Baju pertunangan 2010

Austronesian (?) Malay Archipelago (??) Maritime Southeast Asian Hero (???) Idea. Just trying my luck if they see this.

2023.08.09 14:55 Naive_Duty220 Austronesian (?) Malay Archipelago (??) Maritime Southeast Asian Hero (???) Idea. Just trying my luck if they see this.

Austronesian (?) Malay Archipelago (??) Maritime Southeast Asian Hero (???) Idea. Just trying my luck if they see this.
PREFACE - I honestly have no idea how to use reddit but the only reason I am using it now is to convey an idea I've been having for years to be put into For Honor yet have doubted myself. I remember a time where I was skeptical and somewhat laughing at people suggesting of a duelist, pirate, pistol-wielding character or an Inquisitor into the game and Aztecs because it felt so out of place on what the theme was (this was what I was thinking before Wu Lin came out).
Fast forward to the current day, these characters came into a reality and I was just baffled. So instead of keeping the idea to myself, best I share it to whoever is reading this and hopefully For Honor can eventually add this character.
Now to the actual thing. The idea I wish to suggest is an Austronesian Hero; specifically Maritime Southeast Asia/Austronesian/Malay(outdated term). Before I wanted to do this, I've been searching if anyone else has been doing this but it is not to the best way of describing, so instead I will share several pictures and sketches I've made to convey the suggestion easier.
This is the base character concept sketch. The name will be talked about later.
The picture above would be the base gear concept for the Hero. This outfit has been taken inspiration from all sides of the archipelago with the best intention to not make it too specific to which region.
To SEAsians we are many, some may say too diverse. There is more than just standard Peninsular Malays, Jawa, Sulawesi, Kalimantanese, Tagalogs, Waray, Igorot and etc. While we are clumped into the same continent, we are very much diverse yet have some similarities between each other. The point of this character is to portray that.
Because we (SEAsians) know that if only 1 country gets represented; e.g: Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, the other brother is sulking. Malaysia and Indonesia been on it for years but even then sometimes people forget Brunei in the middle. (Lmao)
As for Ubisoft's team, this will make the designing, representation and development(?) of the character easier. And lets be honest, they tend to get things mixed up even when we don't asked them to like the Ocelotl having Cuauthli gear when the Hero is named after the Jaguar warriors.
This hero would (hopefully) makes things easier and (really hope) make Maritime Southeast Asians happy (Lmao).

  • Headwear
First of all is the headgear. This headwrap is shared all across Maritime Southeast Asia. - In Indonesia, since there are so many ethnicities, the come in various names but most commonly known as Udeng (Bali), Totopong (Sundanese), some style may come across to a Javanese Blangkon as well. - In the Philippines, most common name for it would be the Pudong-pudong/Potong-potong. This is worn in the Tagalog fashion. - Where as this was based over the Visayan variant. - In Peninsular Malaysia, it is commonly known as a Semutar. - Even other interior ethnic group (this example focuses on Borneo/Brunei/Kalimantan region) wore it like the Dayak Labung/Lawung/Lavuung (worn by the man)
The idea of the headwear is a simple wrap. Yes, there are more elaborate styles but bear with me, this post isn't short (lmao). Since its the beginning stage, most of the items are a pretty basic piece of gear used by the ethnicities in the area.

  • Torso
While one can argue, the time of most MSEAsian ancestors were topless, I don't think Ubisoft will allow it. Even the Raider and Gladiator have some straps going around their chest so this is a mere suggestion instead. Something bare yet covered, a vest garment. This is also known by many names. - In the Philippines, it is known as a Kangan**.** - But these had sleeves. We will get there. - In Peninsular Malaysia, it is known formally as a Baju Layang/Sikap or Tekua. Sometimes there can be sleeves as well. - These examples are too extravagant for the base gear so we will pick this up later on.

There are common variants too but it is what anyone would just call a shirt - The best example would be from the Dayak Kelambi or sometimes known as Baju Burung. - Then there is the Nias variant of Baru Oholu/Oroba as well
The reason for why I picked these type of vest/jacket-like garment is to at least show some chest while keeping the character covered and keeping more negative space within the character to add jewelry for more dynamic into the gear.
As for why I picked the sleeveless variants is because For Honor has the Arm gear which the Torso cannot manipulate. So the only suggestion I can give is; while following current FH gear trends, that the sleeved variants could be the alternate variants which I also have a sketch. The plain jacket is meant for the player to add any chest/back paint customisations, higher legendary gear would be adorn by the linings and embroidery.
Some people may ask as to why not add historically evidenced torso like the closed Kangans we see in the Boxer Codex, which I would simply reply. Its honestly too plain, even with adding embroidery, it just felt short
Even with a variant like how these Igorot men wear, unless done with intricate designs and jewelry will it make the character feel full. Otherwise it will be bland and too weird(?). Examples like the Aramusha, while he is wearing a casual Yukata/Shitagi/Samue at times, it felt full because of his tattoos, stitches, layers and overall ruggedness. Same with the Kyoshin, the Kamishimo he wears had layers over it which makes it feel full.
This part could continue to be discussed later on when talking about the legs.
There is another inspiration but it is highly controversial. - This vest would be known as Baju Kebal which meant Thick/Armoured Shirt. - This one would be called Baju Wafaq.

The main idea for the torso was this padded vest which is typically worn by the time. The reason its called armoured is because of the Quranic/Arabic inscriptions embroidered on the vest which is believed to serve some protection to the wearer. This however is going to far into the spiritual/religious aspect of the MSEAsian ideology, but is hardly religious at all as the religion practiced doesn't even encourage this and is now categorised as sorcery/heresy to have this equipped. Hence why I opted the casual shirt instead.

  • LegsThis part cannot be equipped as its always paired with the torso gear but the legs gave me quite a ramble in the head as to pick which one would be suitable for this base gear so I sketched a few to give some of you all some opinions to it as well.
Starting from the top to bottom: Sarung, SeluaSalwal/Salawal, Sarung & Celana, Bahag/Sirat/Cawat
The first one would be a typical Sarung/Malung/Kain. Typically it is worn long and in Peninsular Malay customs, if you wore it above the knee, its either you're a serving warrior (since warriors need maximum maneuverability) or unmarried and if worn below the knee, you're married. figured if worn like how most nowadays wear long, it is rather uncomfortable. Even for myself, when performing martial arts while only wearing it, I tend to tie it short as it will limit my steps at times. But I also took inspiration on HighlandeGladiator Kilt length which is around the knees which will also give some negative space for some added dynamic layers to the character. second type of pants would be the Salwal/SeluaSalawal variant which is heavily influenced by Indian culture since we were once a strong appreciator(?) at the time before Islam became the dominating influence.
While worn somewhat like a loincloth, it is long enough that it resembles more of regular pants than what is usually accustomed. the only people who tends to wear it are Mainland SEAsians like Thailand and their Kben. (Of course India still wear it as well since its from them, just in case if someone got offended I did not mention them.)
The third one would be a combination of the Kain and pants worn underneath. This one mostly appeared when Islam had influence over most of MSEA cultures.
Alas, the last one would be the loincloth but I specifically picked the longer model since its more longer which kinda makes it look cooler (impo) adds more movement to the character's appearance when running/walking.

  • Arms
Nowadays FH only implement ornaments on the Hero's shouldeupper arm area and like many heroes we have seen recently, they've always had this plate on them. Fortunately enough, MSEAsians already loved this garment because its a typical jewelry one wears for special occasions nowadays or was historically of noble jewelry.
These are mostly from the influence of MSEA Hindu-Buddhist past. - A sculpture of Avalokitesvara as an example.
Another example which everyone is accustomed to is the Muay Thai/Boran Prajied/Prajiut arm band. While most common in Thailand, Northern Peninsular Malayans and Coastal Malay Borneons does have these charms too. Not in the same manner as today but as it was historically. Cloth from loved ones or uhhh... sorcery(?)-imbued scriptures.
So in terms of ornamentation, this hero will have a lot of references to pull from. But in this sketch, I particularly favour the simpler kelat bahu (arm ring).
As for the gauntlets... this is another stump I got myself into again. According to FH trends, every Hero including a culture that doesn't really wear gauntlets like Medjay, Vikings or even the Pirate, they will still include them with it along with greaves. So in order to make it seem acceptable, the only type of arm guards I can think of would be an accessory from the Baju Bodo. Yeah that's it unless anyone have any other ideas.
The only addition I can make to match the atmosphere is the bandages. But in order to make it more common to the culture, it isn't just plain bandages but somewhat of a charm (tangkal/pengaruh/ajimat) band wrapped around the guards.
Now of course as the Baju Kebal before, making it Arabic will make it controversial, as for making it Thai... idk but then it will feel specific to that region so we can then introduce a great bridge scripture of the archipelago. Kawi. - Example of Kawi script, even found as far as the Philippines with the Laguna Copperplate.

  • Other accessories
If you were to refer the initial sketch oncemore, you can notice these circles that cover the chest. This is a necklace (Kalung) but specifically a charm. In the olden days, the understanding of religion is very different today and back then, anything that can give an edge was accepted even to the point of stand-like abilities(lmao). Anyways, olden day necklace charms may come in various shapes but I was particularly inspired by this specific one seen worn by the man on the left.
Now I am not accusing this man wearing a charm but this particular style does not seem specifically targeted to an ethnic group within the continent hence it is my choice to put it in since it is unique by itself while being simple. - You can make it complicated too as coin charms are rather the norm in the area.
There can be other examples like this shell necklace by the Dayak which is not specific as well.
Another if you can notice is a line or thread behind the necklace as well, this is based of another charms that some people wear around their waist/belly too. Beliefs of this item may vary. But here is such an example.
Going below that now, we can see a sash (cindai/selendang/bengkung) that is worn under the belt. This is just a simple sash if were being honest. There are tales of people back then using it as a weapon as well and it is commonly worn around too. - This art was lost for a long time and is now only revived but with everything being revived, it is not always the same as it was once intended for as well. Take it with a grain of salt.
The belt is the interesting part however I don't really know the specific name for it except Lampit which is used by the Iban (or Porik? for the Bidayuh) but Peninsular Malays do use it as well, I had seen a picture of some Moro people that wore it as well. But in an even ancient time when the Hindu influence was still around these were made of gold and were done with such finesse too.
The calf rings are also typical of the time too, reappearing on the region when the arm bands were still around too, another piece of jewelry I only know the Iban name for; Engkrimuk. But it also seen in the Boxer codex.
While I am unsure with references from Jawa, I bet they had them as well but unfortunately I do not know (please do let me know as I am really interested about it).
As for the greaves, I have no idea but the only reference I had was this discovered armour set that is on another reddit post too.
And yea that is it for this base gear.
This would be the Legendary alternate variant
As you can see it does somewhat resemble the original while keeping the vest and as mentioned before, the sleeved version could be the alternate variant instead. Since the FH trend for alternates tend to be either something that gives more colour, I added a shirt underneath the Jacket and pants that could contrast the paint pattern done on the jacket or vice versa. But since I am in the topic, why not we go through it a bit
  • Headwear
This is based on more extravagant headwraps. - Peninsular Malay & West Coast Borneon Malays Tengkolok/DestaTanjak

Makassar Patonro/Passapu - I find this headwear funny in the Malay context because this is a cultural wear for the Bugis people.
But in Malaysia, this is a specific style for a Tanjak called Bugis Tak Balik which literally meant "The Bugis that didnt go back/home." (Context was that a lot of Bugis came to Malaya, mostly in Johor which is why there is a lot of Bugis descendants in the area)
Another example would be the Moro Tubaw
Something a bit more extravagant to reward the players for playing this hero thus far.

  • Jewelry & Textile
The necklace this time is a proper jewelry and not just a charm which is influenced by dokoh/kalung type of necklaces that appeared around the Hindu-Buddhist period and is still worn today for special occasions,+baju+kutang,+dokoh,+keris.jpg
The textile is a luxurious Tenun (woven fabric) of a Songket/Pileh/Jongkit. It is not simply embroidered but it is done with metallic threads. Typically gold or silver which can be altered by the material slot like Zhanhu.
An image of a Tagalog Kangan above also shows the usage of the textile.

  • Footwear
As for footwear, typically we don't wear it but when we do most of it came from India. One example; I cant find a MSEA image in Google, was a slippeshoe similar to a Jutti. Im not so sure what the name exactly is other than the word Kasut. But Jawa has a variant of it called Canela which either could be related or not I'm not sure.
Another would be the Terompah Sepit/Kedau which is also... from India
And last but not least, the Capal... you guessed it.
As mentioned prior, shoes was a luxury and most would rather be fine without them. Berserker may have a barefoot set but I imagine it may be hard so its only available for him so the only compromise I can think of is any random sandal could do too.
I'm really uninformed in regards to the topic of footwear, many apologies.
>>> Next post -

submitted by Naive_Duty220 to forhonor [link] [comments]

2023.01.05 01:00 AnimeMod r/Anime 6 Million Subscriber Quiz Full Answers

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A total of 359 responses were submitted.
Question Correct Answer Anime's Year % Correct
1 Taiyou no Yuusha Fighbird 1991 39.28
2 Attack on Titan 1999 48.19
3 Hunter x Hunter 2013 18.94
4 Aldnoah.Zero 2011 15.6
5 Sword Art Online 2014 35.93
6 Youjo Senki 2012 6.41
7 Space Dandy 2017 24.79
8 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 2014 15.88
9 Legend of the Galactic Heroes 2009 14.76
10 Steins;gate 0 2018 15.04
11 Hai to Grimgar 2018 7.24
12 Mirai nikki 2016 13.65
M1 Monster Farm (Monster Rancher) 1999 4.46
13 MMO Junkie 2017 47.08
14 Serial Experiments Lain 1998 9.75
15 SAO: Gun Gale Online 2018 7.8
16 Bofuri 2020 13.37
17 Rockman.EXE/ Megaman NT Warrior 2002 4.74
18 Id:Invaded 2020 37.33
19 Birdie Wing 2022 18.11
20 Shelter 2016 15.6
21 Summer Wars 2009 40.11
M2 Digimon Adventure: Butterfly 1999 29.25
22 Magic Knight Rayearth 1994 29.81
23 The Demon Girl Next Door 2019 21.45
24 Yes Precure 5 2007 38.16
25 Yuki Yuna is a Hero 2014 15.04
26 Ojamajo Doremi 1999 33.98
27 Vividred Operation 2013 14.76
28 My Dress-up Darling 2022 7.24
M3 Symphogear: Nijiro no Flugel 2014 19.22
29 Teasing Master Takagi-san 2018 82.45
30 High Score Girl 2018 57.94
31 Love Lab 2013 39.55
32 Mewkledreamy 2020 11.7
33 Toradora 2008 80.22
34 Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun 2014 47.35
35 Mayo Chiki! 2011 27.3
36 Maria-sama ga Miteru 2004 30.92
37 Asagao to Kase-san. 2018 28.97
38 Tamako love story 2014 52.65
M4 Ouran High School Host Club 2006 33.15
39 Eureka Seven: Pocket Full of Rainbows 2009 61
40 Zeta Gundam Film 2 2005 39.83
41 Escaflowne Movie 2000 12.26
42 Dragon Pilot: Hisone & Masotan 2018 25.63
43 Listeners 2020 7.24
44 Full Metal Panic Fummofu 2003 61
45 Infinte Ryvius 1999 7.8
46 Gurren Lagann The Movie: The Lights in the Sky are Stars 2009 23.68
47 Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time 2021 29.81
M5 Macross 1982 18.38
48 Batman: Gotham Knight 2008 5.01
49 Star Wars: Visions 2021 26.46
50 Fluximation 11: You make me want to be a Man 2005 2.23
51 Halo Legends 2009 12.26
52 Ani*Kuri15: A Gathering of Cats 2007 8.64
53 Genius Party: Shanghai Dragon 2007 7.24
54 Junju Itou Collection 2018 18.11
55 Modest Heroes: "Life Ain't Gonna Lose" 2018 7.24
56 Animatrix 2003 9.75
M6 Memories: Nobuo's Groove 1995 4.74
57 One Punch Man OVA 2015 75.21
58 Air Gear (Break on the Sky) 2010 9.47
59 Kizumonogatari 2 2017 56.55
60 Golden Boy 1995 42.62
61 Charlotte 2015 13.09
62 Call of the Night 2022 38.44
63 Black Clover 2017 22.56
64 Wild Cardz (Jajuma Quartet) 1997 2.79
65 Dororo 2019 77.99
M7 Sonix X (English Opening) 2003 54.04
66 Engaged to the Unidentified 2014 49.03


There were a total of 66 visual questions and 7 music questions for a total possible score of 73.
The total correct answer percentage for each question is in the comments below.


For those that entered multiple usernames or mentioned help from friends.
Score Usernames
73 u/smudy, u/mimasterpt, u/likejaxirl, u/pearl06, u/nokimemota, u/seguri, u/steelrocket, u/recursivesingularity, u/shiirokuuro, u/san_rice, u/saroarsten, u/gorothefly
73 Team SPS: u/scramblee, u/doopliss6, u/AlexanderCoventry, and Zex
73 u/walking_the_way, u/TheRealNak, u/Lightcaller_ and 2 others
73 u/Ciphirex u/nikturne u/riceonyou and other friends
71 u/kar772, u/CloudTsunami and u/Minidiablo4
64 u/xCooki3s, u/Mochachiiino
59 u/zaphodbeebblebrox and u/ramos
37 u/6feetdiep and friends
33 u/Aku230, u/Ven0m22
27 u/Siqueiradit and friend
27 u/ocha_94, u/WingedHussar_, u/Rodeschild and 2 others
9 u/Hador and u/Lorindol


Score Username
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55 u/gangrainette
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2022.07.24 19:07 No_Honeydew_179 [LONG] Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah: “Tuhan Kamu Bukan Allah, Tapi Kapitalisme!” — Anyone Remember This Banger of An Open Letter?

So I've been wanting to do this post for a while now, mostly because I wanna know if people remember this absolute banger of an open letter, published today in 2016, and for those who don't understand Malay, to see this absolutely 🔥🔥🔥 letter and a (hopefully) decent translation of it.
I don't know about anyone else, but for me this was the moment when I realized that whatever motive PAS was founded for — reminder that it was founded by Big Malay Leftist Luminary Burhanuddin al-Helmy, the man who proved that you could be anti-colonialist, for trade unions, Malay, and religious — it's no longer about what it was about, and is now more about hellfire-and-batshit sermons covering up the need for Vellfires, Mercedes and dodgy logging contracts.
Oh, and, you know… because this can't happen anywhere else over here, right? Why does it keep happening, though? Is it because of the gays1?
So, anyway! This one is about an event that happened… gosh, exactly six years ago now, when a group of Orang Asli activists stormed in and occupied a government and land office in Gua Musang, and wrote a scathing open letter that I still think about to this day.

Some Background

The Gua Musang District is a town, parliamentary constituency and district in the South of Kelantan. While most of Kelantan has remained in PAS' rule, the MP for Gua Musang is none other than Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, the famous Ku Li himself, who famously left UMNO in 1988 to do a Mahathir before Mahathir made it cool. It's okay, he came back in 1996 to help Mahathir kick Anwar out, decades before Mahathir decided to yeet himself out of UMNO to form PPBM and work together with Anwer in PH before the Sheraton Move and then everything went to shsdakgjlhasdgkkkk and now our (unelected) PM is somehow related to another chelonian-based lifeform.
Malay politics a shithow? Always has been.
Anyway, that's fun and all, but the other thing you want to know is that in 2010, a part of the Gua Musang district was made into what is now known as the Lojing Autonomous Sub-District, because the area has included Orang Asli customary land — specifically, belonging mainly to the Temiar tribe of the Senoi group of Orang Asli.
There are reasons for this, but mostly it's because the area itself leads to Pahang's Cameron Highlands, the area has a lot of biodiversity, and oh, yeah, these folk have been living in that area for thousands of years, way before the British came by and colonized the whole place, so while the Orang Asli make up 13% of the population of Gua Musang, many of them lived in the Lojing area. I mean, makes sense, right?
Anyway, that was in 2010. Roughly a year later, the Orang Asli of the area discovered that their lands were to be developed into an palm oil plantation. Which kind of sucks, because for a long time the Orang Asli communities have lobbied to make the lands that they have lived in for thousands of years, you know, their customary land, the land that they live in still and depend on… you know, theirs. I'm sure, if you're Malay, you understand — Malays are big on how TaNaH mELaYu nEeDs tO sTaY in MaLaY hAnDs oR eLse tHeY wILL bE DriVeN oUt aNd bEcOmE eXiLeS iN tHeiR oWn LaND, good gracious my keyboard went wild there, I wonder why.
So when a bunch of indigenous folk say the same old shit was happening to them, you'd think the state government, and the political parties that served as their representatives would be sympathetic, right?
Well, if you know how this country works, of course you know what happened next. The Temiar filed for judicial review in 2014, which got thrown out by the High Court. They tried again in May 2016, after the Appeals Court made a judgment that said that the High Court erred in their decision.
I'm not able to find out what happened to that specific court case, but I'm guessing it didn't go well, because the next piece of news I got was this news piece, where a group of Orang Asli got sick and tired of waiting, and just went for direct action.


So on the 25th of July 2016, the Gua Musang Land Office was occupied by around 30 Orang Asli activists, from 10 villages from the Lojing area.
I've struggled to find news articles that reported the story as it occurred, so the only sources I've got come from Parti Sosialis Malaysia, who assisted the activists in publicizing their story, and publishing their open letter.
You can find the open letter linked here and here, but here's the source of the letter in its entirety:
  1. Kamu marah bila kami panggil wilayah kami sebagai tanah adat. Tapi kamu tolak permohonan kami walau untuk tanah TOL pun! Walau kami dah duduk situ zaman sebelum British lagi. Kalau kamu luluskan TOL, kami panggil tanah adat kami sebagai tanah TOL. Kalau kamu bagi geran, panggil tanah adat kami sebagai tanah bergeran!
  2. Kamu suruh kami patuh undang₂. Tapi undang₂ kamu yang buat. Sekarang baru kamu bagi data proses kerajaan wartakan kampung kami. Baru proses? Selama puluh tahun kamu memerintah, kamu buat apa? Kamu lindungi siapa? Proses warta dan ukur pun tak panggil kami. Warta tanah ini untuk lindungi kami atau untuk lindungi syarikat₂ besar? Kamu kerajaan kepada rakyat atau kerajaan kepada syarikat Singapura, Taiwan, luar dan dalam negeri?
  3. Kamu jangan jual agama kepada kami. Tuhan kamu bukan Allah, tapi kapitalisme. Kamu yang tetapkan siapa boleh tanam sayur siapa yang tidak boleh. Kamu yang tetapkan siapa yang boleh tebang balak, siapa yang tak boleh. Kamu yang tetapkan siapa yang potong tangan, siapa yang tidak. Kamu yang tentukan siapa pencuri siapa yang tidak.
  4. Jangan heret nabi-nabi sebagai lebih susah dari kami. Kami cabar kamu hidup 24 jam sahaja di tempat kami. Minum air yang kamu kotorkan. Suruh anak kamu minum. Bancuh susu bayi-bayi kamu dengan air dari sungai adat kami. Bawa baju keluarga kamu dan basuh di sungai yang kamu lumpurkan.
  5. Kamu lihat surat yang kamu terpaksa janji kepada kami sebab kami nekad bermalam di pejabat ini hingga di tangkap. Kamu akan bawa ke mesyuarat tanah negeri Kelantan yang akan diadakan di Krabi, 27-30 Julai ini. Krabi tu di Thailand.
  6. Kenapa tak tiru macam nabi yang kamu kata susah itu? Buatlah mesyuarat di kampung adat kami. Di sungai adat kami. Di hutan adat kami. Kamu takut minum air yang kamu kotorkan ke? Yang racun₂ mengalir di dalamnya? Kamu takut nyamuk ke? Sejak bila penghisap darah takut nyamuk? Kamu takut pacat ke? Sejak bila lintah darat takut pacat?
Here's my translation of that letter to English:
  1. You get angry when we call our district customary land. But you have rejected our request even when it was to make this land TOL (Temporary Occupation Land)! Even though we have lived here since before the British came. If you had allowed our request for TOL, we'd have called our land TOL. If you had given us a grant for this land, we would called this land granted land!
  2. You have asked us to obey the law. But this is law that you have made. Only now have you given us data about the government process of gazetting our land. Only now? For the decades you have ruled, what were you doing? Who are you protecting? In gazetting and measuring this land, you have not consulted us. Was this gazetting to protect us, or to protect large corporations? Are you government for the people, or are you government for corporations in Singapore, Taiwan, local and foreign?
  3. Do not sell your religion to us. Your god is not Allah, but capitalism. You are the ones who determine who gets to grow crops, and who doesn't. You are the ones who determine who gets to do logging, who doesn't. You get to determine who gets their hands chopped off, and who does not. Who are the thieves, and who are not.
  4. Do not drag the Prophets who you say suffer more than us. We dare you to live just 24 hours in our place. To drink the waters you have befouled. Ask your children to drink those waters. Mix your baby formula with the water from our traditional rivers. Bring your family's clothes into the rivers that you have muddied.
  5. See the letter that you had to release to promise to us, because we are willing to occupy this office overnight until we are arrested. [You say] you will take it to the meeting that you will have, about Kelantanese land, in Krabi, on the 27-30th of July. Krabi is in Thailand.
  6. Why don't you imitate the difficult lives of your Prophets then, the ones you say have suffered so much? Come to our traditional village, have your meetings there. Are you frightened of drinking the fouled waters there? The one brimming with poisons? Are you scared of mosquitoes? Since when have bloodsuckers feared mosquitoes? Are you frightened of leeches? Since when are parasites2 afraid of leeches?
I mean, can you see why I still think about this letter, six years on?

What('s) Happen(eding) Next

I wish this story has a happy ending, but sadly, it doesn't. Other direct action towards the state government and corporations encroaching on Orang Asli happened later that year, like the blockade against loggers. That ended with a bunch of arrests of the Orang Asli involved, and to this day, encroachment and illegal logging happen still in the forest reserves within the Orang Asli customary land, as seen on the map linked here.
The latest crap to occur, of course, is the Nenggiri Hydroelectric Dam recently going to a legal challenge by local Orang Asli groups, that is supposedly set up to provide jobs within the area, of course to the Orang Asli… never mind that the Nenggiri Forest Reserve is apparently being (illegally) logged. But hey, according to Takiyuddin Hassan, the only people who are complaining are “outsiders”, and that he sees no reason to delay or scrap the project.
Guess which political party Takiyuddin belongs to. Come on, just a quick one3.


  1. It's because of money, duh. Stop being silly.
  2. I thought this was an interesting translation for the phrase “lintah darat”, since both “pacat” and “lintah” refer to two different kinds of leeches, and there was already an earlier reference to bloodsucking re: mosquitos. So I used “parasites”, because one of the definitions of “lintah darat” in the DBP refers to landlords who force on extortionate rents to their tenants and similar, and well… it seemed appropriate.
  3. It's PAS, LOL.


Kelantanese state government (led by PAS) refuses to allow Orang Asli communities in the Gua Musang district autonomy over how their land is used, Orang Asli activists occupy state land office, release 🔥🔥🔥 of letter calling out PAS as hypocritical religion-peddlers who worship capitalism instead of their so-called God, PAS does what PAS do and run roughshod over locals, film at 11.
submitted by No_Honeydew_179 to malaysia [link] [comments]

2021.10.01 22:57 DominoBarksdale What's Coming to Netflix, October 2021

Welcome to your comprehensive look at what’s coming to Netflix in the United States throughout the month of October 2021. Below, we’ll walk you through every new movie and TV series currently scheduled to premiere throughout the month.
Full List of What’s Coming to Netflix in October 2021
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 1st
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 3rd
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 4th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 5th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 6th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 7th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 8th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 9th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 10th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 11th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 12th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 13th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 14th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 15th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 16th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 18th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 19th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 20th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 21st
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 22nd
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 24th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 25th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 26th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 27th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 28th
What’s Coming to Netflix on October 29th
Other October 2021 Releases TBD
What are you looking forward to watching on Netflix in October 2021? Let us know in the comments.
submitted by DominoBarksdale to NetflixAndTrill [link] [comments]

2021.09.02 08:15 sabtrueday MInta nasehat ketika loe ditawarin partner hidup

Oke jadi singkatnya,
Saya punya sohib baek dari jaman SMA, beliau orang nya udah merit dan memiliki anak, dan beliau memiliki sepupu cewek yang masih lajang, dan pengen sekali dikenalin ke saya.
Alesan nya sih dia gak pengen doi dideketin lagi sama cowok gaje yang ngincer harta dan numpang nepsong doang, buat catetan, si doi dari keluarga berada, singkatnya wong sugih lah. Udah berapa kali pacaran tapi selalu kandas, gak ada yang ampe jenjang serius.
Problem nya saya gak begitu yakin untuk komitmen gede ke arah sana, saya sendiri masih nabung untuk rencana rakit hunian sendiri buat studio sendiri dan nyokap...yup nyokap saya belom ada rumah samsek...kita berdua masi ngontrak.
Selaen itu, saya gak yakin gaya hidup saya yang agak "cheap" kompatibel dengan doi. Saya udah analisa beberapa poin, dari yang sepele, misal :

Kurleb kayak gitu sih, saya cuma gak mau persahabatan ma sohib saya ancur kalo salah langkah.Dengan ekspektasi yang ngarah ke jenjang serius, saya takut rutinitas saya ke disrupt, saya ngeri mecah momentum konsentrasi pas deadline / proyekan, telat dikit bisa bikin duit gak ngalir lancar, malah takut saya yang ancur.
Udah dikasih kontak full dan foto, tapi saya masih belom colek samsek (dah 3 hari). Doi juga pakenya WA, saya cuman ada telegram buat kontak umum harian. Sosmed normal juga gaada, adanya sosmed profil artis (yang saya pasti gabakal kasi) yang cuma dipake buat komunikasi sama penggemar dan klien.
Gimana pendapat komodo disini, terkait langkah perlahan yang musi saya ambil? Langsung caplok ato basi basi dulu? Saya dah bikin WA pake nomer laen yang dipake di modem, jadi aman gabisa ditelpon selular (cuma ambil nomor doang for WA sake)
Sekian dan terima kasih !!
edit : mau ngedit judul gabisa toh, cuman bisa edit isi post, tadinya cuma minor mau benerin MInta → Minta

catatan tambahan : full wizard lom pernah ngalamin chemistry romance samsek dari jaman SMA (a.k.a pacaran jadi monmaap kalo beberapa pernyataan agak blunt\***)*
submitted by sabtrueday to indonesia [link] [comments]

2021.05.02 02:25 Slainthayer Let’s talk about Berjaya Corp’s Proposal on Affordable Housing and the General Low-Cost Housing in Klang Valley

Let’s talk about Berjaya Corp’s Proposal on Affordable Housing and the General Low-Cost Housing in Klang Valley
Just for context, I work in the research division of a real estate company that specialises in Klang Valley. I came from a lower M40 household, but most of my extended family are squarely in the B40 household up and down the Peninsular. I am NOT an expert, and this post is only to share my opinion with you guys. This post will only focus on Klang Valley since that is my expertise. Also, the situation and affordability issue will be widely different in Klang Valley compared to other towns in Malaysia.

Background/ Setting the Stage

Disclaimer aside, let’s talk statistics first. All of this data is from the Statistics Department, and not some funny number I quote from the wind. Please skip this section if you don’t want to see many figures that aren’t really relevant to our discussion.
First, let’s dive into household makeup. Klang Valley is a fully urbanised region where 2 million households call it home. The average household size is 3.7, and each household, on average, 1.9 people are working. (Two people working per household).
The homeownership rate is 67%, and the other 30% lived under rented houses (including my family). 80% of them lived in the core Klang Valley (KL, Petaling, Gombak, Hulu Langat, and Putrajaya) and the rest lived in the outer Klang Valley (Klang, Sepang and parts of Kuala Selangor and Hulu Selangor).
Let’s talk income and what is B40, statistically speaking. The median (50% is above this, 50% is below this) disposable (after-tax) household income in Klang Valley is around RM8,000/month. Meanwhile, the disposable household income threshold for the bottom 40% in Klang Valley is about 6,000/month. (Threshold for bottom 20% household is 4000/month).
Surprising right? You have to consider that most family nowadays entails both partners working, unlike 20 years ago which means household income has been skyrocketing. Median disposable household income has tripled since 2000 (or almost doubled since 2010). One surprisingly apparent thing is that household income growth is equal to the increase in median property prices. So yes, house price has doubled since 2010 and tripled since 2000.

Current Affordable Housing Scheme

Enough about statistics number. Suppose enough of you guys want me to dive more into the property market and its affordability. In that case, I’ll make a new post later. Right now, let’s dive into affordable housing programs in Klang Valley.
You guys might know about the three big low-cost housing schemes by the government. PR1MA by the federal government, Residensi Wilayah (previously known as RumahWIP) by the Federal Territories and Rumah Selangorku. Each of them is different from the other, but they all target the B40 and M40 folks who can’t afford these 500-600k houses.
All three of them are high-rise (flat/apartment) and have two tiers: the social housing houses and the affordable houses. Social housing houses are often very strict and very hard to get to with usually limited spots. Most of the newer B40 classes will often have to settle with the upper-tier houses, which usually cost 100k and above. Thus, I will only focus on this tier.
Let’s talk more about these three affordable housing projects. PR1MA is riddled with controversies and extremely hard to get into since there aren’t many projects to begin with. Rumah Selangorku is considerably cheaper than Residensi Wilayah (around 250k). However, the issue is that most of these projects are in new townships, so super suburbia. Meanwhile, Residensi Wilayah is very expensive. Most of these products offered at a 300k price point, with only a dozen or so offered at the 200k-ish price point. But the upside is that transport is very convenient.
All three of them often require a 10% downpayment and use the lottery system since the interest on these projects far outstrips the actual units. Usually, this isn’t much of an issue for prospect homebuyers since their Akaun 2 will have somewhat enough to pay for the downpayment after ten years of working. But Covid happened and people kosongkan their Akaun 1 and 2. So uhh…. fuck.
Several entities have programs to help sponsor the downpayment such as the Housing and Local Council Ministry, Bank Negara, BSN, and the Selangor govt to solve this issue. The caveat is that you have to be under 35 to utilise these downpayment sponsor schemes. So if you are above 35, I wish you good luck.
This is where I introduce you to the mass market product whereby the upfront capital is reduced to only 2-5% of the house price, which is refundable, plus 5-20% of the initial house price are rebate. That is another can of worms that I won’t cover in this post.

My Thoughts on BMF’s Proposal on Affordable Housing

Whew, that is a long introduction. Ok, let’s talk about BMF, the CSR division of Berjaya Corp. They do rightly point out the issues on the financial strain experienced by the B40 folks, which all of it I agree. B40 folks usually have koyak financials, which means they can’t exactly get a mortgage under the current situation. It also doesn’t help that our banks are stringent on what loan is approved. Only 35% of all residential property loan applications are approved, compared to 50% ten years ago (2011).
That is as far as I agree with BMF. Let’s talk marketing. If you read it correctly, they never said that they’d sell the 900sqft house for RM120k. The RM120k is for the 450sqft unit. 450sqft is only considered a studio unit because you really can’t fit one room comfortably, so all of the living room, bedroom and kitchen are under one room. The 900sqft unit starts at 250k, and in Klang Valley, it’s 300k. Huh…. that is EXACTLY the price point of the three govt incentives. To be fair to BMF, their price per square foot is lower than what the government is offering, but the spacing…. hehehehehe….. \intense screaming**
Let’s talk spacing. If you have stepped your foot into a PPR or a low-cost flat, you’ll immediately realise that PPR is fucking cramped. Now, the older-ish PPR unit is around 500 to 650 sqft with 3 rooms. An average two-storey terraced house has at least 1,200 sqft. So how does it feel exactly? I can tell you first-hand since most of my relatives live in these low-cost flat, and for the past year, my family has to live in a 550sqft 2-bedroom unit. We’re a family of four, and this is CRAMPED. Like suffocatingly cramped. I can’t do WFH comfortably, nor do my brothers, who had to attend an online class. (dw about me, we’re in the process of moving into a bigger 1320sqft 3+1 bedroom unit).
At least the government has realised these 550sqft units are not ideal and instead offer the 800sqft units. I can say for sure; it is still cramped. The living room is barely anything, but hey, at least you get three rooms and two baths. I don’t know the EXACT layout for each size, but we do have one for the 900sqft unit. They’re proposing a 5 BEDROOMS AND 4 BATHROOMS on a 900sqft unit. I….. I’m speechless. I don’t need to point it out to show just how ridiculously sempit the layout is.
Now, granted. I have to give props to them for having the most efficient layout ever . You guys can see the pic and a link to a videw below for the unit layout.
Standard floor plan for the 900sqft unit
Dual-key plan for the 900sqft unit
The video showcasing the intended unit layout
The rooms are at least 71sqft on a 6’6” (1.98m) by 10’11” (3.32m) configuration and the two ensuite bedrooms are 110sqft big. The common area (living and dining) are also very big, unlike a number of newer low-cost condo that I’ve seen which barely qualifies as one. The configuration of the common area in this unit is 10’10” (3.30m) by 16’10” (5.16m). Damn spacious (not really if you consider this is for 7-10 people). That is as far as I can give props to them because…. hehehehehe.... internal rage
The smaller bedrooms
The master bedrooms
Common Area (Living and Dining Space) for Standard Layout. Seriously tho, wtf? Where are the other 3 to 4 people gonna sit???
Common Area for Dual-key Layout. Now this is better.
EVERYTHING ELSE LOOKS LIKE IT DOESN’T EXIST. All of the toilet/bathrooms are so small that you can’t even lay down. And I’m not kidding, the configuration for the smallest two are only 4’6” (1.37m) by 5’5” (1.65m). And don’t get me even started on the kitchen. There’s literally only space for a sink and the stove. No room to put your barang masak, your Coway/Cuckoo, not even your wet dishes. Look, my kitchen counter is double of the one in this unit, and I can tell you straight away, this isn’t enough. Let me remind you that my family is ONLY a family of four. This house is supposed to fit a family of 7-10 people. Even that aside, the MOST preposterous thing is that there’s literally zero space for the fridge. Maybe the vertical cabinet IS the fridge, but I digress.
The entire toilet/bathroom (Taken from the video). P/S: The master bedrooms' bathroom is only marginally larger than this with the side being 3\" (8cm) to 4\" (11cm) extra.
The kitchen for standard unit. WTF is this? This is supposed to be a B40 house, not a T20 house that can afford to takeout every damn meal. Not even a space to put the fridges.
The ENTIRE kitchen for Dual-Key units. Behind don't have any more cupboards because it’s the hallway to the common area.
One other thing that is so fucked up about this layout is the laundry situation. There’s literally zero room for you to sidai baju because no balcony lo? Granted, it could kinda fit a washer+dryer combo but gg your bil api. Even if you instead opt for self-service laundry life, IT IS EXPENSIVE. There is one time where my family’s washing machine broke down for two months, and we had to spend like 300-400 total on the self-service laundry. People who live here are B40 folks and you guys want THEM to spent THAT much on laundry? Even if say we’re washing and drying too much for our family, remember the intended family size for the BMF's 900sqft unit is double of my family. Might as well buy a 400k house since you’ve already spent that much anyway.
The laundry area. Literally can’t fit more than 2 machines or hell, any places to sidai baju.
If you think that’s bad, this is a million times worse. BMF proposed that the affordable house should instead be under a 60-year mortgage. 60 YEARS. They said this is to lower the monthly burden, but this is bonkers at best. Now, let’s do some math. The first is standard financing on the house, which means your mortgage is 90% of the house price. The second is the one where you managed to get a 100% loan on your house. The third is the 60-year loan proposed by BMF. For parity reason, we’ll use a 3.5% interest rate, and the price of the property is 300k.
Normal (90% financing) Lucky Youngsters (100% Financing) BMF’s Proposal
House Price: RM300,000 RM300,000 RM300,000
Total Loan: RM270,000 RM300,000 RM300,000
Loan Tenure: 35 years 35 years 60 years
Monthly Payment: RM1,116 RM1,240 RM998
Total Amount Paid: RM468,672 RM520,746 RM718,220
Total Interest Paid: RM168,672 RM220,746 RM418,220
As you can see from the table above on why a 60-year loan isn’t as rosy as BMF said it is. Yes, you get a reduction in 200/month in your budget, which can be pretty astronomical for B40 folks. However, are you willing to pay the banks 140% of your house price as interest? Is a 20% reduction in monthly payment justify paying almost double in total interest?
Let’s not get into the unintended consequence of this scheme on future B40 kids. Youths from B40 families can’t even afford to pay their 300/month PTPTN loans, and you want them to pay the mortgages on their crappy family’s house??? That is basically a recipe for stifling social mobility. Hmmm yesss…. Orang dulu-dulu wariskan aset macam tanah dekat anak. Mak bapak sekarang wariskan hutang dekat anak.

Closing thoughts

I am grateful that I have been blessed with financial knowledge, especially about properties from my current job. I would not in a thousand years can recommend this to my B40 relatives. It is stupidly expensive, crowded AF, and all of these sacrifices so that they can save 20% on housing expenses. If you want to buy property, please consider your expected family size 20 years later and avoid programs like this as if these are a plague. Do NOT wrangle your future kids into a loan that they don’t even, hell… can’t even consent to.
Just another note, if your household income is more than RM6000/month, please don’t enter these affordable housing programs. Buy mass market because I can assure you you’ll regret it. The capital appreciation of these units are ridiculously low, limited rental market, poor living conditions and hard to dispose of. Plus, you’ve basically robbed a house from a genuinely B40 family since the demand for these units is waaaayyyy high.
P/S: Thanks to Paul Tan (@paultantk) for the extremely good photo and video on the show unit for the 5R4B unit by Berjaya Corp.
Edit1: Idk what happened to the pics, it was fine in Desktop when I posted it, but now I am on mobile, it’s gone.
Edit2: Thank you for the awards, kind strangers.
Edit3: Fixed the image issue.
submitted by Slainthayer to malaysia [link] [comments]

2020.12.28 12:11 Nhacdjmp3 DJ


submitted by Nhacdjmp3 to u/Nhacdjmp3 [link] [comments]

2019.10.21 08:22 Therius1994 Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters (kejuaraan balap mobil turing dari Jerman) sangat cocok untuk Sean Gelael karena mobil DTM lebih mudah dikendarai ketimbang FIA Formula 2 Championship

Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters (kejuaraan balap mobil turing dari Jerman) sangat cocok untuk Sean Gelael karena mobil DTM lebih mudah dikendarai ketimbang FIA Formula 2 Championship
Ajang balap mobil DTM
Siapa yang tidak kenal Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters? Turnamen balap mobil terkenal dan tercepat dari Jerman yang bentuk mobilnya saat ini mobil berbasis Coupé a la Grand Tourer (GT) yang pertama kali digelar sejak musim 1984 lewat nama Deutsche Produktionwagen Meisterschaft kemudian Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft dan kemudian International Touring Car Championship hingga akhirnya bubar pada tahun 1997 dan kembali dibangkitkan pada musim 2000 dengan nama Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters yang kita kenal saat ini. Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters memang bakal cocok untuk Sean Gelael karena Gelael sadar mobil balap beratap lebih mudah dikendarai ketimbang mobil balap formula yang kokpitnya terlalu sempit. DTM merupakan ajang balap mobil turing terbesar di Jerman. Kejuaraan DTM meluncurkan pembalap terkenal yang pernah ada di F1 seperti Mika Hakkinen, Jean Alesi dan mantan rekan setim Rio Haryanto di F1 yaity Pascal Wehrlein. Sebelum masuk ke F1 2016, Pascal terlebih dahulu menjadi juara umum DTM pada tahun 2015. Kemungkinan Fach Auto Tech BMW DTM karena BMW DTM tahun 2020 bakal jadi tim customer lho. DTM saat ini teknologinya tinggi termasuk kombinasi push-to-pass (P2P) dan Drag Reduction Systems (DRS) yang memudahkan pembalap menyalip lawan demi meraih kemenangan.
Mobil balap DTM secara fakta 3x lebih cepat dari V8 Supercars karena push-to-pass (P2P) dan Drag Reduction Systems (DRS) ditambah lagi teknologi hebat. Mesin mobil DTM sekarang berkapasitas 2.000cc turbo tunggal empat silinder segaris yang berbasis sama dengan mesin balap mobil Super GT Jepang kelas GT5000 sejak musim 2019 setelah 18 tahun menggunakan mesin 4.000cc V8 naturally-aspirated sejak 2000. Tahun 2004-2011 DTM sempat menggunakan gaya mobil sedan 4-pintu karena DNA balap mobil touring car.

Illustrasi mobil balap DTM
Inilah spesifikasi ringkas mobil balap DTM saat ini!
Mobil peserta: Audi RS5 Turbo DTM, BMW M4 Turbo DTM dan Aston Martin AMR Vantage Turbo DTM
Sasis: Monokok serat karbon yang dihubungkan dengan roll-cage
Mesin: 2.000cc turbo tunggal empat silinder segaris DOHC 4-tak
Pemasok turbo: Garrett Advancing Motion
Tekanan turbo boost: 3.5 bar
Transmisi: 6-percepatan semi-otomatis buatan Hewland
Panjang: 4.958mm
Lebar: 1.950mm
Tinggi: 1.150mm
Sumbu roda: 2.750mm
Bobot: 986kg tidak termasuk pembalap dan bahan bakar, 1070kg termasuk pembalap dan bahan bakar
Tenaga: 610 hp + 30 hp ekstra untuk push-to-pass (P2P)
Kecepatan maksimum: 300 km/jam
Injektor bahan bakar: Injeksi langsung (direct injection)
Bahan bakar: Aral Ultimate tanpa timbal 102 RON
Kopling: 4-cakram karbon buatan ZF
Rem: Cakram karbon + bantalan karbon + kaliper berpiston 6 buatan AP Racing
Velg roda: ATS aluminium
Ban: Hankook Ventus licin dan beralur (basah)
Perangkat keselamatan: Sabuk pengaman 6 ikat + HANS device

Mock-up Sean Gelael dengan seragam balap BMW DTM
Bocoran baju tim Fach Auto Tech BMW DTM musim 2020
Tim tujuan Sean Gelael di ajang DTM musim 2020? Semoga tim Fach Auto Tech BMW M4 Turbo DTM supaya PT. Trans Eurokars Indonesia membuat penjualan mobil BMW laku keras dan laris manis efek Sean Gelael apalagi Sean Gelael punya ikatan kuat dengan BMW AG dan Jens Marquardt. Fabio Scherer juga berpotensi jadi rekan setim Sean Gelael di tim Fach Auto Tech BMW M4 Turbo DTM karena tim Fach Auto Tech berkebangsaan Swiss. Pamor DTM di Indonesia saja masih kuat karena disiarkan secara live streaming lewat YouTube resmi DTM. Jika Sean Gelael ikut DTM musim 2020 maka Sean Gelael merupakan pembalap Indonesia pertama di grid DTM dan pembalap Asia keenam di grid DTM sejak Katsutomo Kaneishi (2003), Congfu Cheng (2010), Darryl O'Young (2010), Tsugio Matsuda (2019) dan Ryō Hirakawa (2019). Toh DTM juga banyak persaingan ketat apalagi battle wheel-to-wheel yang bisa menuntut keberanian bahkan lebih seru 4x ketimbang V8 Supercars yang terlalu berorientasi mesin jadul meski bodinya modern. Toh hubungan politik Indonesia dan Jerman saja lebih baik karena ekspor-impor produksi, industri dan sebagainya. Mari kita berharap Sean Gelael bisa balap di DTM dan bersiap-siap bendera merah putih berkibar di negeri Der Panzer.
submitted by Therius1994 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2019.05.07 13:54 CarlynLinn Wow! Inilah 7 Artis Korea Dengan Payudara Terbesar,Awas Jangan Ngiler

Wow! Inilah 7 Artis Korea Dengan Payudara Terbesar,Awas Jangan Ngiler
Berita Unik - Sudah di pastikan bahwa bentuk payudara pasti akan menambah kecantikan dan keseksian para wanita di mata laki-laki. apalagi jika payudara wanita mempunyai ukuran yang tidak biasa alias besar. nah kalo ngomongin payudara terbesar, banyak jgua loh artis-artis korea yang memiliki payudara terbesasr yang bisa membuat para cowok gak kedip dek ngeliatnya.
Banyak juga yang beranggapan bahwa rata-rata wanita Asia itu mempunyai payudara yang lebih kecil dibandingakan dengan wanita Eropa atau Amerika. padahal anggapan seperti itu tidak sepenuhnya benar. banyak juga wanita asia yang mempunyai gunung kembar yang berukuran tidak biasa ini.
Penasaran? langsung saja, berikut 7 artis korea dengan payudara terbesar.
1 . Oh In Hye
Oh In Hye adalah wanita kelahiran Korea Selatan tahun 1984 yang menjadi terkenal dan langsung menjadi perbincangan hot karena busana yang ia pakai saat tampil di acara Festival Film Busan tahun 2011. Bisa dilihat pada gambar di atas, ia menggunakan dress yang sangat seksi dengan pemandangan payudaranya yang sangat menonjol. Apalagi dirinya juga tidak mengenakan bra untuk menutupi payudaranya.
Bahkan banyak yang mengatakan bahwa payudara dari Hye adalah operasi karena bentuknya yang besar. Namun hal itu langsung dibantah oleh Hye sendiri, menurutnya ukuran payudara miliknya adalah natural dan alami tanpa bantuan operasi apapun.
Baca juga : Viral! Bintang Porno Ini Mencari Pasangan,Kamu Gak Tertarik?
2 . Han Chae Young
Kepopuleran dari artis Han Chae Young sudah tidak diragukan lagi tentunya di Korea bahkan dunia. Ia adalah seorang model yang namanya sudah terkenal di mana-mana. Wanita yang pernah membintangi film “Boys Over Flowers” tahun 2009 ini memang jarang sekali memperlihatkan bentuk payudaranya di depan kamera. Tetapi beberapa kali juga Chae Young terlihat menggunakan baju yang seksi dan memperlihatkan bentuk payudaranya yang punya ukuran cup lumayan besar.
3 . Lee Chae Young
Artis Korea dengan payudara terbesar selanjutnya yaitu Lee Chae Young. wanita kelahiran 29 April 1986 ini memang sering kali menggunakan busana yang menunjukkan bentuk payudaranya yang seksi.
Seperti saat dirinya menhadiri ajang penghargaan Seoul Internasional Drama Awards tahun 2010. saat itu dirinya menggunakan gaun putih tanpa menggunakan bra yang membuat kedua payudaranya menonjol dengan jelas. sealin sebagai artis, ia juga berprofesi sebagai seorang model. ia sudah sering kali berfoto dengan konsep yang terbilang seksi.
4 . Jessica Gomes
Tidak semua wanita yang mempunyai payudara besar menjadi lebih percaya diri. Hal itu terjadi pada artis Korea Jessica Gomes. Ia mengaku sering tidak percaya diri karena bentuk payudaranya yang terbilang cukup besar. Padahal bentuk payudara yang dimiliki oleh Jessica Gomes sangatlah seksi dan indah.
Artis cantik ini juga pernah menjadi cover majalah Maxim di tahun 2011 dan juga pernah membintangi salah satu iklan dari Hyundai Sonata.
5 . Jun Hyo-seong
Jun Hyo-seong merupakan salah satu personil girl band K-Pop yaitu Secret. Ia lebih dikenal dengan panggilan Hyoseong atau Hyosung oleh para fansnya. Selain berprofesi sebagai penyanyi, Hyoseong juga dikenal sebagai aktris dan model. Bahkan tidak jarang juga orang melihat Hyoseong membintangi sebuah produk pakaian dalam ternama asal Korea Selatan.
Artis yang mempunyai payudara ukuran besar ini juga mempunyai perjalanan karir yang cukup panjang sebelum akhirnya bergabung dengan girl band Secret. Banyak orang yang mengatakan bahwa Hyoseong memang pantas dianugerahi sebagai artis korea dengan payudara terbesar.
6 . Gina Jane Choi (G.Na)
Rasanya pasti para pria sangat setuju jika Gina Jane Choi adalah wanita cantik dan seksi dengan pesona matanya yang bisa membius para pria di dunia. Apalagi bentuk payudara dari wanita ini yang terbilang cukup besar malah makin menambah keseksian dirinya.
Sayangnya, penyanyi wanita ini sempat dihebohkan dengan beredarnya kasus bahwa dirinya terlibat kasus prostitusi. Sontak berita tersebut membuat para fans langsung kaget dan tidak percaya dengan hal tersebut. Tetapi bagaimanapun juga Gina termasuk sebagai salah satu artis Korea dengan payudara terbesar.
7 . Kim Hye Su
Rasanya pria tidak akan mampu menahan keinginannya untuk melihat payudara dari seorang Kim Hye Su. Artis yang seringkali berperan sebagai wanita seksi ini memang kerapkali menonjolkan bagian dadanya ke kamera. Karena banyak yang mengatakan bahwa payudara dari Kim sangatlah sempurna untuk seorang wanita.
Nah itulah tadi beberapa ulasan singkat tentang artis korea dengan payudara terbesar yang bisa bikin para pria meleleh deh ngeliatnya. Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi artis korea yang punya payudara besar, tetapi menurut kami inilah yang terbaik. Menurut anda gimana?
submitted by CarlynLinn to u/CarlynLinn [link] [comments]

2019.02.07 00:48 evelynlita90 VENUSTOTO1 TIPS MENANG BERMAIN JUDI TOGEL ONLINE 2019


BANDAR TOGEL ONLINE TERBAIK - Pada kesempatan ini saya ingin menulis cara untuk menang dalam mengambil bagian dalam Togel Online, kami akan memenangkan permainan Judi Togel Online, menang dalam perhitungan keseluruhan yang ingin digunakan dan menang secara keseluruhan. Mereka selamanya menempatkan angka-angka yang mereka anggap angka keberuntungan, sejumlah yang mereka dapat ketika angka, mereka mampu bermimpi, dan bahkan beberapa yang mereka mampu dari cara penyimpangan dengan proses kognitif dasar dalam angka.
Jika mereka harus jujur, semuanya benar-benar telah dikalahkan dengan seorang penjudi pecundang. Bagaimana tidak, mungkin mereka merasa mereka perlu menang besar, namun jika mereka menghitung mereka benar-benar kehilangan besar ??? tidak percaya ?? coba dan hitung penggunaan mereka secara keseluruhan hingga sekarang dan kemenangan mereka secara keseluruhan hingga sekarang ??? itu sebabnya saya memutuskan pemain kuno. Baik kita cenderung meninggalkan langkah seperti itu. kita cenderung bermain dengan arah untuk menang kan ??? jika kalah Anda tidak punya waktu untuk bermain dengan baik.
1. setelah kami ingin minimum lima hari untuk menghitung kemenangan kami, jika Anda ingin Pengen menang dalam satu kali penggunaan, maka Anda adalah pemain konvensional yang pasti bisa kalah dan miskin.
2. Modal, kami ingin modal untuk digunakan tidak satu kali. Namun gunakan berulang kali. dalam tips saya Anda ingin memiliki modal minimal delapan juta dengan pendapatan minimal lima juta dalam satu minggu.
3. Perjudian biasa, kami ingin menggunakan tidak hanya satu penjudi. dan secara positif tidak hanya pada satu pasar Togel Online, sebagai contoh, saja. Saya mendesak untuk melupakan SGP karena fatal ikut serta dalam SGP setelah kami menggunakan perhitungan masakan. coba dan gunakan di empat bursa pasar, hk, sidney, padova, china, dll ... mereka lebih aman untuk dimasukkan ke dalam.
4. Keberanian, komponen psikologis ini pada dasarnya khususnya. jika Anda takut kehilangan peluang untuk menang, kami ingin semangat.
5. Fleksibilitas untuk posisi angka, benar-benar kondisi yang harus Anda pahami dan mungkin menempatkan kuantitas dengan benar, tidak hanya didukung perasaan dan dapat, namun kesempatan yang didukung. dan bahwa saya sudah mendapatkan informasi tentang kemungkinan untuk bermain lotre yang tepat.
6. Kebutuhan di atas harus lengkap jika mereka tidak dapat diterapkan. Saya mendesak Anda untuk tidak ikut serta dalam bermain Togel Online karena terikat bahwa Anda hanya akan menjadi miskin. Sebagai hasil dari unit area ada banyak cara di mana unit area dibagi melalui internet, dimulai dengan sistem pemangkasan angka mati kedua.
Sistem kelipatan, notasi matematika hidup, notasi matematika duduk 3d, 4d seterusnya. Sangat masuk akal untuk memasukkan mereka, tetapi saya menekankan bahwa semua yang dilakukan mungkin dikalahkan. Karena itu bukan trik yang jelas untuk dimainkan ... oleh karena itu biarkan yang bodoh terima kasih untuk bermain Togel, saya menawarkan kiat tentang mengambil bagian dalam Togel bahwa 100% Anda akan dapat memenangkan minimal dua puluh juta dalam satu bulan. Saya tidak ingin berbicara mengenai hal itu, saya akan memberikan perhitungan saya kepada Anda, benar atau tidak, apa yang sebenarnya bukan kesimpulan itu, jika nanti Anda mengenalinya, maka Anda akan dapat memverifikasi.
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Label: agen togel aman dan terpercaya 2019, bandar togel aman dan terpercaya 2019,daftar judi togel aman dan terpercaya 2019, judi togel 2019, situs togel terpercaya 2019,website togel aman dan terpercaya 2019


submitted by evelynlita90 to u/evelynlita90 [link] [comments]



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Label: agen togel aman dan terpercaya 2019, bandar togel aman dan terpercaya 2019,daftar judi togel aman dan terpercaya 2019, judi togel 2019, situs togel terpercaya 2019,website togel aman dan terpercaya 2019


submitted by evelynlita90 to u/evelynlita90 [link] [comments]



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TOP MACAU : 57 02
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WHATSAP : + 628 777 657 7011
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Label: agen togel aman dan terpercaya 2019, bandar togel aman dan terpercaya 2019,daftar judi togel aman dan terpercaya 2019, judi togel 2019, situs togel terpercaya 2019,website togel aman dan terpercaya 2019


submitted by evelynlita90 to u/evelynlita90 [link] [comments]



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WHATSAP : + 628 777 657 7011
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submitted by evelynlita90 to u/evelynlita90 [link] [comments]



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WHATSAP : + 628 777 657 7011
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Label: agen togel aman dan terpercaya 2019, bandar togel aman dan terpercaya 2019,daftar judi togel aman dan terpercaya 2019, judi togel 2019, situs togel terpercaya 2019,website togel aman dan terpercaya 2019


submitted by evelynlita90 to u/evelynlita90 [link] [comments]



AS : 4 1 6 KOP : 0 2 5
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TOP MACAU : 04 73
TOP CB : 1 6 9
TOP BBFS : 03691
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WHATSAP : + 628 777 657 7011
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Label: agen togel aman dan terpercaya 2019, bandar togel aman dan terpercaya 2019,daftar judi togel aman dan terpercaya 2019, judi togel 2019, situs togel terpercaya 2019,website togel aman dan terpercaya 2019


submitted by evelynlita90 to u/evelynlita90 [link] [comments]



AS : 9 7 3 KOP : 3 8 6
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TOP MACAU : 20 64
TOP CB : 8 1 3
TOP BBFS : 03617
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WHATSAP : + 628 777 657 7011
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submitted by evelynlita90 to u/evelynlita90 [link] [comments]



AS : 1 4 8 KOP : 8 2 6
KEPALA : 9 7 5 EKOR : 5 3 0
TOP MACAU : 13 68
TOP CB : 6 9 7
TOP BBFS : 02753
TOP 2D : 38 94 15 07 31 48 96 02 79
WHATSAP : + 628 777 657 7011
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link MAKMUR4D :
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Label: agen togel aman dan terpercaya 2019, bandar togel aman dan terpercaya 2019,daftar judi togel aman dan terpercaya 2019, judi togel 2019, situs togel terpercaya 2019,website togel aman dan terpercaya 2019


submitted by evelynlita90 to u/evelynlita90 [link] [comments]

2019.02.04 20:12 evelynlita90 IMPIANPOKER WEBSITE JUDI POKER ONLINE TERPERCAYA 2019-2020


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submitted by evelynlita90 to u/evelynlita90 [link] [comments]