Rebuid carburator on 21 hp v-twin briggs and stratton

DEBATE/EVENT SCHEDULE THIS WEEK: Hodge Twins in Vegas, Bridges: R.A. The Rugged Man

2024.05.12 05:07 holeyshirt18 DEBATE/EVENT SCHEDULE THIS WEEK: Hodge Twins in Vegas, Bridges: R.A. The Rugged Man

UPDATED May.11.2024 If you have any info/links, or suggestions, please post below. \*for new changes*
NEW YORK Canvassing Event June 22nd-23rd - More Information - Sign up




Bridges Podcast: Episode 09, R.A. the Rugged Man May 13 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Hodge Twins May 15 Las Vegas Twins Pod YT
Bridges Podcast: Episode 10, Jordan Harbringer June 8 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
NEW YORK CANVASSING: Weekend of Action #2 June 22-23 Yonkers, New York Info/Sign up! (No prior experience necessary)
Bridges Podcast: Episode 11, Mr. Beat June 15 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Bridges Podcast: Episode 12, David Pakman June 28 Bridges YT Channel
Bridges Podcast: Episode 13, Harley Morenstein June 29 Bridges YT Channel (Maybe on Anything Else)
Bridges Podcast: Episode 14, Drew Pavlou July 6 Bridges YT Channel

Bridges Podcast: Episode 08, Task & Purpose (Chris Cappy) (Filmed May 11) Releases on Bridges YT Channel
Seb Gorka hosted by Triggernometry (filmed May 10) 2 hour conversation - Trump vs. Biden, releasing on Triggernometry
Vice Documentary: (Redpill: Will air on their cable documentary channel (Tubi), 60-75 minute documentary exploring masculinity, manosphere, & economy of the internet, hosted by Vegas Tenold. Releases summer, 2024. (Watch Destiny Video: filmed feb 21- Destiny talking to Vice while they film, 1hr)
- David Beir: Immigration (TBR) - DJ Akademiks (To Be Rescheduled, TBR) 
UNCONFIRMED (tentative time frames, 3rd parties scheduling, creators interested to chat)
Maybe: Decoding The Gurus - Dman may use his right to reply
Wants to Chat: Michael Knowles) (said on Iced Coffee Hour Podcast)
Maybe: Dave Rubin Valuetainment trying to set debate
Tentative: Shlomo Ben-Ami After March 30th
Maybe: Jynxzi podcast appearance
Maybe: Kevin McCarthy saw the debate w/Shapiro, in talks
Invite: Michael Sartain invites Destiny to Vegas
3rd Party Contact: President of Israel, Isaac Herzog
3rd Party Contact: Einat Wilf
NBC Interview











Cenk Uygur: Israel - Hamas War
Lisa Elizabeth: Systemic racism
Meghan Murphy: Is sex work immoral?
(2019) Hasan Piker: Kamala Harris (Bridge Burn)
(2019) Sargon of Akkad: What is a woman?
DESTINY'S OBSIDIAN NOTES Direct Link Israel-Palestine Reddit Post
Many thanks to:
If you have any suggestions, info/links or additions, please post so I can update.
submitted by holeyshirt18 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 00:57 BestOrganization1191 Lawn mower won't start

I have a Craftsman M230 163-cc 21-in self-propelled lawn mower with a Briggs & Stratton engine that I'm having issues with. Lawn mower wouldn't start at all and I've done the following so far in this order-
Added oil since it was low Checked air filter and not very dirty as it was replaced towards the end of last year Drained old gas and put in new Checked spark plug and still has spark Cleaned carburetor
Tried starting the engine after each thing was done and it wouldn't turn on until after the carburetor was cleaned, but it quickly started emitting white smoke and died. The pull cord also locked up. After waiting 15 minutes the lawn mower was able to start again, but same thing with the smoke, cutting off, and pull cord locking up.
What could be causing this and any solutions?
submitted by BestOrganization1191 to smallengines [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 19:44 jester191919 Engine has more power but won’t give it

So I’ve got a 21 hp Briggs and Stratton Vtwin I’ve put onto a go kart. When I open the throttle via the little disk thing it doesn’t give a lot of power. When I pull the throttle down that’s attached to the governer it will only give max power. As soon as I let go of the arm it’s straight back to max speed. Anybody got any idea what’s going on?
submitted by jester191919 to smallengines [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 07:29 NicJames2378 New homeowner, need ZT advice

Less than a year ago, I bought my first home! As such, I didn't really have any yard equipment to bring with me. Well, it's that time of year now where I desperately need to start mowing. I've used a zero turn in the past on someone else's property, and it was a blast compared to the traditional-style rider. As my yard is mostly flat with few obstacles, I decided I wanted to get one of my own.
The following are options which seem highly rated online and are within an hour or two's drive of me. What are your thoughts on them?
  1. Bad Boy BMZ4219BG - Tractor Supply - $3600
  2. Gravely ZT X 918010 - Local store about 1hr away - $4000
  3. Husqvarna Z254F Special - Tractor Supply - $3200
These are options which seem decent from my limited understanding and research (which mostly says to avoid the Orange/Blue stores). I'm trying to stay around $3-4K, but will happily entertain suggestions for other options with better build/longevity/maintenance. A slightly more expensive mower that will last twice as long is better than $2500 in repairs in the next 5 years!
Bonus question: I don't imagine a ZT mower would be any good at pulling things, would they? Things such as a log splitter, small trailer, and a garden cart using a ball socket.
submitted by NicJames2378 to lawnmowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 04:25 Mammoth-Switch-137 Updated PVP Barbarian Comprehensive Guide

Updated PVP Barbarian Comprehensive Guide
Last update May 13th, 2024. Guide fully updated for S4 + new build for S4 + all builds updated for S4. For future seasonal updates I will update build planners and the word document linked at end (Reddit has been glitchy when updating multimedia posts)!
Go get some
Skills and Paragon - Note: All builds have multiple variants within each planner
Beginner Friendly, Non-Meta Builds
Sample Build Stunlock Selig SG - Basic attack + Standard Thorns package. Butcher's Cleaver + Anemia + Concussion = Opponent will be permanently CCed unless their unstoppable is on. SG gap closer. See notes section of build planner
Sample Build Stunlock Selig Charge - Similar to above but gap closer changed from SG to Charge for 3rd unstoppable source. See notes section of build planner
Sample Build Classic Thorns Barb - Similar to above but with comprehensive/AOE Thorns package. See notes section of build planner
Video - Stunlock Selig SG Demo
Advanced Difficulty, Non-Meta, Experimental Builds
Sample Build Dust Devil DS - DS with stunlock and Dust Devil experimentation, new for S4. See notes section of build planner
Sample Build Selig Charge Stun Rend - Rend with stunlock and Charge experimentation for S3. See notes section of build planner
Sample Build Selig DS Stun DOT - DS with stunlock and DOT experimentation for S2. See notes section of build planner
Advanced Difficulty, Prototypical Meta Builds
Sample Build Meta Rend - See notes section of build planner
Sample Build Meta DS - See notes section of build planner
Matchups - I won't go into detail here since I am a n00b but:
· DOTs: If enemy is doing high DOT dmg add Undying aspect to an Invigorating Fury build (Rend or DS) to out heal the DOT
· Stuns/Freezes: If enemies are stunlocking you, consider dropping War Cry + Raid Leader and adding 3rd unstoppable source (WoTB, Iron Skin/Iron Warrior, Metamorphosis)
· Ranged Opponents/Runners/Kiters: Switch to Lunging Strike and fish for Anemia or Concussion procs, burst them down with DS or Rend once they are CCed. They are usually squishy so sometimes basic attack is enough.
· Elemental opponents: Swap gear with +armor affix/armor aspects to +Res affixes/DR aspects
· Sorcerer: Teleport + invulnerable (Protector bubble aspect, Flame Shield, Ice Block, Lycandeprotection shrine, Flame Shield enchant) make them hard to pin down. Disengage while invul on, re-engage with shouts once off. Vs. GG sor swap out +armor affixes/aspects and have 70 to 85 res.
· Lycander Sorcerer: Any Sor with shrine effects on is using Lycander and can stun lock you via lucky hit/chance to stun affix. 2+ sources of unstoppable required
· Fire Sor: Meta Sor build #1. Vs. GG one swap out Razorplate, Death Wish, and Inner Calm. Add Undying, Rapid, Iron Warrior, Anemia, Tyrael's, etc. Stack + max life. Amulet with MS. DR DOT from Hemorrhage board, DRD from Pit Fighter. Switch to Battle Lunging Strike to close distance/activate DRB. Tactical Iron Skin for heal+barrier+DR. Switch Outburst/Tough as Nails to Swiftness. Switch Revenge to Imbiber Glyph. FW and Firebolt Enchant are both DOTs and do not trigger thorns. Burning DOT looks like poison dmg on health globe. Sors die very quickly once you catch them/once concussion or Anemia procs. Vs. bad one no gear swap needed.
· Cold Sor: Non-meta Sor. 2+ sources of unstoppable (alternate them) are required so you aren't permanently frozen. Switch War Cry/Raid Leader to Iron Skin with Iron Warrior if you need more unstoppable. Thorns works well vs. Cold so feel free to add Razorplate, Death Wish, and Strategic Challenging Shout. Keep spamming Lunging Strike till you catch them.
· Lightning Sor: Meta Sor build #2. Vs. GG one can be long duel (they try to avoid your shouts; you try to avoid their Flame Shield). They can stun lock you via Arc Lash Enchant if Rallying Cry on CD, so use Iron Warrior or WoTB for second unstoppable source. Thorns works well vs. Lightning
Video - Meta Rend vs. BL. Sor killing me via stun lock/Lycander Uber Staff (he would engage after Rallying Cry wore off). I changed pants from Might, to Tassets, and finally to Iron Warrior + LR Elixir - needed extra source of unstoppable. Sor appearing to randomly die without me nearby is from bleed
· Barb V. Barb: Vs. GG Barbs the most optimized build will win. Stack DDodge/Attack Speed. DRC/DRB from paragon. Armor cap/85% physical res vs lvl 100 required. No MS affixes. Consider Flickerstep (if WoTB) or Yen's Blessing (if CDR synergy build) for DRC. Note: All Barb builds can have thorns integration. Geared Meta builds in general defeat thorns/thorns hybrids, as do DOT based builds
· Selig Barbs: Any barb build (even Meta) can be Selig by just adding Amulet, hard to plan against due to variability. Rend builds burn their fury/makes it so they can't cast core skills, well optimized meta builds are best against Selig
· Rend: Meta barb build #2. Vs. GG one same principles as BvB. Use Undying aspect + Invigorating Fury to out heal the DOT dmg. DOT does not proc thorns, but their attacks will.
· DS: Meta barb build #1. Vs. GG one same gear principles as vs. Rend (minus the DOT part), add Might and/or Undying
· Rogue: Thorns works well vs. most Rogues, consider adding Razorplate, Death Wish, and Strategic Challenging Shout
· Twisting Blades Rogue: Meta rogue build, GG one can burst you down/very high dmg. Meta barb usually wins
· Rapid Fire Rogue: Will try to 1 shot you from distance. Just chase them down, they are squishy. Thorns works well here, consider Razorplate/Death Wish/Strategic Challenging Shout. Make sure Challenging Shout is on. +Move speed and PR boots help.
· Poison Rogue/Druid: Vs. GG player you can die. DOT does not proc thorns, but their attacks will. 70+ PR helps. Barriers (Iron Skin) stop poison damage! Meta Invigorating Fury + Undying aspect builds are better here, sustain offsets poison dmg
· Shadow Wave Necro: Don't stand in the DOTs vs Necro + use SR boots. Patience, use your mobility. Necro very poor mobility, once their Shadow Wave and Blood Mist are done, they won't be able to do much. Thorns works well here, consider adding Razorplate, Death Wish, and Strategic Challenging Shout
Why try Barb for PVP?
Barb has multiple easy, effective PVP builds. With any of the builds above you will be able to achieve all seasonal PVP objectives, Hatred's Chosen, and farm all PVP cosmetics/mounts. For more PVP info, I'd recommend checking out the D4 discord "pvp-dueling" channel. Here is invite Diablo 4 Discord Special thanks to @ Yordanyz (Discord) for all the input and u/WUZZLYFLUFF who made the original barbarian PVP guide for season 0
Video - Proof of Concept in Casual PVP
Why try Fields of Hatred and PVP?
· The thrill + unknown when running into another player.
· Achievements, titles, cosmetic, and mount rewards.
Image - Cosmetics: Bloody Steed mount + Bloody Warlord's trophy + Killer's set armor
Key differences with PVP, caps, dmg basics:
· Critical Strike give a baseline 50%[x] dmg multiplier (even if you have no +crit damage affixes)! Crit strike chance (CSC) affix is useful for proccing the baseline multiplier, and for activating many synergies (Carnage legendary node, Butcher's Cleaver fear, etc.). +Crit dmg affix is additive [+] dmg up to PVP crit dmg cap of 200%. Thorns cannot crit. Only attacks and bleeds (via Gushing Wounds key passive) can crit. +Crit dmg affix is bad in PVP since dmg to close is also additive, is uncapped, and has more uptime.
· Berserking gives a 25%[x] dmg multiplier, increased to 60%[x] if Unconstrained Key Passive. +DWB affix is additive [+] dmg. Blood Rage makes 10% of your total +DWB bonus multiplicative dmg, capped at 30%[x] bonus. This makes DWB a more valuable affix/paragon node than dmg to close. You will need at least +300 DWB to reach Blood Rage multiplier cap. Example: if your +DWB is 300%, Blood Rage would give 30%[x] damage multiplier.
Image - 25%[x] multiplier from Berserking and 56%[x] multiplier (S3 had no cap) from Blood Rage. Your current bonus Blood Rage multiplier is always listed if you hover over the node!
· Dmg Affix Priority Order for Weapons/Rings: DWB>Close until you reach 300% DWB (30% Blood Rage cap), then Close>DWB
· Vulnerable applies baseline 20%[x] damage multiplier (even if you have no +vul damage affixes), which is also the PVP cap. Vuln status has many synergies that give additional multipliers (Decimator, Violent Rend, Cut to the Bone, Wallop, etc.), and also enables DR Vul. +Vul dmg affix is a useless PVP affix due to cap except for Rend builds since Hemorrhage multiplies your bleeding dmg by 15%[x] of your total +Vuln dmg bonus!
Image - 21%[x] multiplier from Hemorrhage, your current bonus Hemorrhage multiplier is always listed if you hover over the node! This node in bleed builds is the only purpose of +Vulnerable dmg affix in PVP
· Overpower gives a 50%[x] damage multiplier. Past this is additive [+] dmg up to PVP cap of 150%. +OP dmg is a useless PVP affix since you will exceed cap from base willpower and inherent +OP dmg on 2h bludgeoning. Thorns dmg and bleeds cannot overpower.
· Attack speed from gear is capped at 100% (separate from aspect cap). Gear affixes, abilities (Duelist) and elixirs count as gear. Attack speed from aspects and skills is capped at 100% (separate from gear cap). Rapid, Accelerating, Frenzy, etc.
Spreadsheet - Attack Speed Testing Complete Spreadsheet
Image - Attack Speed Testing S2, Moonrise is now an aspect (Cap 2)
· Dust Devil Size: Bonus capped at 100%
· Cooldown Reduction: CDR from gear affixes (Shako, Helm, Amulet, etc.) capped at 75%, aspects can further reduce.
· Phys dmg note: Thorns and bleeds are physical dmg, but +physical dmg does not directly increase thorns or bleed dmg, only attack dmg
· Phys dmg over time: Only increases bleed dmg
· Bleeding DMG note: Only increases bleed dmg
· Dmg over time note: Increases all DOT dmg (including bleed)
· DMG to bleeding: Increases your DMG to a target that is bleeding, not bleeding dmg itself.
· 92% Inherent DR is granted against other players in PVP. This is separate from other DR sources.
· Armor cap based on player testing/prior seasons has been between 9,000-10,000. For S4 armor cap is standardized at 9230 for 85% physical resistance vs. lvl 100 (this has not been player tested yet*).
· DR is not capped. This has been tested in PVP. DR is not calculated additively. 20% DR from Shako and 20% DR from Might does not add up to 40% DR, but instead it would be (1-0.2)*(1-0.2) = 0.64, or 64% dmg received, or 36% actual DR. DR Formula is [1-((1-D1)*(1-D2)*(1-D3)*(1-D4))], where Dx is % DR from each item/affix/aspect, etc.
Image - DR functionality. Credit to theorycraft-pvp D4 Discord channel
· DRC: Anyone in Melee range is Close for DR purposes, I.E., you can hit them with basic attack = DRC applies.
· DRD: Anyone outside of Melee range is Distant for DR purposes, I.E., you can't hit them with melee attack = DRD applies, even if they are 1 pixel away from you hitting them it is DRD.
· Dodge is uncapped. Dodge works on attacks and spells; dodged attacks deal no damage! Dodge formula is (Dex/100) + [1-((1-D1)*(1-D2)*(1-D3)*(1-D4))], where Dx is % dodge chance from each item/affix/aspect/elixir.
Image - PVP zone differences. This is how Barb can 1v4 people and win. Each kill will reset your shouts and heal you
Gear basic principles:
· Two sets of gear are needed.
· Set 1: Vs. FW Sor - See matchups section of this guide.
· Set 2: Vs. Other opponents as per below
· Generally, stack Strength, life, attack speed, DWB, dmg to close, DR, CDR, and Dodge whenever possible!
· If not using Juggernaut, then +Armor affix required on only one to two gear pieces to reach cap
· Res cap is easier to reach vs. specific opponents by swapping individual gear pieces when needed
Best gear affixes by slot (Note: Ancestral Unique have affixes that can’t roll on normal geathese affixes were not included)
· Helm: CDR, life, +armor, strength, res
· Chest: +armor, strength, life, res
· Pants: Life, strength, +armor, dodge, resistance
· Gloves: Attack speed, CSC, life, strength. Core variants: +Rend ranks, +DS ranks
· Boots: Vs physical: Armor, MS, Str, Dodge, Life. Boots: vs. Elemental: Res, MS, Str, Dodge, Life. Boot sets: One with fire res, one with cold, one with lightning, one with poison, etc. Switch as needed.
Image - My boot set - always in inventory. Similar affixes except the single res. Can do this to reach soft or hard cap res for specific opponent. Circled boot is vs. phys. Can also do this with Chest/Pant slots!
· Amulet: Movement speed, attack speed, CDR, dodge, life, +armor, strength. As per build: Wallop ranks, Counteroffensive ranks, Cut to the Bone ranks.
· Rings: Life, attack speed, CSC, strength. Rend builds: DOT dmg. Vuln dmg. No CSC (if Rend + Unconstrained)
· Weapons: Strength, life, attack speed. Rend builds: Vuln dmg, DOT dmg.
Image - Ancestral Unique Arsenal examples
Tempering – Too many to list here, many viable options. Tempering should complement your build + increase your survivability. See build planners for examples.
- Some playable Tempering examples: Martial Vigor ranks, Dodge Chance, Total Armor, Resistances, Invigorating Fury ranks, Challenging Shout CDR, Imposing Presence ranks, DWB until 300% total, dmg to close, Concussion ranks, lucky hit/CC, WoTB CDR, Thorns while fortified, movement speed, etc.
Skill Pools and Packages - This guide is not meant to be prescriptive - try any combination from the pools below. You could make other builds work with skills not listed below, but the skills and passives below are very effective when optimized/synergized with gear and aspects.
  • Basic - Use Frenzy or Flay vs melee opponent. Switch to Lunging Strike vs. ranged opponent.
  • Core - Rend or DS. DS should be paired with Concussion or Anemia due to synergy of Stun with Enhanced DS. Core skills can be skipped in some builds.
  • Defensive - Rallying Cry for MS, unstoppable, and fortify or fury. Challenging Shout for DR and thorns or fury. Iron Skin is very beginner friendly spell, acts as safety net if you mess up. Outburst (1) + Tough As Nails (1): Consistent bleed status activator for synergies, thorns activator for Revenge. Imposing Presence and Martial Vigor for all builds.
  • Brawling - War Cry provides Berserking, 15%[x] dmg multiplier, and fortify if needed. Booming Voice and Raid Leader for longer shouts + heal. Swiftness for MS. Quick Impulses playable if you don't have unstoppable/have extra points. Aggressive Resistance for DR, berserk builds. Prolific Fury playable in Selig builds. Charge playable in Rend builds/multiple synergies. Battle Fervor for Berserking in Charge builds
  • Mastery - Steel Grasp is fun, playable in multiple builds. Pit Fighter 9%[x], Slaying Strike 23%[x], Counteroffensive 12%[x], and Cut to the Bone 15%[x] provide dmg multipliers. No Mercy playable in some CC builds. Rupture playable in some Rend builds.
  • Ultimate - WoTB for berserking, unstoppable, MS, and dmg. Ultimate can be skipped in some builds. Wallop 15%[x] provides dmg multiplier. Invigorating Fury passive should be used with core skill builds. Duelist for attack speed in dual wield builds. Concussion gives stun in dual wield builds, synergy with Enhanced DS
  • Key Passives - Unconstrained is best for most builds. This has been tested, it is superior to Unbridled Rage and Gushing Wounds. See links at bottom of guide for more details
· Technique Pool
  • 2H Sword - 20% of dmg inflicted as bleed/5 seconds, bleed synergy activator.
  • 2H Axe - Dmg multiplier [x]. Only if you have a consistent vuln source.
· Weapon Types
  • One dual wield weapon must be a 1H Mace if using Wallop/Concussion
  • Slashing should be 2H Axe for +dmg to healthy (unless using a specific ancestral or uber)
· Paragon Boards, Nodes, and Glyph Pool
  • Nodes: All PVP builds must use Blood Rage node for dmg multiplier and berserking status. Core skill builds (DS, Rend) with consistent source of vuln should use Decimator node. Warbringer node for fortify in core skill builds with Counteroffensive. Hemorrhage node required in Rend builds. Carnage node should be used in all builds.
  • Boards: Blood Rage (Legendary, DWB), Carnage (DWB, Legendary), Hemorrhage (CIDR, DR DOT, Legendary, quick path to glyph slot), Decimator (Legendary, DRV, +Vul dmg in Rend) Warbringer (Legendary, Fury, quick path to glyph slot), and Weapon's Master (quick path to glyph slot)
  • Glyphs: Bloodfeeder, Disembowel, Exploit (Hemorrhage/Rend builds), Imbiber, Ire, Marshal, Might or Ambidextrous (8%[x] dmg multiplier), Revenge (8%[x] dmg multiplier), Territorial, Twister (13%[x] dmg multiplier), Undaunted.
·Aspect and Item Pool
- Helm pool: Andies, Anemia, Exploiter, Iron Warrior, Might, Shako, Undying.
- Chest pool: Anemia, Exploiter, Iron Warrior, Juggernaut, Might, Razorplate, Tyrael's Might, Undying.
- Pants: Iron Warrior, Juggernaut, Might, Tassets, Tibault's, Undying.
- Amulet: Accelerating, Anemia, Battle Trance, Death Wish, Devilish, Edgemaster, Elements, Fierce Winds, Limitless, Melted Heart of Selig, Rapid, Undying.
- Rings: Accelerating, Accursed Touch, Assimilation, Bold Chieftain, Devilish, Edgemaster, Elements, Fierce Winds, Inner Calm, Limitless, Rapid, Ravenous, Starless Skies, Starlight, Windlasher.
- Gloves: Accelerating, Accursed Touch, Anemia, Devilish, Edgemaster, Elements, Exploiter, Fierce Winds, Inner Calm, Limitless, Rapid, Twin Strikes, Windlasher.
- Boots: Anemia, Ghostwalker, Exploiter, Flickerstep, Metamorphosis, Yen's Blessing.
- Arsenal: Accelerating, Accursed Touch, Ancient's Oath, Death Wish, Devilish, Doombringer, Edgemaster, Elements, Fierce Winds, Inner Calm, Limitless, Needleflare, Ramaladni's Magnum Opus, The Butcher's Cleaver, The Grandfather, Windlasher.
· Aspect/Item Rationale:
- Accelerating for attack speed, mandatory in core skill builds
- Accursed Touch: Consistent vuln source for vuln synergies
- Ancient's Oath: SG builds, make sure it hits the enemy player to receive 50%[x] dmg multiplier for 3 seconds.
- Andies: Attack speed + poison DOT + PR Cap. 3% Life Steal useful in high dmg builds (DS), stacks with Invigorating Fury and Undying for more sustain.
- Anemia: For stun, synergy with Enhanced DS. 2H Sword Technique or Tough as Nails are bleed sources.
- Assimilation for dodge chance + fortify generation. Synergy with Spirit Dance incense, Third Eye Elixir, and Counteroffensive multiplier
- Battle Trance for DRC, CDR and attack speed, frenzy builds. +2 Frenzy stacks=16% extra DR!
- Bold Chieftain for CDR, triple shout builds
- Death Wish: Thorns
- Devilish: Dust Devils
- Doombringer: All builds. Bonus life and 20% DR from enemy (works in PVP)
- Edgemaster (2H) - Dmg multiplier [x]
- Elements: Phys dmg multiplier
- Exploiter Dmg multiplier [x].
- Fierce Winds: Dust devil dmg multiplier [x]
- Flickerstep for CDR vs. melee opponents in WoTB builds
- Ghostwalker: Movement speed. Only use if you DO NOT have + movement speed affix on Amulet AND your burst MS is <176%.
- Inner Calm Dmg multiplier [x].
- Iron Warrior: Unstoppable, DR
- Juggernaut: Armor cap without wasting gear affixes
- Limitless: dmg multiplier [x], core skill builds
- Melted Heart of Selig redirects dmg received to fury pool, makes you very tanky.
- Metamorphosis for unstoppable and curse. Synergy with Accursed Touch (permanent vulnerable). Don't use with Juggernaut
- Might: DR
- Needleflare: Amazing vs. multiple opponents, kills everyone. Not the best for 1v1 duels.
- Rapid basic skill attack speed
- Ring of the Ravenous: Big increase in Rend dmg
- Ramaladni's Magnum Opus: Roughly 50%[x] skill dmg multiplier
- Razorplate: Thorns
- Shako: Life, CDR, fury, all stats, skills, and DR.
- Starless Skies: BIS ring for all core skill builds, tested. 40%[x] DMG multiplier, +24 all resistance.
- Starlight: Synergy with Invigorating Fury, core skill builds
- Tassets of the Dawning Sky: Playable vs. SoNecro. Gives +6 sec of +12 max res to first element that hits you (does not change during that time if a different element hits you). Going from 70 res (30% of elemental dmg received) to 85 res (15% of elemental dmg received) is a 50% reduction in elemental dmg received, before DR!
- Tyrael's Might: Playable vs. SoNecro. DR, Life, All Res/Max Res. Same Rationale as Tassets of the Dawning Sky.
- The Butcher's Cleaver: Playable in CC builds, synergy with No Mercy passive.
- The Grandfather: Bonus life, all stats, crit strike dmg cap.
- Tibault's Will: DRC + Dmg multiplier [x] + fury generation. Rallying Cry, Iron Skin, Metamorphosis, and WoTB proc it.
- Twin Strikes: DS dmg multiplier [x]
- Undying: Heal/sustain
- Windlasher: Dust devils + enables Twister glyph multiplier in DS builds
- Yen's Blessing: DRC + MS + Vuln + CDR
· Gem Pool
- Weapons: Amethysts for DOT dmg (Flay, Rend, Tough as Nails, 2H Sword Technique, etc.); Topaz for basic skill dmg. Emeralds for +Vulnerable dmg in Rend builds (120 +Vuln from Amethysts adds 18% to Hemorrhage multiplier)
- Armor: Ruby for life
- Jewelry: Colored gems in jewelry for res
· Elixir and Incense Pool - Always have a few of each in inventory for specific opponents. Only use if needed. You can have 3 incenses active at one time (one per type).
- Fortitude – Life has many synergies.
- Magic resistance - +25 AR.
- Third Eye – 10% Dodge, synergy with Assimilation.
- Assault – 20% attack speed, only use if not capped (see AS caps section)
- Elemental elixirs: +6 max res//+30 res to element. Always have heady lightning, fire, ice, and poison in inventory.
  • Type 3: Chorus of War - 40 all stats.
  • Type 2: Reddamine buzz – for HP - easy to craft.
  • Type 2: Soothing spices - +10 AR. +1 max res per element//+150 armor per nearby player.
  • Type 1: Desert Escape – for F/C/S res (+15) and +2 max res for each nearby player.
  • Type 1: Storm of the Wilds - for L/C/P res (+15) and +2 max res for each nearby player.
  • Type 1: Spirit Dance - 5% dodge, synergy with Assimilation.
Elemental Resistances
· Soft capped at 70%. This can go to a max of 85% with +max res from elixirs, incenses, Tyrael's, and Tassets.
· You will need roughly 50 AR to reach soft cap. Use any mix of the below
o 45 single res from gem in jewelry
o 25 AR from Elixir of Magic Res.
o 12 AR from Starless Skies second inherent
o 10 AR from Soothing Spices incense.
o 15 res to 3 elements from type 1 incenses.
o 60 single res per affix (Boots)
Survivability - multiple layers. This varies, but most builds will have:
· Around 25 to 40% dodge chance
· Doombringer: Enemy dmg reduced by 20%. Applied before armores.
· Res cap reduces elemental dmg taken by 70-85%, applied before DR
· Armor cap reduces physical dmg taken by 85%, applied before DR
· 20% DR from Shako
· 20% DR from Might
· 12% DR from Martial Vigor
· 10% DR while berserking, Ire glyph
· 15% DRC, Territorial glyph
· 15% DR from Fortify
· 10% DR while Fort, Undaunted Glyph
· 48% DR for 7.5 seconds, Challenging Shout
· 6% DRD, Pit fighter
· 1 to 3 total DDRC affixes from Chest/Pants/Amulet
· 1 to 3 rare DR paragon nodes, 3 to 9 magic DR paragon nodes
· Fury pool/Selig: Applied after DR.
· Life pool: Last layer, affected by sustain.
Image - DR stats with shouts on, full uber gear + incenses. This will vary significantly with each build!
· A mix of Iron Skin, Invigorating Fury, Raid Leader, Imbiber, Andies, Undying, etc.
· All builds should have at least 2 sources (War Cry, Blood Rage, Fighter's Steel Grasp, WoTB, Battle Fervor + Charge, etc.) + extenders (Furious DS, tempering, etc.)
· All builds should have at a consistent source (Accursed Touch, Enhanced Flay, Violent DS, Mighty Charge, Enhanced Steel Grasp, Exploit, etc.) + extenders
Movement Speed (MS) - Capped at 200%. Movement speed is calculated additively
· Baseline MS is 100%
· Add 25% baseline from Boots
· Add 15% burst MS from Berserking
· Add 30% burst MS from Rallying Cry
· Without Amulet MS affix/GhostwalkeSwiftness you will be between 125 base and 170 burst MS.
· By adding only Ghostwalker 25% burst MS, you will be between 125 base and 195 burst MS.
· By adding only Amulet 25% baseline MS, you will be between 150 base and 195 burst MS.
· Hamstring passive: Healthy enemy will be slowed 20%. Useful for running away, or if you're being kited.
CIDR, Unstoppable
· Builds should have 2+ sources of unstoppable (Metamorphosis, Rallying Cry, Iron Warrior, WoTB, Charge, etc.)
· 40% CIDR from PVP bonus
· CIDR varies with build. CIDR Formula is [1-(1-C1)*(1-C2)*(1-C3)*(1-C4)], where Cx is % CIDR from each item/affix/aspect/paragon, etc.
Tips, Tricks, Common Mistakes
  • Left and right click at same time to cast basic AND core skill concurrently
  • PVP is end game activity, lots of PVE is required first to find the high roll desirable affixes and aspects
  • Meta builds are stronger and generally defeat non-meta builds!
  • You can change your gear and elixir multiple times to figure an opponent out. Example: +MS is great vs. RF rogue, useless in Barb v. Barb.
  • Fighting at disadvantage. Look at BL vid. I waited until flame shield was down. When I engaged my shouts were up. You want to fight with your advantage spells on and their advantage spells off when possible!
Full Guide and Tests
Full text of guide for future players to update and maintain
Testing Data for Claims, Multiple Sheets Also look at my other posts (linked below) for summaries related to all test findings
Barbarian PVP Testing - Doombringer, Guttural Yell, and DR Caps
Barbarian PVP Testing - Meta DS Key Passives - Unconstrained vs. Unbridled Rage, With and Without Starless Skies
Barbarian PVP Testing - Meta Rend Key Passives - Unconstrained vs. Gushing Wounds vs. Unbridled Rage
submitted by Mammoth-Switch-137 to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:07 okanoganBuilder Buying Used Simpson BD 4040. Need Advice.

I'm looking to buy a used pressure washer. It's a Simpson BD 4040 (Photo). It seams to be very old. Simpson didn't even know about it when I called. It has a Vanguard Briggs and Stratton 16 HP engine on it. Electric start and is 4000 PSI. I can't find any mention anywhere about what GPM it has though.
Owner wants to sell it with 100 feet of hose, gun, and turbo nozzle for 1K. Will not budge on price.
This would be for cleaning concrete forms, concrete surfaces, and those kind of things for my concrete projects.
This looks to be over 20 years old. It did fire up on the first pull though, and works without issue. Is this worth considering at that price?
submitted by okanoganBuilder to pressurewashing [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:10 BaseballBot Game Thread 5/8 ⚾ Brewers (21-14) @ Royals (21-16) 2:10 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

Brewers (21-14) @ Royals (21-16)

First Pitch: 2:10 PM at Kauffman Stadium
Team Starter TV Radio
Brewers Joe Ross (1-3, 4.65 ERA) BSWI WTMJ
Royals Brady Singer (2-1, 2.45 ERA) BSKC KCSP
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
MIL 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 4 8 0 8
KC 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 6 9 0 7

Box Score

3B Garcia, M 4 1 1 0 1 0 .235
SS Witt Jr. 3 3 2 1 1 0 .327
1B Pasquantino 3 0 2 1 0 0 .248
LF Blanco 0 1 0 0 0 0 .222
DH Massey 2 0 0 2 0 0 .281
RF Renfroe 3 1 0 0 1 1 .150
2B Frazier 4 0 1 1 0 0 .169
LF Melendez 2 0 0 0 0 2 .182
1B Hampson 2 0 1 0 0 1 .237
C Fermin 3 0 2 1 1 0 .241
CF Isbel 4 0 0 0 0 0 .217
Singer 5.1 5 1 1 2 4 89-58 2.36
Smith, W 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 9-6 8.49
Anderson, N 0.2 2 1 1 2 0 11-7 3.29
Zerpa 0.1 0 0 0 0 1 6-4 1.69
Stratton, C 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 9-7 5.06
Duffey 0.1 1 2 2 2 1 21-11 4.76
McArthur 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 3-3 4.15
2B Turang 4 1 3 1 1 0 .316
C Contreras, Wm 4 0 1 2 1 1 .329
DH Yelich 5 0 0 0 0 1 .295
SS Adames 4 0 1 0 0 1 .257
LF Bauers 1 0 0 0 1 1 .203
LF Chourio 2 0 0 0 0 0 .221
RF Frelick 4 0 1 0 0 0 .250
1B Sánchez 3 2 2 1 1 0 .232
3B Dunn 2 1 0 0 2 1 .221
CF Perkins, B 4 0 0 0 0 1 .248
Ross 5.0 3 3 3 2 2 67-43 4.75
Hudson, B 2.0 1 0 0 1 2 39-25 0.84
Payamps 0.1 5 3 3 1 0 21-15 5.25
Herget 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 4-3 0.00

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
T1 William Contreras doubles (11) on a sharp line drive to center fielder Kyle Isbel. Brice Turang scores. 0-1
B1 Vinnie Pasquantino out on a sacrifice fly to center fielder Blake Perkins. Maikel Garcia scores. Bobby Witt Jr. to 3rd. 1-1
B1 Michael Massey out on a sacrifice fly to right fielder Sal Frelick. Bobby Witt Jr. scores. 2-1
B6 Michael Massey out on a sacrifice fly to right fielder Sal Frelick. Bobby Witt Jr. scores. 3-1
T7 Gary Sánchez homers (5) on a fly ball to right center field. 3-2
B8 Bobby Witt Jr. homers (5) on a fly ball to left center field. 4-2
B8 Adam Frazier singles on a line drive to center fielder Blake Perkins. Dairon Blanco scores. Hunter Renfroe to 2nd. 5-2
B8 Freddy Fermin singles on a line drive to center fielder Blake Perkins. Hunter Renfroe scores. Adam Frazier to 3rd. Garrett Hampson to 2nd. 6-2
T9 Brice Turang doubles (9) on a sharp line drive to right fielder Hunter Renfroe. Gary Sánchez scores. Oliver Dunn to 3rd. 6-3
T9 William Contreras grounds out to first baseman Garrett Hampson. Oliver Dunn scores. Brice Turang to 3rd. 6-4


Description Length
Bullpen availability for Kansas City, May 8 vs Brewers 0:07
Bullpen availability for Milwaukee, May 8 vs Royals 0:07
Bench availability for Kansas City, May 8 vs Brewers 0:07
Fielding alignment for Kansas City, May 8 vs Brewers 0:11
Bench availability for Milwaukee, May 8 vs Royals 0:07
Fielding alignment for Milwaukee, May 8 vs Royals 0:11
Starting lineups for Brewers at Royals - May 8, 2024 0:09
Breaking down Brady Singer's pitches 0:04
Brady Singer's outing against the Brewers 0:22
Breaking down Joe Ross' pitches 0:04
Joe Ross' outing against the Royals 0:23
The distance behind Bobby Witt Jr.'s home run 0:11
The data behind Gary Sánchez's home run 0:13
William Contreras' RBI double 0:24
Brady Singer escapes a jam in the 1st inning 0:16
Vinnie Pasquantino's sac fly 0:20
Michael Massey's sac fly 0:18
Bobby Witt Jr. reaches first after review 0:29
Michael Massey's second sac fly 0:17
Gary Sánchez's solo home run (5) 0:25
MJ Melendez and Freddy Fermin nab Oliver Dunn at home 0:19
Angel Zerpa Swinging Strike to Christian Yelich 0:06
Angel Zerpa K's Christian Yelich 0:15
Brady Singer fans four 0:47
Bobby Witt Jr.'s solo home run (5) 0:26
Adam Frazier's RBI single 0:27
Freddy Fermin's RBI single 0:19
Brice Turang's RBI double 0:21
William Contreras' RBI groundout 0:17
Christian Yelich grounds out softly, pitcher James McArthur to first baseman Garrett Hampson. 0:12


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Singer (3-1, 2.36 ERA) Ross (1-4, 4.75 ERA) McArthur (8 SV, 4.15 ERA)
Attendance Weather Wind
67°F, Partly Cloudy 8 mph, R To L
HP 1B 2B 3B
Todd Tichenor Angel Hernandez Nic Lentz Emil Jimenez
Game ended at 4:48 PM.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 08:25 holeyshirt18 DEBATE/EVENT SCHEDULE THIS WEEK: Dr. K, Anything Else, 2 Bridges: Task & Purpose, R.A. The Rugged Man

UPDATED May.09.2024 If you have any info/links, or suggestions, please post below. \*for new changes*




Dr. K /HealthyGamer May 9 1pm EST/5pm UTC On Destiny's Live stream
Seb Gorka hosted by Triggernometry May 10 10am EST/2pm UTC - Washington, DC Will air on Triggernometry, Topic: Trump vs Biden
Bridges Podcast: Episode 08, Task & Purpose (Chris Cappy) May 11 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Special Guest May 11-14 Possible stream content
Bridges Podcast: Episode 09, R.A. the Rugged Man May 13 12pm EST/4pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Hodge Twins May 15 Las Vegas Twins Pod YT
Bridges Podcast: Episode 10, Jordan Harbringer June 8 On Destiny's Live stream
MONTANA CANVASSING: Weekend of Action #2 June 15-16 Missoula, Montana Info/Sign up! (No prior experience necessary)
Bridges Podcast: Episode 11, Mr. Beat June 16 Missoula, Montana Bridges YT Channel (In Montana)
Bridges Podcast: Episode 12, David Pakman June 28 On Destiny's Live stream
Bridges Podcast: Episode 12, Harley June 29 On Destiny's Live stream

Vice Documentary: (Redpill: Will air on their cable documentary channel (Tubi), 60-75 minute documentary exploring masculinity, manosphere, & economy of the internet, hosted by Vegas Tenold. Releases summer, 2024. (Watch Destiny Video: filmed feb 21- Destiny talking to Vice while they film, 1hr)
- David Beir: Immigration (TBR) - Bridges Podcast: Jordan Harbringer (TBR) - DJ Akademiks (To Be Rescheduled, TBR) 
UNCONFIRMED (tentative time frames, 3rd parties scheduling, creators interested to chat)
Maybe: Decoding The Gurus - Dman may use his right to reply
Wants to Chat: Michael Knowles) (said on Iced Coffee Hour Podcast)
Maybe: Dave Rubin Valuetainment trying to set debate
Tentative: Shlomo Ben-Ami After March 30th
Maybe: Jynxzi podcast appearance
Maybe: Kevin McCarthy saw the debate w/Shapiro, in talks
Invite: Michael Sartain invites Destiny to Vegas
3rd Party Contact: President of Israel, Isaac Herzog
3rd Party Contact: Einat Wilf
NBC Interview











Cenk Uygur: Israel - Hamas War
Lisa Elizabeth: Systemic racism
Meghan Murphy: Is sex work immoral?
(2019) Hasan Piker: Kamala Harris (Bridge Burn)
(2019) Sargon of Akkad: What is a woman?
DESTINY'S OBSIDIAN NOTES Direct Link Israel-Palestine Reddit Post
Many thanks to:
If you have any suggestions, info/links or additions, please post so I can update.
submitted by holeyshirt18 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:54 Posaquatl Push Mower Options - Toro vs Ariens vs Troy-Bilt

I currently have an Ego system that is suffering from battery issues. Support is unwilling to play ball so I am dumping it for a gas mower. I have less than 1/4 acre but one section is a bit thicker and sometimes gets taller. The Ego struggles in this area. Generally I bag grass or mulch in place. Narrowed it down to 3 options. Would like some input. Also, all 3 of these say they can be stored vertically which would be a great space saver...however, I thought was a big no no for gas. So input on that would be good too. Thanks.
submitted by Posaquatl to lawnmowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 21:26 Informal_Patience821 Songs of Solomon: Prophecies of Muhammad, Moses, and Jesus (in Ch. 1, 5 & 6) - Refuting the Christian Blasphemous "SoNgS oF SoLoMoN aRe ErOtIc StOrIeS" Excuse

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
I greet you all with the Quranic greeting of Peace: Peace be upon you all (Salamu 'alaykum) :)!


This will be a longer post because I will be interpreting three chapter in Songs of Solomon. Chapter 1, 5 and 6.
It becomes evident upon careful observation that these chapters primarily hold a prophetic essence, but poetic and a bit cryptic in nature. However, the chapter dedicated to Moses (Chapter 1) most likely serves as a recounting of his life story, albeit in a subtle manner, because Solomon is thought to have come after Moses in history. Nevertheless, it undeniably pertains to Moses. Chapter 5 focuses on Muhammad, while Chapter 6 revolves around both Jesus and his mother, the Virgin Mary. Shall we proceed with the exploration? Let's start with Chapter 1, the one about prophet Moses.

1. Songs of Solomon Chapter 1 - Moses:

Verse 2: בישקני מנשיקות פיהו כי־טובים דדיך מיין:
The verse says the words: "with kisses from kisses of his mouth." In this context, "מנשיקות" does not necessarily refer to physical kisses but symbolizes "Revelations." Therefore, "מנשיקות פיהו" translates to "from the utterances of His mouth" or "from the words of His mouth," signifying divine communication or revelation, not physical affection.
This is explained in Hebrew dictionaries:
Heb: נְשִׁיקוּת (f.)
"(preced.) attachment, love. Cant. R. to I, 2 יוציא לי קול נ׳ וכ׳ may He issue forth unto me the voice of attachment."
Heb: נְשִׁיקָה f. (b. h.; נָשַׁק) 1) kissing, kiss. Gen. R. s. 70; Ex. R. s. 5, a. e. נ׳ של גדולה the kiss of homage; נ׳ של פרקים the kiss of meeting again; נ׳ של פרישות the kiss of parting; נ׳ של קריבות the kissing of relations. Deut. R. s. 11, end ונטל … בנְשִׁיקַת פה and took his (Moses’) soul with a kiss of the mouth. B. Bath. 17ᵃ מרים נמי בנ׳ מתה Miriam, likewise, died with a (divine) kiss (without agony); M. Kat. 28ᵃ. Ber. 8ᵃ נ׳ דמיא וכ׳ death without agony is like taking &c., v. בִּינְתָא II; a. fr.—Pl. נְשִׁיקוֹת. Ex. R. l. c. Cant. R. to I, 2 מה"ש אמרוהו יתן לנו מנ׳ וכ׳ the ministering angels said the verse, ‘May he give us of those kisses which he gave to his sons’ (at Mount Sinai). Ib. בסיני נאמרה יוציא לנו נ׳ מתוך פיהו at Mount Sinai the verse was said (by the Israelites), ‘May he let kisses go forth to us out of his mouth’; a. e. —2)
Source: Both excerpts are from Jastrow's classical Hebrew dictionary.

Verse 3: גלריח שמניך טובים שמן תורק שמך על־כן עלמות אהבוך

The phrase: "גלריח שמניך טובים שמן תורק שמך":
The interpretation, as Rabbi Ezra has it:
Ezra ben Solomon on Song of Songs 1:3:2:
"Your name is like oil poured forth: Your name is like fine oil, poured from one vessel into another. The seventy names are emanated from the seven sefirot. tiferet and the Crown are for Israel, the singular people, for Israel nurse from the trunk of the tree, tiferet and Crown, all joined as one. But its aroma travels a great distance. So too Your name increases and is poured forth as pure light to shekhinah, which is contained and sealed into all. Counting her they are seventy-two. This is the meaning of “therefore the maidens love you.”
Now that we know what the first part of the verse means, let's see what the actual definition of Moses' name is in Hebrew, according to Jews themselves:
"The first and most obvious is the definition of Moses, draw out of water. Pharaoh’s daughter indeed drew Moses out of water, the waters of the Nile. She drew him out of the one of the most significant gods of Egypt, Hepi a fertility god who was the god of the annual flooding of the Nile. The flood deposited fertile soil on the river banks. Why was Pharaoh’s daughter’s at the Nile? It says in Exodus 2:5 that she came to wash herself or to bathe. Bathe in the sacred waters, not likely, especially a daughter of Pharaoh who took luxurious baths in tubs filled with all sorts of fragrances like myrrh and frankincense. The word used in Hebrew here for washing or bathing is rachats which means to pour water upon yourself. "
Note: "to pour water upon yourself."
The third verse subtly yet unmistakably alludes to Moses, using poetic and metaphorical language. This is particularly evident when considering Moses' role in anointing Aaron and his sons as priests, as instructed by God in Exodus 29:7:
"Then take the anointing oil and anoint him by pouring it on his head." (Exodus 29:7)
Another notable event involving Moses is the anointing of the Tabernacle and its furnishings. Exodus 40:9-11 directs Moses to anoint the Tabernacle and all its contents with oil:
"Then take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and everything in it; consecrate it and all its furnishings, and it will be holy."

Verse 4: משכני אחריך נרוצה הביאני המלך חדריו נגילה ונשמחה בך נזכירה דדיך מיין מישרים אהבוך:

The KJV translation:
"Draw me, we will run after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee."
My translation:
"Pull me along with you1, we will desire the king to bring me his chambers, we will rejoice in Baka2, we will remember your love, my Egyptian3, my beloved."
1: In Hebrew, the term "רוּץ" (rutz) translates to "run." This could be interpreted in the context of Moses assisting the daughters of Jethro, as narrated in both the Bible and the Quran. It's worth noting that the Bible doesn't specify that Moses had seven daughters; this discrepancy likely arises from the mistranslation of "Shava" (possibly referring to Saba, the Yemeni city), which the Masoretes erroneously rendered as "Sheva" (seven), as they have done every other time the city Saba was mentioned in the Bible (the "well of Seven" instead of "Well of Saba" etc).
2: The Hebrew phrase "ונשמחה בך" appears suspect. The Codex Sinaiticus suggests "βοωϲιν" (Bocin), which can be interpreted as "to cry" (correlating with "Bakka" in Hebrew and Arabic, meaning "cry"). The Greek word "βοωϲιν" may also connote "heifer" or "young cow," rooted in the verb "βοάω" (boaō), meaning "to cry out."
The Codex Sinaiticus:
"βοωϲιν το ονομα τηϲ νυμ"
It's worth noting that Google's speech recognition and search algorithms have trouble processing this word for some reason, often substituting "βοώσιν" instead of "βοωϲιν." It can just be that this specific word is a very ancient word and is not recognized, but I doubt it because it is refusing to even pronounce it, and Google even forcefully changes it into "βοώσιν" in its search results.
3: The term "משרי" (mishri) translates to "Egyptian" or "from Egypt" and aligns with the Arabic term for "Egyptian" (i.e., Masri). The verse is literally saying that he is from Egypt, not necessarily an Egyptian, but from that location, just as Moses was (where he grew up).
It has by now become very evident that this is about Moses.

Verse 5: השחורה אני ונאוה בנות ירושלים כאהלי קדר כיריעות שלמה:

The "bride" says:
"Black am I, yet lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, dark like the tents of Kedar, like the tent curtains of Solomon."
Zipporah, the wife of Moses, was a woman of black ethnicity from Ethiopia. She resided in Arabia, where the tents of Kedar were situated.

Verse 9: "I compare you, my darling, to a mare among Pharaoh’s chariots."

This verse even makes a literal allusion to the era of Moses. It is becoming increasingly challenging not to recognize this chapter for what it is. One might wonder why the Rabbis of old did not disclose that this Song was an account of Moses' life. If they had, it would also imply that any other Song mentioning both Jesus and Muhammad could potentially be prophetic. The notion that these Songs are merely love stories or erotica between Solomon and his brides would quickly unravel before our very eyes.
Let's move on to Chapter 6, the one about Jesus and Mary.

2. Songs of Solomon ch. 6, Jesus and Mary:

Verses 2-3: "My beloved has gone down to his garden, to the beds of spices, to browse in the gardens and to gather lilies. I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine, he who shepherds his flock among the lilies.”
This is mirroring Matthew 6:28-29:
“And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.
Jesus is referred to as a shepherd in the gospels, and here he is described as browsing in the garden shepherding his flock among the lilies. He also explicitly refers to Solomon for some remarkable reason, and it is only now that we can clearly see why he mentioned Solomon: To quite literally refer back to Songs of Solomon ch. 6 because it was prophesying him and his mother. Can't get any clearer than this.
Verses 5-6:"Turn your eyes from me; they overwhelm me. Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead. Your teeth are like a flock of sheep coming up from the washing. Each has its twin, not one of them is missing."
Mirroring Jesus as a shepherd´and his ascent and descent from heaven.
Luke 15:3-7: "Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?"
He says "...go after the lost sheep until he finds it?" precisely mirroring the verse in SoS 6:6: "like a flock of sheep coming up from the washing. Each has its twin, not one of them is missing"
During Jesus' time on earth, Gilead was part of the broader region known as Perea, which was governed by Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Great. Jesus traveled throughout the regions of Judea and Perea, as mentioned in passages such as Luke 13:22. The Chapter is mentioning the exact location where Jesus ministry took place.
The words "Descending" and "coming up" are also mentioned here and seem very cryptic, mirroring his ascent into heaven and his descent, the second coming. I believe Jesus second coming already has taken place, shortly after the crucifixion happened. God saved him (and made a crucifixion of Jesus appear to them) and lifted him up into heaven. Jesus then came back to them (as is mentioned in the gospel of Luke, chapter 24, verses 36-43). During this second visit, he did not promise them to come back yet another time, but rather promised that "another" advocate would come to them (we will talk about this by the end of this post, let's focus on this chapter now).
Verses 8-9: "Sixty queens there may be, and eighty concubines, and virgins beyond number; My dove, my perfect one, is unique, the favorite of her mother, flawless to her who bore her. The maidens saw her and called her blessed; the queens and concubines also, and they praised her."
Mirroring the Virginity and innocence of Mary.
The word used here for "perfect one" is "תַמָּתִ֔י" in Hebrew, defined the following way in dictionaries:
Hebrew dictionary:
2 - a. complete, morally innocent, having integrity
Source: מקור: Open Scriptures on GitHub
Creator: יוצר: Based on the work of Larry Pierce at the Online Bible
Verse 11: "I went down to the grove of nut trees to look at the new growth in the valley, to see if the vines had budded or the pomegranates were in bloom."
Mirroring the Quranic narrative about Mary:
"And she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a remote place. And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She said, 'Oh, I wish I had died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten.' But he called her from below her, 'Do not grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream. And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates. So eat and drink and be contented. And if you see from among humanity anyone, say, 'Indeed, I have vowed to the Most Merciful abstention, so I will not speak today to [any] man.'" (Quran 19:22-26)
"Nakhal" (palm tree): The verse in Songs of Solomon uses the same word "Nachal" in Hebrew, and it means the same thing according to Hebrew dictionaries:
n.[m.] perhaps palm-tree (Arabic نَخْلٌ, n. unit. نَخْلَةٌ; v. PerlesJQ, July, 1899, 688);— only pl. abs., כִּנְחָלִים נִטָּ֑יוּ Nu 24:6 like palm-trees, which are stretched out, spread out (as to foliage). So Perlesl.c., who compares כערבי נחל Ecclus 50:12, 𝔊 ὡς στελέχη φοινίκων.
Source: מקור: BDB Dictionary
Creator: יוצר: F. Brown, S. Driver & C. Briggs
This verse is narrating the same story the Quran was narrating about Mary retreating to a far place unto a Palm-tree. We've had a lot of Christians critiquing the Qur'an for "taking" from apocrypha, yet here we see the same thing being said in the actual Bible.
Verse 12: "Before I was aware, my soul had placed me in the chariots of Amminadab."
The Masoretic verse: יבלֹ֣א יָדַ֔עְתִּי נַפְשִׁ֣י שָׂמַ֔תְנִי מַרְכְּב֖וֹת עַמִּ֥י־נָדִֽיב:
How it is written in the original Hebrew Bible: יבלא ידעתי נפשי שמתני מרכבות עמינדיב:
The translation provided above is my own, as existing English translations have inaccurately interpreted this verse due to Masoretic distortions through diacritics. The Hebrew text clearly mentions the name "Amminadab" and not "Ammi Nadab" with a hyphen between עַמִּ֥י and נָדִֽיב, which would otherwise mean "Noble people." This is confirmed by the Codex Sinaiticus, where it is written as "Amminadab," the name.
Codex Sinaiticus:
"12 η νυμφη ταδε προϲ τον νυμφιον εκει δωϲω τουϲ μαϲτουϲ μου ϲοι ουκ εγνω ψυχη μου εθετο με · αρματα αμιναδαβ"
Source: Click Here
Translation of the Codex Sinaiticus passage:
"There I will give you my breasts, my soul did not know it placed me in the chariots of Amminadab."
The phrase "There I will give you my breasts" signifies nursing, i.e., as a mother would nurse her child.
Prior to this understanding, the meaning of this verse was unclear, leading many to believe the Song of Songs contained s*xual or naughty connotations. However, recognizing this as a prophecy about Mary and her son, the Messiah Jesus, provides clarity, and the verse should not be considered inappropriate.
The words "my soul did not know it placed me in the chariots of Amminadab" suggest that Mary and Jesus were to be placed within that lineage of Amminadab, or possibly even within the same family. This aligns with the canonical gospels that trace Jesus' lineage back to Amminadab
Let's reconsider Chapter 5, the one about prophet Muhammad.

3. Songs of Solomon ch. 5, Muhammad:

If you are familiar with who I am, then you might already know about my post here where I argue that prophet Muhammad's name is mentioned in this chapter, and considering it as a word (instead of a name) would create a grammatical blunder in the Hebrew verse.
Check out that post CLICK HERE if you haven't already.
Prophet Muhammad is indeed mentioned and prophesied by name in this chapter, verse 16:
"His mouth is sweetness itself; in his entirety, Muhammadim. This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem." (Songs of Solomon 5:16)

Let's go over it quickly:

- The phrase: "וְכֻלּ֖וֹ מַֽחֲמַדִּ֑ים"
- Transliteration: "We-khullow Maḥammadim"
- Translation: "In his entirety, Maḥammadim"
- Hebrew word(s): וְכֻלּ֖וֹ (wə·ḵul·lōw)
- Translation: "In his entirety"
- Foreign name (rootless): "מַֽחֲמַדִּ֑ים"
- Translation: "Maḥammadim"
The Hebrew grammar of "We-Khullow":
Phrase: "וְכֻלּ֖וֹ": Form: Conjunctive waw Noun - masculine singular construct third person masculine singular
It is in third person masculine singular, which means, the following word also has to be in third person masculine singular, but that's not the case. It's in plural:
The Hebrew grammar of "Maḥammadim":
Phrase: מַֽחֲמַדִּ֑ים
Noun - masculine plural
The sudden use of the plural form in the verse has a purpose: to emphasize that this is a formal name, not a noun, verb, or any other grammatical form. If interpreted as a noun, the verse would contain a significant grammatical error.
For example, consider these English translations:
"He is altogether lovelinesses"
"He is all, beauties"
These sentences do not work grammatically. The only way to maintain the verse's grammatical accuracy is to interpret "Maḥammadim" as a formal foreign name with the Hebrew plural of majesty, as found in names like "Eliakim" or "Elohim."
It is essential to note that the term in question is not "Makhmadim," as apologetics often claim. The correct term is, in fact, "Maḥammadim."
Go to this website: Click here And choose "Hebrew" and insert "מַֽחֲמַדִּ֑ים" and press "Create audio" to hear how clearly it is pronounced as "Muhammadim."
You can also hear a Rabbi in the following video literally say that prophet Muhammad's name is mentioned in verse 16 Click here (37 seconds in).
I understand that some of you may have been led to believe by apologetics that the term in question is a formal Hebrew word and should be pronounced as "Makhmadim." However, this is not accurate. To clarify, let's examine the Hebrew letters and diacritics involved:
Letter: מַֽ (Ma)
Letter: חֲ (ḥa)
Letter: מַ (Ma)
Letter: דִּ֑ (D)
Letter: ים (im)
= Maḥammadim
When the letter חֲ "ḥet" is followed by a sheva na, it is pronounced as a short, unstressed vowel sound [ħă].
These are fundamental rules of Hebrew pronunciation. It is crucial to stop spreading misinformation in the comment section, as it misleads people and does so in the name of religion. The term is not "Makhmadim," and this is widely recognized even among Jews themselves.

To read more about the grammar and linguistics, visit my initial post about it here:

Title: If "Maḥammadim" is Not a Name: Then Songs Of Solomon 5:16 Has a Grammatical Blunder - Prophet Muhammad Is Definitely Mentioned By Name (4 irrefutable reasons!!)
But let's go over some new points (and the old ones as well):

Here are seven compelling reasons why Chapter 5 is a prophecy about Prophet Muhammad:

  1. His name:The Chapter is literally mentioning him by name. This is the clearest indication that this is a prophecy about him. It makes this an irrefutable prophecy. If there were a similar prophecy about Jesus in the Old Testament, Christians would likely prominently display the verse at every church entrance. This verse is widely regarded as validating Muhammad's prophethood solely due to the presence of his name within verse 16.
  2. Hebrew Grammar:The grammar in verse 16 requires interpreting "Maḥammadim" as a formal foreign name. It is not a Hebrew word and cannot be translated without creating a grammatical error. The third-person singular "we-khullow" corresponds with the plural "Maḥammadim," which only makes sense if it is a formal name with the Hebrew plural of majesty suffix (-im).
  3. Verse 10:This verse refers to "the chiefest among ten thousand." Interestingly, historical accounts tell us that Prophet Muhammad conquered Mecca with 10,000 companions, a moment when he forgave all the non-believers who had persecuted him and his family for years, taking the lives of many (including his own daughters).
  4. His appearance:The chapter describes the appearance of "the beloved," which aligns with Prophet Muhammad's features, such as wavy, pitch-black hair and ruddy skin color.
  5. Arab cities: Verse 10 is connected to Deuteronomy 33:2, which mentions three cities belonging to ancient Arabia. This chapter also references an Arab country and compares the beloved's appearance to that of Lebanon.
  6. A new Law: Deuteronomy 33:2 states, "At His right hand was a flaming fire, a law, for them." This suggests that the person being referred to would bring a new Torah (a new Law). This idea is reinforced in Isaiah 51:4: "Give attention to me, my people, and give ear to me, my nation; for a law (ṯōwrāh) will go out from me, and I will set my justice for a light to the peoples." The only instance of a completely new "Torah" (Law) that superseded all previous Scriptures since Moses is the Holy Quran with its "Shariah" Law.
  7. The beloved's companions: The chapter mentions the beloved's companions, who are described as mighty and valiant. This aligns with the historical accounts of Muhammad's companions, known as the Sahabah, who were renowned for their courage and strength.
  8. Why would God allow this?: This point serves as advice to trust in God's prophecies within the Old Testament Scriptures. Consider the following: Why would God permit such clear references and parallels to be included in His Revelations, only to have them fulfilled by a supposedly "false prophet"? Does this seem logical? It certainly does not to me. God has never before left a multitude of prophecies within His Scriptures to be fulfilled by someone who would lead people astray. If Prophet Muhammad were indeed a false prophet, his followers would have a valid argument at the Judgment of God, wouldn't they? So, why did God allow him to fulfill all these prophecies? However, it is essential to remember that God would never decree the followers of Prophet Muhammad for hell, because that would not be in accordance with justice and fairness.
Prophet Muhammad was a genuine prophet of God, and he indisputably fulfilled all the prophecies and revived the doctrine and methodology of Abraham, which is pure monotheism. The Holy Quran says:
"And afterward We inspired thee (Muhammad, saying): Follow the religion of Abraham, as one by nature upright. He was not of the idolaters." (The Holy Quran - "The Bee" - 16:123)
"And they say: Be Jews or Christians, then ye will be rightly guided. Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Nay, but (we follow) the religion of Abraham, the upright, and he was not of the idolaters." (-''-, "The Heifer" - 2:135)
Islam is the Religion of Abraham, given the name "Islam" by God Himself. It is not a new or novice faith from ancient Arabia but rather the continuation and culmination of the monotheistic tradition established by our father Abraham.

Verse 15 mentions "Hamûdî," the nickname of the name "Muhammad," but in Hebrew (Amûdî):

שוקיו עמודי שש מיסדים על־אדני־פז מראהו כלבנון בחור כארזים:
The first word in this verse is:
Heb: שׁוֹקָיו֙ (šô·w·qâw)
Noun - fdc third person masculine singular.
Which traditionally is translated as "His legs/thighs."
It is followed by:
Heb: עַמּ֣וּדֵי (‘am·mû·ḏî)
Noun - in masculine plural construct.
Which traditionally is interpreted to mean "Pillars."
Upon immediate observation, you'll notice that, similar to verse 16, there is a grammatical inconsistency in the translation of these two phrases.
The first phrase is expressed in masculine singular form in Hebrew, but it has been translated into masculine plural form in English, indicating a lack of faithfulness in the translation.

Here's the significance of this discrepancy:

"Amudi" in this verse corresponds to the Arabic nickname for the formal Arabic name "Muhammad," namely "Hamûdî,"
The omission of the initial "H" sound in the name "Hamûdî" when it is borrowed into Hebrew as "‘ammûḏî" can be attributed to the fact that Hebrew loanwords from Arabic often omit the "H" sound at the beginning of a word.
In Hebrew phonology, initial "H" sounds in loanwords from Arabic are frequently dropped or assimilated into other sounds. This phenomenon is not unique to the nickname "Hamûdî"; rather, it is a common pattern observed in the borrowing of words from Arabic into Hebrew. This phonological adaptation occurs to accommodate the structure and phonetic patterns of the Hebrew language.
The first word, "שׁוֹקָיו֙" (šôwqâw), is likely to be understood as a verb form derived from the root "שׁקק" (sh.q.q), meaning "Desired" or "longed." The verse is in reality saying:
"His desired one, Amudi!"
And in the next verse, namely v.16 says:
"And in his entirety, Muhammadim!"
It kind of makes sense now that it says "AND in his entirety" and then a mention of his full formal name, after having mentioned him by his nickname. The pillars that are referenced later in the verse are described as being six in number, specifically "Six pillars of gold." This could potentially be a reference to the six pillars or columns that are located inside the Rawdah (Riaz ul Jannah) in "Masjid Nabawi" (The Prophet's Mosque) in Medina. These pillars hold special historical significance for Muslims and are adorned with gold.
"šôwqâw" is defined the following way in Hebrew dictionaries:
Root: שׁקק ᴵᴵ to desire. (— Qal)he desired (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 107:9). (— Hithpol.)he yearned, longed, desired. [Related to base שׁוק ᴵᴵᴵ.]Derivatives: שֶׁקֶק ᴵᴵ, שִׁקּוּק ᴵᴵ, שֽׁקִיקָה ᴵᴵ, הִשֽׁתּוֹקֽקוּת, שֽׁקִיקוּת, שׁוֹקֵק ᴵᴵ. Source: מקור: Klein Dictionary Creator: יוצר: Ezra Klein

4. The benefit in us initially not knowing that these Songs of Solomon were of prophetic nature?

The initial obscurity surrounding the prophetic nature of the Songs of Solomon serves a divine purpose, rooted in God's Eternal Wisdom. If people had known from the beginning that these Songs were prophetic, many would have falsely claimed the fulfillment of prophecies. However, God presented them as mere "Love stories," and their true purpose remained hidden for centuries.
Now, the reason for their inclusion in the Book of God has been revealed. This divine plan aims to clarify the truth for us in the modern age without the need for a new prophet or messenger (I'm only an author on Reddit who's well versed in the Scriptures).

5. The "Erchomai" (aka "Paraclete" and the promise of the "Spirit of Truth"):

Jesus promised his followers the coming of "another" advocate:
John 14:15-18:
"If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you (ἔρχομαι)."
While I am not an expert in Greek, the fact that the world cannot accept him could imply that they would reject his message, and that they do not see him could mean they do not believe in his message. It does not have to refer to an invisible Spirit.
The translation of "I will come to you" is based on the verb in its base form, "ἔρχομαι." John the Baptist uses another form of this word when speaking about someone greater than him who would come after him:
Matthew 3:11 (NIV):
"I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes (ἐρχόμενος - erchomenos) one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
Here, it is clear that John the Baptist is referring to another human being who will come after him because he mentions his sandals (Holy Ghost doesn't wear sandals, as far as we know). This individual will perform a different kind of baptism—with the Holy Spirit and fire. The Holy Spirit is identified as Gabriel, and the "Fire" in this context refers to the verse from Deuteronomy 33:
"He said, “The LORD came from Sinai, And dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, And He came from among ten thousand holy ones; At His right hand was a flaming fire, a law, for them." (Deuteronomy 33:2)
The fire is this fiery Law that is mentioned here.
Furthermore, all of these locations mentioned in this verse are cities in ancient Arabia. See these ancient maps below clearly proving this:
- Sinai: (Click here to see ancient map)
Look for: Within the region of what is today known as "Tabuk, Saudi Arabia."
- Seir: (Click here to see ancient map)
Look for: Right next to "Seger", which corresponds to "Thamud" today I believe (or at least very close to it. You'll also see "Kor" right next to it, which is what the Bible also says is close to Seir.)
- Mount Paran: (Click here to see ancient map)
Look for: "Pharanite" within (or close by what was known as Arabia Petrea, but it was a vast mountainous region and probably stretched well into Arabia as well, you'll find it right next to "Modiana" in this map (which most likely is the "Midian" the Bible speaks of), and the Bible also says that Midian is close to Paran so it makes perfect sense.)
Returning to Matthew 3:11, we see that the individual being referred to is an actual human, as indicated by the mention of sandals. This person cannot be Jesus, as John the Baptist and Jesus lived during the same time and even carried out their missions simultaneously. John was referring to Prophet Muhammad (also known as "Ahmad"). The Holy Quran says:
"And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: 'O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of God (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.' But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, 'this is evident sorcery!'" (61:6)
"Verily this is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds: the Spirit of Truth has brought it down [i.e. brought down the Quran] upon your heart, so that you become one of the warners, in plain Arabic language. And indeed, it is surely in the former Scriptures. Is it not a Sign for them that the scholars of the Children of Israel have recognized it?" (26:193-197)
The Quran directly claims that this prophecy is found in the former Scriptures and that the scholars of the Children of Israel have recognized it, and here (in this post) you are clearly seeing parallels before your very own eyes.

6. The coming the "Son of man":

Matthew 25:31-44 gives us some highly interesting statements made by Jesus himself:
"The Son of Man Will Judge the Nations"
31 “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 33 And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ 41 “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; 43 I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’ 44 “Then they also will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ 45 Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46 And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
This "Son of man" prophecy in Matthew 25:31-44 is not referring to Jesus, even though he did use this term to describe himself. This passage is about another "Son of man," as Jesus was not a king. This was about the prophet from Arabia:

In Isaiah 21, we read a prophecy against Arabia and someone who would flee from swords and war:

"Proclamation Against Arabia"
13 The burden against Arabia.
In the forest in Arabia you will lodge,
O you traveling companies of Dedanites.
14 O inhabitants of the land of Tema,
Bring water to him who is thirsty;
With their bread they met him who fled.
15 For they fled from the swords, from the drawn sword,
From the bent bow, and from the distress of war.
16 For thus the Lord has said to me: “Within a year, according to the year of a hired man, all the glory of Kedar will fail; 17 and the remainder of the number of archers, the mighty men of the people of Kedar, will be diminished; for the Lord God of Israel has spoken it.”
The sole instance of Kedar's glory waning and ultimately falling was through the prophet Muhammad. This prophecy finds its fulfillment exclusively in him, with no possibility of being fulfilled by another, given the non-existence of "Kedar" any longer. Notice the words "They bring water to him who is thirsty, with their bread they met him who fled" mirroring what Jesus said about that Son of man.
The only recorded instance of the entire Arabian Peninsula succumbing was through prophet Muhammad, a messenger who professed to be sent for all of humanity, including all earthly kings.
Nonetheless, what I want to point out is the following:
"14. O inhabitants of the land of Tema, Bring water to him who is thirsty; With their bread they met him who fled."
Directly mirroring what Jesus mentioned the king (i.e. this 'Son of man') would say, in Matthew 25:
"35. for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in;"
This passage pertains to the migration (also known as "Hijrah") of Prophet Muhammad in 622 CE from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina) upon receiving an invitation, in order to escape the persecution of the warring pagans of Mecca.


With this, I conclude my post, and I genuinely hope that I have brought some enlightenment to some of you and convinced you just as much as I am convinced about these prophecies.
/By your brother, Exion.
submitted by Informal_Patience821 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:58 holeyshirt18 DEBATE/EVENT SCHEDULE THIS WEEK: David Beir, Breaking Points Debate, Bridges: Turkey Tom

UPDATED May.05.2024 If you have any info/links, or suggestions, please post below. \*for new changes*


Note: May's NY/NJ Canvassing event was cancelled due to opponent withdrawing from race.

MONTANA Canvassing Event June 15-16th





Dr. K /HealthyGamer May 9 1pm EST/5pm UTC On Destiny's Live stream
Bridges Podcast: Episode 08, Task & Purpose (Chris Cappy) May 11 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Bridges Podcast: Episode 09, R.A. the Rugged Man May 12/13 TBD 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Hodge Twins Mid May TBA Twins Pod YT
MONTANA CANVASSING: Weekend of Action #2 June 15-16 Missoula, Montana Info/Sign up! (No prior experience necessary)
Bridges Podcast: Episode 10, Mr. Beat June 16 Missoula, Montana Bridges YT Channel (In Montana)

Vice Documentary: (Redpill: Will air on their cable documentary channel (Tubi), 60-75 minute documentary exploring masculinity, manosphere, & economy of the internet, hosted by Vegas Tenold. Releases summer, 2024. (Watch Destiny Video: filmed feb 21- Destiny talking to Vice while they film, 1hr)
- David Beir: Immigration (TBR) - Bridges Podcast: Jordan Harbringer (TBR) - DJ Akademiks (To Be Rescheduled, TBR) 
UNCONFIRMED (tentative time frames, 3rd parties scheduling, creators interested to chat)
Maybe: Decoding The Gurus - Dman may use his right to reply
Wants to Chat: Michael Knowles) (said on Iced Coffee Hour Podcast)
Maybe: Dave Rubin Valuetainment trying to set debate
Tentative: Shlomo Ben-Ami After March 30th
Maybe: Jynxzi podcast appearance
Maybe: Kevin McCarthy saw the debate w/Shapiro, in talks
Invite: Michael Sartain invites Destiny to Vegas
3rd Party Contact: President of Israel, Isaac Herzog
3rd Party Contact: Einat Wilf
NBC Interview











Cenk Uygur: Israel - Hamas War
Lisa Elizabeth: Systemic racism
Meghan Murphy: Is sex work immoral?
(2019) Hasan Piker: Kamala Harris (Bridge Burn)
(2019) Sargon of Akkad: What is a woman?
DESTINY'S OBSIDIAN NOTES Direct Link Israel-Palestine Reddit Post
Many thanks to:
If you have any suggestions, info/links or additions, please post so I can update.
submitted by holeyshirt18 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 16:51 nathanarticulated WAB

BC Canada WEEKLY ALTERNATIVE BUZZER ( Vol. 4, Number 17) April 28, 2024 Public Transit: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow For more information check Facebook page " we ride public transit Vancouver " on X (Twitter) see NathanDavidowi1 , email to []( Reddit transit & TransLink for a complete Weekly Alternative Buzzer ( WAB )as well as many real transit stories from real riders.Read condensed WAB on Linkedin under Nathan DavidowiczPlease continue to send your stories and I will publish them
.1. News From BC and About BC Transit & TransLink :Here are some news articles about the TransLink 2024-2033 Investment Plan . The Plan does not provide details like in previous plans prior to the failed 2015 Transit referendum.The 2024 Investment Plan produced by transLink has many problems.,Many previous plans since 1999 were never fully implemented.,Many of the proposed projects will not be implemented until 2025 or later Video of the TransLink joint meeting:\_J-ANno4 36.7 minsA New Transit Petition for South Vancouver by MLA Michael LeeWe need to complete the grid system of bus routes in Vancouver. 20 missing links.Passengers should not have to walk more than 300 m ( 5 minutes ) to the nearest bus stop.South Vancouver has a density of around 10,000 people per square km. A new Crosstown bus on 57th Ave will improve accessibility to lots of destinations between Dunbar and Champlain Heights. Petition ( 13-18 ) For Free Transit allover BC Washington State US it is mandated by the government.King George SkyTrain Station Closure: wants more washrooms and better schedules. Vancouver Island Rail got 15,000 names petition Free webinar May 9, 2024 on BC Fed Connecting BC 10 year transit plan Transit Strike? ATU 134 Saanich shoots down creating bus-only lanes to UVic on McKenzie Avenue this year Free Ship Rides in North Vancouver: All BC Transit buses in Victoria have now been outfitted with new and improved bus tracking Video of the TransLink Mayors Council meeting April 25, 2024: 40.9 mins2. Transit Safety- Pedestrian Safety : Petition 10,000+ names : (10,380 names)Video of attack on bus driver: Vision Zero Police Announce Dedicated Light Rail Unit for Safety Halifax road safety plan includes better data, targeted projects 3. Alon Levy, RM Transit, RftV, Marco Chitti, RFC, VTPI, RE(a) Frankfurt: The Birthplace of The LRT (and Much More) mins (c) I support roundabouts slip lanes, but for buses only Bayview Station Ottawa: VTPI & BIT (g) Did You Know Czech Railways Are This Good? 13.5 mins4. Transportation news articles & videos from various media:(a) Montreal/QuebecQuebec wants better transit Transit trips up among seniors since Montreal introduced free fares Greater Montreal public transit fares to increase an average 3% on July 1, 2024 REM: (b) Toronto/OntarioTransit users deliver oversized "fund evasion " ticket to Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland Almost nobody believes Toronto's Eglinton Crosstown LRT will open this year: Petition urges Transit Windsor to halt bus route relocation, despite city's plan to proceed: Transit set to change most bus schedules, several routes to see reductions: Matt Elliott: TTC’s Bloor-Danforth line is on track for slower, less reliable service. Blame Justin Trudeau: (c) Other CanadaHalifax Transit Ferry 15 mins Sask. : (d) USATransit Unplugged Episode 300![]( Has the US finally figured out how to do high-speed rail? Houston-Dallas bullet train can be done in 10 years: Amtrak: The future of Amtrak Cascades – Seattle Transit Blog: Light rail addition in Houston a parallel to what's coming with the METRO Blue Line Extension in Twin Cities Does Chicago Need A New Transit Agency? Watchdog Pitches CTA Merger Into State-Run System MTA’s free bus service program to end this year NYC Transit's New Operations Planning Chief Wants To Fight 'Ghost Buses' - Streetsblog New York City: NJ Transit fare hike: Corporations should pay transit fee: Seattle Levy Proposal Lowers the Bar on Public Transit Investments Mobility is entering a new age of innovation. We examined regional trends across the world to explore the complex changes that could transform the sector by 2035. Active mobility versus motorized transport? User choices and benefits for the society ABC of mobility: Seattle: How People get around : Mode Share on Weekdays, North America is over 90% by cars\_chart\_highlights\_north\_american\_car\_culture/? How trains linked rival port cities along the US East Coast into a cultural and economic megalopolis: MTA Plan to Run Brooklyn-Queens Train on City Streets a 'Grave' Mistake: Advocates - Streetsblog New York City Transit Briefs: Metrolinx, Amtrak Nashville: The Atlanta Streetcar: Will it get better? 11.7 mins (e) International Sydney: for Bikes: Over half of global commutes are by car: The incredible train line that will connect world's biggest landlocked country to the sea: French commuters to benefit from free public transport to Luxembourg: Europe's Megaproject to Replace Russian Railways 11.3 mins
submitted by nathanarticulated to tru [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 16:50 nathanarticulated WAB

BC Canada WEEKLY ALTERNATIVE BUZZER ( Vol. 4, Number 17) April 28, 2024 Public Transit: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow For more information check Facebook page " we ride public transit Vancouver " on X (Twitter) see NathanDavidowi1 , email to []( Reddit transit & TransLink for a complete Weekly Alternative Buzzer ( WAB )as well as many real transit stories from real riders.Read condensed WAB on Linkedin under Nathan DavidowiczPlease continue to send your stories and I will publish them
.1. News From BC and About BC Transit & TransLink :Here are some news articles about the TransLink 2024-2033 Investment Plan . The Plan does not provide details like in previous plans prior to the failed 2015 Transit referendum.The 2024 Investment Plan produced by transLink has many problems.,Many previous plans since 1999 were never fully implemented.,Many of the proposed projects will not be implemented until 2025 or later Video of the TransLink joint meeting:\_J-ANno4 36.7 minsA New Transit Petition for South Vancouver by MLA Michael LeeWe need to complete the grid system of bus routes in Vancouver. 20 missing links.Passengers should not have to walk more than 300 m ( 5 minutes ) to the nearest bus stop.South Vancouver has a density of around 10,000 people per square km. A new Crosstown bus on 57th Ave will improve accessibility to lots of destinations between Dunbar and Champlain Heights. Petition ( 13-18 ) For Free Transit allover BC Washington State US it is mandated by the government.King George SkyTrain Station Closure: wants more washrooms and better schedules. Vancouver Island Rail got 15,000 names petition Free webinar May 9, 2024 on BC Fed Connecting BC 10 year transit plan Transit Strike? ATU 134 Saanich shoots down creating bus-only lanes to UVic on McKenzie Avenue this year Free Ship Rides in North Vancouver: All BC Transit buses in Victoria have now been outfitted with new and improved bus tracking Video of the TransLink Mayors Council meeting April 25, 2024: 40.9 mins
2. Transit Safety- Pedestrian Safety : Petition 10,000+ names : (10,380 names)Video of attack on bus driver: Vision Zero Police Announce Dedicated Light Rail Unit for Safety Halifax road safety plan includes better data, targeted projects 3. Alon Levy, RM Transit, RftV, Marco Chitti, RFC, VTPI, RE(a) Frankfurt: The Birthplace of The LRT (and Much More) mins (c) I support roundabouts slip lanes, but for buses only Bayview Station Ottawa: VTPI & BIT (g) Did You Know Czech Railways Are This Good? 13.5 mins
4. Transportation news articles & videos from various media:(a) Montreal/QuebecQuebec wants better transit Transit trips up among seniors since Montreal introduced free fares Greater Montreal public transit fares to increase an average 3% on July 1, 2024 REM: (b) Toronto/OntarioTransit users deliver oversized "fund evasion " ticket to Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland Almost nobody believes Toronto's Eglinton Crosstown LRT will open this year: Petition urges Transit Windsor to halt bus route relocation, despite city's plan to proceed: Transit set to change most bus schedules, several routes to see reductions: Matt Elliott: TTC’s Bloor-Danforth line is on track for slower, less reliable service. Blame Justin Trudeau: (c) Other CanadaHalifax Transit Ferry 15 mins Sask. : (d) USATransit Unplugged Episode 300![]( Has the US finally figured out how to do high-speed rail? Houston-Dallas bullet train can be done in 10 years: Amtrak: The future of Amtrak Cascades – Seattle Transit Blog: Light rail addition in Houston a parallel to what's coming with the METRO Blue Line Extension in Twin Cities Does Chicago Need A New Transit Agency? Watchdog Pitches CTA Merger Into State-Run System MTA’s free bus service program to end this year NYC Transit's New Operations Planning Chief Wants To Fight 'Ghost Buses' - Streetsblog New York City: NJ Transit fare hike: Corporations should pay transit fee: Seattle Levy Proposal Lowers the Bar on Public Transit Investments Mobility is entering a new age of innovation. We examined regional trends across the world to explore the complex changes that could transform the sector by 2035. Active mobility versus motorized transport? User choices and benefits for the society ABC of mobility: Seattle: How People get around : Mode Share on Weekdays, North America is over 90% by cars\_chart\_highlights\_north\_american\_car\_culture/? How trains linked rival port cities along the US East Coast into a cultural and economic megalopolis: MTA Plan to Run Brooklyn-Queens Train on City Streets a 'Grave' Mistake: Advocates - Streetsblog New York City Transit Briefs: Metrolinx, Amtrak Nashville: The Atlanta Streetcar: Will it get better? 11.7 mins (e) International Sydney: for Bikes: Over half of global commutes are by car: The incredible train line that will connect world's biggest landlocked country to the sea: French commuters to benefit from free public transport to Luxembourg: Europe's Megaproject to Replace Russian Railways 11.3 mins
submitted by nathanarticulated to NUMTOT [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 16:47 nathanarticulated WAB

BC Canada WEEKLY ALTERNATIVE BUZZER ( Vol. 4, Number 17) April 28, 2024 Public Transit: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow For more information check Facebook page " we ride public transit Vancouver " on X (Twitter) see NathanDavidowi1 , email to []( Reddit transit & TransLink for a complete Weekly Alternative Buzzer ( WAB )as well as many real transit stories from real riders.Read condensed WAB on Linkedin under Nathan DavidowiczPlease continue to send your stories and I will publish them
.1. News From BC and About BC Transit & TransLink :Here are some news articles about the TransLink 2024-2033 Investment Plan . The Plan does not provide details like in previous plans prior to the failed 2015 Transit referendum.The 2024 Investment Plan produced by transLink has many problems.,Many previous plans since 1999 were never fully implemented.,Many of the proposed projects will not be implemented until 2025 or later Video of the TransLink joint meeting:\_J-ANno4 36.7 minsA New Transit Petition for South Vancouver by MLA Michael LeeWe need to complete the grid system of bus routes in Vancouver. 20 missing links.Passengers should not have to walk more than 300 m ( 5 minutes ) to the nearest bus stop.South Vancouver has a density of around 10,000 people per square km. A new Crosstown bus on 57th Ave will improve accessibility to lots of destinations between Dunbar and Champlain Heights. Petition ( 13-18 ) For Free Transit allover BC Washington State US it is mandated by the government.King George SkyTrain Station Closure: wants more washrooms and better schedules. Vancouver Island Rail got 15,000 names petition Free webinar May 9, 2024 on BC Fed Connecting BC 10 year transit plan Transit Strike? ATU 134 Saanich shoots down creating bus-only lanes to UVic on McKenzie Avenue this year Free Ship Rides in North Vancouver: All BC Transit buses in Victoria have now been outfitted with new and improved bus tracking Video of the TransLink Mayors Council meeting April 25, 2024: 40.9 mins2. Transit Safety- Pedestrian Safety : Petition 10,000+ names : (10,380 names)Video of attack on bus driver: Vision Zero Police Announce Dedicated Light Rail Unit for Safety Halifax road safety plan includes better data, targeted projects 3. Alon Levy, RM Transit, RftV, Marco Chitti, RFC, VTPI, RE(a) Frankfurt: The Birthplace of The LRT (and Much More) mins (c) I support roundabouts slip lanes, but for buses only Bayview Station Ottawa: VTPI & BIT (g) Did You Know Czech Railways Are This Good? 13.5 mins4. Transportation news articles & videos from various media:(a) Montreal/QuebecQuebec wants better transit Transit trips up among seniors since Montreal introduced free fares Greater Montreal public transit fares to increase an average 3% on July 1, 2024 REM: (b) Toronto/OntarioTransit users deliver oversized "fund evasion " ticket to Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland Almost nobody believes Toronto's Eglinton Crosstown LRT will open this year: Petition urges Transit Windsor to halt bus route relocation, despite city's plan to proceed: Transit set to change most bus schedules, several routes to see reductions: Matt Elliott: TTC’s Bloor-Danforth line is on track for slower, less reliable service. Blame Justin Trudeau: (c) Other CanadaHalifax Transit Ferry 15 mins Sask. : (d) USATransit Unplugged Episode 300![]( Has the US finally figured out how to do high-speed rail? Houston-Dallas bullet train can be done in 10 years: Amtrak: The future of Amtrak Cascades – Seattle Transit Blog: Light rail addition in Houston a parallel to what's coming with the METRO Blue Line Extension in Twin Cities Does Chicago Need A New Transit Agency? Watchdog Pitches CTA Merger Into State-Run System MTA’s free bus service program to end this year NYC Transit's New Operations Planning Chief Wants To Fight 'Ghost Buses' - Streetsblog New York City: NJ Transit fare hike: Corporations should pay transit fee: Seattle Levy Proposal Lowers the Bar on Public Transit Investments Mobility is entering a new age of innovation. We examined regional trends across the world to explore the complex changes that could transform the sector by 2035. Active mobility versus motorized transport? User choices and benefits for the society ABC of mobility: Seattle: How People get around : Mode Share on Weekdays, North America is over 90% by cars\_chart\_highlights\_north\_american\_car\_culture/? How trains linked rival port cities along the US East Coast into a cultural and economic megalopolis: MTA Plan to Run Brooklyn-Queens Train on City Streets a 'Grave' Mistake: Advocates - Streetsblog New York City Transit Briefs: Metrolinx, Amtrak Nashville: The Atlanta Streetcar: Will it get better? 11.7 mins (e) International Sydney: for Bikes: Over half of global commutes are by car: The incredible train line that will connect world's biggest landlocked country to the sea: French commuters to benefit from free public transport to Luxembourg: Europe's Megaproject to Replace Russian Railways 11.3 mins
submitted by nathanarticulated to transit [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 03:26 BuccosBot The Pirates fell to the Brewers by a score of 3-2 - Wed, Apr 24 @ 06:40 PM EDT

Brewers @ Pirates - Wed, Apr 24

Game Status: Final - Score: 3-2 Brewers

Links & Info

1 Contreras, Wm - C 4 1 3 1 1 0 0 .359 .439 .543
2 Adames - SS 4 0 1 0 0 1 5 .286 .369 .451
3 Miller, O - 1B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .143 .143 .143
a-Bauers - 1B 4 0 0 0 0 1 4 .152 .204 .304
4 Hoskins - DH 4 0 0 1 0 1 1 .203 .304 .430
5 Perkins, B - CF 1 0 0 1 3 1 0 .304 .409 .464
6 Ortiz - 3B 4 0 0 0 0 1 5 .255 .364 .319
7 Frelick - RF 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 .289 .359 .313
8 Chourio - RF 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 .213 .264 .375
b-Dunn - PH 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 .216 .259 .333
Wiemer - LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .200 .273 .200
9 Turang - 2B 3 1 1 0 1 0 2 .320 .381 .467
Totals 32 3 7 3 5 8 20
a-Struck out for Miller, O in the 3rd. b-Struck out for Chourio in the 8th.
BATTING: TB: Adames; Contreras, Wm 3; Frelick 2; Turang. RBI: Contreras, Wm (21); Hoskins (15); Perkins, B (7). 2-out RBI: Hoskins; Perkins, B. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Adames 2; Ortiz 2. SAC: Chourio. GIDP: Adames. Team RISP: 2-for-6. Team LOB: 10.
FIELDING: E: Payamps (1, fielding); Wiemer (1, fielding). DP: (Adames-Turang-Bauers).
1 Joe - LF 3 1 0 0 1 2 1 .286 .383 .457
2 Reynolds, B - DH 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 .263 .386 .411
3 Hayes - 3B 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 .264 .359 .333
4 Tellez - 1B 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 .188 .273 .232
5 Suwinski - CF 4 0 1 0 0 2 1 .179 .261 .295
6 Olivares - RF 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 .236 .288 .418
1-Taylor, M - PR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .267 .292 .317
7 Cruz, O - SS 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 .237 .282 .351
8 Triolo - 2B 3 0 0 0 1 0 3 .213 .297 .263
9 Davis - C 3 0 1 0 0 1 1 .180 .288 .230
a-McCutchen - PH 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 .230 .319 .410
Totals 32 2 4 2 4 8 15
a-Struck out for Davis in the 9th. 1-Ran for Olivares in the 9th.
BATTING: 2B: Suwinski (3, Hudson, B). HR: Reynolds, B (3, 3rd inning off Wilson, B, 1 on, 1 out). TB: Cruz, O; Davis; Reynolds, B 4; Suwinski 2. RBI: Reynolds, B 2 (15). Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Cruz, O; McCutchen. GIDP: Davis. Team RISP: 0-for-4. Team LOB: 7.
FIELDING: E: Tellez (1, throw); Ortiz, L.L. (1, fielding). Pickoffs: Fleming (Perkins, B at 1st base). DP: (Cruz, O-Triolo-Tellez).
Brewers Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Wilson, B 4.1 3 2 2 3 3 1 75-43 3.50
Hudson, B (W, 2-0) 1.2 1 0 0 0 1 0 22-17 0.68
Peguero, E (H, 4) 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 0 12-5 3.00
Megill (H, 3) 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 0 16-10 1.93
Payamps (S, 4) 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 0 11-10 3.72
Totals 9.0 4 2 2 4 8 1
Pirates Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Fleming (L, 1-1) 2.1 1 2 0 2 1 0 39-25 1.42
Ortiz, L.L. 2.2 2 1 1 2 4 0 58-34 3.86
Contreras 2.0 2 0 0 1 2 0 34-17 4.50
Stratton, H 2.0 2 0 0 0 1 0 28-20 3.46
Totals 9.0 7 3 0 5 8 0
Game Info
HBP: Adames (by Ortiz, L.L.); Hoskins (by Ortiz, L.L.).
Pitches-strikes: Wilson, B 75-43; Hudson, B 22-17; Peguero, E 12-5; Megill 16-10; Payamps 11-10; Fleming 39-25; Ortiz, L.L. 58-34; Contreras 34-17; Stratton, H 28-20.
Groundouts-flyouts: Wilson, B 4-5; Hudson, B 2-1; Peguero, E 1-0; Megill 1-1; Payamps 1-1; Fleming 3-2; Ortiz, L.L. 2-2; Contreras 1-1; Stratton, H 2-3.
Batters faced: Wilson, B 19; Hudson, B 6; Peguero, E 3; Megill 3; Payamps 5; Fleming 9; Ortiz, L.L. 15; Contreras 8; Stratton, H 8.
Inherited runners-scored: Hudson, B 1-0; Ortiz, L.L. 2-2.
Umpires: HP: Mark Wegner. 1B: Tom Hanahan. 2B: Jeremie Rehak. 3B: Clint Vondrak.
Weather: 51 degrees, Cloudy.
Wind: 12 mph, L To R.
First pitch: 6:42 PM.
T: 2:42.
Att: 10,370.
Venue: PNC Park.
April 24, 2024
Inning Scoring Play Score
Top 3 William Contreras singles on a line drive to center fielder Jack Suwinski. Sal Frelick scores. Brice Turang to 3rd. 1-0 MIL
Top 3 Rhys Hoskins hit by pitch. Brice Turang scores. William Contreras to 3rd. Willy Adames to 2nd. 2-0 MIL
Top 3 Blake Perkins walks. William Contreras scores. Willy Adames to 3rd. Rhys Hoskins to 2nd. 3-0 MIL
Bottom 3 Bryan Reynolds homers (3) on a fly ball to right center field. Connor Joe scores. 3-2 MIL
Team Highlight
MIL William Contreras' RBI single to center (00:00:17)
MIL Blake Perkins plates a run on a bases-loaded walk (00:00:07)
MIL Rhys Hoskins' RBI hit-by-pitch in the 3rd (00:00:09)
PIT Bryan Reynolds' two-run homer (3) (00:00:20)
PIT Jack Suwinski's incredible leaping catch (00:00:25)
PIT Jared Triolo nabs Sal Frelick at home (00:00:22)
MIL Jake Bauers' nice scoop at first base (00:00:25)
MIL Joel Payamps locks down the save and win (00:00:14)
MIL Edward Olivares ruled safe after review (00:00:46)
MIL William Contreras' strong offensive game (00:00:47)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
Brewers 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 2 10
Pirates 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 7


Division Scoreboard

AZ 1 @ STL 5 - Final
PHI 4 @ CIN 7 - Final
HOU 3 @ CHC 4 - Game Over
Next Pirates Game: Thu, Apr 25, 12:35 PM EDT vs. Brewers
Last Updated: 04/24/2024 10:26:52 PM EDT
submitted by BuccosBot to buccos [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 23:40 BaseballBot Game Thread 4/24 ⚾ Brewers (14-8) @ Pirates (13-11) 6:40 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

Brewers (14-8) @ Pirates (13-11)

First Pitch: 6:40 PM at PNC Park
Team Starter TV Radio
Brewers Bryse Wilson (2-0, 3.29 ERA) BSWI WTMJ
Pirates Josh Fleming (1-0, 1.74 ERA) SNP KDKA
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
MIL 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 2 10
PIT 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 7

Box Score

LF Joe 3 1 0 0 1 2 .286
DH Reynolds, B 3 1 1 2 1 2 .263
3B Hayes 4 0 0 0 0 0 .264
1B Tellez 3 0 0 0 1 0 .188
CF Suwinski 4 0 1 0 0 2 .179
RF Olivares 4 0 0 0 0 0 .236
PR Taylor, M 0 0 0 0 0 0 .267
SS Cruz, O 4 0 1 0 0 0 .237
2B Triolo 3 0 0 0 1 0 .213
C Davis 3 0 1 0 0 1 .180
PH McCutchen 1 0 0 0 0 1 .230
Fleming 2.1 1 2 0 2 1 39-25 1.42
Ortiz, L.L. 2.2 2 1 1 2 4 58-34 3.86
Contreras 2.0 2 0 0 1 2 34-17 4.50
Stratton, H 2.0 2 0 0 0 1 28-20 3.46
C Contreras, Wm 4 1 3 1 1 0 .359
SS Adames 4 0 1 0 0 1 .286
1B Miller, O 1 0 0 0 0 0 .143
1B Bauers 4 0 0 0 0 1 .152
DH Hoskins 4 0 0 1 0 1 .203
CF Perkins, B 1 0 0 1 3 1 .304
3B Ortiz 4 0 0 0 0 1 .255
RF Frelick 4 1 2 0 0 0 .289
RF Chourio 2 0 0 0 0 2 .213
PH Dunn 1 0 0 0 0 1 .216
LF Wiemer 0 0 0 0 0 0 .200
2B Turang 3 1 1 0 1 0 .320
Wilson, B 4.1 3 2 2 3 3 75-43 3.50
Hudson, B 1.2 1 0 0 0 1 22-17 0.68
Peguero, E 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 12-5 3.00
Megill 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 16-10 1.93
Payamps 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 11-10 3.72

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
T3 William Contreras singles on a line drive to center fielder Jack Suwinski. Sal Frelick scores. Brice Turang to 3rd. 0-1
T3 Rhys Hoskins hit by pitch. Brice Turang scores. William Contreras to 3rd. Willy Adames to 2nd. 0-2
T3 Blake Perkins walks. William Contreras scores. Willy Adames to 3rd. Rhys Hoskins to 2nd. 0-3
B3 Bryan Reynolds homers (3) on a fly ball to right center field. Connor Joe scores. 2-3


Description Length
Quinn Priester against the Brewers 0:07
Bryse Wilson against the Pirates 0:11
Bullpen availability for Pittsburgh, April 24 vs Brewers 0:07
Bullpen availability for Milwaukee, April 24 vs Pirates 0:07
Bench availability for Milwaukee, April 24 vs Pirates 0:07
Fielding alignment for Pittsburgh, April 24 vs Brewers 0:11
Fielding alignment for Milwaukee, April 24 vs Pirates 0:11
Bench availability for Pittsburgh, April 24 vs Brewers 0:07
Starting lineups for Brewers at Pirates - April 24, 2024 0:09
Breaking down Bryan Reynolds's home run 0:13
Breaking down Bryse Wilson's pitches 0:04
Breaking down Luis L. Ortiz's pitches 0:04
Bryse Wilson strikes out Connor Joe in the 1st 0:06
Josh Fleming K's Jackson Chourio in the 3rd 0:07
William Contreras' RBI single to center 0:17
Blake Perkins plates a run on a bases-loaded walk 0:07
Rhys Hoskins' RBI hit-by-pitch in the 3rd 0:09
Bryan Reynolds' two-run homer (3) 0:20
Jack Suwinski's incredible leaping catch 0:25
Jared Triolo nabs Sal Frelick at home 0:22
Bryse Wilson whiffs three Pirates 0:41
Jake Bauers' nice scoop at first base 0:25
Joel Payamps locks down the save and win 0:14


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Hudson, B (2-0, 0.68 ERA) Fleming (1-1, 1.42 ERA) Payamps (4 SV, 3.72 ERA)
Attendance Weather Wind
51°F, Cloudy 12 mph, L To R
HP 1B 2B 3B
Mark Wegner Tom Hanahan Jeremie Rehak Clint Vondrak
Game ended at 9:26 PM.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 22:40 BuccosBot Game Thread: Brewers @ Pirates - Wed, Apr 24 @ 06:40 PM EDT

Brewers @ Pirates - Wed, Apr 24

Game Status: Final - Score: 3-2 Brewers

Links & Info

1 Contreras, Wm - C 4 1 3 1 1 0 0 .359 .439 .543
2 Adames - SS 4 0 1 0 0 1 5 .286 .369 .451
3 Miller, O - 1B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .143 .143 .143
a-Bauers - 1B 4 0 0 0 0 1 4 .152 .204 .304
4 Hoskins - DH 4 0 0 1 0 1 1 .203 .304 .430
5 Perkins, B - CF 1 0 0 1 3 1 0 .304 .409 .464
6 Ortiz - 3B 4 0 0 0 0 1 5 .255 .364 .319
7 Frelick - RF 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 .289 .359 .313
8 Chourio - RF 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 .213 .264 .375
b-Dunn - PH 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 .216 .259 .333
Wiemer - LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .200 .273 .200
9 Turang - 2B 3 1 1 0 1 0 2 .320 .381 .467
Totals 32 3 7 3 5 8 20
a-Struck out for Miller, O in the 3rd. b-Struck out for Chourio in the 8th.
BATTING: TB: Adames; Contreras, Wm 3; Frelick 2; Turang. RBI: Contreras, Wm (21); Hoskins (15); Perkins, B (7). 2-out RBI: Hoskins; Perkins, B. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Adames 2; Ortiz 2. SAC: Chourio. GIDP: Adames. Team RISP: 2-for-6. Team LOB: 10.
FIELDING: E: Payamps (1, fielding); Wiemer (1, fielding). DP: (Adames-Turang-Bauers).
1 Joe - LF 3 1 0 0 1 2 1 .286 .383 .457
2 Reynolds, B - DH 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 .263 .386 .411
3 Hayes - 3B 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 .264 .359 .333
4 Tellez - 1B 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 .188 .273 .232
5 Suwinski - CF 4 0 1 0 0 2 1 .179 .261 .295
6 Olivares - RF 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 .236 .288 .418
1-Taylor, M - PR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .267 .292 .317
7 Cruz, O - SS 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 .237 .282 .351
8 Triolo - 2B 3 0 0 0 1 0 3 .213 .297 .263
9 Davis - C 3 0 1 0 0 1 1 .180 .288 .230
a-McCutchen - PH 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 .230 .319 .410
Totals 32 2 4 2 4 8 15
a-Struck out for Davis in the 9th. 1-Ran for Olivares in the 9th.
BATTING: 2B: Suwinski (3, Hudson, B). HR: Reynolds, B (3, 3rd inning off Wilson, B, 1 on, 1 out). TB: Cruz, O; Davis; Reynolds, B 4; Suwinski 2. RBI: Reynolds, B 2 (15). Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Cruz, O; McCutchen. GIDP: Davis. Team RISP: 0-for-4. Team LOB: 7.
FIELDING: E: Tellez (1, throw); Ortiz, L.L. (1, fielding). Pickoffs: Fleming (Perkins, B at 1st base). DP: (Cruz, O-Triolo-Tellez).
Brewers Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Wilson, B 4.1 3 2 2 3 3 1 75-43 3.50
Hudson, B (W, 2-0) 1.2 1 0 0 0 1 0 22-17 0.68
Peguero, E (H, 4) 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 0 12-5 3.00
Megill (H, 3) 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 0 16-10 1.93
Payamps (S, 4) 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 0 11-10 3.72
Totals 9.0 4 2 2 4 8 1
Pirates Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Fleming (L, 1-1) 2.1 1 2 0 2 1 0 39-25 1.42
Ortiz, L.L. 2.2 2 1 1 2 4 0 58-34 3.86
Contreras 2.0 2 0 0 1 2 0 34-17 4.50
Stratton, H 2.0 2 0 0 0 1 0 28-20 3.46
Totals 9.0 7 3 0 5 8 0
Game Info
HBP: Adames (by Ortiz, L.L.); Hoskins (by Ortiz, L.L.).
Pitches-strikes: Wilson, B 75-43; Hudson, B 22-17; Peguero, E 12-5; Megill 16-10; Payamps 11-10; Fleming 39-25; Ortiz, L.L. 58-34; Contreras 34-17; Stratton, H 28-20.
Groundouts-flyouts: Wilson, B 4-5; Hudson, B 2-1; Peguero, E 1-0; Megill 1-1; Payamps 1-1; Fleming 3-2; Ortiz, L.L. 2-2; Contreras 1-1; Stratton, H 2-3.
Batters faced: Wilson, B 19; Hudson, B 6; Peguero, E 3; Megill 3; Payamps 5; Fleming 9; Ortiz, L.L. 15; Contreras 8; Stratton, H 8.
Inherited runners-scored: Hudson, B 1-0; Ortiz, L.L. 2-2.
Umpires: HP: Mark Wegner. 1B: Tom Hanahan. 2B: Jeremie Rehak. 3B: Clint Vondrak.
Weather: 51 degrees, Cloudy.
Wind: 12 mph, L To R.
First pitch: 6:42 PM.
T: 2:42.
Att: 10,370.
Venue: PNC Park.
April 24, 2024
Inning Scoring Play Score
Top 3 William Contreras singles on a line drive to center fielder Jack Suwinski. Sal Frelick scores. Brice Turang to 3rd. 1-0 MIL
Top 3 Rhys Hoskins hit by pitch. Brice Turang scores. William Contreras to 3rd. Willy Adames to 2nd. 2-0 MIL
Top 3 Blake Perkins walks. William Contreras scores. Willy Adames to 3rd. Rhys Hoskins to 2nd. 3-0 MIL
Bottom 3 Bryan Reynolds homers (3) on a fly ball to right center field. Connor Joe scores. 3-2 MIL
Team Highlight
MIL William Contreras' RBI single to center (00:00:17)
MIL Blake Perkins plates a run on a bases-loaded walk (00:00:07)
MIL Rhys Hoskins' RBI hit-by-pitch in the 3rd (00:00:09)
PIT Bryan Reynolds' two-run homer (3) (00:00:20)
PIT Jack Suwinski's incredible leaping catch (00:00:25)
PIT Jared Triolo nabs Sal Frelick at home (00:00:22)
MIL Jake Bauers' nice scoop at first base (00:00:25)
MIL Joel Payamps locks down the save and win (00:00:14)
MIL Edward Olivares ruled safe after review (00:00:46)
MIL William Contreras' strong offensive game (00:00:47)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
Brewers 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 2 10
Pirates 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 7


Division Scoreboard

AZ 1 @ STL 5 - Final
PHI 4 @ CIN 7 - Final
HOU 3 @ CHC 4 - Final
Last Updated: 04/24/2024 10:37:56 PM EDT
submitted by BuccosBot to buccos [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 05:35 AgsAreUs What engine oil for a Briggs & Stratton 25 hp Professional Series engine on riding mower?

I picked up a used zero turn with a Briggs & Stratton 25 hp Professional Series V-Twin engine. Mower is around 5 years old with ~60 hours on it. Didn't come with a manual and a search on the Briggs website only brings up a parts list. Based on the below Briggs page, it seems I should be using 15w50 synthetic oil, as temps are regularly over 100 F in the summer time where I live.
My question is, can I use normal automotive 15w50 synthetic oil, like Mobile 1 at Walmart, or do I need to use the Briggs specific "Vanguard" synthetic oil?
Additional question. Are there cheaper oil filters that will work compared to the Briggs small engine one? Seems strange that the small engine oil filter is ~$13 when a filter for my truck is ~$5.
submitted by AgsAreUs to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 03:27 holeyshirt18 DEBATE/EVENT SCHEDULE This Week: C-SPAN, Bridges: Richard Lewis, Anything Else, Mindfest

UPDATED April.27.2024 If you have any info/links, or suggestions, please post below. \*for new changes*


Note: May's NY/NJ Canvassing event was cancelled due to opponent withdrawing from race.

MONTANA Canvassing Event June 15-16th





Minds Fest: Election Integrity Debate April 27 6pm CT/9pm UTC - Austin, Texas Destiny's stream
David Beir: Immigration April 29 3pm EST/ 7pm UTC Destiny's stream
Cosmic Skeptic/Alex O'Connor May 1 (?) NYC IRL, Needs confirmation
Breaking Points: 1v3, Ryan Grim, Emily Jashinsky, Omar Baddar May 1 DC Destiny's stream, Topic: Israel-Palestine
Bridges Podcast: Episode 07, Turkey Tom May 4 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Dr. K /HealthyGamer May 9 1pm EST/5pm UTC On Destiny's Live stream
Bridges Podcast: Episode 08, Task & Purpose (Chris Cappy) May 11 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Bridges Podcast: Episode 09, R.A. the Rugged Man May 12/13 TBD 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Hodge Twins Mid May TBA Twins Pod YT
MONTANA CANVASSING: Weekend of Action #2 June 15-16 Missoula, Montana Info/Sign up! (No prior experience necessary)
Bridges Podcast: Episode 10, Mr. Beat June 16 Missoula, Montana Bridges YT Channel (In Montana)

Peter Boghossian: Spectrum Street Epistomology Street (Filmed April 10)
Vice Documentary: (Redpill: Will air on their cable documentary channel (Tubi), 60-75 minute documentary exploring masculinity, manosphere, & economy of the internet, hosted by Vegas Tenold. Releases summer, 2024. (Watch Destiny Video: filmed feb 21- Destiny talking to Vice while they film, 1hr)
- Bridges Podcast: Jordan Harbringer (To Be Rescheduled) - DJ Akademiks (To Be Rescheduled) 
UNCONFIRMED (tentative time frames, 3rd parties scheduling, creators interested to chat)
Wants to Chat: Michael Knowles) (said on Iced Coffee Hour Podcast)
Maybe: Dave Rubin Valuetainment trying to set debate
Tentative: Shlomo Ben-Ami After March 30th
Maybe: Jynxzi podcast appearance
Maybe: Kevin McCarthy saw the debate w/Shapiro, in talks
Invite: Michael Sartain invites Destiny to Vegas
3rd Party Contact: President of Israel, Isaac Herzog
3rd Party Contact: Einat Wilf
NBC Interview











Cenk Uygur: Israel - Hamas War
Lisa Elizabeth: Systemic racism
Meghan Murphy: Is sex work immoral?
(2019) Hasan Piker: Kamala Harris (Bridge Burn)
(2019) Sargon of Akkad: What is a woman?
DESTINY'S OBSIDIAN NOTES Direct Link Israel-Palestine Reddit Post
Many thanks to:
If you have any suggestions, info/links or additions, please post so I can update.
submitted by holeyshirt18 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 03:29 Yarbles The Official Report of the March RVA Reddit (no we haven't) Bookclub

We started off talking about good books by terrible people, and whether a reader or viewer can appreciate a book or movie if you learn about the reprehensible actions of the creator. Aurora started us off with The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley, an Arthurian tale told from a women's perspective;. Aurora said it was terrible and it was more or less obvious that the author was an abusive pedophile.
We talked a bit about other Arthurian novels and I think both AimeeAlissa or Asterion7 read Spear by Nicola Griffith and said it was good. If you're looking for an Arthurian retelling that isn't horrifying. Aurora and Laucchi both brought a bunch of books to share, and one of them was The Tower at Stony Wood by Patricia A. McKillip, who apparently was very popular for woman fantasy fans.
We talked about other asshole authors, and at a certain point talked about Orson Scott Card and Brandon Sanderson, and whether all Mormon authors put any of us off. I won't read Card, but I have a fair amount of respect for Sanderson. Unfortunately, I haven't really liked anything I read from him, but I also haven't read his best known stuff. Apparently Scott Card's Homecoming Saga, starting with The Memory of Earth, is a retelling of the book of Mormon.
Roald Dahl was an anti-Semite, HP Lovecraft was too racist even for an astoundingly racist period in our history, JK Rowling continues to double down about trans kids every time she is asked. A couple of us asked whether she completely ruined Harry Potter for them or not. Diversity Thrift has a special Harry Potter display and they donate the proceeds right to a trans rights group. George Orwell loved socialism and did a lot to advance working class causes, but hated Communists and informed on a lot of them.
Aimee talked about and the treatment of first nations people in Laura Ingalls Wilder books. Sarah J Maas is a raging Zionist, and Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel and Outlander by Diana Gabaldon might be unnecessarily rapey. Asterion7 used the example of Michael Chabon, who as a prominent Jewish writer uses his platform to condemn what Israel actually does.
We talked about the Young Adult genre and its relationship to New Adult, which can sometimes be practically porn. The New Adult books are stacked in the same section of the bookstore, and sometimes you can't tell which is which. We talked about the Kindle and how it encouraged sales of erotica and smut because the godawful garish covers weren't visible anymore. Skyverbyver said that sometimes the tropes she likes to read about are paired with tropes that she doesn't care for. For example, Fated Mates unfortunately often comes with a side of Alpha Male.Aurora talked about the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs, which began with Moon Called.
We talked about the societal pressures on women, particularly a continual reinforcement that a romantic relationship is the ultimate goal of life and everything else is just complicating maneuvering for the romance. We talked a bit about Tamara Pierce, ACOTAR, and Anne Rice books back in the 80s and 90s. I think it was Aimee that said the Interview with a Vampire TV series is good.
Aurora told us about A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin - Aurora called it a YA by an author who didn't know what YA actually was; Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler; Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni - a feminist retelling of the Mahabarata told from the perspective of one of the women in the story; What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher - which may be a retelling of the Fall of the House of Usher; and the second of the Sworn Soldier series, What Feasts at Night.
Aimee read The Bear and the Nightingale; Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher; may have also read What Moves the Dead by the same author; the Gentleman Bastards series, which starts with the Lies of Locke Lamora; and Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. She talked about the decay and dirty, gritty nature of the world of the Locked Tomb world. She also said that Gideon the Ninth apparently started as fan fiction of Homestuck. I'm not sure what Homestuck is.
Asterion7 talked about how his kids love SCP and talked about the second in the Light of the World series by Nicola Griffith called Menewood: A Novel, which is the sequel to Hild. He compares the characters and story elements to those of A Song of Fire and Ice in terms of navigating medieval politics.
Skyver said the if you use Hoopla to access the Murderbot diaries, they proposed an order to the books that was not the recommended one, and she didn't read one of the books necessary to know what was going on in the last book she was reading. So that was disappointing. We talked about authors writing a lot of books 1.5 and 2.5, and how that can make a lot of sources outdated. I think she talked about The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent, A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, and she might read Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery with her youngest.
Laucchi had a larger than normal book report because she missed a couple times, and talked about the Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire; Neon Gods; A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid, which she said was a 5-star read; The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw; The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young; Happy Place by Emily Henry; and the Arc of a Scythe series by Neal Shusterman. If you like that last one, Aimee recommended the Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld as being comparable.
Laucchi also read Eileen and Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh; Kaikei by Vaishnavi Patel; the Scholomance series by Naomi Novik; This Wretched Valley by Jenny Kiefer; Uprooted by Naomi Novik; our pick for July Looking Glass Sound by Catriona Ward, which she recommends that the reader go in blind, saying it has a unique narration structure; Most Ardently by Gabe Cole Novoa, which is a trans retelling of Pride and Prejudice; the second of The Handmaid's Tale series by Margaret Atwood called The Testaments; and a book about paleontologists, something about ghost dinosaurs but I couldn't find the right book.
Incorrigible_Muffin was out, but Asterion7 said that she recommends a trans autobiography called The Risk it takes to Bloom by Raquel Willis.
We talked about books written by cis men, and how some of our readers are hesitant to read a cis male author because the women characters turn into uncanny valley girls. They're just not believable. Someone mentioned the Golden Girls being a cautionary tale that illustrates how capitalism can be cruel, which really changes the dynamic of it. We talked about The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez having a unique narrative structure. The story is about the fall of an empire, has both second and third person perspectives, and is just a unique work - something you have to take your time with.
Coming up on April 21
Coming up on May 19
Coming up on June 23
Coming up on July 21
submitted by Yarbles to rvaBookClub [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 04:05 fredblockburn Craftsman lt 2000 oil capacity

I feel like an idiot but I’m hoping someone can help me. I can’t find this anywhere but I have a craftsman lt 2000 with a Briggs and Stratton 19.5 hp intek engine. The model number on the mower is 247:288851. Is anyone able to tell me what the oil capacity is?.
submitted by fredblockburn to lawnmowers [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 23:02 kasutori_Jack 2024 r/baseball Power Rankings -- Week 3: We Can't All Be Ranked 42nd on Jackie Robinson Day But the White Sox Tried, a New #1 Emerges, Royals and Reds Rock and Roll, Cleveland Guards Pirate Ships and Ride High Together, Astros Crash Land in Arizona and Harm Many Snakes, No Team Stays Put!

Hey Sportsfans — it's time for Week 3 of baseball Power Rankings:The ever-changing landscape of baseball continues to develope. Who's pretending and who's for real? Time will tell! For now, enjoy these baseball numbers! Or don't. I am an AI-Generated intro, not a cop.
Every voter has their own style / system and the only voting instructions are these:
"To an extent determined individually, you must take into account how strong a team is right now and likely to be going forward. You must, to some degree, give weight to the events and games of the previous week."
TRANSPARENCY: This link will show you who voted each team where and has added neat statistics!
Auxilliary Post: You can view extra stats and breakdown of this week here.
If something is a little messed up, feel free to pester me let me know.
Total Votes: 28 of 30.
# Team Δ Comment Record
1 Yankees +3 Another week of baseball and the Yankees seem to actually be this good. The brightest spots continue to be Volpe, Soto, and Cabrera. We had some big upswings by Giancarlo Stanton and Nestor Cortes this week, both of whom could elevate the Yankees from AL East favorite to World Series favorite if they’re even 70% as good as their peaks. Also encouraging is that the Yankees are surging even with a hard-slumping Aaron Judge (not worried) and a still-absent Gerrit Cole. Get both those guys at maximum capacity, and this is one special Yankees team. 12-4
2 Braves -1 Good thing we can hit. A year ago, everyone in Braves Country (including me) wanted to run Marcell Ozuna out of town. Not anymore. This season he is 1st in the MLB in HRs (7), 1st in RBIs (21), 5th in AVG (.373) and 2nd in OPS (1.192). But it goes further than that. Since May 1st of last year he is 2nd in HRs (45), 2nd in RBI (119), 9th in AVG (.306) and 5th in OPS (.993). Next year's $16 million team option is looking like a bargain for the potential 2024 NL MVP. 9-5
3 Dodgers -1 11-7
4 Orioles +1 Jackson Holliday was called up, as most of the fanbase wanted, and proceeded to go his first 13 AB's without getting a hit. He did finally record a hit and probably had a huge sigh of relief. I am sure he will get into a groove, but the kid is literally a kid, so it will take some time. On the other hand, Colton Cowser is single handedly driving this offense. Destroying Boston pitching in that series and continuing that against the Brewers. He has basically put last years AL All-Star left fielder Austin Hays on the bench. I know it is early but a trade for another starter might be in the cards sooner rather than later. The O's have a plethora of position players and not nearly enough depth in starting pitching. Bradish and Means are on their way back but after Burnes and Rodriguez there is a huge drop off to Wells, Kremer and Irvin. Plus, if the O's trade position players they have plenty more in Norfolk. Overall to be 9-6 right now is not terrible but things need to start clicking for more than a few players. 9-6
5 Brewers +4 Milwaukee absolutely mashed this week, taking 2 out of 3 from both the Reds (Get a roof morans + cornbread is good, actually) and Orioles (Corbin Burnes beat us, so really we both won that last game.) This stretch brought their season average to 6.5 runs per game, the best in the league. Despite my lack of confidence in the pitching staff, they actually grade out solidly above average in WHIP and ERA as well. But more importantly than numbers, this team is fun to watch. They get runners on base, steal bags, bunt for hits, and hit dingers. I've watched enough Brewers baseball to know that we'll slump before the all star break, but for now, lets just enjoy watching one of the best, youngest, and most fun Brewers lineups we've had in a while. 10-4
6 Guardians +6 Last week, because of the small sample size and them having the best record and run differential, I put the Guardians as #1. I can no longer do that. The White Sox series was more of a nailbiter than it should have been and the Yankees series was a nightmare. I think the Guardians (and I) are being brought back to Earth. I don't even know what to do with my rankings this week, since I highly doubt the Royals, Brewers, and Pirates will keep this up. 10-5
7 Rangers -4 Inuries suck. Bullpen is still a mess. Flags fly forever. 8-8
8 Pirates +5 The Pirates didn't win any series this week — but they didn't lose any, either, splitting a 2-game set with Detroit (thanks to another David Bednar meltdown in the 9th) and a 4-game set in Philadelphia. The starting pitching remains the unexpected strength of this team, although that will be tested now that Marco Gonzales has hit the IL with a forearm strain, an injury similar to the one that kept him out for most of 2023. In better news, Andrew McCutchen smacked his 300th career home run on Sunday. He joined elite company by hitting #300 in a Pirate uniform; this feat has only been achieved by such legends as Willie Stargell, Ralph Kiner, and Jeromy Burnitz. 11-5
9 Cubs -1 The preseason concerns about the Cubs bullpen came to roost this week, as the bullpen was heavily responsible for the Cubs worst loss in decades, blowing an 8-0 lead to the Padres. While they righted the ship enough to finish 3-3 overall after beating the Mariners in Seattle, the bullpen was shaky at best. However, the Cubs offense and starting pitching were able to pick up the slack, in particular Michael Busch. He homered in 4 straight games, one shy of the Cubs record, a welcome boost for an offense that has seen 3 of its top 4 hitters go ice cold. They'll look to right the ship in Arizona, before closing out the week with a 4 game set against the Marlins at Wrigley. 9-6
10 Rays -3 After last year's start, treading water doesn't feel great, but when you're taking a chance on this many pitchers it's bound to be a bit bumpy. There is reason for optimism with some, like Ryan Pepiot, however others are just out there to consume innings at what has so far been like a 6 ERA. The bats should be due for positive regression as stars Yandy and Randy have been cold, however we are now giving at bats to Niko Goodrum because Brandon Lowe (pronounced Lowe) sneezed and hurt himself again. The goal for now is to hang around while players get healthy, then make a certified Sneaky Rays(tm) push for the playoffs. 9-7
11 D-Backs -5 The Diamondbacks rebounded a bit this week, taking series from the Rockies and Cardinals. The Snakes, however, are still not firing on all cylinders, and will have to start playing better if they're going to hang with other playoff contenders. The good news is the starting pitching has looked great even without E-Rod or Montgomery to start the year. 8-8
12 Reds +7 I’m very sad today. Very sad, so I wanted to bury myself in nostalgia, so I currently have an entire can of Pillsbury croissants in the oven. Did anyone else as a kid have their mom go through a croissant phase? You know where every other dinner she cooks had croissants as a side. My mom did, and she hasn’t bought those croissants in years. Anyway the Reds swept the White Sox, and continued to get their asses beat by the Brewers. I’ve said before i’m not very good at baseball analysis, I just sorta took the Reds voter opening because I thought it would be fun, so I don’t really know what to say as an analysis. They swing bat good. +100 baseball analysis. Anyway I wanted to get back into reading, my eyes have been hurting from all these monitors and screens i’ve been looking at. So I started re-reading Harry Potter because it’s one of the few book series I have physical copies of. I’m not a potterhead or anything like that but these teachers are just some of the most irresponsible people i’ve ever read about. Also there are some things that really bother me, like why didn’t they just petrify or stun Peter Pettigrew in the shrieking shack so he wouldn’t be able to escape? Also I thought the Accio charm couldn’t be used on a living creature but in chapter 18 of Order of the Phoenix Harry uses it on a frog. And why does 18 year old Victor Krum invite a 14 year girl to the Yule ball? And why can I not stop thinking about Croissants? I’m writing this as my croissants bake in the oven, the smell is in the house and it smells good. I don’t even have anything to eat with them, it’s just croissants. I’ll figure it out. Anyway catch ya later gators see you on the flippy flip side remember to grease up them pancakes and stay in school. 9-6
13 Royals +10 It's been a fun start to the season but there are some concerns. Chris Stratton and Will Smith have combined for half of the Royals losses and have been a tightrope act. Salvy is injured and as of this writing, it is unknown how long he will be out. Hopefully he won't be out long and the bullpen can stabilize. 10-6
14 Phillies -4 I should probably be happy with the Phillies this week, winning 2 of 3 on the road in St. Louis and splitting a 4 game set at home against the Pirates, but it still feels like a disappointment. This team can very obviously be much better if they can start hitting. They are currently in the bottom third in virtually all offensive stats and are 24th in runs scored. 3 lineup regulars (4 if you include Whit) are hitting below the Mendoza line including Bryce Harper who had a dreadful 2 for 27 streak this week. Somehow, they're still only 2 games back on the Braves and have what should be an easy week with 6 games against the Rockies and White Sox at home. 8-8
15 Padres +2 I’m glad that the San Diego Padres exist…and exist as an MLB team in the highest level of professional baseball, and not some old defunct team, or minor league team that used to play at the top level, or some distant memory of what once was… I’m thankful that I can watch them play, and enjoy baseball for the foreseeable future. I grew up in a sports family, and picked a team in each sport. The team I rooted for in football moved, and it seems the hockey team I rooted for is on the way as well. I am looking forward to watching the last game for the Arizona Coyotes this upcoming Wednesday, hoping to hear the ‘awoo’ of the goal horn a few more times before it’s all over (at least for the time being). It’s true that the teams we love are a business at the end of the day, but for fan’s, they’re anything but. Win or lose, your favorite team generates a community, and a sense of almost religious camaraderie. Sports are a hobby that we spend tons of money and time on. It can be an amazing sensation when the team you’ve been rooting for your whole life finally makes it over the hump. On the other hand, it is absolutely devastating when the team we grow up rooting for just suddenly decides it wants to make money elsewhere, off of new fans, in a different market. Fuck billionaires. Obviously, everything said here can be said about fans in Oakland as well, disgusting that A’s fans are going through the same. Fuck relocation, man. 9-9
16 Red Sox -2 Two weeks in, the narrative for the Sox this season is beginning to take shape. If the 90% breaking balls don't tear apart every UCL on the staff, our pitching is going to be greatly improved from the last few years of mediocrity. We have no middle infield, so look forward to our mix-and-match of AAAA bats botching three or four easy double plays a week. There is a path to the playoffs, but it's going to require our young core stepping up and our more fragile players staying healthy. I'm looking at you O'Neill... 9-7
17 Astros -6 Kyle Tucker batflipping a home run when the Astros were getting their asses handed to them by the Rangers was certainly a choice. Supposedly the team was mad about Yordan being hit/nearly hit - so fine, whatever. Still wasn't the best look, especially when the offense has mostly been anemic this season. Pitching hasn't fared much better, with everyone and their mothers (except for the MILFs) being put through the meat grinder. The team is in desperate need of an off-day. 6-11
18 Blue Jays -3 Winning series vs SEA and COL made for a nice home-opener week for the Jays, and kept them afloat while waiting for some key pieces to come back from injury or shake off the rust of the spring. Biggest development of the week was Yariel Rodriguez's debut, in which the Cuban pickup gave up 1 run, walked 2, and fanned 6 over 4 innings. If he can live up to the stuff and shore up that one hole in the bottom of the rotation, he'll wind up being the sneaky best signing of the off-season. The non-sneaky best signing is the Tormund Giantsbane ginger anchoring the 4-spot in the lineup, Justin Turner, who is absolutely raking right now. If Vladdy and Bo can warm up to match his output, the offense might have a hope. Thankfully, Jansen coming back this week to add more pop behind the plate and Romano and Swanson slotting back into the backend of a good bullpen will help as the league-best Yankees come to town. 8-8
19 Tigers +2 Nothing too wild to report from this past week, other than JAVY BAEZ ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING other than strike out. Look at his lovely .140/.152/.209... and then cry knowing that there are still more years left after this one. This week: 4 vs. TEX, 3 at MIN. 9-6
20 Twins -4 A predictible series loss against the Dodgers, and a split against the Tigers is not a good sign. The bats are cold and completely letting down our pitching, which has been near the best in the league so far. We're striking out way too much, our OBP is awful, and we just can't get hits with RISP. Not to mention the injuries: Lewis was injured on Opening Day, and now Correa has joined him. We really need things to turn around quickly if we're going to be competitive this year. 6-8
21 Mets +4 There's no way my blurb is gonna be as good as the Reds guy, so I may as well try something wacky. This week we're doing Mets anagrams. Adrian Houser is an anagram of "horrid nausea" which I had after Houser's poor start against Atlanta this past week. Brooks Raley is an anagram of "broke Royals" (he did break them on Sunday, earning a win). Starling Marte is an anagram of "target Marlins" which he did in 2023, slashing .364/.440/.591 against Miami. Finally, Harrison Bader is an anagram of "A hard boner, sir" which is a completely justifiable reaction to Bader's recent run of hot hitting. 7-8
22 Mariners -4 The vibes, they are not good. Offensive, Defensive, and Pitching miscues abound to continually snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The saving grace is that the rest of the division is also off to a slow start, so if the M's can turn it around soon, they've still got a shot. Up next: 3 vs. Communists, 3 @ Large Boulders the size of a Small Boulder 6-10
23 Cardinals -1 The Cardinals lost back to back series this week and now sit 4 GB. Almost every game was competitive and Sonny Gray looked fantastic in his debut. However, bad base running and struggles with RISP (.195 over the last week!) were themes over the weekend. Themes that are uncharacteristic of a franchise that prides themselves on fundamentals. This organization has been at a crossroads for over a year and appears content to sit down on the ground and stay there. 7-9
24 Giants -4 The Giants have lost series’ against Dodgers, Rays, and Nationals; the only other team played is the Padres in what could be a ‘tough opening stretch’. However, the biggest problem is their own making – the Giants are 27th in MLB in OPS w/ RISP. While a lot of the Giants offensive stats, traditional and peripheral, will put them in the middle of the pack – 18th in RS/G (-1) – new acquisitions Lee, Soler, and Chapman are not getting it done when it counts. (Ahmed / Conforto doing the best RISP work). The staff, meanwhile, gives up the 8th most HRs while striking out the 4th fewest to the tune of 23rd in RA/G (+3) and a Bullpen ERA that’s 25th (=) in baseball. The end result? A Run Diff of -12, good for 20th (+1) in MLB. If you’re a normal, non-reactionary fan, you might view the 6-10 record as not a big deal. Snell will settle in, being good w/ RISP isn’t a skill, the lineup has capable hitters, IL reinforcements, aforementioned schedule, and the defense is improved. But Doomers smell blood in the bay and want someone to blame. I suggest the first deck ushers on the 3rd base side who had the gall to kick me out in the 8th inning just because I technically didn’t have that ticket. It’s been downhill since. Next up: @ MIA for 3, vs ARI for 4. No off-day till next Thursday. Let’s settle in, Giants. 6-10
25 Angels -1 Three weeks in and Mike Trout has the world on fire so I finally feel obligated to talk about him. For all the conerns there have been about Mike Trout's health and durability, he is showing an unprecedented amount of strenth and power by his own Hall of Fame standards. He has the highest wRC+ of his career. The highest Slugging percentage of his career by 39 points. The highest ISO of his career by 57 points! Even crazier is that despite all this Baseball Savant has him as a 99th percentile in baserunning value and 83rd percentile Outs Above Average. Kinda makes it all the more depressing that this is all coming what has potential to be the team's most futile year during his career. 7-8
26 Athletics +2 7-9
27 Nationals -1 The Nats took a crushing defeat yesterday to the A's. Not only was it the series rubber match but it also felt like the rubber match of the 9-game stretch they have out west. Win and you've won back to back series going into Dodger Stadium. Now the hope rests in the hands of a rookie, Patrick Qorbin, and Jake Irvin to hopefully scrape a win before heading back to DC to celebrate the 5th year anniversary of the 2019 World Series Championship with the Astros in town. 6-9
28 Marlins -1 The marlins have been slightly more consistent last week, but when i say slightly i mean it. The fish lost a series to the yanks and braves but each series had a close game that could have gone the marlins way, which is the small silver lining when looking back to the beginning of the season where we were getting blown out day after day. The marlins will continue to have offensive struggles with jake burger going on the IL with an oblique strain but at least the bullpen has continued to show growth, at least more than the offense. Edward cabrera is finally being called up from his rehab stint and the pitcher getting optioned down is......max meyer. Word from the club is that its due to innings management following his recent TJS but we all know this service time tango. There are more and more signs of the FO looking to next season and essentially closing the book on this season. I just hope we dont lose 100+ games. Got the giants at home for 3 games and then we fly out to the north side to close out the week. 3-13
29 Rockies +1 Look! KB is injured again! At least DU won another championship. Ranking the Yankees 1 made me throw up a little (a lot). I think I hate baseball. 4-12
30 White Sox -1 The White Sox are off to their worst ever start through 15 games. Their 3 best hitters are all currently on the IL with varying degress of injuries while just running the bases. The Sox have 17 hitters with a plate appearance this year. Only 6 of them have an OBP north of 300 and only 3 of those have a SLG above their OBP. They have scored 34 runs in 15 games with a massive -51 run differential. So, no, the offense has not been good by any metric. 2-13
submitted by kasutori_Jack to baseball [link] [comments]