USD 94k - 201k Remote, US
Infrastructure Analyst FinOps USD 81k - 174k Remote
Financial Analyst USD 150k - 195k US, Remote
Accountant USD 101k - 140k US, Remote
Director – Cloud Network Security/Boundary Protection Service/ Zero Trust– ZTNA/SASE USD 151k - 237k Remote, US
Vice President and Head of Software Product Management USD 275k - 350k Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Remote, US, Austin, TX
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Seattle, WA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Phoenix, AZ, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k US, Washington, D.C., Remote
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Chicago, IL, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Miami, FL, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Atlanta, GA, Remote, US
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k Remote, US, Boston, MA
Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k New York, NY, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Atlanta, GA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Austin, TX, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Phoenix, AZ, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Boston, MA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Remote, US, San Francisco, CA
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Remote, US, New York, NY
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Seattle, WA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k US, Washington, D.C., Remote
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Miami, FL, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Chicago, IL, Remote, US
submitted by EchoJobs to jobnetworking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:00 EchoJobs đŸ”„ Jun 2 - 99 new Remote Software Engineer Jobs

Job Position Salary Locations
Staff Software Engineer Platform Data USD 172k - 259k
Staff Software Engineer USD 170k - 230k US, Remote
Lead Performance Test Engineer USD 120k - 162k US, Remote
Engineering Manager USD 175k - 220k US, Remote
Senior Data Analyst USD 140k - 180k Remote
Senior Analytics Engineer USD 150k - 190k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 150k - 180k Remote, San Francisco, CA
Senior Product Designer USD 130k - 155k Remote
Technical Project Manager USD 126k - 158k New York, NY, Remote, US
Developer Relations Engineer USD 116k - 145k New York, NY, Remote, US
Analytics Engineer USD 128k - 160k New York, NY, Remote, US
Security Researcher USD 180k - 214k Remote
Senior Staff Software Engineer USD 263k - 289k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
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Senior Manager, Threat and Vulnerability Management USD 205k - 265k New York, NY, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Atlanta, GA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Austin, TX, Remote, US
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Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k US, Washington, D.C., Remote
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Miami, FL, Remote, US
Lead Threat Intelligence Analyst USD 145k - 192k Chicago, IL, Remote, US
submitted by EchoJobs to remotedaily [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:51 futurebannedacct Choices

Hello, everyone. I'm out of my hibernation with another important message for you all and I know that just makes you so fucking happy and excited.
I wanted to remind everyone to check out my blog, which is one of the last bastions of free speech that is left in this god-forsaken place.
Alright, now that I have officially tongued my own asshole to the point where pleasure turns to dysphoria, allow me to present to you: total bullshit!
... and some other things.
Let's talk about choices. We make them everyday; life is all about them. This is a somewhat true statement - because life is really all about making sure you don't wake up - and choices play a significant role in this operation. Probably not so big a role as language, however, because language is the most deceptive tool in the arsenal of the ones with the power, so it is important that we choose our words wisely.
For example, I keep hearing the phrase "forced vaccinations" or "mandatory vaccinations" being thrown around conspiracy forums, and this phrase, in itself, is an example of the deceptive power of words. We need to be honest with ourselves - because through honesty the truth is exposed - and the truth is the most well hidden part of this experience because the ones in power work to keep the truth hidden at all costs... because the truth will "set you free". But I digress. No one was forced to get vaccinated - not yet, anyway - so let's be honest about this: you might have chosen to take the jab, in order to keep your job, or you might have chosen to take the jab, in order to participate in society. This is a choice that you are making. Perhaps the stakes are high and you had a lot to lose if you chose not to take the jab; but until they are breaking down your door, holding you down, and sticking that needle in your arm - until that time - you are giving your consent to take the jab.
This distinction is an important one to discern because we should be paying attention to the parts in life that are forced upon us and the parts in life that we are choosing to consent to. For example, no one forced us to wear masks for an entire year, but we all (for the most part) consented to doing so, in order to participate in society. We all chose to stand on the circles on the floor, in every checkout line, of every store. We made this choice for many different reasons - but in this community - many of us simply did this for other peoples "perceived well being". In other words, we were catering to the people that make up the majority and aren't as far along in the process of "waking up" as we are... although, many people seem to be choosing to remain asleep - for many different reasons - far from the most insignificant being "fear based programming".
Allow me to share my perspective: for an entire year, we all wore masks in public: an action which is gradually weakening our immune system. Also in public, we practiced "social-distancing": an action that is also gradually weakening our immune systems. Many people - the drooling masses - took this social-distancing b.s. very seriously, for their own "perceived well being" (while virtue-signaling online that they were doing it for everyone else). So, the government asked us to all make a choice: to wear masks and social-distance for a year and - oh - almost forgot! Hand sanitizer - all over, suddenly - some so strong that it seems to be pure rubbing alcohol - killing all germs - and, well... gradually weakening our immune systems! The government had us all compromising our immune systems and overall health, in preparation to get vaccinated with something that sounds... frankly, batshit insane. Do you think this was all an accident? An innocent faux-pas on the part of our dear leaders? I think this was done intentionally. I've also prepared this meme, to help illustrate the conspiracy in question:
The inspiration for this actually came from a post in that was written by someone who is, by no means, an anti-vaxxer, and overall still happy to be vaccinated... because the debilitating side-effects, self-replicating spike proteins is nothing compared to the constant onslaught of fear-based programming.
"Trust the science". That's the last thing I think I'll do; thank you very much. Science is a bullshit factory specializing in limiting beliefs, which uses language to support any point of view that it chooses to support... and of course the point of view we are inundated with, in excess, is that of the ones in power. So please know that if you choose to educate me in the comments, about why the science behind social distancing, face masks and hand sanitizer is to our benefit then I'm either going to think you are being intentionally deceitful, or I will feel sorry for you because you have sincerely become this invested in the wrong direction of practices that are to your benefit.
The moral of the story is that the words we use need to be chosen carefully, because when we choose words such as "forced" and "mandated", we are only working to deceive ourselves further away from the truth. The truth is that we are consistently bombarded with propaganda and manipulation, from the many resources available to the power structure, with the goal of getting our consent. The internet has been a great resource for the power structure to use for minimizing the power of consent. We must constantly "agree" to the terms and conditions that are made to be intentionally agonizing to read and understand. We are being trained to believe that consent is of little value or importance - consent is nothing more than a single click - in order to get to the prize on the other side. The truth may be that our consent is far more valuable than we realize: our consent is one of our most valuable assets.
We need to pay attention to the effect that our consent has on our shared reality - because if there is one thing I learned, after experiencing psychosis - it's that the greatest sin is often committed by very kind people: the kind of people who are timid, helpful, and generous to a point where others take advantage of their kind, benevolent nature. Everyone knows someone who is in a relationship with a manipulative, controlling narcissist that walks all over them. Everyone knows someone who is kind, meek, and respectful of others... because they have no backbone. Someone who has lived a life of avoiding any and all conflict, at all costs, and chooses instead to allow others to take advantage of them. When you habitually allow others to walk all over you, this is your consent that "it's ok for others to do this to me". You are a worse person that the one who is violating you, because you think that it is ok for this to happen to you.
Alright - that was just to set the mood for the actual post - which will begin..... ........ ......... now.
In the spirit of (shudder) "the most free country on Earth" we're going to (I had a bad reaction to typing that just now, I find the idea to be suffocating and repulsive) talk about choices in red, white and blue. To be perfectly honest, I don't know that much about topics like "color programming", or the exact science and reasoning behind it; I just know that this color palette is used with enough frequency and in a way where there is likely some intent behind it. Perhaps it's as simple as feeling patriotic about democracy, constitutional rights, and other deceptive concepts that are total bullshit - or maybe - the meaning behind it goes far deeper, into the psychological manipulation that is induced by this particular color palette. When I saw that the magnet shared the same red/blue color palette, I realized that these colors are likely being used in order to put each individual into a state of polarization.
Games are fun. Games are based in conflict. Manufacturing reality by making conflict the biggest source for entertainment.
Being alive involves the near constant activity of making choices. We are indoctrinated with the idea that having more choices is desirable. The power construct that is manufacturing reality has recently gone into overdrive in the manufacturing of choices. As the information age progresses through time, the amount of choices is becoming an ever increasing burden on the collective consciousness. The choices are presented using many different angles. A popular example is beliefs, which are currently being exploited by the manufacturers of choices more than any other time in the collective memory*...* which is always followed closely by the collective amnesia. Choices are deeply rooted in the DIVIDE AND CONQUER strategy, an all time favorite of the power construct. Choices are now being utilized in another favorite strategy for maintaining control: ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. Choices have an important role in the MANUFACTURING OF CONSENT, which is highly valued by the power construct. Consent is the oil that keeps the reality machine running smoothly, which is why so much effort is put into the illusion that consent has very little value. This illusion is concealed very well within the fabric of the intangible idea of reality that is overlaying the physical, material reality and has been so successful that consent is given almost instantaneously and without a second thought. Meanwhile, the illusion of value that has been given to currency is as strong as ever: remaining in its long-held position as one of the "pillars of control", which supports and maintains the power construct. The other pillar of control: the illusion of legitimacy, which several institutions within the power construct rely on, has been under maintenance, as a new version is being installed. While the anticipation for this new update slowly builds, the grand master illusion behind the power construct: FEAR BASED PROGRAMMING, - that's it - I'm giving up on this now. They're fucking plastic robots that hit each other until one of their heads... pops a boner?
A theme that seems to always accompany color-based choices emerges: everyone on the outside, looking in, sees an absolutely pointless rivalry. These dudes are victims of mind control.
Well, after choice # 1 resulted in a train wreck of disjointed abstractions trying way too hard to be deep, meaningful observations, I am troubled by the thought of how many readers have probably given up on this. I want everyone that is still with me to know that, due to irrational fears about what anonymous online profiles might think about me, I will now focus primarily on "fitting in" and being likeable, by employing a strategy of trying very hard to not express any more ideas that might be considered "out there". Obviously, this is just the result of growing up poor and uneducated in the ghetto. I mean, who is crazy enough to actually believe that this is somehow connected to other rivalry's that use... very similar hues of red and blue. I mean, they are two of the most popular colors out there - both primary - and... realistically, there aren't that many colors; especially that complement each other like red and blue... ahh, blue and red: the colors of rivalry. There's no deep conspiracy here. Obviously, these guys wear these colors so they know who their enemies are... because, otherwise, there is no reason to kill each other. This is all about the colors. It would be completely pointless otherwise and these guys would probably get on well and hang out in each other's back yards... and then the cops would have nothing to do, which would be a waste of tax payer dollars. Can't have cops just standing around eatin' donuts and getting fat.
Coke & Pepsi. A classic rivalry that makes me proud to live in a free country, where great ideas like capitalism can flourish. I know that they are made by the same company, but I don't really think that matters, ya know?
We are presented with choices. Our choices shape our opinions. So, if I choose red - I mean - Coke, then I will get along with others who choose Coke and we will agree that we chose correctly and that the people that prefer blue - I mean - Pepsi, chose incorrectly. Well, the people that chose blue think they chose correctly and that it is, in fact, the red people that chose incorrectly. This is a conflict of interests, and conflicts create division. People who are divided require a non-biased mediator so that order can be maintained and, because this mediator cares about the safety of both the red and the blue groups, it only makes sense that they should be given the authority to decide what is ok and is not ok for both groups. This is the most rational and logical option because the authority isn't biased towards red or blue, which means they will know what's best for everyone's interests. The police are there to make sure that all red and all blue people are all following all of the all-inclusive rules, mandated by the mediator, and all this is done for the greater good of society. I - I'm gonna get all choked up over here, just thinking about how nice the government is to do all that it does for us. They protect us from those fucking freaks that drink Pepsi. God I fucking hate those sub-human blue-tards! Red people generally have more money and are more successful, which means they are smarter. What started as a small neighborhood feud between Coke and Pepsi is actually how the gang warfare between the Bloods & Crips originated. That's right, they got the colors from Coke and Pepsi, which obviously is a lot more likely than a vast conspiracy involving powerful people manipulating reality in order to maintain control and power over the uninitiated masses. Fuck poor people. Oh, and how about those people that make their preference for Coke or Pepsi an aspect of their personality? They don't seem to understand that the color of the can is the only fucking difference. That's why I stick with Tab Cola, for those unmistakable metallic flavors and the uncomfortable, sticky feeling all over my body the next day.
They're the exact same store except for the fact that one is red and one is blue... and yet, you have a preference for one over the other. You made up some reasons for why they are different in your head, because you are under an immense amount of mind control.
Ahh... consumerism**:** the arena of pointless choices. Why does only one company manufacture all the different brands of eyeglasses? Perhaps... to have control over the market? No - to have control over you, stupid - and no: this isn't a joke. It's a desperate plea, urging you to wake up and see this shit for what it really is, while you have this opportunity - this window - into the illusion. You see, they are getting desperate - and lately, the world seems like it has gone mad - which is part of their strategy, which is preventing you from seeing it. Why do you think there are suddenly twenty new M&M's flavor combinations? All these new Reese's Peanut Butter Cup's with minor alterations of essentially the same fucking thing? Let me guess: they're just having fun... right? Trying to stir up interest in candy bars? Or maybe for profit... right? This is just a business strategy to get your money... right? No... no... I'm afraid you're thinking way too small... with your logic and reason and all the other LIMITING BELIEFS that you have been - and are being - indoctrinated with: every fucking day! These are all pointless choices (brought to you by consumerism) that are trying to keep you distracted. Trying to keep your mind occupied. Why is Netflix trying to induce option paralysis? Why are the high-tech gadgets we use for entertainment purposes bombarding us with a constant onslaught of ads, new articles, stories, and a maddening amount of pointless bullshit?!?!?! They want you to be overwhelmed*;* they want you to freeze. They want you to have no sense of identity. They want life to overwhelm you with an endless list of pointless shit that has to get done in order to maintain... in order to maintain... to maintain what? THE ILLUSION, IDIOT. Ok: that was uncalled for. I don't think you're an idiot. I think that you know, in the bottom of your cold, gray heart , that the crazy shit I am saying sounds right (for some reason). They are manipulating reality in order to keep you under their power and control. I don't exactly know why, but I do know that they care a lot more about you being distracted than they care about worthless green paper. You know what? I bet the 1% doesn't give a shit about money: they simply have all of it just to piss you off. Why is all this corruption in the news all the time? The next fucking scandal that everyone can talk about? WHY is the news telling us to wear masks, get vaccinated and then, the following week, admitting COVID-19 is a bio-weapon? TO KEEP YOU DISTRACTED. THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO THEM. Oh, and Walmart and Target's LOGOS both contain some occult symbolism. Yep: Target's logo is the astrological symbol for the sun and Walmart's logo is the Star of David... with the hexagon in the middle. The hexagon is symbolic of the cube. Once you understand that you can't not see the cube*.* It's fucking weird - but also a conversation for another time - when we can discuss why all of these well-known corporate LOGOs are symbolic of Saturn:
You know what? I think I should devote a large portion of my life to watching a bunch of overpaid, mentally compromised, grown-ass men chase a ball around. I also think I should be passionate about the team that is closest to me in geographical proximity. This is not mind control, but as a conspiracy realist, I do like to point out that MK Ultra really did happen, and the CIA really did experiment with mind control back in the 1950's, but the program ended decades ago. I like to go on online conspiracy forums, and help people understand the reality of conspiracy theories, so they don't get sucked into lies like Q-anon or lizard people or THIS POST, WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY THE WORK OF A MENTALLY UNSTABLE INDIVIDUAL.
Watching sports makes me feel safe, and comfortable, because it distracts me from all the bullshit of everyday life. It's good to have a nice distraction - and fill my mind with useless sports stats - or talk endlessly with the bro's about individual players strength's and weaknesses - in a boring, monotonous tone of voice - while I sip domestic piss-water beer. I don't want to think too deeply about things because it starts to make me really uncomfortable when I have to confront reality. I'd rather just not worry about it and see what happens. Who am I but a lowly speck of insignificant, worthless dog shit in this giant, scary universe, where I am completely powerless to do anything but take whatever beating the world feels like dishing out to me that day? I dunno. Maybe Jesus will come back and good will win out in the end. Good always wins in the end - that's just the way it works - so I don't really have to worry about anything. God is good. My little brother doesn't like sports at all. He likes to put on girls makeup, and is always depressed and confused and obsessing about some dumb shit. We're lucky to live in the modern age, with advancements in science that will allow my brother to medically transition into the woman that he always should have been - and always truly was - on the inside. Some assholes don't think that trans women are women. They just don't understand how science works, and don't care to learn. They are just misogynistic, transphobic assholes. That's right: if you don't think that you can be born a man and then change into a woman that means you are transphobic. You hate trans people because you don't want to believe that a man can change into a woman. Anyway - that's my brother -not me. I like guy shit... because I'm normal.
CHOICE # 666
The choice of the beast
Oh NO! Everyone hates politics - which is why I hid it at the end - because I know nobody is still reading this. I've alienated myself from the audience, with all the confusing switching between dialogues of seemingly different people and JUST BECAUSE I BET there will be some DIP-CLIP that says "voting is how we get things done around here." HA! Nice try, but this isn't about politics; this is a meta-analysis of WHY it's NO POLITICS. The short answer is that participating in this is as pointless as those people above, participating in gang warfare against their fellow man. "THOSE PEOPLE?" What do you mean, those people? Black people? THIS GUYS RACIST. No, even worse: HE'S INTOLERANT. The human race has become far too soft, weak and emasculated by the pesticides and environmental toxins that get dumped all over us, every day! GET VACCINATED for other people, you SELFISH CONSPIRACY THEORIST. This is why we aren't going to reach herd immunity and we will have to deal with COVID-19 for years to come: because of people like you. WHY WOULD I trust a RANDOM, intolerant asshole on Reddit, who watched a YouTube video about lizard people, over EXPERTS who WENT TO SCHOOL for years to become indoctrinated, believe everything the MSM tells them, and completely LACK the ability to critically think?! All my life I heard that I "need to go to college", and today I couldn't be happier that I am not of a "higher education" because, from what I've gathered, they are some of the most CLOSE-MINDED people on the planet. LIMITING BELIEFS. That's what trendy these days.
I'm not done yet! Yes, I'm gonna talk about the donkey and the elephant: not only are politics bullshit; those who participate in politics are participating in a terrible, evil practice. Why would you affiliate with a political party and tell people what you think they can and cannot do? Can't you see that's the crux of the problem? I know things are fucked when the majority of people are of the opinion that we need to FIX the government (change it, drain the swamp, bureaucracy, etc.) They don't get it - we don't need to change the government - we need to END the government. Government is the single biggest threat to humanity. "But they protect us from the BAD people." Guess what? "The bad people" are there because of the government. The government needs the bad people to be there, in order to maintain their "illusion of legitimacy" (credit - Jim@EOI) and make themselves seem needed. THE BAD PEOPLE are the people who protect us. The sooner you understand that, the better off you are. And people are still talking about election fraud because they think that Trump is GOOD. Can't you see the mind control? How are these people this BLIND to reality?
Manipulation of reality.
Look... it's the superpowers. The greatest countries in the world! But why do they have the exact same color scheme as all the pointless choices? How can they be united? This is the divided states and the divided kingdom, and they have conquered. DIVIDE & CONQUER. Oh, wait... some patriots went off to find a new home and fight for freedom from the oppression of the taxation of the royal bloody palace? Only to go and make a new country even more oppressive and with higher taxes, some two-hundred odd years later? Are you SURE that it wasn't actually to commit GENOCIDE against all the indigenous BROWN PEOPLE, whose genetic makeup allowed them to have a far deeper understanding of spirituality? CoUlDn't bE Th*@*T....
I am so sick of the average Redditor - who thinks they're smart because they're an atheist who understands science - arguing with me, using all their SUPER-BELIEVABLE LIMITING BELIEFS. I know on Reddit it's hard to tell who is real and who ... isn't real - but these people are seemingly the majority now - and they're fucked. They don't even actually understand what science is. Science isn't chopping off your dick to be a woman. Let's talk about the actual scientist who performed many series of actual scientific experiments to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that people are able to control material reality with only the use of their minds. Why doesn't anyone ever want to talk about THAT science?
What it seems is that every thing in this world - every institution, religion, and academic study - has been corrupted to keep us under control. The people that are in control of this world have access to esoteric knowledge that they have hidden from the masses to keep for themselves. This knowledge involves the ability to manipulate reality, which they use for power and keeping the rest of us down and powerless. From what I can tell, the thing they don't want us to know is that we are powerful beings, with capabilities that have been hidden and unused. Every person needs to understand that they are a powerful being that doesn't need any help or anyone to save them. WE have the power to control our own destiny. If the majority would start believing in their power and themselves, we would have a chance at ending this shitty reality manipulation and living as non-dual beings of love - as the true source of creation made us - powerful, independent beings with everything we need, and no need to evolve or learn shitty lessons about suffering. Unfortunately, it seems like most people would prefer to keep their creature comforts, believe that this isn't as bad as I am making it sound, and remain here, in the safety of familiarity... away from the fear of the unknown. And that makes me so fucking sad that it brings tears to my eyes.
submitted by futurebannedacct to CoronavirusCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:45 lafc88 FC Dallas player fams @ LAFC

FC Dallas player fams @ LAFC submitted by lafc88 to MLSAwayFans [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:35 northumbriangames Of Orcs and AI

Made vs. Created and the Nature of Orcs

J.R.R. Tolkien's stories are deeply rooted in Thomistic metaphysics and Christian theology, where the distinction between "made" and "created" is pivotal. This distinction underscores the nature of goodness, creation, corruption, and the intrinsic limitations of evil. The dichotomy between making and creating is most vividly illustrated through the origins and nature of orcs, the monstrous foot soldiers of Middle-earth's dark lords.

Creation: The Divine Act

In Tolkien's world, true creation, or creatio ex nihilo (creation from nothing), is the exclusive province of Eru IlĂșvatar, the supreme deity. This act of creation involves bringing something into existence that possesses the Flame Imperishable (or the Secret Fire), which grants true life, free will, and inherent goodness. Beings created by Eru IlĂșvatar, such as the Ainur (angelic beings), elves, and men, are imbued with this divine spark, making them fundamentally good and capable of independent existence and moral choice.
From The Silmarillion:
"Therefore IlĂșvatar may not only send forth the Flame Imperishable into the Void, but he may also bestow it to others, who may then sub-create, though only as permitted by IlĂșvatar"​​.

Making: The Act of Sub-creation

In contrast, the Valar and other beings can engage in making or sub-creation, which involves shaping or manipulating pre-existing matter. They cannot infuse these creations with the Flame Imperishable. A notable example is AulĂ«, one of the Valar, who crafted the Dwarves. Initially, these beings were mere automatons, moving only according to AulĂ«'s thoughts. It was only when Eru IlĂșvatar chose to bestow them with the Flame Imperishable that the Dwarves gained true life and independence. This story illustrates the fundamental difference between divine creation and sub-creation: the former grants true life and free will, while the latter lacks these essential qualities until blessed by Eru. Tolkien clarifies this distinction in his letters:
"They [the Valar] shared in [the World’s] 'making'—but only on the same terms as we 'make' a work of art or story. The realization of it, the gift to it of a created reality of the same grade as their own, was the act of the One God"​​.

Orcs: The Corruption of Creation

The origin of orcs in Tolkien’s mythos serves as a poignant example of the difference between making and creating. According to various writings, orcs were not created by Morgoth or Sauron but were made by corrupting pre-existing beings. In "The Silmarillion," it is suggested that orcs were originally elves who were captured, tortured, and perverted by Morgoth's malevolent influence. This corruption transformed them into beings of evil, stripped of their original grace and beauty. In Morgoth's Ring we find:
"It became clear in time that undoubted Men could under the domination of Morgoth or his agents in a few generations be reduced almost to the Orc-level of mind and habits; and then they would or could be made to mate with Orcs, producing new breeds, often larger and more cunning. There is no doubt that long afterwards, in the Third Age, Saruman rediscovered this, or learned of it in lore, and in his lust for mastery committed this, his wickedest deed: the interbreeding of Orcs and Men, producing both Men-orcs large and cunning, and Orc-men treacherous and vile."​​.
Tolkien emphasizes that orcs, though rational and capable of independent thought, lack the divine spark of the Flame Imperishable. This absence signifies that while Morgoth could mar and twist the creations of Eru, he could not create life himself. In Flame Imperishable, Tolkien is quoted as saying:
"Treebeard does not say that the Dark Lord 'created' Trolls and Orcs. He says he 'made' them in counterfeit of certain creatures pre-existing. There is, to me, a wide gulf between the two statements"​​.
Elves: Created with inherent goodness and free will. Their essence is tied to beauty, longevity, and a deep connection to nature and creation.
Men: Created with inherent goodness and free will. Their essence includes mortality, adaptability, and a dynamic nature.
Orcs: Originally, corrupted elves or men, or made from slime and heat, the essence has been radically distorted and corrupted by evil. Their essence now reflects malevolence, subservience, and a perversion of their original nature.
Elves: Given existence by Eru IlĂșvatar, independent and autonomous. Their being is fully realized with a true purpose aligned with their essence.
Men: Given existence by Eru IlĂșvatar, independent and autonomous. Their being is dynamic, capable of growth, and change, and is fully realized.
Orcs: Their existence is subjugated to the will of their corrupt masters (Morgoth or Sauron). While they have real, physical existence, it is dependent on the malevolent forces that control them.
Elves: High degree of moral autonomy, capable of making independent choices and pursuing their own paths.
Men: High degree of moral autonomy, capable of making independent choices and pursuing their own paths.
Orcs: Almost entirely controlled by their evil masters, reflecting their corrupted essence and dependent existence.
Connection to Eru
Elves: Directly created by Eru with the Flame Imperishable, giving them true life and free will.
Men: Directly created by Eru with the Flame Imperishable, giving them true life and free will.
Orcs: Not created by Eru but rather made by corrupting pre-existing beings or materials. They lack the Flame Imperishable, highlighting their dependent and perverted nature.
Philosophical Implication
Elves: Represent the ideal of Tolkien's metaphysical and theological views, embodying true creation and the perfect blend of essence and existence.
Men: Embody the dynamic and adaptable nature of true creation with a perfect blend of essence and existence, according to Aquinas's philosophy.
Orcs: Serve as an example of how essence and existence can be corrupted and diminished by evil. Their existence is real but heavily dependent and perverted, lacking true autonomy and the Flame Imperishable.

Philosophical and Theological Implications

The distinction between made and created has profound implications in Tolkien’s universe. It aligns with Christian theology, reflecting the belief in a singular, omnipotent Creator who alone can grant true life. This distinction underscores the inherent limitations of evil: it is parasitic, relying on the corruption of what is good rather than generating new existence.
Orcs epitomize this concept. They are beings made through corruption, reflecting the perversion of creation. Their existence as fundamentally corrupted creatures illustrates the limits of Morgoth’s and Sauron’s power. They can induce suffering and manipulate life, but they cannot originate a true life that burns with the Flame Imperishable. This underscores a central theme in Tolkien’s works: the resilience of good and the ultimate impotence of evil to truly create.

On Artificial Intelligence

This leads us to Artificial Intelligence. Modern large language models (LLMs) and artificial intelligence systems, despite their sophisticated capabilities, are constructs without true volition or understanding. Basically, an LLM is an advanced version of autocomplete. These systems operate on vast datasets and algorithms designed to predict and generate human-like text (or audio or images), but they lack genuine consciousness, intent, and moral agency. Unlike beings created with the divine spark in Tolkien's world, LLMs do not possess free will or intrinsic purpose; they are tools made by humans to process and mimic patterns. Some commentators have even referred to AI as an alien intelligence, a ~shoggoth with a human face~, meaning that while the text may look humanlike, in reality, it originated not from a human but from an unknowable, formless alien process, which is the LLM.
"Well, we're fooled by their fluency, right? We just assume that if a system is fluent in manipulating language, then it has all the characteristics of human intelligence. But that impression is false." --Yann Lecun​​ on the Lex Fridman podcast #416
The outputs of an LLM are determined not by experience, education, and emotion but by the data and programming they receive, reflecting the biases and limitations inherent in their design. This underscores the crucial distinction between artificial constructs and beings endowed with the Flame Imperishable, with true life and volition. Parents, for instance, should think carefully about giving a child unbridled access to an LLM which has no discernible ethics. The AI is a soulless, thoughtless machine built by human researchers, much like an orc is designed by Sauron simply to act as an instrument of his evil desires. The ethical and philosophical results of deploying such constructs into our society is staggering indeed.

The AI is only the Tool of the Maker

Of course, while the analogy between LLMs and Orcs highlights the artificial nature and purpose-driven creation of both, there are clear and fundamental differences in moral intent and potential for ethical use. LLMs are not (as far as we know) inherently evil constructs. They seem to be neutral tools that reflect the intentions of their creators and users. As such, the focus should be on ensuring that AI development and deployment are guided by ethical principles to maximize their benefits and minimize potential harm. That said, as with social media, we may come to regret the technology and wish to fling it back into Mordor's fire.


Tolkien's distinction between made and created is a metaphysical aspect of Middle Earth. It emphasizes the unique power of Eru IlĂșvatar's true creation and the corruptive nature of evil. The orcs symbolize this dichotomy, illustrating how evil can distort but not create. This concept resonates in modern large language models and AI systems, which lack genuine consciousness and moral agency despite their advanced capabilities. Orcs and contemporary LLMs demonstrate the ethical implications of using such technologies and serve to enrich the philosophical depth of Tolkien's work.
submitted by northumbriangames to osr [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:08 Terrible_North_7918 Lessons I learned during my first year of eng!

Hey! Ik a lot of the incoming first year engineering students have accepted their offers recently (congrats!) and I thought this may be of use for you guys and some of these can go for any first year student honestly. I learned so so much during my first year and would love to share if it even benefits one person!
- every percent helps! A lot of your mark will be based off the midterm and final, but most classes have room to gain marks in quizzes and homework. Although each one may be worth small (for ex. in pcs each hw is work 0.5%), don't get in the habit of slacking off and overlooking those. Those percents add up and can help you pass your course esp if you do poorly on major assessments. it can be very easy to skip or forget them in the midst of midterm season, but you future self will thank you when your calculating your grade at the end of the semester. Plus its a great way to stay sharp and caught up!
- join clubs. everyone says this but its for a reason!!!! It is an excellent way to meet upper years and learn from them, as well as gain skills and opportunities that set you apart from peers. You can also add it to your LinkedIn and climb up the exec ladder if you stick to the same clubs over the years. This is the best thing I could've done my first year. Although it can be challenging managing them along your classes, even joining one or two positions can help make yourself well rounded. Some examples are MUES positions, FYEO fyc, IEEE, WiE, BMES, MECU, ECEstorms, CECU and literally SM more.
- design teams. on the topic of clubs, design teams esp are something I wish I joined but hope to in my second year. Design teams are amazing because they allow you to contribute to physical projects and use the concepts you are taught in your classes! They're also great because you can add these projects to your resume and linkendin.
- find good friends/study group. It can be overwhelming and scary in the beginning to make friends, and it does take time to build those relationships. However I highly recommend you put yourself out there and out your comfort zone even if it is just talking to someone while waiting outside of a lecture. I cannot stress enough how beneficial a supportive friend/group can be for your entire degree! You guys can hang out between classes, lock in and study together, they can be there to help you/teach the things you don't understand, hold you accountable when you slack off, hype you up and push you to seek new oppurtunites, and make sm memories. don't be scared about meeting new people, it is a lot easier than you think esp bc everyone is on the same boat in first year and looking for friends! Joining clubs as I mentioned is a great way, as well as talking to the people in your tutorials/labs and inviting them to get a bite or drink with you!
- hold your self accountable. You know yourself best and you know when you are slacking off, when you are doing something you shouldn't be, when you can be doing better than you are, etc. University is not like hs where you have a teacher or figure to hold you accountable, you need to do that for yourself. Eng is not easy, you need to know when it's time to study or put in effort because spoiler alert, you need both to succeed. you cannot expect to pass or have good grades if you are only going to lectures and not reviewing, doing your hw, or studying. and holding yourself accountable throughout the sem can make studying for finals and midterms easier for you.
- be careful using chatgpt, bc you will become dependent on it. Ai is definitely a helpful tool than can be used to answer specific questions and spark new ideas, however use it cautiously. Pushing and using your brain is so good for you, however access to gpt and ai can make it seem like an easy fix. It is, but all I am saying is don't use it for everything, don't use it when you have the answers in your notes or textbook, don't use it if you have time to work it out/think on it. you do not want to become one of those brain rot individuals that cannot think and speak for themself thats all.
- save your money. I wish I'd hear this before but it is incredibly easy to blow off money in your first year esp at tmu. There are food and shopping places in every corner, so if you have the money/savings it's easy to get in the habit of buying food or a sweet treat every day. Many of us aren't working during school either. Just remember that each course you take cost money, if you need to take it again or online it cost money, your homework textbooks and lab equipment often costs money, and if you are on osap you will need money to pay it back! just be careful đŸ„Č
- chang policy. I had to learn this one the hard way too. If you would like to take a course virtually through chang the refund policy is NOT the same as in person courses. If you change your mind about the course and want a full policy, you need to drop the course 5 BUSINESS DAYS before it begins if you want a full refund. I dropped a course 4 business days before and had to pay 50% for a course I did not take.
- time management because the workload is intense. engineering is not easy but time management can make your degree manageable and not feel impossible. it may be hard to find the routine and flow that works for you, but if I can give any advice while you do it is to make use of the time you have when you have it. Use resources like a planner, google cal, to-do lists, reminders etc to stay on top and make time for everything. being able to manage your time can save you a lot of panic and stress in midterm and final season. although the workload can get overwhelming, break your tasks down and take it day by day, but make sure you get done what you need too.
- start group projects early, especially CEN100. you will encounter many group projects during your first year, and most of the important ones happen near the end of the semester. I highly suggest you urge you and your group to get started or at least plan/break down tasks early, ideally from the get go when it is assigned. trying to coordinate with group members who are all busy with the end of the semester can be difficult and makes room for conflict to arise. not to mention starting early gives you time to seek help and critique from your TA. if you need to be that person, hold the group accountable and make sure you guys do not leave it for last min.
- don't compare yourself. everyone comes from different educational and social backgrounds. for some it may come as a shock to be surrounded by people who are as smart as you if not probably smarter. it is so easy to compare yourself and your success to others and it can easily become discouraging. just know that although you will meet people doing great while you may be near flunking, everyone is still struggling and finding it difficult. they may have different learning styles from you that makes it easier for them to learn new material, or they may have come from a school/background where they have already learned it. that doesn't mean you can't get to that level tho, for some it just takes some extra effort and that is okay.
- connect with your TA's and profs and build a relationship with them. You won't always come across a friendly or dedicated instructor, but if you feel you you have give them the chance to get to know and remember you, go to office hours and your tutorials even if they are optional. chances are they may be willing to give you advice or insight on what is on the midterm/final, or they could be the reason your mark has been boosted enough for you to pass. this is not always the case, but it often is.
- it will be a learning curve and takes time to adjust. as much as people can advise and warn you, you won't know what you are getting yourself into until you are actually in it. university for most people is a whole different ball park, let alone an engineering degree. you likely may not find your circle, your flow and your space right away and that is okay, it is part of the process that sets you up to be the best engineer you can be one day. some may be able to adjust quicker than others but just be patient with yourself, if you need to break up for your year into the spring/summer sem so be it. they say the first year of eng is the hardest bc it is such a large jump from high school, but remember it isn't impossible, so many people have done it and so can you. be kind with yourself, and use the many many resources that are available for your success.
- stay caught up in your classes to avoid burnout during midterm and exam season. one of my biggest regrets is missing so much class after midterms and having to cram for finals. Up until my midterms for both semesters I was caught up and following along in everything which made studying less time consuming bc I was already familiar with most the material, it was just filling in the gaps and practicing. Finals nearly took me out bc of the amount of cramming I had to do before I could even get to studying. not to mention seeing the material multiple times will make it stick better by logic. falling behind is common, but don't let it get too far because it truly is very hard to come back from. try to study as you go through the semester, and review/practice the lessons regularly. do not let the material leave your brain as soon as you learn it.
- it is okay to fail. many of us come from being high achievers in high school and getting above average grades. but you will come to learn that grades in the 45-60 range is normal. it is not the end of the world if you fail a course, especially in your first year. you are not dumb, you are not a failure, you are not letting anyone down. failing a course or two is normal and fairly common at least once during this degree. as a first year there is a lot of leeway and room for success, so you can just take it the next sem or the spring.
- make time for your family. this mostly goes for the commuters, but it can be difficult to make time for them especially when the semester ramps up. you may find yourself locked up in your room or coming home late from a library study sesh. but for many people they are your support system and even taking an hour away from your work to spend time with them and be a breath of fresh air and much needed to feel connected to them.
- go to student events! there are genuinely SO MANY that run throughout the year especially for us. I highly recommend to you to as many conferences as you can, GVIC, the WiE if you are female, the one from FYEO and more from MUES. these are great to make industry connections, learn things you don't learn in class, you can make friends, network, and grow yourself professionally. there are other more fun and chill student events that run too that can be great to destress during the sem and wind down with your friends.
- learn to make use of your time if your commute. Many of us who take the go have quite long commutes that can make it feel like a chunk of our day is gone. Something to help with that is just learning to manage the travel time and get something done. This can be being productive and study, taking a power nap, winding down/screen time before locking in at home, have lunch/dinner, making phone calls, etc. Plan your day out and what you are going to do during that commute time, it can truly help structure your day sm better.
- split your chegg. if you really need to buy it (its great for CHY homework and PCS) find some reliable and not snitchy friends and split it so its cheaper. although again, be careful using such tool incase you become dependent on it. it is a tool not solution, use it to learn how to do questions you don't have examples on, but still make sure you do most the hw for practice etc.
- don't get in the habit of skipping class. everyone says this yet we all do it. but I feel like I still need to include this since I have tasted my own medicine from skipping so much. its fine to skip here and there but don'ttttt make it a habit bc it is near impossible to break. its starts with one class, and then you skip the next one bc you didn't catch up and you're gonna be lost either way, and then it snowballs from there. its okay if you aren't caught up from previous missed lectures. just go, even if you just sit there and pay attention without taking notes. you will eventually catch up if you go, but letting it become a habit is just cutting yourself short and holding you back from sm academic success.
- don't overlook the easy classes. they WILL be your mark booster but you still need to put in the effort. for me they were CEN100, CHY102, my liberals, and CPS188. If you care about your gpa make sure you put effort into these classes bc they are very easy to do well in and will boost your gpa.
- its okay to feel imposter syndrome. I went through this a lot and felt like eng was not for me at many times because I would get in the habit of comparing myself. I don't think I felt like I belonged or felt like I was where I was supposed to be until the winter sem. as I mentioned it can take time to find your space but you will eventually. try to remember why you went into eng in the first place, and if it was just money joining clubs/going to eng events can help you find passion or belonging in it again. at the end of the day just trust your gut. if you truly truly feel like you can't see yourself working as an engineer maybe you could reconsider. but if you can but you are just struggling, I promise the imposter syndrome is normal but it will go away.
- NO all nighters. this is coming from someone who has pulled one too many this year and regrets it every single time. I feel like we all know this by now but just prioritize your sleep guys, this again comes down to time management but get enough sleep helps you SO MUCH to learn and digest all the material. you may be able to stay awake physically but you brain needs the rest. and ESPECIALLY DONT PULL ALL NIGHTERS BEFORE EXAMS. So many times this sem have I experience the worst brain fog of my life from doing this, you start to forget the most basic of things and concepts you may have perfected. it can be so easy to overlook our sleep but it truly is so important. don't sacrifice it, if you need to take the L bc you didn't study enough just take it, bc honestly studying more ahead would've saved you if you feel like you need to miss your sleep to cram.
- don't buy a single textbook. the only time you should is PCS and CHY bc it comes with the homework which you need to buy. other than that don't you can find it all online for free either on Anna's archive, the eng gcs or upper years.
- be prepared for midterms. tbh nothing could've prepared me, it is intense. esp if you are taking the full course load. the learning does not stop when midterms roll around, you will still have fast paced lectures, still have hw, still have regular quizzes and projects on top of studying for midterms. It can honestly feel suffocating in the midst of it and extremely overwhelming, but again this is where time management comes to play, use planning resources, and set yourself up for success from the very beginning of the sem. the biggest mistake people make is skipping lectures during midterms, because let me tell you, you will not make the time to catch up during midterm season, and even when it is over you are likely quite far behind or near finals. try your self to ensure you keep going to your classes during it. ALSO, make sure you study well for your midterms, for many people they do better on the midterm than the final so allocating those grades from the midterm is a great idea.
- check your emails! there are so many opportunities and resources that get sent to your inbox. this includes free tutoring, study halls, event details, on campus paid opportunities, club hirings etc.
- take care of yourself. like sm other things it can be so easy to overlook your basic needs and let yourself go. whether that be skipping meals or eating fast food alllllll the time, not sleeping, not showering and doing laundry, not giving yourself free time, etc, you need to look after yourself because no one else will. and the only way you can do well is ensuring you yourself are well. feed yourself healthy and balanced meals, get enough sleep, PLEASE SHOWER AND USE DEODORANT (the stereotype is in fact true), and take yourself outside on walks and with your loved ones. don't lose yourself along the way, it is all about balance.
- do not drop linear algebra in the fall. just listen to me on this one. even if you absolutely BOMB the midterm, don't get scared by it and decide to drop it. this happens essentially every year, and they usually, every year, make the final much easier and straight forward than the midterm is so it IS possible to pass. at the end of the day all you need is a 50 and it is very doable if you have the quiz/hw grades secured (free marks for most people) and study well for the final. try to get profs like majed and wang bc if you are near passing they may boost you enough too. and even if you did fail, so be it that is fine, you can take it in the winter but atleast you gave it youre all and said you tried but chances are you will pass. I say this bc the winter sections for linear algebra ive heard are much harder than the fall, although I think they curve at the end, it is a lottttt more theoretical and confusing so I recommend you push yourself for the fall and see where that takes you.
Anddddd I think that's all! I know that was a lot and maybe overwhelming but I hope it was insightful. if you have any questions or worries feel free to comment or pm.
submitted by Terrible_North_7918 to TorontoMetU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:04 EthanFeiges Jazz music lessons offering

My name is Ethan, and I am a college jazz double bassist out of Seattle for the summer. I have been studying under Peter Dominguez at the University of Wisconsin as a student, and I am interested in teaching some virtual jazz music lessons this summer to better refine my jazz skills through education.
As for credibility, I have been playing jazz bass for over 8 years by this point and have received some awards throughout high school at festivals and being invited to honor ensembles. Additionally, I have been asked to play at countless professional gigs throughout the Seattle area recently.
If you’re interested in learning jazz bass, please message me and we can negotiate reasonable pricing. If you’re unable to afford lessons, I am happy to offer it for free as well.
submitted by EthanFeiges to doublebass [link] [comments]